we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of tom horn on march 28 1980. it was written by thomas mcguane and bud shrake based on tom horn's autobiography and directed by william wired or weird weird not sure it's wizard without a z so however you want to pronounce that uh at your own risk and it was released by warner brothers uh five directors worked on this film yeah that were either fired or left because of disagreements with steve mcqueen it's widely believed that he directed much of the movie himself uh as wire didn't do weird wizard didn't do much else uh i think this represents our first like biographical film right coal miner's daughter oh that's true i forgot about compliance but uh well and hero at large was definitely based off a real story yeah jan michael vincent uh actually did the things and then they adapted it into that movie instead of definitely but she's still alive laura we're alone well my brilliant career my brilliant career is actually is that it's based off of a oh yeah but it was a girl's autobiography it was her yeah it was her in australia wow that was way off or no it didn't take place in australia right the movie took place in australia but the actual story took place in europe did it i thought i thought it took place in australia who knows anyway this movie uh after dawn siegel quit as director he was replaced with elliot silverstein and then james william guercio garcia who was fired after three days by steve mcqueen who desperately wanted to direct the film himself but dga records uh forbid actors from taking over direction once a film has started because otherwise that would happen constantly and people would just direct their own movies so he brought in a tv director uh to finish the film so that he could boss him around i guess yeah mcqueen was very ill from lung cancer during filming though i don't think he knew it at the time he only had one more film after this uh which will come out later in the year the hunter before succumbing to his illness in november of 1980. uh united artist was in pre-production on a tom horne film with robert redford that was abandoned when this one was announced uh the first draft of this script was actually written by william goldman but mcqueen threw it out and so it merged with the abandoned robert redford movie into a tv movie called mr horn in 1979 and that started david carradine in the lead but that was also i think more focusing on his earlier life right not not specifically the very end of his life yeah i much would have rather watched a uh william goldman version of this movie than a william wizard movie uh this is mcqueen's only r rated movie somehow why is it r rated oh because a horrible is because of things okay a horrible scene with a shotgun yeah you don't remember oh well yes okay that you could have easily avoided that yeah it didn't have to be all right it had to be in there because otherwise what would be i re-round it four times like what that whole scene's pretty confusing actually but uh so we start the film the opening title says that horn was a pinkerton a rough rider and that he was part of the the group of people that captured geronimo i didn't check any of that for veracity but i'm assuming yeah oh yeah he he he did a lot of crazy stuff and i guess i mean some of some of the stuff i'll have to say will probably be saved for the end right uh but uh he was quite a character with a lot of career and a lot of murders yes well before this cattle wrestling stuff he was known he killed his first man at 16. right so this this little blurb at the beginning you know makes makes tom horton sound like an interesting man and you know somebody that you might want to make a movie about in fact somebody that two people wrote movies about and multiple studios were trying to make a movie about why they wouldn't put any of those interesting things yeah i would much rather see i don't know tom moore the rough writer it's a much better movie or even the pinkerton do like a noir like detective in the west instead we have a movie that is about the most uninteresting parts of this man's life yeah at the beginning he's checking his horse into a stable uh he says to keep it in solitary because otherwise it will kill whatever horse he put it in with he's like oh it's going to be extra for solitary he's like you can put it wherever you want but it's going to kill your other horse so it's actually going to save you money if you put it in solitary and don't go in there with him yeah he also prices 24 cents cash which just sounded weird to me out loud because when i hear the word cash i think that that means paper money not just money in hand or the opposite of credit yeah it's like you could do i mean i i'm assuming that they didn't have credit yeah i mean i guess you could say oh can i you know can i pay a letter yeah or something but i'm assuming you know barter system was a fully valid way of paying for things but he says 24 cents cash horn walks to a bar uh nearby where some gentlemen are drinking a toast to jim corbett who they claim is the future heavyweight champion of the world i also didn't look into whether that happened we if anyone was put off by the fact that he helped capture geronimo and the indians were actually the good guys this was well known by the 80s already they tried to set it right by showing that tom horne had a lot of respect for geronimo yeah who's geronimo next to jim carpet geronimo's a man so great that corbett there'd have to stand on his mother's shoulders to kiss his ass which promptly gets him beat to [ __ ] uh he it's basically attacked on his way out of the bar and wakes up in the stall with his horse completely bloodied and his face is also i i think that he either crawled there or made his way there because that's the safest place right for when he's unconscious but uh coble uh goes to visit him in the stables kobo was uh there for the fight at the bar and uh he realized who tom horne was he's like oh is that is that v tom horn and he's like i think so he said his name was tom horn so he goes to visit him at the stables and he says basically i want to hire you to help me with my with my cattle and tom horn's like yeah all right yeah because he needs a job he's new to town but he i think he's trying to settle down somewhere the two of them together head to brown's hole to water their horses and they are harassed by some wrestlers so i i was unclear was like is this their home i think so and they're just let they just let people come and drink their water i guess yeah i was i was really unclear as to who these people were and what this location was um because they obviously it was felt it was necessary in order to get to kobel's ranch right was you have to pass through here because the horses won't make it they'll be too thirsty right and he immediately notices that there's a bunch of cattle and some of which are his yeah because they're they're branded and he recognizes them and uh the wrestlers that are outside of this shack basically start the traditional like oh dance for me boy like firing at kobo's legs yeah and uh he's having to hop up and avoid getting shot in the foot and tom horn has no patience for this and just pulls out a gun and shoots through one of the guys feet immediately they there's these uh weird cross fades back and forth yeah um they so they that's basically the end of the confrontation there they just say oh we're going to get you tom horn and they crossfade to kobel and horn riding the horses but they're they do a crossfade from one shot to the next shot and then to a third shot before the first fade finishes and it keeps happening over and over again and it just it felt like they were trying to span time really quickly but it just comes across as as awkward it seems very tv yeah it didn't feel like a movie cobalt assures horn that whatever he has to do to keep the cattle safe he's going to back him 100 and uh right but everybody's being really like politically careful here yeah because they don't want to like uh you know be accused of uh condoning murder right but it's wink wink whatever you have to do and it's basically like a group of cattlemen that all like they have separate ranches but he's kind of protecting all three of them yeah it's an association yeah it's a basically a corporation of sorts that they can board and everything and they're they're pooling their money to pay tom horn to basically murder anyone who tries to steal their cows i mean they they they put it in so much as every you know cattle wrestler that you get to go away in some fashion you get 200 for and i feel like you could intentionally misread the situation and just be like oh i got him to go away oh he came back oh i'll get him to go away again you can give me another 200 yeah it's like no i think they mean go away permanently and they're pretty much implying we want you to kill these people but they all sit down to like a nice meal uh they introduce him to a u.s marshal at this meal yeah who seems familiar with his work and and and even the marshall says hey you know you come work for me and and like and he asked like what's the difference it's like you get paid on time as far as killing people like you you get to kill people still but you get paid on time yeah and you have the law to back you up but um he's he's happy working for cobalt um he doesn't seem interested in in ditching him he meets a schoolteacher here and uh jesse pointed out something interesting that he says to the school teacher when he walks up to her yeah his first line to her is what do you do and he's like this is 1890 something like you don't ask a woman what she does she's either married and has children or she's trying to get married and have children like they don't have jobs and like this is a rare case where she does in fact have a job not just taking care of a household but that just seems like a very strange question yeah it did seem like an interesting opening line but by chance she happens he's a very modern man yes that's that's definitely the point of the film is that he's super modern very progressively [Laughter] horn heads off to interrupt a cattle auction because he's now he's calling himself i mean coble gave him the title but he's a stock detective yeah um which means that he's basically tracking all these stolen cattle and returning them to the ranches that they came from and uh he tells them okay well let me see that bill of sale that's this isn't official these these people don't own this cow so they can't sell it and uh they're like well we're gonna do whatever we want and i'm the deputy and what i say goes around here so uh if you have a problem you're gonna have to take it up with these wrestlers and he's like all right loud and clear yeah i heard you he basically as those wrestlers are leaving the auction chases them down and murders them yeah all except the one who he just says you know tell everybody else tell him what you've seen here yeah he sneaks up on brown hole at night yeah after he kills these three people such an awkward thing to say yeah sneaking up on brown hole it goes in the back door yeah um so there's this weird i can't even tell what's happening because it's it's so dark and yes there's a lot of people around and there's a lot of spurs being chimed yeah a lot of jingle jingle jingling i would take those off second of all i would edit this scene better yeah someone shoots someone is my note here yeah because so he's he's sneaking up on the building and we see him start to pick up his gun and then we see a bad guy notice something and so he turns his rifle and he shoots but so we definitely saw a bad guy fire a rifle yeah then we see someone else get hit and fall down and then without another gunshot happening we cut to tom horn and his gun is smoking like he shot right but we know that the other guy shot so they both shot at the exact same time which is the thing that happens a couple times in this movie but it's like who did the bad guy shoot if they both shot at the same time and only one of the bad guys died does that mean tom horne hit a guy and this guy missed yeah and they both shot on top of each other at the exact same time apparently but they're also using really bad framing and editing skills here because of the the screen space that they're holding like bad guy is sort of on the right side of the screen tom horton's on the left side of the screen and then they the guy that you know gets hit by a bullet is on the left-hand side of the screen and you almost can't even tell that it's a person you just see something fall out of frame in the background but re-watching and i was like no that's definitely a guy getting hit but they're not following the 180 degree rule yeah horn in the middle of this dust up decides he's going to jump up onto the roof of the building and uh he's like scampering over the top as the guy inside who is now at this point the only surviving member of the gang uh is like oh are you here to kill me tom horn i'm gonna get you first and starts firing into the into the roof and you're seeing these holes get blasted out of the ceiling as as horn is climbing around he ducks down into the building and he gets the drop on this guy and just takes the top corner of his face my note was he scanners that guy yeah it just it's literally like from about 12 to 3 o'clock it's just gone yeah i i audibly just yelled the f word while i was watching this i couldn't believe what happened yeah it's a cool effect it is a cool effect but if that's the only reason it was rated r it seems kind of unusual i i think that um and what is important is not this murder or killing murder you will that that's the debate of this whole thing right it's murder uh but it's supposed to be disturbing yeah it does all the killings were to reflect tom horn's actual brutality his tactic was to be as brutal as possible to get these men to try not to because then they were scared to do anything yeah um the the historical stuff that says that people would just like not be would be terrified when he would was in town because they just know what he's capable of and and they've heard about these brutal crime scenes yeah um even there's even a scene in this movie where he's like walking past a guy who's like working on a water wheel water mill uh windmill water wheel thing you know water pump and he's like you tom horn he's like oh well you seem you seem like a nice enough fella yeah like because he's like already aware let's not be tom horne because yeah from what i hear tom horn just looks terrifying well i feel like that it's in and of itself would have been a more interesting thing to incorporate into this film because at no point in this movie do we do we see like the bad guys like get together and be like oh no it's tom horne like this guy is really really horrible what are we gonna do yeah at this point most of the bad guys are pretty much already dead like it's basically the end of these wrestlers that's not even an issue anymore for the rest of the movie uh we cut immediately from the guy's head opening up to just they're back at the ranch breaking a wild horse and everyone's just like acting like he didn't just go and murder like five or six dudes the day before the horse almost escapes after they finally uh get someone to write it for a minute um and he takes it down to the school where he's it's basically a gift and a way of asking out this schoolteacher on a date as she's walking through the classroom she points to one of the kids that says put that mouse in your pocket because the kid's like just playing with a mouse on his desk and apparently his pocket is a much better place for it but but as soon as he comes in she's like everyone's dismissed yeah she's like congratulations you can all go home he invites her to try and ride the horse and he's trying to give her instructions and everything but he come to find out she's been riding horses since she was a kid yeah he's not teaching or anything he's just like wow that's impressive that you uh you were able to do that yeah she's doing this to obviously to flirt with him right he's like oh you're helping me learn how to ride this is so great he uh horn heads out and encounters another wrestler who's basically just sitting at a table like sitting down to a meal in his own home and uh he starts an argument with the guy and from from outside from outside and the wrestler under the table fires a gun trying to kill horn but hits the horse and kills tom horn's horse and so tom horn is so angry at his horse dying that he turns around and he puts like even as he's falling off of the horse puts one through the guy's head and kills him and then he goes in he's like you kill my horse you son of a [ __ ] and he shoots the corpse five more times and then burns down the cabin yeah yeah that's what i have on my notes puts one through his head five through his corpse burns the shack then uh another wrestler approaches and uh fires on horn in the middle of town yeah uh basically like they've gone they've declared all that war on him they're not even trying to steal cows anymore they're just like we have to kill this guy before he kills us um but he's not a good shot and horn has enough time to get a gun and turn around and return fire and kills this guy in the middle of town in front of everybody children women he he wings him first and then he walks up to him he's still alive and he could be arrested you are in town yeah and just blam finishes him off yeah this is not a pvp zone yeah so th this this is kind of the beginning of the end as far as this version of the story of tom horne and that people are like okay that that there was was the last straw yeah and we cut to the first scene with with no tom horn in it where the rest of the cattlemen's association are like this is now a problem we need to separate ourselves from this guy at this point it's like okay well who's gonna fire him like yeah let's draw straws real quick and see who's gonna tell this guy that he doesn't get to pay for food anymore but kobold is still defending him like he's just doing what we hired him to do yeah and they're like well we have to fire him from that now because uh it's done you know but oddly enough i feel like this version of tom horn if he told him tom it's time for you to move on he'd be like right all right yeah as he's being played by steve mcqueen here he would have just been like okay but maybe in real life it would have been like okay so who do i kill now because i need money that is an interesting thing that throughout this entire movie the way steve mcqueen plays it is just like super chill mellow the whole time like there's no also a little old fish even yeah yeah yes a little oh fish but there you know there's no real emotional highs or lows there's no contemplation there's there's really nothing interesting happening with him in terms of like how he feels about what's going on yeah i think that in this in this portrayal he loses a lot of the sociopathy of the actual person that went around murdering people for a living and a lot of this is supposed to be about the kind of closing of the west right like these these this kind of way of life that tom horman is living is done with th this isn't how we do things anymore yeah where are we wyoming uh uh you know what believe me i i think one thing i didn't write down i think that's what it is but yeah it's like as these states were getting incorporated into the u.s and they were installing marshals and sheriffs and and things were kind of cracking down yeah at this point it's it's it's essentially 1900s right i mean we're we're like 70 years away from the wright brothers flying a plane i mean this is the modern era yeah essentially that we're getting into and he's still living by the gun yeah he's he's participating in the in the world of like train robberies when we're almost like shooting the great train robbery yeah they're mad that he's drawing attention to the violence of uh of his job and uh that kids are getting spattered with blood basically from these these shootouts because they want the town to seem safe yeah and uh there has been talk before this point of this in addition to the cattle rustling there someone has been like stealing sheep yeah so uh the the real history was that these two family two families were arguing about who owns the land right um it's and that they were letting these people graze their animals on property that didn't belong to them um which is the kind of arguments that are like still going on in the present yeah i mean i don't know if you either of you saw the movie open range with kevin costner and robert duvall no um it's it's about free grain free rangers and homesteaders you know these people are coming from the east to to live on the land and buy property but this property was once available for cattle grazing yeah and now it's not but it's like well we used to graze our cattle here it's like well night you can't it's like but now we don't have any place you have the river the river was open to us and now you're saying it's not right like this is our we lived here this is how we're making it's like it's like issues yeah they're still going on today we had a whole shootout about it yeah the uh because the bureau of land management was going after the this family that was because the the rule is supposed to be that you pay for the right to have your cattle graze on this government-owned land but they were like well we don't have to do that anymore is the i want to say bundys bundys yep that was it um and uh and they just refused to pay and they refused to go to court about it and that was why they ended up like taking over that building that was owned by the blf yeah it was the forest management building or something like that they they the wildlife refuge they barricaded themselves inside and had like an fbi shootout well essentially the the government's plan was to not engage them at all and just like we don't use that building for this part of the year it doesn't have electricity like feel free to hang out in there until you give up and go home because we want this to end as peacefully as possible but then there was like a high-speed chase and like one of them literally pulled a gun and started to point it at the police and was killed in the in the shootout it wasn't ammon bundy that was killed it was one of the other people that was a part of their group but yeah so these conversations this stuff is still happening so so yeah so you know in in the history the historical part of this is that there there was a thing it was ongoing dispute between these families and uh this boy was killed yeah he was there with the sheep when they were grazing on land that they didn't own um the they call it's the nolt family right um yeah uh i think they changed the names around between the history so my notes are kind of muddled on that yeah so i'll defer to you but it would also stand to reason that once he had killed all of the local cattle wrestlers that that would be the next target would be to move to the people who are grazing illegally but when we see this happen this kid is sitting up on a fence with a bunch of sheep that are grazing somewhere that they're not supposed to be grazing and he thinks he sees something in the distance there's like a shadow by a tree and then the kid is shot and collapses into the pen with all the sheep and that's all we see here we don't see tom horn doing it we don't see anybody else doing it we just see a kid is there a gun goes off and uh he falls dead the next day in the paper a bunch of people are reading it in a bar and they see oh the nolt kid was killed uh he got shot by uh 4560 which is the same gun that tom horne has been using to kill all these wrestlers yeah and in i think in the the reality of it he used 30 30s but it's the same the same same point is being made is that he used the same caliber right um and they said that they found a rock under his head like the three in brown hole which it's like did he go around and put rocks under the heads of each of the people that he killed in brown hall because if he did then they it seems like they would have him dead to rights like that he clearly did the same thing here they probably should have mentioned that sooner if that's something yeah but i don't think they do say that um originally but uh the marshall basically says that he's gonna extract a confession and he hires someone to transcribe the confession and so he says i'm gonna bring him in here and i'm gonna talk to him you're gonna sit and listen by this door and i need you to write down exactly what he says and uh he brings in horn who had been drinking yeah and horn says that a 4560 has a trajectory like a rainbow and well i gotta kill that kid could have been the best shot i ever made and the dirtiest trick i ever done but the guy on the other side of the door writes down when i killed that kid yeah so again this is playing in a little bit into the history of it of that uh he was quoted the history has him quoted as saying when i killed him but but he was the the history of that also saying that the marshal was intentionally getting him more and more drunk right uh so that you his he would slur his words yeah but they would also sound like his work exactly but also i think that this movie is is playing up is that he is drunk and steve mcqueen's delivery of that line is what he thinks he's saying right but in the reality is which is why when we hear it later it's kind of like echoed right like in this kind of like like i don't remember this at all this entire conversation it's like in beer fest when uh they have that whole scene play out where the guy's like suddenly really good at all the contests then he goes home with like the hottest woman in the bar and then they show what really happened they do the same joke in wolf of wall street where he's just like oh man i can't believe i could just drive this car on all this coke and then they show like in real life he's like falling out of it and it's like crashed into a pillar but yeah so he he thinks he's being suave and uh explaining that he didn't do it but potentially confessing who knows maybe maybe he just really did confess in real life and just walked in and said yeah i did it what are you gonna do about it but uh sheriff sam creedwell arrests tom in a bar um this is the slim pickens character yeah and uh he meets an attorney burke and uh there's this weird line here he says ever seen so many bars in your life i guess that's why they call it jail so what does that mean it's like i don't understand what part of jail i don't okay whatever anyway we get uh is it a flashback of him flirting with the teacher yeah we got a couple of these like weird they're just oddly placed um it's again really weird editing i think it feels more like a television show than yeah than a movie i can't decide if i feel like it should have been introduced more obviously as a flashback or if it should have just happened earlier before he got arrested yeah um but either way we get this scene of him with the teacher she's in a tub out in the middle of a field and i guess i would say it's a trough yeah yeah yeah like a watering trough right and uh another hustler comes up to attack them and uh horn kills the guy and gets blood all over the woman well yeah again this is like playing into the brutality like right he was already down and then he just hit him so hard that his face splattered blood all over her yeah and then when he says we gotta go he wasn't like are you okay yeah like like oh you got blood on you like wash up where he's like he's like let's go and also when he first shoots the guy off the horse the horse does a complete front flip on the ground it looks super super dangerous so uh we have walter stoll is the prosecuting attorney who's who's playing the prosecuting attorney i forget it was somebody um jeffrey lewis oh jeffrey lewis yeah from any which way uh both of them but yeah he's uh he's the prosecuting attorney and they're basically holding this trial under a tent outside the courthouse and uh i don't know why it's happening outside but for some reason it's happening outside maybe they didn't actually have a question it's a small town yeah kobel says that he knows that horn is innocent which from what we've seen isn't true he can't possibly know that right but uh again the history of it is that kobol yeah like spoke in his defense yeah he was a he was a character witness um the writer who was outside of the sheriff's or the marshall's office comes to read the quote when i shot the kid not if i shut the kid and uh basically and horn is not cooperating yeah he's acting like it's a kangaroo court even though it seems like they're following the rules well i also think that he he knows that this is right this is just a setup yeah it's a setup but even if it wasn't a setup it doesn't matter because whatever he says it's it's just one person's judgment over the others he makes the point like do you know that i did it did you see me did anybody see me kill the kid no okay then it's just my word against yours and it doesn't matter so if you guys want to kill me then you have to kill me and if you don't want to kill me then yeah let me go um but they've basically made up their minds and this isn't the first again in the reality this isn't the first trial for murder yeah that tom horn has been on it's like the coen brothers like with james franco first time he's got his head in the news uh but uh the judge's voice is ringing in his head and uh he asks that uh someone show this guy how to be in court because yeah it seems like he doesn't understand what we're doing that night horn puts all of these indian luck charms under his bed that he's like collected i think they're probably less effective when you kill the people they belong to in the first place or more yeah but he asked specifically for earl not to look at them right like don't look at him when you come to wake me up i thought this was pretty clever because i had no idea what he was getting at here until the next morning coble overhears a group of men bragging that they're gonna get horn hung um at the bar and he's obviously just pissed off about it and disappointed and i think the point of this scene is supposed to make it look more like oh this is a conspiracy against him again but we're not given a clear indication as the audience whether or not he did this but uh the next day the guard comes to the bed and he knows that those things are down there and that he was told not to look at them but his curiosity overtakes him and he leans down to look at them and right when his head is next to the bed horn grabs him and just starts slamming his head against the bars until he knocks him unconscious and and i thought initially was he was doing this because he looked at the charms and he asked him not to and it's like no he's not literally looking yeah i mean i think i knew right away because when he went to bed he scooched the bed all the way up to the bars and so i'm like well he's planning something i have no idea what but he's planning and i thought that you know that's pretty clever you know you get the guys close enough to the bar and knock him out you know you're to be able to you know grab the keys off yeah and at this point i like you still think okay well maybe he he does believe in these charms and then when he punches the guy he's like oh he was just pretending he believed in the charm so that he could punch the guy but later on we get an indication no no he actually believes in their and their magical powers too and in addition to their like factual usefulness but uh he knocks the guard out he gets the key he basically walks out of the jail with a hostage using the key as a fake gun but he's caught escaping because he gets to a certain point where he's like someone's going to notice me i should start running now yeah but he should have stolen a horse because he's on foot and everyone else is on horses oh you don't want to be a horse thief in wyoming he's already got the death penalty but anyway uh he's caught escaping uh and then we get another flashback with the teacher of him and her just standing on a hillside and she says you know you're gonna get your comeuppance for everything that you've done and uh they meet with this irish character who invented a device so that no one has to kill him yeah because uh it's just part of like the the modern yeah the modern society like we're all too we're all too know we're too ethical to actually put you to death so you're going to commit suicide at our request and so he builds a machine where tom horne would step onto a platform and it uses like a hydraulic system yeah where water is dumped into a bucket and a counterweight opens the door so that he would fall through and what i love is that they also build a bridge from the jail to this apparatus right because they don't want him to try to escape again yeah so there's like no way like he's gonna we're not even gonna give him an opportunity to get to the ground floor yeah we're just gonna have him walk from directly to the gallow historically accurate i'm curious if they built a weird contraption to kill him yeah i was gonna say it was probably started as a factoid and they thought it was too like too much of a great metaphor for how everyone was too scared to kill him that they were like let's let's put this in the movie and have it be a part of it yeah this was a real thing that about how he was killed it was like they were trying to figure out ways i guess i don't say more humane ways but uh more uh guilt-free yeah kill three ways to execute people but really he's committing suicide mm-hmm here and that's now he points that out yeah and we get more flashbacks but basically he steps onto the platform and the water slowly fills the bucket very slowly yeah and it's pretty tense yeah sam i've never seen such a pasty face bunch of sheriffs in my life and then he's hung by the machine and we see all of the the indian trinkets tumble out of his hands through the hole in the in the gallows and uh that's the end of tom horn which is interesting because this is based on an autobiography i guess he wrote it in the jail that night yeah he did he um this trial went on for quite some time okay uh this movie compresses down the time but he had time to completely write as much as he could about about his life that such as it was before he died uh there was a lot of stuff going on with this trial where people were were defending like uh because you know he used his unique uh caliber bullet but it wasn't so so unique like people were saying like you can get it at the store everywhere other people use this this gun uh they talk about like how he was he was seen like miles away at that around like like only like 20 or 30 minutes after the killing there's no way he could have made that distance um and his point is that that that gun and that style of bullet like you can't make that long term a shot yeah but that's why like the whole line of it would have been the greatest shot tom horn was not a good person i i feel i feel bad saying this about anyone but uh while he may have been or may not have been involved in this killing i think this movie presupposes that he was not but he had done enough other things in his life that that just like that lines like you're gonna your past is gonna catch up with you yeah and uh i think that that is what this movie should have been more about this movie should have been more about that less about like was he innocent or not for this crime but it's like no he has committed numerous other crimes that he should have been punished for and he was on trial for multiple times for unethical killings of like he's like this probably was murder but he was acquitted of all of them he especially hated cattle rustlers because he tried to start a ranch with all the money he had made while he was in the service of the government uh and all of his cows were stolen all of them all of them he lost his whole thing he had it he went bankrupt and how good he is at killing people and stopping them from getting cattle why did he let that happen yeah um so that's when he became nomadic was that he he had no money uh and so he was just doing odd jobs wherever he could uh which eventually led him to this place in wyoming where he ultimately met his fate where he met a bunch of guys who were like i know let's take the guy who just failed at stopping cattle rustlers from making him go bankrupt and have him help us not go bankrupt from cattle wrestlers yeah that makes sense to me tell us um this is what happens though when you fire william goldman off of your western and you whip someone else come here all it um but we said before it was directed by william wired weird wizard a lot of tv stuff no other features um the two writers for this movie uh thomas mcguin and bud shrake did pretty much exclusively westerns they have like three or four westerns each that they had written i think mcguane had uh he wrote the missouri breaks um but i didn't recognize any of bud shrek's other titles steve mcqueen obviously here playing tom horne uh you know i'm from the great escape or bullet or papillon is one of my favorites from him um he's also in the magnificent seven um he was the original thomas crown before he's also in the original blob he was in the towering inferno but not towering inferno too even though he was contractually obligated to be in it uh because he passed away in 1980 linda evans was a glendolin yeah i was like i don't ever remember them saying her name no it must just be the name of the real person but uh she played crystal carrington in 210 episodes of dynasty so if you know her from anything it's that because i didn't recognize any of the other credits uh richard farnsworth was john koble i love richard franco yeah he is he's great um he's buster and misery he's uh red blow in the natural yeah he's alvin in a straight story the uh the david lynch yeah david lynch that movie that doesn't feel like a david lynch movie we'll have enough disney's the straight story yeah and he actually got an oscar nomination for that that was his last film um he was nominated for supporting actor for uh comes a horseman in 1978 and uh in papillon he is uncredited with mcqueen i didn't realize he was in that movie and he also plays slim in a remake of mcqueen's version of getaway uh i'm trying to remember who plays the lead in the remake of getaway i think it's like charlie sheen or somebody or emilio estevez i can't remember uh billy green bush is us marshall joe bell he played jay brown and critters which i'm pretty sure that's the grandfather of the kid that's the main character of those movies because his name is billy brown or bradley brown uh he also played elton in five easy pieces which is a great film and sheriff ed landis and jason goes to hell slim pickens was sheriff sam creedmoor he plays tagger in blazing saddles he's major king kong in dr strangelove he famously rides a bomb out of a out of a plane a nuclear bomb out of a plane all the way to the ground just he's shouting all the way down what else can you do yeah he was also in the original getaway with mcqueen and he's the voice of b.o.b in the black hole which is a very funny choice elijah cook jr was the stable hand he plays francis ice pick hofstetler in 13 episodes of magnum p.i he will be back later this year in kearney and he's probably uh better known for mr nicholas and rosemary's baby uh harry jones in the big sleep or wilmer cook in the maltese falcon a lot of old school noir stuff that was a stable hand played warmer yeah okay i i i that that's i remember we said you said the multis falcon i was like oh yeah roy jensen was lee mendenhauer i don't remember which character that was i'm assuming it's one of the wrestlers he was donovan in soylent green mulva hill in chinatown and cully in the getaway with mcqueen so that's a couple people that were in the mcqueen one uh jeffrey lewis was walter stoll i love jeffrey lewis he's in lots of clint eastwood stuff any which way but loose any which way you can pink cadillac more he was also a villain in macgyver silent world the one with the machine for deaf people yeah yeah um and uh his last movie was called high and outside i think we've talked about this before it was directed by evol johnson and written by dan o'dare a couple pie town employees from our days back in town me and richard but yeah jeffrey lewis was a cool guy and he's actually juliette lewis's father too harry northrup thomas burke he played doughboy and taxi driver which is one of the other drivers i think he plays mr emmel in silence of the lambs and he'll be back later this year in used cars um jess what do you think about this movie up or down uh yeah i don't think people need to bother i i agree i disagree okay uh i actually uh kind of enjoyed this movie um i i like i like westerns uh mostly and uh i was really intrigued uh by the character i guess more so the history of the actual person than i guess the movie but uh it kind of led me down that rabbit hole so i mean i agree with you i think the history of this person is really interesting and i think it could have made a really interesting movie but this was not it oh i agree there is it's lacking but i did enjoy it all right um so that's no no yes and then who wants to go first on their letterboxed uh so i would put it just below simon but above midnight madness i i i kind of actually am also gonna go above midnight madness this is coming up on midnight madness okay above midnight mattis for both of you which puts it below a little miss marker for me that would be the same for me they're right next to each other for me too but i think yeah you know what i'm gonna put it there too right above midnight madness i think that's fair at least we all all three of us right above midnight madness well i think that about covers it for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us you can find us at vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox you can also find our full movie rankings for the year there we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to review us we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing when time ran out which imdb summarizes thusly an active volcano threatens a south pacific island resort and its guests as a power struggle ensues between the property's developer and a drilling foreman we leave you now with the trailer for when time ran out there's not going to be any evacuation another non-believer won't they ever learn only this guy's problem is a small matter of a very active volcano this thing's a powder kick i think that's damned irresponsible conclusion on your part oh well then perhaps there's still time for a little passion in paradise that's some kiss passion that really sparks but this sucker makes mount st helens look like a kid's sparkler [Music] i think that's damned irresponsible conclusion on your part you said that already paul newman jacqueline visit william holden james franciscus alex carris pat marita excuse me but don't we have any other explosions thank you burgess meredith and hill street's veronica hamel they were all having a good time when time ran out