we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of gorp on may 1 1980 it was written by jeffrey konvitz based on a story by jeffrey konvitz and a martin zyback directed by joseph rubin and released by american international pictures gorp killed american international pictures yes this is their last film although we will be covering two more american international pictures the visitor and how to beat the high cost of living which have later release dates in the us but this was the nail in the coffin i am not surprised alfred hitchcock passed away day before yesterday april 29 1980 this does not portend well gorp is an acronym for good old raisins and peanuts it plays no part in the film yeah really i don't get it what does that mean i don't know it's also technically go rap i think go rap is an even weirder name for this movie i don't know why this movie's called gorp no one even eats gorp in this movie there's not even like one shot of a person eating gorp like it makes less sense than when eli roth wanted to call cabin fever like country hams because it says that on a sign right at the store it's like why why is this called gorp i don't understand anyway is that a thing is that like a camp thing or something never heard of it i mean i know it's the thing that that runners eat because i mean is that is that what they call is that what they is that is that like you know when people say trail mix do they say gorp do people say that they might no one says it in this movie i've i mean i've just never heard of it before yeah i only know it because of the imdb trivia page um but yeah so that's what this movie's called that's all the production notes i have other than like a little tidbit later there's not much to be found about this movie there's not much about anything in this movie yeah i even found a book about american international pictures and the whole thing was just like a very glowing review of the movie and about how brilliant it was yes i'm pretty sure it was just written by someone who was involved in the making of the film because it was mr gorpe yeah mr gorpe did it mr gorb tear down this wall this movie was incredibly difficult to get through this to go tear down this film a van full of kids pulls up to an old cabin on a lake the guys pile into the place mad bobby grossman runs past some of them and moons them from the top of the stairs this is dennis quaid uh as like a half-assed jim carrey character i guess but also like very inconsistent like he he reminds me also of uh d-day from animals a little bit of d-day and uh tackle berry from uh police academy okay yeah it seems like he's trying to play like the bad crazy guy and everything but the character feels very disjointed from scene to scene it doesn't feel like denis quite is completely committing to the character which i think is part of the problem and said he seems like hesitant with all the weird stuff that he does but i don't know that it would be better if he were fully committing to this right um and we're getting him later in the the brothers western right yes and randy yeah it's just like he's so strange in this yeah it's only a couple years later that he'll be in like the right stuff in inner space yeah it's not it's not a good good move from him i feel like the quaid people are keeping this movie out of the public eye um but they're not doing a very good job keeping randy out of the public eye it's just the dennis quaid people they used all their energy to wipe this movie off of the face of the earth and then they don't have nothing left to keep randy secret um steinberg takes a bathroom stall basically as his bunk where he remains for almost the entire rest of the film uh he never actually says a word um he's just some random nerdy character and about him sort of says yeah he has like he doesn't actually say the words though it's sounds that are dubbed over as much yes they're not coming out of him grossman has a very large gun and a bomb by his bed that he's constantly working on with no payoff no payoff at all so this is dumb for some reason this movie is about two guys like the main character is two different guys right who look almost at the same anyways they look practically the same they say all the same things do all the same dumb stuff for the whole movie it might as well have just been one character because it's supposed to be that they have like a rivalry going but they're different they're so friendly to each other yeah about the rivalry and they often go in on the rivalry at the same time together yeah like we're gonna do this together right now yeah but their names are bergman and cavall i'm just gonna call them the guys yeah that's for most of this movie they approach a locker that is shaking in the bottom floor of their cabin and they open it to find capparello masturbating or having a seizure they don't like stop to check and see if he's dying i don't i did not i i was guessing what was happening yeah but then i was like all right i think that maybe the director had never masturbated before and so he's just like i don't know what it looks like when people are masturbating can you just shake and he's like that's not what it looks like he's like just shake okay i'm the director but yeah he's masturbating in his locker lobster is like the eddie diesen character and fats is the fat kid who i might just call eddie diesen and and the fat kid for the rest what's his name steven first from animal house yeah exactly it's it's basically just eddie diesen and stephen first again um except for eddie diesen here is like a ginger it's the only difference but other than that he's exactly an eddie decent character and they are sent on a mission to go take pictures of the girls arriving at camp um fats breaks his camera immediately but somehow lobster gets perfect photographs of it yeah fetterman introduces uh the boys to the kitchen fetterman is like their boss he's like the um the brian doyle murray and caddyshack character that's like second in command at this camp and uh he introduces them to these kitchen people who like these these guys all worked as waiters last summer so they know the kitchen staff already because they worked with them last summer but they played off like this is the first time they're meeting and uh in rapid succession we are introduced to fred the chef this big black guy that just doesn't talk to anybody he's slamming the meat cleaver down yeah he's like looks like he's a maniac and then suddenly as soon as like fetterman's gone they're like all laughing with each other like they're all best friends we have andy on salads who we basically never see again a guy who's just sneezing into salad and indian joe who we never see again after this scene well we we see him but they don't have any they play no part in this yeah we do see him sneezing multiple times throughout the film yeah um we have sweet mo who is uh the chef's assistant that's otis day coming back for a second film in a row and mike the pimp is the name of one of the characters and he's apparently in charge of drying like someone else does the washing and then he literally just dries the dishes after they're washed and uh he doesn't play a part after this and then we have wino willie on beverages who is bathing in a sink yeah he's like scrubbing his feet in a full sink of water with like he's got like a toilet scrubber that he's using to scrub his feet and he will be like the most prominent of the kitchen staff he reminds me of like a character that booger would play now yeah but he would play it better he would no absolutely yeah why not armstrong yeah and then i saved the worst for last bible louie who quote unquote handles the freezer so i don't know what that means like he puts things in it and takes things out of it seems like there's a real [ __ ] easy kitchen to run if you can have a job that's literally just drying plates or taking things out of a freezer but lobster comes in and he hands off the pictures of the girls and they basically just hand them all out and everybody calls dibs on the girls from the pictures kavel and bergman fight over the only 12 out of 10 super hot attractive girl i guess she kind of looks like all the other girls in all of these pictures and bible louie comes out and pretends that he's preaching for a while before cursing a bunch which he will do nine more times over the course of this movie walrus wallman tells fetterman what his plan is that these are all crappy waiters and uh they'll at least get the job done but he's gonna find them every time they screw up and he'll find them so much that he'll never have to pay any of them so he's basically getting free work out of these people and he's promising fetterman 10 of all the fines that uh he's able to collect from them which basically means that he's paying fetterman instead of the waiters and he's only paying him 10 of what he'd have to pay a full weight staff bible louis pretends to preach again and then sucks on a naked picture of a girl after shouting [Applause] because the joke is that he's religious but he says perverted things that's the joke every time i don't know i'm not sure what any of the jokes are in this movie it is rough it's the problem is that it's trying so hard every single scene the the characters are trying extremely are they trying hard because literally every scene is almost identical like every scene every character was getting a huge workout in every scene yeah but every but every character does the same thing in every scene that's why it's a workout because literally in almost every scene in this movie it is just a bunch of dudes running around frantically screaming they're shocking every scene like you would just count them in a row they are yelling in the kitchen they're yelling in the dining room they're yelling in their buns all just running around frantically that's every scene of this movie it seems like they thought that the louder you say a joke the funnier it is and i guarantee you every time they said cut on this movie everyone had to sit on the floor and breathe for like two minutes because they're they're exerting themselves i mean i don't know if they're trying but they're exerting themselves at least in every single scene everybody's running around full speed using their whole body to act with and none of it's funny stuff's falling all over the ground and they have to stumble over things all the time and every single character is in every single shot so they're like oh you three guys pretend his butt's stuck in a toilet you uh pretend that you're just smashing your head against that wall that's funny you drop a bunch of bowls on the floor that's funny when people do that and it's none of the things are funny but it just seems like they were trying to crowd the shot so you wouldn't notice that nothing is happening in any of the scenes but uh yeah so the next scene tony cavell and bergman go to a restaurant cavell and bergman are hitting on the 12. tony goes and finds roseanne arquette and starts dancing with her and they will go on to have basically a romeo juliet story in the film because he's poor and puerto rican and she is a self-described jewish american princess heir to a deodorant fortune and i did actually think there was one funny moment here where she explains that her family makes deodorant and that they're rich and he immediately just puts his face in her armpit to smell it and she starts laughing like the two of them feel like the only genuine characters in this whole movie everyone else is like a caricature and they're really only in like two or three scenes yeah but in every scene they're the best part of this whole movie they were in but yeah so at a nearby booth one of the bigger guys uses lobster's teeth to open a beer um and then he just holds his mouth and goes ow ow ow for like a full 30 seconds which the obvious joke here would be to have like blood pouring out of his mouth or show his teeth broken but they never do that there's never a reveal there's no punch line to it it's literally just yeah that probably would have hurt and we never see an aftermath of it vicki henderson the 12 tells mark and jay or cavell and bergman that she does not [ __ ] but evie bennett fran drescher across the table from her says that she does back at the cabin cavell and bergman are yelling at each other because they both got turned down by the girl and they played dueling records at each other as like revenge through a wall they're playing dueling records the logic behind it i don't understand the layout of this place where doors open up into other people's beds yeah yeah like how do you even get around yeah that doesn't make any sense one of the record players is just like this aimless like rock guitar solo and the other one is like marching band music like da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da and then eventually that bigger guy from before comes in and just breaks all the records because he's trying to go to sleep although we will hear both of those records play later in the film over and over and over evie the fran drescher character approaches cavella and bergman separately for sex um not really sex just sort of grinding fully clothed yeah on the on the shore of the lake i think the emperor's very implying that it goes all the way right but they just keep showing us the same dumb thing of them rolling around on dirt and they're adding fly sound effects mosquito sound effects like they're like swatting at bugs it just sounds like they're rolling around in [ __ ] like that's what it sounds like when you put flies in there it's like is this literally a pile of manure that they're [ __ ] in because otherwise what is the point of this but she does she just says the same thing to both of them like as she's finishing like like oh yeah no i just wanted to have sex with a legend and they're like oh was i a legend oh you're a minor epic and then she says the same thing to the next guy like playing them off of each other because she just enjoys having sex but the two of them both think like oh i tricked this girl into having sex with me yeah but they don't know that she had sex with both of them yet but also i'm still struggling at this point to tell these two apart right and so the fact that this scene just happened identically twice i'm like did we just i don't know where i'm at i i thought that like it skipped yeah and i was like is this the same scene and i just i'm watching it again is it oh no it's slightly different yeah but not enough different to have me care yeah cabell and bergman go into the room where everyone's sleeping in the middle of the night on the on the top floor of the cabin and they drop like a barbell it barely makes a sound but somehow everyone sits up like they fired a gun which would have been much funnier if they just walked in and fired a gun which they have yeah they have lots of guns and the and the dennis quaid character is with them and we've established that he has weapons galore like he should have just thrown a bomb in the middle of the room but instead they drop a fairly silent piece of exercise equipment they introduce what i think is supposed to be the point of the movie i don't know if they say that there's a contest right they never get much more specific than that it's a contest between the upstairs and the downstairs waiters right and they get a trophy if they win yeah they're calling it a war and the trophy is suppose is like it looks like walrus it's the bust of the guy that runs the camera which they call walrus yeah walman walrus and but they never say what the contest is they just say it's a war right like what is winning what is yeah because when you say the word war what i think is that means like physical combat and they say the rule is there are no rules except for no physical contact it's like what are we doing is this like tantric lovemaking contest what are i don't understand what the contest is they never get more specific than it's a contest between us and them it's like are you trying to rack up more tips are you trying to get you know find more are you trying to like hurt people like they never explain what this contest is for the whole rest of the movie and we never see it we never see well we see it but we don't know who wins or why i never saw it i don't know if you saw it i didn't see it i watched this movie twice now and i never saw the contest i don't know what the contest was well they were just doing crappy things to each other but how do you win that i don't know we don't know what the rules are oh wait there are no rules there's no rules except for you can't there can be no physical contact there's no way to win because there are no rules but the only competing that we see them doing is just physically fighting with each other which is a violation of the only rule so i don't know what the contest is or how you determine a winner it's a battle but there's no physical contact so i have no idea what that means the kids all get together and they watch i was a teenage werewolf which is the best footage in the whole film it's the best shot sequence yeah it is mostly because uh walrus gets gets freaked out yeah because yeah he gets freaked out when the girl is gonna get attacked by the werewolf but but you're saying that the the the movie within the movie is the best footage oh yeah that's the black and white footage of the werewolf so convincing cinematography that they didn't shoot was the best shot stuff there's some other good shots later oh yeah there's a really good shot later grossman dresses like a werewolf and wakes everybody up at night that's hilarious because he hired a makeup artist to come and do a whole werewolf makeup on him so he could look like the character in the movie when no one would even be able to see it because the lights never come on yep they would just assume it's [ __ ] grossman howling for no reason in the middle of the night which he would probably be prone to do right but he does it enough that he scares kavel into jumping out of a window and breaking his leg so now there's a very slight temporary and uninteresting difference between cavell and burton one of them is on crutches for a couple scenes plays no part in any of those scenes that he's on crutches now i don't know if the actor hurt himself on set and they wrote this scene to explain it grossman rides a [ __ ] horse around the cabin to rile up the troops of the downstairs area for the contest that's coming up that some kind of a contest that we still haven't gotten into and won't suddenly a kitchen olympics is happening and the wino is drinking four bottles of liquor it's the kind of olympics where there's only one person participating and it's all sped up but i feel bad for this pouring all over him yeah he's well he's not drinking most of it but this guy you can tell just based on continuity from his shirt that he actually drank all four of these bottles in a row but they instead of showing him drink a bottle and then cutting away to a reaction shot and letting him recover to drink from the next bottle like they they let it run on him drinking all four bottles but then they cut in all this reaction footage that it's like it's no longer impressive that he drank four bottles because you're cutting away the whole time so you could have been giving him time off but he's clearly not getting time off because he's pouring more than half of each bottle down his chest and i don't even know what these bottles are because they're all different colors right but um but yeah that happens for some reason and uh then it's over they sneak into the girl's cabin in one scene and like threaten them yeah and this is like one of the first like of many raids they call it now i i get like the the panty raid yeah of the you know but but that's a heist situation you're sneaking in and you're taking something yeah you're not lightning you're not threatening and like physically trying to like also not acceptable but the point is that it's more acceptable than what's going on here but at least tony is just going in and saying hey judy you want to leave with me and she's like yeah let's go and just make out somewhere the rest of the guys basically scare all these girls into waking up in the middle of the night they basically were just in there to rape the 12. again and one of the many attempted rapes in this movie this is the first attempted rape in this comedy about attempted rape maybe that's what it is it's a comedy about attempted rape and the contest is whoever can rape the most people that's the hilarious contest between the upstairs and downstairs um but yeah so this is happening uh walrus gets mad and finds them and they're all we're gonna get back at that guy for finding us for breaking the rules by going into the cabin of the girls and threatening them it's like yeah i'm on walrus's side yeah yeah that's the problem and it's not just because like i'm an old man now like i feel like i still like even at the time i would have been like no like that's a huge liability and you should all be fired yeah and he even says i invited you to back against my better judgment it's just like like like i thought are they are they on friendly terms like like you know they wanted to come back and he was he was considering it and they talked him into it it's like what is the relationship here but then they clearly don't like him because then they fill his house up with farm animals yeah but yeah that's the other thing is when so when they wake up all the girls like grossman is literally saying like i'm going to murder all of you yeah so everyone shut up and don't say anything about what happened here they laugh about it on their way out but then yeah the next day they get fined which is a pretty light punishment for what they did right and and we'll come to we'll come to understand how they get fined because he said the girls didn't tell them right so there there is a a semi plot reveal later of of how they keep getting in trouble for all these things yeah it's the big twist ending yeah it's marvelous but um yeah they let a bunch of animals into walruses room in the night as their revenge on him why is his wife there they live on the camp i guess they do but it just felt like this was trying to be that scene in an animal house where they put the horse in his in the dean's office or whatever but it's not funny um there's also a lot of like animal torture yeah there's a scene where in the kitchen i don't know which scene it is but a guy is like wrestling a chicken and he's it's obviously an actual live chicken and he is not treating this chicken well yeah he's just yanking it around by a wing yeah that's that's basically the next scene i put they put animals in his room wino abuses a live chicken those two story points are right in a row hilarious religious guy says let there be orgies which is a callback to earlier when he said let there be bosoms it's not even a different joke but also what is he referring to there are no orgies in this film yeah and also so he says let there be orgies into the camera directly into the camera and then he turns and runs away and the hilarious reveal is that he's completely naked yeah and then a disembodied voice says who was that masked man but he wasn't wearing anything a they should have pointed the camera at the masked man so we could help that voice find out who it was but instead we're looking at bible louie be weird grossman tries to spy on the other team and they keep blowing a trumpet at the wall wherever he's listening to them he's literally got like a stethoscope to the wall yeah to listen to their plan for the contest what are they going to do for the contest they never explain what the contest is i wanted it to be like flower arrangement at the end but no we never find out uh the wino fights with himself in like the corner of a room like he's pretending to play cards against himself yeah during the big poker game where they invite lobster and the steven first character i didn't even want to take notes on the poker game because i don't know why it's happening yeah oh okay cutting back to poker being played i i stopped taking notes i i have unfortunately committed much of the movie to memory and and as this is so angry that i've memorized the movie yeah it's like you made me pay money for this movie patrick uh uh but uh this is six dollars to rent on amazon prime by the way don't do it don't bother if you only get this far into the podcast i want you to know these are this is a three down movie we we wasted 12 whole dollars on this yeah because we rented it i'm gonna have to rent it again because i kind of want to see it again no no no i got all the sound clips i need before our 48 hour rental window ran out we're done we're done ever thinking about this movie i hit stuff on this record have we have we touched on the challenge that evie gives the guys that's it both the guys have to sleep with one person but she only has to sleep with one other person well they have to pick who it is yeah it started as they were saying we could get any girl we wanted because she says i could have any guy i wanted and then it turns into you i'll make you have sex with someone who you don't want to have sex with yeah so they're like okay well you have to have sex with the rabbi and the rabbi is like not that much older than them decent looking really kind of depressed yeah and then she's like okay you guys have to have sex with with bertha the nurse big big nurse bertha and they're like oh god i don't know why we entered this contest and it's like yeah i don't know why i rented this movie like yeah we're both very disappointed right i guess we better drug her and rape her yeah i know so yeah first first though we get the francine so she goes the francine she flirts with the rabbi and uh and it seems like she's making some romantic progress the guys break into nurse bertha's room and put a bunch of drugs in the water next to her nightstand and then when she drinks it they just climb on top of her and try to [ __ ] her in her sleep yep which is the second and third attempted rape in this movie yeah but i i was like and their their plan is you start at the top i'll start at the bottom we'll meet in the middle what does that mean our meats are gonna touch in the middle it's very very gross and weird and what if he's starting at the top he's going to rape her in the face like it's not even weird enough that this is happening that they're just climbing all over this woman in this bed but there's two other guys at the window just watching it yeah just rape watching and then she wakes up and first she resists and then i guess she's kind of into it but then they're all fighting instead of yeah instead of having sex the guys go to meet with irvington who is this like preppy coach guy that they have at their restaurant all the time that they're that they're waiters for and uh he keeps telling them that they're gonna have some game they're gonna play against each other and he wants to turn the whole camp into like an athletic camp he's gonna get them jobs there basically so he's telling them updates about how his uh conversations with walrus have gone and how he's gonna he's right on the edge of convincing him to turn this whole camp into an athletic camp this is not an interesting subplot or anything it doesn't pay off at all well it's sort of it's sort of it's i wouldn't call it a payoff but it's it's there's a reveal but that we have no vested interest in this becoming an athletic camp we don't even like the two characters who we're supposed to identify with we hate them actually they are attempted rapists and probably successful rapists prior to this summer yeah as opposed to fran drescher who's she didn't rape anybody everybody she was it was all consenting he was fully willing yeah their their pickup line is plunk that's their pickup line their first move is to drug the girl every time and uh it's obnoxious and it's bad writing also that's the really offensive bad writing but sharp finds them at the bar sharp as like their boss uh of the cabin and he's like okay well it's after curfew and you guys are drinking here at a bar uh this is not okay so everybody has to go home walrus finds out that they were at the bar and hits them with a second harsher fine and they're like oh well that means we just have to piss him off even more and guess what's coming up parents day so the parents show up judy's parents get out of the car to talk to roseanne arquette apparently they already know about her new puerto rican boyfriend yeah she's already talked to them about it and she's like oh she's really great i think you'll like him and her mom just says darling he's a veritable monkey and he's a poor monkey at that yeah just immediately like first thing out of her mouth when she gets out of the car and he's standing right there yeah and so he walks up and he like leans into his accent because he's trying to piss off her parents and he's like oh yeah the way she talks about you i thought you were going to be a big fat mess but you're very pretty and uh and throwing her under the bus in this situation yeah he should have said i pictured you to be this big fat but also like why would you picture her that way unless you're throwing her under the bus anyway he should have just walked him they're like you're ugly but uh he doesn't do that um the parents all sit down to a film and uh what a wonderful film yes uh it turns out that the second best piece of footage yeah captured into the second best footage here uh i don't know what this is from that because imdb actually listed the i was a teenage werewolf i want that film title yeah i need to know what this movie is because there's so many strings that they leave for research i need to i can't just uh i can't sit on this cliffhanger but uh but yeah it's porn the joke is great because you see it coming a mile away and they don't turn it off that's how long the stick is no but i like it's like oh this is the wrong film this is the wrong films it's like then turn it off yeah instead of instead of getting in the way or like unplugging the machine you're like this isn't what we normally watch anyway you know what if i joke if the rabbi would have stepped in front of the the projector to try to block it but then the boobs would have been on his shirt oh my god that would have been great a joke oh man this movie could have been this movie could have had one joke in it all right are we [ __ ] pitching a remake of gore no no we're not it's not happening the kitchen staff drugs everyone they give speed to everyone yeah they intended to only give it to some people but they accidentally gave it to other people i don't care i don't care who they give the drugs to everyone that's been acting like they were on speed the whole time already so it changes nothing that everyone's on drugs now like i feel so sorry for the actors where when the director was like okay do what you've been doing before but pretend you're on speed now it's like are you kidding i almost had a heart attack just acting like i was just standing there meeting a person now i have to act even crazier it's not interesting and a food fight breaks out yeah and they just throw food and once again milk in the hair ugh just like little darlings it's like no no not in the hair i don't like this richard had a traumatic milk hair experience when he was a kid i like milk but i that like milk on my personal yeah that sounds weird don't get milk on my person grossman rallies the troops again he tells them that the other guys are planning to break all the rules even though there are no rules then we get another pointless poker scene suddenly we're in the cabin at night and all the guys are masturbating at the same time isn't that funny one guy starts masturbating and then another guy notices he's masturbating and that makes him hot thinking about his friend masturbation so he starts masturbating that's how guys work if i'm at the office and i see somebody yawn but if i see someone jerking off i can't help it just gotta go out but uh this is a different kind of masturbation it's not the typical you look like you're having a seizure and a locker masturbating this is some weird like humping masturbating like you're humping your hand or something i don't get it what i do is i shake in a locker well but what's one of them is uh the the the you know quaint characters like humping his bomb in his bed yeah probably that sounds like something they would tell him to do at the last second before they started recording um every single joke in this movie feels like they wrote it in the moment like i wouldn't i wouldn't be surprised to learn that this entire film was like a long-form improv that is a disservice to improv do not say that that's what it felt like it just felt like every single joke was being made up on the spot because none of them pay off and there's it doesn't go anywhere that's the difference is that long form comedy long form improv pays off there's like long running punch lines but uh nothing here is funny the guys find grossman with a truck full of munitions and he gets real like dylan claybold here yeah he's like i'm telling you boys this is gonna be a very memorable war there's gonna be blood on the buildings and he's just like straight up like i'm gonna murder all the other people in our cabin uh that's what the contest is it's a literal war the guys go to meet with irvington again and find out that he not sharp has been reporting them so every time walrus got mad it wasn't because sharp who we don't care about is barely in the movie i think i think i remember him one time yeah uh but this other character who we don't care about has been reported this is mind-blowing to them but they forgive him instantly but it's what gets him into walruses good graces in order to change the camp over to an athletics camp right which is apparently actually happening but the scene where he he tells them this is so weird where he's jumping up on the bed yeah like the scene starts with him he's already like standing up on the top of a couch and he's holding a big bottle of wine he says yeah he's gotta make it an athletic camp and they're like okay that's good he's like yeah it's gotta be great like the whole scene he's screaming like every scene is screaming every scene this is the worst of it though this is like the most obnoxious like the most i don't understand why they're all shouting like this and they're pretending to be very excited like i feel like they must have done this scene 100 times before they got to this take because it felt like no no more energy more energy the scene is really boring unless you're screaming but he just keeps screaming about it and then they they kind of decide the guys decide okay well this guy's the one who told on us he's he's the reason we got fined and it's like well no walrus is still the reason you got fine because he's the one who fined you and even further back you're the reason you got fined because you broke the rules constantly and you cost the camp money but instead they decide that they're going to take out their revenge on irvington so as revenge they rig this massive track that no one can see until it goes off yeah they hook him in the middle of the restaurant while they're serving people and it lifts him off of the bench above everyone eating their food swings him across the room toward a banner with a painting of a butt on it and then confetti shoots everywhere and he seems very upset about it but i'm sure that after this shot they would have just let him down yeah and that would have been their revenge i guess i guess we lifted you for a second take that you find us hundreds of dollars our entire paychecks for the whole summer but we lifted you for a second and there was a painting of a butt and everything isn't that much more embarrassing than what you did to us no it's not it's dumb nerd and fat use neighboring toilets [Music] fat doesn't know how to use toilet paper that's the joke here i think yeah cause the toilet paper just keeps coming out he he pulls the toilet paper roll and he just keeps pulling it off and acting panicked like he doesn't know how to control his arms i don't know what the joke is here well the toilet paper is just shooting out like he's not even touching it off of the roll no he's not like i mean it's it's shooting out even when he's not touching it i think that's because he yanked on it yeah i think that's what they're implying is what he did and and but like they did they definitely have some sort of effect happening here when there's like a blower behind it like shooting the paper out or something but he seems really panicked like he's gonna get in trouble for wasting a roll of toilet paper in this room where people are setting off bombs and stuff and nobody i think somebody had a really great idea to stick a leaf blower behind this thing and create some sort of effect and they didn't know how to use it so they just stuck a guy in a stall they were like is this funny no great put it in the film yeah the guys try to rape number 12 again yep this time they actually get their pants off yeah and uh the lights come on and they just skip out with stuffed animals over their dicks nerd and fat go back to the bar looking for hookers they've decided they're going to hire a hooker because their friends are so horny and uh they keep failing at rape so they're like what have we paid someone for you to rape um like consensual rape what's it called again sex so they go to the bar and they go to just the first girl they see and they say hey are you a hooker and her date turns around is like what what did you just say and then to punish these two guys for calling his girlfriend a hooker they get them drunk give them a bunch of free drinks and then send them out of the bar in their underwear where they find a hooker yeah they crash headlong into a hooker standing on the corner and they're like hey are you a hooker you should come back with us and she's like okay great so they're driving the truck full of bombs back to the camp and they crash it and it explodes um all the fireworks in the back are going off and this indicates to everyone in the cabin that the war is on that the contest has officially begun they rush to fight each other because they barricade themselves in first right but the it seems to be the point is that they're gonna fight each other right but the the only rule of this contest was no physical contact so i don't know what the contest was supposed to be if it wasn't physical contact but they go to fight each other but right as the two teams are clashing the girls rush in because they've decided they're going to interrupt the fight and get revenge for the constant attempted rape perpetuated by two characters from this movie the toy bomb that dennis quaid has been [ __ ] this whole time shorts out and he's like oh it doesn't work it was just a dumb prop and there's no punch line to it it never goes off and then he decides you know what this means war i'm gonna go get something we have this really weird line from steinberg who runs to go hide in his bathroom stall and this is what i was talking about where we're dubbing over him now and there's explosions going off all around him and something whizzes past in front of him and then he goes and then he goes back into his bathroom stall fran and the big guy get into an argument downstairs he puts her into a locker and then he throws the locker out the window masturbation locker the masturbation and then when she gets thrown out the window in the locker she says yeah that made no sense she's just like oh that's great though it's funny because the director understands how women work is that they get they i read somewhere that they get periods only only when you pretend moments like yeah thrown out of a window in a locker in a masturbation locker yeah that'll definitely bring it on uh grossman comes back in a tank and he drives it through a wall into the building and almost kills an extra in this scene yes it's very clearly because it's a fake tank it really comes through that wall crazy yeah it's a slow motion shot and it's clearly a real a full-size real tank and i found this on imdb i have no way to prove that it's real but i think that this would be a lot of work to make up a factoid for this obscure of a movie this is from one of the reviews of gorp on imdb i owned and drove the m5 stuart tank in the movie gorp actually written in all capital letters there were lots of interesting stories that i recall from the filming but the one that stands out in my mind was when i drove through the house a prop built for the movie we were to receive a radio message as when to stop but it never came i could see nothing out the vision port and finally decided to slap on the brakes and stop had i continued one more foot i would have crushed one of the stunt people that was to have jumped out the windows but didn't so all these characters were supposed to pile out of the windows they didn't and the tank almost crushed this woman because of it oh my god um he says amazingly the big concern was that i came within inches of one of their very expensive panovision cameras the movie people said they could always get another stunt girl but cameras were expensive all in all i was treated great by the movie people and i left with many good stories several best left untold wow so that's pretty incredible by the way that guy down this guy worked on the movie and uh thinks he was treated well by the movie people and gave it a 5 out of 10 star review so yeah that's uh the tank goes through the wall basically they just all go to walruses cabin and say hey guess what we quit yeah and they moon him from and flash and flash though yeah one girl is flashing him as punishment and and then while another guy is sucking on one of her breasts right so one of her boobs is covered i rewound it and made sure several times yeah no i literally did because in this whole movie there's only one pair of boobs and it's in the porn that they're watching because when this girl is flashing her shirt is covering one boob and this guy's sucking on the other boob so there's literally no original boob footage in this whole movie yeah they're i think the the one the pin-up there's some pin-ups well when he he licks the piece of paper on the wall that's not original that existed before this that was published before this film came out yeah i'm talking oc tits there's nothing in this movie like if you're gonna make this movie and it's gonna be this bad you have to at least put four pairs of boobs in it it has to at least have four pairs of boobs to weren't ever being rented by anyone but there's no excuse to rent this movie so you need three or more boobs three or more boobs i thought we were talking pairs you're just talking individual individual that's that's his adjustments to what i was thinking that's why total recall is automatic yeah yeah it's a good rental solid rental option uh they all moon wall man uh and then fetterman walks him back to the house and sees that it's destroyed yeah he says i can't tell you you have to see it right here it also doesn't matter because everyone already left so the camp is destroyed like i can't serve anyone any food i have to cancel this summer and everyone's leaving uh i can't remember why but i had turned subtitles on i think for a couple of scenes to to make sure i could understand exactly what people were saying helpful for sure um when when uh huddleston sees the broken cabin it just says in in uh brackets building screaming and i was like i was like building screaming oh he's building the screen it's like uh like but i was like like the person like i'm writing these subtitles but don't tell anybody i'm deaf is this building screaming because it looks like its mouth is open yeah i'm just gonna put building screen um this movie sucks director joseph rubin also directed dreamscape the good sun and money train what some of those are good movies dreamscape also with dennis quaid yeah uh writer jeffrey konvitz um this was his third and last screenplay after silent night bloody night and the sentinel he has produced in a lot of different genres including a pair of lesser leslie nielsen parodies spyhard and 2001 a space travesty both of which are not worthy of renting either the other writer uh a martin zyback this was his second to last writing credit before grace quigley cavell one of the two conjoined lead actors is played by michael lembeck who directed the second and third santa claus movies also a crapload of television 24 episodes of friends a bunch of other nbc primetime sitcoms dennis quaid was mad bobby grossman uh you know him from day after tomorrow he's also in frequency inner space um and he's the brother of randy from foxes and both will be back for a long time the right stuff and even though he was probably really drunk it seems i don't know pandora pandora no oh it's good okay him and ben foster i like ben foster particularly in flash forward uh i wonder if that's on disney plus i bet it is yeah i have to look that up philip kastnoff played bergman uh he played sinatra in a 92 mini-series called sinatra he also played nikolai stanislavski on oz and he still works pretty regularly for some reason uh fran drescher was evie she was obviously the nanny right that was a big thing she was eunice in hotel transylvania the yeah the wife of the frankenstein character she was really cute in this movie she i've always liked friend dresser yeah i mean she she's known for playing this obnoxious character and kind of over the top look but like in this movie she was just adorable i honestly feel like she's just like the female gilbert godfrey like people just use her as a voice joke but she's a very funny person like like if you were gonna make jessica jones in the early 80s fred drescher would probably have been oh yeah she'd be great um she was also a beautician in the beast with timothy dalton i liked her she she a very small part in dr detroit with dan aykroyd oh okay i don't know that one um it's not like it's a little bit like a night shift in that uh a guy ends up being the pimp for all these ladies in the evening and has to cover there was a lot of pimp comedies in the 80s but yeah she is one of the one of the ladies um david huddleston was walrus wallman obviously he's the titular big lebowski he was also olson johnson in blazing saddles we had lou wagner as fetterman he played savannah shorty in baltimore bullet he was on raising hope with me he was lucious in the original plan of the apes uh busboy and conquest of the planet of the apes and skyler schultz in airport uh julius harris was fred the chef he plays t he and live and let die yeah i i don't he the character's called t because he's literally going like laughing the whole time uh but he gets uh unceremoniously killed very quickly by the roger moore character that was roger moore's first uh bond movie uh he played uh boan or bone in the 76 king kong he was grave digger and dark man and he played inspector daniels in the original pelham one two three deborah richter was barbara um i don't remember which character was barbara one of the girls uh she was also candy in midnight madness that was one of leon's two henchmen ladies that were like helping him hand out all the equipment for the beginning of the contest speaking of eddie diesen and stephen first um rosanna arquette was judy she was jody and pulp fiction uh roberta glass in desperately seeking susan marcy and after hours and my favorite role from her was wendy balsam in buffalo 66 where she's like the high school crush of the main character and so he gives christina richie that name and then they actually see her at a diner later that night she's like oh that's crazy that's my name like doesn't know that she's literally named after that person uh dale robinette was irvington he is a stills photographer and he works pretty regularly he has like eight huge movies every year but some of the bigger ones lala land the avengers daddy darko so um he's all over the place otis day was sweet mo uh we said before he changed his name to the character he played in animal house and we just had him six days ago in our previous film where the buffalo roam so he was credited here as dwayne jesse correct in both movies yeah but his name is now otis day on imdb uh peter mark jacobson played steinberg he was fran drescher's husband at the time and he was a writer on the nanny he was also a writer on happily divorced a show that fran started hosting 14 years after they divorced john riley played don sharp uh not a lot of credits i recognize but he's the voice of hawkeye and clint barton who are obviously the same character on the iron man animated series in the 90s yeah um did you mention robert trevor i couldn't remember it nope oh he played the rabbi oh okay i know him mostly from uh reoccurring characters on hercules and xena oh okay from the the the 90s he played salmonias uh so i was always excited when i saw him he's also in a really bizarre movie with uh roy scheider called 52 pickup uh and he was in hail caesar pretty recently oh okay uh he was the producer of the movie oh i think i did see that credit yeah um he he's he's a pretty funny interesting guy because he's got a his voice is very much that voice yeah um but uh yeah hercules and xena was my big go-to um jess up or down big down as down as it can go richard that's a way down there down in the boiler room down below six feet under the ground below yeah this is a down down for me richard why don't you kick off oh this is well below the windows threshold um oh god i'm struggling of how far down to put it because it's down there um it might be my third worst so it comes just before cereal uh and uh after privatize is that above cereal or below cereal so it's above cereal above cereal okay and below privatized correct so this is second from last for me i think okay about nothing personal above nothing personal same here yeah yeah it's rough man which i just want to point this out this was the nail in the coffin for american international pictures of my bottom four movies three of them are american international films which is crazy because the fourth film uh that we've covered so far of the four is mad max which is in fifth place so i have one at the very top and three in my bottom four with defiance nothing personal and gorp which are all garbage movies that they clearly didn't care when they were making um but baltimore bullets also in my bottom four so that doesn't speak a lot for uh for the actor who played savannah shorty in baltimore bullet and fetterman here because he's in two of my bottom three movies but they're bad they're bad movies and they deserve to feel bad for being bad i think that's everything for this one if you have any thoughts you'd like to share we are vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for you we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast on that note i'd like to give a special shout out to mike lam for his recent itunes review thanks for listening mike we appreciate your comments because this is our first episode of the month again i wanted to remind our listeners about the patreon campaign for anyone who hasn't had time to check it out we have a couple tiers vintage video will always be free to listen to but if it's worth it to you a donation as small as a buck a month is greatly appreciated we are into may now we've been doing the show for four months and this is our 38th episode we are averaging close to 10 titles a month and expect to cover about 14 a month on average over the course of the year which means that for the buck a month tier you're donating seven or eight cents an episode we also offer a five dollar tier about 36 cents per film which includes a shout out on the show a monthly exclusive episode reviewing a title from the 70s and a hand in choosing each month's film we've recorded five so far and for june our second tier members are choosing between five titles two mules for sister sarah a don siegel western starring clint eastwood and shirley maclean beyond the valley of the dolls russ meyer's non-sequel satirical melodrama written by roger ebert kelly's heroes a war slash heist film starring eastwood savalas rickles and donald sutherland and carol o'connor catch 22 the star-studded black comedy adaptation of joseph heller's anti-war novel and myra breckenridge a comedy adaptation of gorf doll's novel of the same name starring raquel welch maywest and john houston considered by many the worst film ever made each of which will be celebrating their 50th anniversaries this june if this sounds like something you'd be interested in you can find our campaign at patreon.com vintage video podcast and if not i hope you'll at least do us the honor of continuing to listen thanks again and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing friday the 13th which according to imdb is about a group of camp counselors stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp where years before it was the site of a child's drowning and a grisly double murder we leave you now with the trailer for friday the 13th [Music] [Music] hello what is that oh hi doing out in this mess [Music] three [Music] we weren't doing anything we were just messing up [Music] three six seven can i help you [Music] eight nine ten [Music] eleven [Music] 12 friday the 13th you may only see it once but that will be enough [Music] friday the 13th you