we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside welcome to vintage video where we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of my brilliant career on february 1st 1980. it was written by eleanor whitcomb and directed by jillian armstrong and released by g-u-o film distributors did not look up what that stands for this time and i think we mentioned last week that fatso was uh directed by one of ten working female film correct directors in the world and this is another example of that another female film director so presumably is this one of the two another of the other ten film directors guo stands for greater union organization okay maybe maybe i did look it up and then i decided that was just intensely boring it was really small but then it says pty i'm assuming that's party limited i don't know i just like that the word that tripped you up was the organization yeah it's organization we're gonna work one of these days richard's just learning how to read ladies and gentlemen um this film was adapted from a book written by miles franklin who was 16 when she wrote it in 1901 it's written by a 16 year old sequel book my career goes bung has never been adapted for film i did not make that up um yeah so when we get into it we start in possum gully australia in uh 1897. it's dusty there's a windstorm in fact happening right away and she seems to be ignoring it while she's uh discussing to herself her plans for her future i don't know if this is supposed to be taking place at the end of the movie or at the beginning like is this is this i think this is the beginning it's we're setting her up here to demonstrate that she is either or potentially both uh willfully disobeying her her parents by not listening to their calls you know to to help you know button up the house because the winds are blowing because they have like 12 kids that are out in this dusty field or that she's just totally oblivious to the world right and she being uh our our protagonist sabila who is known as sib by her her siblings they referred her as sib that's a really lazy nickname yeah hey sib it's like you can't remember my name oh wait that's kind of short for my name yeah it's not like we would say bro yeah exactly yeah that's this that evolved from this um so yeah she thinks she's better than her family basically because they're all out there working on the animals and she's like i'm gonna be better than you she's directing this letter to like her fellow countrymen like it's just like an abstract letter to the world i guess see that's why i thought that the scene after watching the movie i thought that this scene was a flashback and then it cut to the before i i don't think so because i mean i think throughout the movie in theory she's writing the story in which we're saying i think it actually works either way though because i i feel like she ends up in the same place where she starts the film yeah um but uh spoiler alert but um so she yeah she's at this crappy house in the middle of nowhere with her parents and her eight siblings uh working on a dust farm on the verge of starvation probably how does one farm dust fairly carefully i feel like it doesn't have to be careful at all well if you're not careful then you can die from lung cancer from the dust all that dust blows away when you have a big storm yeah and then when you lose the whole harvest he lost the whole harvest i believe it is a cattle ranching and possible i don't know if they were they were milking cows but i don't know if the milk was for them or for so they are wrestling some bovine in this scene um but then she's complaining to her sister about how she has to live here and her sister's like i know you're better than all of us and then she gets a letter from grandma saying hey well but no she that the letter it comes after her parents basically tell her they're like hey you're good for nothing we don't want you we've sold you off to be a servant somewhere and she's basically refusing to go yeah and then like just in the nick of time you know granny says hey come live with his head instead correct yeah yes okay it happens again later okay it does happen twice then yeah okay i didn't remember that in the beginning um but yeah she gets a letter from grandma inviting her to cadegate which is like the downton abbey of this movie yeah basically or one of the downton abbeys yeah one of the two downton abbeys the dueling cause she goes to the larger abbey later yeah which is sounds more like a burger joint than a downton abbey to me because it's called five bob or something like that um but yeah so literally getting off the carriage in category she's hit on by uh frank hodden who uh is he reminds me of my brother-in-law in terms of his looks um he's very uh fancy gentleman mustachioed his hair is parted down the middle um always fond of a sing song yeah like in a parlor but the most boring possible sing songs this this is towards the beginning of people just saying really terrible things to sib like directly to her face throughout the whole movie this is a recurring like horrible theme where people just you know ridicule her left and right saying the most atrocious things in casual conversation as if it didn't mean anything one of the first harshest things she's sitting on the carriage with him and he says i mean you're not you're not at all like them this is bossy or you're on mrs bill there's indeed like just like just slaps it off completely it actually reminded me of um what is that the hbo show is a gentleman jack yeah she reminds me of that character yeah a little bit i wrote i wrote down a couple of the moments when they were just totally insulting her to her face and one of them was uh a plane looks never stopped anyone from being intelligent or witty or making friends i like those like my nose is the wrong shape i know the one was just stop looking in mirrors her aunt just like helpfully drapes blankets over all the mirrors in the house like oh well you don't have to see this gross specter of a person fixes everything i have a plan you never make me more than middling ugly we'll see but first of all no more looking in mirrors but yet she gets hit on immediately upon arrival right yeah and uh and the next day she's like reading a book under a tree and he gives her a bunch of flowers and he's not even like 15 20 steps away before she just hucks him into a lake yeah just like okay whatever not interested well and didn't he didn't he propose by basically saying hey looks aren't everything marry me right but also the night before when when her aunt is covering up all the mirrors she's literally saying like yes i know you're you're a sad because no one loves you and wants to marry you and the next day like a guy's literally trying to propose to her already and she's like what no i don't want that it's like i want desperately for someone to propose to me but just not this guy well but also not anyone like like she's she's really adamant that that marriage is not for her and that she wants to pursue her career and she you know at the beginning she's not she's she's interested in writing but she was also you know fantasizing about all these other potential careers that she could have she wants to be a pianist or arts or opera like she has she's all these fancy things that she would like to do but she has no none of the means to even get started on any of them or an actress but that's why she's against high society where her grandma is she's here for grandma's makeover to make her into a fancy woman basically it's grandma eye for the weird girl [Laughter] and uh and then what is she doing in the tree she's like just pulling stuff out of the tree i think she's picking flowers or something or fruits or something or something yeah she because she's collecting them in her dress but they right they seem to be very light and i don't know if it's like a like a fragrant kind of flower yeah i mean they kind of look like a little honeysuckle or something but it doesn't look like it's like something that needed to be done or that anyone asked her to do she's kind of like free range just like wandering around oh yeah she's a shiftless layabout yeah exactly um but while she's working in this tree she is approached by sam neil as harry beechum and uh the first thing he does is kneel behind her she's on the top of like this ladder reaching up or is she on a ladder or is she just climbed into the tree she's above a ladder she's sitting on a branches but he kneels in the foreground and we just see him kneel and i was like oh i know that neil not just because it's samuel but because it's the exact same position that he's in when he's looking at the giant pile of triceratops poop in jurassic park sam neil has a specific meal yes okay it's called the sam neil that's what they call it so he kind of hits on her there a little bit he he helps her down from the tree by like grabbing her around the waist under her skirt yeah yeah he gets a little fresh with her yeah but then she you know she plays along with him she puts on some sort of irish accent and sort of pretends to be a servant girl and she won't tell them her name or anything right and she'd be in coy yeah and uh and he's like oh don't i get a reward for helping you down and uh so they kind of part ways without exchanging any information until that evening when both of her prospective suitors arrive at the party at category at the same time um and it turns out that harry beach him is harry beach him who is like a childhood friend yeah um who he did he say he recognized no neither one said he didn't she said she didn't yeah nobody recognizes anyone and then uncle jj shows up who is my favorite character he's the best he's so great he's just like he's he's the least judgmental person in the whole film he just doesn't carry and you can tell that he like genuinely loves her and thinks that she's the funniest thing well the the the aunt and the uncle uh yeah they're both gay and gussy and uncle julius are both just really like a fun group yeah compared to the grandmother and so hadn't tries to like lead the party in one of his dumb sing songs that's like yeah it's like that's literally the alert the most boring is is there are there more lyrics to that song i guess not that was actually the first public domain song ever it was public domain at the time um but then used that in a disney movie too what movie did they use that in you're right i'm hearing it in like this tarara boom day it's like an older character i want to say jungle book or something ah i don't know it'll come maybe it's in aristocats somewhere oh that sounds right yeah it's also like the howdy duty song that's what it's originally from well no it's probably the howdy duty probably used it because it was public domain music um but yeah so he's singing that and boring everyone to sleep and then uh sib decides she's gonna start singing like some drinking song which is like equally boring by today's standards but right everyone in the room is not shocking yeah they're not appropriate yes jj thinks it's funny where did you hear that it's like well in the pub of course yeah you know because she used to drag her and he's like drinking father out of the pub she's full of surprises this one like laughing about it but everyone else is just like oh she might as well be like singing like a theme song from a famous porn or something yeah do porns have theme songs i don't i've never seen one i've never seen one my dear wife anyway um so the next day less than 24 hours after meeting him uh hodden proposes to her uh he meets her by this gate outside of a goat paddock and he's just like so you know looks aren't that important to me uh we should just get married or what looks aren't everything and harry is gone like oh that other guy left so what are you gonna do huh are you gonna wait around for another like 12 hours for someone else to show no you're going to marry me right now and she just shoves him over the gate into the paddock um and she goes back to the house because she doesn't want to marry this guy and he's an idiot and then she gets an invitation she she's her her aunt is trying to set her up with people and i may have coordinated this thing with with hotten i it's not really clear do you think that she like the aunt was trying to make that happen the aunt not the grandmother i think possibly because she does to give her like a lecture like stop trying to set me up with people like stop trying to marry me off because she's like starting to suggest other suitors that she could you mean the young the younger aunt gussy or something no no gussy is the older aunt oh okay and helen is the helen the the the younger okay who i was trying to figure out how is she an aunt yeah her mother's sister but she see they look like they're the same age well that's the thing though is that in in the 1890s you just kept having kids forever you have 12 kids and then there's you know there's 20 years you know between them um but yeah so she's like you can stop trying to marry me off and she's like oh well then i guess you don't want this invitation to to five bob to go see yeah five bobs burgers and goats or whatever and uh yeah when she gets the she's of course she's instantly like yes i'm gonna go and it just gets to her like on the carriage with sam neal already like he came to retrieve her i guess um and when they pull up um his mother is standing on the porch and is just like oh there's no resemblance to the family a pity oh you're ugly why is my son oh darn i thought you were i thought you were going to be pretty or something and she even said something like yeah i'm sorry sorry i look like this sorry this is my face what's wrong with your face what's wrong with your face what's wrong with your face um and then she kind of leans into that whole kind of talk later she says i think ugly girls should be strangled at birth by their parents it's bad enough to be born a girl but to be born ugly and clever and then augusta's like oh clever are you you're clearly talking about yourself when she goes i better be because i have nothing else going on there has to be something i'm good at oh there's sure to be right right like you know you're not actually clever but you've got to have something figure out a talent you can probably like tie a cherry stem and a knot in your mouth or something that's worth being alive but but i like then then like they're up drinking all night he's like another glass of pork won't hurt us yeah like aunt and gusie's the best yeah um and then uh the next morning she's out on a canoe or like a little raft with with beecham and uh decides it would be funny to tip the whole thing over right um and so they go into the water and he like thinks he's rescuing her but they're both fine they're just completely wet and they come very close to kissing but then just don't yeah and go back into the house well they and they continually do this like throughout the film where they they play rather childish games right and like i could forgive her because she generally seems to be a child what is she 16 or something in this film yeah well that's how old the author was when she wrote the story so i think that's how she's yeah and but he's a bit older but he still seems to just be going along with these very childish they have a very prolonged pillow fight it's like the most the most epic ground covering pillow fight short of the community episode it's like it's like three minutes long it's like 4 17 seven chase each other across half of australia yeah yeah it's um you guys didn't hear it unless you listened to the last episode but um when i played the trailer for this movie it uh is the pillow fight is described in the trailer so it's like just a collection of reviews like so and so it says magnificent so and so it says extraordinary and then just one trailer is weirdly specific and says a delicious pillow fight far more erotic in its connotations than than most r-rated movies managed to be i have to say that this is the point where i started really like really getting into the movie like i was kind of calm down richard i know you like pictures he even grabbed a pillow and put it in his lap because he just wanted to be near pillows yeah because like i was like i was just like watching i was like will you guys have sex already finally you were rooting for something um but yeah so they they pillow fight for like three minutes and end in like a field and just lay on the pillows and start talking to each other so yeah she she basically that's the end of their interactions at five bob and she goes back to live with her grandmother again right because he says he's gonna be gone for weeks right but promises to be to see her the moment he gets back right and she's been back with grandma for a couple weeks and she finds out oh we have some mail we need to take over to harry beacham and they're like she's like oh is he back already and they're like oh yeah he's been back for weeks didn't say anything to you did he she's like oh well then i'm gonna help you deliver the mail and they're like no you're not cut to her delivering the mail on the carriage i'm very impressed she did but she ditched the guy though so like they said you can't go unescorted and she you know she's like oh you got to open this gate for me and when he opens the gate for her she just takes off with the thing that goes on her own cotton gets off of the horses and she just leaves him well and then uncle julius and and gusty are just like angus he doesn't think this is funny but when they get like i think this is really funny so you had to walk all the way back in those tight boots yeah he's just cracking up they're laughing but i have to say that the thing that impresses the me the most about this time period is the the efficiency of the postal system like all these letters that keep getting written and delivered perfectly yeah it's like it's really well established she showed up in the town it was like an amazon fulfillment center did you see all those packages yeah there was a lot of stuff going on at the same time here's all the stuff you ordered but these other things weren't you know in yet so tell tell your grandma that they're coming um so yeah so she confronts harry because he's like at the distribution center and uh and he like takes his mail and he's like oh yeah sorry i didn't uh didn't get in touch with you like no excuse and he doesn't kind of sluff it off he just kind of says yeah i'm sorry whatever and she's like okay fine and she goes back to her grandma's house and uh she she has a conversation with her younger aunt again what did you say her name was helen helen and helen just says like what did you think was going to happen did you think he was going to propose to you like he's not going to i just want to make sure you understand he's not going to propose to you because you're not pretty enough for him and she's like yeah i know and she's like okay i just wanted to make sure that you knew that he's not going to propose to you so don't expect that just over and over again hammering it in like leave him alone and at some point is it is it is it helen's husband who left or is it oh she she tells a story about marrying for love right and she said i'm married for love but then he left me and didn't even give me like a divorce so she can't remarry yeah right so she's trying to teach her the lesson here that that like you should you should be practical about this which is really funny because she's acting like she i guess it sounded like she tells people that her husband is dead rather than yeah having left her because it would be less embarrassing to marry a widow than a divorced woman or uh separated woman i guess she's not even technically divorced um but then there's another party going on um at five bob again and so everyone's going to that so she decides she's gonna go along to that uh but harry beacham has a new girlfriend already at this party yes i believe i believe it's gertie it's her younger sister yeah well no no no that was after that was later this is a different girl um but yeah so she goes to this other party and everyone's really boring and fancy so she decides she's going to hang out with the help and sing all of her favorite drinking stuff oh yeah that's when we get to the the lower decks of the titanic right exactly spinning around and yeah and even then again jj is just like oh cool she knows this dance and everyone else is just like oh this is weird because after so she goes in there to go enjoy herself away from all the stuffy rich people and then all the stuffy rich people parade in and like sit down like it's a human zoo right watch the help go and be you know watch these silly people dancing around and but i think jj even starts dancing with them yeah yeah so does aunt gussie like yeah i think i think it was just like you know that these are the people who serve us and now they're getting their time to celebrate too but it starts as like a like we're just gonna watch you for entertainment value well i think that i i i see and i don't see that i think i feel i i felt it was just more like we want to see you guys having a good time because we we we catered this to you as well but it was clearly inappropriate for her to be tart partaking like they were all giving her glares yeah you know and to the point where um you know harry reddick literally yeah abandoned his girlfriend drags her out of the room yeah he takes her into this like little cottage next door and starts lecturing her about what she's doing and what her plans for the future are and uh they're both really mad at each other in this scene but by the time he gets to proposing to her she's already furious and shooting him down immediately and just like no it's not it's not something i ever intended to do and he like grabs her to like force a kiss on her and she smacks him across the face with this like writing crop yeah yeah she actually cuts it yeah on the face and immediately is like oh like i meant to hit you but i did i shouldn't have hit you with this and i shouldn't hit you so hard yeah i definitely shouldn't have said it was illegal it's too hot today and and it's it's like she you can see like that she's like i don't know what's going to happen next yeah like is he going to beat me is like i don't know and to his credit he takes it very much in stride you can tell he's furious because he's sam nail and he can show you with his eyes when he's mad right but he's just like puts a rag to his face and turns to walk out and she's like tries to apologize as he's leaving and they don't really have much more of a conversation um when she gets back to her grandmother's house um she says hey guess what your drunk dad lost a lot of money and your family instead of paying off their debts has sold you as a teacher to this family that lives in like a junkyard her and harry go wandering about till the wee hours of the morning oh you're right you're right so before that happens though like you you see them in the in the wee hours in the morning essentially like having talked all night and like hashed out their problems and are you know now he repeats the proposal and she basically says give me a couple years to think about it like a couple days a couple years literally two years she wants to go and like you know see the world and pursue her career and try to figure out things before she decides to marry him and and he's like yeah cool i'll give you your space in the meantime we can be friends and we will we will remain friends mates right which sounds like halfway between friends and sexual partners to me but it's australia so it's completely sexual partners no there's no non-sexual partners from what i understand yeah whenever they say good i might it's just like it's called the coriolis effect i don't know what that means it has to do with the rotation whether you're north or south of the yeah i watched that episode of simpsons too this is a family podcast um but yeah so as soon as she gets back to grandma's though grandma's like hey guess what you're a slave uh go to this junkyard governess right same thing um but she gets it literally just looks like a bunch of garbage piled up in the shape of a schoolhouse and there's like five kids squeezing around oh it's more like ten kids yeah yeah there was a lot of them and it was all just for this one family yeah and so she's gonna teach all these kids how to read um but presumably this guy with this you know garbage pile of a hut and ten kids is well enough off that he is owed a bunch of money by her father right yeah well he's got a mud farm see they had a dust farm this is a platform that's twice as many ingredients [Laughter] but uh yeah so she's teaching these terrible kids and the mom the whole time is like my kids are stupid you're never gonna get them to learn a thing i don't even know why we bothered to drag you out here you're not even worth the debt that you owe us right and they're horrible to her they are yeah but she loses her and beats the crap out of one of the kids and then the mom like comes over to see like oh why is my kid screaming and sib is just staring her down like if you interrupt this spanking i'm just gonna murder you like what she looks really mad well plus you just you take away you would take away all of her any kind of authority you would guarantee that i am not worth the money that i'm supposedly paying off if you interrupt this process and so she turns around and then the kids are immediately like you're great we're going to listen everything you say and they all learn to read yeah right they learn to read the literally like the newspaper that's lining their house like insulation with newspaper and they're reading a story off of the wall but they come to love her they do it's like mary poppins but in garbageville if mr banks was a carpenter yesterday spoon full of garbage makes the medicine garbage is the interesting like uh not theme what's the word i'm looking for uh the interesting plot device anyway is like when she's at her first home she's got a piano and the piano is just a little awesome it's a bad piano she can play it well but it's badly tuned and judy davis to her credit uh learned to play right all her own uh parts that she played but then when she gets like to the fancy household it's a really nice you know well-tuned piano and when they get when he gets to like the junkyard family it's like it's like barely a harpsichord it's like it's like it's like a string to piano yeah like i mean but like not more like a plucking string like a harpsichord but it's just making like this really grinding noise when she's trying to play the it's like she's actually taking a step down from where she started yeah but she but she becomes friends with the kids essentially right and so close with them in fact well she wasn't she was just chatting right with one of the eldest boys but the parents misinterpreted it as look we know our son's hot but you can't marry our son because he's making a lot of progress with the rich family over the hill and she's like that is embarrassing and gross that you think i would fall in love with your garbage son but she doesn't say that she lets them fire her yeah she lets them fire her and relieve her father of his debts so that she can go back to her house the dust the slightly better piano farms yeah so yeah she goes back and uh harry meets her there by now he's dating her sister well that's what people had been saying yeah right but i mean he's been he's been taking her on dates when when she became a servant the her family sent the next option to grandma for you know finishing school how about this one and she has a newer model no offense to judy davis a little bit more attractive than judy davis and isn't getting the same comments from everyone like probably ugly like it was just like oh this one is an actual like we could we could bag harry beach him with this one let's set them up um and uh but she's well well humorously enough though like he like she she found out through the grapevine i guess that he had lost the farm or no he told her that yeah that was it he told her that night that he was losing everything because you know and he was going up north to like take care of the properties up there because he was losing the five bob's burgers right yeah but he managed to rearrange everything he put some fries to the side he started another burner and he saved the place so he's not losing his family fortune and things are progressing with her sister presumably through the grapevine anyway and she thinks oh well you know what my sister's a much better fit for you anyway and we're still friends and that's fine right and he says no i still want to marry you it's been a couple years presumably i don't know how long it's been but well that's what she asked for he's like saying he's living up to the promise that they made to each other that after two years like i would do my thing you would do your thing and how did your brilliant career work out yeah teaching garbage people how to read it's like did you figure out what was wrong with the world and she says yeah it was me yeah the moral of the story is don't be an independent woman that's what's wrong with it but we say she turns him down again she does you know because the whole thing is like and i like that she keeps repeating the the logic of why do we have to get married why does that have to be a part of it can't we just be in a relationship with each other why do we have to like tie each other into like this marriage for my value and i can't have a career or anything i literally just have to and they hammer on it every every location that these people have 10 12 kids each there's just piles of kids tumbling out of the cupboards but yeah so she's like i don't want to turn into a kid factory i just want to you know write books and be myself and he's like okay then we're still friends and she writes a book and sends it off to a publisher so i could tell you you know i really enjoyed this movie actually yeah but the biggest flaw of this movie and you're going to think i'm pretty is was casting sam neil i would say sorry sweetie and i'd give you this ring yep and i would leave with dr alan grant this is i mean otherwise it was a great movie you know it's just not realistic when you cast such a handsome man but kudos to writer eleanor whitcomb and director jillian armstrong for having this story and putting it together there there was like this obviously the book was controversial when it first came out and i don't think it was much less controversial in the 80s but um well it was uh they held the i guess the estate held back publishing right until like 10 years after miles death yeah uh so it ended up coming out in the 50s or 60s yeah in the 60s and so they had like a resurgence but the director who when she directed this film was 29 um and she also directed the little women in 1994 the uh wynonna writer kirsten dunst claire danes one oh okay and the writer eleanor whitcomb this was her second and last screenplay after the getting of wisdom in 1977. so she only wrote two movies but this one did really well for everybody demian did well in australia and everything yeah and here um and uh judy davis actually won two baptists for her performance in this movie because the baftas have a best actress and a best newcomer and she won both of them for this performance which doesn't happen very often um this is judy davis's second movie ever it was earlier um yeah she does yeah uh but this is actually one of her more famous films apparently in her career i didn't realize that i've known her from other things but um this quote was great uh that although it prepared her to start him she was miserable during its production and can't stand to watch the film today oh interesting yeah um she's been in five woody allen movies which is why you're not as familiar with her because oh yeah you can't stand his movies most of the time don't don't spoil it for everyone wait till we get to it missed a lot of the big ones already but you know like a you know like she's like i like her in barton fank and and she's and the ref i think is always like one of my favorite like you know comedies yeah christmas comedies and she also played heda hopper on feud betty and joan which was from the guy that does the american horror story shows and stuff like that but he did a show that was about betty davis and and joan crawford joan crawford fighting yeah yeah and i just bring it up because uh in our last episode richard had referred to her judy davis eyes she was actually played an actress in the betty davis story on that show so that was an interesting connection sam neil is our first marvel cinematic universe actor yeah in any of the movies we've discussed so far i racked my brain about it okay are you coming up with who he played well i we discussed it recently so i'm not going to spoil it for richard in the marvel cinematic universe he's been in the marvel cinematic universe wow it's he's the only one that i can think of we'll call it a cami it's a cameo with a director who he's worked with in the past i don't i don't have it thor ragnarok oh my god i can't believe i forgot about the play and liam hemsworth right matt damon as loki yeah for the second time in his career oh i can't believe it because he's also loki in the movie because the hump for the wilder people yeah that movie is great um but yeah this is only samuel's fourth movie um he's been in the last couple that taika ytt did although i don't think he's in jojo rabbit which is unfortunate because in two years after this one he would be well i guess one year well because this was released in 79 but released in the u.s in 80 which is that's why we're reviewing right now but uh the next year 81 when he did possession that's the beginning of the crazy sam neil trilogy you know how much i love that movie that movie is incredible we're going to hit all three of the insane ones if we keep this podcast going because when does in the mouth of madness hit mid 80s i would say 84 85 which is another fantastic film and then event horizon is in the mid to late 90s yeah but um like you know most of the actors i feel like i recognized them but i didn't really know any of the parts when i looked them up but i didn't know who played the character of horus i couldn't figure out who it was uh but the actor david franklin i liked because uh he was on farscape oh yeah and he was one of my favorite characters on farscape and i was racking my brain like like horus who was horse but he was probably i think wasn't horus one of the kids yeah i i was like listed as the brother as one of her brothers from the farm oh from the farm yeah because he would have been in his his teens yeah he was young because he was in the matrix reloaded as the maitre d yeah it could have been it could have been one of the the garbage children or her brothers it could have been yeah yeah it could have been either one um and he also played miklo braca on farscape that's the character i'm talking about that's who you're practicing is great i don't know any of that show he also apparently played he wasn't an assistant director he played an assistant director in crocodile dundee in los angeles um but one other credit that i thought was really interesting um you had uh who was it max cullen was mr mcswat the father of the garbage kids um he played travis hudson in x-men wolverine he played the old farmer there's a scene where wolverine is very injured and he comes upon this farm in the middle of nowhere right right right his farmer and his wife take him in so they get killed don't they right they do they get murdered but mr mcswat is the father of the garbage children and then the woman who played sib's mother played heather hudson the farmer's wife which is i mean it's a big australia connection like there's so many australian people and new zealanders and in both of these movies so that they tend to group together take away tt casts almost exclusively australian end why was there a bunch of australian people in the wolverine jackman's australia hugh jackman gravitates towards that okay um well far escape was all a new zealand oh it was i believe it was a new zealand australian production yeah and um i think we we looked it up at sam neil like grew up in new zealand but he was born in europe somewhere and moved to new zealand when he was a kid yeah or something like that yeah that's why he was born in like ireland or something and that's also probably why taika got approached for the thor movie is because chris hemsworth is from australia um but yeah it was great i i did enjoy this film well i always like me a good pastoral drama with a strong-headed woman yeah yeah far from the madding crowd i i love that book oh okay yeah it's very similar it's very it's similar to that i mean she's not a she wants to be a writer and not an independent farmer but you know very similar though they have she wanted to be an independent farmer and madding crowd yeah she well she has her own farm yeah but she but she brushes off the the advances of of the men because she wants to you know it's nice that nowadays everyone can work that dream out on their farmville account waste their own strawberries um but yeah um for me letterbox twice this goes on top yeah i would agree i fully agree with of the four movies we've watched so far this is by far the best yes of course oh i liked it way more it took a while like when i was i i watched it in two two parts in the first part it's not that long a movie but it actually kind of drags a little bit in places yeah i was like i was like oh boy this movie's just wait taken it's time to get any kind of attention but my second viewing of the second half i was like all right i'm really i'm really kind of getting into this things here now so we're all putting this on top yeah for our litter box list okay cool i would say it's a it's a worth watching for me yeah i think it's worth watching absolutely absolutely all right so three thumbs up for worth watching um i think that's everything for this one uh if you have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year please consider rating us on itunes to help new people find the show and if you find the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing simon which wikipedia describes thusly the institute for advanced concepts a group of scientists with an unlimited budget and propensity for elaborate pranks brainwash a psychology professor named simon mendelsohn who was abandoned at birth and managed to convince him and the rest of the world that he is of extraterrestrial origin simon escapes and attempts to reform american culture by overriding tv signals with a high-powered tv transmitter becoming a national celebrity in the process starring alan arkin and madeline khan i don't know if it's starring madeline khan but but tune in next time tune in next time about that and we will leave you now with the audio for the trailer for simon it is not generally known that many of the strange and alarming trends observed in this country in recent years were not random occurrences coincidences or so-called acts of god but are in fact directly traceable to this group of men five of the most brilliant and twisted geniuses in america perhaps in the entire world living and working together isolated protected and funded by a government contract so brilliantly incomprehensible that no one even at the highest washington levels knew its real activities this group in the name of free scientific inquiry perpetrated a series of scenarios so sinister so bizarre and so childishly perverse that rational men argued that the civilization which had come so far in so short a time was finally collapsing dr carl becker director of the institute excuse me dr becker oh yes how did the five of you meet we were all sent out here some years ago by someone who thought it would be a good idea for the best minds to be put together in a good environment with unlimited and what were you all supposed to do oh think the think tank what about the usual you know the food shortage ecology energy that sort of thing we were supposed to save the world what went wrong nothing went wrong we just got into more interesting material that's all more interesting material uh what kind of material oh a little this a little that