we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the shining on may 23rd 1980 70th birthday of the great scat man crothers who would be turning 110 if he were around today it came out on his birthday it came out on his birthday oh well that's so sweet especially after we watched the footage of how much he loved working on this movie it's a nice little birthday gift for him this was written by stanley kubrick and diane johnson based on a novel by stephen king directed by stanley kubrick and released by warner brothers have you read the novel i have how does it compare to the novel i read the novel before i saw the movie the first time and so like most of america i did not like this movie the first time i saw it because it was so different from the book that i was like oh what he totally screwed it up and now we're watching it i'm like oh no this is still a great movie and the book actually has more problems than the movie does but i i like the book and the the tv movie is basically the story of the book but so five years after barry lyndon kubrick decided that he was going to take a shot at adapting a horror novel and according to the hollywood legend kubrick locked himself in his office with a pile of horror novels and his secretary would hear him throw books at the wall of his office as he gave up on each one after a longer than usual gap between thuds she entered the office to find him reading stephen king's the shining during the casting process nicholson was always kubrick's first choice but other actors that were considered for the role were de niro robin williams and harrison ford this was nicholson's fourth film with skatman crothers after king of marvin gardens the fortune uh one flew over the cuckoo's nest and then this the audition process for dany spanned five thousand prospective children kubrick was looking for a kid with an accent that fell between nicholson and duvall's speech patterns because that's how he does things i mean i feel like you're lucky to get a kid that can just act at all do yeah do what you ask them to do on a regular basis and i i don't even think that he talks enough in this movie for you to be like oh he sounds like a mix of shelley duvall and jack nicholson but but also you have two people who speak both very unusually and very differently that's true yeah danny lloyd apparently came up with the talking finger gesture on his own during the audition process kubrick initially wanted carrie guffey from close encounters to play the part but his parents refused which i would have to assume they regret now maybe at the very least i would be disappointed if i were him that i were kept out of this movie i guess we'd have to ask danny lloyd yeah yeah i mean they might not i mean this kid was probably exposed to things that you wouldn't want your i don't know how old was he a six-year-old exposed to at the time i don't know well i uh according to what i read i don't know if i'm stepping on your toes here pat was that they they shielded him from as much as possible right he didn't know it was a horror film so he never saw any blood or anything like that he thought it was a drama he thought it was just a family drama and he actually didn't see the movie until he was 17. oh wow well i mean still there's scenes where he gets you know yelled at by jack nicholson and that is terrifying sure yeah yeah jack nicholson yelling at me as a grown man would be terrifying i would be interested lloyd the bartender was originally supposed to be played by harry dean stanton but he was unfortunately too busy shooting alien which would have been neat to have him here although i do kind of like it being someone that i didn't necessarily recognize yeah the hotel interior sets were constructed at elstree studios in england and based on the awani hotel in yosemite national park this included a full-size replica of the hotel built indoors for a few fake exteriors specifically where snow is piled up against the side of the building snow from the hoth set was reused for these sequences that's amazing i love it shooting went so long that reds and raiders of the lost ark both had to reschedule their shooting at elstree uh because every single stage was in use well i could imagine i mean those sets are enormous they're huge they're absolutely enormous and they seem like they were built in such a way and i i assume because they needed to do these really long sweeping shots they're like one continuous huge set as if it were actually the hotel the hallways connect to all the rooms that you would expect them to connect to and that whole massive lobby with the with the windows on the wall is all one contiguous site yeah that's shocking that that's an interior i mean it's just it shows you how well it's shot yeah the exteriors are actually the timberline lodge on mount hood in oregon but they're only featured i think in the very beginning and end of the film most of it is is those interiors in the fake exterior in the book the overlook was based on the stanley hotel in estes park colorado the pages and pages of typewriter gibberish were translated into similar phrases in other languages for each foreign language version of the film i'd hate to have to be the pa that typed all those out it was uh stanley secretary did all of it but yeah a lot of typing i don't know if she did it for every language but uh the door the jackax is down is obviously a real door because they tried a fake door and it just basically exploded when he hit it with the axe um so and he used to be a volunteer firefighter so they had to put in a real door because he was strong enough to punch through it but that's terrifying because like she is actually on the other side of this door that he is axing down right but she's not leaning against the door she's actually leaning against the bathroom wall further back yeah but when you're hitting an actual wooden door splinters are gonna fly pieces of wood are coming out at you like that's that's scary yeah you're gonna need uh that robot from saturn three to come and get the splinter out of your eye what was his name hector hector yeah said at the same time maybe even a little bit faster kubrick did not get the here's johnny reference and nearly used another take because he was not living in america at the time and uh so he was you didn't use the david letterman take yeah exactly [Music] what i don't know brian wasn't on carson included the clip at the beginning of his 1980 anniversary special uh so like when the show would normally have started it just cut to that scene of jack nicholson swinging an axe into a door and people are like why is the shining suddenly on that movie just came out and then he says here's johnny and then it frees frames and then faded into the show um and it was very well received uh during production kubrick screened david lynch's eraserhead for the cast and crew to inform the mood he was going for the shining is one of the first films to utilize the steadicam so early in fact that garrett brown who invented it was the operator of the steadicam on set because he had the most hours experience with it i was absolutely blown away by these shots i mean i i pointed them out to you when we were watching them that i'm just like i i know how they make these movies and i don't know how they got these shots so good it just it blows me away they're running through these long hallways and everything in this movie is so beautifully like center framed and symmetrical so like the the action is always like taking place right in the middle and everything on both sides is you know is symmetrical and they maintain that on these long shots where you're going over carpeting and back onto hardwood floors and through these hallways and it's just it's so beautifully smooth and well framed the entire time it blows me away yeah it's really incredible what they accomplished with it and actually garrett brown was really ecstatic at this use of the city cam because prior to this i think they used it on rocky and a couple other movies but it was mostly like when a character is running upstairs really fast or like an action sequence where the camera is being jostled around and they wanted it to be a little bit steadier but nobody was using it to to actually affect the feel of the scene oh it completely informs the mood here exactly and and he really liked that this was making use of it in a creative way instead of just like to solve the problem of the image being shaky yeah this this definitely gives you a very eerie pov feel yeah that that i i guess you didn't have in a movie before it's pretty awesome uh and you didn't you say that they used the some sort of steadicam on the airplane shots too because i was blown away at how steady the um the opening shot is yeah when they're moving over the lake they're going yeah they're going over the lake i'm like how did they get this yeah it's really cool and it's like a fisheye lens too so you're like it's like the landscape is stretching out toward you as it's flying over it it's very cool and i think the score with the camera work affects it a lot wendy carlos and rachel elkind wrote and performed a full electronic score for the film but stanley kubrick discarded most of it and used the soundtrack of largely classical music only their adaptation of deus array the the opening song as you see the volkswagen bug driving through the hills during the opening credits and the music during the drive to the hotel with all the family in the car and a few other brief moments such as halloran's plane trip survived to the final version carlos and elkin said that the film was a little on the long side and there were great gobs of scenes that never made it into the film there was a whole strange and mystical scene in which jack nicholson discovers objects that have been arranged in his working space in the ballroom with arrows and things he walks down and he thinks he hears a voice and a ghost throws a ball back to him which we saw earlier this year in the changeling none of that made it into the final film she says we scored a lot of those we didn't know what was going to be used for sure stephen king has said that this is the only adaptation of his work that he remembers hating which is unfortunate but i understand it was not generally well received at the time and actually garnered two razzie nominations for stanley kubrick and shelly duvall neither one obviously that is shocking it's it's mind-blowing absolutely i was like quickly like as you're about to get to the awards i'm like oh did it you know i'm googling did it won any academy awards was it nominated it wasn't even that wasn't even nominated of people who i think were the most deserving on this film of winning an actual award yeah and uh scat man actually took home a saturn award for supporting actor but yeah no nobody in this got anything at the oscars for it what's a saturn award it's a sci-fi award but it's it's not for being bad so that's good yeah and it's like not even cinematography like again using brand new equipment and all these amazing shots yeah and not even a cinematography nomination and it didn't make good money either like the critical response when it first came out was horrendous opening weekend it lost to the gong show movie oh god yeah which costs like ten thousand dollars i don't know like nothing and uh and you know word of mouth eventually built it up and obviously it's achieved a cult status since then but um i think this movie must have just been really ahead of its time maybe yeah it's obviously made a huge dent in the pop culture world with several simpsons episodes parodying the film most directly in the first part of the fifth treehouse of horror episode called the shining which is phenomenal yeah we we re-watch it after we watch the movie or actually while we were paused in the middle of the movie and uh it's just great how they they build all the same scenes from the movie and add all these jokes to it don't be reading my mind between four and five that's really exciting see i think that so that was like the sixth season of the show and i i know that the simpsons at least for us is incredibly quotable and i'm like i probably haven't seen that that that episode since it came out until we re-watched it but i'm like i could have quoted so many lines for that episode no beer no tv makes home or something something go crazy don't mind if i do now this typewriter will be a window into his subconscious feeling fine [Laughter] because the film leaves so much open to interpretation there is a documentary called room 237 that was released in 2012 outlining some of the more popular fan theories as to the underlying intentions of the filmmakers ranging from the cultural assimilation of native americans to child abuse to minotaurs to the long-standing allegation that kubrick was employed by nasa to fake the 1969 moon landing this documentary is intolerable it absolutely is so you you got it to watch it and while you weren't around like you were working on some edits i was like i'll put it on and i had to turn it off like i think i made it 20 minutes into it before i'm like i can't stand this i gotta turn it off this is horrible i remember when i first watched it and this would be seven or eight years ago i guess and at the time watching it and giving everyone talking the benefit of the doubt in my head and being like oh this must just be a thing that i didn't notice and like that's clever of this person but re-watching it recently i realized intentionally or not that it's actually a documentary about how insane people can read too far into a movie and into like random details that obviously don't mean anything and the documentary misses the mark because we're never looking at the people that are espousing these theories we're not seeing their houses filled with cats we're never seeing their tinfoil hats yeah and we're just watching the movie and often the same scene over and over again one frame at a time and it's like this is not how this movie should have been presented we should never have seen one frame of the shining in this movie even when they're trying to describe to you a scene from the movie it should have just been showing this guy with a big you know a band-aid on his forehead and a bunch of cans on his desk telling you about how stanley kubrick's face is photoshopped into the sky of one frame after his name leaves this it's like no it's not it's totally i'm looking at it it's not there they show us things one frame at a time and i'm like i don't see what you don't know what you're talking about yeah it's uh it's real bad don't watch it don't waste your time this film was readapted as a tv movie in 1997 for abc who had previously done it and the tommy knockers and the stand the shining adaptation was starring stephen webber and rebecca de monet and was shot at the actual stanley hotel that inspired the overlooking king's novel it was directed by mick garris and adapted to tell a play by king himself he actually wrote the the script for the tv movie version i'm gonna get it right yeah i mean this obviously holds a lot closer to the script and there were things that weren't changed or to the book but there there were things that were changed from the novel to kubrick's adaptation because of like the limitations of the visual effects for example a bunch of topiaries come to life and then he changed it to a hedge maze because they didn't have a way to like accurately puppeteer a bunch of topiaries coming to life i like this version so much better than that because it's it's grounded in reality more you know that that everything that happens is like his hallucinations well his number one complaint is that and and i tend to agree that jack nicholson seems like he's crazy before he gets to the hotel yeah maybe he seems like an angry frustrated man i wouldn't call him crazy yeah there's when when they're having a conversation about the donner party when the three of them are in the bug on the way up to the hotel he is making these weird creepy faces into the camera that kind of sell him like already having a screw loose a weird crazy guy yeah well stephen weber plays it like and they still admit to like he had you know a violent past with danny and cause problems but uh and actually they changed that too because in in the kubrick movie he had dislocated his shoulder the kid's shoulder but in the book and in the mini series he broke his arm like fully broke the arm but stephen webber still plays it as more of like a really affectionate caring father when they're at the hotel for the first you know month or so before he starts to get so it's more of a transition yeah but i would say it's worth checking out it's better than i remembered when i rewatched it for this but a sequel to the kubrick shining called dr sleep which is adapted to from the sequel to the novel was released last year and tried to faithfully sequalize both incarnations of the shining so it tries to it makes concessions to both sides but it's all right um you watched it or yeah uh i i really enjoyed it yeah um it's i liked it better than the book because i had read the dr sleep book and i didn't care for it yeah it's kind of weird because they stephen king has been throughout his entire career now and especially with the dark tower been re-establishing that the shining and the supernatural abilities aren't a thing they're they're they aren't like a supernatural thing they're a physical thing that you can extract from somebody yeah um the the guy in the dark tower is trying to extract it from children and these uh people in dr sleep are trying to extract it from usually from children but are willing to get it from other sources as well um but it's something that you can extract and contain um and store and then use later it's it's like a they're like medicallorians it is and and i feel like it suffers the same problem with the medical audience which is like the over explaining of this like mystical power right it was fine just the way it was the poster for this film was done by saul bass who turned in around 300 versions before this one was finally approved and this is the one i know it's kind of a weird one this is the one that they picked a distorted jack nicholson face in the letter t yeah i was like this this is a terrible post it's not great yeah i think i was really because i didn't see this movie i think i saw it for the first time maybe in my early 20s but i had no idea what the movie was about before i had seen it i had only seen the poster yeah and this poster did not represent the movie well for me at all i thought this movie was going to be about aliens or something yeah it looks like an alien face doesn't it it's like stretched out i like saw bass posters i do too i really like the vertigo poster a lot i think that's great i'd like to see the 10th or 12th draft of this i don't think we needed 300. no i think they went too far out past the line on this one it almost seems like a poster from a foreign country it does it has that feel to it for sure speed of forward posters do love uh oh yeah the post one of the posters that we have hanging in our living room uh has jack nicholson from this movie even though it's a poster for one one flew over the cuckoo's nest they clearly um it was for the turkish release of this movie um and and so they clearly had never seen cuckoo's nest and they just got art from other things that they knew about it like well this guy's in this and this yeah this person's in this and it has jack nicholson squeezing his head through the hole in the doorway but they they changed the doorway into like bars of a prison cell and it has like shelley duvall screaming on it even though she's not in cuckoo's nest right and the movie's called and it's got turkish title it's got like these cavemen like characters holding a big rock over their head with pipes coming out of it with pipes coming out of it as if it were the sink i guess yeah and it has like christopher lee as a vampire for some reason there's a lot of weird stuff the poster is amazing maybe we should put it up on the instagram yeah we'll throw that on there you know granted this movie came out after cuckoo's nest right the turkish release was later and so this is this was their poster and it is it's it's fabulous i i got it at a flea market sale so it's an authentic poster from the original release of that movie yeah it's great it's pretty amazing now we're into the film uh we start in uh the colorado mountains is where we're supposed to be jack is driving a yellow volkswagen bug up to the overlook hotel in the mountains of estes park colorado we get a quick interview a job interview it's just him by himself driving and he gets to the hotel and he sits down with stuart allman who is the hotel manager and they discuss what his duties will be at the hotel it seems like he basically already has the job they're just letting him know right what to look out for and be worried about this is just like the final meet and greet just to make sure but we we get some indication that it was not a for sure thing yet but he's officially finding out here that yes you you're the man for the job we get a quick clip back home of wendy and danny talking about the upcoming season um that they are expecting to spend at the hotel danny doesn't seem super excited about it and neither does tony who is danny's imaginary friend and tony's speech is indicated by danny holding up a finger and just bending the top knuckle too to speak in this weird froggy voice tony do you think that'll get the job he already did he's gonna follow mindy up in a few minutes to tell her hullman warns jack that isolation can be difficult and he goes into detail talking about the tragedy of the winter of 1970 10 years ago wherein delbert grady who was the previous winter caretaker came out with his wife and two daughters and suffered a mental breakdown and killed his family with an axe he stacked all of their body parts in a room probably 237 but it's not specified here yeah and uh and shot himself um in the book and in the miniseries they don't tell him all of this they just tell him that the guy came out here and shot himself they don't mention the family until people figure it out on their own danny talks to tony in a bathroom at their house he's just holding up his finger and having a conversation about the hotel there's some charlie brown stickers on the door to the bathroom which relates to our next movie mm-hmm there's also a sticker from uh snow white and seven dwarves dopey doesn't relate to anything in striking contrast with what you'll hear if you watch room 237 jack calls wendy from the hotel lobby to say that he officially got the job and as a result he will probably be late home tonight because he's getting walked around the hotel danny begs tony for an answer as to why he hates the hotel and instead of giving him a verbal answer he gives dany a vision of the elevator doors opening at the hotel and blood pouring out of them which is probably the most famous shot from this movie right next to jack nicholson's face in a in a doorway but i have no idea how they did this shot they filled an elevator and opened it and dumped it just seems so difficult to get this shot to look the way you want it to look well uh from what i read it they had to reshoot it multiple times and each time they had to reset it it took 90 days to reset it it took them almost a year to get the shot that they wanted so so really they only actually shot it like three or four times correct but apparently the only reason that they had to keep going was because stanley kubrick was not happy with the color of the of the blood coming out of the elevator door like he was like oh it's too dark or it's not dark enough and so that's why they had to reset this whole thing and clean this whole hallway out and refill this whole thing that's crazy they probably had to build a whole new set yeah i can't imagine that you can repaint the walls yeah i've tried to paint blood off the walls but this uh this shot is actually in the trailer for the movie and the mpaa was like no no it's not and he's like why not and they were like you have like gallons and gallons of blood coming out of the elevator he's like oh no that's that's rusty water they're like is it it's like yeah it's rusty water and they're like okay i guess you can put it in the trailer so it's in the trailer amazing i feel like this is why this movie is is really good it's reasons like this that nowadays this would be a visual effects shot that we would that we would just tweak and post we know that for a fact because it's been in two movies very recently it's true that's true and they did not do it practically i'm sure yeah because they they they recreated this shot for ready player one uh for some footage of ready player one and they i think they reused the existing shot for dr sleep yeah but they like they punched into it or something like it's framed differently yeah um how would you change the framing every frame in this movie is framed perfectly yeah now you read the book for the shiny uh from what i was reading because i have not read the book but from what i was reading up is that tony is this a spoiler i don't think so that tony is supposed to be danny from the future yes because tony is actually his middle name anthony is his middle name and it's supposed to be him trying to like i guess just kind of guide him yeah yeah yeah no they they go into that in the book and in the mini series but uh here they don't really explain who tony is so i feel like that's not really a spoiler here so he's trying to shine himself from the future yeah okay but after seeing this vision of the elevator doors spilling blood all over um danny apparently collapses because we're cutting directly to a doctor checking him out um it seems like he had he basically blacked out i don't know if he had a seizure or anything but the doctor is telling wendy that he's probably fine they move out into the living room where wendy goes into a little bit of detail about some trouble that danny's had at school because he had an injury he was wearing a cast because jack got drunk and yanked on his arm and dislocated his shoulder but jack has stopped drinking he hasn't drunk in five months and that's kind of where we leave that conversation with the doctor i do remember reading somewhere although i couldn't find it in preparation for this podcast that that this one conversation with the doctor woman in the living room that they did over 100 takes of this and that the doctor the woman playing the doctor here was like having a breakdown because she'd never worked on a movie like this and she thought i'm doing something wrong or you're like making fun of me by making me do it again like she was just going crazy by the end of it um and he did that to shelly also during the course of this movie yeah pretty famously just driving her crazy on the set but yeah this was one of those scenes that for for no reason took way too many takes to get when it's really like a nothing scene that should have been like a one and done but now it's closing day the hotel is closing and the family is driving up to the hotel as they're driving up they're talking about the donner party because they don't want to get stranded in the mountains without food and they talk about how the members of the donner party had to cannibalize each other which danny knows all about cannibalism from television so when they get to the hotel ullman gives them a tour of the building danny moves to the game room where he's throwing darts at a board and when he goes to clear it he turns around and he sees these uh sisters in blue dresses that just kind of turn and walk away in unison they're twins in this movie but in all other iterations they're just siblings well and at this point it doesn't seem that unusual because there's still people bustling around the hotel right cleaning up and preparing to leave so yeah there could be kids there exactly only the staff rooms are heated during the winter so he goes to show them those rooms it looks like a pretty nice room i i feel like watching this movie i was like man i would love to just stay at this hotel for like six months and get paid for it to just not do anything and sleep in every day and full refrigerators yeah the the the duties that they have to do is to cycle the boilers and the heat throughout the hotel right so the pipes don't freeze and just so things kind of stay in generally good shape which is obviously a bigger deal in the book and the mini series because it's a major plot point that the boilers if he doesn't if he doesn't clear the boiler because the pipes are all rusted shut he has to do it manually and if he doesn't do it every day then the boiler will explode and blow up the whole hotel which doesn't happen at all in this movie and is not relevant to the plot but at the end of the book the hotel has exploded wow so i don't think that that was a necessary plot point like i mean i guess it is if you want the hotel to explode but well he's inside of it when it explodes so it plays a part in that movie um that makes sense obviously in dr sleep they well do we want to get into spoilers of dr sleep i mean i don't think it's spoiler to say that they visit the overlook hotel no it's in the trailer yeah so the overlook hotel exists still so clearly that's keeping with the the shining version of the story correct whereas other parts of it are following the the novel version of the story but uh the hotel apparently opened in 1909 as did the the hedge maze across the street which allman walks them past he shows them the snow cat which drives just like a car so if you can drive a car you can drive the snow cat he uh he takes them to the gold room which is emptied of liquor for the winter season but jack says that doesn't matter because he doesn't drink so it's perfect halloran shows up here in the gold room dick hallerin is played by scatman crothers and he offers to show wendy and danny the kitchen because they are a woman and a child and those people need to know where the kitchen is and the man needs to know where the axes are so he can chop wood and and people dick starts calling danny doc kind of unprompted and wendy seems more shocked than i think she should be she probably wouldn't even notice that he called him doc because they routinely call him doc but she's like well i don't remember calling him doc since we've been here and it's like yeah but you wouldn't you would just assume that you said it because this other person is saying doc now yeah they they go into a freezer um and he talks about how much meat they have in there and it just sounded amazing and then they go to a pantry where they have all the snack foods and cereals and stuff and as he's showing it to wendy danny kind of zones in on halloran who even though he's like speaking with wendy is looking directly at danny and then he asks danny telepathically if he would like ice cream i'd like some ice cream which is the first indication that these two characters have a connection that other people don't have while they leave with almond he sits down with danny and they have a little conversation about their powers the powers that they share dick's grandmother used to call it the shining or he he says that she called it shining not the shining danny says that tony won't let him talk about it with anybody and dick says did tony tell you anything about this hotel then danny says is there something bad here because he was warned against coming here but he doesn't know what it was and he asks specifically about room 237 and and accuses dick of being scared of room 237 and dick says there's nothing there and stay away from it don't go in there you got no business going in there yeah which which i love that that line in ready player one because h has not ever seen the shining yeah and he gets lured into 237 and later on they're they're talking about it's like we've got new business going into that room uh we get a title card that says a month later so we're now with just the family alone at this hotel wendy is rolling a uh breakfast in bed into jack and uh danny is doing laps around the lobby with the tricycle so we're getting kind of a geographic understanding of the hotel lobby uh wendy says she likes it here and jack says that he felt when he arrived like he had been here before he had some very powerful deja vu when he got to the hotel the first time jack bounces a ball off the hotel wall in that main lobby area which was bothering you because he's bouncing it off the wall right next to this buffalo head yeah it made me a crazy person well not only are you throwing it like towards like this buffalo head which you could very easily damage if you hit it but like just throwing it at a nicely painted wall you could well it's a tennis ball but still yeah still leave marks or dents or dirt or like but this plays into the native american just hitting them hard and just not caring about their stuff no no no no it doesn't no don't you know no it doesn't don't you know it's not what it's all about metaphors it's not a conspiracy metaphor it is the moonlighting one but um what nothing nothing i didn't fall victim to any of the conspiracy theories about this movie we never landed on the moon no that's not even what the guy's saying the guy's saying we landed on the moon but they faked it this one time for no reason wendy chases danny out of the hotel and into the hedge maze they actually make their way all the way to the center of it and back in the lobby jack is looking at a miniature model of the maze but we cut to this weird like matted aerial shot of the maze and then we're slowly zooming into the center where we actually see wendy and danny inside of it and then we cut to tuesday wendy is fixing another meal and she sees a tv report about a missing hiker and an incoming snowstorm danny rides his tricycle past room 237 and he stops for a second he stands up and he goes to touch the locked doorknob and he sees a flash of the two sisters again standing in the hallway jack types for a bit and then wendy interrupts him to announce the incoming snow and he gets really mad at her for coming in the room at all because he's trying to work and she shouldn't be in there and we cut to thursday by the way this missing hiker doesn't play into the rest of this story at all but we see the girl that goes missing in the beginning of dr sleep because it starts in 1980 before it moves to the present but the girl disappears also the woman reporting the snowstorm is also in the tv movie reporting a snowstorm yeah it brought the actors back oh you say oh that's i was wondering if they just used the same footage no they actually brought the action they were unable to find the body of lois einhorn hiker mystics friday you know finkland einhorn thursday wendy and danny are playing in the snow which is the exterior set of the hotel you could have fooled me really yeah like i was like oh it looks great yeah the only way that you can tell really the difference between the exteriors the the actual exteriors and the fake exteriors is that at the very center of the hotel there's this tall like spire triangular shape which is not in the fake exterior but aside from that it it looks exactly like the rest of the hotel and it's very very impressive work um it had to be a huge set and very expensive for a movie that didn't make a lot of money as wendy and danny are playing in the snow outside jack is just watching them through the window with a creepy face and that's basically all we get from thursday and then we cut ahead to saturday where uh jack is typing again and wendy is trying to operate the switchboard she's trying to use the phones but the phones don't seem to be working so she goes to allman's office to use the radio and she reaches out to the local forestry service and they tell her the phones are out because all the polls are above ground and they're going to be out till spring probably they don't really get fixed in the middle of the season but he suggests that she leave the radio on in case they need to contact her for emergencies danny trikes around the hotel until he finds the grady twins again and here they're telling him and then he's getting flashes of their severed legs and corpses in the hallway with blood just splattered all over the walls danny's covering his eyes in shock and just terrified of what's happening and uh eventually they disappear because he remembers uh tony reminds him what uh dick halloran said which is that they're just like pictures in a book that that it's not real and it can't hurt you yeah the the forces of the house have yet to be unleashed right uh we cut to monday we're watching tv danny asks if he can get his fire truck out of the room and wendy warns him that daddy is sleeping that he just went to bed so apparently he's been up all night trying to write and uh he will hurt you if you go into the room to get your truck and wake him up eventually she gives in and danny tiptoes into the room but jack is already awake he's sitting on the edge of his bed just kind of staring off into nothingness jack says come over here and gives him a hug asks if he's doing okay we get kind of an elmer bernstein sounding score here it's very like ethereal and disorienting and and jack it's weird because jack nicholson jack torrance but yeah and danny and danny yeah uh he he repeats the lines i want to stay here forever and ever and ever the the same lines that the little girls repeated yeah are their names jack and danny in the book yes so it's just a weird coincidence yeah or it's not a coincidence and they literally hired this kid because his name was danny it just makes it easier yeah just like he'll respond to danny if i say it on set um and then we'll tell people that we needed to get an exact accent when in actuality i just wanted someone whose name was danny that's all we were going for danny asks jack if he would ever hurt him or mommy and obviously jack thinks that this means wendy's been saying something like your father is very angry and he could hurt you and things like that but in reality what's probably happening is that he was listening to his father's thoughts there and heard him think some terrible stuff about them and then asked if that stuff would ever come true um but he obviously jack is very upset by this because he thinks wendy's like planting these terrible thoughts in in danny's mind we cut to wednesday where danny plays with some toy cars on the infamous overlook carpeting a pattern that is repeated all over the place people like it uh danny calls to wendy and notices that the door to 237 is now open we fade to wendy checking the boilers and she hears a faint shouting sound eventually she finds jack passed out at the typewriter and he's screaming incoherently in his sleep and as she wakes him up he collapses to the floor off of his chair and he's like very disoriented and clearly just came out of a very deep sleep dream and he admits that he just had this insane nightmare where he killed wendy and danny which i think is when you said like this is when you put the kid in the car and you leave like right here right this section you're out of there you don't wait for anything else yeah he says he chopped them up and uh danny very slowly enters the room and we're only seeing this from behind danny and wendy says oh why don't you go to your room i'm just talking with daddy here yeah her reading of this is like perfect mom is like she's all danny everything is okay yeah and but he's very slowly moving forward and he's got one hand up so you think he's either holding something or you don't know what what exactly is happening but there's something going on that she's not noticing from across the room and uh when he ignores her telling him to go upstairs and he keeps walking closer and closer to them that's when she notices that his shirt is all torn and that his neck is bruised really badly and she immediately assumes that this wasn't just a dream that jack had that he actually did something whether in his sleep or awake that hurt danny and she starts screaming at jack and he's just completely confused and walks away from them instead of denying it or anything like that right here right he literally just leaves and at this point if you weren't convinced by the crazy dream in that snow cat and get the hell out of there your kid's already hurt your kid is hurt you you he did it like you don't wait you don't think about it you get in that thing and you go yeah um jack wanders into the gold rum still half dazed he looks up and starts talking to a bartender who we don't see until we eventually get the reverse angle he somehow knows the bartender's name is lloyd despite the fact that he's not wearing a name tag or anything but he orders a bottle of bourbon a glass with some ice and he says here's to five miserable months on the wagon and all the irreparable harm it's caused me jack denies hurting danny and he vents about wendy to lloyd and then lloyd responds with women can't live with them can't live without them which is i think supposed to plant in our heads the the obvious turn on that phrase that has become more popular i think than that phrase which is the women can't live with him can't kill him which i think was is originally a stand-up comedian told the joke that way but that's become like the more the more spoken version of that joke wendy starts running around with a bat screaming for jack and you're like what is happening like is she coming to attack him now that this happened and uh she moves into the gold rum and she gets right next to him and she tells jack that there's a crazy woman in 237 and that she attacked danny this is where the first time watching the movie and even re-watching it now the first time i get goosebumps yeah is when just her performance 100 sells what's going on here and the implication that there's another person here that we didn't know about that hurt our son is terrifying and stephen king has said multiple times he doesn't understand what anyone thinks is scary about this movie because he thinks it's corny and silly compared to what he wrote this is so much better than anything that happens in the shining well because it's such a big place and there's only three of them there's it's very easily someone could be lurking and hiding you'd never know yeah and you're never gonna find the person either but it's just so terrifying and her delivery the the panic in her voice and the way it's shaking and and her eyes and she's just she she is legitimately terrified and you have to remember between takes here she's getting chewed out endlessly by kubrick for doing things wrong and and not being a good actress and and so she's panicking that she's going to get fired from this movie the whole time when you know it's just informing her performance and i think even in some of the talking head interviews on the the making the shining documentary that vivian kubrick did she she talks about i knew it i i realized now that he was getting the performance out of me and i respect him for it but um what it was part of his process and it helped it helped the performance i don't know if she actually feels that way because she's being interviewed by his daughter yeah but even if she doesn't feel that way it still was a traumatic experience doesn't it erase what still abuse yeah but what i like about this scene is that jack gives gives her the benefit of the doubt well not at first the first thing he says is are you out of your [ __ ] mind yeah yeah but then he goes well in what room was it yeah i mean he he's like he's willing to check it out yeah we uh we cut to dick halloran's apartment where uh he's watching television we see his feet propped up on a pillow at the edge of his bed that's what you were looking at well that's not what we see at first first we see the legs and then we we paint up to reveal that there's a picture of a naked woman hanging on the wall above his television and then we get the reverse angle of him on the bed and we pan up and see another naked woman above his bed the point of this scene was that kubrick didn't want this to be like oh some old preacher character like some like priest who has like this magical connection because he's just a morally good character it's like no i wanted to show that he's an everyman and he has porn hanging in his house because he's just an average person right and he doesn't think he's better than anyone clearly lives alone and he travels back and forth by the season to this hotel and then back to miami right yeah he lives in miami and uh he's watching this uh this report on television while he's watching tv he gets a shining message from danny and it's saying you need to come back here and help me right now and he's reacting to it like he's receiving a message in his head and we cut to danny kind of foaming at the mouth sending this long range message from the hotel we get a point of view shot of jack exploring room 237 because the door was still open he moves through the room which is like it has this weird purple and green carpet compared to the rest of the hotel it's a different color it seems like themed differently he moves into this like mint green bathroom area where there's a naked woman in a bathtub behind a curtain and she pulls the curtain out of the way and she stands up steps out of the tub and he gets this devilish grin on his face and the two of them start kissing but then while he's pulling her tighter he notices that she looks different than she did before they actually made contact with each other and then he notices in a mirror that she's like decomposing and that she's actually like an elderly woman who's like falling apart and we're getting this intercut with shots of her like corpse floating in the bathtub yeah and he starts freaking out and backing away from her dick hollering tries to call from his home to the hotel but the phones are still out obviously so he's not able to get a hold of anyone jack goes back to where wendy was and says there's nothing in the room there i don't know what was going on there's nothing in there which i'm not sure why he says this unless there's like two parts of him already here that one of them knows what's going on and the other one doesn't like if he literally doesn't remember what happened in there or he just wants to hide from her that there are weird things afoot wow or maybe he wants to hide that he was making out with some other lady yeah but this was a very supernatural situation i feel like i would be like oh yeah there's a ghost in here so he's embarrassed that he made out with the old lady that was falling apart you get it you get one pass and if it's a ghost lady yeah or if it's like it's it's basically it's another gong show movie reference it's like i never slept with her like this old 85 year old pregnant woman she's she's trying to figure out if there wasn't anyone in the room how to account for what happened to danny and jax suggests that maybe danny did this to himself right so that's not where i go like if if the woman's not in the room i just assume she's not in that room somewhere else now was the door open like i don't assume that this kid managed to strangle himself he's clea she's clearly hiding somewhere else in the hotel waiting to attack us yeah but she says that's not possible and uh we cut to danny in bed uh laying on his side but with his eyes completely wide open and he's basically like eavesdropping on their conversation via the shining uh without actually being in the room with them well i don't even think he needs to because they're probably it sounds like they're kind of yelling yeah i don't know if if he is within earshot of them or not it looked like the implication was that he's using his powers to hear what they're saying but maybe maybe you're right maybe they're just in the other room and he's just pretending to sleep let's listening to mommy and daddy fight as a time-honored tradition yes um we get the elevator bloodshot again and then jack starts shouting at wendy for [ __ ] up his life he storms angrily back to the gold rum when he starts to hear this like old-fashioned music playing like from the 20s like maybe 21 even specifically he sees balloons and party favors all strewn about in the hallway as he gets closer dick halloran reaches the local forest service and asks them if they could please check on the hotel because he thinks that they might be having a problem we come back to jack entering the now crowded gold room bar and uh he tries to pay for a second drink but lloyd won't take his money it's no good here he didn't bring money the first time and he came prepared this time but lloyd is like your money's no good here and he says he i'm a man who likes to know who's buying his drink and then he says well you know we'll we'll let you know when it's important who's buying your drink yeah it doesn't concern you right at least not at this point yeah and then he steps away from the bar for a second and does this like loopy dance for a minute and then he crashes into delbert grady who is avoiding another patron and then spills a tray of i think he says apricot drinks no it's it's advocate it's a it's a drink with egg in it it's like oh okay it's like a fancy european thing whatever it is it stains and so they have to move into the bathroom which is just behind the bar here to clean up uh jack's clothes it's not like he's wearing anything super fancy compared to everyone else in here but they want to take care of it right away and uh while they're in there delbert introduces himself as delbert grady which jack recognizes is the name of the caretaker who murdered his family he tells grady this that you were the caretaker here weren't you and he says oh no you're the caretaker here you've always been the caretaker here and the two of them kind of back and forth jack insisting and grady denying that he's that he killed his family here as the caretaker so i'm trying to figure out at this point when he says something like you've always been the caretaker is is the concept of the person who is the caretaker is sort of being transitioned from person to person as they come in and so it was gradient when he came there and he got sort of taken over by this spirit that is the caretaker and now it has transitioned into jack and so now he is the caretaker but he is the spirit that's always been the caretaker i don't know or is this just his version of this delusion like does everyone experience a different delusion of the the the role of caretaker uh but also i was gonna bring this up at the end but i'm sure we'll bring it up now i mean there's been a 10-year gap of nothing happening right so presumably there have been caretakers in between correct we see one at the beginning when he's going in to do his interview there's another guy bill there who was the previous caretaker who is leaving he's not staying at the hotel anymore so i kind of assumed bill was actually a caretaker during the year but you're saying he was the previous years right i'm just saying there are other caretakers but but also you know they do this every winter so there's been at least one person there right every winter but since the grady killings and now the torrance family somebody's managed to survive the winter yeah right but they might not have had families with them so maybe i mean there might be a difference in that that's possible i feel like if every family man who shows up for the job murders his entire family i would stop hiring family men that's a weird trend you ever notice how all the guys with kids end up turning their kids into firewood isn't that weird maybe we should stop hiring guys with kids that's discrimination you're not even allowed to ask in the interview that's true yeah maybe if they had more kids it would be better you can't kill all those kids nobody has enough kids that you can't kill them in one answer i'm just gonna put that on the table right now grady warns jack that his son has put out a call to someone outside the hotel an n-word cook and he tells jack about danny's powers which jack seems not to know anything about yeah i mean they know about tony a little bit but they don't know that he has any abilities beyond an imaginary friend i guess so he's done a good job of hiding it apparently and delbert grady suggests that perhaps they need a good talking to if you don't mind my saying so perhaps more like hey kill your family kill your family friend homer me and the other ghosts are really upset that you haven't killed your family yeah uh wendy plans an escape out loud walking back and forth in her room i thought that was uh risky of her she's just going back and forth like i'll just take the kid i'll take the kid and we'll get on the snow cat and we'll go down to the bottom of the mountain and someone will get to us and it's like what if jack is standing like right around the corner like you're just gonna get murdered right here the house is listening um but still i think that is showing that she's just you know she's hitting a breaking point right she's just kind of going crazy he's not the only one with the cabin fever situation this is actually just shelley duvall running her lines yeah filmer i've gotten i've broken her and now she's actually crazy now we hear red rum for the first time here danny is shouting it in this really creepy intonation red from red rhyme red rum like it's getting higher pitching faster and faster and uh wendy goes in to wake him up and she can't wake him up eventually she gets into a conversation with tony because she can't reach danny and tony tells her and he's not here mrs torrance we hear the forest service reaching out over the radio into allman's office k2k1 calling k2k12 but jack intercepts the message and destroys the radio because he thinks that they're plotting behind his back dick hollering calls the forest service again and they say we couldn't reach the hotel now we get a title that says 8 a.m so we're getting more specific with the time this seems like this is going to be an eventful day if we have to separate it into the the hours of the day now we see a continental flight as dick holleran is now flying from miami to colorado to get to the hotel as fast as he can jack is typing away and uh when dick holleran lands at the airport he calls a local shop to rent a snow cat so that he can get up the mountain because all the roads are out uh his friend larry durkin at the snowcat place uh tells him i'll get it set up i'll have it ready for you when you get here we see dick driving through really crappy snow and we see a very nasty accident of it looks like an 18-wheeler basically rolled over a car yeah i don't know like did they set this up too for the movie or was there just legitimately an accident one thing from room 237 that i think might not be totally inaccurate other than the moon landing other than the moon landing thing which obviously we didn't land on the moon is that in the book the volkswagen bug is red but in the movie it's yellow but in this accident here it's a red volkswagen bug that's crushed by the truck yeah so the suspicion of the person in room 237 was that this is kubrick saying [ __ ] your movie i dropped a truck on it like who cares what you wanted to happen here yeah what if bumblebee is like the car from the shiny oh my gosh crossover there's no there's no other cars in this movie it doesn't really work beyond bumblebee the snow cat the snow cat transformers into an actual cat wendy asks danny to sit still while she chats with jack and she takes the the bat and she goes to the writing room where jack has told her repeatedly not to come in here whether or not he's writing because he's not writing he's thinking about what he's going to write and he's not in here but she finds the typewriter and she goes to read some of his work and it's the same sentence over and over and over again all work and no play makes jack a dull boy with various typos because he's an actual typewriter and yeah and what are you gonna do sometimes dull boy is one word yeah and i was like is that is double one word it can be like one of them said dull bot dolbot oh my god that ties into our transformers but yeah there's pages and pages of this i think there was something like 500 pages typed originally for the film jack enters the room and asks how she likes it he follows her across the room very menacingly even though he's not armed he's just uh he has a very menacing uh force to him we get this weird like underwater sounding filter of his voice saying like maybe it was about danny maybe it was about him danny sees the elevators flushing the the hallway with blood again this time we're seeing the shot for longer and it's washing all the furniture down the hall jack reminds wendy of his responsibility to the hotel owners they can't just leave and leave the hotel here because he has a job to do but there are two adults and one child so she can leave yeah uh without uh breaking any of his responsibilities they start moving up the steps yeah i i really like this line one of them is a a clip from the beginning of our our episodes wendy darling well so wendy says that she just wants to go back to her room and he says why and she goes [Laughter] because she's like i don't know how to say this without making you angrier yeah yeah it's like she's trying to be nonchalant i think i just need to take a rest yeah she's like also making it her problem like i'm just confused like i need to go figure things out you're fine this is great what you're doing i love this energy i'm gonna go back to the room he says wendy darling light of my life i'm not gonna hurt you you didn't let me finish my sentence i said i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just gonna bash your brains i'm gonna bash him right the [ __ ] in she keeps swinging this bat i think someone counted it she swings it like 41 times at him which obviously is a reference to the 41 but can you imagine how exhausting this must have been to film because she swings it 41 times in this cut how many hundreds of other times did she swing it's funny because uh this is one of those scenes where people say oh there was 180 takes of this shot but the people that actually worked on it said there was only like 30 but still 30 times 41 swings like that's a lot they're going up and down these stairs 30 times swinging this bat around and i'm sure she's legitimately going crazy by the end of it yeah but uh he's trying to grab the bat out of her hand as she's swinging it and eventually she gets him in the back of his hand one of the times that he reaches for it and then she gets him in the head and he collapses and falls down the stairs um which is a pretty cool shot i was gonna say he looks like he actually just falls down these stairs yeah i mean i have to assume this was a stunt guy i don't know maybe it might have just been jack do it again yeah another take yeah that would that would be pretty rough if you did this 30 times um but uh we cut to her dragging him by the feet through the kitchen locking him in the pantry and uh when she closes the door and locks it behind her um we have him in the pantry going like pretending to be dizzier than he is and trying to make her worried that he's gonna die from the the impact and uh and he's like oh i think you hit me real bad oh i'm not feeling so good and this shot was done from like underneath him like looking up yeah they show it in the documentary and it's just so impressive like he's he's scouting out the shot like kubrick is laying on the ground looking up and he's like yeah we can do it from down here i'm thinking i don't even know how you get a film camera underneath him in that space and film that shot it's just you do the uh orson wells well that's not what they do though there's a guy there and he just has a really small but somehow still 35 millimeter camera and he's laying completely packed down on the floor against the the wall and he's also he has foil on his chest because there's a light that's the only light source for the scene in the middle of his chest to light jack's face and he also has um a gel that he's holding with his other hand over the light so he's holding a gel and the 35 millimeter camera and getting this shot of jack and jack is like pretending to talk to her while he's looking down like formulating his his lie into the camera with this creepy smile and uh obviously she doesn't open the door for him and she says i'm i i'm gonna go get help i'm gonna get danny and we're gonna go down and we're gonna find a doctor and i'm gonna bring a doctor back to take care of you but we're gonna leave in the snow cat he says you got a big surprise coming to you why don't you go check on that snow cat and the radio and the radio and she verifies his declaration that both have been destroyed 4 p.m uh jack wakes up in the pantry um halfway through a box of oreos and a bunch of other stuff he clearly ate a bunch of food until it seems like he's been there for a while but i just love that he just gave up and just started like well all right i'm hungry what do we got but he wakes up to a knocking at the pantry door and uh grady uh is outside we hear his voice through the door wondering aloud why his family isn't a pile of limbs yet jack says no need to rub it in mr grady he promises to fulfill his duties and grady lets him out of the pantry which is so far the most supernatural thing we've seen happen i was gonna say this is the this is the only thing i feel like in the entire movie that can't be explained by him hallucinating it yeah well i guess danny's markings well i mean he still could have done it he could have done that could have done that to himself or he could have done it to danny that's true yeah but the popular theory here is that danny let him out or tony did because of all the i don't know why why i don't know he's back and forth in a trance and he has unexplainable actions later in the film so it's also possible that he knows what's going to happen yeah right so he uh so he doctor strange is this one and it's like the only way we're going to make this that's why he holds up one finger one that was him poking out the pin that was holding the door closed yeah and he's like one mr torrence he pulled his finger no i think the implication is that the the ghost yeah yeah for sure and then in the sims this episode it's like moe is being lloyd and he's letting him out but then also there's like the wolf man dracula the mummy like all these different ghouls are just dragging him out of the pantry because homer had resigned himself just to eat eat in the pantry which seemed like what he was going what's what uh jack was gonna do anyway so i just love that in the simpsons like this is the most homer thing to do yeah dick halloran shows up in the rented snow cat danny starts chanting red rum at wendy's bedside while she's asleep he grabs a knife off of her bed stand and he like checks it to see how sharp it is he's like running his fingers over the blade of it but then he picks up her lipstick and he starts writing red rum as he's chanting it on the door next to her bed and he slowly transitions from tony to danny yes it's tony going red rob red round red rum then he starts going to danny like higher pitch yeah and uh she wakes up while this is happening and takes the knife away from him immediately and then suddenly we see uh in the mirror that redrum spells murder on the door and lipstick and suddenly jack is swinging an axe into the door to their room which wendy has locked even though he was in the pantry and locked away she also locked this bedroom door because she's not an idiot i would have i would have hidden in another room no no this one this is the room this is the room for me also i feel like i wouldn't be going to bed i would be scouring that shed for a new distributor cap or something to get this thing going again i would not have given up on the snow cat it's easy to get down the hill but she uh yeah so we see jack swinging an axe into the door with this really cool shot and they repeat the action of it later but like the camera is like following the motion of the accident it slams to a stop every time the axe hits the door it's like it's motion stabilized on the yeah it looks like a pan and scan effect but it's very cool the way it works out and uh he he gets through the first door but wendy has taken danny into the bathroom and she opens the bathroom window to outside the hotel um luckily the snow is piled up to exactly that windows level so she's able to push dany out this window and he could just slide down the snow hill and she's telling him to just run get away wherever you can and uh she tries to get out but she can't fit completely out this window so she has the knife that that she took from danny still and jack gets to the bathroom door and he starts chopping through that when he when he gets through the first door he says something like honey i'm home or something like that yeah and then he does the three little pigs yeah and uh once he punches a hole in the in the bathroom doors when he sticks his face in that crack and he says here's johnny she's freaking out she the performance we're getting from her in this room as he's chopping through the bathroom door is like some of her best work in the whole movie and i've heard people complain that it's like oh it's so over the top and it's like no no this woman is like has been chased around by this insane person all day who now has an axe right who's inches away from her yeah and uh i i believe 100 her performance here and i feel like it's just insane that anyone would even joke about nominating this for a razzy like that blows my mind that that happened but uh he he gets that hole in the door and then he reaches through it to unlock the bathroom door and she slices his hand with a knife and he pulls his hand back through without unlocking the door but then while he's looking at his own hand and the blood dripping off of it he hears a snow cat outside so either danny fix that one or there's another snow cat here that's interesting and so he leaves to investigate that danny has run even though he was outside he ran back into the hotel is that where you would have run i don't think i would have ran back inside i don't know that there's a lot of places that would be safe to go and warm yeah because he would freeze to death if he stayed outside for an extended period of time so i think he was just like i'm going to go back to the hotel but hide somewhere where he doesn't know i am and can't possibly find me even though there's clearly some supernatural [ __ ] going on so maybe he can find me anyway but uh he pulls like a jurassic park and he goes to hide in this metallic cabinet and uh wendy is crying alone in the bathroom but she realized that jack isn't there anymore that he's not trying to get into the bathroom and uh jack is limping back through the lobby of the hotel towards dekalaran's voice because he's saying hey is anybody here what's going on after all this after the after the flight and renting the snow cat driving through all this terrible traffic and accidents and everything he's he's about 30 steps into the lobby when suddenly jack comes out from behind a column and just buries the axe full full bore into his heart it reminded me of the macgyver uh the the dr zito episode yeah when the guy comes up the cop comes up the stairs and the guy's just waiting at the top of the stairs with the axe yeah but this is also crazy because in the book the caleron survives the whole thing so that was a this is another moment for stephen king watching the movie to be like what the [ __ ] like the guy flew the whole way across the country to save the kid and then you just axe him in the chest immediately god damn it also parodied on the simpsons uh with willie yeah uh keeps getting axed in every episode yeah danny screams because he's obviously psychically connected to scat man and so when he gets the axe in the heart he feels the pain of that person dying and uh screams in his little cabinet which basically gives away his location and jack turns to follow him wendy looking for danny finds the this is the most unexplainable shot in the movie a guy in like an assless furry costume going down on a fancy gentleman yeah um i don't know is that the bartender i don't think so i thought it was i think it's just a different a different person from the party scene but i don't know why this guy's in a bear costume i mean because they're up in the mountains yeah it's just like what else are you gonna do but uh yeah i guess maybe i would be doing the same thing in 1921. it's like what are we gonna do there's no video games yet why don't i put on that bear costume and blow you well see and [Music] well i'm also wondering thank god they invented video games by the way i i almost wonder if this is the the hotel attempting to get her like attempting to show her these hallucinations the way that it showed what do you mean get her to get her on the house the hotel side like because well because because because the hotel didn't always only show jack pleasant things it showed him horrible things too that's true um and now all of a sudden it starts bombarding her with these like creepy images of everything but it's all party goers from that 1920s party for some reason and a room full of skeletons yeah that was weird that i feel like everything else was fine no i i still stand by my comment that the bear costume makes the least sense but she moves into the lobby and suddenly it's like all lit and blue and there's skeletons and cobwebs everywhere and they disappear like in the next shot aesthetically this shot stands out in the film i'll give you that it looks like a goosebumps episode yes um in the middle of a very serious movie but yeah uh danny runs into the maze with jack limping after him uh wendy finds dick holleran's body and another ghost with a bloody forehead holding a drink saying something about like isn't this a great party or something like that in the in the maze we have jack basically follow danny around corners repeatedly until danny gets to a place where he decides he's going to start walking backwards through his own footsteps to mask the direction he went and then he crawls back under one of the hedges to hide himself now we get wendy seeing the actual elevator blood and danny manages to get out of the maze but jack does not and wendy and danny take the snow cat away from the hotel the one that scat man brought them and i guess he must have left the keys in there that's lucky i i would have loved the parody of is that they they open up the hood of the the functioning uh to get this jupiter cap to go to repair to the other one yeah yeah so they they leave the hotel in the snow cat and in the morning we see that jack has frozen to death in the in the maze angrily frozen to death yeah like like he would he stayed angry all the way through freezing yeah he just sat down and stared straight ahead like god damn it this was a stupid idea and uh he froze like that i like at the end of the simpsons they're all frozen like that around the television and the tony awards come on and they can't change the channel [Music] we slow push into a picture on the wall of the hotel with a celebration from 1921 and it's the party that jack was visiting only he is actually in this picture in the center of frame so i think the question would be is this a real picture or was he added to the picture like are if he's all the people that the hotel has claimed yeah was that originally an empty bowl he's always been the caretaker so yeah i don't know did was it was it i mean i think that it would be clearer to me if him and delbert were both in this picture that would just be like oh okay these are like it's like a reincarnation type thing and these people are being brought back to the hotel by some greater power because they actually did live there and worked there in the past but the fact that it's just jack makes me think well maybe it is just whoever most recently was taken over by the hotel is replaced in this picture so it's not clear but it shouldn't be clear because it's gonna be people gotta talk about it i wanna talk about some connections between this film and empire strikes back go the movie's over by the way that's the that's the last shot of the film is the uh is the 1921 party picture and you said there were no credits in the original because we had credits streaming up at the beginning yeah but this just ends on that yeah and then we get these digitally added credits now okay so okay because that that the version i saw had that as well yeah um but uh so here are some things that this movie has in common with uh empire strikes back i already mentioned that the the snow uh was used on the hoth set and was used in this movie i suspect maybe prematurely that both of these films are in our top two or three for the year letterboxed wise danny hurt himself and wendy says that's not possible which reminded me of point mark hamilton that's impossible while also escaping from fathers yes uh they both feature a father trying to kill his twin children only one succeeds um they both feature characters communicating telepathically with each other and they both feature characters later played by ewan mcgregor so those are those are the similarities that i know very nice let's go through the cast of crew and then we'll talk about our our thoughts on the film but director obviously stanley kubrick 2001 a space odyssey clockwork orange doctor strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb lolita spartacus good stuff all around um eyes wide shut yeah i owe it a re-watch but it's probably still not great i'm not even going to count ai writer was diane johnson that was the co-writer with stanley this was her only screenwriting credit but she also has a novel that was adapted into the 2003 featured divorce which i have not seen but those are only two credits on imdb uh the novel was written by stephen king this is only the second feature adaptation of his work after carrie but we'll hit a lot of these as we move forward obviously the 80s and 90s saw a lot of adaptations of king's work yeah as tv movies and is theatrically released feature films the music we said before was wendy carlos and rachel alkind they composed music for clockwork orange earlier they composed the tron theme yeah in the first tron movie they have a credit obviously in features like ready player one which sample from the shining and wendy carlos specifically composed the peter and the wolf album with weird al yankovic that i enjoyed very much as a kid uh dp here was john alcott who was amazing he did clockwork orange and barry linden which is probably like one of the most amazingly shot movies right all natural light if not super interesting but he will be back later this year lensing terror train okay interesting interesting double feature uh jack nicholson was jack torrance here you know him from this probably uh easy rider chinatown cuckoo's nest batman um that's jack nicholson you know jack nicholson shelly duvall was wendy torrence she'll be olive oil and popeye later this year yeah it's a hell of a year for her with wendy torrens and olive oil yeah one one more celebrated than the other i love both of them maybe equally i she was the only person who could ever play olive oil she was born to play that character for sure um she was in altman's three women with [ __ ] spacek and janice rule is another favorite of mine i like her in uh roxanne she's got a very small part but uh she's the steve martin's like good friend in that movie yeah i like her as the mom in frankenweenie also which is a short i guess uh she's also dame pansy and time bandits yeah and uh she was the creator of children's series shelley duvall's bedtime stories i loved those you have it on dvd right i don't think i do but i i remember i did at one point i i don't know i think i remember watching them as a kid i think i watched at least one with you and i thought it was from a dvd oh no you know what i'm thinking of the storyteller oh yeah i definitely had dvd of storytellers but i didn't have i'm confusing the two yeah i mean there's some there's similar types of shows uh but i definitely watch these as a kid because i vividly remember many episodes of this show and it was great yeah at least to my very young self it was great i don't know i haven't seen it haven't given it a re-watch lately uh danny lloyd played danny here he does not have a lot of credits but he also had a cameo in the sequel to dr sleep or not the sequel to dr sleep the sequel he plays the guy at the baseball game who is like oh yeah you should see this kid he really knows what he's doing um i was really surprised to see jacob trembley take that small role yeah and he's he's actually it's maybe the best i've seen it's i i told my mom don't watch this movie yeah this one scene yeah you will not be able to stomach it yeah it's it goes on for a long time and it's very upsetting yeah and and i think that's uh one of the things that i did appreciate about dr sleep is that it feels very much like a stephen king book which are like unapologetically brutal at those scenes and uh you know if you don't want to see like kids or animals murdered then just don't go to see stephen king movie faithful adaptation of a stephen king movie scat man cruthers was hallerin here um he was turkle in cuckoo's nest um he's mr bloom in kick the can which is spielberg's twilight zone segment he's hong kong phooey yep i got that on here don't worry he's the voice of hong kong he's also the voice of jazz yeah from transformers oh my gosh um maybe that's how it happened he did bring the transformer here oh my god he was dexter jones and zapped oh man we're gonna get to zap soon right 82. okay uh and he will be back for bronco billy later this year so we get more skatman right away i'm very excited about that uh again today would be his 110th birthday uh barry nelson was almond you know him as jimmy bond from that climax episode yeah he was the very first person to portray james bond about 11 years before connery yeah yeah somewhere in there it's like 54 to 62 so eight years before but yeah so he was uh the first james bond he was an american named jimmy bond and it was adapted for a television series called climax but it was casino royale it was casino that's which is the first james bond story um the first one that was written i didn't recognize many of his other credits so i'm just gonna go with that but uh it's worth checking out uh for trivia purposes i wouldn't say it's phenomenal peter lori's fun as the chief but uh yeah phillip stone was grady he plays uh alexander delarge's father in clockwork orange he's captain blumbert in the temple of doom he'll be zoggy the high priest later this year in flash gordon and apparently he's also in thunderball he plays one of the spectre agents specter number five in thunderball so just one of those scenes with a bunch of henchmen sitting around a table yeah i think i think that's like the the the famous one where he's got the chair that sends the guy down into the flaming paper right that uh dr evil famously parodied joe turkle was lloyd uh he played dr eldon tyrell in uh blade runner right probably his most like like noticeable other than this yeah playing the bartender is like yeah tyrell um and he also worked with kubrick previously as tiny and the killing and private pierre arnaud in paths of glory ann jackson played the doctor the pediatrician she was in folks with one f in 1992 not related tony burton was durkin larry durkin uh he plays wells you in assault on precinct 13. um and john carpenter assault uh yes okay and uh he's also apollo's trainer in rockies one through six but i don't think he's in the creed movies but he's in all the ones that have rocky in the title david baxt played forest ranger one that's the first guy that she gets a hold of um he plays batman's dad in the 1989 batman movie nice ah the one that joker kills spoiler alert batman's dad dies what he must be devastated uh manning redwood which is an awesome name manning redwood plays forest ranger number two and he apt yeah exactly uh he plays bob conley in view to a kill he's uh i think it was general miller and never say never again i just have general miller here but i'm pretty sure he was in two james bond movies uh with with one with roger moore and one with sean connery and uh he was also officer lowell and outland which i haven't seen another sean connery yeah it's a jumping on the the sci-fi craze i was going to say is it looks saturn 3e it's very saturn 3e it's it's sean connery is a uncorruptable cop who's been put onto this mining colony where there's a huge drug problem and is he holding a shotgun on the poster yeah okay peter boyle is like the head of this drug ring and the previous peter boyle is the head of a drug ring yeah look he did the same thing and where the buffalo room when it's in your top three okay that's that's a different kind of head over okay fine but you win but but connery doesn't want to play ball uh because he's not corruptable and so they plan to kill him yeah well that sounds worth checking out at the very least or not i'm getting an early thumbs down on that one i i have a problem with it and it's it's like it really says a lot about me as a person and i'm not proud of it the problem is that he's not wearing as few clothes as he does no he he has a telephone call with his son and his son is really fat and kind of gross and it's less like i love your son this is like that's enough for you to be like never watch this movie anyone like this is his son this is this like guy's son have you seen sean connery luckily richard does not have children yeah oh boy my kids are fat i'm never gonna call them or tell them i love them a weird film choice well unfortunately for me and now i have to see it so thanks a lot the shining is great though oh i wanted to mention one more cast member sure because i want to see barry dennan barry dannon uh i will do one of his imitate one of his most famous characters [Music] oh is he uh a whale in something was he uh a luck dragon [Laughter] no really i'm not my voice is all messed up so i'm probably not doing right he's chamberlain who's chamberlain the dark crystal oh okay i got you i got you i don't know that character is one of the sketchy's i assume that my [ __ ] he's the most famous skekies he's the one who's horrible because he thinks he's trying to help and he's just the worst at it i wasn't too far off with the luck dragon i think no that's i think that's i was at least in the realm of puppets yeah i guess i guess i i might just no no dark crystal fans here i don't like the dark crystal actually i've heard that the netflix show is very well received i could go without seeing another episode of it but uh jack seems to like it yeah um but yeah i've never been a dark crystal fan i think it was because when uh when it first got put on for me someone was like oh this is exactly like the labyrinth no i was like i love the labyrinth let's watch it and i was like this is not like the labyrinth like other than there's puppets in it when i was a kid and i saw this movie it was like it it wasn't scary because it was a scary movie it was scary because they are legitimately terrifying creature design oh yeah absolutely although it was cool to see them in person at that the muppet show they did at the oh yeah that exhibit was awesome what was the what's that place called uh the skirball museum there you go yeah yeah yeah did we have any other comments we wanted to make on the shining specifically i feel like we talked a lot about it that's what i'm going through i love it like i love it let's just do our ups and downs on our boxes all right uh up or down jessica i'll give it an up i'll give it a solid up okay it's a it's a it's also a solid up from me yes up there that's three ups good job kubrick i know you've just been waiting for our approval posthumously you've got it all right jess where's this going letterbox wise number one richard versus cohen oh boy number two i mean i i know i think i have to give it number one i love really okay i really love empire strikes back but this movie is just so amazing i've seen it in the theaters several times uh and i i never stop liking it uh it's just really great everything about this movie is amazing it is so beautifully and competently shot and designed and active acting is incredible like there i there isn't a flaw to this movie it is a perfectly crafted movie yeah i think i think honestly you you get a lot more control over the performances when you limit most of the story to three characters when when it's like literally just three people in a huge empty building but limited locations limited characters yeah it's just he has painstakingly crafted every element in this movie to perfection but uh yeah for me it's also it has to be number one i think uh kubrick is still in my mind probably unparalleled like the greatest working directors right now just like desperately want someone to compare them to kubrick you know like chris nolan is just obsessed with being the new kubrick yeah and he's not he's not the new kubrick but he really really desperately wants to be and uh and i think that's the biggest compliment you can pay to kubrick is that the most respected directors right now just wish that someone would confuse them for kubrick and uh and this is why this movie is why because he does stuff like this and it's just incredible and there's not a frame that you would change and it's just actually there's one thing i might change i really don't like the font for the opening titles with the light blue the light blue narrow font let i don't know it's just i just don't that is the one thing i would change it does this is gonna sound like reaching but i do think it's supposed to just be disorienting that you're just like why why does it look like that what is happening what am i going into i don't know poor poor graphic design is just just for the sake of being disorienting seems like a bad choice yeah well we loved this movie and you will too listener if you haven't seen the shining then check it out please if my only complaint of the whole movie is the font choice and color yeah that's pretty good and i used um there's a couple shots from them driving up to the hotel that get used in dr sleep i think there's um but they did some kind of post conversion on the shot to make it look like night time yeah but they have that same shot moving over the lake yeah yeah that's definitely the same shot um but it's cool and i think there's even one of the shots of the car driving up the road towards the hotel that they used and i'm not saying dr sleep is anywhere near this movie no uh i but i i did i didn't i think it was okay and uh i'm curious what the director's cut that comes out in a couple uh a couple weeks will be i uh and i like uh mike flanagan right as the driver yeah mike flanagan uh he did oculus he did the haunting of hill house gerald's game i was talking with my editor at work and uh because scott derrickson just dropped out of doctor strange too and uh we we both think that uh flanagan would be a really great choice to come back to that uh to take over that sequel because i liked some of the creative decisions he made with this one i also thought that it was an interesting but it works choice to recast the wendy and jack characters with just people who look similar similar and can do the same performances but not to try and be like an exact duplicate yeah or do it like the guy playing jack isn't doing a jack nicholson impression and and if they didn't try to cg jack nicholson in there shelly duvall and the the the girl that's playing the shelly duvall part doesn't look particularly like shelley duvall but she sounds exactly like her and uh they even like recreate some scenes from the first movie in the second movie right but with the new actors and i think it all fits together really well yeah uh the the guy playing the coloring's character was like yeah he was great i i believed that those people were the people they were supposed to be without it calling attention to that to it yeah i and the in the mini series too the guy playing dick halloran is great in that um and uh that's another difference between the the movie and and the mini series and book version is that they make a bigger point of the fact that that danny's power is much stronger than most people's power um so when he sends this message to uh to dick that he needs help at the hotel like it's so powerful that he's sitting and eating at a restaurant and people think he just had a heart attack and his like nose is gushing blood because danny has such a power to send this message that it's like shocks even him someone else with the power that this kid is able to yell so loudly to him for help do you think it's weird that if tony is future danny that he calls his mom mrs torrance well he doesn't want to call her mom it would give him away ah but yeah at the end of the book and mini series we're watching danny graduate from high school i guess and uh we see the the tony vision that danny's been having the whole time is the actual person playing a danny as an 18 year old accepting his diploma and then turning to like thank his family in the audience but instead of it being a talking finger it's an actual person who is appearing in just a finger is not accepting his diploma no that's just that's what it means adult danny is actually just a severed figure i think that's everything for this one uh if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage videopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed or as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show please and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope that you'll consider joining us next time when we'll be discussing bon voyage charlie brown and don't come back which i am dvc that was the rest of the title you should come back you could even skip the next episode and come back but just please come back maybe skip right to hollywood nights i think is the one after uh which imdb summarizes like so charlie brown and his friends travel to europe as exchange students no charlie brown and some of his friends and we leave you now with the trailer there's not gonna be a trailer for this we'll see you next time folks i'll leave i'll if there's a trailer you're about to hear it and if there's not i'll find something charlie brown related maybe the just play the piano just play the peanuts song from kill bill when they're fighting the crazy 88 because they keep calling that guy charlie brown or just just uh cut pieces of the charlie brown movie together in your own trailer but have the the narrator voice is just a in a wow we leave you now with something good grief it's charlie brown and the whole peanuts gang in another full-length feature cartoon called charlie brown and don't come back wait until you see what happens to your favorite comic strip characters when they pack up i'll fly to europe to spend two weeks in france but being in a foreign country isn't always easy [Music] it means trying to learn a new language [Music] and adapting to local customs cheese sausages soup for breakfast we're in france we have to adjust meeting new and interesting friends i am pure and i am very pleased to meet you i wish to welcome you to my country and traveling on some really strange looking boats bon voyage charlie brown and don't come back it's the movie that has everything you want to see mystery dancing danger excitement and of course romance it's the biggest the best [Music] the most exciting charlie brown of all time love 30. it's born by us charlie brown don't go over there to europe and embarrass us and don't come back you