we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside welcome to vintage video where we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of simon on february 1st 1980. it was written and directed by marshall brickman and released by warner brothers the movie starts as a mockumentary for the first like 5 or 10 minutes which is great it was really funny i mean i really wish they had actually stuck with that style throughout because i thought i was like really entertained by that introduction i don't know if it needed to stay in that mode the whole time but i would have it would have been cool to at least come back to it sure later in the movie sure but i just liked i mean i liked the style of it writing to me a little bit of the like um man bites dog kind of thing yeah it's also very sleeper-ish which uh marshall brickman also wrote so that makes sense um for woody allen which is a connection to our last film because it's another frequent collaborator of woody allen's um but uh so yeah it starts as a mockumentary about this bizarre think tank right the phoenix foundation yeah basically uh no there's these five loopy scientists um and they through some like bureaucratic misstep have been granted unlimited funding for whatever dumb project they yeah come up with it's like what's that actual like genius grant that people can give macarthur genius yeah it's like it's like something like that it's like that but an unlimited one right but it's but instead of like actually studying things that were supposed to help the world become a better place they kind of just went off on their own yeah because they have no oversight so they're just kind of like let's just do elaborate pranks instead you know what's more interesting that solving world hunger is you know like mixing humans and cockroaches but they also do seem to stay on top of like proper science like they seem familiar with other like famous scientists they mention a few over the course of like the film that they're like oh did you read so-and-so's new report and they're like mentioning real world scientists um so they're at least like aware of what's going on in the actual world of science but here they're doing a bunch of silly stuff well and they cast like the nerdiest like actors that they could find to play the scientists which i think is great it's almost like i mean as much as i do not care for the big bang theory it's almost like that this was like the template sure for the big bang theory and i i am familiar with the work of four of these five actors that they have the scientists um one of them is austin pendleton which i actually wouldn't be surprised if that role was originally written for woody allen and ended up going to austin pendleton but i think austin pendleton does a great job um i really like him uh and then we have alf dad what i mean you should tell people you'll know austin pendleton from the muppet movie right yes of course short circuit oh no the muppet movie no he's the he's the ceo of the nova company in short circuit he he paid for johnny five to be alive um but yeah so the dad from elf who was also i think the boss on norm did you ever watch that show i never watched norm it's actually really funny um nor mcdonald's sick i know what norm is making sure what i like what like about him is like that spin-off of cheers that no one ever heard of what i like about him is that he always sounds like he's just about to get caught doing something he he's always like oh god oh i think this is a good idea yeah his delivery of every line you're gonna like this um what if a spaceship lands an extraterrestrial steps uh what happens what is it what happens and what is the effect on the population what is it panic is it hysteria is it depression mass suicide is it war is it the end of war is it religious revivals you see what i'm saying we can find out how fake and especially towards the end when he has a little hissy fit kills me he's very very funny in this um and then we also have obviously wallace sean who's like you know sort of a stephen tobolowski he's everywhere um people probably know him best from princess bride inconceivable or toy story but i don't want to use my hands 38 tardies by far the most tardies in the class congratulations incredibles we're supposed to help our people starting with our stockholders bob who's helping them out huh he's all over the place um and uh william findlay the tallest who kind of looks very uh like mid to late 70s donald southerland here um he is a frequent collaborator of uh brian de palmas he's been in six or seven prime diploma movies but most notably as the phantom of the paris paradise and uh so these scientists and the fifth guy i don't really recognize from yeah yeah that's the uh the giant or giant giant i don't know how to pronounce it it's a one word name j-a-y-a-n-t oh yeah i was saying giant but it might be james it could be either way i don't know he looked like our our our token ethnic smart guy was that the maybe the one that looks he might be an indian yeah it's his only movie yeah oh is it really yeah um uh so after the scientists after reading that over 60 percent of people believe in aliens decide that they're going to basically stay stage and elaborate like war of the worlds type situation um and they're going to find someone who was orphaned or is he is he an orphan or is he abandoned at birth he isn't i mean what's the distinction and orphan's parents are dead aren't they well i think an orphan doesn't doesn't have their parents no doesn't know i mean yes your parents might be dead but they might have also just abandoned you yeah right but you're not an orphan if you're 40 and both of your parents die in a car accident where you are an orphan but you're not abandoned that's what i'm saying that's the difference yes i know but it's like the it's like the you know the square rectangle thing i think that right if you're abandoned you're definitely an orphan okay but if you're an orphan you're not necessarily abandoned okay that's my question yes is he a tortoise or a turtle that's my question that's not the same thing at all one is a subcategory of the other is that true i think that tortoise the type of turtle no one is on land and one is like uh how does that perry grip song go a turtle lives in water a tortoise lives on land a turtle's not a tortoise it's not hard to understand yeah so they uh they go to their super computer doris doris who is essentially a giant iphone well and and i feel like like later on this is like and it's weird because i feel like this movie had like a lot of interesting things about it that inspired other things but i also feel like no one ever saw this movie i think a lot of it is stuff that just didn't make it into sleeper yeah that he was like what other visions of the future could i squeeze into this weird science movie well because doris is also very close to gladys as far as like a type of name sure and and just the whole notion of this like computer system that's pretty much in charge yeah because it's already made the decisions of things for them right um but i i i don't know why it was shaped like a giant phone with the the buttons or tv screens i don't know but it's very prescient of them to say like oh the first ai will take the form of an enormous phone and not only that but like the way the buttons are lit up it looks like apps on a screen on the phone because it is literally a monitor on the phone um but yeah so doris tells them oh i found the perfect orphan for you guys his name is simon mendelsohn and he's uh what is he he's an assistant uh professor at some university yeah and he's trying to figure out some kind of big breakthrough that he can some something big to give him note right well it's weird too because i think he's an assistant professor of psychology but we cut immediately to him getting to a classroom and talking to kids and he has this very like wide-ranging grandiose like lecture that seems to have nothing to do with psychology he's like telling them uh about how like different concepts came up in the world and and it's like a true knowledge it's knowing that you know nothing or whatever yeah but it's also just like you know you need an idea you need to to find that that one thing to change the world right you need an idea he like keeps harping on that idea but in his free time he's obsessing over sensory deprivation and he's built like he's jerry-rigged a crappy sensory deprivation tank in his office from from the shipping container for a coffin yeah it was like a co-worker's uncle died and he's like hey can i keep that box like and he literally just like lined it with hefty bags and filled it with water as a sensory deprivation chamber and he's got like a counterweight on a rope so yeah it's like the door open well and it's and it's suspended so right yeah and and his his uh colleague and girlfriend will just say that that's what she is um is is very much against uh him doing any of these crazy experiments that he's doing because she's had to go through several different rounds of this like he took a bunch of mescaline or something yeah and she had to like sit with him and clean up after him um but yeah so she's like why are we doing this and then some other guy comes in to help them out that he'll be hired to assist but um because he wants to go in for 80 hours yeah he wants to break the record of 50 hours by going in for 80 hours and he comes out after like 45 seconds yeah he's like was i in there for the full 80. he's like oh you just went in and he's like oh wow it was amazing what it did to my brain and then like the machine breaks down yeah i don't even know why there's any moving parts to this at all yeah he's sprung a leak and he and he gets out why is there like a running engine on a sensory deprivation tank it should just be a container of water right well it might be uh the pump that filled it with water or maybe that's what it was and then it sprung a leak and and hit the electricity and as he's getting out here like gravity touches it and so he just gets like electrocuted very nearly electrocutes himself um and then later that evening austin pendleton's character becker shows up at his office and it's like i think you're a bona fide genius it just cuts to him getting on a helicopter like that's all he wanted yeah he just needed someone to come and tell him he was smart and he was like all right i'll do whatever you say um so they take him back to the facility which is actually the the bronx development center that building did you figure out what it was from no no it just it just looked like a really familiar building and like you know i thought maybe it was nova from short circuit because again because i'm just looking at austin pendleton but then you had mentioned the manhattan project which would have been an interesting connection for the director brookman also directed yeah but it wasn't that either okay but it was it was very similar to both of those buildings but it wasn't necessarily either one um but so yeah they take him back to that that their think tank um and they assign him an assistant uh dr cynthia mallory played by madeleine kahn who he's very judgmental of at the start and she keeps like listing off all of her doctorates and all the different yeah he was very yeah he was very condescending and like basically they used his profile to like pinpoint every last thing he'd want in you know in a woman and then beyond her intelligence she she makes the point that her new book is entitled a comprehensive history of oral sex techniques illustrated and it's been proclaimed a masterpiece by both norman mailer and bess meyerson um and i love that even even with this information he can't help but like judge her or criticize her and try and figure out like he's like oh who's your publisher like he's like trying to judge her on that even after she like explains you know it's already people already said it's great people who matter said it's great already well and then he goes well we'll try it for a week yeah see how it goes yeah um i think it's interesting that that madeleine kahn is is chose or got involved in such such a smaller part in like the first third of the movie and and she had done several movies including movies from l brooks uh to this point this is pretty young frankenstein though that was 84. that'd be post blazing saddles it's post blazing sounds those were the same high anxiety uh so it is post young frankenstein then i think frankenstein was mid 80s early 80s no young frankenstein and placing saddles were the same year placement saddles was like 89 or 79 wasn't it yeah 74. wasn't it that's 74. yeah you're right patrick's right they're both 74. no kidding because it was i i know people refer to that as like 93 for spielberg because he had jurassic park and schindler's list same year but like even like the muppet movie and the cheap detective like she had she had a lot of stuff under her belt she was no like it just seems like i don't it almost seems like this was like a favor did a favor for someone that's possible um but yeah so i think the whole reason that they brought her in is because they need someone to get close enough to her to get samples of all of his bodily fluids yeah they were never totally clear on which but yeah he's not even sure what they do with his bodily fluids later in the film it's very confusing the way they set the scene well i i think that it well they because they said like we need to get his i think like they said three major bodies three major fluids yeah which ones are the three major yeah uh i was trying i think there was a consensus on two and then we were like this is blood sweat or tears for number three well i would say i was gonna go with bile so that wasn't me that wasn't even my list okay seven fluids you're talking about like the humors like you have like you know this is a comedy [Laughter] nice see it sounded like a smart joke but i'm just stupid and i don't know he is basically enamored with this woman they give her like a script of ways to talk to him about like if you talk about death he's gonna think about sleeping with you so telling stories about your family and people dying and all this other stuff and uh they basically talk him into a sensory deprivation tank for what he thinks is a test run but then they leave him in there for like eight days um after they've already collected all of his fluids um and so they're like okay these are the three fluids and they like put them in ice on like a tray that was like a champagne they're like eating off of the same tray where the all these fluids are in vials um but then there's like i like that there's just kind of like a montage of them doing other like minutia other like filling out reports and just having like meetings and stuff while he's in this tank the whole time yeah and he's just going insane meanwhile inside the tank they have they have the audio coming out and he's he's just like taking on different characters and like yeah he's being very strange oh weird shoes a thousand pardons sire i am but a humble surf when they finally let him out of it he's kind of like catatonic a little bit at the start and then he very quickly like pantomimes the entirety of human history and he starts he starts with just these little fidgets and you know you know is the audience you just think oh yeah okay he's just coming too but they're like oh no he's like he's regressed through all of evolution and so he's he's like a single cell right right and then and then all his fingers start moving and yeah because he's like one finger is like a flagella and he's like wiggling his fingers like he's turned into a squid and then he like crawls out on land and he he does the whole 2001 a space odyssey yeah recognizing weapons he like literally acts out the whole like smashing that whatever taper what was the animal and well well yeah well in the he just he like finds like a bone yeah he's smashing us what are the animals that the monkeys are killing in 2001 i think it's a taper is it in my opinion no idea but he just smashes it and then he throws the bone up in the air like the monkey does in the movie and then he lives through like the neanderthal age but yeah but they do like the the chart right they do like a whole stream straightening to homo erectus and then for some reason you know although we've gone through hundreds of millions of years he does for some reason like the last hundred years you know like he does a bunch of little dances charleston or something he's just like like you can count out specific decades right in the dances um yeah and then he's like suddenly he's like shouting speeches but it's all gibberish he's not talking in english and then he gets to the present and he collapses and then they put him in the hospital right um then this is where they have to implant the memory of him having been an orphan and left on the planet by an alien they made a very elaborate diorama convincing model i think it's only a model yeah but so they wheel them up to it and this weird like boob-like glowing glowing gelatinous spaceship is hovering over the street in the middle of presumably brooklyn somewhere and says like oh i'm leaving you here son you're gonna make the world a better place and he's just like oh well what who are you what am i like what am i i'm basically you're telling me i'm a toaster i'm part machine where are you mother right in front of you darling the spaceship are you in [Music] simon i am the spaceship you're just a machine oh thank you very much some gratitude from a son and she says you're you're an exact duplicate of the human race and you're gonna save everyone and uh then she floats away and they immediately like turn him around and turn all the lights on so that he's like snapping into reality right and they try and convince him no that wasn't something that you just saw happen that was a regressed memory that we just accessed as a result of your sensory deprivation um and then we get this really cool cover of uh of uh mr sandman in spanish uh that center oh yeah i loved that cover it was great um and uh they're showing him all of his fluids right oh and i don't i don't even like i don't know how they make what they show him he looks into a microscope at his blood and there's like literally nuts and bolts and wrenches floating around yeah it was a very like wes anderson kind of animation too of the but it was like just like going back and forth but then they do his his sperm he goes to look at his sperm like little heads with tails and it's like little alan arkan faces on every spermatozoa and they all like swim right up to the camera and look into it stop motion clay animated yeah really creepy it looked like a celebrity death match or something and then uh and so they put him back in his like little see we don't even get what what is the third we have we have blood and we have semen but what is the third fluid we didn't even get to see it there no other than he did he does pee and uh yeah it's like green but but they're giving him like cocktails of things to make things happen right so i'm sure that one of them like concocted thing if you give him this is his urinal turn out green give him this and his sperm will grow faces i don't understand what he was even looking at in there um but so now he's in this like magneto-esque plexiglas cage where they're keeping him safe from bacteria of the atmosphere even right he's from earth and has been on earth for 40 some years and at this point they've made the announcement right that that they have an alien in captivity and they're saying like he claims to be an alien they're saying we haven't confirmed it yet but we're gonna open it up to peer review and everything and uh simon believes it full-heartedly now and is writing a speech that he wants to deliver to the people and he holds it up to like the window and they're reading it like oh boy we can't let you say this stuff and they keep like he keeps trying to talk to them and they keep flipping his audio switch off yeah and every time he they flip it back on he's still talking and like yeah but the uh what's his name that was the dad on alpha is like i think we should let him do it i think it's a great idea he doesn't see the consequences at all but one of the like it's just like a list of like random like ranty suggestions yeah ways to change the world one of them was that everyone who's in congress should be forced to wear little party hats whenever they're making a public appearance yeah and one of them was like no more elevator music no more elevator music music has to go away um if you work at like a nuclear facility any waste that your facility produces you have to take home with you and like all these random things but then we get this short clip of um people debating whether or not this is a true like alien encounter on like addicted yeah right but one of the guys is a politician one of them is a senator which it's like they make it very clear like early on that even though what he says isn't like immediately written into law but people are complying with it because they're terrified in case he is an alien yeah they don't know what's going to happen to him so they just go along with everything that he says but lisa sees this on on dick cavett and it's like okay i got to go down there and figure out what's going on because he's not an alien and i don't know how they convinced him that he was um so she comes to the facility to check on him and they want this to happen because right they want this interaction with her and him yeah so she goes into his she actually gets into his room and stays the night with him um but meanwhile the scientists decide what they're gonna do is they're gonna they're gonna flood they have to kill him because he's gonna start saying a bunch of weird stuff on television and make everything weird so they're like we have to abort the project we have to kill him well because he's not he starts making demands that they're and they start losing control because no i've requested full media coverage i requested it myself and they're coming yeah um and so they decided that what what they're going to do is they're going to gas him with this chemical that brings down your iq people stupid by 100 points right which um is really similar to a book that i like called iq 83 have i talked to you about this before no um but it's uh these scientists develop this like virus that that slowly makes people dumber and it very quickly like takes over the entire world but these scientists are struggling to solve it as they're getting dumber like actively getting dumber and it's just really interesting at one point charlie kaufman was adapting it to a movie but i don't know if that's still happening but iq it's called idiocracy basically um but that when they go to put the the gas tank up to their ventilation system alph dad is holding the map upside down and realizes at the last second oh god no that's venting to everywhere except for the run that they're in and uh well yeah but that they didn't actually put it in that one they accidentally just broke the door it doesn't matter yeah they broke it open and gas themselves and everyone in the building um which conveniently at the same time is being taken over by like a military coup um uh so everyone's getting dumber their soldiers running all over the building and becker goes to talk to the siri statue this yeah the doris phone and is like really dumb and like starts flirting with it and she's trying to shut him down like no we're not doing this right now and he just starts like molesting the phone by like touching it i don't think he's ever affected by the gas oh he's not no he no he escaped he like he like held his breath and ran out i remember he covered his mouth but then i thought they said it was venting in the whole building so no i don't think so because it didn't affect the soldiers he's still being a little bit loopy but maybe that's just the character yeah and he he yeah but then he he engages in activity with doris and doris is like resisting but then she goes there's literal phone sex yeah then she starts going okay okay like no okay that's good that's good oh no no we need to stop like the whole like yeah she's like being like resistant but you could tell that like by the end of it she's completely consented to what's happening um and then the the corey shows up um general corey general corey from the pentagon played by herman munster yeah who uh what did you guys say you always think of i i i go to my cousin vinnie first i go to pet cemetery oh yeah yeah yeah pet cemetery um but yeah so he he comes in and he tells becker like okay so let me get this straight the alien created this gas that brought everyone's iq down like he did a chemical attack on you guys he's like oh oh that's lovely yes that's exactly what happened he hadn't even thought of that excuse yet he's just like oh my god that's wonderful you did what release the gas yes oh that's lovely yes he did very guess who else it's a goddamn invasion he's very dangerous but lisa sees what's going on she sees soldiers everywhere and they're still in his room and she's like we got to get out of here and simon's like no no these people are on my team everything's fine and then the soldiers just opened fire on them right so they're like okay so they literally jump off jump off the balcony run off it's a crazy jump too yeah like i'm sure that the actors the sun people had like plenty of landings well you don't really see the landings but she just drops off the side and she falls at least like a floor and a half yeah and then they run past this woman in a big winter coat and he's like lisa a lady is dancing with a potholder and then they steal a van to get away and it's a news a news van yeah it's a news van from this think tank though it's not like something that someone left there um it's not like from the film crews that were on site it's actually something that they built at the at the think tank um and they drive off to the middle of nowhere in like upstate new york and fall asleep in a greenhouse for some reason um and when they wake up like the windows are all fogged over but there's a bunch of people watching them through the windows um and they wake up to basically a hippie commune that it turns out is like this tv guide cult so they believe everything that they see on television including that this man is the genuine article that well they have and they have some weird like religious chants that are like they have the girls yeah campbell souped commercials yeah good yeah [Music] um but the leader of this cult um is uh adolf greene who was the writer of uh singing in the rain or right of the story and a bunch of the songs and his imdb credits are off the charts because the songs from stuff that he's written have been in thousands of tv shows yeah so they're stuff up until like present day because they use covers of his songs and stuff like that um yeah but uh so this character uh it turns out he used to be the head of uh programming at abc before he founded this cult that's just obsessed with television well it was like he's making amends for all he's done right right but he's literally reading the scripture from the tv guide to them and he's just talking about like and whoa rhoda spun off of yeah and uncle milty was also cancelled and and thus are we all cancelled in the in the end um just trying to make weird like religious implications of being canceled um there's this quick moment that we didn't even catch it on the first pass but we went back through it and when he's telling him that he used to work for abc as the head of programming you notice that there's the hippies are like burying corpses in the background they're dragging the bodies which they never mentioned at all like there's no implication that there's like a widespread cause of people dying right in the universe at the time so this cult is just like a they're suicide pacts or i just kind of assume because they're all they all seem like young kids like i was kind of assuming that these are like you know it was some sort of you know like these kids are killing their parents and they're just obsessed with television and it was some weird commentary whatever tv never mentioned at all aside from this one shot where in the background you see them dragging a body through a field and then burying it um but yeah so uh then suddenly some of the hippies come up and they say hey you're never gonna believe what we found in the van that you stole and they take the head of the former head of abc over to the van and he's like oh my god you could break into all three network channels with this you can like hack the network yeah and it overpowers all broadcasting signals right and i assume it would be local you couldn't do it everywhere like it wouldn't be nationwide well no it would be because that's why they keep parking it next to some big giant power lines yeah like it's some kind of relay station oh okay so and it and since it it overpowers the broadcasting power of the other networks right it's just you can't turn him off he's on every channel and he's getting what the cult leader describes as more coverage than the president gets yeah because he's not usually on all three networks at the same time um and he can't break him whenever he wants there's a funny joke too though where earlier they're early in the movie the scientists were talking about one of their experiments is how they rigged the nielsen box like the tissue like they i can't and i can't remember if it was oh this had a 60 share and it was like the osmonds or something like that yeah donnie marie osmond and it was like only 1500 people watched this yeah we made it look like it was the number one show of the night but but then when like he starts broadcasting and gaining notoriety there's like a whole thing like that he gets like so many shares but we already proved that that wasn't even a real thing but it's also like but it was 100 shares that was like well yeah because there was nothing else but it's also funny because it's in the middle of a montage of like people saying like oh my god we've made contact with aliens yeah like this guy is an alien and he's here on earth and he's here to give us the you know the knowledge of the universe and all variety cares about it's like the ratings that he got like it's not a headline that this guy's an alien they're just like it got a cosmic 100 share like can you believe it um because they have to put a pun in every headline and it's all uh all his like it's all his grievances with the world right it's all just his personal grievances around here is where i realized that this is basically like the premise of this movie is what if howard beal from network was an idiot like in the movie network like he's complaining about stuff that is like very relatable and real problems with the world or falling down kind of like or falling down but but in this movie this guy's complaining about like minutia that doesn't matter to anyone or even complaining about things that some people like that he just happens to not like personally and so it's just like what if an idiot had the same power of like i could just break onto television and complain about whatever i want i don't know like like but my one of my favorite tricks of that too is how come he is and he's talking about and there's the orange julius formula why is that a secret i want that formula he's really angry and he wants the formula for orange julius and one of the formula for orange julius the secret white powder that makes it a devilishly good drink why is it a secret i want that formula and he also like it seems like for some of it he's just like filibustering like he's just sitting there reading a random book and it's just like why are why are you reading this to everyone so it's important to you that this information gets out yeah i think because because he was talking about before like he's like you know no one talks about like these authors or things like that so i think he was just trying to share taking advantage of his captive audience exactly no exactly it's like it's like when charlie kaufman not charlie kaufman andy kaufman oh right right read that great gatsby yeah read the entire book born back ceaselessly into the past and all these people are like just get up and walk out um but yeah and the other uh the other thing though is that this isn't a captive audience because he's just on television right you can just turn the tv on the same people who the first time he was on television were like captivated and hanging on everywhere they sang are now like ugh like yawning or tired one guy literally pulls out a shotgun and just shoots his television because he's like this guy can just break on whenever he wants to just talk about nonsense why do i even have a television uh hell he one of his things look he can't have mustache and mutton chops yeah one of the other yeah and then uh general corey sees one of his soldiers has both he's like yeah he's just one of those [Laughter] uh but yeah and everything that he complains about we we get like some subtle implication that it's changing in the real world because he complained about it um but i feel like he's losing his his demons yeah because he confronts he confronts his followers when lisa is trying to convince him that they don't she's like they don't believe what you believe yeah he's like well no they listen to everything i say on the network and it's like no they don't know they believe everything that's on television it doesn't matter if it's anything that's on tv and he's on tv so they in theory believe him so he starts reading them a list of oh do you believe in this yes do you believe in this yes do you like junk yes like yeah they don't if it's on the tv we like it it has nothing to do with you and then he's just like you're like what's the greatest thing in the world disco and he just was like ugh you just was a big thing in the early 80s for everyone to just [ __ ] on disco like it was the worst thing ever i'm not trying to defend it mind you i'm just saying sure jump on the bandwagon not as bad as freaks and geeks would have you believe disco is not dead disco is life but yeah so after that uh humiliating confrontation with his what he thought were his followers lisa tells him hey i'm pregnant and he says oh okay well you know what's gonna happen eventually and she says you're not mad and he says well no you could be with whoever you want and it's not up to me and she's like no no no it's your baby and he says well that's impossible right he's an alien but not gonna believe it it still doesn't screw up the backstory because the mother alien spaceship told him he was a perfect replica right yeah right so like we can make sure you can make toasters but um but the implication is that this is solid proof that he's not an alien the fact that he was able to impregnate her and she says i just want you to tell me look me in the eyes and tell me that this isn't your kid and that's when she basically cuts to the human center of him and he realizes like well no i love you and it probably is my kid and this is enough to convince him that he's not my name yeah and i think the way she phrased it was that to to look in my eyes and tell me that i was unfaithful to you right yeah tell me that and and he knows that she wouldn't do that she wouldn't do that do you really think that that's the point where he's like done thinking he's an alien yes yeah i think i think when he says you're right i can't say that that's when he's saying i love you and i and i trust that you love me so much that you wouldn't make this up and i couldn't impregnate you otherwise so that's that's 100 solid proof that i'm not an alien and these people were screwing with me and that's when he comes up with his plan to get his revenge right so he volunteers for a return mission so he calls the military headquarters now in the think tank and corey hands the phone to becker and he says i want to go home and he's like he tells cory and cory's like oh yeah he wants to go where does he live in new york or something and he's like no no home he wants to go back to space so they go to an actual launch site now which is incredible yeah which um as much as information as i could find was that it actually was um a launch that was taking off in the late 70s it was one of the early shuttles i can't believe they would allow cameras anywhere near that thing like that like to film a movie well i mean there's not that much that you can see from the outside i wouldn't let film crews in my house why would you let them near a spaceship i think what's weirder is that they let them in the elevator the whole way up to the top of the spaceship because they don't actually go inside of it it's literally just the exterior that you use well there is a shot inside of it but i'm sure that was a statement yeah um but but they don't leave the shuttle on the launch pad for very long right it's their like maximum 18 hours before launch yeah and so this this was a very narrow window of opportunity for this production yeah and i don't know again it's probably a skeleton crew too yeah and and there's some creative editing here too where the stuff in the elevator could have been there when the the rocket's not there like literally all we see of the rocket is um establishing shots and like inserts panning up tilting up right and then one shot one shot running down away from it yeah that was the only one that confirmed that oh this isn't stock footage yeah yeah some some of the footage was clearly like shot before and some of the when during the launch but to be fair the guy that we see run down the stairs past the rocket it's not just alan alda's head he's wearing a mask so it could have been literally anybody from a skeleton crew running past the thing because er what did i say no not eleanor allen arkad well he wasn't there either though and i and i know like now they're no longer launching maybe it was alan alta we don't know we don't know his face was obscured uh they no longer obviously launch space shuttles anymore but this is also it's interesting because like we grew up in a time when the main booster of the space shuttle was orange yeah and it's not because it was painted orange it's just because that's the material they make it out of his orange they used to paint it white yeah and in this version it's still painted white and they helped me obviously they stopped painting it because it's adding like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pounds and every pound that you send into space costs hundreds of thousands of dollars yeah exactly so they realized that we could save a lot of money and put more cargo and have a better better load if we just don't paint these things yeah um so uh becker for some reason is foolish enough to escort him directly into the rocket so he goes to strap him in yeah he goes up the elevator with him and across the bridge and then when they get inside of the spaceship um uh simon basically like buckles him into the driver's seat straps him down gets on the on the communications and says hey this is going to be my last communication i'm all ready to go and then he hangs up turns off the machine takes the microphone and leaves and leaves the guy strapped in the in the driver's seat of this rocket and then just runs away yeah and becker is trying to like just give dig dig into him any chance he get he says like madeleine khan's character it's like you know she was she was just an actress she didn't she didn't actually believe in you or care about you at all yeah and he's like okay like he doesn't care because he didn't he wasn't like in love with her or anything he's been in love with lisa this whole time um and he's past being embarrassed by what these people have put him through um so becker is presumably launched into space to his own death yeah like i don't i don't know what they pointed this rocket at they say he's from the orion nebula yeah which i'm assuming is because it's a really grand picture well i mean i also think it's kind of strange though that they just kind of assumed it's like oh yeah that guy we sent up there to strap him in like he's out of there right like we got we got him down and yeah they didn't check with the guy that came back down because he's lit there is a dude you know like who regardless of which one it was there's a dude on the launch pad running away from the thing like maybe when it launches give him a moment to get further away from this space shuttle but when when i forgot to mention when when he first mentions that he wants to go back on the rocket and go home to space and he's like um yeah i'm going to take him to the rocket and they're like oh can we go on the rocket like i want to go on the rocket and he's like no you you can't go on the rock this is going to launch him into space he's going to be gone forever and they immediately just start bawling because they still have their iq deficiencies and they're just like oh i wanted to go on the why can't i go on the rocket i want to go on a rocket on a rocket ship can we go no no you have to stay here and while i'm gone i want you to behave [Music] what's the matter leon no doctor you cannot go on the rocket ship i'm sorry now while i'm away i want you to stay out of trouble uh when they launch uh it goes from being the space shuttle to just like a saturn v right like a early apollo mission or something like that it's not even not even a close match whatever stock but just like but i mean presumably they launched this rocket yeah so i'm saying they don't have a place why wouldn't they shuttle they didn't get shocked the day that they shot the rocket on the on the i guess it would have been for further away either way maybe they just maybe they shot it they had some second unit and it just didn't look good so they were like all right we're just gonna use some stock for this one i think there's plenty of news footage of spatial rocket launches but no they're not famously photographed or anything that's not a big thing um but yeah so then we kind of fade to i don't know months later who knows that was a couple years it's a couple years because the kids get all the kids born and grown and uh simon and lisa and their son are sitting on a blanket in the middle of a field and simon like gets up to walk away and on the radio lisa hears that he just won uh the nobel peace prize for saying that you can't replace paper towel dispensers in bathrooms with hand dryers or something like that well i think the implication is that all the little things all the obnoxious little things that he was railing against that people started to change made the world a peaceful place and and the guy says something to that effect like that it brought up morale enough that you know oh now everyone's nice to each other it's like we're also ruining the planet compared to what we were doing with the i like i forget uh who tweeted it but one of my favorite tweets was like uh one of those wind powered hand dryers is a really fun way to waste four minutes before drying your hands on your pants but those things supposedly like spray the germs back up oh yeah no it's much worse yeah it's not it's not hygienic sanitary but your hands will be dry if you want to save the planet stop washing your hands people what it's just gross that is uh vintage vintage video does not condone the lack of hand washing you know what i just wash your hands everyone i i hate when a bathroom is only partially automated it's just like oh wait i'm sorry which parts do you want automatically so it's like no it's like you reach in there and take it out yourself like the toilet floats by itself it's like okay the sink runs water by itself but now i have to touch the soap dispenser but then some places will have the soap dispensers automatic but i have presumably not people touching the dispenser are cleaner people in general or it's like everything's automated except that paper towel displays but it's okay to touch the soap because you're finishing the washing after you've touched the sun that's not how i do things and instead of a door handle there's just a piece of poop stapled to the wall and you have to pull i saw a thing the other day that i thought was awesome it was instead of a door handle and a bathroom it was no it was just a hook and so you just hook your arm around the the the thing on the door so you don't have to use your hands see i saw one where you just run through it it's like balsa that's really thin you just run straight through it see i think the hook is worse because it's because so many times i run into somebody coming in and out at the same time and i have my arm twisted up in this door hopefully hopefully the hook isn't on a two-way door but i'm just saying like because the door could only go one way but that way you just you're not using your hands and you're not touching the all the stuff yeah but anyway that's where the film ends um there's one really weird line at the end after announcing that he won the nobel peace prize the announcer says simon who is believed to be living in uh canada or something like that yeah somewhere in like canada or upstate new yorker i forget what he says exactly but it's like why do you think that you guys put him on a rocket and launched him into space why do you think that he's living in canada i don't understand who knows they're like i guess stuff happened in the meantime i guess we were okay with the fact that we just launched some scientists into space and simon says but what was the point of doing the switcheroo if everyone was going to know that you did it later well i guess it was just his revenge because obviously the the scientists regain their iq because dora said it would only last a week right but the but corey wanted the alien gone or captured but but the scientists probably must have copped up to that it was wasn't real yeah maybe that's i mean we don't get an explanation because people are still doing what he says even though they know that yeah that's the human at this point but um but yeah i mean that's that's the basic story the the writer director we said before marshall brickman um this was his first time directing uh previously he had written a bunch of stuff so he he has written four woody allen movies i want you to see if you can guess the fourth of these uh interesting facts he wrote manhattan he wrote manhattan project he wrote manhattan murder mystery and he also wrote a muppets project what would you guess that that was the muppet caper it's not the muppet stick manhattan it was like i forget what it's called like sex and violence it was like a tv special they did or something like that there was a tv muppet special called sex and violence look it up it's on its page i forget what it's actually called it's definitely not that and i and i and i do uh enjoy the manhattan project after that they're great i also really enjoy mopeds to take manhattan that's not so great damn it it's not the worst one what did we decide was the worst one space is terrible it's almost as bad as my treasure island yeah that's oh you've crossed the line mister no actually okay so hold on i will take moba treasure island over muppets in space for sure for sure right oh my god i think i think it's fifth and and muppets in space is sixth because i think the muppet movie is number one for me no great muppets you put paper above it i know but i disagree so i'll put muppet and then caper and then treasure island is fifth space is sixth so take manhattan is fourth because it's not great and then what am i forgetting the muppets the the reason with jason siegel no there was another one before that i can't remember anyway we're talking about muppet movies um uh yeah ellen arkham uh this was relatively early in his career yeah because uh i i don't think i've ever seen him so young well me and jess were talking about it when we watched the movie that the russians are coming the russians oh yeah it's his very first film that's him and carl reiner it's really funny he's definitely see that one he's like the uh the head of a russian submarine that like shows up in maine or something like that and at this guy's house well the whole town thinks that the russians are invading and and uh and so they're trying to like help these russian soldiers get back to their ship and out of town because it was a mistake like their equipment was broken and they crashed on accident so they're like posing as americans and carl reiner is like helping them blend in and it's really funny though i also like the i realize that this is actually older uh the seven percent solution oh right yeah uh i do really enjoy that movie um and ellen orkin was also uh he's too much to name really but yeah uh yosarian in catch 22. uh pv and the rockets here he was the grandpa and little miss sunshine which i think he got an oscar nomination for that's right he won an oscar i'm trying to see what he wanted for a little sunshine okay supporting role um and apparently he voiced jd salinger on bojack horseman i just wanted to include that um madeleine khan obviously only appears in the first third of this movie but like we said she's been in a bunch of yeah malacanang needs no introduction yeah a lot of mel brooks stuff um this movie has a lot of uh pixar people in it so because madeleine khan was a gypsy moth in bugs life um and uh austin pendleton played gurgle in finding nemo he's one of the fish that's in the tank at the dentist's office oh okay yeah and then um obviously while shawn is in incredibles and toy story so there's a lot of pixar characters in this but madeleine khan i also really like us trixie and paper moon um and obviously she's uh bunched up in blazing saddles elizabeth and young frankenstein mrs white and clue yeah is another classic from her um gussy mouseheimer in american tale yes and then going through austin pendleton stuff he was in catch 22 with arkhan um he played frederick in what's up doc uh with madeline because madeline conway's in both there was her first two movies were what's up doc and paper moon which are both peter bogdanovich movies i think what's up doc was our first movie and um yeah she's great and then like you said he was max in the muppet movie um sure it's serious he also apparently okay this was another interesting coincidence so madeleine khan appeared in a film called uh for love alone the ivana trump story all right which was like a tv movie based on a book that ivana trump wrote about herself okay and what a year because madeleine khan died a while ago it was a while ago it was like late 80s early 90s or something like that austin pendleton appeared in something called a president show documentary the fall of donald trump but that was like two years ago so it was just interesting that they were both in like weird tv movie projects about the trump family um judy graubert who played lisa um was in 780 some episodes of the electric company yeah um as a bunch of different characters on this show she was also apparently in tarzune shame of the jungle does that sound familiar to you it does not okay it's a it's a french animated movie called tarzoon shame of the jungle and it's supposed to be a parody of tarzan but it's one of bill murray's earliest credits um he did a voice of like a reporter or something because it's an animated movie um and then i think we touched on all these other uh credits oh and there was one other actor we haven't mentioned uh who plays a member of the cult the tv guide cult that uh you're familiar with personally not i mean i took uh you knew him i i've yes i took classes with uh michael earl who apparently was one of these cult members you know i went back and we're not entirely sure which one he wants i went back and rewatched all the scenes and i mean obviously i knew him when he was much older than this uh but i couldn't i couldn't pick him out of the the crowd of of you know tv pulp people when did he pass it was like 2010 uh no 2014 2014 okay yeah but he um he has worked on a bunch of muppet stuff yeah he's done a bunch of stuff at the time you were taking the class i think he was saying that he was like at least a backup or a regular snuffalo well he had yeah he had previously been snuffy um and you know he had he'd worked on all the the muppet films and you know done sesame street and all that and some other stuff too there were some other cool things in his credits yeah um he was he was a he's a great guy yeah he is missed well that's that's definitely the first person that any of us has met that's been in any of the movies that we've reviewed so far um what do you guys think letterbox wise where does this go in your list you know i put it uh i put it second on my list right after my brilliant career uh i have to agree um i i'm gonna do the same thing actually so i i'm it's fun that we have these two movies in a row that are on the top of the list but um yeah well it's gonna start to get competitive now i think if it had stayed as funny the whole way through it could have had a shot at the top slot yeah it definitely it definitely started really strong and then kind of took a left turn somewhere where it didn't it didn't quite stick with the same amount of humor yeah and when the joke of the scene is that alan arkin's rants aren't entertaining and people are yawning at them then i'm also yawning listening to it so i think it's interesting too that that this was before the big alien craze i mean not like that obviously the movie alien was before this but i mean e.t kind of sparked like this whole like true renaissance of gotta do alien stuff alien visiting you know mac and me all this stuff spaced invaders we gotta aliens are everything aliens are everything and i feel like this was like ahead of that curve maybe two ahead but not so far ahead that it wasn't in response to like the public like that i wouldn't doubt that that survey was true that over 60 of americans at the time thought that that alien races existed like i feel like that's something that became popular around roswell and people were pulled on it regularly after that like do you think aliens exist i think the more interesting part of this than him you know going off on rants and pretending to be an alien was the was the scientist and they kind of lost that storyline when they made them dumb yeah although i really did like wallace shauna and alfred crying about not going to the racket i want to go on the rocket he was so much like our son jack when he was when he just immediately started balling when he finally take a look that was definitely a jack line he's like no jack he can't go on the rocket um worth watching what do you think jess um oh that's a hard one it is a hard one i mean i think if you want to if if you want to be like kind of complete about it i would say yes um but it's on the fence yeah yeah uh you guys go first because i'm still deciding in my head yeah i i would say probably a not watch for me i think it's a no for me too maybe i i did enjoy the film um but it gets slower towards the end and i i think it's not something that i would put on in mixed company and be like hey this is really funny because halfway through i would be embarrassed that i put it on oh yeah i guess if you put it that way i would i would put this on as a no but i mean that's not necessarily the context of the question would you put this on at a party right right saying is this worth watching but i feel like if it stayed consistently funny it's a definite would watch and i don't think this is is worth your time but i mean i think i think that it has some notable moments and some really interesting you know like all the actors in here it's it's a pretty incredible cast yeah it's definitely a great if you want if you want to you know pull out those obscure references to you know what these people have done i mean that's worth watching yeah all right i think that's about it for this one um if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year please consider reading us on itunes to help people find the show and if you find the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we will be discussing american gigolo which wikipedia describes as a neo-noir crime drama written and directed by paul schrader starring richard gere and lauren hutton [Music] you