we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of windows on february 18th 1980 it was written by barry siegel directed by gordon willis and released by united artists this movie was protested upon its release for its uh portrayal of lesbians as insane people which i think was a common theme for movies uh it's a problem that affected cruising also later this year um and uh and i remember distinctly that when da vinci's code came out that um there were protests because i hadn't realized it but um albino people were like always villains in movies right right and uh what about powder powder was a rapist the guy who directed the movie was though oh he was he directed because of powder no i think he he directed powder afterwards and then came out and directed jeepers creepers that sounds great what a ride quite a life that fella has led um this movie was nominated for five razzies pictures screenplay actress supporting actress and director didn't win any i don't think it deserved any of those razzles that's a that's a pretty impressive list of nominations though yeah no it's almost the big five if there was a dude the big the big the pig five of razzies yeah it almost one flew over the cuckoo's nested the razzies did that was that did that get the big five uh i'm not sure if we got the big fight i know uh louise fletcher for sure yeah i think it did it happened one night that and silence of the lambs maybe but it kind of says a lot about this movie that the male leads performance did not warrant a rezzy so he is literally the best part of the movie mathematically yeah gee i wonder what the jury of the razzies is made up of my guess is a bunch of dudes um the soundtrack was provided by ennio moricone but it doesn't save the film no and i and i think i feel like this was his like let me see what i have in the desk drawer here i think he did that again for hatefully completely unmemorable for me because yeah i'm trying to think now of what the score was like i forgot we saw his name come up at the beginning and now i just when i went to call it at all yeah when i rewatched the movie i was like oh that's fine i forgot i'm gonna pay closer attention i totally missed the whole score the second time i was like no there's nothing here and i disagree with your hateful league comment he didn't deserve the oscar for it it should have gone to fury road for sure i don't know if it deserved the oscar but i enjoy the hateful aid and the score it's all right um we open in this cool dark spiral with neon colors at a children's museum is that what that is yeah okay it's a it's a famous children's museum in new york i didn't know either until i was watching it the second time and paid closer attention i was like where does she work is i thought it was an aquarium her and her uh husband or ex-husband the the divorce isn't final but yeah um although it seems like it is and uh like as far as they're both concerned well she broke it off with him verbally at in this first shot they're standing in this tunnel and she says steven we're getting a divorce and over the rest of the movie she like calls him occasionally but no one ever signs any paperwork that we say so um but yeah so she says i want a divorce and leaves so i feel like the husband here is is do you think that he's sort of meant to be like a bit of a red herring like for the film i didn't get that point it's entirely possible but it seems like every time she calls him he's like busy like with a team of people assembling some weird plexiglas jungle gym at the museum yeah i'm not disagreeing with you i'm i'm right i'm going over in my mind and go hmm i wonder if that is what the intention was well i mean i it probably wasn't very well done if that was the intention but i did kept thinking keep thinking throughout the the film that i'm like oh are they gonna come back to him like is he is he setting this whole thing up to you know get back at her because he seemed upset about this it seems like they also don't maintain the mystery for very long though because by the end of the first act we already know who was behind what's going on i guess it's possible he's like a co-conspirator or something yeah yeah um but she immediately after asking for a divorce goes straight home and is attacked immediately upon entering her apartment by a man with a switchback brutally attacked who doesn't turn lights on when they enter their home she just walks everyone in this entire movie because this whole movie is that's true super super dark and when there is light like it's very harsh shadows like cast like you know light just on half their faces so that they're you know very much in shadow yeah trying to be very artistic here well this is directed by a cinematographer right this is his only direction yeah all of those things make sense it's actually not poorly shot though um and there's a lot of really interesting shots like when she's like landing on the window of the new apartment yeah and it's like backing away i thought it was at least interestingly like composed but um it may be a little overly dramatic some of these shots so the guy that's attacking her in her apartment sets down a tape recorder and hits record and then puts a switchblade like up to her chin and is demanding that she make these weird like sexual noises and say yes right and he has her like pull her shirt down right or something like that he cuts her bra straps and then i wasn't clear if it went any further than that yeah i'm not sure either because the police aren't there until the following morning but we cut from that to uh emily's friend andrea just running right i mean it was pretty dramatic as it is i'm not saying that it needs no any more than that i mean he's shoving literally shoving a knife down her throat but the extent of the assault isn't really made clear yeah um and we're on uh andrea the the room uh next door neighbor for so long that i was thought it was her i think i was like yeah i'm confused what's happening is this yeah i thought we were just cutting to her jogging the next day yes exactly like is this like a i was like i was because it's so long yeah it's such a long running across the bridge right and we haven't seen this other character at all yet long long enough at least not in any amount of daylight to really know what she looks like so it's it is confusing when they cut to the to the first time we see um yeah i keep getting gonna keep saying andrea but what do they call it andrea andrea yeah all the andreas we know pronounce it andrea um so i'm just gonna keep saying andrea so um but yeah she basically jogs up to the apartment right as the police are leaving and uh or some police are leaving um but there's still two in the apartment um there's uh lefrono and a female police officer who isn't really participating in the questioning and emily seems unable to answer their questions we couldn't possibly give a female officer lines or anything like that right we don't even ever see her leave the apartment that was a really awkward moment when after he leaves like we didn't we didn't we never go back to the female officer and we never see her leave and there's just like i mean i i guess kudos to them for having a female officer there so i guess in 1980 they were still cognizant of the fact that it'd probably be a good idea to do that but you know it she was so so forgotten in the scene that they don't even ever leave the apartment well and her her lines of like we we understand how hard this can be it's like yeah and the the male officer is not very kind with her when he's questioning her no and his his questions like he also makes some weird comments because up until now we haven't heard emily do any stuttering doesn't mean she didn't have a starter the whole time but we haven't heard it and it seems like in the wake of this assault a stutter that she has been dealing with has come back she has all these books about learning to talk with a stutter yeah and i was unclear so like you said they they show the books with the stutter about the stuttering and they make they hang on it for a while so you get the can read each one right whenever she does stutter it just sounds more like she's being awkward because it's always just like a well well maybe i'll do that later like it's never i don't think that the it's not a very authentic studied the an authentic stutter yeah but i don't know if they were going for the sense that she is well versed in and she's she's not a point with her stutter that she can control it mostly and now it just kind of comes out because i thought for sure there was going to be this great climactic moment where she's in danger and she's trying to get on the phone and she's trying and she's too panicked to focus on her stutter that she can't get the information across or the stutter was going to come into play that would be really great they should have put that in this movie instead they were just like how come nobody stutters in movies i'm going to make one of these people stutter let me throw a dart randomly at the script yeah i mean it doesn't need to be michael palin in a fish called wanda this is the best movie stutter though the best stutter ever but uh it needed to be more than just i think she's just an awkward shy girl yeah right but um it almost sounds from the way that cop's talking to her like that he's blaming the stutter for her inability to tell them what happened like i can't even tell if that's what he's implying but he says like oh i know that you're impaired or something like that i know that you're at a disadvantage and i realize it's not gonna be easy for you to give us a description to describe what he did you're making her nervous like he puts it in a weird way where it's like are you talking about the assault are you literally making fun of the way i talk and saying that i can't explain to you what happened yeah but his question i knew questioning was just all around pretty terrible there was a lot of victim blaming stuff in in not just this scene but some of the other scenes sure you know he makes her feel really awful it's just like well you should you should be more careful and you should if you don't tell us anything we're never going to catch the guy and he's going to do it to other people or something like that you're just like oh jesus christ like way to make her feel so horrible that she's not gonna be traumatized and not gonna be able to answer you i just don't want this to happen to anyone else but at the end of the scene he he leaves his card and he leaves her in the in the apartment with andrea and then andrea basically says like oh why don't i get you a cup of coffee and she's like would it be cool if you get out of my apartment i just want to be in here by myself for the first time in 12 hours well and and she also plants the seed of you don't have to tell them anything because they'll never catch them anyway right like she's trying to which is just as unhelpful as what the cop said i love his card too which is just a card that says where they are with it like it's just the address of the precinct yeah yeah his name's just typed on there like this here we just just throw it in a typewriter and type your name a few times if you need business cards um but yeah so she after andrea leaves she basically just packs up and moves to another apartment um it seems like she must have a lot of money like her and her husband work at a children's museum but she's able to maintain an apartment by herself and then on top of that she gets a second apartment and a better like yeah and it's much better and it's the cat-free apartment she just goes and signs up for another apartment and the guy's like remember no pets and she's like oh i guess i have to keep both apartments because my cat lives in the other one oh i didn't get that from that scene at all i think she was just like oh okay and she was going to continue moving and then sneak the cat in and it meowed in the elevator and like the lady was like staring at her like you know this is a you know free place and then yeah she brought the cat to the other apartment which is what later she's you know it disappears and that's right the officer is there at a new apartment and says caesar with the bags you can let the cat out of the bag now yeah but i also like how condescending it is like it's like well this place will look really nice when you fix it up and i was like fix it up it looks fine yeah like what is this as clean as it's ever going to be i have to put stuff in here now i have a cat but yeah she she emily meets her new neighbors because her phone's not set up yet she asks if she can borrow their phone and she tries to call steven but realizes as soon as she calls him that these two people are super rude and sitting there hanging on every word of the conversation awkward conversation with your about to be ex-husband right but i think all she was calling to say was i moved to a different apartment if you're trying to reach me well she wanted help moving she wanted him to send people from the museum to help her move yeah but he's like we're too busy i can't i don't have to yeah and that seems like a pretty big ask but something else happened in the last 24 hours that she doesn't mention to him that might affect his answer to that question but um instead he's just like whatever just go live where you're gonna live and uh and then she hangs up and she's like thanks for letting me use your phone there's a pay phone downstairs yeah um and she's like sorry i didn't know um but i think that was just mostly to introduce these two neighbors at the same time a show like this uncomfortable situation she's been put in right after she leaves the apartment of her neighbors we get this shot of andrea sitting in a car listening to the tape that the attacker made so from this point on we know that she was involved and right here was where my like immediately i was like oh so she paid that guy to do that because she's like obsessed with her yeah and then you keep thinking oh it's going to get deeper than that though there's going to be like other layers to this and it's like no no that's the extent of the whole that's the only layer so the last twist has happened already it's one of those onions that only has one layer i think they're called funyuns i guess they don't really have layers i don't know that the the rapey movie is called funyuns that was actually the original title and then they were like well they were sued by lays but it is called windows for not very good reasons you want to know why it's called windows because sometimes the apartments have windows that's part of it also the director was a fan of the title windows and they almost used it on the movie interiors which he was a cinematographer for for woody allen's interiors yeah and they threw out the title and he's like i always like that title i'm gonna make a movie and call it windows it's a good place to start start with the title that's that's only how boulder dash movies come to be well you know what they say windows are the eyes to your apartment you get to flip it completely around i want that i want a poster of this movie though now with that tag line whatever their tagline was it wasn't that good um so now emily goes back to her house to get some stuff and to try and call steve again in the privacy of an apartment and uh andrea shows up and she knocks on the door and uh and she lets her in and they're talking for a minute and then someone else knocks on the door and she asked who it was the first time right and waited for andrea to answer but this time she doesn't ask sh and or she asks but doesn't wait for any kind of a response unless the latch undoes the latch and opens the door even though less than 24 hours ago she was attacked in this apartment right and a hand comes through the opening and just tries to grab her at which point it's like okay we already know that andrea paid this person or is at least involved in this person's actions what is the benefit of having this person come back oh well so she could save her she wanted she wanted her to trust her friend so because andrea like it's just so dangerous to your plot to have the guy come back to the scene of the car he wanted to be the hero so she had him come back and she you know smashed his hands she smashed his hand in the door you know enough to get him to go away so she is able to demonstrate that she can pre protect emily yeah either way it just seemed like a needless endangering of the whole plot to have the guy come back to the scene of the crime see i i did not get that it makes more sense but i i just thought that he was coming back to uh to keep her get her to be quiet like like that he's gonna kill her oh no i think this was to cover up his what he did i mean obviously we know that you know she's paying him him and hired him so she wanted to put on a show yeah so she asked him strategically to come back when she was there right that's like i just cause because he comes in like two minutes after her yeah but i don't think she probably told him what she was going to do but i but then he sticks it out like he really still tries even though she's hurting him so it's impressive well maybe after the first time she slammed the door on his hand he was legitimately that angry that he was like all right i'm going to get in there now i'm going to kill both of them yeah he doesn't seem like the brightest bulb no because he doesn't recognize her later right it's like the person that you've met at least twice now so after this happens they go to speak to the police uh she speaks to them at their office and says the guy came back just sort of fills the cops in on the whole situation he came back but andrea was there and stopped him and i'm i left the apartment um but she doesn't tell them where she's going to and she well andrea at this when when the guy was attacking was trying to convince her it's like you have to come live with me now right like so i think that was kind of her plan all along was to like scare her out of this apartment but like so come live with me yeah um so she goes back to her apartment after she talks to the police and and the doorman tells her oh your friend brought all your stuff and she has your cat so um it's all up in your room she did she made two trips and she brought everything from your house over here right super creepy like how like i know how did you get the new address right like she she just vaguely said oh i moved across town like it's on the other side of the bridge like she didn't give her any specifics so she figured that out somehow but so she's got all of her stuff except for her cat so she decides she's going to go back to andrea's place to get her cat and andre is like wearing a bathrobe and drinking a big glass of wine and just trying to seduce her into staying in this in this much nicer house than even her like upgraded apartment like it's it's super fancy like it's a rich high-end yeah but is it the same building it's the apartment across the hall it's like that much bigger same building no okay she don't think so yeah because she obviously calls her later she's like you need to come down here like you need to come all the way to my building and she's like oh well you know i'm not fully dressed like i can't come to your apartment and it's like if it was across the hall she would just be like yeah i'll be right there but um but yeah so the next morning um emily is leaving her home again um and she's she sees andrea and tells andre that she's not going to see she's not going to see this psychiatrist anymore that andreas dr marin dr maron like she's trying to get them to both go to the same psychiatrist or something probably so that she can either get a hold of her file or try to squeeze dr marin for information sure maybe that's what it was it's kind of an awkward meeting though because like it's clear that emily wasn't expecting her because she's just on her way out of the building like running out like to do something else and as andrea's walking in as she's getting out of a cab right and then she flags that cab down and then emily flakes the same cab down that andrea just got out of and then it seems like the connection is that andrea uses this same cab driver all the time because well she was probably paying him off or well yeah she was she was so so when she gets so when emily gets in this vehicle uh into the cab she um you know has has kind of keeps trying to have a conversation with the cab driver um you know until she realizes that you know this is this was the man that assaulted me and you know and then so i think that the the implication would be that andrea was meeting with him and for some reason in the cab and then got out but we're intercutting back and forth with um emily is in the cab with the man who attacked her driving it and andrea is being crazy in her psychologist's office right um and she's like just sort of we're getting little bits and pieces of her character motivation but yeah so at this point emily realizes who who the cab driver is she can see the the injured hand she recognizes at least the voice or his face and he says he recognizes her yeah uh so she asked to make a phone call and i thought for sure she would not get back in this cast yeah i was like what are you doing you have all the information you need well she can't drop a pin it's 1980 so she can't like be like hey i'm in a cab right now can you guys come get him so she has to get out and call on a payphone but you don't know where the cab driver is going to take you at this point because he has to be well if he doesn't recognize her then or i mean if he doesn't completely recognize her then he might just take her where she asked him to take her but she has the cab the cab company the cab number the guy's name she doesn't need yeah this is more than enough information right but instead she she doesn't want to be awkward or look or make it make him suspicious and so she gets back in with him and keeps going luckily was she headed to the police station well she just no she's heading to her apartment and she just tells him to stop somewhere and the police are there yeah because it gets to the point where he's 100 sure who who she is and so she tries to open the door and he slows the car down because he doesn't want her to just fall out for some reason he should have just wanted her to follow yeah or just stepped on the gas and been like no you're not getting out of this car now it's too late but um but yeah so the cops get the guy and they take him down to the station and then we get this weird quick scene where he's like oh he says he was working with someone else and he's and he's not going to give up the name unless we drop all the charges and it's like well no just tell them no because that's not how crime works and you also like maybe for a lighter sentence you can give up like the person that's in charge but we're not going to drop all the charges you're the one to get a second assailant like we already have the assailant right you're the one that committed the crime any of your conspirators you know although guilty didn't actually do it they just paid you to do it they could get a lighter sentence if they gave you up but not the other way around right lefrono the cop keeps making house calls to check on emily right and make sure she's okay and he's managed to figure out her new address he's getting really flirty with her the cop is yeah because you know what's always really good is to take your assault victims out on a date that's like the first thing they teach you in cop school is like nothing gets a girl hotter than attempted rape and so they're immediately having a romantic dinner together in her new apartment right yeah and under the watchful eye um and i love i love this trope of the uh ring to let you know that you're looking through a single ocular device it's like no they're not it's not binoculars because it's not a venn diagram of visibility this is a circle so i know it's a telescope one ring but we're like two-thirds of the way through this movie before we pull out the telescope which would be the only indication as to why this movie is called windows yeah um but we are getting like uh these rear window style shots of the side of her building well she also grabs hold of the telescope as she's looking through it it's like don't touch it don't you don't you don't touch it once you got it locked in it's not gonna stay pointed at the window it's gonna wobble all around because later on we see how free-flowing this telescope is it's not very secure at all yeah you could just like grab it off of the stand and throw it around the room if you wanted to um but she sits there and watches them have dinner and after they dinner they watch a movie now voyager uh which is great on like a 10-inch television yeah um i'm trying to remember what the line was but at the end of the movie like the characters have this really sad back and forth where one of them says like oh do you think you'll be happy here and she's like oh let's not trouble ourselves with whether or not i'll be happy and will you be happy [Music] it doesn't matter if i'm happy what matters is we're together it's like no no that's not what matters betty davis no uh but i love how she gets all despite watching this on like 10 inches of screen she's sobbing she's like stopping like how could it's also like 10 feet away from them yeah the tv is like on the opposite side of the room she has no furniture but but it's like just get on your like lay on your belly and go up to the tv i have a laptop in my lap right now that's bigger than that television i have to have it this close to see anything on it and then they have this tv that's way far away yeah um so on their next date because they have multiple dates in this apartment emily pretends that she's out of coffee because she's trying to get the cop to leave because she wants to be alone for the night just assaulted like the guy keeps like lingering like all right this is gonna go anywhere it's like dude give the girl some space but i love the gesture she does to pretend she's out of coffee because she takes this big coffee can she's like oh sorry i'm out of coffee and like shakes it upside down like look nothing fell out of it it's like why do you why did you keep the can why are you doing this and uh before he can leave she gets a phone call from andrea watching them but she doesn't say anything until the phone is handed to the cop right andrea doesn't say anything right andrea doesn't say anything um and she's like well that's weird there's nobody on the phone here you talk to nobody who gives the phone to the cop and then the cop hears a woman's voice say you stay away from her don't touch her yeah yeah and uh and he's like oh nobody and then hangs it up so but that's what threw you off throw me off because when he's like oh nobody's there you know maybe it was just his line read or something like that i'm like oh oh crap like he's in on this too is she like they're fighting you know and they're yeah that's what i was thinking like he was like sent in to try to like you know another ploy on andrea's like you know to to like you know just make her rush back to her arms and like but that's not what's happening that you know we keep i can't i just didn't want to freak her out i kept looking for some deeper like you know plot here and it really is oh here comes that twist we've been waiting for oh here's that interesting moment when it's just like she wants to drive you back to me and like get you know no no none of that no none of it um so the next thing we see is her getting home to her apartment and um or no she's in the apartment with ida her neighbor and she calls the police and says hey so i'm here with ida one of my neighbors and she says that they heard weird sounds coming from my apartment and she sent her husband down to check on it and he never came back that was like two hours ago um and while she's on the phone with the police like ida is kind of in denial a little bit just being like oh no it's totally normal it's nothing to worry about and then she collapses and ends up hospitalized but um but her husband is missing and also the cat is missing so maybe when he opened the door the cat got out and he's been chasing the cat all afternoon right but yeah so we don't know what happened here but everybody's missing all of a sudden um then all the police are swarming the building because they do find the the husband's body in a refrigerator like in the basement or parking below the building in a refrigerator it was it was a refrigerator in the basement yeah kids were not paying attention to that psa and playing inside the refrigerator that punky brewster episode had not come out yet you're fine remember you were playing hide and seek and you got locked in the refrigerator there was a gi joe episode also that had also not aired you you're the ringleader but yeah so they had a bunch of like there's a there was more than one refrigerator in this parking garage um but if he was in the one covered in blood yeah so they checked there first and then he says you need to check all of the refrigerators on the whole building and he's like why you're expecting more bodies and he's like no a cat and then he leaves um did he really say that he did yeah i totally missed that line because and again like pat says like this apparently there's a lot of refrigerators in this basement well that i feel like that line would have ruined it for me because i was not expecting what happens then what happens next um for some reason the psychiatrist that she's been seeing is visiting andrea at her very fancy apartment and she pulls out a very cool looking knife yeah um that you said was over sharpened oh well it yeah it looks like a knife that had used to be much bigger and got sharpened down to a very cool shape yeah and uh and she kills him and leaves a perfect bloody handprint impression on the glass right at this point it seems like she's at the the final stage of like a serial killer's momentum where you just lose it and you stop caring about the evidence that you're leaving behind literally trying to get her to go to an institution that night like that's why he was there he was there to pick her up so that they could go and he was like oh i'm so glad you've just you've made this decision to go get help i'm glad you're gonna go willingly yeah but but at this point the the time between when she kills dr marin and and the climax of this movie which is coming up fast uh someone in that building what had to have noticed the big bloody handprint right in the front door and then started looking making inquiries through the building found the doctor's body in andrea's apartment right at this point it's irrelevant or a person of interest andrea must be a person of interest at this point right but this is like the last scene in american psycho where he's just killing people all over the place it's like it doesn't matter this is the like this is the end game of my serial killer but but there's 24 hours elapsed and there's no but she she goes to an apartment that no one knows yeah she got a different apartment but no one's even considering her as a suspect for anything that's true the cops don't figure anything out until the next day because even that he's like he's trying to figure out who who this person could be or who she could be with and that's like look at that scooby-doo style the only other person that we've seen in the whole movie um but yeah so uh she she kills her psychiatrist and we cut back to emily in her apartment getting ready to cook something yeah and she goes to open the freezer and we see what i'm pretty sure is a 100 percent authentic dead cat yeah that that was a pretty authentic looking if it's not a real cat it's the most convincing prop i've ever seen but but i love the sound it makes when it hits the ground yeah because yeah it's it's covered in fur the fur wouldn't freeze like solid so it would have a muffled sound it sounds literally like a dinner plate hitting the floor yeah it sounds like you dropped a jade cat on the floor yeah i was half expecting it to make that let that sound like that'll be so great but so she's so traumatized by this that she she call does she call andre or does it drink she does she calls well she tries to call the cop and then the the dispatch tells her he's not here yeah but then she says have him call me and then she hangs up it's like oh yeah who is this it's like obviously if he said oh a distressed woman called here and said to call her back he's gonna know who it is but for that guy he would have just been like i don't understand someone called for you so then andrea calls her because she's no she calls andrea she called andrea yeah and says i think she calls in no andrea calls her because she's watching through because she's watching through the telescope and she knows what just happened and um and that because she's not at her house she's at this other apartment that she got that that overlooks emily's new apartment right um and she says hey oh i'm can you come here and help me and she says oh i'm i'm not at home i'm i'm uptown right i got this new apartment i'm i'm not dressed you should come over here it'll be faster and then what really bothers me is she just picks up it goes i'm like you just left that cat defrosting on your floor put it back in the freezer lady yeah it's going to be totally worthless tomorrow and and i love you gotta cook the cat right away or otherwise it's so good you can't re-freeze the cat after you've thought it yeah hopefully that was just one of its lives uh she writes down the new address but apparently can't remember it because then she just rips the whole page out of her little rolodex yeah it's a rolodex you wouldn't rip a page out of a rolodex well yeah she would and you can't remember a street name and a number because that's really all you would need uh and it's not like this is los angeles where all the streets like intersect each other at 12 degree angles like this is new york it's just a big piece of graph paper yeah um i thought this was going to be a really great big lebowski kind of reveal moment when he figures out the the pages mission but we'll get to that in a second because there's a lot that happens in between yeah i know what you mean by big levesque moment i just figured that out uh cause because he comes back to the apartment finds the cat and just starts making like inquiries find out all the cabs who made pickups i want a list of everyone who's bought a telescope it's like it's the middle of the night how is somebody gonna find a list of it's 1980. how do you find the list of everyone that's bought a giant telescope yeah though usually they didn't publish the weekly telescope purchases until 6am i'm just saying i must have got an advanced copy i don't know who keeps track of that stuff first of all because you know it's good it's 1980 people are buying things in cash like not there's no records of these transactions even if you were to get a hold of a store owner like who the hell has that yeah it's like describe everyone who's bought a telescope yeah or it's like you go to buy a telescope and say oh i'm sorry this is a controlled substance you're gonna have to give me your name your driver's license no it's a telescope you walk in you pay 900. or at the last second you change your mind and spend all that money getting patrick dempsey to date you for a week or whatever what's that movie can't buy me love or patrick dempsey buys a girlfriend does that have to do with a telescope he was going to get a telescope i was saving up for a telescope and then he spent all the money paying a girl to pretend to be his girlfriend oh okay it made sense guys i just screwed up that was either a really expensive telescope or a really cheap girlfriend i think it was like christy swanson or something so must have been a really expensive telescope because you know i have a really decent telescope but it's only like 250 dollars well you could pay someone to be your girlfriend for a week for 250 dollars where were we uh well he's making inquiries and we're playing the waiting game as far as the police action is concerned but emily's story is unfurling yeah a mile a minute she gets to the apartment the new apartment which looks like a weird like if it was an apartment from one angle but then when she walks in it's all like wood panels like a spa it looks like a log place yeah log cabin there's a lot of exposed brick millennials will be crazy about this right yeah i i liked it i'm a millennial it feels like a very warehouse loft kind of apartment yeah um and so emily walks in and there's basically a door open to a bathroom and the implication is that she's literally mid-shower when emily walks in there's just steam pouring out of an open bathroom door while she takes a shower and uh emily walks over to the telescope in the corner of the room which when she looks through it sees that it's pointed directly at her apartment window but um i can see my house from here it's like oh my gosh andrea um but uh but at the last second oh switcheroo she's not in the shower she just turned it on to for no reason to trick you for no tactical issues she's not wet at all yeah she's just standing in the bathroom not visible [Laughter] oh my god the shower's not even on in there but when she looks through the telescope she sees that the cop is in her apartment trying to like look around and she sees them slip on the cat no that doesn't happen that'll be good though um but yeah so uh andrea's basically the jig is up um she's just full-on crazy mode explaining all of her feelings and um does she even admit to having paid the guy um to attack her and everything she i don't know if she admits i don't think she admits it but she says all the same things yes she does right yeah she repeats all the lines that he does which i think it's enough to confess that she really distinctly told him exactly what yeah she gave him a script for sure yeah but it i oh my gosh though that moment when she's like saying those lies that shot went on forever there's like a two-minute shot of her just screaming for her to do what she's saying and she basically gets to a point where she says like oh so you paid that guy to attack me and she's like he didn't attack you i told him not to hurt you he couldn't hurt you i could never hurt you and then like it basically comes out that she couldn't ever hurt her yeah and so she's just like oh so you're threatening me for no reason because you could never hurt me meanwhile this goes on the entire night yes until the next morning and there's there's no like cops busting in moment no it it's the police he still hasn't figured it out the cops still haven't figured it out right because he wanted a list of people who bought telescopes like that's not gonna happen yeah and and now talia shire is awake in the morning they're they're awake together and she says uh andreas says something along the lines of we just spent the night together yeah i was like wait you guys been standing there all night but i i thought the implication was that they did they have sex no no no i think she was just being coy like with that okay just being like i finally got you to stay there yeah we finally spent the night together but literally they were in the same room all night just shouting at each other yeah and at this point this is where the police officer starts to reveal the rolodex right where you push the letter and it pops open to the page right you slide that you slide the little pointer to the correct letter of the alphabet and you hit a button and it pops open holding that page to that letter open and when he tries to go to g it keeps going past g to h because the g page discovered but it was already on g and he notices it so i only needed it in one instance that it's on h he closes it and it's on g i would immediately go that's strange g is missing i wouldn't put it to h open it close it again then put it to g open it and close it again i was like no i already got it you should already have it too oh this is the 80s you needed to spell it out for people literally um but she uh he doesn't do what you were expecting and kind of what i was saying what i was expecting too yeah i was waiting for him to do a pencil rubbing on the page to find the address because he knows that she wrote something on g and tore it out so you would do a rubbing on the age page and you would get a picture of just a dude jacking off but she could have written it down on any letter like it just happened it was literally just an address like it didn't have to be on that yeah it didn't have to be oh hold on i have to make sure i put this under your name for your put your new address under your name even though i'm going to tear this page out anyway it made no sense for it to be on g right but even that information is useless to them because meanwhile you know across the alley like they eventually figure out oh it's g who who's a g who's a g oh that andrea girl oh where does she live oh she has an apartment here here and there right there outside the window and he's like oh my gosh well the person who called me that one time must have been able to see so that's probably her place let's go over there but it was it's irrelevant when they show up because nothing was about to happen they literally fade from her the two girls facing off in the apartment to her just walking with the cop outside the building right but he so he actually gets the the list of cab drop-offs though and this is part that i'm like why do we even have this scene because he gets the addresses of all the pickups that happened at that time and place right in general time and place and all the places they were dropped off and one of them is andrea's address but he's like literally looking at a map comparing these addresses like yeah none of these would have a view of her apartment but one of them clearly does and and then he gets then he figures out later that that is the address he's like oh wait that one sounds familiar oh yeah that was one of the cab drop-offs yeah but and that's basically the end of the film is them walking away from the building like well i'm glad we got that settled and then they walk across the bridge yeah the the brooklyn bridge is just everywhere in this movie that's the real villain now this one is looming over um should have been called bridges really i agree because it's that that bridge is the the distance the span that they had the windows are what separate us the bridges bring us together that's right this is one of those times where a movie that where they completely roll the credits over action of just something happening yeah which to me is this like an incredible waste of film you always hope that it's the last shot like the martini shot of the whole movie so at least the actors can be walking like okay as soon as we're done getting the shot like we can all go back to our lives like this this is the last thing of the movie i would save that for the end of the shoot if i was the production manager how long are the credits going to be we don't know just keep walking you never know when more people are going to show up and work on set i want i want them i want somebody to do that now like bring that style back like i want uh you know christopher nolan movie to end with somebody walking away for 15 minutes as all the credits to his movie no his movies end with ambiguous hard cuts that's the rule for him i can't remember how long michael clayton's goes on for michael clayton goes on for a while yeah we're just on george clooney's face the whole time while the credits are rolling yeah great film michael clayton if you haven't seen it i don't think i have actually um he directed that right uh i don't we're cool actually no tony gilroy oh okay i think he directed that one with it's it's like a monuments man no it's the one it's his face on the time magazine like with sides of march ides of march i think clooney directed that one i don't think he did no okay we're just going to keep listing movies we directed leatherheads i think uh he did direct i win fine we're cutting that part um i could never win um like we said before uh the director of this film gordon willis uh didn't direct anything else what did you talk about willis yeah yeah and you know i was gonna work funny because the director i i don't know if you heard the director's name was willis too i was just gonna say it you were just gonna say it um just say it yeah but so he he obviously we said before he was a cinematographer on a bunch of woody allen movies actually um but he worked on interiors which was originally called windows and now this movie is he also worked on manhattan um and the money pit the money pit did he do the money oh really he also did the whole godfather trilogy and all the president's men so he a lot of credits but i feel like after this movie he immediately was like oh oh not a director not a director i'm going to go back to being acclaimed um the writer barry siegel also no other writing credits talia shire as emily hollander obviously lots of stuff she was the the daughter of the godfather getting married at the beginning of the first film um she is francis ford coppola's sister she was adrian on the rocky films and she is the mother of jason schwartzman in real life and in the movie i heard huckabee oh really she's so great that's amazing she i think she's adorable in this movie she is she's very um uh what's her name from the shining e scat mancroft that's her name i always forget her name scat man crothers joe cortese as bob lefrono he was rasmussen in american history x and he plays a character a recurring character named sal on always sunny but other than that not a lot of huge roles elizabeth ashley was andrea glassen who um she was on a lot of soap operas but most recently the thing that i really liked her in was ruth on russian doll ruth on a russian doll that's the friend of the family psychiatrist woman who she's always checking in with that's her she was great that's dude oh yeah i didn't recognize her and seeing her young makes her a perfect choice for like she could very easily have been natasha leon's mother on that show but she's not the mother but they they look very similar right she's supposed to be her aunt yeah well the wikipedia page says close friend of the family oh so i thought she i thought she refers to her as her aunt or she might have been like like how richard is uncle uncle richard but uh okay so k medford the neighbor was ida marx this was her last film um she was nominated for a supporting actress oscar for her role in this film no i'm just kidding as rose rice and funny girl she was also happy in butterfield eight and she plays rhodes's first wife in face in the crowd that's that movie that i just watched pretty recently with like andy griffith going crazy oh yeah um uh michael goran plays sam marks the husband who went missing um he will have two more movies in his career hero at large which we will cover later this year and stardust memories which is also this year so his last two movies his last three movies were all from 1980. um russell horton played the uh the ex-husband or soon-to-be ex-husband steve hollander he's in annie hall he's the guy in line who doesn't know anything about marshall mcluhan oh yeah who gets in an argument with uh uh woody allen he also played mr milk toast in cat's eye i don't know what character that is because i'm not familiar with that movie i am hyper familiar but i don't remember a character named mr milton yeah i don't remember that character either um and rick petrocelli who plays obechny the the attacker um he doesn't have a lot of credits but weirdly also in that line in the movie scene in annie hall okay just like i looked at a picture of it and he's just standing like four people in front of woody allen in the movie like funny so gordon willis knew this guy somehow yeah like probably obviously the laughs yeah he did a bunch of times you like to play a rapist it might have just been like hey uh woody needs extra people for the line and he just called those like three best friends in town and was like come on down here you can be a woody allen movie um and then he used them for his own movie because that's what a friend would do right um but yeah i think that's everything i have for this one jess yeah up or down um like do i recommend watching it yeah uh i don't think you need to uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a pass skipperino that's that's three knows um letterbox is this better or worse than just tell me what you want well for me uh it's better because i just really don't like just tell me what you want all right yeah i agree better than just tell me what you want for sure um please don't tell me you're thinking about it i'm gonna consider this where did i put it yeah this is above just tell me i think that's everything for this one if you have any thoughts you'd like to share we are vintage videopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed where as i said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year you can also find us at vintagevideopodcast please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show at patreon.com vintagevideopodcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing to all a good night the first of the killer santa movies there's more than one is this really the first i think it's at least very early in the genre it's pre-silent night deadly night oh man but uh yeah so stay tuned for that and thank you so much for listening it was the start of christmas vacation a few were staying and they planned to have one hell of a good time i would sincerely like to wish all those students leaving for christmas vacation a pleasant journey and the happiest of holidays tj is coming up with a few of his friends tonight the dean of the school was away so the girls decided to invite their boyfriends it was against school regulations but they were always very good at breaking the rules this time they'll wish they hadn't you must pray pray so the devil won't claim you for one of his own santa came to kill the hell are you doing up here in that dumb outfit even the police didn't suspect santa claus [Applause] oh tom take that bloody mask off take me to bed no one suspected santa claus he was hunting for blood he was [Music] everywhere [Music] what kind of a crazed mind was killing and mutilating his victims [Music] there was no one to help no one at [Music] [Music] all [Music] they ran they cried they died merry christmas to all a good night