we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the long riders on may 16 1980 it was written by bill brydon steven phillip smith stacy and james keach directed by walter hill and released by united artists in 1971 james and stacy keach starred together as the wright brothers for a tv movie and first considered playing brothers jesse and frank james james wrote a play which stacy financed and produced it opened at bucks county playhouse and then toured schools in new jersey it was later adapted into a country musical off-broadway before james and stacey decided to adapt it again into a feature film so the in the play they were playing the brothers as well i am not clear on that part i just know that they wrote it but um i would assume that they did play the parts james was working with robert carradine on an adaptation of the hatfields and mccoys and robert shared the idea with his brother david who was down to do it keith was the tough sell but he couldn't rightly refuse if all the other brothers were in so the keaches were the james's and the carradines were the youngers shortly after the quaids were attached as the miller brothers at this point nbc agreed to finance the long riders as a six-part mini-series but then fred silverman took over nbc and as is the custom cancelled everything in development ordered by his predecessors because that's what you have to do uh james keach was working with tim zinniman on the 79 film the hurricane and cinnamon was intrigued enough to bring the pitch to united artists who wanted a name director attached before they would greenlight it zinaman shared the script with walter hill whose first post-warriors project had just fallen through hill had always wanted to direct a western and immediately agreed to do it for a while beau and jeff bridges were going to play the ford brothers but the shifting production schedule ruled them out as a possibility that would have been pretty cool that would've been great i i like the guests too though they were guest stars they were guests yeah i expected their names to be in the in the beginning of the film when they were going through all the brothers names and the opening credits but um for whatever reason they didn't make the cut there were they not famous enough at the time well i would say the the only argument i can think of is that they didn't play a big enough part in the story because they're just in a like a couple scenes here and there and they don't say much but like they're important characters dennis quaid is kind of only in a couple scenes too right right but only he'd only been in gorp that's true jeff has said that the script and the brothers gimmick alone weren't enough for him to fight to stay in the cast as far as the production schedule went but that walter hill brought something special that the script lacked and he now believes he missed out on a lot of fun as the brothers were all friends of his timothy bottoms was interested but he had asked that him and his brothers sam and joseph play the youngers which the parts were already reserved for the carradines that didn't happen the bottoms is dropped out the carradines and quiches both made concessions with regard to pay to keep the film under budget uh david carradine hinted at a prequel once in development to take place during the civil war and stacy keach had once mentioned a possible sequel following the surviving characters through more of their real life adventures but neither project ever came to fruition a third keach kailyn james keich's son plays the son of his character in this film john carradine the father of david and robert and keith has played robert ford twice on film and apparently shot scenes for this that didn't make it into the final cut i i was specifically looking for him yeah in the film until i started doing my research i was like oh scene's cut yeah that's a bummer because it's like there's no way they wouldn't get their dad to be in this movie but i wonder would he have played the dad of those characters um i don't know i mean he could play anyone i mean they had other western other famous western people in it yeah and other famous western like children right of like famous like because hair carried juniors in this right harry kerry senior was famous for his parts and westerns but yeah so i mean i could i could imagine him in any role um i just like to see david carradino yep we start the film with the three sets of brothers the james's the youngers and the millers riding into town this is missouri after the civil war the james's and millers are in the bank collecting money while outside the youngers are just firing guns in the air to drive people away from the bank ed miller demands that the banker open the safe even though jesse prepped them before this robbery that there's nothing in the safe because there's that's not how they keep the money at this bank and he puts the gun to the banker's head and says if you don't open that safe i'm gonna blow your brains out you got a safe in here someplace now you tell me where it is or i'm gonna put a bullet in your brain pan honest mister get out there eventually shots are traded because of ed stalling and screwing things up and jesse takes one in the shoulder um on his way out of the bank ed shoots the banker that he was threatening to kill um all the brothers head off to a nearby lake where jesse starts to beat up ed for screwing up the whole bank job i mean they still got the money but yeah he messed everything up and almost got him killed yeah no one was both no one innocent was supposed to right get killed they're they're fine defending themselves i guess like that's how they justify it like even though they're committing the crime and the other people would be trying to stop them right but this banker didn't even have a gun on them right exactly there's a code yeah so they basically kick ed out of the gang he looks to his brother cl played by randy quaid because if we hadn't said it already uh dennis quaid and randy quaid together are playing the miller brothers and he looks to clell played by randy and says oh come on like aren't you going to stand up for me and he's like no you screwed this up and i'm you're my family but you're an idiot and i'm totally cool with kicking you out of this gang so they've abandoned him there basically but he still gets his portion of the money because they got the money so they just throw it up in the air and make them dig it out of the dirt they head to uh the local like gambling parlor i guess yeah i i couldn't figure out what this place was supposed to be because they keep coming back to like some of the same locations and this was a place that they frequented yeah um and i i just put it is it a club yeah because it doesn't seem to be a restaurant although it's it's just like a parlor it's a bar and a gambling den and upstairs is is the whorehouse yeah um like every building before 1860 the boys are gambling when the band starts to play a a union friendly song yeah battle cry of freedom yeah and clel gets pretty upset about it and he goes to the musicians and he says oh those are pretty hands you play that really well i bet you'd hate it if someone just smashed all the bones in your fingers until you died and he says look somebody requested it i'm i'm basically just a sentient juice juice box i'm just a sentient jukebox it just spits juice all over her kalel's just covered in motts [Laughter] no um he says i'm basically just a sentient jukebox and uh and he says okay well here's some money play i'm a good old rebel and so they jump right into that um bell a local prostitute approaches cole who it seems to be a a repeat customer of hers he asks if her price is still 15 are you still asking 15 dollars i sure am she says she'll take 12 and a half because she feels sorry for him but he only has 11. they uh they do a little gambling move here to see if he can still participate for 11 dollars but he loses the hand yeah they're essentially playing a single hand of war yeah they cut a deck and whatever card you're revealing is your card for war and uh she beats him clel flirts with a different prostitute that's basically the end of this scene we cut to some house out in the middle of the woods jesse is walking with z along a road and basically proposes to her in so many words yeah seems you proposed to me during the war about seven years ago that was different except uh i always knew that you were the one i just didn't have nothing worked out that's all that's a mouthful mr jesse james well it's a mouthful of truth now what you got to decide is if you want to get on the horse with me but uh he's he also makes the point that he doesn't intend to change who he is and he wants to go on robbing banks and making his living this way but she wants a big to-do wedding then right she's like we're gonna have a big fancy wedding but i'm marrying you for who you are so i would like you to continue robbing banks and risking your life constantly yes jim younger played by keith carradine pokes fun at a girl beth who would like to settle down with him but he's like oh that's funny you're a child and i'm a big bank robber and that's not going to happen even though he clearly wants to yeah they're both very clearly interested in each other but he's not ready to settle down or he is like playing the long game thinking that she'll never yeah she'll just wait yeah she'll wait um so he's just pushing her on a swing here but he doesn't he doesn't have any wedding intentions it's his metaphor for the whole relationship he pushes her away and she comes swinging back yeah oh my god um the next day on a stagecoach the same gym is flirting with a married woman and her husband gets a little upset about it mm-hmm but then suddenly bob and cole and jesse and claire are all in the road robbing the stagecoach and the coach driver's like damn you son of a [ __ ] you're in a with him like he's like so excited about it it's it's like the stagecoach driver is like almost on their team immediately like he's just like excited about it because he knows who these people are yeah uh it reminds me a lot of the movie uh university bandits with bruce willis and blade bob thornton i don't know if i have i know the one you're talking about they rob a bank at the very beginning of the movie right right well they rob banks throughout the movie uh but people like really become like affectionate to them okay start getting excited at the prospect of being robbed by them yeah bob younger notices that the coach driver george is a veteran of the confederacy and compliments him they ask him like who he served under and he answers the question and vernon the the angry husband lies that he also served under the same general in a different place because he's clearly was a union soldier if he was ever a soldier and george like calls him out on it right away like the coach driver is like oh you're a liar you should kill this guy it's just like how awkward was the rest of that ride after they left but george knows who's robbing them and they they go well you know he's he's not he doesn't have a gun on us so he's not a threat so we're just gonna take all this [ __ ] so they strip him clean and leave and the coach driver is like i'll be goddamn go to hell he knows that was jesse james and his boys and that's just something to write home about for him and then he goes back to the stagecoach with the guy who he said you should kill this guy and he has to drive that guy the rest of the way to where he was going cole the david carradine character takes the winnings from this stagecoach robbery back to bell because now he has enough she's basically proposing to him she keeps talking about like would you be interested in settling down is this something that we're going to be doing at some point i just want to be respectable just want to find out what it feels like to be respectable for a while anyway you'll never be respectable bill you're a [ __ ] you'll always be a [ __ ] yeah he's he's very uh he's very abrupt with her yeah the james's youngers and millers all attend the it's basically a reception for jesse and z's wedding and they all take a picture together uh jim goes to talk to beth again but learns that she is engaged and what's worse she's engaged to ed miller yeah the dennis quaid character who's just a dick and an idiot and although we don't really see it like months are going by right because he says just a few months ago i was pushing you in a swing yeah like it's like oh i thought this was like a week later at the most yeah yeah they do compound the time very quickly they are approached by the ford brothers played by nicholas and christopher guest um nicholas right yeah yeah they basically say oh we heard you're looking for some men we're interested in joining up and he's like well who told you that he's like your brother the one you just kicked out but they basically get shooed away like no that's not happening right now we don't have anything on the books yet outside bell pulls up in a carriage and uh asks cole why she wasn't invited to the reception and he just says because you're a [ __ ] walks back into the party and she leaves yep um she's very you can tell she's like gritting her teeth like pissed off about it as she's leaving the gang robs a train there there's no uh unnecessary victims here they just it's very perfunctory yeah um although i thought something was going to come back later uh when uh uh robert carradine gets up to the engineer and he's like you're part of jesse james's crew he's like no we're the youngers but jesse james rides with the youngest yeah he rides with us not the other way around um and i thought oh i wonder if this is going to start to whose name is at the top of the wanted poster yeah yeah yeah but they never comes up yeah everything goes pretty smoothly nobody gets hurt they get all the money that they wanted out of safe on the train i think frank stands up and says don't worry ladies and gentlemen we're just taking a permanent loan from the rock island payroll the pinkertons start putting up reward signs five thousand dollars for any clue on the path to the james younger gang the pinkertons go to visit mrs samuels which is the mother of frank and jesse james she remarried yes he's obviously looking for the james's and so they go to her house with a warrant because they think they might be hiding out there she's pretty pissed off because it's just her and her younger son from the second marriage who is mentally handicapped and she doesn't like that she has to let these detectives into her home yeah and the pinkertons aren't a government agency they're an independent agency that's been that the government is allowing to operate right well the government contracted them right correct yeah yeah yeah in this in this situation yeah um they search her house and obviously don't find uh don't find the james brothers jim and a cousin john encounter some pinkertons in the woods who are pretending to just be like here to buy cattle but he's like you're not in texas like nobody's here to buy cattle in the middle of the missouri one of them for some reason pulls out a gun and shoots john yeah it seems real stupid like there's no way out of this situation unless you thought you could get the draw on both of them in real life uh john was a brother he was a younger brother of the younger family but he's playing a cousin here sorry younger brother or a younger younger brother a younger younger brother okay much younger is that his name his name is much younger yeah but they changed his name to john because that was so [ __ ] confusing who's on first um but jim obviously kills both of them because jim's not an idiot and uh he saw this coming a mile away yeah before he kills the second guy he's like 18 year old i got to take him back to his family dead you broke the law and it's like you just killed an innocent 18 year old you could tell me i broke the law oh darn more pinkertons after this happened decide to throw a bomb into the james house yeah and well it wasn't supposed to be about it wasn't supposed to be a bomb but it sure as hell was yeah and if this ends up killing their the mentally handicapped brother um i guess the mom survives but they claim that it was just supposed to be a smoke bomb sorry it's just like i guess the mom survives it's just yeah she does when it happened i thought that the whole point was that they like blew up the whole house and killed everybody but somehow the mom is at the funeral because you hear her screaming in that scene i didn't think she made it out until you saw her at the funeral either oh okay but uh they they the leader of the pinkertons um sits down with the detectives that were in charge of this mission and he's like uh you mind telling me what the hell happened because you sure made a hero out of these james brothers now and he says well we were just trying to smoke him out and then he says so you're telling me it wasn't a bomb oh no it wasn't a bomb you were sure it was not a bomb no no it wasn't no bomb it's like no it was a bomb yeah well you throw something and then it explodes then that make that's a bomb by definition yeah the the commentary that he keeps this character is is it ripley yes yeah you know he he keeps having these like little aside conversations with the pinkertons and also the coroner and the press who i feel like the press character was like meant for bert lancaster like i was like oh man this guy's got like the perfect like burt lancaster like smile and yeah but yeah i like the coroner's comments of like him trying to warn him like these guys have a lot of friends and you're causing a lot of problems yeah and making them look better yeah when he killed the first two guys he was like we're gonna have a huge funeral for these guys the governor's gonna be there and he's like i'm sure their souls will appreciate it like it seems like a big waste of energy and he's like well you don't know how many men we have out in these fields and he's like you know how many relatives these people have in this area um and for the james brother or i guess the samuel james yeah well the weird the weirder part to just combine with the younger younger that the samuel's brother the mentally handicapped one is named samuel so his name is samuel samuels i think unless i just heard them wrong but yeah uh but at their that funeral all of the funeral goers are also carrying guns because they fully expect to be ambushed yeah and so you know they're they're here to defend jesse and frank yeah you know so even if someone tried to show up they would be opening fire into a crowd of people at a funeral men and women that all have guns yeah and uh only one person didn't bring a gun yes and that's ed because he's a dick as they're leaving the funeral they call him on it and they're like hey i couldn't help but notice he didn't bring a gun and he says well you kicked me out of your gang and uh i don't wish any harm on you guys but it's not it's not my job to protect you and then jim basically says oh well you're i think you're a dick and then beth says yeah i think he's a dick too and he's like come on beth let's go home and she's like nah i'm gonna stay here with this guy now and that's basically like she just traded husbands immediately right there because uh she's never with him again for the rest of the film i i think what happened was her plan was to get him the whole time but when she announced her engagement he didn't bite yeah like he was supposed to fight it yeah uh and and now she's like oh now i gotta be with this guy yeah yeah i think she had definitely had my buyer's remorse very quickly when she got home with ed the gang rides into town at night and kills the pinkertons who threw the bomb who just seem like they're not prepared at all for this confrontation like they hear the horses coming they they know it's the gang yeah they get the horse like like they're really quiet at first but then the horses start to like make noise like horse noises i mean what are you gonna do you shoot your horse let's try to be quiet do this again tomorrow next horse better not make a sound but they pull up to these guys and they're like oh hey what's up what's up uh james younger gang and he's like uh you you killed our brother and he's like oh no that that was uh some other people they're like no no it wasn't yeah it was you guys and uh he was 15 years old and he never hurt anybody you guys can say hi to him on your way to hell and then they shoot him through the window yeah oh every we should bring up to that every kill is in slow motion almost every shot even when it's just hitting a window or a wall he does go into slow motion a lot by the way i'm just getting a telegram now uh samuel samuels is not the character's name is archie samuels apparently so i was wrong it seems like the families of each of these men are like living together um yeah or they have a house together or i guess i'm assuming it's because they might need to get up and leave right away in the middle of the night like if they show up and say we're getting out of here grab what you got it you know yeah uh but the the wives of the james younger gang are all seem to be in the same home and the pinkertons arrive with a warrant again uh intending to find these men nobody's home obviously because after you kill a high profile person you have to go hide for a while yeah that's the standard procedure and this time they are hiding out at mr corkendale's barn did you guys recognize mr corkendale uh i did well later i i recognized him but i didn't i asked you who it was and you wouldn't tell me until right now it's ralph from tuala good night yeah okay yeah he's so it turns out he's actually a decent actor and that was just a bad movie oh who the [ __ ] the probably the lowest ranked horror movie on any of our lists is actually a bad movie mr corkendale has offered his barn to them they're all kind of hanging out the next morning he uh he brings them some breakfast and uh robert is like oh what's uh what's for breakfast and he's like crackling grits and he's like that's what i had yesterday like if we were gonna get like a rotating menu like there's a cruise ship or something but i like the the following of just like shut up no you shut up yeah you shut up everyone's telling each other to shut up why don't you be polite bob don't pick on bob shut up jim shut up prank they just keep going he's a bunch of brothers like brothers just trying to defend their own brothers it just speaks to the whole like family-centric like their whole plan of how to be a person don't be picking on bob jesse hey shut up jim shut up yourself frank i ain't got nothing but respect for mr mccorkandale then corkendale steps outside and is immediately shot through the heart yeah and you're to blame you give love a bad name amazingly the pinkertons who have surrounded the shack there's like 12 of them in a line and a field that are firing on the shack from one side of it yeah like you had the element of surprise why aren't you surrounded surround the place so they all sneak out the back door while they're just punching holes in this shack i think only frank is hit yeah and they kill all the pigs and pigs and like just it's like oh well that's just because they're hungry i think because the rule is you get to eat whatever you kill not just including mr corker um yeah so everybody escapes i think only frank is hit but not seriously but he gets to leave first because he got hit they have like a whole system but uh now we get the pinkertons talking to ed in jail where he got put in jail for like busting up a place i assume he went and got drunk because beth left him and then got mad and destroyed a bar and they offer him a reward if he tells on anybody from the james younger gang and he's like oh that'd be great yeah i'd get out and then i get shot in the face the next day like i don't know if you're paying attention but people who cross that gang don't don't last very long on the outside and he also says and maybe he'll change his mind and bust me out because he pays better than you yeah frank decides that he's going to take the step to settle down with a girl named annie cole goes to texas because he heard the bell got married um the the prostitute who he constantly reminds she's a prostitute he's very mad that she found someone to be with him and uh let me go on for a fight scene that goes on way too long yeah eats up a lot of the movie i i think the point of it was that uh these two people are actually doing their the stunts of this fight the choreography and they wanted to show off that they were doing it themselves it's david carradine and james remar and uh they're in this fight for a while james reimar is playing sam who is supposed to be a native american character yeah it's not native american at all and the two of them are they they have like a scarf in each of their mouths to connect them like in the beat it video where their hands are tied to each other but here they have to keep their teeth clenched on either end of this piece of fabric and uh i guess it's so you can't get too far away from the right foundation yeah but the difference in the beat it video is that they actually like knot it so they're tied on like you can't even leave until you kill the person and then you have to drag their corpse around because that's the rule the fight ends with cole stabbing sam in the leg which i think was on purpose not a fatal blow because he just wanted to say like hey i'm just here to show you that the guy you picked isn't as good as me but i'm not here to murder anybody so he wins the fight and then on his way out of the bar he tells her that she got what she wanted you got what you wanted i don't think she did get what she wanted no but i think know what she wanted though i think it's like she wants him well she started this fight and it seemed like there's an outcome that would have made her happy but i don't think there is an outcome that would make her happy with this fight i think what would have made her the happiest would be if he stabbed sam in the heart and then rushed off and married her but what she gets is pretty disappointing because basically what he thinks she wanted was to piss him off and to force him to come down here and face off with this guy and now he's done it and so she got what she wanted but that's not really what she wanted jesse comes home after having been in hiding for a long time and tells z that he's ready to round up the gang for a new mission even though he just got home yeah well and also his entire demeanor has changed yeah uh he he seems much more coarse and calculating and he's growing a beard of cheating like yeah yeah he's just like oh so how many people have you had here well i've been gone she's like well it's none of your business and don't forget how you're supposed to talk to me so he rounds up the gang jim tells beth that he is ready to settle down finally and frank and annie decide that they are going to part ways clel pitches a bank in northfield minnesota as their next mark because he heard through the grapevine that there's a whole mess of money there they don't like the idea of going that far outside of missouri because that's kind of where their whole setup is and where all the easy marks have been but jesse kind of pushes for it because he's like no i heard there's a lot of money there so we're going to make it work he seems like he's getting really i reckless i don't know if it's just i don't know what causes character change yeah we don't really see it but he also introduces two new characters bill chadwell and charlie pitts who will be joining along for the mission you charlie pitts yeah the political prisoner from macgyver oh what did we have him in he was in the ninth configuration also with stacy keach yeah he's in that bar fight tim rossovich he's great so i was looking back up the archie samuel thing just to double check yeah that it was that that that is his younger brother's name who was killed when the pinkertons attacked the house yeah his mom lost an arm in that attack oh my god yeah and also her name is zarelda which is awesome yeah that is a pretty cool name the men all decide that they're gonna hit a whorehouse for their last night before this attack because seems like we're trying to foreshadow a lot of people dying like they're just like all right this is our last night let's have some fun uh jesse is the only one who doesn't partake in the ladies but everyone else is like waking up next to a woman and then saying all right i'm off to die today cole says that he's going to write a book about his exploits and frank says i expect a free copy he's like you gotta pay frank the guys show up in northfield and we have to get the same shot of every single character's face over and over and over yeah it's like the same distance same framing like i just would have appreciated it more if they'd have been like here's these three brothers here's these two brothers like something like that or here's the two extra guys but we we just have everyone's head dead center in the frame cutting from one face to another face over and over i'm sure there was a reason for it i just didn't i didn't get it jim says that they ought to case the joint drive through figure out like the best path to the bank and what they're gonna do and how they're gonna get in and out and jesse says [ __ ] it basically he's like no we're here we we know there's a bank let's go find it and take the money and leave but when they get inside they run into problems pretty immediately as soon as they're pulling their guns out before they even walk in the front door yeah which is insane well they're yeah this is where you're talking about them getting being a little reckless yeah but i feel like the fact that they were all saying missouri is safer and everything we know is in missouri let's stay here and he's like nah let's go to minnesota there's money there like i feel like that was the first step into the recklessness and then here where he's saying no we don't need to practice this or figure out how we're going to do it let's just go in and do it and then some of the other guys even make the point like there's no use talking to him like we can't convince him to do anything right but the bank tells him that the safe is time controlled because the times they are changing and uh that's indicated also before they step into the bank by a car going down the street really a car it's a motorized internal it was like one of those well it wasn't a combustion i thought it was like a steam engine type vehicle you know i'm not actually 100 sure on that but it's some kind of a vehicle that's not horsepowered it's a horseless carriage and they all watch it slowly go past them and it's just an indicator that like oh no the time the time of our technology is running out and uh we might have a problem here but they get inside and there's some magical spell on the safe and it only opens at a certain time of day the banker basically tells them everyone in the whole town knows that you guys were coming and they all have guns and they're ready to kill you so they have to leave what are we pulling up here oh sorry i just i don't i don't remember the the steam engine thing so i wanted to go well i'm trying and i'm trying to find the name of what kind of it does look like horseless carriages yeah it's it's some kind of it's not on a track but it is the front of it looks like a train real though so and it has like a a big yeah steam powered like cylinder thing happening on the front of it it's wood powered whatever it is so they had like a supply oh is it wood yeah i guess it's probably just um like a like a train then yeah yeah i think it's just like he said steam-powered horseless carriage we'll put a picture of it on the instagram yeah um and you guys can tell us because we don't know what the [ __ ] we're talking about but yeah everyone in town has guns they're all loaded and they're they're ready to kill some bank robbers they knew they were coming to this town because i'm assuming that pinkerton's actually spread the word that this safe was full of money because they're trying to lure these kids out here and the bank teller clerk gets a little smug it's like the whole town knows you're coming yeah it's just like dude do you want to stay alive yeah you know we shoot people who are nice to us right the gang is shot hundreds of times on their way out of town yeah but they also have no idea which way they're going because they didn't do any yeah they didn't recon yeah there was no prep work and they they loop around past the same groups of people shooting at them multiple times they're jumping over fences but just running into more city and getting more and more lost i wouldn't be surprised if this town actually like moved in fences to block roads behind them after they went into the bank well it looks like they they put two like hay bale wagons out in the street to kind of block their path yeah so they just keep looping around in this town and getting shot by all these different groups of people chadwell and pitts die in the town we don't see them afterwards they end up having to crash the horses through a set of windows to get the whole way out this looked horrifying yeah not just the jumping through the windows with the horses but the aftermath when one of the guys falls off the horse and just gets trampled by a horse those horses were definitely hurt in the filming of the scene definitely and they they trained the horses to jump through the windows but a horse will only jump through a window once so they train them to jump through a specific shape and they train them and train them and train them to do that and then the last time there's a window in it they did test runs with other horses and then when they got these horses these horses had not jumped through a window there's the first window that each of these horses is jumping through but like those videos you see of like dogs running up to a sliding door that's open oh yeah they won't go through it because they've run into it too many times yeah that's true so they just don't trust that it's open so everybody's pretty messed up after this fight except for the james brothers basically they don't get hit too bad yeah frank takes a hit but he's not he doesn't seem like he's dying he just got one in the arm yeah but uh the one who's looks the worst who i fully expected yeah is bob yeah and he's he's okay yeah bob younger has been shot like 11 times or something like that they say and he's still talking um keith has been shot through the cheeks yeah he took a shot in the chest and he took a shot through his face that went in one cheek and blasted out the other and tore a bunch of his face off on the other side so he's just not talking but he's alive and he actually seems less hurt than the other people he's just unable to talk now and clel is dead took one bullet but it went right through the gut yeah and uh and so he dies here in the woods outside of town cole and jim say they're gonna stay with bob younger because he looks real messed up and the james brothers say we can't just sit here with him we have to go or you're going to get arrested and they leave yeah and the youngers do get arrested here so in custody the pinkerton and the the press man are both trying to get information out of them but the youngers refuse to answer any questions obviously yes as is the way yeah and and is true to what happened to them even though this was like basically the splitting of these two families in terms of their their criminal exploits this was uh well not entirely but we'll get into it oh really frank kept with them well we'll get it okay um the the ford brothers meet with the pinkertons and say hey we can we can deliver jesse to you or we can kill him for you and he's like well you know i heard that jesse kind of doesn't give a [ __ ] about you guys and i don't believe you and he says well jesse already reached out to us about his next job and he wants us to come meet with him so he's like all right so we cut to jesse's home he's there and he has his kid there played by his actual son and his wife is there but also some of the younger wives are there because all the youngers are in jail and the ford brothers come in and they talk to him for a little bit and he says it's crooked what'd you say he said it's not straight and they get paranoid because they think he he's caught on that what they're doing is like a trap but he's talking about a picture frame on the wall and so when he goes to straighten it they shoot him in the back basically so this is the a very famous scene yes um obviously if you've seen the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford film yes robert ford went on to play his sim self on stage right because they didn't have films the only way to recreate an historical event for the populist was to actually act it out yeah and so they got the guy that did it to act out yeah and they had they constantly kept doing this thing about the picture being crooked and so that that is like a well-documented thing i was i was i was waiting for it to happen it was like okay and you're doing it now he's gonna talk about something being crooked up on the wall the last thing he says before he kills jesse is i shot jesse james because he's just he wants to be a legend but it's funny because the title of another film is becomes a spoiler for this film yeah because the whole time as soon as they introduce rob ford i'm like oh this is the guy that does it i'm just curious how they're going to cross bats again frank turns himself in to the pinkertons in exchange for the opportunity to bury his brother we see him riding on the train with the coffin and people are coming up to the tracks to pay their respects as they move through town and that's the end of the film so some of the things that happened later in their lives yeah uh frank james uh eventually ended up in uh wild west shows oh okay like he went on to do just because you know just like setting bowl and and buffalo bill like they right and oakley yeah they all just join these shows because they're famous right not just they're just famous for being famous like you know he's a famous criminal and it seemed like they had that kind of a retirement in mind the whole time like when cole said like i'm gonna write a book about my adventures well when cole got out of prison he joined up with frank's west show oh interesting okay so they got back together um but didn't frank go to jail or did he just not go to jail they all go to jail but they all get out i mean that's the thing is like i can't believe any of them ever got out considering how many people they've killed and robbed yeah they all got out it's this is well you have to make the murder stick and you have to i mean all you can really 100 dead to rights accuse them of is the bank robbery is the one that you caught them doing because nobody's gonna snitch on them yeah so uh yeah they all eventually when one of the younger brothers dies in prison from uh tuberculosis i believe yeah uh one of them committed suicide after he got out oh okay just couldn't take the life but uh yeah cole joins up with uh frank's wild west show and and frank goes on like it's it's so strange like that that these people have lives where nowadays like you stay in jail and you know it's sometimes well yeah there's a famous cannibal in japan who like killed an ada woman and now he's a celebrity for having killed and eaten a woman like he served his time and he got out and now he's just a celebrity who like they're like oh he's the guy that killed and ate the woman like oj here but he actually served time for the crime that he did which is crazy i feel like that wouldn't i see why that sequel fell apart yeah it's not as a cinematic to be like oh and then they all pretended to shoot people for decades after yeah um uh i think uh i need to look it up because i think the character of the character of frank james is in the true grit oh okay colin brothers true great movie let's go look it up you know have you ever seen um what is the name of the movie that is basically a sequel to tombstone that's it's called like sunshine something but it takes place in the early 1900s like the dawn of the film industry and it's kurt russell working on westerns i don't know but that sounds great not kurt russell but it's white earp i would watch that movie i wish they would do a sequel right now with kurt russell i think it has the word sunshine in the title just look up uh wyatt earp movie sunshine well there's a movie called wyatt earp that's true with kevin cosby yeah so uh about my true grit uh when when uh the character of maddie ross comes to look for uh rooster cockburn she's going to the cole james west show okay to look for him he had joined up with them uh and so when she's talking to people she's talking to cole younger and j and and frank james oh okay that's awesome so like this just it's cool too yeah just to establish more like that these characters went on so the movie i was thinking of is just called sunset um but uh having retired from a life of gunfights and peacekeeping the great wyatt earp played by james garner has landed a job as advisor to a western movie about himself on the set of the silent picture he gets to know tom mix played by bruce willis an actor who specializes in westerns who has been hired to portray erp not long after making each other's acquaintances they find out that erp's ex-girlfriend's son is missing and the man responsible may be studio chief alfie alperin malcolm mcdowell that sounds like an interesting movie yeah but i would love for them to make a sequel to tombstone with kurt russell now that's about stuff that he did way beyond tombstone because people forget that white earth lived a really long time after that movie took place and obviously walter hill we've mentioned uh directed the warriors but he's directed a bunch of good stuff let me pull up he's also a producer on a lot of things like aliens and alien um he also wrote and directed the the 48 hours movies which have a lot of cast in common with this and brewster's millions did he yeah he directed that yeah um speaking of bruce willis and westerns he also did last man standing which is another great one that makes a lot of use of uh the slow motion western stuff yeah boosters minions that's awesome this was pretty early in his career he didn't start until 75 so but he's great uh bill brydon one of the writers was also the director of a film called arya which i feel like i recognize this cover box but i don't know the film well i think it's also important to note that the writers along with the keaches they the all their writing credits are with the ampersand and so they all wrote it together they all wrote it together which is surprising to have so many uh you know say too many cooks in the kitchen yeah but i feel that this movie comes together pretty well too many cooks also walter hill has an uncredited uh screenwriting credit on this film i assume that's just little notes that he put in over the course of uh shooting it obviously uh moving through the cast we can start with uh david carradine who played cole younger um probably right now best known for bill and kill bill yeah or frankenstein in death race 2000 which is one of my favorite credits that has but he was also uh kwai chan kane in kung fu which is probably what he's most famous for before he also played william sharp in a game called saints row where we have a credit together because i was a video game tester on that game nice uh keith carradine played jim younger he was wild bill hickok on deadwood obviously and uh he played agent lundy uh the boyfriend of dexter's sister for a season of dexter yeah he's by far the most attractive of the care teams of maybe all of these brothers well see like and and i was trying to figure out which one was keith carradine because i'm not overly familiar with his work and as soon as he appeared on his film was like that's good well that's that's the benefit of hiring brothers to play brothers is that they there's a definite family where's robert carradine come into this is like he looks nothing like true yeah well he's he's also significantly younger than them like he it feels like there is an age gap because he is one of the younger robert carradine plays bob younger he was louis skelnick in revenge of the nerds and revenge of the nerds too and also mr mcguire on lizzie mcguire uh james keach here was the uh he was obviously jesse james in this movie he's the warden and walk the line he plays the motorcycle cop in vacation oh no he pulls them over for the dog wait really yeah oh my god i totally didn't recognize him uh apparently he's the longtime husband of jane seymour they're separated now but they were married for a long time uh stacy keach was frank james here i always think of him as titus's dad on titus but uh he's probably better known to my dad as from the mike hammer show um he was also ed piegram in nebraska and colonel kane in the ninth configuration dennis quaid as ed miller people know him from gorp randy quaid was clel miller we're gonna go back no we're gonna go back to this right we've covered maybe this is their first time listening in and they don't know if you didn't listen to gorpy you don't deserve the long riders [Music] but if there was an interspace there we go we can move on that's fine okay randy quite was clel miller um he was in foxes and i'm starting to wonder if randy isn't like the john belushi to dennis's jim belushi because i think randy's the better actor i think in terms of like the stuff that he's done i think i like randy moore and i believe randy more yeah but dennis puts gets put in a lot of like family-friendly stuff whereas i think randy gets the weird stuff and i think both ryan also is the weirder guy yeah and both of them were destroyed by drugs but randy survived it somehow harry carey jr was george arthur um he was driving the stage coach he was very excited about getting robbed by the james yeah he plays zeke the old timer in the saloon and back to the future three yeah i mean because again he's a comes from a western performing family right so uh you know harry carey junior's got to be you gotta throw him in there yeah if quentin tarantino was making this movie he would have thrown harry oh 100 yeah because that's all he cares about is like the the pedigree of the people that he's casting marshall fred white in tombstone was also harry kerry jr he also plays mr anderson in gremlins he's father canavan and exorcist three he's in a movie called cyborg 2087. have you ever heard of this i have not his character's name is jc which sounds like a rapper but the plot of the movie sounds suspiciously like terminator or maybe even more specifically terminator 2. so cyborg 2087 here's the plot ready yeah a cyborg is sent back in time from the future to prevent a scientist from creating technology which caused his dystopian timeline and is pursued by other cyborgs what year is this movie i don't know 2078 now no it won't take place until 2087 but it came out before that but it's called cyborg i can't find it on his list 1966 yeah but isn't that pretty similar to uh yeah totally similar to terminator i thought that was interesting and now i want to watch it right now so let's stop down real quick uh harry carey jr also not related to harry carey the sportscaster played popularly by uh will ferrell on saturday night live i'm confused it's a simple question doctor would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs christopher guests played charlie ford um he's probably best known as a director um he directed waiting for guffman best in show a mighty wind apparently he directed almost heroes i didn't realize that until i was going through his mdv pages i love that movie and stop there because it sounded like you were going to be critical of it um he also stars in spinal tap he's a member of the band and he plays a sheriff character and princess bride right a sheriff who is he he's the the main guy that knight i like i like my answer better he's the sheriff character the main guy that pursues them yeah isn't he a sheriff or no well yeah i guess he's like a nottingham type he also plays spongebob's cousin stanley squarepants count count rogan yeah there you go i always had to go through the script in my head i was like mandy panteca was like after i killed count root yeah it doesn't leave much time for dilly dally nicholas guest his brother played bob ford uh i don't really recognize this guy from a lot of stuff but uh he was todd chester and christmas vacation like uh why is the carpet wet i don't know margo um and uh he's also the voice of the robot on the macgyver reboot you know the robot yeah he does the voice of that robot what the heck pamela reed was belle starr she plays trudy cooper in the right stuff she uh was phoebe and kindergarten cop which is what i always think of yeah she's the she's the the original choice to be the teacher yeah that he that arnold is filling in for because she was injured like she broke her leg or something oh she got like pneumonia or something okay so she's in like a wheelchair for part of it right i think i think afterwards because they get she gets in a fight with the the mother oh okay um but yeah she can't go because she's just physically sick oh okay she also plays leslie knope's mom on parks and rec so that's fun james ramar was sam starr he's dexter's dad he's in a lot of stuff yeah he was the neighbor's abusive boyfriend in cruising which we covered before shelby leverington played annie ralston which was frank's love interest very briefly she played marilyn gardner in cloak and dagger buck west mr corkendale his he's credited as buck west in uh to all a good night but his name is wes buchanan and he's crazy ralph from tuala good night edward bunker played chadwell uh one of the two guys that they hired for the northfield job um he plays captain holmes in tango and cash he's mr blue in reservoir dogs and he's an actual convicted robber who did time at folsom with danny trejo but he actually robbed a bank and uh he has a very interesting life story because apparently as a child he used to swim at hurst castle when hearst was still alive chris mulkey played vernon biggs that was the the angry husband character and he played hank jennings on twin peaks tim rosevich we already covered he was the political prisoner on the guyver ninth configuration and he plays haverman in cloak and dagger so we have two cloak and dagger people uh lynn shea played kate i don't remember which one was kate well that's not that there's a lot of characters and i don't remember a kate specifically but she's pretty low down on the list so i'm wondering but she actually has a lot of credits that i know yeah but lynne shay was mrs nugaborg and dumb and dumber the woman who wants all the dogs at the very beginning uh she's also uh she plays a character named margie in dumb and dumber the prequel okay she's also the landlady in kingpin with randy quaid and uh she plays mary's neighbor in something about mary the one that's always like extremely tan she is also the linchpin of the insidious series she plays elise raynor um the woman who's been in all of the insidious films i have not seen a single one and i don't plan to there you go the first one's actually decent i liked it but you don't like those kind of movies uh until we get there and then you have to uh peter jason played one of the pinkertons he was gilbert and they live he played master boyd in mortal combat khan stapleton on deadwood he was captain skip gleason on my camera with stacy keach he played mr janus in congo which is the guy that owns the company right isn't mr janice the one that that owns the company that has the satellite no that was uh joedon baker oh okay who's mr janus must be just somebody in the area uh sorry which character is this one of the pinkertons the guy with a beard that kind of around her face that gets shot through the window but uh he also played bert in the baltimore bullet okay and then we have duke stroud was the other pinkerton that gets shot through the window he is the brother of dawn stroud who they could have played siblings as pinkertons if we wanted more siblings in this movie yeah i i don't know why they didn't go gopher broke with it just keep doing it yeah but dawn stroud uh is in a couple macgyver episodes he's the one that bought me pants so uh yeah so duke strad's brother bought me pants william traylor wait what he was a friend of my mom's and he bought he bought pants uh for the baby shower okay i just met him and he bought me pants uh william traylor was another one of the pinkertons and he plays general cat bird in buckaroo bonsai and he's also mr underhill in fletch the guy who fletch keeps putting stuff on his tab at the at the country club that he snuck into but yeah solid cast i honestly i think that i have the opposite thoughts on this film as jeff bridges where i think the gimmick of the brothers is does make it really interesting and i like the writing but i don't actually care for the direction that much i think the use of the slow motion was weird especially in some scenes where it looked like they just did it on an empty set like when uh belle shoots the chandelier down yeah you just see it fall to the floor but it doesn't appear to be anyone in the room and it's weirdly lit and i feel like that's a product of not knowing how to light slow motion because the way the camera captures light yeah you have to turn up the lights yeah super high um and so everything seems really dark uh and so there were a couple of times where i was like yeah this just wasn't maybe they were running multiple cameras and so they were trying to get slow-mo and regular speed at the same time so they couldn't change the lighting between i don't know but you shouldn't do that uh but yeah i mean i i don't know if i had any the the wipes were weird they had star wars wipes yeah did they really that was a little weird i didn't remember that i was like was that a star wars one yeah only star wars is allowed to do that and no one's even sure why yeah i'll also accept it in willow as it is a lucasfilm yeah but willow is probably the same universe [Laughter] but yeah and i also i said it before but i don't care for the like i get it like i know these people are related we don't keep having to cut from one face to another face to another face to another face but the same framing and everything yeah just give me wider shots you know arrange the the characters more interestingly in frame than than just centering on everybody that's enough of me ripping off all's direction it's i enjoyed the film um and i do enjoy the story of these characters and i appreciate that he tried to keep as close to the reality of their lives as he did yeah because i think even he got very frustrated with how how loose people play with this story and so he's like no it's it is it was about family for them and i want to portray that and it makes it interesting to actually have family members playing family members in them what do you think jess up or down on this one uh i gave this one a note i really enjoyed it yeah that's enough for me too uh i had never i've never seen it although like i said my i don't know if actually i don't know if i mentioned on the podcast my dad was very excited that i was watching it's the first time of any of the movies that i've mentioned to him with us watching he's like well i know that movie i own it yeah so other than you said he was really excited about caligula when we brought that no no no not really so uh yeah he talked it up a lot and i felt that it lived up to his hype yeah so yeah i i'm gonna give this one an up too it's not like my favorite western but um i think it the gimmick is enough to keep me interested the whole way through it and uh and the fact that it's a true story and they stayed as as true to the the actual events as they could makes it interesting to me i wonder if i would have cared as much about it if i didn't know the gimmick about the brothers or who they were like having if you if you go straight into this movie not knowing who any of these people are would you like it as much and i don't know if you would i think that i might not because if i didn't know all these people i would have a much harder time telling them apart i agree with that yes yeah because i know who they are and i still had a hard time every now and then telling them apart honestly if these all weren't like actors who still get work today yeah then i feel like i would have had a hard time telling them apart yeah i mean obviously carradine's not getting any work today but the rest of them i felt bad in that scene where he was in the hospital he's like what do you and your brothers think about a life sentence i mean you're lucky they don't allow hanging in this state i was like that wine does not age well that's a bummer no i think it's a i think it's a plus um where does this go in your letterbox richard um i actually am going to put this right above tom horn a very similarly themed okay closing of the west kind of tale but i did enjoy this better than tom horton which is so that puts it between little miss marker and above tom horn okay jess i actually have this pretty high on my list um mostly because there's been a lot of terrible movies this year uh but this is right now it's let's see one two three it's seventh on my list it's right under the changeling and right above mad max oh okay cool um i think for me this goes right above coal miner's daughter and just below last married couple for me um yeah i think that's about everything for this one uh if you have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we will be discussing something called empire strikes back which imdb says is about after the rebels are brutally overpowered by the empire on the ice planet hoth luke skywalker begins jedi training with yoda while his friends are pursued by darth vader and a bounty hunter named boba fett all over the galaxy so that sounds it's like sci-fi probably that's sci-fi yeah never heard of it all these names sound weirdly familiar though