we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films [Music] welcome to vintage video where we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of mad max on february 15 1980. the story was written by george miller and byron kennedy adapted to screenplay by george miller and james mccosland and directed by george miller and released by roadshow film distributors um although it's at the beginning of the movie here it has american international or something like that yeah i i did not recognize the logo when it came up yeah it's it's the company that bought the the international distribution rights for it um it was shot for 350 000 over the course of 12 weeks and made 100 million dollars in the us box office alone which is the best turnaround until the blair witch project in terms of ratio which which uh which cost like 60 000 i can't even believe it cost that much well apparently it cost 60 000 but it made 248 million yeah that's crazy insane um george miller was a medical doctor who literally doctored out of a car do you know where to raise money to make this movie do you know what holds the the number one spot now paranormal activity yeah is it yeah which is insane because because that was sick about 60 000 too right 15 000. oh was it really literally shot it like in his house on his own like that's funny yeah fifteen thousand dollars made 193 million isn't that crazy respond how many sequels like how many residual checks at least four sequels yeah i was gonna say there's been four and they were in the second one right or were they not in anything oh they they were in a cameo in the second yeah yeah they they made a small appearance yeah i'm not a big fan of the second one it's a good franchise you know the director of third or fourth one i think it's third and fourth one he edited the the first one though right wasn't he an editor on the the second one what's his name greg yeah greg plotkin yeah yeah he was an editor with in your editorial office for the backup plan correct yes wonderful jlo vehicle that was when jlo laughed at your joke oh at the wrap party yeah yeah i'm funny um so yeah he uh george miller literally raised money by by doing house calls driving around with his friends i think that's really weird like yeah can you just be a like traveling physician like is that something you could just do the future of american healthcare it's going to be like uber you got like you're going to have like jim dale and pete's dragon just going from town to town yeah uber uber red and they just call an ambulance to your house well but work on it but he saw so much like carnage when he was yeah a lot of the specific accidents that resulted from the script let's write these terrible things into a movie that'll be really delightful or it was like a nightcrawler situation and he was just filming accidents as he arrived on the scene as a dancer and then started causing them eventually because he was addicted well his original plan was to have it be like a reporter or something like that right but you know he couldn't figure out why a reporter would like be in all these places and have their family killed and all this stuff well apparently the germ of the the story idea came from an australian gas shortage uh because george miller and uh byron kennedy who he was writing it with um were noticing the violent lengths that people were going to to keep their cars mobile like someone would try and cut off a line at a gas station and people would threaten to beat the crap out right and if this is what happens when people are out of gas for a short period of time like that were totally civil a day or two ago like what are we going to do if there's a legitimate long-term gas station well like the trigger effect yeah um apparently judy davis accompanied her classmates uh mel gibson and uh bisley who plays goose um to their auditions for the movie right and you'll remember judy davis from from our first my brilliant career is that our first review uh not our first review i think it was our third review but it was our first australian review this is our first this is our it was our first good movie yes this one seems a lot more dangerous in terms of the stunt work than the sequels because i i know that george miller kind of at this point is has been priding himself on how safe the set was for fury road uh george miller has gone on to direct every installment of this franchise that's far and happy feet yeah and happy feet and baby pig in the city yeah just like he's got a style yeah it's all post-apocalyptic um but yeah this first one it just seems like they're being a little bit less secure about everything and obviously it was super low budget so none of the roads were officially closed yeah it was just it was like gorilla filmmaking and there's a lot of like camera people hanging off of motorcycles going like over 100 miles an hour yeah well all of the crashes were apparently done in a single tape like yeah i'm sure they didn't they didn't have you cars or motorcycles so it's just one take one and done yeah apparently the woman who played max's wife ended up being recast after a bike accident um i don't know i don't think that happened on set i think because there's no scenes where his wife is in a vehicle or in a motorcycle anyway well not anymore maybe they kind of maybe they get that well yeah maybe i don't know well and plus it's one of those situations i think just if you're on set and there's an accident on set and it's then it's the liability of the producers and the filmmakers uh the soundtrack was produced by brian may not that brian may yeah brian may i was really excited for this it was much less freddie mercury than i expected well sorry that got me that tickled me just right no brian may uh because he did another australian film that i really like uh music for uh the quest with henry thomas so what's the other title for that uh the frog dreaming or also the go kids that has a lot of titles yeah just international titles or um yeah i think yeah i think in australia it was released under the frog dreaming okay uh but uh he also did another henry thomas movie cloak and dagger cloak and dagger oh cool and i was so i was like oh my gosh because i was listening brian may did that one yeah oh cool was that actually based on a comic book cloak and dagger yeah um there is a comic book called cloak and dagger but i think it's totally this one it's just a it's like a cold war buy stuff yeah oh okay it's what it's the movie that the band cold war kids was based on that's not true but uh i i i fans aren't based on movies who knows no none of them i guess blink 182 is a reference to how many times tony montana says the f word in the movie scarface and uh and you have fallout boys like 182 wasn't how many times ben half like blinked per minute in phantoms no that's that's also it works for both uh what i was gonna say is uh i was just listening to the music for this movie i got this familiar tone to it sure yeah and i was like i wonder if what other movies i've heard this type of music in and that's what led me to the quest in cloak and dagger i just think it's funny that both of them were henry thomas uh vehicles that is cool for his performance in this movie because he wasn't a huge actor at the time mel gibson was paid ten thousand dollars and the interceptor that he drives at the end of the film cost thirty five thousand dollars to make so three times his budget for the movie oh yeah a lot of the cars were actual cars that had just been heavily modified right like stuff's thrown on them which obviously they expanded on in the sequence that blue van at the beginning like it's like all smashed up it's just george miller's band right well it was it's the same as the van that he had it wasn't his actual van oh i thought it was his van but that that van the one that they used for that shot was like the shell of a car like it didn't have an engine it had no internal parts so that there was nothing to like completely damage the car that they were crashing into it with and they literally had two people just push it into the street before they hit it with the car so that it would look like it was at least in motion oh that's funny um we opened with a credit that says a few years from now which was added in post when they realized like everywhere that we shot looks kind of crappy and empty and cheap let's just pretend that this takes place in like some terrible future yeah which like terrible australia right like thank god that they did that because it just spurred like all of the rest of this crazy yeah because people think it's about that type of world yeah people think mad max it like the whole franchise has always been that way and it's like no they shot the entire first movie before they decided like maybe this takes place in the future maybe that's why everything looks so gross well i was super confused about the whole timeline because i hadn't i had never actually seen this one i didn't realize that that i had started the franchise with road warrior and so i didn't know and like i started watching this movie and i'm like wait i know that i know this franchise it's all post-apocalyptic and this really isn't that like he has a regular house and a regular family and a regular job there's a few things that like are otherworldly or like kind of set you off a little bit like the cars that the cops are driving the fact that the point of these pursuits is to cause a fatal accident for the most part um you hear some stuff going on over the radio in the background yeah uh they talk about like curfews and things like that and you and i think there's even stuff about like like uh they talk about supplies and whatnot rationing and things like that and there's also a sign over one of the roads at the beginning that says this is a high fatality road 57 deaths this year so it's like it's at least a hyper violent version of the world that we know and they have a prohibited like zone like areas areas that you just don't even go to because it's either too toxic or there's no protection for you there um and we start the scene in a high speed chase uh with knight rider not not that a guy who calls himself a knight rider i was very confused how this woman was driving the car australia richard i was like she's just crazy she's not even holding onto the steering wheel and that guy's holding on to that weird steering wheel on the passenger side um but he's uh he's shouting as he drives he seems like he's like intoxicated in some way and he's saying do you see me toe cutter do you see me man well he just escaped from uh custody right but him saying do you see me reminds me of in fury road how that kind of evolved into the witnesses um but yeah so uh he's driving around uh he's basically baiting these cops into chasing him very nearly misses a kid that wanders into the road yeah um and uh just totally destroys that blue van that got pushed out in front of him while he's being chased um one of the other police cars that's chasing him drives through like a trailer and the guy i think it's the guy in the passenger seat literally like his throat gets slit on right bull that was in the trailer he's like oh he cut his neck on a saucer we're going to need a meat wagon or something like that but he lives and then throughout the rest of the movie he's got like one of those little voice microphones like i didn't realize that was the same guy um yeah i have to say that this opening chase as exciting as it was ends really anticlimactic yeah like most of the chases yeah it's funny like i remember this movie as being like it's extremely violent i feel like the whole franchise has that reputation of being extremely violent but i honestly felt like there's a lot of pulled punches over the course of the film yeah um that seems budgetary though yeah sure but i also think that george miller himself made the point that it's like people think of this as a super violent movie but there's honestly like 180 frames of like actual violence happening the rest of it is implied or happens off camera yeah i i would even pose like this is like one of my notes here i think mad max himself only actually kills two people everyone else survives that or suicides yeah or suicides uh but like by his own hand he only shoots one guy well are yeah you but you're so you're saying he didn't kill knight rider no i'd rather kill himself well knight rider wasn't trying to die though he said he was a suicide machine well yeah he did say that but yeah he he clearly was surprised at the moment of death his eyes were bulging out of his head wait which two people are you considering he killed the ones that he shot well the one the one that he shot and the one that he blew up the one that he blew up yeah otherwise everyone else died as a result of either being stupid or not paying just narrowly avoiding his car well but like if he chases them into their own death like i feel like he's got some responsibility i agree that there is some responsibility but richard's only going to convict him on the direct manslaughter but yeah so and we get this shot well i don't know if it's the exact same bulging eyes but we get this shot twice of a person's eyes bulging out of their head right before the moment of impact yeah i don't know they must have just found an actor that could like do that crazy thing because that is insane looking uh he uses the same thing in uh the terror at uh thirty thousand feet segment of the twilight zone movie oh did you direct this section of that yeah that's why it's so great uh but yeah he uses the same eye bulging thing and i think it's a prosthetic in that movie yeah i think it is here too but it it is clearly based on those people that can push their eyes out of their head but there's more going on than just the eye it's like weird like red veins and blood and stuff uh it kind of looks like the dude in a big trouble in a little channel and his head is about to explode oh see i was i was going to go i was going to go to a recall i was going to go yeah is that a robot face the total recall one i don't know if rob button boutin right we decided he's a canadian delicacy i can't remember if he did total recall it seems it seems up his alley yeah um but yeah so mad max i would say kills this guy by chasing him into his own death even even though you make a fair argument he did claim to be a suicide machine and a properly functioning suicide machine would kill itself um then we go so we show max at his house and he's sort of playing with his kid on the counter and we hear this like saxophone like bluesy saxophone music and you just think it's like like oh he's like a single dad and he's taking care of his kid and it's like hard life and then it pans across the room and his wife is actually playing the saxophone that you're here but uh it's very funny and he puts on this like mask yeah like and it's supposed to be like some kind of like bonding thing because he he's clutching it later in the movie like yeah it's so important this horrific stupid mask and i was like this is what you have to remember yeah uh but uh yeah it's it's a really nice house comparatively to everything else like even the police that's the nicest building in the whole movie yeah and because later on they go on vacation it's like why why did you leave because they hadn't invented staycations yet so um he's going off to leave because he got a call from goose saying i got something to show you um and he tells his wife oh goose wants me down at the station early today so i gotta go and she's like no don't go and she follows him out of the building and then she does this weird hand gesture where she like points at her head and then points it two fingers on the side of her hand and then points at him and he's like what does that mean and she's like i'm crazy about you he's like oh and he gets in his car and leaves this is not sign language it's not yeah it's not any versatility it's just actually crazy i don't know if the if it's just supposed to be like a joke that she makes up signals and then tells him what they mean like no it's crazy like cuckoo but she's like richard is uh swinging his uh finger around his ear and then he did the gesture it's like cut it out but she didn't say she didn't go one two three four and count off four fingers she pointed at two of them and then pointed to the side of her hand and then points at him and then he says i'm crazy about you so it's not even like don't try and make sense of this she was just being weird no i wanted a movie i want richard to continue to do gestures that people can't see over a podcast this is the language that only richard and this actress speak um but yeah so he goes to the station and finds out that what goose wanted to show him was this really cool car the last of the v8 interceptors yes they they've souped up this vehicle with with basically parts that they stripped from other vehicles um and this is the car that's the 35 000 budget car well except it wasn't like an actual engine like the part of the engine that sticks out of the car that's supposed to be all like fancy and stuff like that like was just a prop where they would like turn on and off the belt so there's scenes in the in the film where you can see it like not running when it ought to be running oh i didn't even see that that's funny but uh yeah they rev it up a lot but he doesn't actually take it out for a spin here in this scene they're just showing it to them and then they they all get to work um the bikers this gang of bikers led by this guy named tow cutter are harassing this small town which you pointed out looks a lot like the town from um oh yeah it's um it's obviously this is australia so it wouldn't be the same town but the the town from two wong fu thanks for everything julian yeah yeah that movie it looks exactly the same but you know i looked up the shooting locations that was shot completely in the u.s yeah so it wasn't that town but at first you were like was this the town from priscilla queen in the desert because that was shot in australia and it's also about a bunch of drugs and my brain confused the two babies because you know but uh but it did look like that town um but so they're there to pick up the remains of the knight rider who died in the explosion um i don't think i mean they know that he died in a chase with the police but they don't know that it was max rockatowski or rokatansky specifically right so they're never after him specifically for the whole movie in fact no it's always it's like about his wife that's the only they're well they're they're trying to kill all of the people that he works with and his wife and child but they don't even know he exists like they're like the scarlet witch of their thanos situation like they didn't even know that he was around and the whole time he's just been killing everyone that they that max cares about like he they the the toe cutter guy doesn't even see mad max until the very end of the movie yeah that's the first time they meet yeah but um but so they're there to pick up his remains which i guess are small parts because they're in like a child-sized coffin right but but also who who paid for the coffin yeah who tucked all these limbs lovingly into a small box and shipped them to a gang of bikers yeah like they're they're nomadic bikers like all the pieces from that the shelf and cruising so they just have all the arms and legs that the miscellaneous file now we have enough here for a full body oh man we can bury a person today another frankenstein monster for the pit um but the guy in the town is like oh yeah i got your friend here uh and they're like picking on this old man because he's not he's not taking the situation seriously enough um and then what as they're harassing him a a nearby couple that are like making out in their car see what's going on and they're like oh this is like a problem these people are super violent we got to get out of here yeah this is what i i don't understand what i was worried that i missed something i was like what what sparked this chase other than i think it was just that they were scared yeah yeah but if they hadn't left they probably would have been fine or if they left quietly but instead the kid gets in the car and like skids around in a circle and drives off down a dirt road right basically inviting all these people to chase him down and so they do and and it's just one of those situations like where you're in a car surrounded by motorcycles and you don't hit your brake you don't try to swerve into them you just continue to drive straight yeah the whole time i was just like just knock them off the road yeah they're right next to you just hit your brakes and then you they're gonna go past you and you go forward and i don't know well aren't you guys good at evading motorcycle mobs don't worry we'll we'll figure it out we'll be okay my note for this is what do the guy in the card do yeah why are they gonna kill no they're just crazy they're just crazy people who who like a challenge it's like if you run away from a cat and the cat's like oh we're playing a game i'm gonna eat you cats do that they eat people big cats do that's true um so yeah they uh they basically get this car disabled and attack these people on the side of the road and then uh max and goose pull up and they see the the guy that was driving the car running through a field completely naked yeah with and his ass is bright red yes uh i was just like oh man he's bleeding out of it yeah it's a mess and they get up to the car and the girl is surprisingly like not stripped or murdered like she's she's just well she's chained yeah she's chained to the car and the top thing yeah the whole top has been chopped off but then one of the bikers got like left behind right because he was like too high to ride i guess yeah so everybody left him there and so then goose flips out on the guy and and they try to help the girl and uh they yeah that moment really bothered me like goose is standing there like ready to help the girl but he's like tugging on her chain that's like attached to her i'm like dude this is not how you react to a victim of you know this brutal you know rape or whatever whatever just happened yeah um so he helps her up and they get in the car and they have this other guy well do they they don't all get in the car right like you're not gonna make this girl sit in the back seat of a car with the guy that was left behind with her but there was only one car there that worked yeah so they must have put the two of them in the back seat with each other unless the guy went in the trunk yeah or yeah or or just put them in the right car as they tow it yeah maybe but uh because it's in the because it's in the police impound right they take him to the precinct so maybe that is what they did no one arrives to testify against this guy right because the dude that ran off just so apparently people have to like implement that i mean like like like implicate them in this thing in order to move so i mean someone has to charge someone has to you know say that the crime was committed yeah because they didn't see him do anything they just saw the aftermath so they would need at least a testimony of one of the victims and for that person to be pressing charges because otherwise it's just like i don't know what he did to these people nobody said anything and nobody comes forward to talk to them so the bikers come to basically pick up their buddy and they threaten goose goose freaks out yeah a lot it's a it almost reminded me of the they put on the glasses scene yeah or it's like okay this fight's over now no no no he's back into it again yeah and i i thought goose was just gonna kill this guy in the parking lot but the guy ends up getting away i mean he gets roughed up real good but he ends up getting away but then the next day because of him roughing up the guy and catching him in the first place goose is like he's attacked on the road i'm i wasn't really clear on how they booby-trapped this road so that he would just fly up into the air and off the side of it i i i'm assuming it's slick with oil or something uh when he's on the motorcycle i mean yeah i don't know if it was because his leg was injured and he couldn't like couldn't apply the both brakes or something like that yeah what because usually a motorcycle has you have the hand brake but you i think you still also have an actual pedal brake but they control different wheels uh or they apply power maybe they did something to the bike i don't know if they did something to the bike but because the the different the different brakes applied pressure to the different wheels at different rates so it's not it's like it's not like 100 50 50. it's like it's like it's like 70 30. um and if he couldn't get the one break and he had to use the other one it could have could have caused him to lose control but i just feel like it does it's not it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be his fault that he crashed i thought the implication was that either the road or the bike are booby-trapped but goose goes flying off the side of the road and knocked unconscious and he wakes up later which seems like a really weird choice because like he brings back this this tow truck or whatever to like throw his bike into and like they waited for him to be uncon they waited while he was unconscious in this field for a ridiculously long time to wake up and then like go get his bike and a tow truck and all this stuff and then they attacked him again see that's why i think that the motorcycle but it was just an accident it was he was angry and he was blowing off steam so he was going too fast and oh okay maybe um then then that would explain why they didn't do anything while he was unconscious because they didn't even know he was there because that wasn't part of their so it was just he just got in an accident like oh hey look there's that dude that we hate yeah or there's there's some people to attack yeah that's true you mean like even though they like they these guys are responsible for their you know night riders death and you know like yeah they're just like oh goodness another another random act of violence yeah so they flipped the tow truck off the side of the road but goose is strapped into it so he's stuck hanging upside down and then toe cutter goes and dumps gasoline all over it and then he gives the match too what's the other johnny the boy johnny the boy who doesn't want to do it right he and i don't break across this bridge does he do it eventually um i think they they're they're they're kind of like scuffling in the back and then they drive yeah because it seemed like even in the end he didn't actually do it um but they torched this car with goose in it so he's dead or not no he's not dead he's not dead like i always in my head think that he's dead but he's not dead oh this is a very important moment right um so max uh goes to visit him in the hospital after he hears what happened and he's he's not goose anymore he's his goose is cooked so uh max baby nope goose is just an unlucky name it's like top gun yeah i was just thinking that and that was after this he's just ripping off george miller come on toys i can kill goose too oh wait you're not around anymore that's crazy tony scott wrong kid died yeah so he quits his job max quits his job or he tries to quit well yeah because this incident just kind of puts him over the edge and like he he can't do it anymore he's like you know like i don't want to become what i see out there on the road yeah and he yells in the chief's face and the chief like you pointed out he looks a lot like the guy from uh the indiana jones yeah that gets hit by the propeller yeah um but he's just shouting in his face and he's like no no we need you max we gotta keep you out there if if if the cowboy bebop movie was made at this time this guy would play jet black for sure that would be like he was because he's already like watering plants as shirtless yeah he's this huge muscle-bound guy but he's wearing like a tie his name is fifi is it really that's great uh but so does he talk him out of quitting because he does leave the office yeah he tells them to take a vacation instead like go take a vacation just like blow off some steam and then before you decide like right so he goes home and he's like this is the nicest house in all of australia let's leave it for a week and go on the road um so he packs up his wife and kids and leaves um and the kids name what what is the kid's name sprog frog sprog yeah i had to look that one up because i'm like what the heck is she shouting right now obviously at the time uh mr gibson had a very thick australian accent so i was miss hearing this every time he said it but sprog that's wonderful and in this movie like i can't tell you the number of times i was like who is watching their child where is their kid like there are so many scenes where you're like okay the kid was just with them like a minute ago i know he's just gone and now like he's nowhere to be i mean i know it was probably like a restriction of their shooting ability with the kid because shooting with kids is just you know ridiculous there's also 1980 people didn't watch their kids in like two years but it just seems really weird that like there's no like there's so little recognition of i should be watching my child right now and it's not even she goes to the attention right yeah she goes to the beach and then when she comes back looking for the kid who like left it on a blanket it's like where's she she fell asleep on the beach and like while she fell asleep on the beach her dog ran away like it was like she went to the beach and fell asleep and max was like working on the car the the last time we saw the kitty was just in the middle of a field playing with toys and she just walked away from well i think they she she finds the dog in the woods right well yeah yeah exactly so uh the first thing that happens they have some car trouble they get a flat tire or their spare needs fixing yeah like they i guess they they had a flat and they changed it out but now they want to get the spare replace so that they have it for the next time um so they pull over to this mechanic and he says oh you know there's an ice cream shop right over there a bunch of murderous spikers just went over there [Laughter] and so they're like oh cool my kid loves ice cream what do you say about bikers and he said anyway what you need a spare tire um so she goes to the ice cream shop while max is like hashing out the deal with this guy um they come out of the ice cream store eating their ice cream presumably unfazed by the certainly dead staff of this ice cream well like they just scooped it up themselves because they were like are you guys you guys alive no all right what do you want butterscotch as the exit there is a very creepy like meowing and buying happening yeah they're they're making weird sounds as they're following her they're just a crew of animals and uh she immediately gets picks up the kid and starts hightailing it out as fast as she can um she gets to the car and starts it up and as she's driving away one of the guys decides here's what i'm going to do i'm going to tie a chain around my hand and i'm going to whip it around the back of the car so that if i catch onto the car she can't possibly get away from me but she's driving fast enough at this point that it just tears his hand completely off which is a great reveal yeah so you just see him throw this chain and it whips around the car and it connects but it looks like oh he just let go of the chain yeah but then when she pulls up next to max she's like you got to get in the car right now and he's like well i didn't finish paying this guy and he's like get in the car and they leave and then the bikers come out and they're like which way do they go and the mechanics like i think they were going north somewhere so that's how they figure out where to go but what i love is she loads the kid in the back of the car and then does like a full-on like drift in the parking lot yeah and the kid's not in a seat he's just sitting rolling around in the back yeah it's 1980. yeah that's sprog for you but then they continue on like nothing happened i'm assuming she must have told him that oh yeah there was oh the reason that i freaked out back there yeah a bunch of bikers tried to murder me and your son yeah and it's like but don't worry mad max they're a leader i'm so mad that they call me mad max but i'm not gonna turn around and do anything about that that's okay that people tried to murder you let's let that ruin our vacation where we just fixed this car over and over again so they pull up to some ranch that i guess they know the people there yeah um and max decides to finish the work that the mechanic started by doing something to the car and she decides she's gonna go down to the beach and just go to sleep who knows where baby sprog is yeah and the beach is like four miles away or something yeah she has to walk like through a forest and down a hill and and then she just lays down in the middle of the beach and goes to sleep and we see the dog like lured off somewhere but by the time she wakes up she's like huh my dog ran away oh well it's not like uh well he knows his way around and it's like oh wait we've never been here but um so she walks back up to the car but on her way through the woods suddenly she gets hit in the face with the dog's remains yeah hanging from a tree um and that's when she realizes that things are bad i i love i love that every time she looks back they're just going behind some trees yeah so you just always catch a glimpse of them just going into hiring which is how i hide from the kids whenever we're playing games i like wait until they start to look at me and then i move behind something it's a fun way to terrify people but then she encounters uh the property owner's uh mentally handicapped son right uh which is also a kind of kind of a common theme in a lot of these mad max movies that there's always like a mama's boy brute yeah yeah uh and uh and so but she's creeped out i think because i think she just wasn't expecting or she doesn't know if he's responsible for what's going on yeah but uh so she continues from runs gets back to the house but she's now alive and the old woman is like oh no he's just this is my son he's he's very kind and he's he's just a baby well something terrible happened and we need to go now i need to find max where is my son where's my son and starts freaking out so another instance of like i guess child neglect so like you know they they like take off like this woman is starting to protect like you know uh the woman that lives at the range of the woman yeah the older woman that lives at the ranch is like protecting her and and sprog and they like take off but like no regard for this mentally handicapped boy who clearly had nothing to do with this that right they leave him behind with a bunch of murderous bites you left him behind with these murderous guys well and max yeah they left max um but before they even leave max and and the big boy um they find the kid with the bikers um because they they pick the kid up off of his blanket and we're holding him oh right around the corner and the older woman pulls a gun on them and tells them to like back off into the room and let go of the kid and we're gonna get out of here so they push everyone into a building close the door take the kid in the truck and then drive off right but again the car breaks down not far down the road and the bikers like it doesn't even seem like they're trying to do anything other than just kill this woman like they they don't like she need she need toe cutter in the balls right yeah and she ripped a guy's hand off that's true um but as soon as she gets out of the car because it broke down she just starts running down the middle of the road mm-hmm and then serpentine get off the road and they just hit her with their bikes which we don't really see happen we see shoes go forward yeah shoes go flying and then max catches up with them on foot and just runs up to this pile in the road and we just assume what happened and that's when he switches to like full berserker john wick mode but the the the the child 100 percent is dead but she's still alive i don't know why they bothered with that yeah both goose and her should have just been dead like yeah it's a much simpler story um but yeah that he's like in the hospital listening to two nurses talk and they say well they lost the kid and the woman's brain dead but she's still alive so just tell him she's alive don't tell him that she's brain dead he's just standing right there yeah i guess maybe this is just just mimics like the reality of what was happening in these accidents that he was seeing yeah it's like people aren't necessarily dying but their lives are being destroyed yeah and apparently uh his last name rocketansky on the script is he's actually named after a procedure developed by a dr rocketansky for removing organs after an autopsy is performed because enough of those were performed in the uh in the wake of these automobile accidents um but yeah so um he here's what happened and then he decides okay well i'm gonna go get that really cool interceptor and i'm going to intercept some stuff and uh he chases down the bikers yeah and and just causes them to jump into water or fall off their motorcycle yeah the the first the first um yes this first plane of attack doesn't work out so well yeah he he pulls up on the side of the road and they're like in the in the grass all around him uh you know like a revolutionary war style like oh dumb british taking the road and uh they shoot through his leg well i wanted to cover before this oh sure uh because he he lures these guys onto the bridge and then drives them off the bridge oh that was that happened first that happens first oh okay uh but because what was crazy is like this one stunt man comes falling off his motorcycle and he's sliding across the ground and he gets hit with the other plane he gets hit by the other one he's getting down the head with a tire bad yeah he really did get hit like that was legit accident yeah i remember that stunt now i didn't think about it again until you said that um so now that all that's left of this gang now is just three yeah it's toe cutter and these two other guys yeah uh uh bubba and then johnny the boy yeah um and so one of them shoots him through the leg and he's limping across the road to his sawed-off shotgun and probably my favorite shot of the movie just this like semi-fisheye lens following him as he's like limping across the road to get to his gun and then right as the guy is just about to hit him with his bike he lifts up the gun and fires and knocks him off the bike and that's bubba yeah um so now that's just toe cutter and johnny the boy johnny the boy makes a run for it yeah because he's he's only like half committed to this group anyway and now that now that it seems like they're overpowered he's like nope no loyalty i'm out um and uh so him uh mad max and toe cutter get in a chase yeah and as soon as he leaves the scene where they that this scene where it just happened where bubba's body is on the ground there's already a bird of like eating the carcass yeah it lands like right next to them as soon as he leaves so i was like man and we should talk about like some of the sounds of the birds the crows yeah the the crows are like this audio cue that these guys are nearby yeah because you just hear like these like and they're not like american crows they're not like that it's not like a car yeah it's like huh huh yeah it's almost like they're laughing yeah and he he reused these effects in fury road a lot oh okay but uh i guess maybe that's just how crows sound in australia that's their australian accent that's that's crowist i don't know what that means grossest criticist but yeah so now he's chasing uh toe cutter who's on the defensive 100 and uh they keep flipping ues and trying to trick each other but eventually max drives him over at the top of a hill where he has kind of low visibility and uh the bike just slams straight head-on into the front of a 18-wheeler that's running over the hill which you can tell just has like a big metal board on the front of it false fronts painted to look like the front of the truck because the guy didn't want to wreck his truck that was don't want to ruin this real truck so um i'm sure it wasn't great for the vehicle anyway yeah motorcycle full speed and then roll over it yeah but um but apparently that was enough to get it in the movie um and and we get that glimpse of his eyes bulging out of his head yeah right before he hits the front of the car so now it's just johnny the boy who not only ran off but is so short-term memory that he doesn't recognize max in the next scene yeah so uh i think he's by like the site of just a completely new crash where a car has driven off the side of the road and there's a body there and he's like digging stuff out of the car and taking stuff off of the corpse and mad max walks up and he's like oh no he was dead when i got here i'm just taking stuff like you understand like you would do the same thing if you or me and uh and he's like okay no he handcuffs him to the car and then dumps gasoline everywhere and then he starts pulling it in the headlamp yeah he's making like a time delay switch but i forget what's actually causing the time he left a a cigarette lighter oh okay and so well yeah once it fills up it's gonna pour out of this broken headlight that it's filling up and when it pours out it'll hit the the match and light everything up and he turns to johnny the boy and he throws him like a hacksaw and he says the chain in those handcuffs it's high tensile steel it'll take you ten minutes to hack through it with this now if you're lucky you can hack through your ankle in five minutes go and then he leaves yeah and we get sort of like a montage of him driving away to show that five or ten minutes has passed and then the explosion happens yeah and we assume that he's dead right i hope that that five-minute hacksaw comment was also based in reality like based on his experience as a medical doctor yeah he knows for a fact how long it takes to get an ankle off i can't imagine it takes a whole five minutes if you're trying like i feel like once you've committed to it it's like this is gonna take one minute because i'm gonna do this as fast as i can so i don't have to spend five minutes of my life doing this he cuts to the ankle ha ha two minutes wrong foot that would be so great oh my god then he starts cutting his hand off wait a minute so this whole thing is very obviously reminiscent of the saw movies right which is probably inspired by this it actually is james juan said that he credited the finale of this film for inspiring right because he's trapped he's australian right yeah is he yeah oh i didn't know that yeah interesting um but yeah and that's the end of the film for this installment we'll get through all of them eventually yeah gonna be a long time before we hit fury road you know who's not australian who's that mel gibson is he not he was born in new york he didn't go to australia until he was 12. oh that's australian well maybe no australian i mean i don't know what citizenships he technically has but like he was born in new york that's interesting i always thought he was born there no he didn't go there until he was 12. i mean he went to college there and you know acting school and all that stuff yeah um director george miller uh as we said obviously he did he did all the mad max movies he was 70 when he directed fury road which is insane that's amazing it's so so great just best film of that year should have won best picture hands down best film of that year uh and we like we said babe in the uh babe pig in the city and happy feet he also apparently i didn't realize this did witches of eastwick and lorenzo's oil yeah uh i i remember when lorenzo's oil came out a long time ago uh but again like he doesn't have like a genre that he fits into yeah which is eastwick is great though yeah that's the uh jack nicholson one with the [ __ ] that's a good one um screenplay writer james mccosland uh has a cameo in the film has a bearded man wearing an apron outside of fat nancy's restaurant at the beginning yeah um mel gibson obviously braveheart lethal weapon passion of the christ uh an upcoming waldo movie uh this is the premise of the upcoming waldo movie a disgraced ex-cop seeks solace by moving to the woods but his quiet life comes to an end when a private eye recruits him to investigate a murder so they're doing a dark turn on the character of where's waldo yeah okay that's not really based on wealth world though right you're joking i'm assuming it's much okay because i'm pretty sure that dreamworks holds the rights right i'm pretty sure that's why because we just released an animated series about it for kids maybe they own the animated rights and this is oh maybe oh maybe somebody else owns the live action rights are there live-action rights to waldow i guess if there was it would not be mel gibson would not be the choice it would be what john oliver or somebody i just i just hope the movie he just wears that red cap yeah and there's nothing else related to he's just naked except for the cat that'd be perfect i agree richard uh the toe cutter is played by hugh keysburn who of course came back to the franchise for fury road as immorton joe yeah amazing so cool i'm so glad that that's a thing that happened which makes me want them to get um vernon wells to come back for the next movie however they can um roger ward played fifi he was also brophy and quigly down under probably my my favorite australian film um really i think so i really like quickly down under more than fury road i guess that's technically are you talking about are you just talking about movies that take place movies about australia okay um but you're right fury road is probably just barely above quickly down under in terms of well yeah i'm trying to think of where i would put rescuers down under now this is so hard this is so hard people we make it look easy uh david brax played mud guts he is also in crocodile dundee as burt um there's the the underground mechanic character was played by david cameron but not the uk prime minister we have so many of these so many not that prime ministers um a different prime minister and then you had jerry day playing ziggy who apparently has done like cameron electric crew on lost world austin powers big lebowski so he moved behind the camera for the rest of his career um yeah what do you guys think up or down well you didn't mention so all the the gang like the gang were just they were all extras who were actually people from a motorcycle gang right they were paid in like beer to be in the movie they were paid in slabs of beer okay but but i loved their relationship like that they would just start like dancing with each other yeah or like they were like laying with each other and they were they had a like i guess it's the same kind of bond that all the bad guys have in all the mad max right yeah where they just like it's kind of a family family yeah they feel like the uh the family from texas chainsaw massacre it's just a ragtag group of hooligans that murder people but that's about everything right i mean other than obviously the the huge franchise we talked about that it started yeah um there will be more to go into in this in the mythology of this whole series i i think like jesse i think road warrior was my introduction into math and it's also probably the most celebrated of the whole batch like it's the biggest cult film i know fury road is popular now because it came out recently but i think road warrior is still the movie from this franchise that gets talked about the most because it's it's the one that took the inkling of this idea of this world and made it much more extreme right they go deep into the post-apocalyptic yeah way more leather but also than like thunder road just or not thunder um thunder dome takes a couple of weird turns yeah well thunderdome i think goes even farther into like that oh you thought road warrior was weird compared to mad max like i think they took it like exactly as far to get to be on thunderdome where they're like i guess oh it's even crazier now and there's all this ridiculous stuff happening with mutants and like thunderdome reminds me very much of the super mario brothers movie this is like this is this weird society yeah and there's just like gasoline and flame jets happening all over it's just like that oh yeah i mean mario brothers one of the dimensions is post-apocalyptic yeah really um but yeah it's a great franchise and i'm i'm excited to dig into more of it i think it's a while before road warrior what year is that that'd be like 84 81 oh 81. okay so we get to it sooner than i thought not bad um so yeah up or down on this i think i know the answer but what are we what do you say this is what's up it's it's a definite should watch where does this go on your letterbox to rank jess so uh this is pretty darn high actually because my current top of the list is uh my brilliant career and uh this comes right after that which is just above the fog australia fan are you apparently yeah uh once again i will i will follow jesse's lead right below my rowing career right below my brilliant and right above the fog oh so close to you guys it's actually the best one so far it's actually on the top of the list which for me means it's right above the fog which was right above we all put it right above the fog yeah we all agree on something this movie makes the fog look like dog [ __ ] no that's not true i love you john carpenter um all right i think that's everything for this one um if you have any thoughts you'd like to share we are vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as we've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year also we have a website vintagevideopodcast.com that i haven't been plugging that jesse worked very hard on and it looks very cool so check that out please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode and if you're feeling especially generous you can always support the show through patreon.com vintagevideopodcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we review saturn 3 which i decided on imdb's summary this time two lovers stationed at a remote base in the asteroid fields of saturn are intruded upon by a retentive technocrat from earth and his charge a malevolent eight-foot robot farrah fawcett harvey keitel and kirk douglas star we leave you now with the trailer for saturn 3. in an isolated sector of our solar system suspended in orbit around the sixth planet from our sun lies a distant outpost a technologically perfect world where mistakes are impossible because the impossible is unthinkable it is called saturn 3. each year for 22 days a solar eclipse plunges this outpost into shadow lock [Music] total darkness all communication is terminated [Music] this year the inhabitants of saturn 3 are about to experience the unthinkable a nightmare so perfect it could only have been made by man captain major this is my partner there are only four inhabitants on saturn three one of them is not human [Music] no don't let him touch your be still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you