we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard walsh and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of home movies on may 16 1980 somewhere it was written by brian de palma kim ambler dana edelman robert harders stephen lemay charlie leventhal gloria norris directed by brian de palma and released by united artists from wikipedia de palma had been teaching film at his alma mater sarin lawrence college and conceived this project as a hands-on training exercise for his students they were given the primary responsibilities of raising money arranging the shooting schedule and editing the film all under diplomas supervision many of these students such as gilbert adler sam irvin and charlie leventhal went on to long careers of their own producing and directing films the budget was four hundred thousand dollars and it made 39 000 in box office receipts which is the only way we know that this movie was ever released anywhere i regret putting it on the list and i'm sorry for putting either of you through it it's all right it was just i don't know what to make of this well i'm actually surprised if you're telling me that the only thing that the students did was raise the money do a shooting schedule and edit or are you saying they did more because the fact that they well i did read seven writers i know there's seven writers that should tell you everything you need to know about this movie what is this a scary movie well so i think it was a story by brian de palma and then they had seven writers yeah i mean it's just ugh yeah because those the scary movie sequels and all the other like blank movie spin-offs were always like from six of the eighteen writers of scary movie seven yeah it's like why you know what's uh what else is crazy is i think phil and chris miller are in a lot of those groups um but the first couple scary movies were actually pretty funny i got really excited when you're like oh next week we're going to do a bryan de palma film i'm like sweet yeah i love bright apollo films they'll get better [Laughter] we have another one this year dressed to kill is in 1980 also love dressed to kill we start with this rough animation introducing the cast in caricature a doctor's fingers grow faces and stretch to grab around a nurse character we get a title that says the maestro presents the maestro starring in explorations in star therapy written directed and produced by the maestro everything you see happened as it happened and those who know none of this makes any sense uh we are at now college a college called now um and we get a title that says number one introduction to the maestro kirk douglas inexplicably enters the class why are you in this presumably a friend of uh brian's and he wanted to talk some hollywood royalty into impressing his students he enters the class and he lectures the kids for a moment on filmmaking he punches a student who isn't paying attention in the character of a boxer like he's like oh let me add him i could get him and then he punches the kid in the face congratulates him for taking the punch so well um oddly enough kirk douglas wasn't even supposed to be here yeah he just wandered in and started punching students it's really great that we're rolling um he shows the class a slideshow of a week in grand central station with a picture taken each day um the thing that we're supposed to notice in this string of pictures is that uh one student a former student of of the maestros is sitting on a suitcase in the middle of grand central station for the entire week of these pictures being taken this doesn't make any sense and then the kids monologue takes over from the maestro and we're i guess jumping back in time he was having weird like gorpesque sex with a girl on the couch where everyone's fully dressed and they're just kind of flopping around like two fish that got out of a tank and the mom walks in and catches them and then runs away crying and then the dad walks in and catches them and just kind of walks away from them yeah and says tell your mom i went to the office we cut to his brother james teaching spartanetic philosophy which is based on the spartans which maybe that's why we have kirk douglas in this movie yeah well yeah cause he he he's mentioning mentioning all like all these famous people and then he mentions and then there's spartacus himself he's like okay yeah he excuses the class when he sees his mom crying and packing a suitcase in a car he goes back to his home and she tells james that she caught her husband cheating at work dennis is watching this whole conversation from a tree which i thought he was like climbing climbed up a tree watching through a window but then they sit down in the room and he just like walks around the tree like he was just hiding behind it yeah i couldn't tell if he was actually climbed up the tree or if he was just standing behind a tree it's shot weirdly a lot of time up in trees in this movie yes so the brother confronts their dad about cheating on their mom and the dad just beats him up and i think it's played for like comedy but it's not funny it's just weird like every time he tries to yell at his dad his dad punches him and walks away from him dennis and his father try to break down uh the bedroom door to prevent the mother from killing herself with a bunch of pills but she's just setting it up as a fake yeah she's just trying to make them feel guilty uh dennis talks to his mother about attending a family dinner that night that is apparently very important to him for some reason at the door james warns his girlfriend not to eat anything when they go in for the dinner party i don't understand this entire plot of not eating things because it's poison like it just i don't i think she just doesn't want her to get fat and so he tells her not to eat any food because it's poisoned yeah like it's he well he's not this whole like diet plan like he he's trying to be revolutionary with his way of thinking and his treatment of women uh but to him all regular food is poison yeah and so he's telling her not to eat anything there and he refuses to eat anything himself but they go inside and james's date has to leave the room because james has like what is it called a tmj like his jaw is like well that's because the dad punched him in the face right but it happens again later just from him like yelling and his jaw like locks up yeah it's it's this recurring gag that keeps coming back in the movie because the dad beat him up in that first scene that he's constantly having issues with his jaw yeah but so his jaw is dislocated here so he tells the girlfriend get out of this room go in the other room and i'm gonna fix it i don't want you to see this and she finds the mom in the kitchen who's just crying and then she goes and she finds dennis she's like oh i'm so excited to meet you i want to learn more about my boyfriend and i can learn that through you and they have a little bit of a conversation and then suddenly we're back at the table everyone's eating well everyone except for christina and james who are avoiding the poison at the table james stands up and announces his engagement to christina to everyone although he uses some weird series of words to make it's a social contract yeah mom dad i'd like to say something christina and i have reached an agreement to sign a socio-romantic contract um but nobody understands what he's saying until he he paraphrases by explaining that they're going to be married yeah i just want to point out to all the listeners that we're making it sound almost like a cohesive storyline here yeah but this is a bunch of disjointed scenes with weird dialogue that don't really necessarily make sense until you add a bunch of weird scenes later that kind of explain what was happening earlier yeah that that is a good point to make because i feel like what i've written here my outline is much better than the script oh yeah by far like what you're saying is like now you understand the story that's what was going on i was so confused yeah the the performances are very bad which is weird because the directing was just brian de palma so unless he was just like do whatever you want on set the whole time because he didn't care because it wasn't really his movie or he wanted it to look more like a student film then he was like i don't know i don't know what the reasoning is here but christina decides she's going to try some of the food but she chokes on it and then james goes to he prevents her choking by putting his mouth on her mouth and just inhaling the food out of her throat the food out i guess and then dennis is upset because he's like oh why couldn't i have been the hero it's like why do you care this is your brother's fiance this is weird although it doesn't sound like she had any idea that he was going to announce their engagement i i'm not even clear that he had proposed to her before that point it just seems like he was just trying to announce something and that she would have to go along with it because he said it well i think that they've only been together for two months yeah james forces his girlfriend to tell the story of when they met not to the family but just back up in their room later when he's yelling at her for trying any of the food at all he says tell me the story of when we met well it's really awkward because he's trying to like force the story out of her and and he keeps going back and being like making her add in extra details that she didn't express uh that i'm not clear on if those details were things like he wants to have happened or things that did happen that she's leaving out i think there are things that did happen that she's leaving out that he wants her to basically confess the true story of their having met so that he can purge her of it because it almost felt more like he fabricated this story of what he wanted his safe saving of her to be and then he's because of how quickly she agrees right and he's forcing her to like repeat it to reinforce it in her story you know possibly nothing is very clear but she did she does admit and it's later confirmed of performing a sexual act with a rabbit yes um but here she says do you remember where you were the first time i saw you [Music] on the bridge and what were you doing i was looking at the boats what looking at the boats i was looking what were you doing were you going to jump yes and how many men had you had that day three how many four [Music] and it just kept coming over and then i went professional and can't say yes yes you can say it tell me about bunny no james not bunny yes bunny tell me about it that's the part that makes me feel like he was fabricating this stuff like the fact that like he was putting it on her that her standing on the bridge was her attempting suicide where she was just like i was just looking at the boats no you were attempting suicide like oh i was attempting suicide you know like and then he says what did you do earlier that day and she said i had sex and he said who did you have sex with yeah she's like he's like a man he's like just one man and she's like three men three men four men like she keeps like adding to the story yeah it just doesn't feel like it's her own it feels like i don't know if it's supposed to be him pushing for truth or her admitting to the full story because we never make that clear although she did have sex with a rabbit so that part is true dennis tries to talk to his mom about taking on a divorce attorney because uh he knows that she could lose everything if she doesn't um he decides that he's going to wear blackface and get photos of his dad uh cheating because he knows that if they have evidence then it's more of an open shut case is he and i at first i thought he was just using dark makeup to blend in with like a knight yeah i think that's actually what it was for but then it's later confused for him being yeah no i think he is doing blackface though because he said he in another scene he said he was getting really into it and he had a box that said like afro wig or something like that and he's like i'm really getting it it's true yeah i don't know i don't know what's going on here but anyway he's in blackface and he's up on a tree getting photos of his dad uh [ __ ] a nurse against the window of a building with the lights on like they're not in a bit like they're in a hospital where there's a bed in every room yeah and they're having sex against the wall where you can see them from the window but they're literally her back is like against the window so now he can't even get pictures of it well he gets other pictures of them like grappling together and but it's not enough i guess yeah apparently i don't know why what they get eventually isn't is enough because even that i would say is probably not enough if what if this isn't but while he's up in this tree he also notices that there's uh there's a girl in another window across the street and so he decides he's gonna start watching her because he can't get good pictures of his father and we get a title on the screen diagnosis in the field and suddenly the maestro is there and he turns on a bunch of work lights um to light up the kid in the tree and he says oh look at that second girl in the window and then they cut to this footage of this girl in her apartment and he points out that's just footage of a girl in an apartment that's not a real person that you're looking at it's like i don't know why we're suddenly getting meta with this and acknowledging that we're watching a movie happen um well there are a couple of shots where you realize that this is a projection inside this window right and and he says that the police use it to catch peeping toms or but or is he implying that he uses it to catch peeping toms yeah because he says i've been watching you up here for a week now and that's how long he's been trying to get this these pictures of his dad apparently yeah i think he said he's been up there for three weeks three weeks he comes every thursday for three weeks yeah very weird very but eventually uh the maestro pushes him out of the tree but like doesn't he offer to but this is the moment where he offers to train him to be an actor yeah well he the whole time he's trying to get him to be like he's like you're just observing people you need to be taking more of a part in your own life yeah but he like gives him his car and he's like you need to come see me yeah and he implies that he's going to inform the police if he doesn't right dennis and christina talk in the kitchen at home about um dennis is considering signing up for his brother's spartanetics class we cut to the class that's going on and uh james is like singing and leading the campers to like the end of a hike where christina has set up a very lovely picnic with all organic foods because she thought that's what james wanted and then he just shits all over everything and yells at her for bringing food and says that she's undone so much of their programming by bringing them something that they didn't have to catch and prepare themselves and uh he's like picking things up and shouting aluminum enclosed potato chips back to nature carrot bars go throws them like shakes the food out onto the floor um or the what do you call the floor outside the ground um we ran out of carpet so we just painted the dirt does anybody else smell toast we don't care how much um dennis tries to comfort her and decides he's going to take her out to lunch for some fast food because she needs it and they flirt a little bit she talks about how she's she's interested in younger men and then he's like oh yeah really and she's like well yeah and he said well what about uh what about james you know he's like five years older than you she's like i'm interested in older men too i'm interested in lots of different kinds of men like lending a little bit of credence to the three or four guys story and uh when she gets home james refuses to apologize for having thrown her picnic all over the floor and then tells her that he can smell the food on her then we get this excessively long scene of him sniffing all over the room until he comes back to sniff her it's like a couple minutes of just sniffing i just want to say i think you're doing it do you smell something yeah i my comment of this is whatever yeah like i was like they have a scene together whatever then i i don't even know what to say half the things in this movie yeah like i can't comment on what's happening but uh at the at the previous dinner they decided they were gonna have an engagement brunch and he tells her that if she can't start resisting these urges that she's having for example the fast food urge that he's gonna have his mom cancel the engagement brunch because he wants to have complete control over her life and complete control over any weaknesses she may have for anything smoking drinking men she immediately after he tells her that uh he's he's gonna judge her and he's gonna cancel this party if she doesn't comply she gets a call from bunny and she resists bunny in this call she says that she's not interested and she's not gonna partake oh i didn't know who was on the phone that scene was weird it's a weird scene but um now we get a title that says treatment and uh well so the bunny scene though she's she's talking to somebody from like her former life on the phone yes who's trying to tempt her back into her former life and then yeah we follow once again an excessively long shot of the phone cord across the room to realize that the phone's not even plugged in and i'm like that phone cord and he you know just could have been much shorter to get to that but i did not realize that that was supposed to be the rabbit supposed to be the rabbit yes okay that makes more sense maestro shows up and he says he's gonna talk dennis into performing properly he reminds him to not be an extra in his own life and dennis starts the star therapy which involves recording everything he does which is known now as having a smartphone and recording yourself consoles now it's called technology [Laughter] but uh he's just like literally sitting in bed with a bunch of lights pointed at him talking to the camera about what happened to him in the last five minutes then we get title number four reviewing the patient's progress and uh kirk and dennis are sitting watching his dailies the dailies of his actual life and uh he falls asleep during it because it's so boring and uh the maestro is like criticizing him look at this you're you're falling asleep watching your own life happen in front of you that's how boring your life is you're falling asleep watching it he asks how the movie's gonna pay for itself like what have you spent so far like what is the budget on this thing like how is your life gonna pay for itself he he tells him for no reason that he has three days to get more interesting sweetheart lover boy baby you've got three days to come up with good rushes and his new plan is to observe christina to see if she can resist all of james's temptations and then we get this clip of like a tape of the plan and it says this table now self-destruct this tape will self-destruct now i got it i got it i got it i got it and it explodes it's like a mission impossible joke which is weird because brian de palma ended up directing the first mission impossible movie but i don't i don't know who what this tape is of and who's listening to it and why it explodes uh it's his um it's his students so james made the tape for his students because his students are like his minions in this plan okay to like watch her fail at any of these things these tests that he's putting her in okay that's what i missed then because we're only seeing from behind over their shoulders and i didn't realize it was them but uh the first thing she's supposed to resist is junk food even though that's not first on the list yeah but the first thing we see her resisting is junk food they have a camera stuffed into a bag of popcorn and she's like making ice cream or something yeah for some reason she's suddenly working at a fast food restaurant just for a day and she's managing not to eat any of the customers ice cream before giving it to them so they call that a successful resisting of junk food it was french fries but yeah oh french fries i couldn't remember what it was i saw her holding a cup and she's like taking something off the top she's awkwardly placing the french fries one by one with her hands and not eating them that's good job dennis spies on her through the keyhole to her room and she's listening to a tape uh presumably another tape from james about resisting cheap sex and again the tape self-destructs which is a hilarious callback to earlier when a tape self-destructed right christina goes to a biker party and lures a guy upstairs to have sex with and then at the very last second says i'm very aroused i'm gonna go home now i'm very aroused oh i'm aroused too can she i don't know can she i want you to take me i want to take you but no no could you get up a minute what you see this is really only a test i was just seeing if i could i could resist you what baby hey what the hell you really have to go now and he says why and he says i just wanted to see how aroused i could get and still turn around and leave and the biker's like uh yeah that's not gonna happen but dennis is up in a tree watching this happen because he's trying to see in blackface again right to see how much of james's program she can resist and so he goes in to save her james is going over his notes and he crosses off that she has passed all the tests smoking drinking drugs junk food and sex um the engagement party is officially on and james writes up letters that are invites to like a campsite for some exercise that they're gonna do but one of the invitations to the campsite blows up the stairwell into a bedroom and lands on christina's pillow right which james had said if she passes all of her tests there would be something for her at the end so i think she's assuming that this is for her yes a cop beats up dennis outside because he thought he was a black person and there shouldn't be black people in this neighborhood apparently but somehow he convinces him that he's a reporter yeah he says no no i'm undercover he convinces them that he's a reporter because when he tries to grab him he tries to yank him by the hair and he pulls the wig off he's like oh my gosh you are in disguise we cut to all the campers out in the middle of the woods they're role-playing as couples so half of them are men and half of them are women and james is instructing them how to kiss each other just to be clear all of his students are men yes and he's instructed the men some of them to be women to be the women right and he's telling the men that you don't turn your head for the woman when you're moving in for a kiss that you just lean in and crush her nose if she doesn't turn her head to bow to your whim which is actually a solid tip yeah this movie is really friendly to women i mean obviously the the movie doesn't seem to be on james's side i think it's supposed to be that he's an obnoxious character but still it's dumb dennis now has to pretend with this cop that he's doing a report on exploitation against minorities um so that the cop won't attack him and now the cop is like suddenly on the case with him to get footage of his dad cheating and so the two of them go up the stairs into the hospital and bust in on his dad having sex with the nurse who he claims is a minority because she's an eskimo and the cops like oh yeah that makes perfect sense anyway my name's quinn so make sure when you turn in this and he keeps calling him chief like yeah like the kid is somehow his boss all of a sudden but yeah so now that he has footage of his dad and the nurse in the room but again they weren't actually having sex they were just leaning against the table when they walked in and he said oh we were just getting started he admits right there on the footage that they weren't having sex so who knows what's going on christina finds the letter on her pillow inviting her to james's camp and thinks it's for her we cut back to the woods where james is telling them that he basically only needs a wife to procreate he wishes he didn't have to that he could just put a seat in the ground and grow children see i thought here we were gonna like find out that he was actually like homosexual and then some of this stuff was just you know he was just women hating because he was hating himself or liking men but none of that that might even be an implication of this scene that he takes all these guys out of the woods and has to make out with each other because he's gay right that would have made sense but they certainly didn't make that clear if that was the case either way when she's getting to the camp it's right when he's teaching the men how to mount each other and so she thinks that he's gay anyway because she walks up right as he's standing up behind another guy in the middle of the woods and she runs home crying bizarre scene where dennis comes home with the footage of his dad having sex with the nurse and his grandmother is sitting at a chair at the bottom of the stairs because she wants to film the fiance walking down the stairs in the morning right and she has staked her claim on this chair and she's going to sleep in this chair all night to get footage of her coming down these stairs in the morning and she says oh but i don't have any film do you have any film for me and he says yeah there's a bunch of film in this bag from this bag of evidence film that i just got just grab anything you want yeah and i'm gonna go upstairs it's supposed to be like oh no that's the evidence bag and the guy's not even thinking about it it just doesn't make any sense that this character would have thought of it well plus that's not how film works like you can't just and the footage when you take it out of the camera you put it away differently yeah and later on when we see the footage coming back the scene of the father is later when it should have been earlier yeah it's at the end of the tape like he didn't he recorded it right at the end of the real seminar and then put it all back but anyway so uh grandma thinks that he's trying to cheat her out of this amazing placement to record the stairs all night but she's not giving it up so she stays there and uh dennis goes up to the room christina comes in crying and uh she goes up to the bedroom where she found the invitation to the woods and starts talking to bunny nobody i can't go back to that life i've i've changed changed changed from what you're the same [ __ ] you always will know you get those clothes off and let's rehearse christina get those clothes bunny is like a split personality of her she's puppeting this stuffed bunny rabbit and she's talking to it and it's talking to her and telling her that they're gonna have sex now and it tries to take off her clothes and then dennis comes in to console her and the two of them start kissing the next morning people are arriving for the engagement party and christina takes all of her all of their mother's sleeping pills that were on the counter like a whole fistful of sleeping pills and sort of wanders out of the house with the rabbit on her hand and as she's coming down the stairs grandma gets some footage of her arguing with the mother being very crude and throwing glossies of her like nude photographs into the crowd of people as they're coming into the house and the rabbit is talking a lot as well yes the rabbit is doing the talking for her right now and james walks in right as this is happening and uh his mother is like what what is going on who is why is this woman being this way who is this woman and he says that she's a [ __ ] and then they decide that they're gonna chase her but dennis notices pills on the floor in the bedroom so he decides to chase her out of the house because he knows it's a medical emergency and then james says oh and a car thief apparently because she's getting into his car and driving it away right but somehow dennis gets all the way downstairs and into the car faster than james can get there and so the two of them drive off and then james and his mother drive off in a second car to follow them the rabbit is shouting things in the car until christina throws it off on the side of the road and it hits a tree uh i guess the only thing because again this movie was so manic the only part that kind of made me chuckle a little bit was when the mom and james are in the car and mom goes james that rabbit implied that they had sexual relations i did not like his use of language i'm not unfamiliar with that i was like i needed something i needed something to cling to i also got i i was a little amused that they had the rabbit make a sound when it hit the tree when the car was clearly gone like yeah this rabbit is making these sounds on its own it's not her doing it so they're driving and dennis basically drives her all the way to his dad's office despite not trusting his dad not to rape her unconscious body right is he the only doctor in this hospital like why wouldn't he take her to literally any other hospital in the world well this doctor is clearly not an er doctor this girl just took a bunch of sleepy pills take her to the er yeah well it was an emergency room but he he brings her up the stairs and he brings her into his dad's office and then his dad's like i'm going to have to pump her stomach you got to get out of here and he like shoves him out the door and he's like well i'm going to watch from the tree outside because i want to make sure you don't rape this woman yeah even though he's already been present for a stomach pumping of his mother earlier in the film and we haven't seen him like rape anyone that wasn't consenting to it i mean he just because he cheats with a nurse at his work doesn't mean he's literally raping unconscious patients but for some reason he drags her completely out of the hospital and out the front door right on the way to treating her dennis is watching from the tree but he falls out of it and hurts himself and then um the dad is walking with christina through the door and when james sees them together and says oh it wasn't dennis that she was cheating with it was dad i'm gonna kill dad like does he get the gun off the police officer i don't know where the gun came from but he he does there is a cop there so that would make sense there's a cop arguing with them because they parked in the wrong spot or something so maybe he gets the cops gun and he tries to level it at his dad and then christina runs away and he starts to point the gun at her as she's running away but she gets hit by an ambulance and he he pulls the trigger but it doesn't fire right that's right it jams yeah and then we cut to the the mother is with dennis in the hospital and she says oh you're going to love college it's like am i going to college i'm in the hospital with a concussion and fell out of a tree the family leaves him in grand central station and he sits down on a suitcase where apparently he sat for six days or seven days or however long they took those pictures for and we cut back to uh the maestro lamenting dennis's plunge to extradome in his own life back at their house the family is watching the footage that grandma took of the staircase weirdness not clear why they would watch this footage at all yeah considering how poorly the morning went but all of them are watching it together and it ends with the sex in the doctor's office well see i thought all this was building up to chris they're memorializing christina like i thought they were watching the footage because this was the last footage they have of christina before she's like they were having like a little home funeral for her yeah but uh but then it turns out christina yeah she uh she's at grand central station and she notices dennis and he's like oh i thought you were dead i mean none of us checked on you after the accident no one even walked over she's like well no i got hit by an ambulance and we were 20 feet from a hospital so i'm fine and he's like oh we just assumed you died and went home like what how's your brother's fiance nobody like checked the body to see if it was dead i i had to re i think i rewound this whole like 10 minutes of events like three times yeah because as i'm missing something like they're in the hospital he falls out of a tree there's a gun i was like what is i i i must be looking away and i don't realize that i've looked away from the film but no it's all just a big mess well the weirder thing to me is that the obvious ending here is like oh we're just gonna go off on our own separate way and like make a new life for ourselves but instead she says where are you going and he says well i'm going to college and she's like i'm going to go to college too like that's how it works i got a plus one on my college tuition so this is great i'll just bring you to all my classes um called auditing right but uh then a little girl finds the rabbit in the woods and presumably takes it home to [ __ ] i guess well because the rabbit is actually yeah a sentient being it's basically the end of uh don't go to the house don't go in the house where we're seeing the next person who's taken over by this evil spirit um but yeah that's the end of the movie and it's terrible i i'm sorry that we've spent so much time on this movie yeah it's directed by brian de palma which there's really no question yeah like maybe directed by a bride i mean the thing is that it was directed by brian de palma but it was edited by the class so maybe they were like oh circle takes must mean bad let's not use any of these but the lighting is terrible the whole time like i feel like there were students involved in every aspect of this film i must have been um with the exception of the acting which is all like name actors for some reason but brian diploma yeah well actors that i certainly know yeah things yeah um but brian de palma obviously did dress to kill later this year he'll do scarface and he did phantom of the paradise untouchables carrie mission impossible get to know your rabbit a little relevant to this film and uh predator he has a movie coming out called predator no i'm i'm curious about get to know your rabbit now that's the one about the magician with uh with uh one of the smothers brothers where he's i don't know i've talked about it before on this i don't know anything about it i don't listen to this podcast that's true nobody does yet um but he has a movie coming out called predator where i was like is bryan de palma doing a predator sequel but it's it's literally a movie about like weinstein oh it's i think it's a fictionalized account but it's about a movie mogul who is like a sexual predator this was written by a bunch of people but only two of them have significant credits charlie leventhal was uh the director of a movie called the first time in 83 my demon lover in 87 and then a movie called mr right with paul reiser in 94 that i distinctly remember we had in our blockbuster yeah i didn't know that movie but it's spelt w-r-i-t yeah yeah didn't have ellen degeneres i was going to say that's a different movie i think yeah oh with ellen degeneres am i thinking of a different movie but it's also called mr right okay i i thought that was mr wrong oh maybe it is no mr wrong is with anna kendrick and sam rockwell no that's i thought well i think that is also mr wrong uh no this is a really two movies called mr rob well mr wrong is with ellen degeneres directed by nick castle ellen degeneres and bill pullman nick castle directed that yeah what and then he did like the last starfighter this crappy romantic comedy with ellen degeneres okay i'm trying to figure out what the sam rockwell and kendrick movie was it's either mr wright or mr wrong with the red nose mr wright mr wright okay but how is that spelled uh r-i-g-h-d okay but mr wright with paul ryser reiser it's w-r-i-t-e right which i'm guessing he's a writer in that movie a paul writer get it because it's something nancy okay sorry the other writer that has some credits gloria norris she did research on raging bull later this year and she was an assistant to woody allen on stardust memories also this year and midsummer night sex comedy and zelig is she related gloria norris no related to who never mind i was looking at the wrong name i was looking at nancy allen oh yeah no nancy allen is i was like are she wearing anybody else no all right nancy i'll know nancy allen plays christina the girlfriend or fiance here and she was anne lewis and robocop yeah she's great um she's liz blake and dressed to kill um she's chris harginson and carrie and she's sally and blowout so she has three at least three uh brand diploma credits but probably more and she's great and she's in 1941 yes um kirk douglas was dr tuttle apparently the maestro um he was in saturn three that's basically the only thing he's done other than this no he was spartacus 20 000 leagues we've covered it uh vincent i know i know that we've covered it but i mean yeah assuming that you people one haven't listened to another podcast where we covered the one other kirk douglas movie but also you should know who yeah you should know in general he just turned like 140. um he'll probably be dead by the time his posts so that won't make any sense to you guys but uh vincent gardenia was dr byrd he played mushnik in little shop of horrors yeah he was frank ochoa and death wish he was cher's dad in moon's truck cosmo castarini which earned him an oscar nomination right why i really didn't like that movie man it's terrible and he's also joe pesci's dad in the super joe she plays louie and he plays big louise yeah i can possibly forget about that um keith gordon is dennis byrd he's a director for a lot of tv now dexter better call saul fargo homeland he directed the singing detective with robert downey jr which is pretty oh yeah i like that movie a lot i did not see that on the list where is that there it is oh my goodness i totally missed it for me he will always be jason mellon from back to school the son of rodney dangerfield and uh he's also arnie cunningham and christine peter miller and dressed to kill the sun and dress to kill and uh doug in jaws 2. garrett graham was james bird he's the voice of guardian on gargoyles yeah uh i did not realize how many things i know this guy from garrett graham yeah i just had the two i have the gargoyles one and then he's frank sherman who is jay's dad on the critic who my wife elena uh he's he's great as jay's dad the guardian is a is a minor well not a minor character but he's only in like four episodes yeah um he he's an interesting character though he was in a three-parter right uh yeah uh and uh and then one other like side episode um there's like i was like just looking through these credits of things that he is in i was like oh my goodness this guy's in everything that i love he's in a couple of bunch of episodes of bruno the kid um which is the the movie yeah it's a bruce willis animated series wait that is the series based on the movie the kid no okay no the movie is about um bruno the kid is a child genius who joins a spy agency isn't there a movie called the kid with bruce willis yes where the kid's name is bruno i don't remember no bruno is is what bruce willis goes by in his musical career oh okay uh anyway i think that's why bruno the kid was called that yeah um but he's also on a really great star trek voyager episode which i really liked where he plays a member of the q continuum who's on trial on board voyager uh because he wishes to have assisted suicide okay and the queue continuum does not want that and john de lancie uh plays the famous q q yeah um who is like i didn't realize there were episodes that delved into like his race or oh yeah and it's so cool because they actually go to the q continuum that's awesome and and it's just like this like desert like old uh route 66 kind of like desert abandoned diner where people are just sitting around and he's and like because the whole the whole description is like this is this is just how you are perceiving it yeah and of course the way you would perceive it would be the exact opposite of what anyone would expect the hugh continued right right you'd expect like the fortress of solitude with crystals and [ __ ] everything yeah yeah uh and but no one talks to him and q describes no one ever talks because everything that they've ever needed to say has been said right everybody knows everything already yeah uh so it's a really great episode of voyager uh and uh oh my actually i just gotta look up one thing sorry i'm wondering if jonathan fraser directed that episode because he's star isn't it jonathan freaks he likes like no i know him no he did not direct that episode but he does appear in it um he likes our dog he's nice guy yeah everybody likes our dog though that's true to be clear jonathan franks is the nice guy our dog is a nice girl who is judy in this movie i have no idea i looked up i was looking through the credits and i was like i don't know who someone is named judy on this movie but i don't remember theresa saldana being in this movie was it uh the person he was fooling around with in the opening scene when the dad walks out and goes to the office oh it must have been then but that was theresa saldana who we had in defiance and will have again in raging bull and she got stabbed a bunch if you'll recall but she was okay she was okay for a while she died very recently like in the last year or a few years robert mickels played andrew don't know who that was he was a clan member and porky's two who was the stripper in this movie i'm trying to remember a scene where someone strips does anyone strip in this movie oh the nurse is naked i don't think we call her a stripper though someone is credited as stripper in this movie but i don't remember anyone stripping but she also played a stripper in one of my favorite tales from the crypt episodes which is called the ventriloquists dummy have you seen that one uh i may have it's bobcat goldthwait is like a ventriloquist and he's learning from the master who is played by don rickles and it's directed by richard donner it's a really amazing oh wow yeah kind of tales from the crypt it's good bunny apparently played himself oh what the hell that means but yeah that's it for this movie it's dumb it's bad it's not a movie it's not a movie and i regret including it here i don't know how it made forty thousand dollars which is only ten percent of its budget well if everybody who's in the film class that made it made their families go and watch it yeah are they counting the tuition in the box office but yeah i regret watching it and uh i'm gonna go ahead and say down on this one don't waste your time with it yes yeah i agree down down it's really not a statement about the movie at all or the people that made it i guess it's not a statement about them but this is at the bottom of my letterboxed oh okay i would rather watch suzanne summers rebuild the glass ceiling than watch these bad dailies like shots i can't even tell what's happening yeah it's just like shot so poorly and i can't follow the plot because the characters are all acting in completely different ways it's just bad just don't watch it i'm gonna put it ever so slightly higher it's gonna be third from the bottom because man corp was an obnoxious movie i would rather watch corp again than watch this i don't ever want to hear those guys screaming another scene again all right um this is also uh i guess this is going to become fourth from my bottom just above gorp you guys loved this movie no i just hated corp a lot yeah i i the movies that are below it are gorp cereal and then caligula oh really nothing personal is above this are you yeah i have nothing personal so do i but a little bit higher but cereal was upsetting but uh but gorp was terrible and yeah this is it's down there it's down there so cereal is second from the bottom on yours yeah okay i think that's about everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with our vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox stores i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider reading us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we will be discussing humanoids of the deep oh which imdb summarizes thusly scientific experiments backfire and produce horrific mutations half man half fish which terrorize a small fishing village by killing the men and raping the women now you're talking we leave you now with the trailer for humanoids of the deep they're coming humanoids from the deep a tidal wave of rampaging creatures surges from the dark and violent sea to conquer the earth may be intelligent enough to perceive man as a competitor why the girls it's my theory that these creatures are driven to mate with man now in order to further develop their incredible evolution it's enough to scare the hell out of me soon the world will awake to a terrifying riptide of humanoids from the deep we think we know where these things come from but we have no idea how many there are the earth crashes into a battle for the survival of the fittest where man is the endangered species and woman the ultimate prize [Music] anywhere you run any place you hide anytime you stop they [Music] humanoids from the deep you