we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of death ship on march 7th 1980 it was written by john robbins based on a story by jack hill and david p lewis directed by alvin raykoff or rakoff and released by avco embassy pictures who did the fog previously and black marble if it comes out in time for us to review the film was scripted by cult director jack hill and david p lewis but attributed to john robbins for canadian movie business reasons of course another canadian tax shelter yes um i i will say that i know we usually get into the crew stuff later but sure um when i was looking up what other things jack hill wrote two years prior he wrote a movie just called the bees that sounds amazing and all the imdb screen grabs are just amazing and i was like i have to see this movie well that reminds me of how i want to watch from one time ran out the swarm i have to check that out which is also about killer bees yeah so that's a swarm in the bees double feature that'd be amazing this imdb trivia point confused me so maybe you guys can take a guess as to what it means the make and model of the derelict mysterious black flying dutchman-like death ship was a deserted german world war ii freighter which had once been used as a kriegsmarine prison ship for torturing so is that just talking about the plot in the movie or was this literally also a an actual torture ship um i'm hoping it's the former yeah because this the trivia piece makes it sound like oh not only was it a torture ship in the movie the make and model was actual torture ship which is strange one of their torture line yeah like it makes it seem like they had a line of boats that were specifically for that purpose it could be like a poltergeist scenario where they got real skeletons because it was just cheaper it's just cheaper to get a real torture ship yeah to get a ship and make it a torture ship exactly is that a true fact i know i've heard that trivia about the buying the skeletons because they were cheaper than research skeletons props yeah or cheaper than props that's what they say that's what it leads to the poltergeist curse well it's also a texas chainsaw massacre all the bones in that room were supposedly actual human bones that they ordered from the philippines oh i don't want to yeah no questions asked they come from the philippines um this is the first film of saul rubinick and the last film of sally ann howes we start with this empty ship that suddenly springs into action in the middle of the ocean somewhere yeah various parts of the engine are just whirring into motion because it's suddenly realized that there's something nearby to crash into yeah and and i'm reasonably sure that this engine room is not the engine room of the ship right because it looks much newer yeah it looks like they got an actual old diesel ship engine room to shoot in yeah i don't think that the rusty ship they shoot on for the rest of the film would have been lubricated enough for these functions from the beginning it's really confu it was really confusing for me because they cut a car they cut back and forth between like inside the ship outside the ship outside another ship but i didn't realize that there was more than one ship going on in the scene i was like man this stock footage is really terrible like they really haven't matched the ships well because this ship looks nothing like the other stock footage of the ship but i you know i realize now that they you know it took me a while to realize i think you had to point it out to me that there was more than one ship being footage being cut together here and they were implying that one ship was barreling towards the other well there's a lot of weird editing where you get quick flashes of stuff that's going to happen later yeah so like while we're watching the ship we keep getting flashes of the actual cruise ship and then back to the the ghost ship and all the establishing shots of the cruise ship are from really far away and they're super shaky and like sideways so it's like not even clear that they're trying to introduce a second ship yet uh on board the cruise ship uh the captain is being called away from the bridge to go visit a halloween party yeah and he's pretty upset about it because he wants to just be the captain of the ship but he has to do all this dumb like pr stuff and interact with all the guests he wants to be the captain of a real ship and not a party boat right and uh he's also this is like his final trip basically he's about to hand over the reins to this other captain that's like a captain and waiting basically yeah uh i really was hoping that the halloween aspect of this would play more into the movie yeah like two people would be stuck wearing like a genie and gorilla costume for the entire film or or just like like it had something to do with the fact that it was halloween night or something like that but rarely it doesn't it's not the like the fog maybe it did i don't know well i i think by the end of the movie we get a different yeah oh i guess you're right right well that's for dia de los muertos so oh it's gearing up at this halloween party a couple of kids are arguing about when their bedtime is supposed to be because they just want to stay up at the party a genie and an ape man sneak off to make out in one random room of the ship the bridge notices that there is another incoming ship on the radar and when we see this radar footage it's actually from the 1976 king kong movie yeah they just flipped it horizontally but uh when we see a ship on the radar it's just footage from uh king kong 1976 and the captain is called back onto the bridge he's like [ __ ] talking all the people at this party within the earshot of them because he doesn't like being there and they're driving him crazy um and the the first officer and his wife are like offended to hear him talk like this in front of everybody especially his kids yeah the evasive maneuvers fail when they're trying to avoid getting hit by this ship basically the whole thing goes down really fast yeah like i i was totally confused as to what was happening yeah because you see all these people all over the ship like reacting to the impact but um and i see like you know like this room filling up with water and it's like okay well it's gonna like this is gonna be about them like on the boat for a while like while it's going down and things like that it was like nope nope next yeah trying to get so it's gonna be like the whole second two thirds of titanic getting to the top of the ship and no they just straight up cut to a life raft full of people yeah yeah but in in the uh ensuing madness like we see the the bottom of the ship is getting flooded this giant piano falls from one deck down to a lower deck inside the ship but that's also a clip from a different film it's from a 1960 film called the last voyage so they're just recycling a lot of footage here yeah i was actually impressed by that i was too and then i read the imdb trivia i was like oh i didn't actually do that okay when we cut to these people i was like these people were in different parts of the ship right two of them were completely naked also yeah and and how did they [Music] not get anybody else out when they were all in different locations like the whole bridge crew didn't make it yeah and not anyone a single other person at this party made it yeah you wonder if there weren't more scenes for this and they just weren't happy with the way that the ship looked sinking so they were just like you know what let's just cut to everybody in the lifeboat because you want something like the poseidon adventure and it's a similar situation where this disaster happens during a party right but everyone from the party is still there right they they don't all just die well they do but but then one at a time slowly over the course of several acts most of them die right then because the the the the ceiling gives away right and the room starts flooding and while they're all trying to climb up onto the christmas tree christmas tree yeah but uh but that makes sense like we kind of get to see it just i i can't imagine it makes sense sure i can't imagine just no one else everybody was at the party yeah it was a very popular party the only two people who weren't at the party were the ape man and the genie but somehow they made it on the lifeboat it was a wish yeah that's dumb but yeah so there's basically eight survivors um you have the two kids uh the new captain and his wife the parents of the kids professor and marianne yeah the band leader somehow made it but none of the band the ape and the genie and then a widow who we were introduced to earlier and then suddenly a ninth survivor just rises from the depths yeah like we've seen several wide shots of this raft floating around and there's nobody on the surface of the water nearby so this guy was completely submerged for like probably multiple minutes before he comes up here and it's the captain and they're able to drag him up into the ship the captain is being played by george kennedy here and uh almost as soon as they get him on board they notice the ghost ship or the death ship as the title would have you refer to it it is technically a ghost ship yeah i mean i keep i keep every time i put it in my notes it's ghost ship and i realize that that's not what the movie's called well it might as well be um because it is about a ghost ship and uh the poster looks the same as the poster for ghost ship yeah and it's the same basic premise as ghost ship except for in that one i think they were just trying to strip it for parts they didn't lose their original boat right but there was a party on that boat too right that's where everyone gets cut by that cable yes um i don't remember was that like a because it's new year's in poseidon adventure right it's christmas it's christmas episode they have a christmas tree but but you have a christmas tree at the end of the year it might have been new years it's been a while since i've seen that one but yeah there's another party and a bunch of people get sliced real good that's the best scene of ghost trip so once you pass that you don't need to watch the rest that's like the first scene of ghost ship yep i think we made that point although we have our podcast yeah it's the only part that we remember you don't need to wait for julianna margolies to show up that movie's over so uh they start shouting to this empty boat um and they think that a platform has been lowered for them to climb up but it was on the other side of the ship so it might have been down this entire time right and they go over to it and climb on board the kid has been holding in he's had to go pee since before their ship sank and so now he decides he's just going to pee on the deck of the ship instead of off of it into the water and his sister's like what are you doing like all upset with him because he just runs off right this kid well these kids run off a lot yeah but he wanted privacy to pee i get that but go to the side of the ship like on the other side and then pee off into the water just like stand on the deck and pee on the deck but the last three people out of the boat are the other two adult men carrying the captain who is basically incapacitated but as they're going up the stairs they collapse off the side of the ship and everybody falls back into the water the girl that was wearing a genie costume before runs to toss like a rope ladder down for them and apparently even though he couldn't like he had to be carried up the stairs but he can climb a rope ladder to get back on yeah then the ship stuff starts dumping oil yeah i couldn't tell what that was if it was like literally sewage or something they're trying to climb up the ladder and the ladder is just hanging down over this pipe that's just dumping this black brown sludge in their faces suddenly ropes from above the deck like form a little slip knot and snag the band leader yeah jackie yeah and they basically take him it drags him over the side of the ship and then dips him in the water upside down so like he can't he can't breathe it's like it's waterboarding him basically yeah he he he's just underneath the water enough where he can't be buoyant so he can he can't pull his head up out of the way right yeah um and then the ship starts running while it's got him over the side of the the boat and then it pulls him really really high up as as high as the crane will go on the top of the ship and then just drops him into the water which he survives right he survives that but then is he sucked into the engines or is he just drowning because she's going full full speed i think that the waves just suck him under yeah yeah but it would have been a great thing just to see like blood coming from the wake or something like some kind of i was like oh i was like he's not dead i was like he was gonna he's gonna like grab something or at this point i was convinced that falling into the water was the safest you could be because at least there's still a raft out there yeah like you can swim to that it might take you a while because the ship started moving but but yeah i it's kind of implied that he's already dead here which is the end of our uh the appearance of saul rubinic in this movie he's done for um so now we're down to eight survivors sorry i'm laughing at my note they look around the ship but it's abandoned and old yeah it's also for some reason crowded with spider webs which i was like would there be spiders on this ship if it's out in the middle of the ocean like what would what are they subsisting off of each other but then what do they do like they just eat the spider poop and then they they breed more baby spiders and eat those spiders i guess there is some food on this boat but we find it much later in the film there might be bugs in the middle of the ocean i've never really hung out there are there bugs in the middle of the ocean richard you're the man to ask my ears at sea i mean birds fly long distances over water there's got to be something i guess they eat the fish maybe the maybe the uh spiders are fishing that would be cool spiderweb i guarantee you there's video of a spider fishing somewhere on on youtube um there's that one so we're gonna find a picture of it put it up on the instagram well there is that one that builds nets in its arms and holds it there and wait for bugs to crawl underneath and it drops down and catches them in this net that sounds a lot like what they did to the band leader maybe spiders are running this show um on the above deck uh random disembodied voices are speaking to the captain in in german which is already scary just disembodied german voices are frightening to me maybe that's just my own personal racism um we get we get a line from one of the kids it's like mommy i'm frightened yeah i was like i don't know if like a little kid would be saying frightened that's what it says on the page a hook bashes one of the guys on the in the back of the head but apparently doesn't kill him but it knocks him through a bunch of like wood stuff and what's crazy is when he finally stumbles back to everybody like he doesn't tell anyone by the way i have a serious head injury yeah don't let me go to sleep by the way i'm gonna go to sleep i'm real tired it's been a day they uh they decide that they're going to continue to explore the ship since they can't find anyone but they will all be safe as long as they stay together so then everyone splits up um the kid tries to drink like straight up black water yeah like he turns on a faucet like the same sewage that was dumping over the side of the ship before and he just pours it into a glass and brings it up to his lips and the lady has to slap it out of his hands like no no darling don't drink that what are you doing you idiot we have to boil this also you should be able to see through it water's not supposed to be opaque uh the genie lady whose name i'm forgetting laurie is the character's name uh she finds the source of some music which is a record player in like this music room and she turns it off and walks away and it starts playing again and suddenly all the doors on the ship are like shutting and locking magically which is very house on haunted hilly yeah there's a lot of um uh i call it the like the flea circus the john hammond flea circus kind of effect where sure things are just moving but very awkwardly because it's obviously like being pulled by little strings or little mechanics so so it just doesn't seem to have any kind of natural movement yeah but they want it to seem like oh it's just a coincidence that all these doors close like you don't know for sure that it was ghosts because maybe they just maybe the door's just closed and locked um but the record player just keeps restarting the music over and over they find a small like movie theater on the ship which is it's playing this 1936 film called everything is rhythm which has some pretty neat visual effects in it yeah like all these comps of like a tiny man dancing on a piano while it's being played the widow uh waiting in like the the hospital area of the ship decides that she's going to take some medicine or something no i don't think it's medicine i think they're peppermints they're little candies oh okay well whatever it is it doesn't sit well with her she um she tries to watch the movie and then her face falls apart it gets all bubbly and gray yeah um she looks like very zombified and she tries to move around the ship but she's got the grayscale yes exactly but there's no jorah here or jorah's the one who had it what's what's the guy that sam that fixed it but uh she collapses in front of the captain begging for his help and then in a vision he sees like a nazi sailor in front of him yeah he strangles to death with both hands the implication being that he's killing this woman which is probably for her own benefit yeah uh while this is going on marshall and nick are kind of wandering around the ship and they find the the chart room which says like all the charts drawn in circles yeah um and in the engine room all the the engines are running but all the gauges read zero right so there's no visual proof that the ship is even moving yeah well and there's no fuel in any of the tanks it's very so they're like why how are we moving when they come back to the room where the captain strangled the widow he says that she had a seizure and passed out and then they proceeded to bury her at sea the woman was mrs morgan and uh he reads from like a book of prayers yeah german the german bible yeah suddenly the captain is basically straight up possessed by nazi ghosts yeah and challenges marshall the the new captain to pilot the ship they're they're standing by the wheel and he's like you try and do it and he tries to move the wheel and it won't move at all and he's like yeah it's i could do this it's no problem he does it with like two fingers just kind of barely touches it because i'm a real captain and you're not right he's also now donned the german captain uniform which fits in perfectly yes the genie and the ape man get a room they decide that they're going to start making out again so they go find a room the captain is hallucinating or psychically visualizing something that might may happen later of lori completely covered in blood and the ape-man guy just kind of freaking out on the floor like he's on a bunch of drugs and panicking uh the kids are looking for a bathroom again because this little kid constantly needs to pee yeah because he can't help but drink all the water that he of finds dark it is he's got a bladder the size of a hummingbird yes or a hummingbird's bladder yeah that's better that's actually better it's in the shape of a hummingbird weirdly it's really sharp on one side lori decides she's gonna take a shower but as soon as she gets into the stall the shower door locks and the faucet turns on and it's just spraying blood all over here yeah uh this is my favorite imdb trivia yeah i made a note of it too uh for for whatever reason someone thought that it was necessary to put the blood in the shower was fake the breasts are real yes that was my first question when this was happening i was like i don't know about the blood but i'm sure they used real blood right i'm gonna have to look it up but i think it's funny because in that scene she actually shouts it's blood it's blood like it's so you would just assume it's rusty water if you were in it i guess i guess but she has to shout it out so that we all understand that it's blood right well blood has a very specific smell i was gonna say taste [Laughter] but that's how kubrick got away with the bloody elevators in the shining trailer was that he was like oh no it's just rusty water and they were like oh okay that's fine it's not it's blood it was a horse uh nick is trying to get her out but can't and so he he decides to leave her bye he goes laurie don't give up that's encouraging at least i was sure this scene was going to end with her just drowning right totally because it gets to the point where it's like three or four inches deep and i was like is this literally just gonna bleed on her until she drowns in blood that would be amazing that would be perfect then they open the door and her body just spills out into the room but that's not what happens i'm pretty happy with what happens instead though the the girl of the two children wanders into the radio room and everything is blaring german music at the same time as lori is like spinning and getting covered in blood in the shower and freaking out the captain finds both of the kids and takes them to their father but he looks really creepy while he's walking them back and he's just like basically shoves them down the hall towards their dad the ape man comes down and he says oh we got to get up to lori she needs help and he tells marshall like you got you got to help me i can't get the door open so they turn around to leave but when they come back the captain's already got her body out of the shower stall and she's still covered in blood and he's just carrying her naked body and he walks to the edge of the ship and goes [Music] and just throws her overboard which is just like totally ridiculous we had to look it up too because i was like it's like is it commander i feel like you should have said could we condemn or well i guess condemn was not good but then we we googled it and literally i got as far as we we commend and the first response was like his soul to the deep and i was like okay so that's just a that's an actual prayer that people say when you throw we recommend his soul for the deep we put it to you you judges so he throws her bloody body overboard and hits sal rubinick yeah because this boat is not actually moving marshall and nick uh find the swastika room with all the hitler paintings which they like kept in one specific i like how they concentrated it all in one place the nazis were good at concentrating yes then they move into like the next room down this terrible passageway um and it's like a dentist's office kind of but like a reverse dentist where instead of putting gold teeth in your mouth they take them out and fill a drawer with them so they just find this and it's pretty obvious the second you pull the drawer out like oh what is this oh it's a bunch of uh human teeth that have gold crowns but the guy still grabs like a handful of them and he's like what are these and then when the guy says uh their teeth and he's like oh my god and he drops them back into the drawer it's like why did you touch them clearly teeth they pull out the next drawer over and it's full of watches just gold watches um and then they move into the next room which is full of a bunch of tortured skeletons yeah oh my god one of them is like a guy that literally just got left in this bucket of water like up to his face so it's a skeleton now obviously but it's been soaking in this water so much that all the flesh probably just washed off of it there's another person who's like bent over backwards with the top half of his head underwater yeah it's like one of those drinking birds like he keeps coming back up and then he's exactly like one of those drinking birds oh my god would be the sickest office decoration but yeah there's just corpses all over this room and they're all screaming yes um they moved back to the movie room where it's now just playing like a bunch of hitler speeches and nazi propaganda and marshall is trying to rip the projector off of the stand that it's on and nick runs over nick is the ape man he runs over and he tries to pull down the screen that it's projecting on but every time he pulls down one screen there's another screen behind it yeah you could get through like three or four of them it was actually pretty like upsetting this whole scene is really upset yeah because even though we see marshall like ripping the projector back and forth and just wrenching it free from the stand the picture isn't moving off of the wall at all and then he he's standing and projecting on him and you see him wanting to like almost rip himself apart yeah he starts digging at his chest and oh by the way he's bare-chested like but no shirt for like the rest of this movie yeah he's just running around without a shirt on nick lunges forward at what is i guess a vision of the captain and basically like suddenly he's on on the deck of the ship he's not in the theater room anymore and he's jumping to it to tackle the captain but he ends up falling into this pit that's full of bodies that was on the that was on the deck of the ship that they just didn't notice before and uh the captain like pulls up a net around him and squeezes him in with all these corpses and this drops him back into the water yeah marshall the krennic character richard krenna hears the captain asking for the blood of his wife and children he says that he's going to give their blood to the ship because the ship needs blood the ship needs blood marshall marshall basically stabs the captain to death in the dining room very suddenly yeah it's like finally yeah take some initiative it's weird that no one's like even like just tied him to a chair this whole time he's been just wandering around the ship killing people but then he rushes uh his family into a freezer that's basically full of soldiers yeah and i couldn't tell are these the crew of the ship the former crew or more prisoners i don't know like because they all had like some of them had life preservers on someone had like aviation goggles on maybe they were about to abandon the ship and he killed a bunch of people or something like the crazy captain but either way he he they get all the way up to the door of this freezer and then he sees what's inside and he's like oh keep the kids out here we can't go in here but he goes in and he grabs all the supplies that he needs to build a raft from inside this freezer um and then he runs back to the deck and he drops the anchor of a clearly not moving boat and suddenly the captain who he didn't stab to death apparently he just stabbed multiple times yeah is firing a gun at them the mom basically throws the kids overboard it was very like drastic the way she does it because you think like oh she's gonna like talk them down slowly and she's like well as soon as they're wearing a life jacket and they're on the side of the ship she just shoves them in the back till they fall off into the water um yeah it's a it's a chip full of nazi ghosts i think she has every right to give them off as quickly as possible i know i just feel like i might have been slightly more gentle but um maybe not maybe i'd have been even meaner find lori's corpse you can use it as a light put this vest on when you get in the water later um the captain is back and grabs the mother before everyone can get off of the boat and uh marshall basically jumps the captain he's shooting at them he gets like knocked around and now he's freaking out because like the ghost crew is not obeying his commands right so when he goes down to the engine room to start like like yelling at his crew and shooting his gun like he's like firing warning shots at them that's when he falls off and gets caught in the in the gear work and it's a pretty like gruesome thing man george kennedy has like a good like sense of humor or not sense of humor but like he gets what they're doing yeah and like so he's leaning into it really good but it's it's a very slow grinding of his hand through this gear but they they get off the ship essentially yeah they all get off the ship he gets ground up in the gears they get spotted by a helicopter a ghost helicopter no oh yeah it's the ghost guard that's good but yeah they uh they leave with the helicopter and then we get the implication from inside the ship that it's all sputtering to life again because it's planning on ramming another boat and they use the same footage again yes the same footage that they used excessively at the beginning i swear to god if you cut out all of the uh replay footage yeah the repeat footage and like the crappy found footage that they used of boats this movie would be a good 15 minutes shorter yeah and it's already like an hour and a half long and it moves really quickly i mean the the cruise ship is sunk already in the first like 10 or 15 minutes of the movie so the director alvin rakoff uh this was his second to last feature before dirty tricks in 1981 the writer john robbins not a lot on his imdb page yeah probably because he wasn't the actual writer of the film and that was just a fake credit uh story by credit was given to jack hill and david p lewis as a consolation prize for having actually written the script jack hill this was his last credit uh he worked a lot with roger corman on stuff he wrote spider baby and a couple classic black playtation films coffee and and foxy brown david p lewis uh wrote on the tv series planet of the apes which might be where he got the mask yeah um and he also wrote on columbo um the captain who goes crazy was george kennedy as captain ashland yeah a legend yes i think for me he's always been uh ed hawking from the naked gun movies yeah but uh i recognized him more from cool hand luke he was dragged and i also recently watched charade and he was one of like the sort of bumbling oafs that are going after uh audrey hepburn yeah in that movie yeah he's in the airport movies yes uh he he's just a well-known character actor so he just you know he does tv uh did tv sorry uh but yeah he he was in everything uh uh i also remember he was the voice of the head of the studio and cats don't dance i don't know cats don't no you don't know scott bakula uh about animals it's it's about race in hollywood but it's done with animals so like yeah yeah but but there are human actors too but good no actually i don't know i haven't seen it castle dance is wonderful richard krenna was trevor marshall the uh captain in waiting i think he's probably best known as colonel troutman from the rambo movies um and he basically came back to play the same character in hot shots part due which is amazing i mean he has a different name he's colonel walters but he's playing a parody of himself in the rambo movies yeah but he's also playing his name is is denton walters but he played a character named walter denton in a show called i think aramis brooks way back in the day uh because he's an old actor obviously right yeah uh because he was on the real mccoys which is like his big the big show that he was on yeah um but one of his last roles he did is i don't know i wouldn't i would never call it probably one of his great roles but i would say was the role he was born to play where he plays ronald reagan in the movie the day reagan was shot right directed by our friends yeah and uh but i was like yeah because he looks exactly like ronald reagan yeah he was also most likely the inspiration for powers booth's uh colonel jim faith in the gruber movie but yeah he's he's great i've always liked him and stuff and uh nick mancuso plays nick he used his real name the ape man he played tom breaker in both of the under siege movies yeah i i don't i mean i don't know much about under siege one under siege two i know that's the one on the train right under sieges of the submarine and yeah so so he must have been someone on the ship because i seriously doubt he was in both because they cut to a scene in the ship i thought he would have been one of seagal's handlers in order to have made it from the first film to the second round exactly yeah but i don't think he has as much play right in the second one sally ann hawes was uh margaret marshall the widow she played truly scrumptious in chitty chitty bang bang this was her last film we said before she was also fiona mclaren and brigadoon yeah but uh shitty bang bang i think it's important to mention that uh it it's a favorite of of ours because of james bond right as far as ian fleming's book that roald dahl wrote the screenplay for yes and the heat which they worked together previously uh this is the second one right uh you only live twice you only live twice yeah which was an ian fleming book that rolled doll also yes adapted so i just think it's funny it was imagining ian fleming and roll doll like hanging out together yeah and one is like clearly like a kid's family movie and the other one it feel it feels like chitty chitty bang bang is ian fleming trying to write a roll doll book yeah so he says let me show you how it's done kate reed was sylvia um that is the the wife of uh the captain in waiting she was dr ruth leave it in the andromeda strain she was grace in atlantic city and linda loman in the uh dustin hoffman version of death as a salesman which she got a golden globe nomination for laurie was actress victoria bergoin and she plays sabine in a movie called ghosts can't do it have you seen that trailer before no oh man we well we had to watch the trailer for that yeah i had to stop the movie to show jessica because she watched this trailer she hadn't heard of it you know what i'm gonna pull it up right now [Laughter] because the ghosts can't do a trailer is magical i have a computer right here you know i can just go ahead google it ghosts can't do it it's got bo derrick and when you think of the title ghosts can't do it it is exactly what you think there's [Music] just want you to remember all the good times that's every single second but there's one small problem you think you're having a heart attack i'm not people i'm just oh god anthony quinn no yeah bonos ghosts can't do it starring hollywood's ultimate 10 bo derek and two-time oscar winner anthony quinn [Music] it's an unconventional love story that shows bull knows amorous and bo knows adventure [Music] and bo knows how to get your it you know you have a nice head of hair it would be nice to have that again i prefer you possessed it bo derek and anthony quinn in ghosts can't do it now available on video cassette i think that trailer is so ridiculous because it they they use keep using the phrase bow knows and it's like you can't just use the name of your actor in your slogan for your movie when that's not the nature of your character well yeah i mean it's it's a parody of the bo jackson commercials where they were like bo knows basketball bonus baseball bonus football but it's like you're right it doesn't make any sense when you're in a trailer using the actor's name instead of the character's name yeah and it's also like they keep doing it for the whole they do it like 12 times and the premise feels like a stuart raffle movie it's basically just tammy and the t-rex yeah but with like it's just tammy and the random guy like instead of putting the brain in a robotic t-rex they put it in some random swimmer guy they found but uh yeah that's a ridiculous movie that i can't believe exists and poor anthony quinn yeah um he must have needed the money saul rubinick we mentioned before with jackie the band leader who got waterboarded briefly any number of character parts that he's played over the last couple of decades i think my favorite though is lee donowicz in uh true romance yeah where he's basically playing the son of the inglorious bastard donny donowicz from inglorious bastards played by eli roth but he was also the frenchman in the buster scruggs carriage segment do you remember that one yeah yeah yeah uh that that was one of the better ones to me yeah i i still really like steven root and the pan shot that was that one's good too they're all pretty good but uh yeah it's not rubberneck i mean he's been he's been in tv shows he's been in movies he also played victor dubanic in three episodes of leverage what season i don't know what i i mentioned that because jess worked on leverage for some of it what you were four and five yeah that's towards the end yeah so the uh part of the strangled sailor okay it didn't catch that credit uh was andrew semple uh this is his last name and it was like simple uh i so i started like because i look up everybody just to see yeah um and i was like oh oh this guy's still still very very active um he is an art department person worked he worked on uh mostly as like painters prop sculptors and plasters and different i guess i'm assuming he's when he's everywhere says plaster i'm assuming he's making some kind of mock-up but like some of these credits like uh millennium which is a great the tv show no no the movie oh okay it was great uh let's see like the new version of like rollerball uh some of all fears timeline day after tomorrow uh tron legacy nice uh and so i was like oh yeah this guy is really busy um it's really odd that he played strangled sailor in yeah death ship well it saw rubinick's barely in it too and i would say he's like at least working now one of the biggest names in this thing yeah so i just thought it was fun that that he's still very active but not so much in the acting he's just building props yeah a lot of people move behind the camera um what do you think jess up or down on this one uh i don't think it's a must-watch but i i i think it's enjoyable if you like campy horror films okay what does that mean well it's okay so overall it's down i'm not okay i'm not going to recommend my you know average friends go watch this but it but if if campy horror film type things is your thing then you should okay richard yeah i'm gonna have to give it a down too i i i i felt really nothing for this movie yeah i didn't have any like appreciation for the camp or anything i did i like i like people in it and that's about it i have to give it a down too because it doesn't really get started until the last third um in terms of like what i wanted this whole movie to be like the the ship sinking right away is good they they get on board this this death ship very quickly but then nothing gruesome happens until the blood shower and then it gets completely insane from there but i would have liked for it to be crazier longer but yeah i would say this is probably not not necessary viewing um letterboxed what are we doing here richard uh i'm gonna put this uh just below to all good night just below to all a good night okay what's that above fatso uh i'm i'm close to that in in my positioning of it uh i have it above to all a good night but below windows okay um i'm also going to put it below windows but above to all a good night so it seems like we all have a very similar opinion of this movie i think uh it's just slightly better than to all a good night yeah because it has more gruesome weirdness to it um but yeah i think that's fair i think it also had more of a story to it like just the whole i wasn't expecting the whole nazi ghost thing to happen that was unexpected in the in the latter half of the movie and i thought that was interesting yeah i think that's everything for this one um if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram letterboxed where as i said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider reading us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode so do that we will do it if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintagevideopodcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing a small circle of friends that's the name of a movie we won't be discussing a small circle of friends will be discussing a small circle of friends which imdb describes as harvard in the 1960s a time of social upheaval and student unrest three students bond together challenge the system and begin to lose their ideals we leave you now at the trailer for a small circle of friends [Music] they were the children of the 60s living in an age of sexual revolution fighting for a political revolution [Applause] i don't want to die in the dmz i don't even know where it is they shared their laughter their love and the vision of a generation three lives brought together by a moment in history karen allen jameson parker and brad davis a small circle of friends