we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of hyde and plain sight on march 21 1980. it was written by spencer eastman based on a novel by leslie waller directed by james khan produced by metro goldwyn mayer and released by united artists i only included the produced by metro goldwyn mayer because i think this is our first mgm movie that's the first time i remember hearing the lion roar so far since we've been doing the podcast that seems right uh but it's also based on a true story right not just a book about a a different named character which is odd that i thought that that character would feature more what do you mean generally like uh a legal drama or a material based on a legal drama focuses on a lawyer like okay like erin brockovich like that of the client instead of the client okay uh and and this or you at least get 50 50. um this is like like 90 10 yeah that's right i think there's only one scene where the lawyer is away from the client and it's just him shouting at his speaker box on his yeah well from the from the so i read a couple articles about the actual story yeah the actual story back in the day like articles that came out contemporaneously yeah um and it was not like it was in the movie no it sounds just like an absolutely dreadful story like the reality of it is far worse than what was in the movie yeah and the problem when i was trying to find information about the the actual case was that the all of the information i could find was too contemporaneous like none of it was from after 1980 so i couldn't figure out what happened right in the case yeah as far as i can tell um so the the lawyer picked up the case uh you know this guy went to look for his kids and i mean i guess we're spoiling a little bit of the movie here but right uh he went to look for his kids the kids weren't there um and so eventually he you know files a missing person's report which is all similar to the movie and then the lawyer picks up the case um it seems like i mean i don't want to say he wasn't a good lawyer but it didn't seem like he he seemed like a public defender type player because i don't think that the tom character here had a lot of money to use correct yes and it ended up and i think the guy took it because he thought it was going to be uh like a famous type of case because the the you know he was basically taking on the the government and so he was willing willing to do this but it took a very very very very very long time to sort this all out yeah i mean yeah it took well i think yeah over eight years uh you know he ended up not seeing his kids for 11 years yeah um and i think the movie takes place over the course of a year yeah or less maybe i don't know but uh yeah it definitely seemed far worse than it than it is in the movie he also ended up he did as in the movie get custody of the kids at some point uh but the kids were grown like they didn't by the time he met them again they were like uh we're gonna stay with our mom here in reno yeah yeah they didn't even want to come live with him he just let them continue living with their mother and yeah i mean it's just tragic and the article that i read was like and they have visited him occasionally and it's like oh that's a bummer it's not like uh oh you get full-time full custody it's more like a oh yeah they acknowledge your existence yeah the real world there was no real happy ending for this one so let's talk about this one venus yeah the the book that uh that was adapted into this film was written by the same woman that uh wrote dog day afternoon that was adapted into that film yeah um and i think uh that's where because james kahn obviously played the brother of uh fredo and and al pacino in the godfather movies and so the two of them had success with that story and this became a passion project for him um and apparently during the production he pushed pretty hard uh to not have a score on the film because he thought that it would feel more serious if there was no music underneath it but i guess mgm prevailed and the film had to go forward with a score but we start with i think our first mgm logo in 1980. well i i wanted to bring up another point before we go in sure yeah um and it's just a stupid me point um because aren't they all yeah they all are so i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm going to just take a moment here to show the poster yes i thought i thought the poster was of him holding a bullet like he was trying to like track down evidence because i didn't know anything about this and i thought it was a because i didn't okay i i get the scene now so so to describe this to the listeners who are our website yeah check our instagram but it's just james kahn with a big fist up in the air right but his fist is is wrapped in a way that his thumb looks like a bullet coming out of it like like he's holding it and examining it that's what i thought was happening that's not that's not what when it when the moment happens for the fist i was like well this is much less interesting than my theory he's just holding a thumb but who's he threatening the department of justice he's fighting justice literally the poster has him in front of his chil like another picture of his children so he's like i'll get you a kiss i punched everyone to get to you i'll punch those kids if i have to punch every kid that's not no don't do that um but yeah we start the film uh leaving a tire factory at the end of the day are they getting to work or leaving work they're i think they're leaving work because in the first shot it looks like everyone's walking away from their cars toward the factory but then immediately they're getting in a car to leave so i guess they were leaving and i thought that they were dock workers oh okay because because it seems like they're like out on a port or pier or something like well it's funny because this factory reminds me almost exactly of the building that they used in uh what's the movie with mark wahlberg where he tries out for the eagles that's based on a true story oh my god i have no idea i forget what it's called but um the the story of the movie is that like this guy like worked at some factory but he was really good at football and they actually had like an open trial for the team that does sound familiar and he makes the team and it's a true story about a guy that made it onto the eagles but uh at the beginning of the movie they're they're all walking into a factory and it's like the shot from the same angle like from up above and so it just reminded me immediately of that invincible invincible there you go it reminds me of the set for norma ray oh okay but uh this is a tire factory so uh as they're leaving thomas hacklin is being invited by a co-worker on a double date because he's recently divorced and uh hack complains that his ex is seeing a guy named scalise and that the two of them basically just drag him in to watch the kids whenever they feel like going anywhere like he's just a free babysitter for them but he is happy to do it right yeah and he makes that point too but uh that is also happening tonight which is uh why he's dropping his friend off and not sticking around to hang out when he pulls up to the house we're in the apartment a little bit before tom gets there and she's saying to jack scalise don't call him names in front of the kids can you be nice to him when he gets here and the first thing he says when he walks in he's like hey rubber man how's it going how many tires you make today i have to paint around here is that one because he's just [ __ ] on the apartment that his his girlfriend lives in but uh hack is like trying to be friendly and playing with his kids and um the two of them are heading out the door and he's trying to ask them like when you're going to be back like what do i need to do and they just like slam the door they're just gone before uh that night as he's tucking his son and he tells him that he's going to bring him to a baseball game in a couple weeks as a surprise that his his sister's too young still but that he's gonna bring his son to a baseball game pretty soon we uh cut from here to the party that that ruth and jack scalise have headed off to which is it's like a mob party they're celebrating some guy that did time for the family basically yeah it's weird though because he thinks it's like to celebrate like he makes fun of the the party's like all this for six months or something like that like and it's like it's not the amount of time that he did it's the fact that he was doing it for the family and he's like trying to throw his weight around the room and like oh i'm a friend of bobby's like bobby invited me personally and everyone's just like i don't like you i don't like bobby has a lot of people that nobody here likes uh and he even tries to like he even approaches the dawn he's like got the the gall to approach the dawn yeah and just introduce him to his girlfriend yeah but uh but a couple of the other guys here just let him know to his face that they don't care who he is and that there's they have lots of people like him that are just there to be like extra bodies in the room if they need to throw people at a problem there's a lot of traditional italian music being played here and some of it sounds very specifically like the music playing at the wedding reception that kicks off the first godfather movie um but uh we cut from here to scalise and a few other guys from the mob trying to knock over a bank on their way in like a guy's like shoving him back as he's trying to rob the bank because he's like hey get in the back of the line and he's like what are you crazy as a goddamn sticker for christ said get back there okay it was it was a very quick change moment actually there's a couple of quick change moments yes robert um but uh one other guy fires a gun in the air to like get everyone's attention and to shut everybody up in real in real life when the gun gets fired that's when everyone starts screaming and running that doesn't like immediately cause everyone to stop talking in the whole bank but for some reason in this bank everyone's like oh a gun i better listen to what this guy has to say the banker is kind of in shock at uh at being robbed and can't respond to any of the demands scalise makes so uh he basically climbs over the counter and knocks him out by like cracking him across the face with the gun right and uh he just grabs the bag and all the money that he wants and starts to leave as they're coming out the door of the bank they're looking for the getaway car in one place but it's like parked backwards against the curb in a different place he's like so everybody piles into it but uh it's already like getting flubbed all over the place yeah and uh it's uh it doesn't seem like they made off with a lot no it was a very small bag yeah um hopefully it was all thousand dollar bills yeah but now well i think it was supposed to be um it was the day that people were paying their taxes so they expected there to be a lot of money i think there was supposed to be a lot of of money because there was a little sign right as people were coming in that's like pay taxes here oh okay well in in uh they also kind of explained later that this wasn't an official like mob action like this wasn't cleared through the family that was just kind of like hey here's a thing we could do that would make money and they're going to love them yeah also it wasn't a traditional bank it was the treasury department right so it it i guess that i mean i think any bank robbery is a federal crime but i guess this would be like extremely federal yeah and it's and it's doubly bad because he actually assaulted the guy in the in the act so that it just multiplies the problem of the case he didn't him that hard it doesn't matter he could have spit on him it's still assault but uh at the double date now uh maddie the co-worker is uh telling hack as he calls our our lead character here tom he tells him that he needs to look his date in the eyes like clark gable would in one of one of his movies and as a result like he takes this advice a little too seriously and it just keeps staring into her face while they're talking but this the girl that he ends up on this date with elisa is is not much for conversation she's just kind of like yes the weather here is different and just stops talking and um maddie mocks a waitress for taking too long to bring them drinks and uh all of the three people here that we are friends with are pressuring elisa to join them for the spring fling they're like oh we don't want to press you but you're not doing anything right and you might as well go to this thing because you obviously don't have any plants but this is like an upcoming dance i guess it's part of the the factory that they put on by the union yeah the local whatever yeah but uh while they're in this bar uh hack goes to check on drinks and he notices on the tv that their this bank robbery happened and that uh jack scalise his his ex's boyfriend was arrested and he was the only person that was like he wasn't arrested he was yeah he was id because he the only one who didn't wear disguise yes he was the only one that was identified during this robbery so he goes to confront his ex about it and she gives him a lot of crap like yeah i heard about it what are you gonna do like get out of here the kids are here and it's fine he's not coming around and i love and we'll get into the neighbor later but yeah she here she's she's already like just kind of flirting with him like he got a good boyfriend there she was like shut up like it's just like you're you're typical like neighbor banter where you just tell your neighbor to shut up yeah and then uh after like she's she slams the door in uh his face and he starts to leave and she's like uh he turns to the neighbor and he's like hey mrs novak just like thank you for trying to stand up for me there uh his ex goes to see uh jack scalise in hiding where he's like basically taking a small apartment and he's been cooped up here for a couple days waiting for the mob to help him out because everybody else is fine nothing happened to anybody else they're all back to whatever jobs they had before because they didn't get id'd but she's having to bring him groceries here so she's having to like bring extra food to him and take care of the kids by herself because he can't come in the house so uh but she tells him that the family is planning on sending him a ride soon basically someone's gonna be by to help you out and he's like oh it's about time it's been a few days i've been here by myself the the mob talks to him and says that he screwed up by hitting the banker and that his best move at this point would be to marry his girlfriend because if they're married she can't be forced to testify against him in court and also it makes him look like a family man it makes him look more defensible and they'll pay for the attorney and everything hack meets with ruth again and uh he's picking up the kids or dropping off the kids with her but either way kids are involved it's a it's a trade-off and she tells him by the way i should let you know i married that idiot bank robber after he robbed the bank and uh he's just like you you married him and like we just the camera like slowly backs away so that we can't hear the rest of this argument well i hear one i heard one part which is like i thought you'd be happy for me wow that's uh that's impressive um we move into an interrogation room where um jack has been brought in because the family has agreed to pay for his defense right and they said to turn yourself in yeah and so that's we're assuming that's what he did well i i just like when they're they're in the car telling him what to do to get married and to turn yourself and he's like oh just go uptown you can take care of both things at once like yeah and i also like that he's like what oh no yeah no we're not gonna get married he's like if it was me that's what i do yeah okay i'm not gonna do that and he's like you're gonna do that that's what we're telling you you're doing right now like it's like i don't think you understand how this conversation is working but we're telling you what you have to do right now and if you don't do it then you're on your own so uh jack is being interrogated by marzetta and they're basically they're considering him for i think the first witness relocation case it seems like it's at least a very new program well i i don't know if it's witness relocation for the for this is new i think it's this new mob task force okay that's new like he is he is the test case to see if they can get someone to turn on the mob protect them and then start taking down this organized crime yeah um and i think i've made this point talking to you before during the macgyver podcast but witness relocation has a 100 percent track record they've never lost anybody who didn't like break all the rules to give away their location they weren't gonna tell anyone if they did that's true who could say for certain um that's a good point but uh yeah so uh hack sits down with alisa at the spring fling and uh i couldn't tell what happened here she was like pulling out cigarettes and asking for a light but he thought she was offering him a cigarette and he's like all embarrassed about it because he thought he misunderstood what was happening he's just awkward i think his mind is elsewhere and i think it's also they're playing on the fact that you know he's been married for a number of years so he's kind of out of practice dating people anyway but um which i think is why he was like taking tips from his friends so seriously like i guess i have to stare into her face but uh he commits the rookie mistake of inviting her to dance right as the song is ending and then a fight breaks out immediately as they're like trying to clear the dance floor a fight breaks out between two of the other factory workers he's like it happens every year you know you wouldn't believe it but those two guys are actually really good friends they uh she decides that she doesn't want to go back into the dance but she's not like leaving and abandoning him she just doesn't want to go back in because she doesn't feel comfortable with those people and the two of them decide they're just gonna go for kind of a walk and uh they talk about his ex and his kids and she likes that he cares about his kids because in the 1980s this was like a novel that a father would care at all about his children thus kramer versus kramer right or was that 70s because that was 70s huh yeah it's pretty close and it has a very similar ending late 70s but uh yeah so he's sharing pictures of his kids and she she says something like like always very handsome and then hack is trying to be humble but he accidentally like compliments his ex-wife by saying like oh he he gets it from his mother and it's just like wow oops i was i was trying to just be like funny humble and i accidentally was like oh my my ex-wife is very attractive well uh i know that uh coming from a divorcee parents uh that my dad will often say that like he's like oh you know he gets his looks from his mother yeah so you know so i i can see i don't know if that's it's much of a compliment you know much as it is is like a it's not so much supporting her but diminishing him yes yeah no and it definitely comes across that way she comments on the the awkward eye contact that he had going on in the first date he's like oh maddie you know maddie he's got this thing you know uh about how women uh how they uh respect uh directness says when you meet ali you look a right in the eye you know uh clock gable you never see clock gable any of his movies looking down on the ground the cops talked to jack about witness relocation which is at least a relatively new program so he he doesn't know what it is he's never heard of it yeah not that he seems like he's like up to date on all the new things but he seems very confused when they're trying to explain it to him but part of the problem or part of the system is that he would get a job he would get relocated he would get a new name i don't know if he gets like extra money on the side i guess it's just a job yeah i guess they just give him a job but all of it sounds really intriguing to him and he's a little bit frustrated with how he's been treated by the family he doesn't feel like he got the support that he needed as quickly as he needed it and now they're not helping him enough hack takes the kids to the zoo with elisa and uh ruthie gives gives him crap when uh he shows up to pick up the kids um like i like him skinny now huh because he brought his girlfriend and uh it's like i've been putting up with your boyfriend for a while now like you don't need to give me crap about this girl but at the zoo the kids are like oh why are the monkeys rubbing and hacks like oh they're very itchy ruth goes to visit jack in jail and says hey i don't know what you were talking about when you said like the family was going to help us out but they're not helping me with groceries and they're not you know they're not doing anything to support me while you're in here and i'm actually getting more help from the police than i am from the the mob so uh this kind of sucks and he tells her that he's gonna take this witness relocation stuff because it's a better offer than than what he's getting from the family we cut to him in court where he he his testimony is putting 12 big mob bosses away yeah and he's just pointing everybody out that we saw at the at the party with ruth earlier hack heads to pick up his kids from their house and they're gone um he knocks on the door um nobody's answering he leans back and yells up to the neighbor woman who he's friendly with and she says she doesn't know what happened and he's like come on you gotta you gotta have some information for me she's like all right i think they left at midnight and they were in two cars and like she has all this like she was paying attention she's a nosy lady well i like because she still throws in like she's like it was like midnight because it woke me up like she's annoyed like that's the name that's the neighborly way to pay attention to this right and it's also like it woke me up not i was watching intently the last time like she's trying to make it seem like it was an accident that she was she partied to this information but um hack goes to fill out a missing person's report at the police station and uh he keeps asking for more help and they're like no let's just fill out the paperwork first and then you know we'll we'll follow do everything according to the system but uh it's you know weeks are going by between visits with police or any kind of contact at all and alisa is saying like you sh you should be trying harder to get through to these people and he's like i'm i'm doing everything legal um and she says well what about i looked into it and marzetta is the head of this task force you should try and talk to him about it see if he can give you any information about where they went so he finds marzetta figures out where he eats his lunch and then goes to bug him at this restaurant while he's eating um and he's just like you know i'm on my break like can i just finish the sandwich he's like sure you can but first let me just tell you what my problem is and then finally like marzeta psycho just leaves in the middle of uh he's like i'm gonna go get a cup of coffee i'm going to sit down and we're going to talk about my kids and then he leaves while he's getting a cup of coffee he tries to like chase him back to his car like but if i was crossing the street there'd be five cops here to give me a goddamn jaywalking time i'm sorry what can i tell you i got nothing to say to you elisa spoke with someone at her school because she's a school teacher about the problem and they recommended an attorney who uh takes like special needs cases and he uh would probably see them for free at least to discuss the case initially and hack doesn't seem very interested in going to a lawyer but when he finds out that the talk would be free and that they've already made an appointment he's a little bit more on board so we cut to scalise and ruth at their new location which i think at first they're in michigan and uh and they're all sitting at a table eating and they're like yelling at the kids because nobody's getting along and everybody's uncomfortable with where they are well and the irony is that jack is now working at a plant yeah he is now a blue-collar schmoe that he's always looked down on yeah and he's complaining about the foreman and like he's he's like constantly phoning into the witness relocation people like you got to get me a better job or you got to get this guy fired and it's like no no we just got you a job you have to keep the job but uh he tells ruth that she needs to get a job because they can't afford things on just his paycheck and she's like but you told me i can't get a job and he's like that's right you can't get a job don't you dare get a job and it's like you just told her to get a job but then we cut to alisa and uh hack and she tells him that she's pregnant and he basically proposes right there she she expects him to be upset about it like she's apologizing as she tells him don't act like it was all romantic on his part though it was because it's very romantic no she says she's pregnant he's like well i guess we're gonna go get married yeah it's very akin to the seating caddyshack yeah that's romantic you just for the 1980s that's romantic before that it would have just been like okay so who do i make the checkout too like it wouldn't have it wouldn't have been like hey let's go get married and stay together for the rest of our lives that's that's comparatively romantic right but i'm just saying he goes straight into the okay we could get married this weekend not uh oh that's great i'm so happy but he gets to that stuff too yeah he says all of that in the scene eventually i'm i'm in more in jessie's camp than i am in here i don't know i was i get what he's trying to do yeah he's trying to do the honorable thing i guess is the way i would put it is that he's like oh well we'll get married so you don't so people don't look down on you for being right maybe i think you can see by her reaction that she is also in our camp with this one because she's like you don't have to marry me right fine yeah but you can tell that she wants to also like by the end of the scene she's like ecstatic that this was his reaction that he's he's ready to settle down with her and fully prepared to take on this child uh another weird thing about this scene was when she comes to sit with him and he goes that's canada over there did you know that and she goes uh-uh and i was like you're a teacher like you have to know something about where you live no i mean i know she's new to the area but this we're assuming that she's been there a while right and she would know at least that new york and buffalo is a city that borders canada nope no idea that'd be like like here it was like going out to the ocean it's like that's pacific ocean did you know that no uh oh what really they they go to see the lawyer uh that uh elisa's principal had recommended was it the principal or just someone else at the school but either way um they go to see the the attorney who is played by danny aiello the the late great danny aiello and uh he says he will take the case but uh he doesn't want to see them go broke so he's going to do it as cheaply as he can but he's giving them a lot of advice for starters and if they don't follow this advice then they can't move forward with the case but james kahn seems very interested in cooperating with everything the attorney suggests he the lawyer goes and uh gets in touch with a few reporters because he wants he wants the press to be following this case because if he's not going to get money from from uh the the client he needs to be getting money from somewhere and he wants this to be a public interest case and for there to at least be pr involved well i think it's not yeah i think it's not just for him i think it's for the case itself the best thing possible is to have everybody outraged in this man's defense right but it also brings like his name to the forefront and people he gets notoriety from it not that he's like totally out for that but i think a part of it is that he's just trying to get credit and get his name out there um hack is let go from his job but he manages with the help of the attorney to win custody in court which is pretty easy when uh the other person that's contesting your custody case doesn't show up yes it's basically just 100 forfeited in your in your uh on your side and it's just a symbolic victory right it doesn't really mean anything because as much as he now has full custody of his children he doesn't have any custody of his children because they're in another state and the government won't give them back to him so he's got this folded piece of paper that says the kids belong to him and he can do what whatever he wants and uh and he walks away from the attorney with the piece of paper he's like oh great now i got a piece of paper this is wonderful he's like hey where are you going he's like i'm gonna go have lunch with my kids and he just like waves the piece of paper around and uh the government basically uh catches word of multiple articles about the case that hack is putting forth and they basically want to stop the story before uh the public gets really upset about it because they don't want to have to field a bunch of phone calls from the public the feds really want marzetta to lean on the newspapers to not publish anymore yes in court hack basically stands up in the middle of uh deliberation and and uh he's objecting to the treatment he says that he always respected the government and that he was like a good like good american and he did what he was supposed to do all the time and the judge basically orders him removed from the courthouse outside he's getting interviewed by a couple members of the press and he doesn't want to talk to them because he's embarrassed about having just been thrown out of the courtroom but the attorney's like no you need to talk to these people they're on your side and don't don't have outbursts in court these are the people that you should be having your outburst right and uh so he yells at them for a while and while he while he's talking to the the members of the press and saying like how would you feel if it was your kids um he notices this car pulling away from the front of the courthouse the lawyer's car yes i thought that this was going to go somewhere and it really doesn't what because like oh he's he's spotting the lawyer's car so he's gonna like follow the lawyer wait it was the lawyer's card that was pulling away yeah oh like the other attorney yeah the yeah not danny aiello oh okay but the the the opposing attorney oh okay the government and i thought that he was following him because they both go to the same location but they're not going there for the same reason it's completely coincidence that they go to the same location but the new location that they go to is the unemployment office right right um and uh he is basically refused unemployment because he was standing on the wrong line yeah like he got there super early in the morning and when he gets to the front they're like oh yeah you're supposed to be over there and he gets really mad and he's just like leaves empty-handed because he doesn't have time now to get in the right line and there's a lot of like anti-hippie sentiments in this movie yeah and the fact that the next person in line is like a long-haired hippie and he's like like scowling looking at him like this guy gets unemployment but i don't yeah well i think this was definitely playing to like the conservative viewer like hey even like a red-blooded american patriot can be screwed over by the system and it's not all it's not all great out there but uh yeah so he's he doesn't get his unemployment he's walking back to his car and he sees the other attorney's car in the parking lot right and he decides that he's gonna tap it and do a little love tap and then he drives out of the shot and then he just comes back in full speed and crashes into it again uh but again i i thought that this was going to go somewhere else like he was going to follow the lawyer and the lawyer is going to be on the take uh like from somebody else because because the lawyer gets out and he gets when he gets out of his car another guy gets out of the car and hands him a briefcase but then they walk separately i was like is there something going on here that i'm not seeing i didn't realize that it was the other attorney and i thought this was either the mob or the police tailing him but it makes more sense now that you say that it's the attorney and he was just blowing off steam by messing up the car but it's just weird that they would both happen to go to the unemployment office yeah back wherever jack and ruth are living i think this is still michigan um jack is busting into a car that was parked on their street to yell at some kids that are having sex in their car and he's trying to tell him that it's a good neighborhood and get out of here and he's got a knife and everything like he's physically threatening them i think this is a show that he's paranoid yeah that somebody's like you know watching him but as soon as he goes back inside ruth tells him like hey you know you don't have to pick on every single person that's parked outside and and uh he goes to beat her and they cut like basically when his fist would have made connection with her uh ruth calls collect calls tom's house while his mother is there um his mom answers the phone and she's like who is this what no i can't understand operator i can't hear what they're saying okay i don't know this person okay bye and hangs up i'm assuming ruthie is probably crying yeah and and like frantic about calling and so that's why she's not making herself clear we don't hear the other end of the conversation right and i i couldn't tell if part of the point is supposed to be that that his mother has like any kind of mental problems no i think she's just a just an older lady and when he starts yelling at her she starts like yeah well i i couldn't i i think it's possible that they might have been hinting that she had some kind of dementia like she wasn't thinking about the fact that i know a ruth and we're desperately looking for a ruth and a ruth called like it seems like a weird coincidence that she would be like i don't know ruth whatever that last name was that you said i know a ruth but she just recently changed her name as a part of a government program and we're desperately trying to get a hold of her and is it that ruth but she does she does successfully manage to come up with the city name yeah i thought at first that she was just making it up like she was like will he stop yelling if i can think of a single city in michigan um but uh he's like he's like who was that who did you just hang up on and she's like i don't know ruth bocce or something like that i don't know any ruth bocce and he's like that ruth that's ruth we're trying to get a hold of ruth and uh he's chewing her out until uh elisa is basically intervening on her behalf like don't yell at your mom we're gonna figure this out where were they where did they call from and she she managed us to to choke up michigan and ann arbor before he like basically just bursts out the door like i'm going straight there right now he's being pursued by a car on the freeway and he keeps trying to lose it and it keeps catching back up with him so finally he just pulls over on the side of the freeway and waits for the guy to do the same thing behind him so they can have a conversation face to face which was again weird because he just did all that work to lose him and then only to wait for him well i think he got to the point where he realized this guy's still behind me so i'm just gonna pull over and figure out who he is but this conversation that they have so infuriating like i was just like man i wish this guy had a gun and he just shot this guy on the side of the freeway and left because this guy's so annoying but um he the guy gets out of his car and he's like hey you need any help what's going on and he's like yeah i need help because you're following me and i don't want you to keep following me he's like hey i don't know what you're talking about man i'm just i'm just on the freeway and it's like yeah but i've tried to lose you multiple times and you keep getting back on the road and following me you've been trailing me for a hundred miles now and he's like why don't you uh like me following you do i stink or something shut up i know what you're doing stop pretending but then he gives it up anyway and goes hey hacklin yeah what if you were just gonna do that anyway yeah why even pretend just at right when you walk up just say hey hacklin i'm part of the family and uh we're trying to find the same guy you are so let's team up but instead he's like oh it's just a crazy coincidence anyway get back in your car so i can continue following you to wherever the guy is but it turns out yeah that he's not he's not a member of the police like hacklin thought that's trying to like stop him from getting to uh his ex's new boyfriend or i guess husband now it's actually a member of the mob and they want to kill him so it seems like at this point he decides he's not going to go to ann arbor because he doesn't want to bring the mafia to where his kids are correct he knows that he's being watched and then jack is even informed that uh thomas and the hacklin family are being watched right yeah he's he he tells him also he jack is informed that not only was tom headed up there but that the family was following him and he's just like he's i think this is where he gets in touch with witness relocation and it's like hey we got a problem the mob knows that i'm in michigan and that's when they get relocated again to albuquerque because the next time we see them they're they're in albuquerque i'm i'm not clear why they would keep their first names i felt like witness relocation you the whole point is you're supposed to change everything yeah um i mean i mean homer change only changed his last name to thompson yeah i guess we are we basing this off of the simpsons now i guess it's so when people call the name you react you respond but uh my dukey's talking to you the yeah the other weird thing is that when she collect calls the house she uses her fake name if she's actually trying to get a hold of someone yeah like just use the name that everyone here knows and would recognize when you call unless she's worried that the line is being tapped but but if you're only calling anyway either way yeah you're going to be like oh no i used the fake name so they couldn't possibly know it was me oh no it's not it's not ruthie hacklin calling just hang up or scalise just don't listen to the tap yeah chief wiggin with the number five ah it's gotta be a fake number uh the the cops basically realize that hacklin's not gonna stop until he gets a hold of his kids or the family and so and merced is kind of having a little bit of a change of heart like he he's seeing the passion yeah that hacklin has and it's funny that they thought that he they could just be like yeah forget about your kids it's fine don't worry about it yeah well and i say 1980 but this actually the story is taking place in 67 so that was like a thing you could just be like come on yeah these kids are you're awesome don't worry about it you got a new family start a new family but yeah so and i forget if it if it already happened but there is a scene where marzetta sits down with another member of the police force and he says you know i feel sorry for this guy you know he came in and he was basically begging me for help he's like has it ever occurred to you that the mafia might be using him to get to that that was er that was earlier in the yeah but so that's the first indication that marzetta is slightly on his team but he's still a dick and he's not giving uh hacklin any of his time but now he's offering to send uh letters right if hacklin will write letters he'll send them on and he'll give hacklin any responses right and the responses he gets are clearly not from his family because they're spelling the names wrong yeah his wife son somehow forgets how to spell her own last name hacklin and all the letters are saying stop trying to contact us yeah it's weird that this guy's putting that much effort into preventing the kids from communicating with their father because he doesn't really care about them either but when we see him reading all these letters that basically the the new husband has written and sent back uh he's sitting on the docks with a full-grown dog now when when he went to go pick them up when they were missing he had a puppy with him that was supposed to be a surprise and now it's like a full grown dog because he's had the dog for so long and he hasn't seen the kids since then but someone else complains you can't just keep calling it the dog and he's like well the kids are gonna name it when they get it and whenever that happens in the meantime his name is the dog but uh tom's attorney books him a flight to washington to meet with a congressperson he seems excited about it and his buddy from the from the factory is like oh you know how many people you know ever talk to a congressman like that's that's incredible this where you're making progress um they go to meet with the congressman and right before they start talking with him he gets a phone call that someone important is in the is in his like waiting room he's like oh he's here right now oh god okay and then he sits then he's like hey so heard about your case i'll do everything i can see you later yep and it's like we just flew here to talk to you and that's all the conversation we're gonna have he's like yeah cool and before they even leave the room he's like calling his secretary like you can send the next person in that's a very important person i need to talk to uh he tom decides that he's gonna go to the office that's forwarding his letters and uh he's gonna tear up the office and destroy like the secretary's typewriter and beat everything up until she gives him the address that the letters are being sent to which it seems like he gets the address yeah because all of a sudden he's now he's on his way to albuquerque but uh his new wife tells him that he needs to stop freaking out like this because he's gonna end up in jail if he keeps going down this road and that as much as he shouldn't go straight down the line with all the bureaucracy of like this flawed system you also can't go and assault people and destroy property and he gets really mad at her because she's trying to lay down a bunch of rules for him and he feels like he's been following the rules this whole time and it hasn't gotten him anywhere so he just tells her to leave him alone and he drives off to albuquerque keep in mind she's like six to eight months pregnant at this point and doesn't want to be alone and thought that this guy was going to be around to be the father of this kid and so for him to be completely obsessed with this other case right now for her is very emotionally damaging but he leaves her there and the mob finds jack in albuquerque somehow i don't know if they like intercepted information from well i i think uh so there we got a scene of two guys in the restaurant and one of the guys just happens to just noticed him okay yeah so i think it was it was a coincidence it was just some guys happen to be in this restaurant and they one of them recognizes jack because i'm sure that the the robbery was probably a national news right and the the mob has like ties all over the u.s right uh so they made a call to the guy who was tailing hacklin right i guess and he's like guess who's in albuquerque yeah so tom heads there to find jack but so does that uh that guy that was following him before but now it's now uh hacklin's the one following and uh the cops basically ask the they they pop into the house after tom destroyed that office to get the address and they're like hey we gotta talk to tom and they're like well you're too late he left yeah and uh he says how long ago did he leave we gotta call and get police in pursuit uh immediately this is an emergency and and they go to use her phone and they're like you don't mind if we use your phone do you and she's like yes i do mind well well yeah the the one fed is already using the phone but marzetta again is the one who's trying to be cordial yeah and ask and then she realizes oh i can buy him a little bit of time by telling them not to use my phone so she says yes i do mind and so they have to go down to the precinct to use their own phone and uh it buys tom enough time to actually get to albuquerque before they can notify the local officials which seems a little bit weird to me that he can drive there buffalo to albuquerque before they can make a phone call he takes a flight right but still like there should be local people that they could have called to go intercept them yeah i mean it's still it's still like a four or five hour flight yeah jack is at work at this bar or restaurant or whatever and the enforcer guy comes in he's like hey you know a guy named jack scalise or jackie or and he's like oh yeah i know that guy and then jack like hears his own name and perks up and he's like oh crap i know this guy yeah and he leaves but then we get uh hacklin is across the street from the house where his family is staying and he sees the mob guy sneaking up on the house and he doesn't want guns around his kids obviously and so he picks up a shovel and follows the guy around the house and smacks him in the back of the head through a window into the home and then jack starts opening fire he's just been sitting in the living room with a gun and uh he he just likes madsen style kill build us waiting for someone to come in but this this body of this unconscious like mafioso comes through the window and he just fires seven shots across the street into his neighbor's house um but then uh hacklin's trying to get us in he's like hey i'm out here i'm out here and he's like who is that and he's like it's me tom and he's like okay why are you here what's happening why did a man just come through my window and he explains everything and he's like okay now you gotta tell me where my family is and he's very like reluctant to give any information here and it's like this guy's gonna strangle you to death if you don't like it doesn't matter that you have a gun he's gonna kill you if you don't tell him where your kids are yeah um but he says that they're staying at the sundance motel which is like three blocks down the road because the whole i think his whole plan was it's too dangerous here someone's about to kill me i just saw the enforcer at my job so you guys stay at the motel and i'm gonna stay here with a gun and take care of it myself which seems like the nicest this guy is yes the entire film it's the most considerate thing he's done so tom decides he's going to go down to this motel and he knocks on the door but nobody's answering and he finds he finds out from the front desk that they're in room three which i feel like is a violation yeah already but again it's the 60s yeah but he goes and he knocks on the door a few times and then kicks it in but then he doesn't check inside the room he just kind of looks in the doorway for a second he closed it and i was like what is in there that he knew that he shouldn't go inside like are they implying that like there's a body in there like that all three of them are in the bathroom you could probably tell from the doorway that they're not in there i've been in the bathroom with all of our children before if she'd taken a bath then he might have all three kids in the bathroom but uh he leaves and basically finds them eating at a restaurant across the street from this motel and he just sits on a car in the parking lot and watches them eat until the kids notice him outside he hugs them and and he has like a tearful conversation with his wife where it seems like wordlessly we're not we don't see an actual conversation happen but she has basically agreed like well you have full legal custody of these kids and they shouldn't be with me because i'm with a jerk who's constantly getting harassed by the mob so and it's probably dead by now yeah um so because they know where he lives yeah so go ahead and take the kids and so he buckles them into a cab and then right as he's about to leave the a couple agents of the doj interrupt him and they're like hey we're from the department of justice and and uh we have to put a stop to all this right now and that's when he raises his bullet bullet thumb up in the air i was like whoa whoa he is really like i have to say it was like the most manliest fist yeah like he was just like like it was like i was like oh my god he's gonna like suck this guy yeah but he's like nobody takes my kids away from me and like freaks out on on them and they're like okay fine it doesn't matter that's not even why we're here anyway we're here to keep this guy in witness relocation and you have custody of the kids illegally so just go it's fine um and so he puts the kids in the cab and drives off and flies home and we just get you know he's he's arriving home with his his pregnant wife and the two kids and she asks if she can carry the daughter because i i guess she was asleep or and uh it's just a happy family and and he's gonna have a third kid on the way soon and everything's wonderful we get a and titles over the screen saying that the case is still pending and that's what sparked me to go look up the information where i couldn't really find much infor as far as i could tell about the case it seems like it was just dismissed out of court yeah they didn't want to like the court system didn't want to deal with it they didn't want to you know they didn't want to side against the witness relocation program so they just dismissed it yeah but in in the real case he gets to this restaurant and watches the family eat and the kids are like 10 years older than they were the last time he saw him and when he they come outside they're like who are you and he's like i'm your dad and they're like oh cool bye and they just go home with mom torino a couple more titles come up after the one that says the case is still pending that say that basically the scalises are separated they say that the mother uh is in nevada but that the guy who is actually being relocated is living in a northwestern state which it's like northwestern like there's only two states that i would call northwestern um that would just be oregon and washington well um i would say uh wyoming and montana could be considered northwestern okay like if you're talking like custer like old west kind of stuff yeah but either way it's just like it felt like the movie was literally like hey mob it's up in the top corner over there go check the top corner and then the next title says like all 12 mobsters that he tattled on are all out of prison it's like so there's a lot of people that are out to kill this guy and he is in one of these four states um just fyi the case is still pending it just felt like they were trying to get the guy caught and killed yeah but that's the end of the movie so the these but these on-screen titles are implying that the current year is 1980. correct and you know this isn't like happening in 1967. this is this is going on for the last 13 years right the writer of the of the script uh spencer eastman um had written a movie called kansas with matt dillon and andrew mccarthy and also night game with roy scheider do you know night game i don't know i feel like we had it at our blockbuster because the cover box is like a baseball on a hook like a hook hand the novel was written by leslie waller who i said before also wrote the dog day afternoon book and the director was the star here james khan as thomas hacklin jr this is his only directing credit um but you probably know him as sonny corleone or buddy the elf's father that's definitely where i go to yeah he was also paul sheldon in misery he's tim lockwood in the cloudy with a chance of meatballs movies which is a great character jill eichenberry was alisa hacklin she's in 171 episodes of l.a law she plays susan johnson and arthur which i think is the love interest in the first film well it's it's not the the liza minnelli character but it's the the woman he's supposed to marry is liza minnelli in the first one i thought she was only in the second now she's in the first one oh she's the woman that he meets that he would rather be with than the rich woman that his family is trying to hook him up okay um and she also plays head of gary in young adult the diablo cody jason reitman film robert vajaro played jack scalise at first i thought he directed valley of the dolls but he just played a director in it so that confused me joe grafassi was maddie stanic he plays the deputy sheriff and natural boy killers he's a bank guard and batman forever he was in five episodes of la la oh god he's not the bank guard in batman forever is he oh no maybe boiling acid [Laughter] probably um he also plays a director in the movie naked gun 33 and a third uh and he's lou in the hudsucker proxy but i'm not sure who lou is yeah uh barbara ray was ruthie hacklin this was her third and last feature she mostly did tv movies after this kenneth mcmillan with sam marzetta he's great he was baron vladimir harkinan in dune michael schlemberg in amadeus or schloomberg he's brannigan and little miss marker and he'll come back again this year for kearney and borderline uh danny aiello was sal carvello the attorney yeah hudson hawk do the right thing moonstruck defiance is probably his best work oh god uh thomas hill played bobby momisa which is one of the the mob bosses that gets turned in mimosa mimosa no i'm sure mo misa he will play the president in the nude bomb later this year that's the get smart movie he was also conrad coriander in the neverending story films yeah which if you don't know who that is it's the bookstore owner right yeah because there aren't many characters that are named yeah chuck hicks uh plays frankie irish i think this is the guy who tells him to his face that he hates him at the at the first party but he plays the brow and dick tracy so he's one of the creepy looking henchmen characters um andy fenwick played andy hacklin who is the the son uh of uh the james khan character and he will play dennis stadling in christmas evil later this year um david clennan was richard fieldston i don't remember who that character is that that is the prosecuting attorney or okay that's the one yeah um and he plays palmer in the thing one of two there's a couple of the thing people here um peter maloney was lee mchugh um he plays george bennings in the thing yeah which which i immediately recognized him only by his voice yeah he's like can you turn that music down i was shot today but it's great that it's him and palmer because palmer is the one who goes i've known george bennings for years he's my friend it's so upsetting i did know him for years we were in a movie together last year um he also plays dr pill in requiem for a dream david margolies is detective riley that's the the cop that is helping james kahn uh fill out his missing persons paperwork and he's probably most famous for being the mayor and ghostbusters and ghostbusters too the mayor of new york he also plays a doctor in ace ventura and he plays dr levi or levy in dress to kill later this year leonardo cimino played don angelo vannucchi that's the dawn the head of the mafia family um he's the cardinal in the hudson hawk aiello um he's also the barons doctor in dune so it's a connection to marzetti he's he is one of those kind of character actors that you just see all over the place i think we were watching water world the other day yeah and he was in there he's one of the elders yeah okay if we just watched him in in uh out of plain sight um he's also uh in moonstruck with danny aiello and uh he he's credited as scary german guy in monster squad yeah he is the scary german guy yeah um anne helm plays reed's secretary um which one is reed reed is the more southern fed like the taller skinnier one okay she was married to the actor playing uh scalise when they shot the film but they divorced a couple weeks before it came out actually um charles hallahan played dixon the bartender um he's vance norris in the thing so we have another the thing person and then obviously mrs novak the neighbor the upstairs neighbor who's always flirting with james cohen is alice drummond the librarian from ghostbusters who i love yeah um she's also clara and tu wong fu i always go to uh seneca new york oh yeah that was one of her later things because she just passed away in what 2014 2015 but yeah she was uh she was one of the the actresses in the universe of the synecdoche but also uh ace ventura mrs finkel yeah finkel and einhorn finkel and einhorn but uh yeah richard up or down uh you know i'm gonna give this one up uh i i didn't think it was the most fast-paced movie uh but it certainly wasn't poorly made uh i was pretty invested in the story there was some parts that i feel it could be trimmed up or cut but uh overall i was i was pretty satisfied all right yeah i'm a hundred percent on board with uh richard's review here i think that we are both also on board with what cisco and ebert basically said yes they were their complaint was basically that it it held too true to the story which it really didn't in that that's not the ending well in in that it took 11 years instead of a year yeah to deal with this situation but i think that it it could have benefited a lot from a couple of twists and turns that weren't true to reality but that aside i agree i i was pretty invested i enjoyed the film i i gave it up all right um i enjoyed this film also i'm gonna give it a down um just cause i don't think it's it's necessary to see but it's capably made i don't think james khan is a bad director and uh the script makes sense and everything like flows pretty organically over the course of it probably because they they stuck so close to the the actual story but um but yeah i don't i don't think there's anything here that's like oh you gotta check this one out this guy this stuff happens but yeah letterboxed jess where's this going so i put this one uh right towards the middle of my list um it's just above uh midnight madness and just below simon okay it is also just above midnight madness uh but on my other end is last married couple okay i think i'm actually going to put it just below midnight madness but above simon uh which is the reverse the opposite of what mine was but yeah it goes right between those two for me but in the opposite direction um but i think that's about everything for this one uh if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share we have vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed or as i said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintagevideopodcast thank you so much for joining us and i hope that you will join us next time when we will be discussing little miss marker which imdb summarizes like so sorrowful jones is a cheap bookie in the 1930s when a gambler leaves his daughter as a marker for a bet he gets stuck with her his life will change a great deal with her arrival and his sudden love for a woman who is also involved in gambling operations we leave you now with the trailer for little miss marker he's a small time bookie and she's a girl from the other side of the track but that's what makes horse racing [Music] walter matthau julie andrews little miss marker she's a legitimate marker she's only 10 bucks worth you really keeping that little child for ransom what gave you that dumb idea isn't that what a marker is uh just taking care of it till our old man gets back how come nobody's ever found out about you i guess they never really looked well you're really very domesticated you know the way you are with the child that was fun do it again blackie shot him just like that partnered call a few places to see what you can get for the fire tell him it's a wolf you're not scared of blackie are you she's my girl sorrowful does she know that i know that and now you know that i think i'm the one you're scared of you you're a dane i told everybody that i was gonna kill you change your mind you're entitled nobody thinks you're hype at hoover you ought to be scared i'd fill you full of more holes than blackie and all that meanness would pour out where'd you get the money i want it you want it mr crunchy she taught me how to play cards casino pinnacle and bishop you are far more trouble than you are worth it will take all our efforts to shape you into any semblance of a human being on the other hand i happen to be stupidly in love with you and that's what makes horse racing walter matthau julie andrews and sarah stimson as little miss marker you