we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of niginsky on march 21 1980. it was written by hugh wheeler based on a book by romala naginski based on the diary of maslov nizinski directed by herbert ross and released by paramount pictures this was executive producer harry saltzman's second attempt at a naginski movie the previous attempt was a co-production with albert brockley 10 years earlier and was cancelled in pre-production that version was written by edward albee who had written like who's afraid of virginia woolf and it was directed by tony richardson who had won best director for tom jones in 63 prior to that attempt the first attempt is referred to as najinski unfinished project but it never actually got filmed and edited in completion i think i would have liked this film more if i had known it was based on a real person before i watched it instead of after i watched it oh i didn't realize you didn't know that it was a biographical thing i i had no idea because i don't know anything about ballet and i didn't know that this was a real person well there you go herbert ross was brought on after directing the turning point in 1977 possibly because of his connection to mikhail barishnikov who appeared in that film barishnikov turned down the role of nijinsky here and the role was played by george yalapenia who was his stand-in on the turning point the film is also the very first appearance of actor jeremy irons we start the film uh with a long dark hallway where we're slowly pushing into voslov naginski and a straitjacket staring blankly ahead spoiling the film yeah well also though i didn't realize what i was looking at until it reappeared as the last shot i'm like oh that's what that shot was yeah well i for me i noticed it so i was just like oh okay whatever this is it's gonna end up with him going crazy i guess we cut to a hotel in budapest in february of 1912 sergei enters a hotel with cloth over his mouth because he seems germaphobic or something doesn't play into the plot anywhere beyond this scene but he comments that his bell boy has a strong back and could be a dancer but asks how old he is and when he says 12 he's like you're too old he goes and he wakes up naginski in his hotel room even though the physician's like oh pete's on bed rest he needs to recover um and he says hey i booked us three tours in france and england and he gives them a gift which is like a shard of a clay pot with a fawn painted on it and they share a kiss through this the germ cloth doesn't count if it's through the sheet yeah exactly well it's like you also like you have to pay attention to which side was on your mouth and which side is on the other person's mouth it was it was like 1911. i don't think that anybody's really looking out for germs at this point he had the cloth for some reason but uh also i thought like that this was the first implication that they were lovers right yeah um but then there's a line of dialogue they're talking about the shepherd voice it's like that's for you not for me it's like oh so he's not gay oh no i i think that line was just to be like i'm not the person who like stares at boys all day that's your thing you're the one who stares at me i don't i don't go around looking for other men uh we cut to the home of romela who is with her sister in a bedroom uh getting ready to go see naginski star in a ballet and her sister is very jealous she goes to the show with her mom and she says that she wants to be a famous dancer and her mom is i guess an actress retired or right or failed i'm not sure but she basically talks down all of her daughter's hopes and dreams she's like oh that you change your mind so often about what you want to be like after we saw that rodan exhibition you said you were going to be a giant pterodactyl bird yes i did have a hard time writing rodin with an with an eye i kept trying to put the kaiju name in here this is another this is another case of us being uncultured swine yes oh i forgot to put the disclaimer um exhibit but it was where are the monsters statues no no no kaiju yeah um we don't know anything about ballet or like classical music or anything in general so uh if you do anything in general we literally don't know anything so if you do like those things you might as well skip the rest of this episode because i just wanted like a skip dance button every time ballet started because i don't i don't know i can't tell when it's supposed to be good or bad yeah and i did i did skip all the performances i was like scrubbing through again it would have been so much faster oh my god this movie would have been 10 minutes long that's not true it's still pretty long i'd like that you skipped all the dances and it still took you an hour and a half to watch the first hour how does this happen back back to the rodan point she says she says they saw a rodan exhibition and that romola claimed that she wanted to be hungary's first great sculptress you were going to be hungary's first great sculptures which is a word that i used during our review of last married couple and you guys both made fun of me because you said they're just called sculptors so i just wanted there's a little vindication here i'm using 1912 terminology but sculptris is a thing that i didn't invent on my own she uh during during the ballet she's clearly fascinated by nijitsuki's performance but afterwards we hear the show is losing money and they need to find more people to invest in it jeremy irons shows up as mikhail and he's the choreographer for the company and he's heard a rumor that sergey is planning a ballet specifically for vasilov to star in and he's upset about that because he likes to pick everything out and he uses all of his own people and and he thinks that foslov is just sergei's boyfriend and doesn't deserve to be the center of one of his choreography works that's what they're called right choreography works do you ballet experts who didn't heed my warning sergey tells him that there's nothing to the rumor and that he sometimes has to indulge him uh to just keep him working for the studio and not to worry about it romela sneaks into a rehearsal because she wants to speak with sergey diagolev which my uh talk to text knew how to spell i was very impressed but when she tries to speak to him he walks right past her because he knows that people are there to just try and get jobs from him and he doesn't react to them yeah but uh she decides she's going to stick around and just watch najinsky practice uh voice to text says she sticks around to watch the jet ski practice it's not perfect technology but it's getting better guys i think that that would have made for a much more interesting movie yes the jetski dancing around on stage richard's not fast-forwarding through any rehearsed choreographed jet ski dance no i'm watching that see uh we cut to greece in march of 1912. sergey and oginski are on vacation exploring the ruins of ancient greece i'm assuming that they're trying to get inspiration for his for his play yeah for his show dance thing belly belly you're gonna do the the belly they keep calling it bally like it's a total fitness the boys do football not bali is that a thing still what bally's valley's total fitness i'm pretty sure it is maybe not like i don't know i feel like that ended with the 90s valley who valley high no all right no another musical naginsky asks sergey if he's ever been with a woman and sergey responds that he has been with three and a half women god najibski's like what was the half time well she was cut in half by a buzz song well actually he says when was the halftime and i wanted him to say like oh in the middle of the game which half they defer to the second half but he says he says when was the half time and he says well i suddenly said to myself in the middle of this this is it ridiculous made me laugh really hard they look at a lot of ancient greek art and naginsky sees the ancient pot with the painting of the fawn on it again um and he's like oh this is from the same period right he's like don't worry about that you're just playing the fawn you don't need to know the historical accuracy of stuff we have people for that so just ignore it uh we moved back to the theater where leo or leon is presenting the costumes for the show and uh sergey and mikhail are sitting in the stands with him mikhail is very offended by the costumes because they're much more revealing than he wanted them to be yeah and he thinks that sergey is just a pervert and that he just wants to see naked people and he doesn't care about the ballet the bally the ballot mikhail's objections are overruled by sergey who says his taste is impeccable even when it's bad i liked that line later mikhail walks in on leo and vaslav discussing his bally and we cut to monte carlo in april of 1912. april of 1912 a significant month in the history of the world uh but for some reason the sinking of the titanic plays no part in any of this story okay anytime you hear april 1912 you're expecting some important person related to these people is dead well they kept they kept making such a point of showing the exact month and it was like is this building up to like world war one and is it trying to keep us on our toes for something but it like never plays a factor i mean i think that the point of the dates was just to show you how quickly this all sort of progressed maybe this all happened in a very short period of time anyway we're in monte carlo now in april of 1912. romula is meeting with an old classmate who has connections to this ballet company seems like this is someone who she hated in school yeah and has since learned that oh she has money and she has connections to this theater production so i'm gonna go bother her and pretend like we were best friends and she just misunderstood so that i can get into this this uh company yeah she calls her out on it later but doesn't seem to care yeah and she's kind of like doesn't even yeah they're just joking about it but uh she says that she wants to meet sergey basically uh sergey meets with baron de gunsburg for money who's more than happy to shell out the cash right he he says like he wakes up at night like from nightmares because he's afraid he's not giving enough money to artists apparently he writes what people owe him on his sleeves like that's how he keeps track of debts but he said that his valit keeps washing his shirts before he can transfer the numbers to any permanent uh books mishka the mikhail that's his nickname jeremy irons uh enters and confronts sergei about voslov's play because by now it's been confirmed that a play is being centered around sergey's boyfriend and he says you're gonna shut that all down and we're gonna start from scratch and we're gonna actually cast somebody for this and uh sergey basically tells him you're you can quit if you want your contract is up in november but uh it's up to me and you're really not in a position to make any kind of demands for me mikhail basically surrenders and leaves and sergey admits that he feels like he's losing his creative ability and he needs to keep finding new creative people to fill the void or else the the whole company is going to go down romela and magda her childhood friend go to a play and during the play she turns and says oh i would love to meet sergey and she says oh well that's easy i could set that up uh you could meet him after and she's like yeah that's what i thought and she's just like oh i want to be furious with you and they're both just laughing about it but they sit there and watch vaslav and then magda says perhaps he'll fall in love with you and marry you and then romelu says idiot like like yes that's what i want too but you can't just say it out loud when we're watching this play romula or probably her money make a very good impression on the baron at the party after the play or the ballet he decides to introduce her to sergey because more people should be throwing money at this company just him and sergey seems to approve but he basically says that the maestro has to say yes it's not up to me because i'm not discriminating enough of the talent so he says go meet with the maestro she goes to the maestro and the maestro says go take some more dancing lessons and come back to me she's like all right that's great thank you so much all right i have a four-step plan right but at least there's like everything's laid out and she knows what she has to do in what order we cut to paris in may of 1912 the titanic is now underwater nobody cares uh mikhail confronts sergey about vasilov's play preempting his at this theater uh basically the two belays are playing in a row the ballets are going to be in a row for their debut and mikhail is concerned that everyone will leave before his show finishes because it's so late at night especially the critics right and sergey's had enough of listening to mikhail argue into one ear while he's trying to listen to the rehearsal performance with his other ear and he says fine we'll trade you can have the first show of the night i don't care get out i'm gonna ask them to start the song over because i couldn't hear any of it because you were talking to me but on his way out of the theater mchale bumps into voslov and calls him a filthy pederast because he's basically deciding once once this trade was complete that was that was the last thing he's going to do for him yeah that he's gonna be leaving the company uh we get the performance of the ballet that included the fawn and at the shall we say climax of the performance that's not let's not say that let's not say that okay uh the fawn is dancing around and it falls in love with another character who leaves like a scarf on stage he humps it into the stage four and everyone starts booing immediately well in the audience it's mixed there are some people who are who are applauding it right but the the i would say the overriding sound here is people booing yeah and that's the first indication that we get it's like oh that wasn't that wasn't in the script and then as the curtains closed these two other stage hands run up and they're like why did you do that and he's like i didn't do it it was the fawn uh historically that that when this happened the there were a lot of people in defense of it like other famous like i don't doubt it creative artists were like no that was that was pretty provocative and crazy yeah and sergey's not upset at all he's ecstatic because he said the whole time that what he thought was his talent was finding people who can embody the characters and that he was so inside this character's head that he that he just took this action on his own and it completely changed the nature of the play and he loves it and he knows that they're gonna sell out the rest of the season because it's so provocative then we get this scene where a guy's playing the piano but he's playing it exaggeratedly badly so that we know oh no he's not apparently this is great and everyone's crying because it's so beautiful um i thought the joke was supposed to be that this guy's terrible at his job and then he wrote a bad song no but it's stravinsky right and uh it's wonderful and uh the pianist does a few rehearsals with vaslov trying to count him out like the steps of the ballet but vaslov can't keep the number straight because the pattern changes constantly [Music] and he's not as good a dancer as people who maybe aren't sergey's boyfriend might be and when he complains to sergey about it sergey basically says oh are you offering to quit because that's what would happen here i wouldn't fire vaslav i would be firing you and we get all these scenes of him just trying really hard to teach foslov the numbers which reminded me of the scene in citizen kane when there's the person at the piano trying to teach uh citizen kane's girlfriend how to sing the notes and she's just a bad singer [Music] easier to show that someone's bad at singing then they can't keep up with these this number set that i have no idea what you're doing and i would be just as confused as him uh another dancer takes a shot at dancing to the same counting basically and when she can't keep up with it nigensky loses his patience with her and just chews her out in front of the entire production he meets with the baron and the baron says well you know i'm still going to put my money into this play but i wish i had something short that i could put in front of it like a shorter ballet that maybe i could have my name on like i want to put my mark on something and then he pitches him this terrible tennis ball which i don't know if the joke was supposed to be that it's terrible or if it's actually terrible but it does bomb so i feel like my artistic sense i'm giving myself some credit here for recognizing that this was a dumb idea for our ballet romela is invited to train with the cast she has done a good enough job with her separate dance instructor in hungary and then come back to train with the maestro and now she's in the room with voslov training and she compliments him on his way out of a rehearsal a ballet about native americans goes poorly booze are overpowering the stage to the point that they can't even hear the numbers or the music being counted off and they're throwing garbage up onto the stage i imagine it's their programs the only thing that they probably would have had with them well i didn't people used to bring rotten fruit to performances just in case they were bad i don't i don't know yeah but everybody basically rushes the stage and throws everything on stage they book a series of shows in south america yeah because the uh russian venue that they had uh burned to the ground yes so they're hanging out on a beach between that tour and this tour and vaslov is uh poking fun at sergei for being afraid of the water because like a gypsy or a fortune teller told him that he was going to drown that's how he would die then he says oh well maybe that's what's going to happen on the way to south america maybe the ship will sink or something and he's like please don't make fun of me just go build sand castles or something and then fazlov gets upset because he's being treated like a child nujinski basically has a meltdown about being overworked and sergey says if you want me to step away from the show i'll step away from it for this tour and he's like oh you're just saying that because you don't you're afraid of the water and you think you're going to drown it's like no i legitimately care about you being able to do this performance and if i'm stifling you or if i'm driving you crazy then maybe we maybe would be good for both of us if we took some time apart romula tries to convince foslov to write his own ballets in the absence of any work coming in from sergey the baron intercepts a telegram that sergey is looking for someone to play the lead in their south american performances other than voslov because the joseph character is supposed to be 15. now vaslov plays this off like he knew about it and that he says oh yeah we both decided that because the character is so young that they might need someone else but is the implication that he didn't actually know about it and this is the first he's hearing and he's trying to play it off well because he seems personally offended well he he's he's upset because they he had already had this conversation with sergey yeah and sergey kind of let it drop yeah i think that it just weighed on it more because then the baron kept harping on it like and then he drops the second part of it which is that he's working with mishka yeah again to put that performance together and vaslov basically allah citizen kane again destroys his hotel room and uh his ship cabin but yeah right his ship cabin yeah the room that he's staying in and uh uh romula finds him collapsed in the corner crying about his brother destroying the kitchen when they were kids uh you get the impression that the point of this is that mental illness runs in the family and that his brother went crazy and destroyed their home when when he was young and was sent away to an asylum of some sort uh and the very first scene with sergey and vaslav he says something along the lines of like it's the same thing going to happen to me that happened to my brother but she tries to calm him down with her body with her body parts and they make out for a second before he just tears her dress off and then they get married because that's what you do that's you got to make an honest woman so but this is actually my favorite scene of the movie of course it is there's boobs in it no no no no not that part the the marriage part oh right because they get married and and just just as they're getting back from the wedding right yeah uh the other dancer that he's in love with arrives and she doesn't even know about the wedding and she's immediately just talking to him like kissing him and saying oh and you can just see the look on his face of like oh god yeah i made a huge mistake and she's like aren't you gonna introduce me to this person who is this and he's like this is my wife and then he just like he stares at the camera his eyes he looks like his head's gonna blow up but it's also like he's still wearing a top hat and she's still wearing her her outfit from the wedding it's like yeah this is my wife as of a few minutes ago you missed it by that much have you been here 10 minutes earlier yeah i would have married you who knows but uh we we clear up some other misunderstandings apparently sergey was unable to find a young enough person to play joseph so vasoff gets to play the part anyway and the only reason he was working with mishka was because mishka had another ballet on his contract so he didn't have a choice about working on it so basically voslov got mad at sergey and married this woman for no reason because sergey hadn't even done anything to upset him so he loses it and uh basically he's inconsolable and he doesn't want to tell sergey about it but sergey finds out that he got married and he basically says okay well then voslov is dead to me yeah you know i'm not gonna right it's fired yeah so uh which all happened like i mean yeah to the real yeah and i feel like we're not touching enough on the history since this is a semi-biographical thing right that a lot of these things happened not quite in this order or in this time frame but these these terrible terrible shows that he did failed because he was crazy um and you know the marriage to this also crazy woman who has been stalking him his whole life yes was it his wife or the other uh actress goes to the baron and says we need to solve this problem the other actress the other actors okay she goes to the baron and she says you know we need to solve this problem this is terrible it's it's ruining everything and the parent just does not give a about anything he's like where are my peppermints oh no oh no wouldn't you know this would happen when i'm out of my peppermints vossoff basically wants desperately to apologize and when he's telling romula that he's going to go and apologize romula gets in his way and says no no just stay here we'll fix everything and he smacks her and instantly regrets it and she pretends like she understands completely and she says that she wants to go talk to sergey on his behalf um she says that she's totally willing to basically surrender him to sergey and beg for beg for his love again she'll leave she'll she'll be out of the picture yes and so she does she goes to see sergey and begs him to take voslov back and sergey refuses and so vaslof has a breakdown and is put in an asylum yeah i love it is like he'll he'll probably go crazy from this and he goes yeah you're probably right cut two he's already in a straight jacket we're back to that first shot and then uh the credits start and we get the series of black and white photographs and i was like holy crap that guy really looked like those are just those are still frozen well as it kept going i was like oh these are just this is literally from this film but it's like why would you make them black and white if the movie was in color if they're not i thought the whole point was going to be like look this this was a real person and this is what he looked like and the first shot is like kind of further away and i was like wow he really kind of looks like him and they get to the fawn shot i was like wow i guess there's a lot of makeup there so you can make somebody look like and then the next car it's like oh this is just blatantly the actor from this movie yeah these are all shots from this film and it's not as if photos of this man didn't exist there's plenty of plenty of photos so i just thought that was a weird choice to end it with black and white photographs of the actor that played the character instead of the actual person um also the itunes visualizer over the music of the credits yeah i was like what is this supposed to be representing i feel like that was just like saltsman was like oh no no no we have to do like a weird colorful floaty thing that's what we did on all the james squad movies they were like okay i guess it doesn't really fit what you're trying to do but because um if if you're not familiar harry saltzman obviously is one half of saltzman broccoli that co-produced the first which half uh i think he's the broccoli half heir to the broccoli fortune um the broccoli family did actually invent broccoli though that's the craziest part of that whole story but saltzman and broccoli together co-produced the first i think nine eight or nine james bond movies and then saltsman sold his half to united artist who still owns like united artists now mgm property yeah and mgm owns half of the rights to bond with the broccoli family which is why barber broccoli is now in charge of the continuity and all the eon productions stuff but um yeah saltsman was not as good with or as careful with his money and in the mid 70s had to give away his half because he ran uh technicolor into the ground so he ran out of money uh director herbert ross here um has a lot of credits uh stuff that people have heard of played against sam with woody allen uh funny lady seven percent solution goodbye girl footloose steel magnolias my blue heaven it's really all over the place yeah it seems like he hit every genre there um the writer hugh wheeler wrote the musical sweeney todd the demon barber of fleet street which is funny because sergey has this big black and white stripe with one shot of white hair in the top of his head and there's a scene where he's sitting in a barber's chair getting a shave uh in the film um the author romalin oginski obviously nachinsky's real-life wife wrote a book which is why some of the film might not be exactly accurate to what really happened by all accounts she was essentially a stalker um i think that film represents that pretty well right i i think the part that i take issue with is did she go to sergei and say that you can have ozloff back or does she just go and then not even see him and go back to vaslav and said yeah he doesn't want to see you again and then muslim ended up in an asylum i'm just going to make random accusations with this woman but something tells me that if you wrote in a book like no look at this total self-sacrificing move that i did and there's no one to corroborate it then it's possible that that scene didn't even happen in real life but he did get put in an asylum and she did take care of him for the next 30 years before he passed away george de la pena was fossil off naginski here we i said before he was barishinakov's stand-in in the turning point from the same director but uh bershnikov apparently didn't want to play nijinsky in this movie leslie brown was romela dapulski and later romala and nijinsky she was also in the turning point and she's actually a dancer right um i don't know a lot of the credits for a lot of these other people ronald lacy obviously oh yeah ronald lacy you can't not talk a uh he was uh leon baxt here the guy who made all the very provocative costumes but uh he was president whidmark in the adventures of buckaroo bonsai and i'll let you mention his other credit yeah uh he played the uh the uh gestapo ss agent uh in raiders of the lost ark he's face one in the melting scene yeah oh my goodness he's terrific uh he also plays kind of a crazier similar character in red sonja yeah he's a very he's a very strange individual and he's great yeah i think he does he does an excellent job here and then uh vernon dobchef played sergey grigor gregorio yeah i don't know who that character was i don't know who it was either vernon damp chef uh played the uh butler in the less crusade uh when a hair supporters pretending to be a scottish lord coming to inspect the tapestries if you are scottish law then i am mickey mouse jeremy irons was michael fokhein obviously we said before this is his first feature but he's weirdly best known for scar's voice in lion king i would say if you ask somebody something that jeremy irons was in that's probably the first thing they would say oh i mean i would go uh did i heard three no no no you wouldn't i would i wouldn't do that not first you would say scarf first and then you would say diehard three he's the the lesser grouper and he was also played two characters in the cronenberg film dead rangers which is amazing um and he is currently the alfred to the affleck batman well i guess affleck's not batman anymore no no but he's alfred in the universe because well but will he continue to i don't know like superman says he's still superman so i don't know okay phil's coming back that's he says that he hasn't been officially fired from the role yet um but you know that's such a great way to put it i've been officially fired yeah he's like nobody told me that i'm not superman the next time superman shows up but we've recast batman so it'd be weird but he definitely wasn't superman in shazam so you don't know that we can see his face um that's why i know it was no no they spent all that money and they just forgot to use one of the shots with his face frederick yeager was uh gabriel astruc he plays world war one ace in last crusade um and then the rest of the people i didn't really recognize a lot of their other credits was there any other notes that you guys had on the story uh the only other note that i have is a crew that uh getting back to the indiana jones stuff right is that this was shot by douglas slocum uh and uh i think that that he is a very very big career and uh you know obviously like although i just mentioned indiana jones uh he did like the lion in winter lady vanishes uh rollerball uh you know in his his career goes back to the 1950s so i'd say that he is a very noteworthy person to bring up sure that makes sense jess up or down on this one uh this would be a downed return yeah i'm afraid it's it's a down for me um just just too long is very competently made yes but yeah absolutely um i would say for me that this is the downest that i have that i can possibly say like it's not the worst film it doesn't go at the bottom of my list but it's the one i am least likely to recommend to anyone to see because as as much as i feel like there's a lot of great stuff here presumably some of the dancing is good the music is probably amazing and i just have no idea but there's nothing in this movie for me yeah if you love nijinsky and dancing and ballet maybe consider looking up a book about nijinsky books are probably more exciting than this movie oh wait we gotta do letterboxed yeah this is troubling yeah so i i struggled on the letterbox for this one for a while because like you said i this movie is not worth watching for me but it's it's a nice movie like it's good high production value it's it's you know it's well shot it's got good actors in it but it's just not a good movie and so i just really struggled as to where to put that because you know i think that story goes above everything else but and this doesn't really have that so i have to put it kind of low on the list but it's not as bad as a lot of bad movies so i ended up putting it somewhere in the middle it ended up just below simon and just above midnight madness okay richard uh yeah um i think i'm gonna put this uh between simon and cruising okay it does it is above the windows threshold uh it's right it's right there at the edge i was gonna maybe put it below cruising but i don't like cruising so yeah put it above it the cruising is pretty offensive and terrible so that sounds fair um for me i'm gonna put this between just tell me what you wanted fatso pretty close to the bottom that's low yeah it's uh like like we've said a couple times now it's competently made but there's literally no replay value to this movie for me especially as long as it is yeah and with me being a complete rube when it comes to ballet and and judging dance for like i literally thought the point of him playing the piano like that was that this guy's incompetent and everyone's going to be furious that they hired this pianist and it's like no no that was great that's exactly what they wanted and that and an artist would recognize that that was great um it's just so a tonal and disinteresting to me but um yeah i think that's everything for this one um if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox or as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you find the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing the changeling which imdb describes as a man staying at a secluded historical mansion finds himself being haunted by the presence of a specter we leaving now with the trailer for the changeling within this old house live two residents one of them is john russell composer professor the other has been dead for over 70 years claire i'd like to talk to you about the house did you die in this house how did you die [Music] whatever it is is trying desperately to communicate what is it in that house claire what is it doing why is it trying to reach me [Music] it's a hand [Music] i'm john russell i'm living in your house senator look you've got something of the senators he wants it back [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it [Music] many films will frighten you but only a few can really terrify you the changeling an experience beyond total fear you