we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of kearney on may 23 1980 it was written by phoebe and robert kaler robbie robertson and thomas baum directed by robert kaler and released by united artist director robert kaler originally wanted a much smaller film starring harvey keitel and robert mitchum and apparently harvey was at one point attached but obviously that didn't go through which character do we know which character um i would guess that harvey keitel would have been the gary busey that's where i would put him i i could totally see him playing that character yeah and the robert robertson would be the macmillan guy running the oh really i would have thought mitchum would have been the patch character well maybe i don't know co-screenwriter and star robbie robertson spent some of his teenage years working traveling in the carnival circuit that's as much background as i could find on this one we start the film with gary busey as frankie applying clown makeup in a tent as creepy carnival music plays yeah i i thought that this movie was going to go a completely different direction like a gay c movie you mean casey right not gay c movie right it seemed like you had a longer pause between casey the only gay c movie i can think of is his boat trip with cuba gooding jr and horatio sands was one of them gay no but the whole cruise was they were pretending to be gay on a cruise and then they fell in love with a woman and then it was like a three to tango situation like roger moore was in that movie as well was he like he was aware but just like being friendly with them anyway yeah how do we get onto this subject gay c this is your fault we get a quick carnival montage we see the zipper ride which i've been on many times and it hucks all the change out of your pockets full speed into the crowd that's pretty wonderful which one the zipper the zipper oh that was that's a terrible my sister and i oh no we loved that ride i did too until i was old enough to have change in my pockets and then i hated it because it would just rattle around in the cage with me and smack me in the face and then eventually fly through the cracks and we used to my sister and i used to like grab on the bar and like hurl ourselves back and forth to get the thing to flip you know while it was turning all the way around i distinctly remember the last time i went on one of those because i was just slamming my head into the fence in front of me the whole time and mikey was with me and he wasn't big enough to to push that far on the bar but he was just the whole time like are you okay are you okay and then when we got out he was like we don't have to go on that one again i was like yeah zipper was my second favorite ride the first favorite ride was the gravitron yeah i would always flip myself upside down i was too chicken and then i would be upside down when the thing stopped and that was that was difficult to deal with and that's why you're in that coma for a while i was always a tilde world guy well that's just that's joe dante's fault right yeah pretty much that explorer's ride yeah there's a guy doing a trick where he swallows objects that seem to be volunteered from the crowd right now he's swallowing a watch which he's just dropping behind his face um away from camera i think okay doesn't look like he's actually swallowing it here but then uh he sees patch in the crowd and he says 100 for anybody who finds something that i can't swallow and he walks up to the front of the crowd and gives him a straight razor he's like all right fine here's 100 bucks and then he shows the crowd the straight razor because he's trying to show oh it's a legitimate game like he could have brought this up but he brought it up so he wins he continuing to walk through the the midway he finds a game where you guess the state that's going to light up and then he spins a wheel and uh he gets it right because the game is rigged and they want to show people that the game isn't rigged and that people can win but they don't know that he works there frankie as this bozo the clown character is in a dunk tank harassing carnival goers donna and her date show up and uh her date is immediately calling out some of the games on the midway as being rigged and he's trying to be like macho about it like he's like he's protecting her from some sort of danger or he's too smart for these guys right but he walks up to the pick a state game which to be clear there are 50 states so you have a two percent chance of winning and he calls out the state that he wants and then when the guy spins the wheel he pushes a button under the counter and the guy's like whoa hold on why'd you have to push that button and he's like i didn't push any button what are you talking about and then he starts shouting at him so he's like fine we'll just roll it again you only have a two percent chance of winning anyway yeah and he loses the game and he's like yeah see you should have just should have just lost it the first time patch walks with frankie from the dunk tank to his trailer and he's coughing he's hidden under a blanket because they don't want him to get insult assaulted by the people who he's been making fun of yeah because uh donna's date uh mickey was being especially harassed yes her boyfriend actually after this volunteers for like a strip show like they're taking a volunteer from the crowd yeah and they call him up for it so he leaves her outside while he goes to this stripping show and she walks up to one of the games and out of his makeup now frankie sees her standing there and she's sort of getting bothered by this older gentleman who uh isn't making a lot of sense when he talks to her it seems like he's demanding information from her yeah but then frankie walks up and he calls the guy dad i don't think it's his actual father but i think it's like yeah his his credit is on the mark yeah and i think they sometimes call him the mark yeah they call them both of those things later in the film but i think i think that this was just maybe an affectionate term for an older guy exactly yeah but uh right away he's coming to her defense by getting in between her and this this crazier old guy and he guesses her age and her birth month and her name correctly which impresses her because this isn't like a psychic act he just walks up and makes these observations the the age and birth month thing isn't as impressive as the name thing because she tells him in advance that her name starts with a d and that it's five letters long and then the old man leans in and says if i had all night i'd be an astronaut mickey comes back that's the boyfriend and he starts to pick a fight with frankie because he thinks that he's harassing his girlfriend beyonce oh fiance right and uh then frankie kind of tries to defuse the situation for a while but the guy really wants to pick a fight so frankie switches into his like creepy bozo voice you want to mess with my lady you better be ready to mess with me buddy get up don't [ __ ] with me get up mickey let's go i think we got us here a big iron steel man she's gonna iron and he's gonna steal uh oh what happened to your belt buckle goofy [Laughter] then spins around on the chair and it freaks the guy out and he's like what the hell and then suddenly patches there with the straight razor that he gave to the swallower and he's holding it to mickey's neck oh it's holding it to his eye oh to his eye yeah it's like she and andre lou stuff yeah yeah i mean i know it's a prop at least i hope it's a prop yeah but uh it's still very frightening donna is mad at her boyfriend for escalating this into a big fight when it didn't need to be it was just her talking with a guy but they walked back to the car and she's just pissed off at him frankie and patch find two random girls uh to take back to their trailer for the night and in the morning they're leaving as frankie and patrick having breakfast with each other but they seem to kind of know each other because he says i'll see you next season right like i guess the regulars yeah and i kept thinking that this cough was gonna be some kind of looming thing that he's like ill or that he's got a pneumonia from getting dunked all the time yeah but like that this is gonna be like something where he's gonna be like getting sicker throughout the movie uh but this is the sickest that we will see him yeah it's all over but it kind of comes back it comes back around later does it maybe gary busey was actually sick on set because it never plays a part in the story right it does later okay i don't remember i don't remember that either we'll get there okay uh patch asks frankie about his hairline because he worries that it's starting to recede as he ages uh frankie sees donna outside that's the the girl whose name starts with d that's five letters long she came back to the park i think looking for him specifically but this time without her boyfriend and uh dad and a couple other carnies start harassing her until frankie shows up she asks him to explain some of his tricks how he guessed her birthday and her name and he says her engagement ring had her birthstone on it and that he could tell by looking at her what her age was but that he assumed that she would be turning 19 in december and her name he guessed because there's only about 12 d names that are five letters long and he's like memorizing girls names and letter count and everything they walk past the fat boys trailer which is a pretty small trailer for the fat boy um he must be filling more than half of this thing by himself but frankie makes a few jokes about him and how he never comes out because if he falls over he can't get up on his own as they're walking around uh the carnival grounds we see fred ward chasing a guy down and uh the guy goes to hide inside of a truck and slams the window shut but right as he slams the window shot fred is able to put like a big piece of wood right through the window yeah and just like price the glass right out yeah apparently this guy was somehow connected to the mayor and fred ward yeah yeah and uh he says we're gonna get this place because like another person comes up like an aide comes up and says we're gonna shut this place down and uh the guy in the truck is trying to like say that you know hey i didn't pull any scans he actually lost the money legitimately yeah but patch just keeps saying shut your clam how much you yeah uh two hundred dollars that's crazy hey set your clamp i didn't take him for a smear sonny he blew it man you shut your clan i'm telling you shut your clap all right he says it probably five times i was like just shut your clam it's like i don't i don't know if i've ever heard that one i like but then uh to prevent this from escalating out of control they they pay the guy fred ward his money and then they even pay the the guy from the mayor's office with a bunch of tickets for kids to come back to the carnival for free so that there's no trouble because they're only going to be in town for a couple days anyway we cut directly to after sex between frankie and donna yeah this already happened she's in the uh the tent where he applies his makeup and he's putting it on here and she's asking about how it sticks to his skin and everything and he says the easiest way to take it off is with other skin and then they kiss and he rubs his makeup all over her face she's like oh i'm beautiful just like you she says she wishes she could leave town because she feels like she's stuck here she's a waitress and she lives with her parents and frankie says well you know we we go from town to town like you're welcome to join us when we when we go back on the road and the next night we see her sneaking all of her stuff out in a suitcase to run away and join the circus i guess this was like the last kind of decade where you could do that yeah this is the last like running away and joining the circus decade yeah i guess this is in the 90s i feel like maybe you could run away and join this cirque du soleil cirque du soleil maybe you'd have to be really terrible probably not yeah it's because it had to be really yeah there's a long waiting list the next day we have uh what is the uh the guy that runs the place heavy st john heavy st john uh the next day we have heavy st john walking the uh what will be the carnival grounds and he's basically like drawing the map in his head of where each stand is going to go they talk to him a little bit about how they have a friend that's going to be joining them on the next leg and he says he wants to they're going to talk about it later he's worried that she's young yeah and he convinces her no no she's she's old enough but they also they say something like we confirmed that she's old enough and it's like did you confirm beyond just asking her how old she was because i kept thinking the twist was going to be that she lied and that she was actually 17 going on 18 and they just assumed that his guess was correct and that that was going to be a problem later on like when they transported her across state lines but it never comes back and and i think they're more concerned is anyone going to come looking for you right and and she says no yeah when when he asks her if anybody knows where she is she says no and that's that's actually the answer they wanted was that nobody knew you were running away with the circus it starts to rain on the carnival that night frankie's in the dunk tank but there's basically nobody here at the carnival so patch is the one throwing the balls because he's just bored and he sinks him but the two of them joke about it i don't really understand this game anyways like it's there's you can't win anything aside from dunking the guy who's insulting you in the tank that's the whole point it probably makes the most money out of the whole carnival because you get angrier and angrier and you're like well i can't just walk away now the guy's making fun of me in front of everybody yeah but but the angrier you get too and the the more you miss yeah i guess i mean i don't know if dunking him is really accomplishing anything yeah it's not really they just have to hope that they get it like every time they're throwing it but either way it's just playing off people's egos i i feel like the dunk tank is more of a thing that you see at a charity exactly like it's like the principal right yeah when people want to give up money to because it's funny to dunk this person but like in this situation like his whole job is to just make people angry in order to get them to pay money to try to get him dunked and i guess it just takes a certain type of guy to react to that but it just seems i think it takes the kind of guy that goes to a small town carnival to react to that especially if he brought a girlfriend along because all you have to do is make fun of him in front of his girlfriend and then he has to prove something in front of her and the only way he can do it is by buying balls and sinking you i guess patch and frankie return to their trailer where donna has prepared some coffee and food and she's cleaned up a little patch is upset about it at first because some of his paperwork has been moved from sitting on a desk to like a shelf somewhere there's a line in here at some point where she says something about him you know like catching his death a cold or something like that so she's you know acting all motherly or wifely you know and trying to take care of him in a way that he's not been taken care of before so i think this is where it kind of comes in that it's like hey without you he could be sick and dying but she's coming in to take care of him and that's what that's what that whole thing was about okay um and then uh here patch basically like reprimands her for touching his stuff and says you know just leave my stuff out and she's like well i just wanted to clean up it was a little dirty and he's like that's fine i i like it dirty it's great just leave the stuff where it is please but the way he says it i felt like was the first indication that he might actually be in love with frankie and upset about her like interrupting their relationship well he's definitely regardless of how he feels about frankie he uh as far as romantically he is she is definitely interfering with his relationship with him yeah because usually it's just the two of them having fun and coming here and joking around at night yeah and and it's at this point that he's really starting to realize that what he thought was just going to be a fling that he she might stick around for a little while yeah and then she would get tired of frankie like everyone would uh but it's clear to him now that she's gonna be sticking around for a little while longer right and he closes this door that can't be remotely sound proof to like have a private conversation with frankie about it like so what is this like your girlfriend now and it's like she obviously hears you saying this in this other room but yeah he's upset about it well he says she's our girlfriend right yeah which which leads me to wonder about what happens later but yeah while they're in the trailer here they notice outside that there are people i think having sex on the carousel and this is a carny marriage yeah where these people have sex for one go around on the carousel and it means that they're married for a season it's obviously not a legal binding marriage but it's a way that people declare a relationship in this community we have a party to celebrate the marriage and fat man sings a song [Music] the cops interrupt the carnival one day to tell them that freak shows are illegal in the state and uh they try to they're like oh well we can bribe you more and they're like well no it's a law and there's there's not much we can do about it and they said oh well we could get rid of the other two things that were bothering to bribe you for and then you wouldn't get any money would you rather have that and the cops say look you can set up your shop and it's fine just don't employ any freaks here while you're in town and so frankie's the one who has to break the news to the freaks that they uh they just have to forego their paychecks for this leg of the trip well heavy st john said he would carry them right so at least he's paying them for it but they don't get to work for it yeah uh heavy thing john like i i always like i kept couldn't figure him out i thought he was going to be like the the mean camp counselor or something like that but i was like actually no he really genuinely cares yeah about all these people he's coming to the wedding with like he's the one the nicest dressed person at the wedding but it comes with a full bouquet of flowers for the bride yeah well i always feel that way about these carnival movies is that it's like as much as they're really mean sometimes like brutal to the outside world they are a like very protective community and they're they're really very much in love with each other that they just care about um everyone's well-being and they care about each other first harry the hat tries to set patch up with a pair of twins who according to the credits are not related what they have different last names and they have different married well if they were married before this movie but i thought they were young to be married already i guess it's possible but in the credits of this movie they have two different last names so and they don't look exactly alike so i'm not sure frankie tells patch that he's on his own with the girls uh because patrick was like oh this is sweet we've always talked about having sex with twins like you have a girlfriend twins but he's like i have a girlfriend she's right over there like what am i supposed to do with my girlfriend and uh and he's like okay so i'm just supposed to have them by myself then and then he's like yeah man it's my gift to you you can have the twins just just go and see him on your own and he basically like walks away from that opportunity like he doesn't we don't see him flirting with the twins after that point he sits at the table with them for a second but yeah well he he he becomes more upset that on your mark is announcing his retirement right he's going to ride with him to one more city and that's going to be it he's retiring to gibbtown after 50 years on the job yeah and i think this is this kind of brings patch's mood down yeah um and that night he's hanging out in the trailer when he sees uh it starts raining really hard and he looks out the window and he sees the fat man walk out into the middle of a field to shower in the rain i thought there was going to be more to that scene but it was still interesting frankie patch and donna hit a trucker diner in the morning and they have like a truckers only section of the diner yeah that they sort of walk into because they are moving with large vehicles and uh and the truckers start calling them out like oh you guys aren't part of our crew and what are you doing here and donna starts pitching insults right back at the rest of them right but she's also the first person to mention that they're with the carnival which i feel like they wouldn't have mentioned on their own right and that causes problems because well they actually lied when they went in they said they were truckers well i think conceivably you could call them truckers because they're moving in a caravan moving large equipment from city to city i guess i mean the guys the the truckers were heckling them saying like what company you work for yeah and they made up a company that's true yeah but it wasn't until donna admitted that they were with the carnival that people really started getting into them because they're like oh you're a bunch of freaks you got to get out of this town you freaks one guy like literally just walks up to the table and tells them they have to leave right now and uh they decide to get into a big fight and basically completely destroy this diner in a matter of seconds yeah they like take out a whole wall the dividing wall between the trucker section and the and the normal people section of the of the diner because we all know truckers aren't normal people have you met a trucker they probably listen to podcasts huh we love you guys and girls they probably listen to a lot of podcasts be nice patches tells frankie to lose donna she's causing problems and it was a fun fling for a while but you gotta end it because we're having real world complications because of it and uh frankie basically tells her that hey we gotta keep moving along and this isn't really working out so maybe it's time for us to head our separate ways and she basically says well no i'm not gonna leave maybe i'll join the circus and i'll be a part of this trip show or something and he's like would you really want to do that she's like well yeah and we'd have extra money coming in and so she actually joins up with the dancers to to become a part of the strip show and they have uh st john comes in to like verify that everything's on the level then and to tell her what her paycheck is going to be which one one of the strippers correctly predicts it's going to be 90 a week which i got the impression is kind of a generous yeah offer for her because she's younger and maybe more attractive than some of the other girls but she's also just she's only supposed to be a background dancer right but she also lies about having had experience yeah doing this but that's part of why she's going to be background dancers because he can tell that she doesn't have that experience and he's uh also because she looks young and he doesn't want to get shaken down by the cops patches as like kind of vengeance against her for not leaving when he wanted her to talks to the guy running the strip show and tells him to put donna on that she said she's experienced and she can run a show by herself so the guy agrees to do it and uh after the first like strip number when all the girls walk off stage he says all right now we're gonna have this next girl come on and he points at donna like all right it's your turn and she barely steps out on stage before the crowd is kind of going insane one of them is like jumps up on the stage already and uh well i think they were they were getting antsy from waiting yeah right but she had barely been standing out there for like five seconds before there was a guy already on stage because he was he was flirting pretty hard with the dancer before her too but then like everybody's going crazy and pushing and shoving through the tent and two guys like pick her up yeah they they pick her up some guy takes his shirt off yeah and and it it's just like she's screaming well these people are manhandling her definitely escalated quickly yeah and these two guys like when they're like all right put this girl down instead of putting her down they just huck her off to the side of the stage and she like smacks her head hard enough to bust it open and she's bleeding from her temple on the side of her head and everybody's freaking out there's like alarms going off people are getting kicked out of the room and she doesn't throw patches under the bus when she has the opportunity to frankie comes in and he's like what happened and she's like oh i lied and said that i was more experienced and i was able to do the show and i just screwed it up and so people got upset about it he's like oh well why why'd you say that like he's like trying to be comforting and and caring about what happened to her but then after the show patches is like you didn't have to lie for me like that wasn't you didn't have to do that to protect me and she's like i wasn't trying to protect you i didn't want to hurt frankie's feelings to have him know that you screwed me over like that and i get the impression that this is like the beginning of them becoming friends um on the road to the next town donna to try and entertain patch puts a bunch of shaving cream all over frankie's face while he's asleep and the two of them share a laugh over that uh when they get to the next town there's a new guy in control of this territory and uh he runs like the massage parlors and um he's like a local crime boss right so he has gambling and sex stuff that uh he it's his territory and they're like well yeah that's fine like we're not trying to take your territory we're gonna be here temporarily and the way this works is we give you a cut of what we're doing so that there's not any problems is it the way we've always done it we paid the guy before you and this guy says okay well what are you going to pay me and they offer them what they were offering they have for probably a little bit less intending to bargain and uh he asks for way more than they're interested in paying him and then they're like okay fine well good luck enforcing it because we're not going to pay that much we it's we can't even afford that much it like eats into our overhead so they basically leave it at that um we have this scene where donna is flirting very hardcore with a girl and her friend yeah the greta v uh so she works at a i guess i don't know what you call the the game like pull the strings yeah i've never seen this carnival game before where you have like a whole bundle of strings and you have to pull one that's attached to a prize but only some of them like i guess the the trick is that most of them do not go anywhere right and uh even the ones that do are like buried you have to know where they are right and so she you know when they want someone to win they can bring them out towards the front but yeah this the this pair of women greta like says hey these two chicks are into you yeah like later on donna is working in this booth now because of the attack at the strip show they're like okay maybe you should be doing something else if you're going to work at this carnival well patch does pat that's what's important pat patch feels guilty and gets her this job with greta yeah but uh what i thought was funny that this both of these women are just credited as lesbians i was like well i mean probably okay but can't you call them like give them a name or something like that is this like let's see you would be like who was who was nina i have no idea i don't know who half the names of the people were but you were able to identify them in the credits because they're credited as lesbians split the difference let's call it nina the lesbian well i wanted to to start with an l also then okay lisa the lesbian and they were okay and they were getting very handsy yeah like like touching her hair and her arms but she was totally letting them do it in order to get them to to spend more money she even lets people like put money directly into her pocket yeah and then at the end of that whole uh interaction they tell her that they're gonna meet her in the parking lot um and she just smiles about it before inviting more people to try the game she's really proud of herself at this point though because she goes back and tells patches that she's getting a feel for it she can read people yeah and she seems just really over the moon and enthused like hey like i it was exciting and i found my calling yeah and i think uh she's also a little bit horny from that interaction with those two girls and it leads to her making out with patches here hey it's our girlfriend patches but patch is the guy's name but yeah it's like the patches patches of houlihan you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball but yeah they start kissing and uh really aggressive kissing and then doing more than kissing yeah there was like some like hair grabbing that had me worried for a second i was like what is happening here are we gonna start yanking each other around at the same time as this is happening in their cabin or their trailer there's uh circus patron that is being roped into losing a lot of money at a game basically he misses a target once in this ball throwing game where you knock a thing over and then the guy running the stand says oh well here here's a free ball try it again and he knocks the thing over he's like there see you did you won a prize like hey i have an idea do you want to help me like trick a bunch of other people into losing some money and so the guy puts a bunch of money on the line and the guy running this stand basically lies to him and says like oh it looks like you lost all that money and he's like well hold on you said that this was a thing that we were doing together and i was gonna get a bunch of money out of it he's like dude i don't know what you're talking about so when he gets really confrontational the the carney pulls a gun on him from under the desk and the guy pretends immediately that he's cool with being had he's like oh haha you got me i've been had all right all right guys come on let's go and he tells all of his friends like yeah i just lost that money we're just gonna let it go um and they all walk away together but i knew even then like this is this is terrible yeah that's over the line and this guy's for sure coming back then after we see uh donna and patch making out the guy that had the gun pulled on him comes back with a bunch more friends and now they're literally just waiting for someone to leave a stand unattended or not even waiting for that and just jumping over the counter and pulling all the toys off the wall and just handing them out to people at the carnival they're just trying to bankrupt this whole this whole event they're getting more and more aggressive with it other people are starting to riot and uh people are closing down their stands one by one to try and get everything closed down before things get completely out of hand frankie walks in on donna and patch to announce what's going on because it's kind of patch's job to shut this stuff down he's like the enforcer for the circus we get the this cool pov shot from the zipper ride of the carnival raid going down as these people are kind of destroying the stands one by one frankie gets into bozo mode because he decides what he's gonna do is distract them away from all the damage that they're doing by trying to piss them off from inside the cage well he's also kind of heartbroken yeah and angry about what's happening even though he seemed very willing like to share donna yeah earlier i didn't know if when he said our girlfriend if he necessarily meant romantically or if it was like she made coffee and food for both of us like the things that you're complaining about as girl friendly are things that she's doing for both of us but yeah he he starts harassing these angry customers and he's channeling all of his anger at patch and donna into these guys and patch keeps telling him to stop it because he's going to get killed he's driving these people into a frenzy and they're going to do more damage to the circus as a result of it but eventually this mob of angry hicks knock over the whole dunk tank and uh start driving their truck through the middle of the carnival yeah just through stands and over equipment and eventually they run over on the mark he's the guy that we earlier yeah that frankie had called him dad and uh and was one day away from retirement yes actually he was a one one day past retirement because he said he retired a couple days ago but he's still here um maybe they're still on their way to gibbtown that's where he was gonna hop off gibson to florida so a couple of other carnies come over including the guy that pulled the gun on them in the first place to verify that he's dead and to feel super guilty about it but he was like i was just trying to make some money it's not my fault like yeah it's like well okay it's not your fault technically but this wouldn't have happened if you didn't do that basically once once this cage gets tipped over i i thought that the the crazy guys were gonna pull him out of it but when we see him getting pulled out of it it's patch pulling him out of it and then uh they identify the body and frankie sits with the the corpse for a second and then suddenly he's arguing with frankie about the cage and whose fault it is that all this stuff happened neither of them seems to be mourning him as much as i thought they would be yeah well i think they're just they're just too angry at each other and maybe they're still like in shock about it but uh it seems like they're mostly arguing with each other and frankie's like what are you so upset about like i don't understand why you're so mad and it's like uh a friend of ours dead over there but the local muscle that was trying to rip them off in the car earlier for a higher percentage of their take uh reveals to st john that he is friends with the the group of men that destroyed the carnival yeah and killed one of their employees and he says so i think you're gonna you're gonna take another shot at paying me what you owe me and heavy saint john slides a box across his desk to him with money in it and he says that's still not enough money and he says you're gonna make up the difference with donna as part of the payment that uh my henchman character here saw donna when he was here earlier destroying the circus and he would like to sleep with her as as part of our payment here heavy st john agrees to this arrangement but then when he goes to donna to talk about it he says like i need you to do this um so that we can avenge on the mark basically he doesn't specify what else he plans on doing here but he tells her that this isn't just him like letting her have sex with this guy well he i think he was going to go explain the plan to her but when he saw she was packing up to leave he had to kind of change his tactic up a little bit yeah like he says yeah i mean you're welcome to go if you want but this is our only chance yeah these guys are going to you you're the bait to get these guys to come back yeah uh donna goes to see this creepy hick guy that destroyed the carnival and he pushes her into the back room of this tent and ties her down to a bed and then he gets up on top of her on the bed and rips all of her clothes off or not all of them yeah but a lot of them and suddenly patch and frankie are in the room and show up and basically stab the guy in the chest from behind yeah like the patch brings the razor up to his neck and it looks like he slides the razor across his neck and blood comes out yeah and i thought did he just kill him yeah did he just kill the guy and then they pull him into the shadows of this room and we're like oh my god what just happened to this character then uh we see the the local boss guy that that wanted his money meets with st john again and he says hey i hope you're taking good care of my man he says oh yeah right through this way and then he goes into the room where the guy was supposed to be and it's just the bed now and we see someone sitting in it but we can't see their face their face is obscured and they're keeping looking away from camera i thought this was going to be either patch or frankie wearing a wig but the the guy sits down on the bed next to this character and reaches into this person's creature region and finds more than he bargained for because this is the half-man half-woman from the freak show so he only finds half as much as he burns which half he gets freaked out by this uh unexpected change of events and uh he runs out of the the trailer where this is happening but he runs headlong into frankie outside who's like oh hey why don't i take you on a tour of the whole carnival and he's like what why what is happening like i should just be angry take me to saint john so i can be angry and yell at him i say okay cool well uh here's where we have these rides and here's where we have these games he's like i don't know why you're showing me any of this but he takes them into this large tent the big top i guess for for this show um and there's a lot of freaks in there and sword swallowers and everybody's doing their best to disorient him with their weirdness um and then he walks him through the to the back room and he says hey go on in there your friend's in there and he goes into the room and there's just a headless corpse twitching twitching in a chair and he and he recognizes the clothes as the clothes that his friend was wearing when they arrived here at the carnival and the guy just freaks out and runs off and leaves the carnival it's like he's not going to leave forever he's just going to leave for today yeah this is where i texted you guys yes holy [ __ ] [ __ ] they they cut this guy's head off stuck them in a chair no this is where they kind of like a-team it like a bit it's like uh it's all smoke and mirrors he's not actually dead they just drugged him and they put like a fake stump on his neck and pull his head literally mirrors they put like a mirror over his face yeah but i felt like wait so justice doesn't get served i wanted them to kill him yeah no joke no joke this would be my number one movie if that was real this would be on the top of my letterbox list if that was real because i would have loved for this movie to be like oh it's like a slice of life kearney story but then at the end they do this brutal murder barney justice i mean that's why i like the movie freaks so much just because at the end of the movie they basically like decapitate that person they like they like stitch them onto a freak at the end of the movie but yeah it was so horrifying and i was like oh my god i cannot believe the turn this movie just took but then they reveal that it's all fake and frankie says to patch hey you know i've been thinking about leaving the carnival and i don't know i know you don't want to come with me to do our own thing so you stay here and you run the big one and uh and i'm gonna go do this on my own and then patch says nah i'm coming with you we're gonna we're gonna do good things and they walk around the carnival for a while and patch offers to get in the cage and frankie bets that he won't last very long in the cage and that's the end of the film but uh yeah yeah it it i i really needed that powerful ending to make this movie like better i mean it's it's still okay um but i really wanted that if that was the last shot of this movie and then credit yeah and then the guy's freaking out and just cuts the black yeah yeah that would have been correct like i'm honestly going to edit the file on my computer so that when i find this after my alzheimer's sets in i think that's how this movie ends but that's it really would have been no joke at the top of my list if that was how this ended because it just looks so great like the the visual effect of it looks so great and uh man what a missed opportunity i mean i get it that this wasn't that kind of movie they wanted to feel like a real it was it's basically the sting with freaks yeah but it just would have been amazing if they'd decided to just end it that way the uh the director and uh his wife who he co-wrote with don't have a lot of other credits uh thomas baum who is also a credited screenwriter um he co-wrote the manhattan project with marshall brickman and he had a story credit on simon earlier this year gary busey was frankie uh i think he got an oscar nomination for buddy holly the buddy holly story uh he'll be back later this year for fooling around he was joshua and lethal weapon uh drake savage and black sheep which i think was the beginning of him playing complete psychopaths was at the beginning i'm trying to think of something before that where he played like a stereotypical crazy person he's a little crazy here yeah i didn't think he was that crazy i thought he was charming but um he's pretty crazy in dc cab even though he's he's one of the good guys i haven't seen but he is super crazy actually joshua and lethal weapon is pretty crazy too yeah but he's a bad guy yeah like but drake savage is like this insane like military guy out in the middle of nowhere in uh in black sheep and it's a it's a great character hold your tongue winch he also played a character called coach red harris on tom goes to the mayor which is when i encountered him first and uh it was a very uh very weird day at time goes to the mayor if for those who aren't familiar it was an old adult swim show that was um it was basically like a slideshow animated like it would take a bunch of pictures of people and apply a filter to it and then like act out a story almost like storyboards but every episode would have like a guest celebrity so like jeff goldblum would be in an episode but he would drive himself in his own car or like in a rental car because he didn't even live here and uh and gary busey demanded a limousine that was the first step of this yeah he demanded a limousine he demanded a specific brand of pineapple juice or something that had to be in the limousine and one of our pas had to go with the limousine because they weren't convinced that he would actually bring it to our studio or that he would even remember how to get here or anything so the pa went with him and they knocked on the door at the time that he was supposed to get there and they're paying for this limousine by the hour right and when he knocks on the door gary busey answers it in his underwear and invites the pa in and then goes and sits on his porch on his back porch and reads the newspaper for like another hour and a half before he even comes out but eventually he gets dressed and he gets in the limousine and they drive um about halfway back to our offices when he asks for the pineapple juice and it's like the wrong brand even though it's not for it's for sure not the wrong brand but he said it was the wrong brand and made them stop at like multiple places to find the right brand and then he brought it all in he finally gets to the to our studio like a few hours after he was supposed to be there it probably cost three times more than they were intending to spend because we were in hollywood and he lives in malibu it was not that long of driving that long a drive but he uh he comes in and he tells tim and eric the two guys that wrote the show that it's like the worst writing he's ever read in his entire life and he's not going to read anything that they wrote and he spends hours in their office with them lecturing them about how it should go and suggestions for the character and he he just keeps trying to change everything and then finally at the end he's like you know what i'm just gonna read it how you wrote it i'm just gonna read it right the way it is on this page and then they're like okay yeah that'd be great and he did that and that's what ended up in the episode but uh it was just the weirdest situation ever and he also like while he was in their office like he kept spilling his drink on the carpet and he would just put his foot on it and rub it into the carpet instead of like oh can we get a paper towel i spilled this it was just like stepped on it and grinded into the floor but uh he's an odd duck gary busey he's not playing a character when you see him being crazy and stuff i don't know if you ever saw the show i'm with busy but uh i think it got canceled because people thought he was pretending to be crazy but he's like that all the time he also is apparently uh i didn't i thought he was only in the first ginger dead man movie but he does mostly like super low budget horror movies now and he wasn't in any of the sequels to ginger dead until the eighth one which is called bunker of blood colon chapter 8 colon butcher's bake off colin hell's kitchen that's the eighth installment of the ginger dead man series so didn't uh didn't he get crazy after his motorcycle accident he was crazy before that too yeah but he like he he landed on his skull without a helmet yeah i mean i think there's if jake busey has any indication i think that there was some genetic crazy and then there was some drugs crazy and then there was definitely some motorcycle accident crazy but yeah he was like notoriously fighting legislation that was trying to make it illegal to ride without a helmet and then he flew off his motorcycle and busted it open on a curb on like pch or something like that yeah yeah he's fractured his skull yeah and they managed to put it all back together because he didn't he didn't have a helmet on so he needed to go into surgery immediately and then he came out of the hospital immediately saying we need to make sure that helmets aren't forced on people like he didn't change his might at all well he's not a flip-flopper yeah you can't say that about him jody foster was donna here she's in taxi driver buggy malone foxes before this um and after this she's in silence of the lambs contact panic room bunch of stuff robbie robertson was patch he was the lead guitarist and songwriter for the band this was his first of two fictional character acting credits before the crossing guard and the rest of them are all concert films for the band he reminds me of a cross between benicio del toro and like a young tim curry that was the feeling i was getting from him in terms of his look yeah i guess he i don't feel like he has the charisma of either of those people i think he has benicio charisma young benicio charisma no not at all in fear and loathing he has that he kind of reminded me of uh jan michael vincent a lot of it no don't say that that's mean jim michael vincent sucks robbie robertson was at least compelling i thought meg foster was girda that's the woman running the pull the string game she plays holly and they live she plays evil lynn in masters of the universe uh she also plays a really weird character that i from a stupid movie that i love uh called leviathan not the movie that came out within the last couple years but yeah a 1980s crazy genetics horror film in the wake of uh the abyss so after the abyss came out like everyone was like we're gonna do underwater movies yeah um so uh leviathan and deep star six are these two crazy like underwater horror films that came out leviathan is about like they find this russian sub underwater research facility that has this genetic material just starts mutating the crew and it becomes like this lovecraftian like monster at the end i feel like there is a lovecraft story about a submarine like that yeah well this might have been based on that but it's got peter weller ernie hudson richard crenna um it sounds awesome i want to watch this yeah but meg foster plays this woman who's like she's like the the wayland yutani of this of the oh okay the facility she she's on the surface telling them it's gonna be all right we're gonna get you out of there don't worry yeah like the like the corporate ownership in congo that are just like just do what we said yeah exactly she was also hera on hercules and xena yeah i don't i mean i only remember one episode with hera in it and it was the one where she kills hercules family yeah it hera was always the looming threat but it was always like just like the peacock cry and the eyes in the sky whenever they mentioned her she also played cagney for the first season of cagney and lacey and then she got fired for being too easily mistaken for a lesbian what that was that was cbs's reasoning kenneth mcmillan was heavy saint john here we just had him as marzetti and hide in plain sight he was also somebody in uh little miss marker the cop that was trying to find the girl and yeah um and he's the baron and dune uh elijah cook jr was on your mark or alicia i mean that's pronounced elijah alicia elisha elisha is not a name it's elijah right elijah cook jr as on your mark he plays harry jones in the big sleep he was mr nicholas and rosemary's baby wilmer cook in the maltese falcon we had we had him in tom horn right uh but yeah wilmer cook uh he was the one that ran the the where he kept his horse right in tom horne yeah yeah but uh in the maltese falcon he's uh sydney greenstein street's kind of like uh henchmen oh okay because peter laurie is trying to do his own thing uh and sydney greenstreet has this guy this kind of enforcer guy uh that humphrey bogart keeps getting bet the best of yeah and really embarrassing him he also his last few credits were as a character a recurring character on magnum pi called ice pick woodrow parfray which is a fun name plays w.c hannan but he plays uh he'll be back for bronco billy and used cars later this year and he was mr jaffee in dirty harry tina andrews is sugar sugar ray sugary sugary she was one of the strippers she has a bunch of television acting credits but she also wrote why do fools fall in love with halle berry and vivek fox and she had some other screenwriting credits too for tv movies one about uh sally hemmings is that right yes and another one about jackie onassis i think that both came out in like 2000. craig wassen was mickey that was donna's boyfriend when she got to the carnival he plays neil gordon in nightmare on elm street 3. he's jake in body double next year and later this year he will be back for schizoid i don't know who flame was in this movie imagine he's the guy the fire eater oh maybe i mean i'm just guessing that's possible uh the actor's name is jordan kale and he plays a juror in philadelphia and a hostage in quick change oh then probably not him well there was that one hostage that's always eating fire but uh the fire eater was a was a little person yeah i i don't think that that's who you can't have a little hostage well you can but i don't think there was one in the movie uh fred ward was jack uh fred ward is great yeah he was in tremors the right stuff he's joe dirt's dad um he played henry and henry in june and he was remo williams in the long series of remo williams films yeah that started and ended with remo williams the adventure begins it was supposed to be like the american james bond uh i think i will always my always go to was going to be tremors yeah uh for fred ward yeah i do like joe dirt's dad though um it's a funny character and that scene is great when they go back to he goes to interview them on tv and he realizes that they left him there on purpose but that's everything i had for this one i wanted to uh mention two people just because of their names are amazing yeah uh they're accredited as tough three and tough two okay but the first guy's name is jack howard kitchens jr beautiful and the second is charles christian levi senior seems like they made those names up on set yeah uh i was like those are two amazing names uh i wanted to also mention that the music is by alex north he uh is a 15 time oscar nominee really uh he won for let's see uh well he won an honorary oscar uh in 86. so i guess he's never won an actual no no if i you've never won a real oscar no honorary counts uh he was uh nominated for musical scores for things like streetcar named desire uh uh rainmaker spartacus cleopatra uh who's ranger vision new wolf dragon slayer an 81 which i mentioned uh previously uh so you know he was no slouch uh i didn't think the score was anything too crazy in this and i thought for the most part it was fine but i think it it fits that opening scene wrong because it's setting you up for like a psychological horror movie it yeah was but then it wasn't but i just thought it was interesting that the 15 15 oscar nominations that's impressive good work alex north that's what you said his name was yeah all right jess up or down uh you know it wasn't terrible but i don't know that i would uh tell anybody to go out of their way to watch it all right so i guess it's down richard i'm gonna give it up uh it it falls flat for me uh but i was pretty invested in the simple story of it all um i think i was reading like some reviews about it i know i don't think i was reading i was reading some reviews about it i don't know why i phrased it that way well you know uh i think therefore i am you know you can only be sure that you exist yeah uh i think roger ebert was the one who i was trying to say was the review or who i read that said it seems like it's almost like a documentary or that there's a documentary hiding in the story correct yeah that that it's like all these it seems like there's a whole bunch of carney lore of oh the the stuff about having to pay people off or the about grifting people and about people who get killed or the way they have weddings and get married and all their little cliquey kind of things that they do yeah uh so i found that kind of interesting uh just yeah it wasn't all there but i'll still give it up yeah um i love carnival stuff um i feel like if i grew up in like the 50s or 60s i would have run away to one because it just seems like an awesome thing and i i always love that the very tight family structure that forms in in movies about carnival uh carnival people carny folk but this is a down for me just because they showed me something that could have been amazing and then they they took a couple steps took it away yeah i i think i would have approved of this movie more two ways one they leave the guy's head off or two they just show him stabbed on the ground like that's i just needed that guy to die and if that guy didn't die for killing someone else killing one of their friends if the only punishment that he gets for killing one of their friends is to fall asleep for a second and scare someone else yeah then that's not enough for me i wanted this guy to be dead well also i don't think it's enough to accomplish what they want to accomplish because next year when they come back to this town that dude's just gonna be pissed yeah well he might not even wait till next year uh he might send people after them immediately as soon as the boss guy finds out that his henchman's still alive and finds out what they did to him he's gonna be more mad than ever yeah so i i think it's a down for me just because i thought for a second this was the best movie of the year and then they were like just kidding richard what do you think litter boxed um i'm going to put this uh just above fame but just below folks just above fame and below folks got it sorry jess go ahead go ahead jess where do you put it on letterbox so for mine uh i have it in a similar position it's a few above fame for me but uh i have it between uh simon and uh tom horn simon and tom horn okay that makes sense same writer as uh simon and some cast from tom horn yeah there you go right in there i think for me this might go also between fame and folks i think it does so that's where i put it i think that's everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed or as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing die laughing which imdb summarizes thusly a san francisco cab driver finds himself in possession of a monkey that is carrying a formula for turning atomic waste into a plutonium bomb he finds himself framed for murder and chased all over town by people trying to get the formula we leave you now with the trailer for die laughing five years we've been playing 15 bucks a night club dates in places like modesto and redwood city and you really think you have a chance to win we're gonna be up there on that stage in the finals pinsky daniel height six feet weight 150 pounds occupation part time and a cab part time on a stage love is why i live full time on the run [Applause] [Music] and [Applause] [Music] forever find pinsky [Music] everybody's killing each other for a monkey precisely [Music] but for pixie over hill over dale over every dusty trail the halls of the cow palace to the shores of sausalito [Applause] then find them who are you what is this place who are those goons out there why can't i go what's going on here [Music] [Music] now at last the motion picture that shows the world how to succeed in rock and roll without really dying what does anything mean without love