we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films welcome to vintage video where we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of john carpenter's the fog on february 8 1980. it was written by deborah hill and john carpenter and directed by john carpenter and released by avco embassy pictures which i am not especially familiar with uh apparently especially familiar with i am not especially not at all at all well i i'm familiar with a film one i guess an early cut of the film that uh carpenter turned in was 80 minutes long and they were like this should be longer and so he shot that whole scene with uh a houseman at the beginning that was added on later um oh like the the mandatory the kids the store oh that's that's like one of the best parts i thought it was pretty pretty well done yeah um it was done on a sound stage um but most of the rest of it was shot on locations um the budget was a million dollars for the production which i think goes a long way um and three million was spent on marketing literally three times the production budget was spent on marketing it ended up making 21 million so that's good um carpenter at the time was married to adrienne barbeau who plays stevie the woman on the radio um this was her first film and uh the jon houseman stuff at the beginning was a single shoot day um so yeah the very beginning of the movie is john houseman yeah america's favorite old barn sitting in front of a campfire reading a book no he's uh he's holding a stopwatch or like a pocket watch and uh he's telling them the story of a shipwreck this the shipwreck of the elizabeth dane at spivey point in antonio bay exactly 100 years ago tonight um like literally right now like right this minute 100 years ago um and it's the witching hour the it's very important that the time of after between midnight and one the the time after midnight is the is a key thing for this movie yeah um so we go from the campfire with all these kids hearing this story um to a church where father malone is closing up for the night and pouring himself a glass of wine which he offers to his assistant bennett played by john carpenter um that was john carpenter yeah and he's like uh can i get my money yeah why don't you come in an hour late tomorrow he was like so young yeah that was him but i just think it's like like it's like a metaphor can i get paid yeah no no that's all right um but yeah father malone here is hellhole rook and uh he is sitting there drinking some wine and bennett has already left and he's hearing these weird sounds and suddenly a rock falls out of this like stone wall that he has and smashes on his desk and he looks up to where it fell out of the wall and there's a diary but that's as far as he goes in he does not look an inch further than that diary yeah well i i thought like at first i thought he was like having this moment of like oh that rock could have hit me because he looks really disoriented well he's also probably that's probably not his first class of wine well yeah or first bottle and uh yeah so like you said he he doesn't look any further into the hole than the diary he also only reads up to a certain page of the diary he's just like i can't read any further i only know these letters um so weird stuff is happening all over town and we're getting kind of a montage of it phones are ringing and like payphones are literally just dumping coins uh dogs are barking everywhere gas pumps are just gushing all over the ground electronic equipment is just going haywire cars are honking uh we get a credit that says music by john carpenter which is the case in most of most john carpenter movies and what was there was another weird credit though electronic realization yeah what the hell is electronic realization that he was the orchestrator and synth programmer for the film so what so john carpenter wrote the music and probably on a keyboard and he would performed it yes okay or programmed it into a computer to perform because a lot of their stuff is like synthetic wendy carlos so uh then we cut to elizabeth uh hitching a ride with nick elizabeth is the jamie lee curtis character hitchhiking and uh nick pulls over to give her a ride not just nick his name is nick castle which mick castle is the name of the actor who plays mike myers in halloween he literally just named a character after and not only that but later we'll have a character named dan o'bannon yeah exactly as soon as i know the name i recognized it because um he wrote aliens yeah but he also wrote like dark star and life force yeah but dark star he wrote for john carpenter that was his first feature film which is actually really really similar to alien and came out like six years or five years earlier but darkstar is kind of more of a comedy right but they're written by the same guy um but uh yeah so he he just named a lot of the characters in this movie after uh his own friends and peace people he's personally interested it's like that's like an improv trick though you know you just like use use names of people that you know right you don't forget what you call your scene partner right he would use like a first or a last name not like full-on just the person's name it's like in um is it hot fuzz where nick angel is the name of the main character but he's also the guy who arranged all the music for the movie so in the credits you see like nick angel's name in the beginning and we also worked with yeah we worked with angel once at the time yeah um but yeah elizabeth is hitching a ride with nick castle uh and she's first testing him to see if he's weird by asking are you weird he's like yeah i'm weird and she's like okay good because i got it right from were not weird even though she just told him oh i've never done this before but obviously she's in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road yeah but uh yeah so uh they drive probably another 500 feet before suddenly all the windows of the car explode which i think if i were either one of them i would have blamed on the other person like either this hitchhiker has something in her backpack that blew out my windows or or they hit something yeah right right but they don't there's nothing that they could have crashed into they're just in the middle of the road like i do feel like i would have tried to investigate those breakers just a little bit start it back up and start driving again which is what they do uh then we meet stevie who is hosting a late night talk show on kab which is a radio show hosted from the top floor of the lighthouse this is kb antonio bay california six minutes after midnight haven't heard from the weather man yet so i can't say for sure about that rain but there's a full moon and no clouds in the sky mm-hmm the top of the world right the top of the world and she mentions the bottom of a cliff right yeah it's way way way lower i mean it's clearly a real lighthouse but yeah i feel like those are usually built on on a high point not so far down close to the water but um but she mentions in her broadcast that there's a party tonight for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the town which apparently coincided exactly with the shipwreck right um well the the town was founded after the ship right right exactly after so she gets a call from dan o'bannon uh with some weather information and he tells her that there's a fog bank blowing in uh from the east and that it's gonna hit a ship called the seagrass that's out there and so maybe give a shout out to the seagrass and let them know there's a fog bank coming in i don't know what is the fog bank dangerous to boats it would it would it would prevent you from you know seeing your route back to land i guess they weren't in motion or anything like what are you going to do steer around it but i think well one this is before the days of gps i guess and uh so unless they were anchored which i don't think they were i think that they were probably just free floating free floating or trolling or uh it's supposed to be some kind of fishing vessel right and they're not supposed to be out there all night right yeah but they're just sitting there drunk they're not like they're not like actively fishing um so we we see them on the on the ship just drunk talking to each other about how hot this woman on the radio probably is and one of them's like oh yeah my son plays soccer with her kid and yeah you would like her he's like oh she has a kid like he's suddenly not interested even though he has kids and i like the the old guy's like there's no [ __ ] bank yeah he's like looking out the windows and like calling her bluff and then he goes hey it was a fog break [Laughter] and she also uh after she gives them the weather conditions she [Applause] just to says which is the name of john carpenter's band the one that performs big trouble in little china oh that's hilarious um is the song actually one of their songs yeah the crew of the sea grass see this fog blowing in and decide that they're gonna move up to the top of the ship where they're very unceremoniously killed off yeah by pirates looming out of the fog like silhouettes of pirates just black figures and with hooks and knives getting stabbed through the chest and stuff and uh and one guy dick is just getting stabbed in the eyes yeah um later referred to as the the orbit the ocular orbit is that what he calls it that's what the doctor calls i was like okay um and now we move back to nick castle and elizabeth have already consummated their relationship yeah it took that long he's like way older than her yeah super creepy this is like her second or third movie i think it's her second movie you know they say like ass gas grass right exactly like this guy is closer is much closer to her mom's age than her history no i think i think he's probably oh oh oh you already looked it up i already looked it up well there it is i mean she doesn't i'm not i wouldn't say she looks exceptionally old but he looks closer to her age in this movie but what what are their ages uh i think he i think he's he's eight years younger than her mom and oh wow he's like 20 years older than her okay i guess i'm just so used to her being older let's see she was born in 58. what's this guy's name again tom atkins yeah he founded a diet the south beach diet he was born in 35. that's such a dumb joke 35 yeah okay and then what about lee 58. 58. she wasn't born in 58. janet lee not january oh sorry she was she was two in psycho she looked so much older than two in psycho i always see i'm so i was always confused about the the janet lee jamie lee because i always assumed that their leaves were spelled the same way oh what like your your middle name and your sister's middle name yeah but they're both lee and they're both those are middle names like i assumed that she had named her daughter after herself but like that they're not spelled the same i don't i don't know well it's but is is jamie lee curtis her given name i thought it was where is that there was a statement curtis obviously curtis yeah uh so she uh janet lee was born in 1927 okay so 27 to 58 27 to 35. i'm talking about the two women are 27 and 58. yeah so 35 eight years yeah okay so he is older than i thought or she's younger than i thought um yeah that's crazy so super creepy sure i don't think it's super creepy i've seen worse well that's because society tells you that it's totally acceptable for young women to sleep with much older i would say if she were under like eight it would be weird no i know that would be a crime oh right yeah crimes are weird but yeah so uh they're getting a knock at the door while they share a cigarette under the blankets presumably naked looking at her artwork right she's yeah she has like a sketchbook um and uh and someone's knocking at the door and we're getting little glimpses of it through because it's a translucent door and uh the person is knocking like we see from the outside too the person is knocking with a hook right door but then the fog clears and by the time he gets the door to answer it there's nobody there anymore right at the at the stroke of one af after the witching hour right the next morning uh andy the son of stevie who runs the radio station played by adrian barbow andy is walking along the beach and sees a doubloon on the rocks and he goes to pick it up but the water splashes up over it and when the water washes away suddenly there's a big piece of driftwood here and it's a part of the elizabeth dane right it's got the the name on it says dane right and uh so he picks that up because he's like oh cool wood was more interested in the gold i'd probably keep looking for the gold yeah all right i wouldn't assume that it literally transmogrified into wood i would be like oh this is on top of the gold or it fell um but so he takes the uh he takes the big piece of wood um and then we see nick and liz have gone to the docks where the seagrass left because he's trying to meet the guys that are supposed to be back from their fishing trip by now and they never came back uh now we cut over to kathy and sandy well kathy is the the councilwoman she yeah she's not the mayor uh but she is featured more than the mayor is in the movie uh yeah she's a councilwoman she's in charge of putting the together the 100 year celebration right and her assistant sandy is just like sassy come back yeah she's very sarcastic and constantly making fun of kathy but kathy is also not putting up with her [ __ ] right but they have a fun relationship yeah like they they they're not enemies or they don't hate each other it's just just part of what they do yeah so they're here near the church to approve a statue that's being installed to commemorate like the lives lost in the shipwreck right as a memorial and uh they're like oh it's not terrible like they look under they like peek under the sheet and they're like oh it doesn't look as awful as i expected it to um we're cutting back and forth a lot between right them here and uh nick uh and yeah there's essentially three main character groups right um so yeah it's it's the dj mother and her son these the two women that are planning the festivities and uh nick castle and elizabeth right who are investigating the disappearance of this ship so uh they find the the ship but it looks like it's abandoned and they start to move below decks kathy and sandy are driving and kathy explains that in the middle of the night her dog just started barking like facing the ocean just barking out into the ocean and that al never came home that night she's like oh well you should be at home like what are you doing out here and she's like no no i got to keep myself busy and home is the last place i want to go because my dog's driving me crazy um and sandy says that's weird my car alarm went off around the same time which i think we get a shot of right in the earlier montage she's like looking at her window at the car alarm and then suddenly a chair slides across our living room which i feel like that's probably what i would bring up to someone not like yeah my car alarm went off i would be like oh my chair just moved halfway across the room right in front of me um but yeah so they go to visit father malone hal holbrook and he tells them hey so i found this diary uh it's my grandfather's diary it was in the wall here and uh so that shipwreck that happened on purpose wait so this this must not be like a catholic priest right because your grandfather isn't a priest if you're a priest or some i don't know illegitimate things have happened i was a priest like my father and his father before i think that this particular priest has done other things that disqualify him other than having children i think murdering boats full of people is probably worse oh fair enough we don't know that he could be uh the brother no they could be like protestant lutheran i don't know one of them can marry who knows either way uh he's he's like yeah so i started to read this diary but then it got real hot and heavy and i put it down on this page and i didn't read any further but uh what i did read is that uh there was a bunch of lepers and they were gonna start a colony just north of us and this is on the west coast right there in california correct um a fictional town in california right but it was all filmed up in uh like marin county yeah um but uh yeah so they were gonna start a town just north and the fat the grandfather the priest uh was terrified of having a bunch of lepers living there right so they said instead of leading them to shore with a safe lighthouse they're going to start a campfire near the rocks to specifically lure them into crashing their ship right and there were there were six conspirators that all agreed to do this right i don't know why it takes six people to start a campfire he probably could have done it on his own saved a lot of souls but he didn't and so they did this campfire and everything went off without a hitch but it wasn't just to stop the leper colony it was also to they knew that the the guy who was the head of the leprechaun had a lot of gold how does one become the head of a leopard leopard you use the most fingers well i suppose you have the most gold or maybe you have the most fingers that is the in the world of the blind the one-eyed man is king right the world in the skunks the man with half a nose is king [Laughter] i don't know that's from sort of dirty work chris farley wonderful wonderful stuff sing the song boys sing the song boys before me jimmy release the skunks okay i got it i got it i'm on it um but yeah so these leopards struck it rich somehow i think a rich guy got leprosy what i don't think that the left i think it is i think that a rich guy caught the disease now richard maybe you can solve this mystery between us i think that they all had hooks because they're lepers but she says that they're just fishermen and pirates and that's why they have hooks i didn't say they were pirates they're fishermen they but they weren't they were just on a boat traveling on a boat yeah i don't think that they were this is the coast this is what they they have they have their i think they have because they're lepers no that's why all these ghosts have hooks their hands didn't drop off and they didn't replace them with hooks they had fisherman hooks they were the kinds that have handles that you hold on to with whatever fingers you have left captain hook works though well uh here here's what i will say um i disagree that they lost their arms and replaced them with hooks but i also disagree that this is a fishing vessel we'll we'll learn a story later but it's also clearly like a galleon when it pulls up um we'll we'll learn a story later that it seems uh because i have questions about the rules because sure i agree with that some of which are answered by the the novelization of the film yeah because tom atkins says oh there was a time where another ship was lost it's like oh so this doesn't happen every 100 years this happens all the time like it's also just the west coast before you know gps you know you crash into rocks this just happens yeah but the he specifically mentions the gold the balloon and then right well because i'm leading us back into the discovery of the seagrass here part of the plan was not only to kill all these lepers but because they have a lot of gold on board that they can go and recover right but getting back to the sea grass which is part of this where i'm leaving here is that the state of the seagrass where he says like everything's rusted and this isn't that old of a ship yeah it looks like it's been underwater and tom atkins tells a story about his father who had found a ship and like there was a fresh cup of coffee that was in a metal cup that was still steaming hot but the saucer had rusted to the table uh and so whatever uh so these ghosts attack at random it doesn't seem to be anything that particularly that calls it's also weird that we of the three men that were killed on the ship we only find one body and we never we never locate the other two dogs well i kind of wonder if they join the ranks because this body that they find reanimates so yeah so they they uh uh basically after he he says all this stuff and he's like yeah they killed all these people and took all their gold and that's as much as i've read of the diary and you know it's kind of boring yeah it's like i got a lot of breaking bad to catch up on just bored me it was like the sky pilgrim this is boring delete we're fighting over ramona didn't you get my email explaining the situation i skimmed it you will pay for it but yeah he uh they're like okay wow so you're gonna give your speech though uh to talk about the lives that were lost he's like yeah no i'm not going to do that anymore my grandpa murdered all those people yeah this is highly inappropriate we're celebrating murder super offensive for me to give that speech at this point and i love like janet lee like looks at her watches just like like watch us oh wow yeah it's for the best that's crazy anyway uh we gotta go we could still have the festivities the big party for all the murders um and uh and so they're like all right well you know what you don't need to give us nobody needs to go speech we'll just head out um and then nick and liz on the boat find the body one of the three bodies the one with its eyes stabbed out of its head and uh they bring it back to the mainland right um stevie gets the piece of driftwood from her son and takes it to work with her for some reason um she sets it down on a stack of eight tracks and it starts leaking yeah it just starts dripping water magically while she's listening to like the startup recordings in the morning on the radio program and uh before she can start her show suddenly the whole table is wet enough that like it's literally shorting out her equipment there's this weird broadcast playing by itself and the word um dane on this piece of wood has been replaced with the words six must die and she grabs a fire extinguisher to put out the fire of all the equipment catching on fire from oh was that was that the equipment catchy fire i thought the the the piece of the piece of wood could just randomly like after it randomly started leaking it also randomly caught fire i thought it was because it was on top of electronics no no i think it just started cabinet of tapes yeah well either way she puts the whole thing out but then as soon as the fog of the the fog of the extinguisher clears it looks like nothing happened nothing was ever wet but although there is an insert later where you still see water pooling on the table yeah that wasn't on purpose but uh but the recording is pretty haunting i like it it's just like this voice describing like uh i think they they use the word like albatross yeah which is like like wizardry words yeah um but yeah so then now the the board again just says dane it doesn't say six must die anymore um and then at the morgue where they've brought uh dick baxter's corpse um uh it wakes up and jamie lee curtis is left alone in the room with it but isn't paying attention and it grabs a scalpel off of a table and starts to approach her and she freaks out and screams everybody runs into the room and apparently the corpse just collapsed and carved the word three into the floor implying that six must die three on the sea grass have already been killed so there's three left to kill and what is the lesson that we learn here don't give the corpse a scalpel always pay attention and a morgue yeah oh okay that's good too um uh nick decides that uh he should get in touch with kathy and let her know that al is officially missing that he was on board this boat and they're in like a bar where he tells her this but uh and she's obviously freaking out because her husband's missing and the dog was barking all night so she's already like stressed and she has so much going on but she is trying to push it all out of her head and just focus on getting this stuff done but she feels terrible that like the whole night she was mad at al for not coming home and taking care of the dog when it turns out he might have been dead though yeah it probably is dead yeah and uh they also important in the scene with the morgue is that the the temperature drops rapidly right and when the body is waking up yeah and that's the same thing that happened on the seagrass correct yeah the the thermometer was broken at 20 degrees um and the doctor also relays that the body of the guy they brought in had been in in the water for over a month yeah because he says oh you remember those kids that drowned on that shipwreck like they were under the water 10 days i would swear he was under for a long time yeah they weren't implying that those kids were also like attacked or anything related accidentally yeah i think it was just the rocky the dangerous waters dan calls stevie's show and says oh hey how's it going i don't have any information for you she's like oh that's not going to help my broadcast but um she's trying to warn him about a glowing fog that she knows has caused problems she heard on the radio earlier in the day about the seagrass and the people dying on it and she's trying to warn him about it because she can see this glowing fog from her lighthouse and he's like making fun of her and just like haha what are you talking about she's like i'm watching it right now it's coming to where you are where his like observation building is and uh he's just like okay whatever whatever you say anyway there's something glowing outside i gotta go i gotta go there's someone at the door anyway i gotta go let's open up the door i like i like that they have to knock like they can't just well sometimes they seem to break open windows and stuff but they're they're very polite poltergeists i don't know i always felt like knocking is rude though like if there's a doorbell at least try it i guess we don't know for sure but they did uh try a doorbell at andy's house they did that's right yeah they did they did ring the bell um but uh one of the one of the reasons i wanna think i wanna bring up about the cold was uh but that's the that's what generates the fog right the the chair in the air yeah the there's they they create such a field of cold around these ghosts that it it's condensing all the air wherever they go there is no water in this air uh but he's still on the phone with stevie like it's he's yeah he like sets his phone down and walks away like hold on somebody's pranking me gotta go die and uh he goes and answers the door and gets murdered while she's listening so she freaks out because she can hear this happening and just starts telling the radio audience like my son is at home you need to like someone go get him even though she left him with an adult yeah mrs corvitz yeah and so she's like just drive to wherever my house is and take my son he's home alone it's like i hope there's no pedophiles listening to your program like my son is alone there's no way to protect him i left him with a feeble old neighbor woman um so they go there and ring the doorbell apparently the pirates heard the program right and she's watching the fog close in on her house which is also on the coastline she can see all of this from from her radio station and she's also at the same time she's like someone go to my house and get my son i can't do it i have to stay on the air because these oldies aren't going to play themselves i i like you too it's like a very war of the worlds kind of broadcast like she's like like it's crossing fourth street you know it's moving up like she's able to like she has a bird's eye view of everything yeah because she's on top of the she's on the bottom of the top of the yeah she literally can't even see the town from where she is but she's telling that exactly underwater with the tide yeah she's just floating around it's coming up on main street um but yeah so the fog rings the doorbell and uh mrs culverts is like why don't you go in your room for now and goes to answer the door and just gets murdered yeah why why does she answer the door i don't know she's so adamant about like protecting him and like close your windows don't don't you know like do all these things with it i'm gonna go answer the door but they kill mrs cobrats and then move into the house and uh the shadowy figures are getting close to the kid when nick just busts open the opposite window and pulls the kid through this shattered window it just looks super dangerous but this is the point at which they give up on knocking because everyone else has answered the door but the kid does it and they start to smash the door down yeah but uh so yeah so they get the kid out of there throw him in the car with jamie lee curtis and drive basically the fog chases everyone except for stevie to the church stevie's stuck at the radio station and all the other townspeople right yeah everyone is there uh because that's where they're unveiling the statue and doing this but they all the townspeople vanish because yes everybody's gone except for the six main characters and then they get to the the church and then you have nick and liz get there and andy and the and the priest basically that's everybody and adrian bravo in the lighthouse right um and so she's still trying to give everyone updates on where the fog is and they're like literally like listening live and making u-turns as she tells them that a street is being taken over there's a lot of really cool visual effects here that actually kind of threw me off because like it's a it's a comp job of a city street plus maybe a miniature yeah of fog being blown through uh uh probably fully black or like matte black replication so we can roll over it so yeah it's actually matching the texture of the street as it rolls toward camera it's a very convincing effect um it cuts off the the power yeah the fog gets into the generator yeah and it's just basically trying to shut the whole town down as on its way to this church um so the ghosts meanwhile have basically swarmed the the lighthouse and the power has gone out like you said the generator has been roasted and so she goes to start up like a backup generator to get the electricity to come back um and they end up the ghosts end up chasing her to the roof of the lighthouse and she's like literally fighting off two of them at the same time but she's not kicking at them which bothers me when it's happening because it's just like just kick them off the roof like your legs are pointed at the bad guys and and she's just like swinging at them with her hand one of them hooks her yeah the next and the neck and i thought i was like oh okay i wasn't expecting her to go but then she just kind of doesn't react to that afterward um but back at the church they decide you know what there were some other pages in this diary maybe i should keep reading and then he's like basically finds out that the gold is there in the church and then if you give it back to ghost blake then yeah everyone will leave you alone and where was it hidden two inches behind where the diamond yeah if he just inspected the hole a little closer he would have already found it but uh it's literally been all the gold has been melted down into a crucifix which feels just like doubly insulting to the memory of the people who yeah we took all of your gold and then made it into the symbol of what we believe in but i obviously don't because i orchestrated all your murders that thing is huge yeah there's no way in hell that guy would be able to carry that thing like yeah you know i mean the the cross was i mean it was probably it probably weighed as much two or three feet you know if not more yeah but he so he's just lifting it with his arms and he walks it out to where all these like ghost pirates are walking through and uh he calls to blake specifically blake i have your gold i've come to return your gold and the person playing ghost blake do you see who it is yeah rob boutin rob boutin is playing ghost blake who does all of john carpenter's cool special effects yeah and uh also some for joe dante but explorers and good stuff um but yeah he's playing the ghost character here and uh he gives ghost blake the gold and then all the ghosts disappear but i love the effect the the really brightly washed out cross when yes when it's in their hands just because it's the only you can tell they're hitting it with a spotlight though because there's a reflection of it on the wall yeah yeah but but it's just it's just so intensely bright but you can still see everything else yeah it's very cool it's very it's very uh precise lighting mm-hmm um but yeah but yeah everything everything is kind of like it's like okay yeah and barbo is like on the roof of her radio station and all the ghosts are just gone and she's like oh i guess i can climb down now i'm also bleeding from the jugular but i guess i can climb down now and uh basically everyone is suddenly gone and father malone is there by himself and he's like why not me even though the answer is you gave the gold back in accordance with the explanation in the diary but then blake shows up and it's like oh yeah you're right i missed one thank god you reminded me because i was about to disappear for 100 years but uh here and then he stabs him or cuts his head because it cuts his head off yeah and that but that makes six then again so like even though he's got his gold back he's still like out for vengeance yeah well he's he is he that was the sixth death so he got his gold back and he killed the six people well and see uh and that's why again when i get back into the rules of these ghosts because father malone is a direct descendant of one of the conspirators according to the novelization everyone who dies is a direct descendant all right it's not cleared up in the movie yeah it's not specified in the movie but it's quite impossible with who dies in the movie that that is yes it's entirely possible with who dies in the movie but if you knew that to begin with you would know that jamie lee curtis is safe that andy is safe that adrian barbeau is safe even though they're getting attacked yeah why are they going after these ones that aren't i don't know descendants because because the rules because they're those are the lepers that lost their eyeballs i don't know um the rappers that lost his way everyone here is now blinder for having lost their eyeballs [Laughter] but yeah that's the end of the movie is him chopping off holbrook's head yeah classic really solid and john carpenter does this a lot with his like last shots of the movie or just like oh yeah here's that other thing you wanted to happen um this was his fourth feature after darkstar which we talked about before precinct 13 which also had atkins yeah and uh halloween obviously which also had jamie lee curtis this was her second movie um deborah hill who co-wrote this with john carpenter also wrote halloween one and two and she came back to write escape from la but those are the only john carpenter movies that she wrote right right um adrian barbeau was stevie wayne on the radio uh she's in four john carpenter movies presumably all during their marriage yeah um so she was before this she was in a tv movie called someone's watching me she was in this and she was in escape from new york and the thing um but she also appears in a lot of horror movies uh she was in cannibal run which isn't a horror movie but she was in creep show um swamp thing she was the uncredited voice of central and judge dredd huh um oh when you said the thing i was like there's no women in the thing but then i just looked her up and i was like oh she's the voice of that yeah yeah she she might bear it yeah exactly there's no women in the thing um yeah that wouldn't be a safe situation for a woman to be in the middle of the antarctic with a bunch of creepy dudes um she also adrien barbeau was uh in the recent reboot of creep show that uh greg nicotero has been producing and uh she was she also had a part on dc's swamp thing show um because she had appeared on the the original sword right um jamie lee curtis yeah this is her second movie after halloween she was also an uncredited computer voice in a john carpenter movie which was escape from new york um and obviously she's in a bunch of really cool stuff trading places fish called wanda true lies yeah to name a few jamie lee curtis obviously people know who she is and she just started a new trilogy of halloween movies that john carpenter is producing um she's the first one is out already and the next two are going to come out on the next two halloweens yeah i can't believe that they're making even more i think david gordon green's doing all three of them and i wouldn't be surprised if danny mcbride is writing all three of them because he wrote the first one and it's it's what halloween kills or something like that yeah uh halloween halloween kills and halloween ends i think are the three um and janet lee obviously her mother uh who was in psycho um and by by birdie and manchurian candidate right a lot of uh old school classics uh john houseman who's only in that that first scene is great yeah and and obviously like i would reference screw scrooge to write uh because i i thought he was a more prominent actor but i guess he's just mostly from the paper chase yeah but i guess he's like a huge he was a huge producer and he's a stage actor a lot of the time too and uh and so like i was really unfamiliar with his career yeah other than seeing him and things like and even like the naked gun where he's the right school instructor but uh he has an oscar for the paper chase in 1973 which was only his third film even though he was like 71 years old when that movie came out um but for a long time he was like the head of the acting classes at juilliard um and so he taught like a bunch of like famous actors like robin williams i think was one of his students um and uh so paperchase was his third movie before that he had done frankenheimer's seven days in may in 1963 and orson welles is too much johnson in 38 that's my high school nickname um but yeah so from 1938 to 1963 is a huge gap in your feature film appearances and then from there to 71 another eight years and then nine years to this movie so it's odd uh very sporadic but he's also in three days of the condor and rollerball and yeah he'll show up later this year in holy moses tom atkins as nick castle which we talked about already yeah um well he was in the third house he was in the third halloween movie he also appears in an escape from new york and as well as like a million other bee oh yeah yeah lots of crazy horror and sci-fi movies um and he'll show up again uh in about three weeks uh eight episodes from now for the ninth configuration um charles cyphers is uh dan o'bannon the guy calling in with all the weather updates he's also on halloween and precinct 13 before this and uh he plays an interrogator and loaded weapon one which i need to rewatch because i like that movie even the title makes me laugh still i like him in uh night of the creeps i don't know that one uh it's a it's a weird little move it's a fred decker so it's like okay from uh monster squad squad yeah uh but it's yeah it's a it's a weird little horror film but he's great in it um and yeah sandy the assistant to kathy uh isn't is uh nancy kai's but she's credited as nancy loomis which loomis is obviously a halloween reference oh okay i don't i don't get the reference dr loomis oh dr loomis okay yeah the donald pleasant's character from halloween who is played by malcolm mcdowell in the remake um but yeah she was in precinct 13 and the first three halloweens um hal holbrook as father malone um is this is the second deep throat that we've dealt with the first one was in the porn film deep throat and how holbrook played deep throat in all the president's men both technically deep throat actors after harry reims from uh to all the good night and hal holbrook mostly known for playing mark twain uh i mean he's had a career that spans like 50 years and he's still doing stuff yeah but but he's like i mean he's he's like sons of anarchy right he's he's just around all the time he'll play the president later this year in a movie called the kidnapping of a president and uh he was in cr with a creep show about the crate with the monster oh that's such a great one too um and then there's this guy uh george buck flower who played tommy wallace one of the three guys on the boat and his career is just fascinating i'm so jealous of the parts that he's played so he's in four other john carpenter movies they work together a lot but he plays a bum in back to the futures one and two he plays a drifter and they live he plays a homeless man in wish master with our friend tammy lauren um he plays a security guard in mac and me he played a 49er on briscoe county junior and he plays a character named norville and tammy on the t-rex it's just an amazing career i think mac and me and tammy the t-rex are the same director he's not the bum the red the former mayor in back to the future is he no he's just credited as bum so i would assume he's not read but he's he's literally in the first and second movie so i would imagine that it's a significant enough part that they brought him back to play the character again unless he's literally in some other reused footage yeah yeah um but yeah um how would you say this is aged i think this is pretty solid yeah i think it's done pretty well i think it's still a fun horror movie i mean to be honest a lot of the it had a really it had really cool shots in it and i think that that's just john carpenter and rob botton are just amazing well and dean cundy did the was the tv oh okay yeah also back to the future yeah yeah and i think it's it's it's these films and some of the other ones around this time that john carpenter were doing that was defining you know the horror genre and like establishing what people do still to this day yeah with some of those shots okay the fog is this uh is this a must watch i say yeah i think you should watch it i agree i don't think there is a don't watch a carpenter it's a it's like it's a watch well i mean later at carpenter you can we can i disagree [Laughter] already um yeah no this is this is definitely worth checking out i thoroughly enjoyed it and would watch it again yeah well i think um letterboxed for me that uh this might go on top i i still like uh my brilliant career better but otherwise this was in second place for me above american gigolo uh definitely above american gigolo [Music] i think i feel bad that i'm always this uh but i'm with jesse again on this richard and i just have similar tastes in film it'll it'll happen i don't like what's going on here [Laughter] i think just in terms of like i think the pacing is really solid in this there were parts of my brilliant career for me that dragged a little bit compared to this but i feel like um yeah i think i'm comfortable putting this on top um i think that's everything for this one uh if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed where as i've said many times you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you find the time please leave us a review and we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon at patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you will join us next time when we will be discussing hero at large which wikipedia describes thusly steve nichols john ritter is a struggling new york city actor who accepts the job of posing as a comic book hero for a movie he's hired to help promote after he stops a robbery while wearing the captain avenger costume his life becomes unexpectedly complicated nichols decides to continue playing superhero and discovers that a hero's life is more complex than he expected so it sounds like a comedy kick-ass type story uh we leave you now with the audio for the trailer for hero at large somewhere in the heart of this city in a small shop closing for the night a robbery is in progress but help is on the way mind if i drop in captain [Music] john ritter is steve nichols how about that hero at large who are you j edgar hoover i'm captain avenger such a nice boy he can't fly tomorrow i'm leaping over a tall building at a single bound wrong guy i'm expanding he can't bend steel i'm in big trouble fighting crime is a dirty business but when there's danger he can't turn away you're a crazy man he dresses up in a comic book suit and goes around doing good deeds hold it right there don't make another move if they're gonna use real bullets i think i'll retire he's loved by women i'm not always this easy i bet you say that to all the girls cheered by men they want their superhero and all he stands for to hold on to and worshipped by children captain avenger yes sir let's see a fly a hero's work is never done he's nutty but noble i'm counting to three milo who the hell is that this is robert redford he's dizzy but dedicated people putting themselves on the line for other people that's what being a hero is but he's really just an actor who got carried away with a role it's just like any other part you gotta really get into it captain avenger who send you out in these missions anyway your agent i took a third-rate movie made it the biggest hit of the year with a simple gimmick captain avenger comes to your neighborhood authorities are still wondering who the man in the red blue and yellow costume with a large a on his chest really is it's me steve nichols all he knows about heroes is that people need one uh yeah i heard it a couple of times all he could do was make himself hero at large well i think it's really terrific john ritter ann archer bert convey and kevin mccarthy hero at large at last help is on the way