we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we're reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of coal miner's daughter on march 7 1980. it was written by thomas rickman based on loretta lynn's autobiography and directed by michael aptid and released by universal pictures which i know because i work at universal pictures we have posters for the movies that universal released and this is the first one where there's a poster in my office what's interesting not in your office office it's in my our suite it's in your area yes didn't you say you get to request a poster for yourself once i've seen it i've seen this movie uh yes i can request a poster and i will be requesting a poster of the best universal film magruber to put up in my office a little making of talk uh beverly d'angelo and spacek do all of their own singing here it's amazing pretty impressive yeah you know it's interesting so after because i'm not super familiar with loretta lynn music and uh so after the film i went back and listened to a bunch of her songs on youtube is it pretty spot on no i like space explosions better oh man that's rough you know what though i i think um reese witherspoon's a better singer than june carter after i watched walk the line i was like uh this is better than june carter i mean it's probably more processed well that's what i was gonna say i mean i think that we're we're looking at it at a different time you know what what what we like in music is not necessarily what was going to be popular in sure you know the 60s and 70s and it's not it's definitely not the same sort of yeah like you say processing and yeah and i i felt like um in places some of her singing sounds like buddy holly esque like there's like little hiccups in her lyrics i don't know if they both do that yeah i think they they they both do that like she she definitely you know takes takes a note and you know sort of flips it or i don't i don't know any music terms so flipping notes flipping notes oscillating uh that sounds like sounds that sounds like a term sure um loretta lynn was in the audience when spacek accepted the best actress oscar for portraying her coincidentally jake lamotta was also in the audience that night to see de niro accept the award for playing him i think it's interesting um because i think that now when people do movies that are um you know biographies of people they work really hard on on making accuracy look like that person oh sure so they like they don't even just have to be a good actor and and pull off the the accent or the mannerisms but they really want them to look like them so i think that a lot of recent films that we've gotten they they go to great lengths to do extensive makeup to make these people look like them susie spacex looks nothing like loretta lynch but loretta lynn picked her specifically for this role i wonder why she must have just been impressed by something else that had done at the time so tommy lee jones does look a little bit like her husband and her husband was was really mad about anyone being cast like he was like i could play the character like it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that i'm much older than i need to be but that totally sounds like something the character yeah that's what the actual person who would do absolutely uh i believe harrison ford was also attached yeah at one point to play him uh which is funny because it's the fugitive and the criminal of the fugitive um which i think that was what he got his oscar for right tommy lee jones got an oscar for the future dude for the fugitive i think so because he was like the leader of the party yeah yeah but pretty sure he got an oscar for that i think that's his oscar he i don't think he has another unless did he get one from men in black three i guess it would be a supporting role because he could brolin does the heavy lifting in the third one one one oscar wow for the fugitive yeah good coal and he came back to the character for us marshalls yeah which was extend a carbon copy of the movie yeah but well was but it was from the the the marshall's perspective more yeah where the fugitive like splits at about 50 50. right right and the the second one had uh robert downey as they did it really yeah i saw it in theaters i haven't seen it since then i just remember there's a scene where they're shooting at headstones in a cemetery yeah yeah um but uh i should rewatch that because i like tommy lee jones um joedon baker passed on the role of doolittle which i feel like he fits too really yeah that's another good casting choice um but yeah so uh we start the movie with uh loretta basically following her father to a coal mine where he works um and we're we see the depressing conditions of that line of work explosives being set and blown up underground and like contained air spaces and people inhaling all this coldly carcinogenic stuff it blows my mind that that is the way we did that and it's not too terribly different from the way we do it now which is just it's mind-boggling um we mind going you're off the show richard all right um new show um doolittle is bragging to a crew of the miners he's not he's not one of the miners here but he's bragging to them and taking bets on whether or not he can drive his jeep up this really steep incline nearby um and a bunch of them including uh a william sanderson character dollar hyde yeah um are throwing all their money at him because they're like there's no way he's gonna get up that hill i was so surprised to see him in this movie because a dollar hide yeah william sanderson yeah william sanders i was like isn't that the name of the witches but i was like it is it's just the same name yeah yeah yeah so he um you know he i know him from deadwood but he's basically looks exactly the same as he does what 20 30 years later for sure they they had seen this on his right and they're like yep we're hiring that guy because he's perfect i always go to uh blade runner for him oh okay as the the kind of i never go to blade runner for anybody maybe rutger hauer i even i feel like i could go to hobo with a shotgun or a hitchhiker what about daryl hannah splash or kill yeah yeah everybody else is in that movie is more famous for something else in my brain well what i liked is that william sanderson reprised a similar character in the batman animated series oh interesting of a guy who's creating robots to replace people that must have been a get for them when they were like oh man we got the guy who plays this character in blade runner to play him for our show yeah exactly that's cool he's got a very distinctive voice he does it's great honestly i'm surprised he wasn't a voice in rango somewhere because he'd fit right in with that cast yeah um but uh basically dollar hyde after seeing doolittle win all these people's money he's like oh this guy's like a go-getter i'm gonna hire him to to run russia and for me and rob people yeah run moonshine and steal moonshine um but apparently they have a history that doolittle has worked for him in the past when he was younger um even though he looks way older yeah i'm older than this man but in in the movie at this point uh he's supposed to be like 24 or something like that um so some city miles on you yeah well he's supposed to play doolittle from age 24 to age like 44. so um they didn't switch actors here so we get an older looking tommy lee jones playing a 24 year old but um dollar high tells him that his choices are moonshine coal mine are moving on down the line um and so he basically agrees to work for him stealing and transporting moonshine he does not agree he doesn't well no that's because that's the whole thing it's like uh because william sanderson immediately gets shot well i thought he got shot while they were working together no because the guy at the when he's hauling the body away says you know it's good that you turned him down otherwise you'd be there with him oh okay i for some reason i thought that the implication was that he lied about having being working with him or something like that no i i think the implication was that he did not take the job he was not interested okay he didn't want to be a duke of hazzard uh i i love uh loretta's father in this because he's he just tosses out all these like pearls of wisdom he's like easily the most intelligent character in all this show yeah but it shows like how that intelligence gets wasted in these communities in these minds like yeah so many people are throwing their entire lives down into these holes in the ground and she just doesn't want to be a part of it yeah but you know when he gets to the top of the the hill and the jeep he says well you know he did all that work to become the king of the pile of junk you know it didn't mean anything yeah um but i also like when they're when they're going to the store and says time to give the company back its money yeah because that's the whole thing about coal mining is that you they set up all the shops in the town yeah so you have to buy all your stuff from the company store you know the song you move 16 tons and what do you get when you're older deeper into debt that's right uh and so it you know you're just getting like this this dynamic you're essentially an indentured servant right because you know you you barely make enough money to to build a life for yourself in the meantime you're squeezing out kids your family's squeezing out kids and your life ends at 40. yeah because of black law and most of these these hardships and in the lyrics of loretta's songs yeah throughout the rest of her life yeah um at a party or like a fair doolittle is hosting an auction of pies which correspond to the girls that baked the pies it's kind of like uh the groundhog day scene where they're betting on on bachelors yeah um and you put in a bid and then presumably you're buying a date with this girl but they're here they're at least laundering it through baked goods [Laughter] to make it less perfect to make it less like prostitution doolittle shocks the room by bidding on loretta himself and gets in a bidding war with uh another gentleman in the room who thinks this is cheating but uh ends up settling out at five dollars which adjusting for inflation is only 40 14 in 1993 bucks which is significantly less than the 339.88 that rita bids for phil connors wait why are we adjusting it to 1980 groundhog day okay because i'm dumb and i had time to do math um she refuses to get in his jeep after he wins the day so he ends up having to walk her home uh well they all they also they also really hammer home her ignorance right she's terrified of cars in general but she also mistakes uh salt for sugar so she has either trouble reading or trouble identifying small white grains she's obviously not taste testing any of this as she makes it because he's disgusted by it he tries it and and she is 13 at this time right well she's almost almost 14. oh but he's 23 or 24 or no i think he's 22. he's 22 22 or 23 because i looked it up and their age difference is only eight years like they play it up like it's a much bigger deal like it has been in previous movies it is a big deal when you're 14 and he's 22. not when you're in a coal mining town i guess but i'm telling you that's a big deal 22 is middle-aged in a coal mining town for a dude yes so nowadays that's considered rape and i also thought it was interesting that they made her 13 going on 14 when she was really 15. not that that's much of an improvement yeah but that why would you know to make it even seem more shocking i guess that they made her even younger right in the reality of loretta lynn she was 15 when she went when she married him yeah okay yeah because they'd only known each other for like a month a month and that is the same is true as well but they just for some reason slid her age down more i guess because 15 to 22 wasn't enough for an audience to be like oh that is an age difference so they were like let's make her even creepy or younger um but on their second date uh he impresses her by getting his jeep to her house at all because they live up in the mountains and uh so she is obligated to hop right in and they kind of disappear for the rest of the day um her parents are pretty pissed off about it and about the age difference oh actually it's only six years they're only six years apart so it's in the movie it would be 1913 and 19 or 14 and 20. but the the real life doolittle and loretta were only six years apart um they try to scare her off of him by telling her that you know she's got her whole life ahead of her and she shouldn't be throwing it away on some guy here but he doolittle comes back and surprises them by asking for their their approval their blessing and neither one of them wants to talk to him really yeah he goes in and asks her dad and he's like go ask her mom and then he asked the mom and she's like go ask the dad and hilariously uh loretta's like answer to this was like wait till they're in bed because then that's the only time at which they're both in the like together in the same room so you can like and so he literally does like they're both asleep in bed and he burns she's back in the middle of the night barges into their bedroom he's like hey i want to marry your daughter and she's like well i'm assuming that our blessing isn't going to prevent you from getting married if we don't give it and he said well no i'm probably going to do it either way but i would prefer to do it with your blessing but the dad lays out like two rules he's like you you never you never hit her and you don't take her away from me right um so on day one he rapes her spoiler alert he does both but also um as much as you can be like well wait no you had a verbal contract with her father like why does that matter at all like what what say does her father have in like the conditions of him being like it's her choice that's how that works but also it's like it wasn't a terrible condition the hitting thing but i don't know why her father is trying to doom her into living in this town that seems like a weird thing for him to do he should want her to get an education and leave i mean obviously he wants to see her but and she'll do one of those things yes she will leave she catches him cheating like a day after they got married well it's a recurring thing yeah that like both in in the film as well as in her songs like cheat cheating is just sort of like a thing you have to deal with as like a woman as a wife you know and for the most part it is the other woman's fault right it's totally totally and it's just like and it's always about like getting your men back and and you're you know getting rid of the other woman and this you know not about like you know blaming him or getting retribution or anything like that yeah i mean the whole song that she writes later in the movie is you ain't woman enough to steal my man or something like that it's like literally just like hey lady stop letting my husband cheat with you but you're women am i right seriously so then uh after basically raping her on their wedding day and slapping her around because she raped yeah um then he cheats on her immediately and then tells her hey i'm moving to washington and i'll send you money when i have it saved up and you can come join me in washington so well we're kind of skipping over the fact that as soon as she she's thrown out right she goes back home and she's pregnant like you know like the father says oh you're getting fat and the mama immediately goes oh god yeah and uh and when she gets in the car with him here after he's trying to like flirt with this other girl she's like oh i just got back from the doctor and he's like oh are you sick and she's like yeah i'm pregnant and he's like happy about it yeah like you could tell he's already that well this is great that was kind of a sweet moment where he was like genuinely pleased by the fact and then uh he does move to washington but true to his word he actually sends money for her to come along and uh her dad takes her to the train station and standing at the at the train station on the platform he basically says to her i'm never going to see you again and she says oh we'll we'll visit you're going to see me again and then he says yeah but you won't be my little girl when i see you again and then the train pulls up and she gets on it and it turns out over the course of the rest of the movie this he's right she never comes back during his lifetime i mean i don't is that true that she never sees him again after that because he died pretty not super long after she left for washington i mean long enough for her to have four kids yeah it seems like a while to not have gone back and visited your father i don't think that people traveled as often at the time i mean i suppose it took people not in that socioeconomic yeah it took him a month to save up the money to to bring her out to washington with him and so uh so we cut to washington where she's already the mother of four children she was just pregnant when we left and we've fast-forwarded four kids which i'm assuming is four years or five years like it seems like they're they're in a routine where she's getting pregnant every time she has a kid she's sings sings a song to some of the kids to help them go to bed um and some of the lyrics involve raising the titanic maybe it'll turn to something that'll raise a titanic someday which is the name of a movie that we will cover later this year called raise the titanic it's been like we said four or five years and uh they still don't have a phone installed at this house so their neighbor has to run up the yard and says oh uh tell loretta her mom and dad called to wish you guys a happy anniversary and this is like doolittle being like oh it's our anniversary i should i should make a comment to indicate that i remember that it was our anniversary right and so he goes back into the house and he's like hey we got our anniversary coming around uh is there anything you want and she's like well i still don't have a wedding ring and he's like oh that's great and the next day he goes to like a pawn shop to get like a crappy wedding ring and he's like these are all really expensive how much is that guitar and uh and then he gives her a guitar which she does not know how to play and has shown no interest in but he flatters her by complimenting her voice and saying oh you're a really good singer i'd love to hear you play guitar while you were singing you could you could learn how to play this thing and she does over the course of like the next couple months she plays the guitar around the kids and slowly teaches herself how to perform these songs and then doolittle kind of ropes her into a surprise performance at a local hockey talk well it seems like it so but but he set it up as like a date he's like we got one of the babysitters you know like this is something that clearly they never do right he tricks her into it right so it's supposed to be this special evening where he's gonna like take her out on the town and they get there and then he forces her to go up on stage and play and it's so left field that when he first brings it up he says i was thinking maybe we go out to a honky tonk on friday and she's like together it's like no no separately or like one of us would go it's like of course we would go together um and so they hire a babysitter presumably and they go to this place and uh then she finds out she's like on the playlist to perform that night because doolittle thinks that she's gotten good enough that she could perform a song that she wrote in front of people on stage and she kind of has a panic attack because she was tricked into this right but she does it she does fine but before that she like runs and hides in the bathroom and he has to go talk her into it i love the moment when the lady like peeks over above the stall after he's like verbally abusing her telling her she's gotta go out there and play he's like are you so are you so dang stupid and uh she's like i am not stupid i'm ignorant and i just love that she makes that distinction multiple times she's like i can figure things out i just don't know them yet yeah i don't think that this scene is i don't i don't think that the scene is accurate to the way it happened in real life because it seemed a little bit more gradual uh because uh the wikipedia page about her said that she started a band with her brother and oh interesting yeah so that none of that was in the movie yeah yeah none of the conway twitty stuff was in there either yeah they gloss over a lot um i don't know because obviously i haven't i haven't read this autobiography i tried to find it i couldn't i couldn't get an audio book in time for this and i don't have time to read this whole autobiography per per episode of the podcast but um it seems like this story and maybe the autobiography reads this way takes all of the credit for her entire career and gives it to him that other than a natural inclination for being able to sing or to write songs that became popular he did all of the work of getting her career off the ground and he had to drag her kicking and screaming into her own career i mean it does it does feel that way the way the movie plays i don't know i don't know how the book plays and maybe that was the case but it just so much of it felt like it was taking all the credit away from her and giving it to him i know that she claims that like i mean she fully admits that they they had problems along the way sure um you know that they they had their fights and they you know and he wasn't always faithful but like she just she still says that he was her life right but here like she didn't even want the guitar and then she had the guitar she didn't want to perform in front of people and he just said like basically i'm gonna force you to do it against your will so just go do it but then he works his ass off with those records yeah he does that's not to say he didn't do all the work yeah but but to say that i'm not saying he doesn't deserve any credit i'm saying she probably deserves some and this movie takes away anything that could be given to her as credit for her career like except except this talent this natural talent yeah she has the ability to sing but he had to literally like throw her on stage in front of people to get her to perform after the hunky talk performance goes pretty well it seems like people like the show he books her at like a recording studio and again she doesn't seem very interested in being there she plays part of a song and then do a little basically tells her to stop down for a second because he wants to have a conversation with her because he's realizing she sings better when she has an audience that she cares about and she's in this like sterile recording booth and she's not getting the performance well she's nervous and i think this is this so he puts the kids in there and he says just sing to these kids say to him like you're at home sing to this so he wants he wants her to relax and just feel natural right and she starts to sing the song again no noticeable difference in her performance but for some reason the guy in the booth is like hold on i'm going to get all the best guitarists i know because that woman is singing a rear end off and gets a whole like really competent band behind her and they perform this whole song that she's written and get a record from it and doolittle uh takes her picture at home tells her not to put on any makeup and he takes her picture and includes like it as a headshot with copies of this record it sends it to every radio station in the country see that must've been crazy like i mean to to go and make all those copies of photos and records and then mail those big envelopes out like at that time that must have been a very very hard expensive it's a huge investment that you're making and hoping that it will pay that's not a casual endeavor that he absolutely through there so uh then the neighbor runs up across the yard again because they still refuse to get a phone and says hey you got some some bad news from home but this time he's telling loretta not do a little and when she first sees him coming across the yard he looks like her father dressed in all of his like gear from the mine but um but then he turns back into her neighbor and he says you got to call your mom in kentucky but something happened and her father has passed away um so they go back to to their home and uh they have the funeral for him and uh she goes to cry by his grave and tommy lee jones feels like super guilty about having taken her away from her dad which is a thing that he promised that he wouldn't do and some of the other guys are like no no you're right to get her out of here like she didn't have a life here it would have been terrible and he's like they're like it's all over now and he's like no it's not over nothing is over it's like she's never gonna forgive me for this i took her away and killed her dad basically but he drives a tractor up to where he's buried in these like these tall trees well i think he was clearing the trees basically says he made it easier for her to get up next time it'll be easier but then he also says hey you know where there's a lot of radio stations that play our kind of music is right here in kentucky we could go to those radio stations in person and make sure they're playing your songs and your mom said she'd watch the kids but i need you to commit to this career 100 right now because if you can't do that then we're wasting our time and she says that she wants it more than anything and so they hit the road um and it's kind of a cute montage of them on the road though for me this seems a little bit crazy because they seem like they're out on the road for a very long time it's a big chunk of the movie yeah this is a huge chunk of the movie which means they aren't with their kids this entire time right yeah which just seems kind of mind-blowing to me that they that they're just like oh we left them with your mom uh she gets to raise them now yeah there's a few signs in this movie that that they're kind of negligent as parents and it seems weird that this came across with their complete approval i mean it's a different time period i guess but like the fact that she doesn't know like she can't tell her kids apart later on in the movie yeah because she has twins she just calls them twins because she doesn't know like what their names are it's like just say both names if you can't tell them apart but um she just says hey twins come on down they're like my name's not twan but um and she named them but uh so they go to all these different radio stations the first one they go to they're like hey uh we sent you a record have you had a chance to play it and he's like oh yeah i played it and just sort of laid there and they're like uh that's funny because it's right here and it's still sealed so you didn't play it and you're a liar and you're a jerk and he's like can you get out of the booth because i got and she's i'm gonna be live and it's going off on him and tyler jones just kind of like pushes her in further and then runs away he knows like he's like this is where her instinct takes over and i don't have to worry about this anymore and he's like oh can you get her out of here this is going to be a problem if she's still here when the mic comes on and he's like look man you're going to have to deal with her she's probably going to be here all day because of what you just did and he's like okay fine i'm just going to interview you on the radio then and he does and he and he plays the song which is really all they wanted but he says her name wrong but she corrects him and i couldn't tell if that was on air or not when she corrects him to say because he calls her well because jones she hears it from the car and goes hey and then she yeah corrections as well but i can't tell if she's actually saying that on air or if now the song is playing and she's correcting it too late well tommy jones heard it outside on the radio he heard the wrong name correct but i'm saying he doesn't know if he's crazy he tries to correct him she says sloretta slow rattling not lorraine loretta and he says okay loretta but i don't know if they said those two lines on air or not i would say yes because they're on the air also it doesn't matter let's move on oh you're missing my point hold on i want to make this clear okay he already started the song so the mics could have been off when she says my name's loretta and he says oh okay oh my god you guys that's what i'm saying i don't think they're on the air when she corrects me i disagree all right we're gonna go back to the footage and see if that on air light is on there's no indication in the film of whether or not they're on the air because no what i'm saying i'm just kidding his face is so red right now with rage but yeah so they pull over at a store and he makes some joke about her being horny or someone being horny and she's never heard the word before oh yeah she says baloney makes you he says baloney makes you horny and she doesn't know what that means and the shopkeeper is just like looking shocked and they leave and he never explains it to her yeah but then when she's in the radio booth she's talking to the dj and uh says something about how they're on the road all the time and he gets horny all the time and whenever he gets horny i'm like spread me up one of them bologna sandwiches and they were like cut cut cut and they like turn off the mics and they're trusting the studio owner thinks he's gonna like lose his fcc license over this whole ordeal and she's like i didn't know what it meant and he's like i'm off that dumb hillbilly act you know that ain't no way thank you dude that's my favorite line in the movie i think it's like it's not an act thank you thank you she's like so flattered she's like no no she's really ignorant um but then on their way out the host that she was talking to on the air says don't worry about that guy he's just he's the manager of the place but as long as you're on the charts they're going to play your music because he threatened to like never play her song right but they don't and they're like yeah so how do we get on the charts and he's like it's not an act you really don't know you are number 14 nationwide shows them this newspaper where they're on the chart yeah and then they just start cracking up because it's like what could have been a terrible day for them turned into really great news and then he basically drives her that night straight to the grand ole opry because he's like oh we're number 14. i could probably get you a slot uh in this weekend's grand ole opry show yeah so i've never seen the grand ole opry like i imagined it to be some like grand theater type thing so beautiful it's it looked like a it looked like a high school like it looked like a big brick high school well they they shoot it from a weird angle on the street just so that you can see the sign that says grand ole opry but it's a huge building it's a massive performance center okay it just didn't look that grand to me yeah well that's fair but yeah so loretta is invited to perform uh in the show uh despite the fact that when she was talking to the dj he was like oh you want to play the grand ole opry oh you're gonna have to put in your dues for years and years and so now she's super nervous about it she's like i didn't put in my dues i'm just i put in one do i was like i didn't pay my news to be here i was like well we'll pay him later yeah so she performs on the show and it's a hit um doolittle is next door trying to watch it on a tv because uh we need something to do while she's performing these songs and inevitably it's following doolittle away from the performance to do something else um because i guess they didn't think that the song was enough for an audience to be watching um so every time she goes to sing a song we watch tommy lee jones walk away and see what he's doing somewhere else um in this case it's picking a fight with a guy who is making fun of him for not being the breadwinner even though he does almost if not all of the work for her being in any position to sing here and they get into a big fist fight then we just cut two after the performance she's she's been invited to come back doolittle's got like a fat lip from the fight and uh and he tells her she was great and uh lies about how he hurt himself she's invited back to multiple times i guess she she performs for for 20 something days right right on the on the lineup for the grand ole opry but she takes a break to do a private event like a uh for patsy cline who just got in a car accident right um her husband actually meets her at the opry and says hey um patsy heard you sing her song and uh she would love to meet you and uh so she's like are you patsy cline wants to meet me that's incredible and uh and she goes and meets her at the hospital where she's all bandaged up um and i i did like the line where she turns to her husband she's like did you bring me that beer and her husband's like right here he got into my jacket pocket cause i'm assuming the hospital was like no she can't have alcohol yeah i like that she then is like give me my straw it's in the top drawer so it's just like clearly she's done this before and she keeps straws on hand yeah this purpose um here loretta's a little bit she's nervous uh because she's just saying patsy klein's song on the radio and she's worried she's not mad at me for singing your song are you and she's like no i'm just worried that people think you're saying it better than i do which is crazy because patsy cline is an incredible singer and beverly d'angelo is an incredible singer um and uh i every time they play a patsy client song in this movie i'm like oh this is a really good song and every time they play loretta alone song in this movie i'm like meh i could say i could or leave it i feel like the lyrics in the loretta songs are not good in almost all of them well they're very simplistic but they also like they're kind of clunky they don't flow really nicely yeah like patsy klein's lyrics are very like romantic and poetic and they flow nicely from one line to the next and loretta's are kind of like clunky i don't know i don't know how better to put that um but uh but they become like best friends basically um patsy and uh and loretta here the subject of many uh a story yeah including i think there's one uh like an amy or lifetime movie coming out about their friendship currently getting work done yeah something pretty recent interesting um but yeah uh while they're on tour together uh because patsy invites her on tour and they're on the bus all the time doolittle catches um loretta wearing makeup again at patsy's suggestion presumably and tells her not to do that um but loretta is getting a little bit of courage from patsy to talk back to doolittle and say well no it's my career and i can do what i want and uh he shouts at her and they get in kind of a screaming match and asserts himself to the point that even patsy is afraid to like speak up at this point on the bus yeah i mean he's definitely feeling threatened here as a man because she's obviously the one her career has gotten to a cruise control point right and well and she's the one supporting both of them and that's right definitely emasculating for him sure and there's nothing he can do now to prevent her from making the money like he was doing all the work before but it's like she doesn't need that engine going anymore he could just stop and she goes and does her performance when she finishes she finds him like basically drunk in a car with a with another woman and uh she this is par for the course for her so she just opens the door and she's like you give me my husband back he's like hold on let me grab my parrot sweetie because he's just got a big bag of like a bunch of parrots that presumably he wanted like a fair game right let me get my parents baby and then she goes back to the car to get the hat um that do a little left on the girl in the back seat because she's like she cares so little about this person that she might as well have just been like a hat rack she's just like whatever give me my hat back we're gonna go and this is when she sits down on the tour bus and writes that you're not woman enough to to take my man song in the car and he's like what gave me the idea for that song she's like what do you think uh later in a another parking lot doolittle like gets really really angry and actually starts hitting her for wearing makeup and they're together with patsy and a couple other people right everyone gets in the way loretta's able to actually like smash his hand with something or yeah it hurts him um but they get away from him everyone gets in the car except for doolittle and they kind of strand him in this parking lot i think she actually breaks his finger yeah i don't remember how she did that i think she smacked i was she was kind of smacking her with her bag like her purse but she's at her hotel or wherever they're staying for the night when he walks in because he had to walk from whatever parking lot they were in um and he basically tells her hey i shouldn't be uh i shouldn't be doing this anymore like i don't need to be on this tour with you and uh it's obviously causing problems and he basically is stepping away from managing her career and is saying there's other people here that can do this better than me he's gonna step back and just kind of be a stay-at-home dad basically and so we do get little glimpses of him with all the kids driving around and i mean i don't know if he's totally a stay-at-home dad because he did say he wanted to go just be like a truck driver or something a mechanic yeah that's right because but he still has a lot of time with the kids now right compared to what he was getting before right which was none because they just left their children with their mother but she's home with him one night and uh in the morning the radio says that patsy cline has unfortunately passed away in a plane crash yeah which is like a nutty thing because they didn't know where the plane was oh really like they they knew the plane had crashed but they weren't sure where and a bunch of looters found it first and stole a whole bunch of our stuff and it they it took a while to recover some of it they wanted to check it down but they started there are some some things that have never been recovered that's crazy same thing happened to carol lombard i think when she crashed into las vegas they never recovered some crazy ring or something that she had on i think that was a an episode of um you must remember this that goes into that whole story for as big a part as patsy played in this story there's really not they don't dwell on this for very long uh lorena gets up to make a phone call and kind of collapses but before before the before patsy died we have a scene though of her at patsy's house and she admits that she's pregnant again so you know she seems kind of bummed about it i think uh maybe because she said she's been having babies since she was 14. yeah and so you know it's been it's been a while because she had those you know four kids all in a row and now she's got as we find out later twins uh on the way is she considering an abortion at this point i don't know if that was the implication but patsy like quickly is just like oh no this is great this is wonderful i have all these maternity clothes for you so it seems like she was just being like super amazing and supportive and it's just like yeah i'm your friend we're gonna get through this this is all good don't worry about it you know and then and then we cut it straight too right she's like this will get you through five months and you can wear this on stage and and then we see the next morning yeah she decides when she finds out that they are twins that she's going to name one of them after patsy um what were the patsy and peggy with the two who is there a peggy in this or yeah peggy i think is her sister oh okay from here the movie is a little aimless um yeah we we just kind of get bits and pieces of loretta having a hard time on the road uh she's forgetting lyrics to songs maybe they're new songs that she doesn't quite have down and they're making her perform them right away or maybe she's intoxicated like i wasn't clear on that well she's been taking medication for headaches right and we're not sure how this medication might be affecting her or if she's just been on the road for so long that she's and she doesn't have dew fighting for her yeah and the and the the lyrics are all just starting to blend together in her head yeah she keeps turning back to the band and they're giving her like a few words to like coach her into the the verse and then she gets that and then she turns around she's like all right what's the next part like i need i need more and fans are getting kind of crazed at this point they're like grabbing at her hair as she's coming off stage and things like that i'm not just grabbing at him one fan grabs it and like cuts a piece off yeah and she's going to the bus so she wakes up at some point in uh in her tour bus and she's calling for do because she needs his help because she can't work the little like the realtor reel to get the lyrics the next it's the real of her song and she was told to learn it and she doesn't know how long she's been asleep so she's like worried that she's like already missing her show and she starts freaking out when she gets outside she finds do and he tells her everything's okay and he walks her up to the stage and the stage manager's like oh you're here early you know you still got 10 minutes and you know just goes to show you how like how horrible this schedule is that like seeing her 10 minutes early is super unusual yeah uh but the other the opening act is is still on the stage so she still had 10 minutes before she was supposed to go on but she just starts walking right out there like nope i if i've got to do that like she she tried to get dude to tell him like i can't do this like she's like i'm done i can't do this you got it you got to tell them and i think the implication is basically that her career is being mismanaged by these people who have stepped in to take due's place i guess they're just working her too hard because i she didn't have any of these problems when doolittle was in charge of her career or it just mounted to the point that it just was you know she wasn't taking care of herself well enough maybe but either way you know he doesn't step in to protect her in this place and she's like no no fine i'm gonna go out i'm gonna do this and she goes out and then has a heart to heart with the audience yeah instead of going into a song she just like tells them a speech about how much she loves doolittle and how things are difficult right now and she basically collapses off stage into his arms basically like he's he's walking through the audience up to the stage as she's talking about him and she passes out and he catches her and they walk her out of the building then we cut to a house that he started building on a hillside and uh and he tells her this is gonna be the bedroom and she's like no it's not you should have talked to me about this earlier you didn't say anything and and this is despite the fact that they have not only a massive house but a huge amount of property in her ranch right and she's like now multiple times has been referred to as the first lady of country music which i guess was her nickname at the time which it like in itself is dismissive of her like like calling her the first lady of country music implies that doolittle is the president of country music no i think somebody else would be another country music singer would be the president oh okay it just seemed like like it's just another way of referring to her with like a spouse nickname instead of just calling her well it's the american equivalent of being the queen yeah but i just feel like just call her the queen of country music like you called elvis presley the king before this because this is america but elvis presley was from america he wasn't the president of rock and roll she had other nicknames that were just as dismissive what were the other nicknames well i mean she was the honky tonk girl and uh she was dishwasher countries mute country music's first girl singer beautiful qualifier in the middle there the second in command of guitars and this list of her nicknames does include the queen of country music okay good uh but she was also the deca doll i don't even know what that gecko was a record label oh okay well she's the decadal and then the blue country girl interesting or not blue country blue kentucky girl blue kentucky okay but yeah they're arguing over the house because the argument devolves into like okay fine we won't build the house i'm sorry and she's like no no i just don't want the the bedroom here it needs to be on the other side because when the sun comes up it'll be in my face there's no point to this scene i guess it's supposed to be like them coming to an agreement about their relationship is that you make these decisions and you just tell me this is the way it is and never include me i want i agree with you but i want to be included in the decision-making process which i think is kind of interesting because it's at odds with the fact that she's you know in in in this relationship the power the power dynamic team seems to shift back and forth between them where it's just like well she's the breadwinner and everything hinges on her career the entire life that they have hinges on her career but at the same time dude just totally dismisses her all the time yes and and before this i don't remember another scene where she was upset about a decision that he made without her like this is the first time that they have that kind of argument except that he forces her to learn the guitar and to play at a country bar and to so she's mad that he started her country music career well he didn't tell her any of these things he just did them that's the argument he's she like he said she didn't disagree but she wasn't consulted he just does things okay i'll take that um and that's about it that's the end of this film yeah pretty much is there anything i'm missing here no i mean that's that's pretty pretty much the whole thing uh anticlimactic most autobiographies are unless the person dies in a hellacious ball of fire the problem is that when a person survives to watch the oscar be handed to the person playing them it's gonna be inherently a less interesting story because it's just like yeah what what is the story here it's it's a a girl that was poor played songs and became rich and the most traumatic thing that happens over the course of the movie aside from her father dying which happens to everybody at some point is a friend of hers dying which we don't dwell on for more than like a scene and a half and her husband was kind of shitty but at the same time made her career yeah and for the time that's a that's like a you know he's a top 10 husband he's in the top 10 percentile i would say right no it's for that time period no we'll let you marry him eric tommy lee jones this was directed by michael aptid that name sounds familiar uh i'm not going to come up with any of them no [Laughter] what i always think of is the 7-up series yes thank you that was that is exactly what i was thinking of um which 63 up just came out um but he also directed nell gorillas in the mist apparently he directed the james bond film which i didn't realize but he directed the world is not enough and also uh voyage of the dawn treader which is one of the chronicles of narnia movies right this was written by thomas rickman who had adapted tuesdays with maury into the 1999 tv movie with jack lemmon uh i didn't know there was a tv movie of that i think that's the only version that i know of yeah i think i think this if you've heard of a tuesdays with more it might even no no i i i mean i didn't know there was any film version of that i thought okay what i'm saying i i read the book i didn't i i would totally watch a movie i didn't even know there was a book what i honestly just knew the jack lemmon one because we had it at the blockbuster that we worked at yeah i knew it was a book and i'm pretty sure that i also knew that this was the only adaptation that's been done was it any good i have not seen it um the autobiography that the script is based on was obviously written by loretta lynn well actually it was written by loretta lynn and george vexi which he didn't have any other credits so i don't know who he was i don't remember a george in this story that would have co-written unless he's just the ghost writer for her autobiography that she like told her story and then he wrote the book she obviously has a lot of soundtrack credits because she's loretta lynn um and she was loretta wentworth in an episode of fantasy island spacek as loretta lynn uh obviously uh she won an oscar for this um she was in badlands carrie probably carrie's probably the biggest yeah i didn't know her from anything but carrie um three women which is a really great movie robert altman movie with shelley duvall she also plays the mom and hot rod opposite ian mckay oh yes she's so great in that movie uh tommy lee jones here is doolittle lynn apparently his his feature film debut was in love story where he played like a roommate or something like that he was in jfk uh fugitive batman forever and probably men in black is like one of the first things i think of for him you know that's not his oscar role and also no country for old men yeah amazing um and william sanderson we said before deadwood blade runner um he was in last man standing which i think is is that i was gonna say not peck and paw oh the western with bruce willis i i uh uh yes but for some reason i went to the uh the tv show i was like really he was on that he's a he's also a another true blood alum oh is he on there yeah along with lois smith we just had that's awesome and then beverly d'angelo obviously uh patsy cline mostly known as ellen griswold i would say she was also barbara miller in 25 episodes of entourage who is like ari gold's mentor and a competing agent in the hollywood scene and she does the voice of lillian lumpkin which is obviously a direct reference to this film actually i relooked at the wikipedia page and there's not a lot in common with the exception of homer basically forcing her career to get started like taking her to record an album and seeing that it gets played places aside from that like it was it was never a part of this story that she was trying to sleep with her manager who was married to another woman so really the the the similarities end with homer having convinced her to record a record yeah um but the wikipedia page does say that the the entire episode is a reference to coal miner's daughter which is coincidentally the only episode that was written by matt greening himself like by himself not written with anyone else i think it's important to call out the editor as well arthur schmidt oh okay uh because uh like he's you know he's he's a huge zamekas guy so you know yeah he's he won an oscar for forrest gump and for roger rabbit uh he did all the back to the future movies he did a pirates of the caribbean movie uh the rocketeer uh so he's he's got a lot of a lot of things under editing credits under his belt yeah that's awesome i missed that because we mentioned that she won an oscar but it was also nominated for best picture uh nominated for screenplay cinematography set direction best sound and nominated for editing yeah uh so it was a very well received critically yeah film uh especially for how early in the year it came out yeah march is not the awards season at all yeah that this movie had such an impact that people remembered it to the voting days sure yeah i mean in i mean i suppose because so that in in the 80s were the oscars at the same time a year so like in theory the oscar season is the same season as it is now pretty much yeah it would be like september to december because i know that the summer blockbuster thing wasn't necessarily a thing until well i guess that's maybe started happening like around mid 70s yeah yeah sometime around there so i just want to like get the right context for the time of year that things are coming out up or down jess uh i i don't think it's necessary to watch richard i give this film went up uh i it was slow and predictable and and just but i i enjoyed it okay um i'm going to give it a down also just because i mean it's a competently made film i think the cast does everything they're supposed to and i think michael aptoo did a great job directing but there's there's not much of a story here i don't know what people read in the autobiography that made them think this needs to be a movie because i just didn't i don't feel like there was there was much to her story i totally agree and it's i don't think that it's it's it's a bad i don't think it's a bad movie at all i i think that a lot of things about it are great i just don't think it's particularly interesting what i do think is kind of interesting though is this is one of the only times i feel that uh that rural poor are represented like really accurately in film like i don't i don't think that you kind of get this glimpse of of what the you know life of somebody living in i mean where are we i mean butcher holler yeah i love holler at the name of like an area where you live it's so much cooler than like town or like anything hauler is just my favorite you need to watch justified that's what you need i watched justified i i got really excited when the camera was panning during the montage of the map of kentucky and it passed by harlan and i was like hey harlan county where does uh where does this land for you on letterboxed uh so i think i put it oh this is tough i think i put it oh i don't know this is really hard it's gonna get harder it just keeps getting harder every week um because because the movies that are all right that aren't bad but aren't great are all just sort of grouping together right now and so there's very little distinction and it's really hard to decide when the movies are very different you know because i'm looking right now at um you know like last married couple in america foxes and hero at large and trying to put it somewhere in there and those movies are all very very different it's right in between last married couple and foxes for me that's that's kind of where i'm leaning towards um yeah i think that's i think that's where i put it under last married couple and above foxes yep that's the exact same for me yeah uh mine is also next to foxes but it is uh below foxes okay uh and above american gigolo all right yeah i think we all felt kind of the same way about this although i think richard's thumbs up starts lower than ours does on the on his list but yeah i think that's about it for this one uh if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and litter boxed or as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode on that note special thanks are in order for kriti robinson who left us our first itunes review kriti was a listener back in our macgyver days and has continued to enjoy the show i hope we haven't screwed it up yet if anyone else is interested in a shout out on the show if you leave your review between now and the end of the month we'll shout you out in our first april episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we will be discussing death ship which iodb describes as a mysterious ghostly freighter rams and sinks a modern-day cruise ship whose survivors climb aboard the freighter and discover that it is a world war ii nazi torture vessel spoiler alert we leave you now with the trailer for death ship [Music] death ship it came out of the night [Music] searching signal him to all the course we have sir [Music] killing all but a few saving them for the hell aboard the death ship this old ship seems to have a life of its own not so bad we're out of the water it's a nice day huh we can clear this mess up play a little shuffleboard get a tan death ship where evil lives in an endless nightmare and where those who survive are better off dead [Music] death show your holiday in hell [Music]