we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of heartbeat on april 25th 1980. it was written and directed by john byrum based on a novel by carolyn cassidy and released by warner brothers tomorrow jordana brewster and channing tatum will both be born on april 26th 1980. wow the character of ira in this film was a stand-in for alan ginsberg whose estate would not allow him to be represented in the film uh carolyn cassidy was was reportedly very disappointed in the final product but happy with susie spacex's portrayal of her i am not surprised by that yeah uh we start the film with a nuclear bomb exploding yeah uh this is another one of those cases where i go into the movie blind yeah and i go oh okay what's this what about this is this how they created godzilla is this an alternate history movie starring jack kerouac where the bombs landed in america right where they built track housing i thought i thought that they were building the test neighborhoods oh okay for for bum for bomb because they show the one like detonating in the ocean right and i was like oh so these are these are going to be like the neighborhood tests next but then people start living there i was like no don't do that get out of there oh my god somebody's got to tell them but no the nuclear bomb is just to indicate that this is immediately post world war ii so we're talking late 40s um into the 50s a woman's voice is sort of setting the stage as far as the time period she introduces jack kerouac who is a struggling author and neil cassidy who is the son of a denver wino she doesn't indicate what his talent is yet um that seems to be i don't know they ever indicate what his talent i think it's stealing cars well although he did go to jail for it so yeah i mean that's what's in this in the story but like that was one of my main complaints about this film was that like we're just we set up these characters in a way where we don't show and barely even tell the audience why they're supposed to be cool or interesting or well i think especially at the time people knew for jack kerouac just because i mean as popular as he is now a household name he was even more so in 1980 specifically yeah but i i guess my complaint is less about jack kerouac because at least right that guy i've heard of right you know his pal here was his name neil neil cassidy neil cassidy i you know i didn't know who he was and you know and i don't know why he has any appeal in this film because they sort of introduce his character in a way that it's just like there there didn't seem to be anything special about him so why does he have any appeal to you know to the uh sissy's basic character throughout the film i have no idea sure i i believe it's i believe what we're supposed to believe is that he's a non-conformist right but he's he's also kind of kerouac's muse yeah sorry no well and when we meet [ __ ] spacek she is very conformed right she's even getting ready to marry a guy that she doesn't even like because that's what you do basically neil cassidy is the main character of the on the road book yeah i got that from you know but he wasn't a famous by the end of the film but like i feel like you need to set that character up better because there's really no setup for him as like he's he's an awesome guy and he's definitely there's a reason why he's appealing no he's not an oscar he's a jerk he's a jerk and i don't think there is more to that character there unless you want to like give him laser vision or something and change the story a little bit like he was just he'd never really amounted to anything he wasn't even famous like after the story took place other than being the inspiration for this character in this book that that sold like gangbusters but we start with the two of them apparently they already know each other they met through ira who uh we understand now was allen ginsberg and uh basically jack kerouac is played as like the square and neil cassidy is the one who's like teaching him to stop being such a nerd and uh but he realizes when he gets ahold of some of his writing that jack is actually a pretty talented guy and he totally believes in his ability to like sell a massive book and become a super famous author jack and neil decide to go on a road trip together where they meet stevie who becomes neil's girlfriend in iowa yeah and before his goodbye kiss to his mother was just a little bit too caroux yeah it was like a little bit too passionate i was like [Music] this is uncomfortable but yeah this this road trip that they go on becomes the the impetus of the book it's it's the story that he's writing about originally but changing characters names and then sort of embellishing them um but while they're on the road jack and neal are essentially sharing neil's girlfriend sexually because he's just like oh well i'm all about free love and if you're interested yeah go for it i don't care and we just cut to like them having sex in the car while neil's sitting on the side of the road uh just totally no problem with it and stevie's apparently cool with it the woman narrating the story thus far introduces herself uh she is carolyn she is on a date with dick who is an old friend of niels and i don't know if they're just going to him to get money because he pulls out money and just starts just saying just tell me when to stop right like he doesn't even he knows why they're there they're not there to see him yeah he's like the baron and oginski that's just like all right you guys are artists i'm gonna write the check um but uh she says in the narration that this is the last time she saw dick implying that she became celibate here in this scene know that this is that she's going to leave this guy and go off with these two men that she just met yeah carolyn actually hasn't entered the scene yet but this is the two of them are sitting across the table from dick when she walks in right and she basically looks like claire that the ghost of christmas future shows to frank cross and scrooge she's got like this hat sitting on the side of her head she's wearing a lot of makeup and like a fur coat as she wanders over to the table she looks very fancy and very proper and she fits right in with the dick character that's on the other side of this table that they're like high society people that have you know business intentions and they're not that they don't care about philosophy or about life and how real people live i feel like art students in 1950 must been really different than art students now because i've never seen an art student dress like that before like which person like caroline like yeah yeah she's supposed to be studying painting at the university there and she's dressed like she's yeah like debutante yeah the business woman then i i assume she's getting her money for her wardrobe from dick who she is currently near near to marrying right and uh she mentions that uh they basically that neil and jack ran out of cigarettes and spent the rest of the night staring at the smoking butts in the ashtray and that she was kind of flattered and disgusted at the same time because it's like i knew that these guys were both poor enough that they would take a cigarette butt out of this ash tray and smoke it because they don't have anything else to like they they don't have anything else to smoke and they can't afford more cigarettes but they're not doing it because they both want to impress her with their ability to not smoke the three garbage it did somehow they won her over just by not smoking garbage and the three of them go on a series of of triangle dates um neil takes every opportunity to talk up jack's talent but when she's alone with jack he tells her about neil's past with men the relationships that he's had that his sort of ambiguous sexuality and uh he asks carolyn promise me he'll never take his word for anything multiple times neil reminds women that it is not their place to think the first time he's saying it jokingly to carolyn you're not supposed to think who throws it right back in his face but the second time he basically has his girlfriend stevie by the neck in bed and they immediately make out afterwards because she's like that's cool i don't want to think um in an art gallery carolyn announces that she is trying to choose between marrying an [ __ ] and accepting a job in los angeles i think the [ __ ] is dick here yeah i think it's important to bring up a point about the art gallery yes well they uh so they they sort of talk her into los angeles in this scene by telling her that everyone's [ __ ] and her [ __ ] boyfriend's an [ __ ] and she shouldn't go to school because they're all [ __ ] but all the art that's hanging in this gallery was actually painted by the person playing the artist in this scene and that is david lynch in an uncredited role oh really yeah so he's standing in the gallery and he actually painted all these things you see hanging on the wall which is just like it's like a white canvas with like half circles and lines painted on them it's very simple yeah but it that is very much the art of the time period right yeah and and it was actually done by david lynch jack decides he's going to knuckle down and finish his book he writes the whole stupid thing on a big roll of paper and keeps it on a spindle when he sends it to prospective publishers like an idiot would yeah he's mailing them the only copy of his book wound into a big tube yeah i was really confused by this because he takes this tube to all the different publishers and i was just like why did he roll up these pieces of paper because i didn't realize that it i missed the part where it was one long continuous sheet of paper like i didn't realize that i don't i think it was even more so i think it was paper towels it was like a roll it wasn't a paper towel it was like teletype paper but he kept it all on the roll because he was like i'm gonna finish this whole thing in one go i'm just gonna sit down and finish this whole book so he took a bunch of drugs and sat down and finished the book in one sitting basically well and i pulled up a i pulled up an old interview with him on youtube and he talked about it and you know having to go to a stationery store and get this special paper because he doesn't want to be interrupted in his thought process when he's writing a narrative and there i've seen pictures of the rolled up story too like that's literally how he wrote the first draft of the story and the first draft is the one that he sent to all the publishers so he was literally mailing out his only copy of it so he was very lucky to keep getting it back neil and carolyn moved to california by cover of night uh sort of in secret jack kind of catches them loading up a car and speeding off in the rain he decides he's going to meet up with ira in new york and go door-to-door selling the book that all the publishers keep referring to as a spare tire because it's a big cylinder look we could just see mr ugg he told me to tell you we don't accept unsolicited spare tires they don't have a lot of luck selling the book because somehow their reputation has preceded them as being extremely rude angry gentlemen and no one is interested in doing business with them ira and jack basically have a falling out and ira decides he's going to move out to san francisco to be with neil and carolyn uh ira is insufferable yeah he shouts his not great poetry uh as loud as he can in a restaurant moments in whom i am cognizant without matter like dripping out of the sun moments moments son of night mamas invisible coalitions deranged industrialists ghosts nobody else seems into it but he keeps going and he's very impressed with his own work and you know carolyn tries to stand up for like more contemporary and he insults her and insults neil as well like basically you know saying like why are you kind of why are you with this person i and i don't think it was even necessarily uh more contemporary poetry but it was like she's more like romantic poetry like she likes like t.s eliot and uh this is very offensive to ira who tells her that she's basically wrong and that you know he says something along the lines of like vomit that drives to hobo's faces is more poetic than anything elliot has ever written or something because he's just trying to be provocative and mean but as the scene unfolds it becomes clear that ira's basically just trying to piss carolyn off because he's madly in love with neil and they are in a relationship a long-term relationship now and so he doesn't like that because he doesn't get his meal time and he basically just blurts out well i'm in love with neil and he's in love with you and then she says am i supposed to feel guilty about this too neil and gets up and leaves at which point neil says hey yeah i'm kind of in love with her so you're gonna have to get hip to that bye and walks away uh somewhere on the street in the city neil sees stevie apparently she made it to san francisco and she's inviting a sailor into a hotel room he follows her inside and like listens to all the doors in the hallway until he finds the room that they're in and peeks over the top of it to make sure he's not before not before he kicked in somebody else's door yeah three seconds and it's funny because they they're just like oh please close the door oh please not like angry like what the hell are you doing get out of here like please don't tell anyone what you saw oh my god i don't want anyone to know that i have sex but uh but he turns around and he finds stevie's room he kicks that door in and he throws the sailor down a flight of stairs even though he's not in a relationship with stevie he broke up with her to leave for california with carolyn but uh he's still very possessive of her obviously in the room they talk and he admits to her you know when i said i was just coming out here that's not really true i'm completely in love with carolyn and she says i don't care who you're in love with i just wanted to have sex with you because i'm crazy about you and they officially begin an affair um and he's like habitually late to things with carolyn because he's off sleeping with stevie jack is taking a series of odd jobs on the road uh he works in the galley of a ship for a while he works in some fields yeah i i think he's in mexico and then he's like just like writing in the bathroom while some guy comes in and starts puking his guts out yeah carolyn but he still manages to give his mother a forwarding address right he gets he gets a birthday card in the mail from her i was like how how where are you or even are you that you have an address yeah but the vomiting guy there was actually pretty supportive yeah you know so and he also gave him a hot tip on some good opium but he didn't take it up because he said his writing is really good [ __ ] so uh carolyn comes home for work and finds neil ira and stevie all in bed together and sobbingly announces her pregnancy and neil is completely tone deaf about it and just jumps up like oh my god i'm gonna be a dad this is great like hugging and picking her up and she's just like slapping i'm like no you don't get it this is a terrible thing that i've just walked in on but she's not gonna talk any sense into him and she immediately forgives him and then they buy a house together yeah they basically like settle down um after a very quick conversation they move to the suburbs and get you know move into the track housing we saw after the explosion at the beginning and uh he basically tries to prove himself by being as decent a father as he can he's like you know rushes in when the kids are crying at night and uh but he also has a problem with the temptation of like attractive women in his neighborhood where he's constantly like noticing other women and still gonna have some issues with uh infidelity probably carolyn invites some of their new neighbors over for a dinner uh bob and betty bendix bendix there you go bob and betty bendix um and they're super nerdlingers and neil is not having fun talking to them so he gets more and more awkward and intimidating until they like freak out and leave basically uh there's a great shot though when he's outside that kind of like encapsulates his whole like pressure where he's sitting and like smoking a joint on a set of swings but you see like every house is identical behind him and they're all watching the same tv show in each window right and as you can just the whole neighborhood is just filled with audio because everyone's watching the same thing at the same time so it's all in sync and everything yeah and and it's just like each house is just a copy and you can't tell anything and i really thought it was great because it just i get now i can feel that pressure on him i understand what that he's trying to blend in like she wants because he cares about her but he also like is completely disgusted by the conformity um jack reluctantly takes work on a ship to san francisco it seems like he's been specifically avoiding the city right because he's not ready to confront them but it was like you know you don't have to see them while you're there yeah but i guess maybe he just couldn't resist it was the temptation yeah i think that's what it was but he goes there and knocks on their door some i guess he managed to keep a forwarding address for them too right but he figures out where they live knocks on the door and invites neil out to go binge drinking i did like the line from neil when he comes out the door he's like my god this is great i can't bear to drink alone in my condition what condition i'm broke need somebody to pay for my drinks um so they don't come home until the next morning it seems like sometime in the night carolyn realized that he left and had not come back all night so she's already pretty upset and the kids are all asking her for help first thing in the morning because dad's not there and uh they come into the home yeah they bring a woman home from there from their escapades and uh while they were out at night though neil is is confessing a little bit about marital problems in terms of like he feels like she doesn't respect him because he doesn't provide enough or he doesn't care enough about what she's trying to do and he says he can't even look her in the eye anymore and uh you get a quick line from jack how does she look like i haven't seen you guys in forever does she is she's still hot basically is what he's asking and i like neil's answer is like like a married woman don't don't ask me what my wife looks like because that's irrelevant to you right now oh really i didn't take that line to mean that yeah i didn't i i took it more that that she just looks worn out oh yeah i took it to i took it to mean she looks like she's the mother of several children and she's not that she's not the hot chick anymore she's a mom i thought he was saying like it's irrelevant what she looks like you shouldn't be asking her i don't think that's i don't think yeah you're right that's not him he's saying she's not hot anymore that's true that's what he's saying but she looks the exact same as she did at the beginning of the movie because this is probably weeks later if not earlier but yeah they're sneaking this woman into the house because uh neil basically decided oh well we have a room in the attic so you and this girl can go up in the attic and stay in that room and i'll just explain to carolyn sometime during the day that you're here and you're our guest um but i guess the woman goes home because they get caught in the act of trying to sneak them into the app yeah so i guess the woman just leaves it was her car anyway that they came home in so i'm sure she'll be fine driving home yeah she seemed like totally not drunk at all neil and carolyn decide they're gonna let jack sleep off the night in the attic by the time he wakes up neil has gone off to work and he explained earlier that the work that he does on the trains that sometimes he's gone for like days at a time right and he was like oh this is great you can stay at the house and you can help take care of carolyn while i'm out of town because that she won't feel lonely and you can like help around the house the way that i don't um and so when he gets up probably less than 10 minutes from waking up in the attic and coming downstairs they're already having sex yeah uh he literally just walks into the kitchen while she's ironing with her daughter he starts an argument with her and starts to manhandle her in front of her child and she turns around and talks about how neil doesn't respect her and how neil is terrible and then immediately they're making out and then they're like all right let's go have sex except then the my most favorite moment of the entire movie they walk off to the bedroom together and then she stops and comes back and unplugs the iron because literally i was sitting there thinking like you can't go off and have sex right now the iron's still on you have children in the house go on and then she comes back and unplugs it i'm like oh my god that's so great it was it was a fun fun little detail to include and i'm sure it was because when she was doing that scene she was like oh i wouldn't i wouldn't leave that on yeah i'm gonna go back in the plugin and they just left it in uh carolyn invites the bendix's over again and jack makes a considerably better impression on them uh he's very he's a good host and uh it seems like he's like made all these domesticated recommendations for like products they could use around the home that'll make their lives more efficient and they're they're very flattered and interested in everything that he has to say and he's already like made arrangements to like meet up with them later for things outside of this although i think it would still be weird to be invited to a dinner date with a woman and her husband and then to a dinner date with the same woman and a completely different guy well it gets even better yeah it gets weirder from there neil comes home and i guess the whole time he's gone he's probably been thinking about jack and his wife being at home and he realizes that she probably likes him a lot more than she likes me and i should be less of a jackass so he comes in and makes what appear to be routine promises that he's going to get better and she even says like oh he promises this all the time and this is all in front of each other like it's not like they're keeping secrets he says oh i'm going to be better and he's like oh it's it seems like he's really going to be better oh no he says this all the time i do say it all the time but i mean it this time jack basically tells neil i got it i can handle your life the life you started you should go off to mexico like you've always wanted to and he's like why don't you go on the trip to mexico he's like i don't want to go to mexico this is this is what i want and he also probably just came back from mexico they all start apologizing to each other sort of but carolyn's apology is i guess i just expected too much of you and then neil's response both expected too much which is basically the same saying i'm really disappointed at you and then saying oh no we're both disappointed [Laughter] so i never read on the road i i don't know really much about you know the the beat movement or anything like this but it just seems weird that this whole movie revolves around jack kerouac wanting to just be domesticated yeah i i feel like um i had a vision of who jack kerouac was in my head that he was like the just like improvises everything and doesn't ever have a plan it doesn't want to be like nailed down yeah he wants to like just constantly be on the move from what i'd heard about on the road i've never actually read the book but i watched the movie today and he's kind of the character that's supposed to be jack kerouac is kind of a nerd in in the movie and i assume the book also but i was very weirded out the whole time when he's like oh my plan is to just write a really great book and then get a lot of money and be super famous and buy a house and live with a woman and have children somewhere and i was like that's not what i thought jack kerouac was all about at all yeah but yeah i agree that this kind of changed my perception of who jack kerouac for sure historically uh depicted as but yeah after they uh express how disappointed they are in each other as as complementary as they can uh neil and jack decide to basically uh split their the husbandly duties all of the husbandly duties um and they're just getting the start of the co-parenting movement right they're just they're both living in the house this whole thing just reminded me of small circle of friends when they're yeah making the lobster dinner and just throwing food all over the place it's like this gonna be a montage of this it's less obnoxious yeah though but um i did like the the point where um because they go through a montage of like oh it's just a house with two dads in it and there's a moment where uh neil's lying in the bed and then you see jack walk through and he's like i can't heal and he's like good night jack and then jack walks up the stairs to go into the attic and then you see carolyn come in and you're like oh okay i guess she's with neil tonight like it wasn't just a permanent switch and then she's like good night neil and she goes and walks up the stairs to the attic like she doesn't want to sleep in the master bedroom she's sleeping in the attic with jack um well i think that she she picks and chooses that's going to be yeah i think the implication is that she trades off all the time but i thought that scene was going to be like and here she's back with neil and it's like no no she's still she's still with jack she's just going upstairs one one quick thing here there is a shot of neil uh teaching jack how to work on the trains like he tried to get him a job at the same place where he works um you saw that or no i don't recall that but there was a scene where they were both on a train in uniform and it seems like he's talking him through the basics of the job like he got him a job doing the same thing so that he can bring in more money or whatever but it just seemed counterintuitive to the point which was like oh i'm not home enough because i work all the time so let's get a second husband and get him the exact same job working the same shift as me it's like no they would work opposite shifts so the days that i'm home but you're working and then i'm working for that scene they were clearly working the same shift but yeah maybe that was their intention that they were going to be alternating or something they invite the bendix's over again for the third and most awkward i loved this scene i thought this was great i love the way that they're sitting around the table because it's like a pentagon of chairs and you have the bendixes next to each other and then you have the two husbands and then the wife in the middle and uh they seem like they're not as weirded out by this as they were by neil alone yeah until they leave when they leave the face that they make it's just like oh my god yeah but they seemed terrified when they left after neil was like oh i see what's going on like they just freaked out and started talking at the same time like panicked but yeah it seems like they're i almost got the impression that betty was a little bit jealous of her situation she's like oh she's got two men like taking care of everything um wait two men taking care of everything i mean maybe that was her perspective but this is definitely not what she has yeah no but they're getting twice as much done even if they were both doing that they're getting twice as much not done yeah the planting pot in the neighbor's yard not even in their yard they were planting it across the street right now it was their house was it their it was their house but they they kept waving to the neighbors while they were doing it yeah um they read in the paper that ira was arrested for a poem which actually happened to allen ginsberg it's i think it was howl right that that's what the movie is about is the poem that he got arrested and put on charges for but basically it caused such a nationwide uproar that this this poem could set people off enough that someone would be arrested for it that suddenly the public was clamoring for more of this type of work and all the publishers who had said no to on the road decided like oh we gotta find that guy because he was friends with ira and his stuff's probably like that guy's stuff so let's call him up and uh that's when jack gets the call hey we have a publisher for you and it's like the first publisher they went to who was like the meanest to their faces the one who repeatedly referred to it as a spare tire and they talk him into not only publishing the book but going on a whole publicity tour for it which jack is very excited to do and also goes against the grain of what i expected from jack kerouac just from what i thought i knew about him but uh he goes on television to kind of defend his work because the host of the show played by john larroquette here is just ripping into him and his whole philosophy on life very aggressive yeah um he's basically just trying to embarrass him on television and embarrass the whole movement and uh they're watching it on tv uh neil and carolyn are but they're they're like oh you look so great oh it's wonderful no it's great it doesn't everything's fine and jack's not upset about it at all in fact he's like out at a fancy restaurant with the host of the show and they're all they're being all buddy buddy and he tells the host like oh do you want to talk to moriarty because the character in the book is named moriarty that that neil is the inspiration for and uh he hands the phone to the host of the show and neil tells him to [ __ ] off or something we don't hear what he says yeah hello hey you must be one kooky character mister listen listen i really love the scene in the book when you good god what'd he say what do you think he said neil's kind of disappointed with jack at this point he kind of feels like he's sold out that he's pretending to be friends with all these like gross people that are pushing the the whole conformity agenda on the people that he lives in the neighborhood of he decides he's going to go to a poetry reading because he wants to kind of get back into that world a little bit but he's very disappointed by how things have changed because it's all stuff that's like derivative of iris work and jack's work and it's it's that very the beat nicky kind of yeah everyone snaps their fingers when it's done and right and everybody's talking like that they don't even serve like liquor the way he wanted it at the bar it's like yeah you know we have beer and coffee and he's just like oh this is great it's like steve buscemi's character and uh the hot sucker proxy right um but now these uh these people who know him from the neighborhood are like oh this is the guy who that mor moriarty is based on and that the character in itself is a celebrity and all these people are like oh then do you have any boot or what does he call it boo boo boo do you have any boo and he's like i don't know what that means boo t mary jane yeah and it's the second time they've referred to it as tea which i did not pick up the first time they were talking about driving around texas tea yeah no that's that's gold or no that's oil black gold texas texas tea yes the only reason that we know is because of the beginning of beverly hillbillies yeah but um but yeah so all these people are like oh you're not moriarty moriarty would know every up-to-date code word for marijuana it's like no it's not how it works you don't just like automatically get updates on your phone people don't have phones that they carry around yet um but a guy asks him like if he wants to hang out yeah and i couldn't tell if he was if he was just talking about drugs or if he was like uh intimating a romantic outing or what was going on but either way neil's like yeah let's let's go man um and they start driving and already i was like freaked out by this guy because they set him up as being kind of like creepy a little bit and he's like follows him out all creepily and uh and i'm like this guy's gonna like beat him up or something and take all this stuff like this is gonna be this is gonna go wrong and they get probably a half mile down the road and neil has just handed him a joint and i was like okay well he's got a joint now so maybe this guy's not going to turn on him because they're friends here but then it turns out the guy's an undercover cop yeah and he pulls a gun on neil and there's already a police car behind him and neil ends up going to jail for it that makes so much more sense now because that line is such a such an undercover cop thing to say like i'm just gonna list all the names of marijuana in a row well he wasn't the one who was saying all that stuff oh it wasn't and that was a different guy at the bar but he was listening in and he was like okay oh this guy's from kerouac's book he's definitely like a drug user like if i hit him up on his way out we'll do drugs together and then i can get him arrested but jack finds out that neil got arrested and he's like well i got to do something about it and his publisher's like you're not going to do anything about it because that's career suicide and it's his own problem and you can send him money if you want to yeah you can't go help him it doesn't matter because he goes to jail right yeah um possession but we don't see any of him in jail we kind of cut to him already out of jail yeah jack did nothing to help him and neil is now driving just a hippie bus like a commune bus around and we're to assume that carolyn's been alone this whole time right because jack is still away and yeah he's either in new york or he's like splitting time between new york and florida but he decided to hop in a cab and go visit carolyn and uh so neil pulls up to a pay phone and he hops out and he calls carolyn to make sure that she's getting her checks her alimony right and she says oh yeah like they seem like like they have a good relationship even though they're officially separated at this point she's like oh yeah i got the check everything's great you're all good and she's like by the way someone's here that i think you should talk to and he thinks she's talking about a kid at first because he's like he's like oh no i gotta go sweetie i'm sorry and she's like it's jack and he's like oh yeah i don't want to talk to him either yeah i got i gotta i'm sorry i gotta go you know how it is and uh and just leaves um and then jack leaves too and then jack's like all right cool then i'm out it's like it wasn't about and either one of them ending up with the girl it was just it was just they they had this one last opportunity at connecting with each other and they both she wanted him to know she she wanted neil to know that jack wasn't doing well that he's looking not well right and she got that message across i think um yeah but implying like this is your last opportunity you react with this guy yeah and then we get the narrator voice back which i honestly feel like the movie could have done without completely um but the narrator voice comes back to say uh what i think they're saying the conclusion of the story is which is that neil thought that compromises were the end of the world and so he refused to engage in them where jack thought that they were you had to constantly be compromising and that was both of their fatal flaws and then we get the worst most annoying line in the whole movie then it's the last line of the film which was very disappointing to me but she says i decided that compromises are like dental appointments you're damned if you make them and you're damned if you don't and that's the last line of the movie it was really awful that you could literally replace the word dental appointments with anything any noun and no one in this film had any dental work done like i don't understand where that word came from for this i bet you that that is straight out of the book i'm sure it is yeah yeah and dental appointments in like the 60s early 60s were probably more important i don't get it i i i'm not saying it's a great choice no i'm i'm i'm desperate to find some way of defending i just feel like there there has to be something like something related to on the road or beat poetry in general or these two men specifically that fits here better than dental appointments which have no bearing on on the story at all but that's where we end the film yeah we're moving out of the neighborhood and the three of them are officially separated probably never saw each other again and uh dental appointments are important but painful so it only just occurred to me that the beat in heartbeat is referring to beat poetry it's the title of the book it's super super cheesy yeah but i feel like it was a condition of the adaptation that they had to keep the title yeah i wouldn't have done that yeah i wouldn't have either um i feel like there's probably even a better beat pun than heartbeat that you could have done i'm you know i'm not uh coming up with one right now but this has got to be one there definitely is nothing beats dental appointments that's it beats by dr dre beats by dre writer director john byrum he directed racer's edge a few years after this which i love and i definitely recognized locations from that film in this film and he wrote some stuff too uh he wrote a movie that i really like in 2000 called do it i thought it'd be good if we said it at the same time yeah uh it's a weird little movie but it's got a good cast that's all i have to say about duets yeah it's it's like huey lewis playing gwyneth paltrow's dad yeah it's but it's directed by gwyneth paltrow's dad yeah bruce paltrow yeah um i haven't seen that movie but i remember my mom watching it and liking it a lot yeah it's it's got like i said it's got people that i love in it and uh it's it's a nice little story how is huey lewis the only work i've seen from him acting wise is his cameo and back to the future he's good yeah he he it's a it's it's all about karaoke and singing yeah and he plays a karaoke hustler yeah that's what the kid the summary was on imdb i was like what does that even mean is there money involved in karaoke somewhere uh well there is because there's a big there it's about three groups of people i feel if you're aware that we're going into the plot of duets but it's fine it's about three i'm gonna get that far on this podcast three groups of people going through different problems but ultimately that everything that they're doing is leading them to this competition okay that sounds cute um the dp on this film was laszlo kofax who i love he has lots of really really great credits too many to go through but a couple uh special ones to me um he was the dp for ghostbusters five easy pieces easy writer paper moon multiplicity just a lot of really great stuff that i love and watch close encounters um there's too many there's there's no way i'm not leaving off important ones and he's also one half of that laszlo and vilmos i was gonna say i i became familiar with him when we were working at laser and they brought that documentary in laszlo and bill moss i think vilmos passed away before they finished the documentary or before it came out that sounds right to me apocalypse now and a bunch of other stuff uh the music here was uh jack nietzsch who has an oscar for officer and a gentleman for the uh for the song up where we belong he also did the score for one flew over the cuckoo's nest and uh composed the music for move on rouge and then we get into the cast here nick nolte was neil cassidy um he was in the 48 hours movies he was in tropic thunder i love him in traffic um and he very recently did a voice on the mandalorian i will take you to them i have spoken it's got that voice it never changes yeah and he was the the go-to hollywood mugshot after a dui arrest on pch up until uh mel gibson's arrest and then and then he was home free um [ __ ] spacek here was carolyn cassidy who earlier this year obviously portrayed loretta lynn for coal miner's daughter you know her as carrie and carrie or hot rod's mom yeah uh apparently it's one of the trivia things that she was told that she didn't get the part right yeah i saw that she was apparent i guess she was holding a wine glass at the time and she was so upset that she just crushed it in her hand yeah and i was like what yeah like did it love wine in it i i i'm trying to picture the the scenario where she was clutching a wine glass because this generally i mean i think it was probably like a weirdly shaped glass like i got the impression that it was not an average wine glass because okay i don't know how you would break it that way but then they gave her like when they gave her the part because they were surprised that she cared that much about it they gave her like another like celebratory glass that said like that clinched it or something like that because she broke the glass in her hand i i don't know when i when i read that even when i was reading that story i was like this never happened someone dropped a glass at a party and they were like oh you'll never believe what happened tonight [ __ ] basically broke a glass because she was so angry and then they gave her the part yeah it's not why you give someone a party it's not like dicaprio and django when he slaps his hand on the table didn't realize that their the glass was there yeah or that other really famous like hollywood history moment from to all a good night when she hands him the glass and he goes to put it on the nightstand and it shatters off screen um everybody remembers that john hurd was jack kerouac i don't think of him as a jack kerouac type at all i i did not know he did too many things before big like it's like big and home alone is all i got he's always mr mcallister for me i thought it was a weird choice until i looked up the interview with actual jack kerouac i'm like okay it's not that weird okay the performance is simple yeah he's he's just really kind of like subtle and reserved and um i don't know he he did a decent job i think of portraying the character which i at first i thought it was like he wasn't actually doing a very good job but i looked it up i'm like oh that wasn't bad acting that was actually really good actually yeah that's just what jack kerrack is like well i felt like i was when he was at his most compelling was when he was getting angry when he would yell at neil yeah or ira or whoever and he would just shout these lines and and you could really feel the anger like it's more work than i've that i've ever seen john heard get like in the home alone movies it's just kind of like oh you just toss off a line and then you move to the next scene how many scenes is he really in he's in the beginning and in the end there's like interstitials throughout not really because once catherine o'hara leaves him it it's he's right that's already in act three by the time they separate and she goes with the polka polka polka team is that act three because she's like traveling all over the country before she yeah they're at the airport for a long time arguing over different flights but yeah because she doesn't get in that van with john candy until like 48 hours before yeah but that's after long after she left them because she because she stays at the airport well then they cut back to the family with the kids i just know that the dad's still in it for a significant portion of the movie probably as close to as much as catherine o'hara is but yeah he um he's great and he did a guest spot on uh the macgyver reboot shortly before passing away i think he passed away one or two years ago that's too bad he was good and he was paul and big was the character yeah the the guy who was with the girl that tom hanks kind of steals away he was the baxter in that movie yeah um ray sharkey is ira um who we know was supposed to be alan ginsberg and we will see more of ray sharkey later this year and willie and phil and the idol maker uh ann dusenberry was stevie she played tina and jaws too yeah i don't like i couldn't think of who that was there's so many girls on the on the raft yeah at the end of jaws too so i don't know which one she was um she was also valerie duran and cutter's way which we will get to tony bill was dick here the rich guy at the party or on on the date with uh carolyn when she's introduced academy award winner tony yes he actually produced the sting um and he also plays terry hawthorne the president of warner brothers and peewee's big adventure who he talks to about like getting a movie made about the bike being stolen um and he directed fly boys most recently yes yeah that's not that recently 2006 is like yesterday yeah yeah richard last a few years ago yeah yeah yeah yeah during the coma [Laughter] when i think of fly boys i just think of this is the animal james freak this is my gun from fly boys i keep all my props like keeps pointing at himself a little bang bang it's like okay you're really funny jonah we get it he'll also be back later this year as niles in the little dragons so absolutely for that one richard's really excited do you know who directed the dr the little dragons movie no because the only copy that we have is like this really bad youtube rip of it it looks like sub vhs like yeah like if they sold kids vhs minis or something like that that's what the quality of the picture but it's curtis hansen directed it what so it just it's uh it does not compute but we'll get to that one when we get to it uh kent williams was ogden that was the very insulting uh publisher um he plays cabot in war games he was also clinton ferris in season seven episode 12 off the wall of macgyver yeah and if any of you phoenix foundation listeners will recall he was married and divorced from two love interests of macgyver both played by women named robin robin pierson-rose who played his landlord at the beginning of the second season and robin curtis who played his love interest in the gauntlet i believe and then came back for a clip show very interesting to everyone not just macgyver fans yeah no uh louise contreras was the mexican junkie that was throwing up into the toilet and uh giving him life advice he's a king junkie that's what he's credited to say i didn't really [Laughter] kylo ren and the dead don't die and adam driver he's like i have a great affinity for mexicans i love him he's great um but uh luis here was uh one of the bikers in pee-wee's big adventure uh jenny o'hara was betty bendix she was the old woman from devil yeah hey really yeah i didn't recognize her jesse has a credit with her so funny two credits with her because she's also joel's secretary in extra yes she is so that's fun um which is my credit with her because me and you both have credits in that movie um don brody was the dispatcher no idea who that is but he's an uncredited voice in pinocchio as the carnival barker yeah uh the dispatcher the only person that kind of fits that profile was the guy who was telling jack kerouac about the ship he's the only oh that's possible because his voice like was like oh man that that guy's got a voice for radio yeah and i thought i recognized him too but i didn't know any of his other credits so tom runyan played a c-man uh he was a bartender and tom horne yeah he uh will be a bartender in every which way but loose or no that's the first one so we won't cover that one we'll cover the sequel but uh yeah he was a bartender in the first one and uh he was also in uh the getaway and convoy um john laraquette was the tv talk show host obviously night court is probably the first thing people go to yeah this was his first screen big screen appearance right he had done a narration for something uh oh it said he was the narrator for texas chainsaw massacre he's the one who reads the words at the beginning i can only assume i've only seen the movie once the film which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of five youths in particular sally hardesty and her invalid brother franklin it is all the more tragic and that they were young huh um and never again uh but that's my favorite horror movie of all time i can't do it but everything else was tv movies interesting until until this and yeah again i couldn't agree more that night court was like he won emmys for that um but uh he was great on boston legal and he also comes back about a year from now as captain stillman in stripes which will be fun when we get there um he also took over as the dad in the beethoven series after charles grodin's two movies and judge reinhold's two movies so he was started in the fifth one i don't know how many he stuck around for um and then the last credit i have here to mention is sunshine parker yeah as the gas station attended uh he was like redeemed from tremors he only wears that one damn jacket he's also emmett in roadhouse he plays a hobo in pee-wee's big adventure alongside patrick cranshaw from private eyes and he will be back later this year for a pair of sequels oh god book 2 and any which way you can so that's exciting i'm excited for more sunshine parker i wanted to bring up some other people of note what do you got her last name i'm sorry nasa tear um she's only credited as first receptionist this is one of two movies she was in oh that was probably ogden's receptionist this just smiling at them after he insults them she's in this and then no because ogden's secretary is another another person okay it says first receptionist so she's in this movie and then she's not in another movie until uh the mummy tomb of the dragon emperor in 2008. is that the third one uh yeah with uh brandon frazier and jet li yeah those are her only two acting credits but she's executive producer on a ton of stuff including the big chill and vertical limit oh that's weird oh i remember that now because she actually had a picture but i was like there's so few acting credits here why is there why does she have a picture yeah like an up-to-date picture on imdb yeah just the two credits um uh there's this name i feel like i know this name but i didn't recognize any of his credits john hostetter uh he's in two episodes of macgyver as sergeant rudley okay and he's the beat nick that walks off the stage yeah um but there's like stuff with like his imdb profile page has like muppets on it and i was like oh yeah i saw kermit on there was anyone one of the muppet movies i don't remember but i thought that was interesting um uh the bartender uh played by bill cross uh not a lot of credits but his miscellaneous crew credits were really interesting where he plays assistant to nick nolte in farewell to the king everybody wins in another 48 hours and i was going to say doesn't he have an acting credit in 48 hours or yeah yeah i think he has got an acting credit one of those two um but he's also an assistant um to power's booth in frailty which i thought was uh kind of another interesting credit speaking of the miscellaneous credits here the guy who goes through a list of various words for marijuana that guy doesn't have a lot of acting credits but he directed a bunch of episodes of mighty morphin power that was my next one that was my next one and was accredited writer on the howling the howling the joe dante yeah it was him and john sales oh interesting uh it was a and it was andy john sales so i thought am i messing that up no that sounds right john sales has a bunch of good stuff i didn't know that he co-wrote that sorry i just want to verify yeah yeah john sales okay cool based on the novel by someone else uh sorry so yeah that was my next for terence oh because i also loved his last name of winkless uh uh got sunshine parker uh obviously steve allen who had placed himself it was his one like peek in the room scene and walk out yeah um and i i just wanted to bring up his most notable credit of bart simpson's electronically altered voice [Laughter] in which episode uh the episode's called separate vocations where he's bartending bart tending bart descending uh for for fat tony oh okay principal skinner goes missing and and it's like a it's like a testimony of bart simpson and it's like the the voice of bart simpson has been electronically altered to sound like steve allen i saw mr bonton there seal the late mr palacio in an oil drum and roll him off the pier i kill you the only other person the last person i'm going to mention is only because it's connected to your cinematographer michael hoover played bar patron oh okay he's a visual effects artist a miniature and motion capture artists and i mean in like like stop motion capture he did he did things on ghostbusters 2010 the gate the abyss and spiderman too oh the gate that's there's some good stop motion in the game oh my god i just watched it recently that they do this really amazing transition of this kid trying to climb out and it pans down to his leg where the miniature guys are pulling it is pulling the leg it's just it's seamless yeah from from a full-sized scale to the miniature scale of guys in suits it's like how the hell do you do that it's been too long since i watched that movie that melting phone scene gave me nightmares when i was a kid um that was it there's like a rain a bunch of rain no that's good i like touching on that stuff uh i did look it up and verify it was uh laszlo that passed away before the documentary came out oh was it laszlo laszlo died in 2007. okay almost died in 2016 and the documentary came out in 2008. okay i've got it mixed up then what do we think up or down on this one jess uh down and it's gonna be down for me yeah it's it's a down for me i i actually my problems are more with the direction than with anything else um i thought the performances were fine um i think john hurd actually surprised me with his performances here but uh the script is a little weird the the direction and editing are both odd like um scenes especially in the first half of the movie seem to end prematurely or fade to black very suddenly i don't like the voice over all the way through it and that last line takes a bunch of points off for me because it's just so random and weird that no one was like let's just cut that one off i feel like this is not the only time that i've had this problem like i feel like i had the same problem with um niginsky but they're they're based off of books written by people in the stories in the books and uh you know or love interest in the story and i think that they don't focus on the most interesting parts of the lives of these people that i'm like i read the i read the wikipedia page about jack kerouac to try to you know prepare for this and i'm like yeah a lot of interesting things happened to this guy this is not any of them yeah that's weird well i thought it was weird in oginski too that they never cover what happened with the brothers specifically like they hint at it a couple of times and then there's no flashback scene of to explain the references to it it's like i could go look it up if i wanted to but you're the one making a two-hour movie about this guy maybe you put a scene in there the same thing happened with tom horn like oh yeah i'm like tom horn had this crazy life and like you focused on the last five last and you know the end of his life where nothing really interesting actually happened you could probably make a trilogy out of tom horton's life though yeah i mean he he's definitely the anti-hero yeah um richard why don't you start us off where does this go in your litter box uh i think i'm gonna put this it it it it passes the winner's threshold uh but uh i'm gonna put it just above nizinski which is just below simon okay i am putting it in a very similar place it it does just barely pass the windows threshold for me i am putting it below saturn three and above uh north sea hijack or what it was called uh folks folks call it whatever you want and i'm so glad i forgot that that saturn three past year window threshold i was like oh good good i don't have to disown her as a friend um for me um i think that this goes just above uh what is it little miss marker i almost said a little my sunshine because these posters are so small now yeah um it goes just above little miss marker and just below don't go in the house for me i think that's everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode we'll do it that's a threat you can take to the bank don't take threats to the bank i don't endorse that if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing where the buffalo roam which imdb calls a semi-biographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist hunter s thompson you