we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films [Music] welcome to vintage videos where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of hollywood nights on may 30th 1980. it was written by floyd mutruck's richard letterer and william tennant directed by floyd mutrucks and released by columbia pictures the location for tubby's drive-in the centerpiece of the film was actually a recently closed a w root beer oh i missed those places it was right on van nuys boulevard uh did you guys have a lot of those out here we had one in camarillo we had one or we have one we had one i didn't know that by the way who knows where we live punk rock group the new bomb turks took their name from a character in this film i'll explain which one later [Laughter] this film bears a striking resemblance to george lucas's american graffiti with tubbies playing the part of mel's drive-in according to imdb this is the first major film role for michelle pfeiffer tony danza and robert wool 18 year old dudley in the film is being played by a 33 year old man yeah and advertising for the film parody the apollo program with the tagline the first movie to moon a man on the land instead of landing a man on the moon which i'm pretty sure we had some guys mooning people in gorp yeah yeah too many way too many not enough what but way too many yeah but can it be way too many we start the film with an egg smashing against the title on the screen and we hear surf sam on kvla announced that tubby's drive-in is coming down tonight it's their last night of operation and that if you're sad about it a friend with weed is a friend indeed i thought for sure that this was going to be about saving the drive-in that's what i expected the whole time yeah yeah especially when we when we cut to the like affluent white family talking about how excited that they're going to be to tear it down and build this new complex yeah it feels like the sequel to a movie where the gang didn't save the place yeah they're just celebrating it's like earnest goes to camp it's like they're trying to save the camp yeah but uh but no they literally staged a whole neighborhood watch meeting to talk about how happy they are that this place isn't gonna exist anymore although we do have a decent soundtrack provided i think mostly by columbia records but there was stuff the studio didn't own also really good music actually was like as we were watching the first 10 or 15 minutes i was like i might actually want to buy the soundtrack to this movie well it's much like the american graffiti soundtrack right which is just like a really great soundtrack i think they actually have songs in common too it was solid wall-to-wall music with you know going from famous song i recognized a famous song i recognized so i was really surprised at how much music they put in this movie because that usually dooms the thing to not being released well yeah i mean i don't know how they could afford that much music well the story with uh american graffiti was always that george lucas had like planned to use all this music and he wasn't going to back down on any of it to the point that like a bunch of people went unpaid and he offered them credits in the film as like in exchange and it's like no no you're supposed to pay me and put my name in chris but uh up before american graffiti they didn't credit everyone in the department they credited the department head and the credits for american graffiti were much longer than usual because everyone that worked on the film was getting a credit some in place of a paycheck but that's not what we're reviewing well look kind of our i think we're going to touch back on it now and then no i think that's that's the only similarity that's it we're not going to talk about all right fair enough the knights the hollywood the titular hollywood knights are driving around pretending to have a person in their trunk or i guess they actually have a person in their truck yeah but they're pretending that it was uh a non-consensual trunk situation and uh they pull up to a bus stop where there's an old lady and then a hand reaches out of the trunk and tries to like grasp around and then they drive away laughing that she noticed their prank dumb prank not funny and the old lady wouldn't have cared we cut to fran drescher and some friends fran from the other man mooning movie corp she's still totally cute in this movie she's absolutely adorable when all you when all you know are from is the nanny and you go back and you watch these films you're like oh i get it i get her appeal i always liked her actually but um she does have that i think i mentioned it on the gorp episode she has like that gilbert godfrey reputation of just being an annoying voice comedian and that's like the end of it she's here with uh two friends who are sunbathing topless by a pool in the backyard when new bomb magically appears to take photographs of them from the plants and they notice him and scream and then he runs off weirdly old school camera here yeah i feel like it's well actually maybe it's not because what year is this supposed to be taking place 65 okay so maybe that camera was appropriate i don't know it was weird because it had like a giant film strip coming out of it it was like all the polaroids were all connected well it seemed like a medium format camera of some sort yeah i don't know i'm not familiar with 65 photography but he seems to have magical powers to uh transport all over the place right because as soon as he's running away from here we see him being arrested in someone else's yard and it feels like you're cutting to a different scene happening concurrently but somehow it's him again being arrested for the prank on the old lady earlier not for what he was just doing they're complaining that oh these are also the guys that egged our cars recently and then while the the four hollywood knights are in the grass of this front yard their cars are getting hit with eggs by unseen knights who they also have the power of invisibility yeah these eggs literally come out of nowhere yeah and they're not even looking for a source they're just like oh there's another egg hit my car okay we cut to the police station where the supervising officer of these two uh characters bimbo is the guy driving i forget the other guy's name clark clark bimbo and clark and uh they're getting chewed out for hassling the hollywood knights because their stronghold is about to be demolished and we shouldn't be picking fights with these people because it's all going to be over soon so let's not make it over complicated which makes absolutely no sense because no well this is certainly a place where they seem to gather they all drive these fancy cars and the car place is still there which is right next door right but the parking lot is being turned into uh like a business park right but can't they still go to the auto detailing place and they can but there's not a massive parking lot like there was it at the place right still you can still go there right but the whole point of this place is that there's a big parking lot so they can all park their fancy cars next to each other and just drink and and have fun but they're losing that opportunity which i i assume would mean they would just move to a different neighborhood bimbo and clark are getting chewed out by a boss for picking a fight with these kids before they finish this scene their boss points out that someone has spray-painted knights rule on the side of their police car which somehow they didn't notice we cut to a neighborhood watch meeting there's a bunch of neighbors complaining about the rampant mooning that goes on at the hands of these hollywood knights who are terrorizing the neighborhood the whole time they're trying to have this meeting they're being interrupted by the same two cops that five minutes ago were being chewed out at the station and five minutes before that were arresting five of these kids now they're for some reason in the kitchen just arguing about popular music in these people's house i don't know why the police are at their house right they're probably there for the neighborhood watch meeting but they're not in the room where the meeting is happening they're sitting in the kitchen arguing with each other in full uniform it's just uh i'm not clear what's going on here then uh mrs friedman who's running the meeting reveals the poster of the the business park that's going to be replacing tubbies and everyone's very excited that they won't be terrorized anymore by the nights they're going to have to move on to some other burger joint with all their fancy cars i mean is this all that they get out of it i guess i mean they're very excited for this new building but what do they what do they get from this building fewer butts all right i mean the butt percentage is going to drop significantly yes we cut outside the house which the knights have of course teepeed completely even though there's like police inside all the neighbors are in the same house but the whole thing is covered in toilet paper i feel like i'd be more upset about that than the butt situation yeah like the butt is just defensive to my eyes but if i have to clean up all the toilet paper and dried egg goo all over my house that would be bad we'll use the toilet paper to clean up the egg oh there you go we have an expert in the house but the the knights then go for the trifecta they leave a bag of flaming poo on the porch nevin who seems to be second in command at this meeting opens the door and as he's heading to the front door to answer the ringing of the doorbell mrs friedman is kind of catching up with him and uh groping at his crotch because the two of them are having an extramarital romance so yeah i was going to say at this point we're supposed to realize that it's not her husband i did not earlier in the meeting she says i'm sorry my husband's not here exactly she says i'm sorry my husband's not here but he's at the he'll be at the rally that we've scheduled the same night as this meeting and of the dance later and of all this other stuff right but if you missed that line like i did you watch this whole movie thinking that they're married that they're married and she's just really under her husband and doesn't get any alone time with him yeah so nevin answers the door and of course he steps on the dog poo which is always funny dog poo and then uh barbara anne plays as this tradition with the flaming bag of dog poop yes poop again he called the [ __ ] poop see that's what's funny is you make a joke around what's happening instead of just being like wasn't it funny on its own it's like no because these are all actors just doing what you paid them to do stuff on that bank not funny automatically you have to put a joke in there so they that we are back at uh tubbies where the knights are meeting with their four pledges for this year is it tubbies or is it just tubs i think it's tubbies i think the sign says yeah the cops are driving around and uh clark asks bimbo how he would look with a mustache and he says oh you'd look perfect like a perfect jerk and clark is like ah and it's such a funny joke that we should probably repeat it later in the movie for no reason but then clark starts to sing a song and i and it was my only my only genuine laugh of the entire movie i really love this song and i've been singing it ever since i first watched this movie i could vouch for that he has not stopped singing but he's singing the theme of lawrence of arabia but he's added lyrics to it so it goes laurence lawrence of arabia he's an english guy he came to fight the turkish and bimbo was in the process of explaining to him that this song does not have lyrics and he's like no i saw it a bunch of times in the theaters he's like it never had lyrics any of the times that you saw it we cut two but yet somehow new bomb turk hears this song and is able to repeat it yes there's a microphone somewhere in this car wait no that's the joke crap i totally missed it because he said because clark said he was in the theater and he kept hearing someone singing that song oh so new bomb yeah singing in the theater every time live while we're recording days later it finally clicked apparently clark thought that there were lyrics to the song because new bomb turk wasted money to sit behind him and sing along to the theme of lawrence of arabia every time he saw that's a lot of effort to put into a [ __ ] prank but the knights take all their pledges to watts and they make them strip completely naked and carry tires for their initiation into the hollywood nights now this is not a fraternity this is just a group of people yeah you get to call yourself a hollywood knight and like one of the guys is really you know i got to be a hollywood knight my grandfather and his grandfather and his grandfather going back to the late 1700s to be fair what is a fraternity except just a group of people as well well it's at least centered around like a building that you all live in together and [Music] it's just uh i don't get why anyone would care about joining this group of like city pranksters those butts are prestigious they don't look very prestigious they're not being well taken care of little hygiene is in order we got an expert here initiation basically consists of carry these tires go turn in a request at the local radio station for a specific song to play at two o'clock in the morning and then bring the tires back to tubbies you have to have the tires you have to have the tires back at tubbies at 2 am and right at 2 am a song has to play and this radio station does not take requests over the phone you have to give them in person we cut to the dj booth which is like attached to a record store but it's out on the sidewalk side and dr j is taking over in the dj booth for uh surf sam i think was the other guy's name he's he sits down at the booth and starts to play the next song we cut to fran drescher what is her name in this movie uh there's so many people in this movie it's hard for me to kind of keep her name is sally sally okay i also want to point out right now whoever decided that the credits would be in alphabetical order by last name i hate you because it made this so much more work to look things up yeah when like the doo-wop group is split up into four parts that are like 20 names apart each time it's really annoying but so sally the french rusher character and her two friends are driving through a park on the grass and then on sidewalk and pull over next to a tree to change completely from one outfit into another outfit like stripping completely naked and then changing outfits under this tree in the middle of a park random random park there's there's no this isn't they don't do this here all the time there's no reason that anyone would know that they were gonna do this here turk who we said before has invisibility and teleportation powers is in the tree with two of his other friends just spying on these girls and watching them get naked i feel like if i were him i would get tired of seeing these girls naked because i see them naked all day every day wherever they are i'm just invisible in their room watching them naked that's what this character would be doing with his magical powers i feel like i would just choose not to strip in a convertible that doesn't make sense you're not making any sense they don't even strip in the car they get out of the car and stand in front of it and strip completely naked and then get back in the car uh once the girls notice them and start screaming at them and drive away the cops pull up and arrest them for the second time in six hours yep but for some reason they're still free to go although he does i guess there is an explanation here because one of the two cops says you squirrels better have some nuts in your mouth or you're going downtown which i think means you all better blow me or yeah you're getting a squad car so they must have blown this guy a couple times already today we cut to michelle pfeiffer and tony danza that's why he keeps arresting them yeah yeah it's it's a game that they play with each other it's their last night to you know give these guys a few more times before they disperse them he's gonna miss him [Laughter] michelle pfeiffer and tony dansa pull up to uh tubbies yeah where she works she's a car hop there and he's mad that she works well he's mad that she works day and night she has a daytime job and a night job and so he's he's upset that he doesn't he also has a night job he's a healthy night is he i don't even know if he is a knight he didn't throw an egg at anybody i barely saw his ass i don't even i'm not convinced he is one but he's mad that she works nights so he doesn't get to hang out with her at night and then all day she has auditions scheduled because she wants to be an actress this place is closing tonight anyway so who gives a [ __ ] if you just call out don't go in clark and bimbo pull up in the cop cart to tubbies and just start randomly telling kids to get the cars out of there that there's not going to be any racing tonight they make sure to tell all the other hollywood knights that if they even smell any burning rubber turk is going to have to blow him again um no he just says that turk's going to be the one who gets in trouble for it just turk he reminds everyone so that no one except for this one guy cares it's not even turk characters really yeah he doesn't really he starts to flirt with a couple of girls as they pull up into the recently vacated parking spot they order two big ones and two cherry cokes and he offers them a big one because he's hilarious and then he threatens to fart a song into their car he starts with hey have you ever heard my version of that song have you ever oh my god we have to get out of here they both know what's going to happen because this is routine for him this is his pickup line i guess this is how turk hits on ladies as he farts into their cars spoiler alert i think it works no i think it does too for some reason but anyway these two uh pull away from the restaurant because they are not interested in having a fart car and uh even though it was a convertible it'd be very difficult yeah to trap a fart i also don't think that it's realistic to fart songs the way he does in this movie but maybe i'm just a shitty song farter yeah you need to practice more okay no please don't practice more i'm gonna take i'm gonna get lapetto maine's book of uh intentional farts um do you know who lopetto maine is no he was like a french guy who used to perform like just fart stuff on stage but he literally like pumped air into his own butt and then would fart on stage in like the 1800s is that why mel brooks is named after him in the blazing saddles probably yeah we meet another character because there's just not enough characters oh god it's just jimmy is leaving for the military he just just the military in general he's not going anywhere apparently he's convinced that he's not going to go to vietnam because they're only taking advisors but this is before they really started to pick up in the uh that's the enlistment effort yeah that this is the the the audience has more information than he does kind of thing dramatic irony he thought that his girlfriend was pregnant recently which would have meant that he wouldn't be forced to go to vietnam apparently that's a part of the drafting program that i was not aware of that fathers were somehow allowed to skip out on the duty but not the duty not the duty that whatever talk about 60s nobody no dudes are changing diapers no we uh they reminisce here about the first time they showed up to smitty's car shop that basically jimmy and tony danza's character pulled up on a bike that was broken and he would told him to get get it out of his shop and a couple hours later he had the whole thing fixed and running better than ever and whatever we're good friends now because you fixed my bike 20 years ago they complain that nobody wants to be a knight anymore they only have four pledges this year but how many tires can you really take in a trunk to watts i think four is a good max plus there seems to be an awful lot of nights already yeah it seems like you you probably could max you could probably only take on four more yeah one of the one of the knights is sitting by a car and thinks that a pirate is checking him out this is the the second hint that this is actually taking place on halloween night yeah i was really confused about this until we get much later in the movie why is this random chick dressed like a pirate well they say it's halloween at the beginning of the in the radio but it's so lightly hinted at throughout the whole movie the only hit we've gotten so far was that there was a pumpkin by the door when nevin went to step on all the [ __ ] bag here there's a woman dressed as a pirate and i was like are they like across the street from medieval times or something why is there this woman in this weird scarfy dress with in this scurvy dress scarfy my word was made up um but scurvy is a thing yeah um not to describe dresses that dress was very low in vitamin c you have not had enough lemons in that dress citrus you cannot you cannot argue that that dress is very low in vitamin c the yeah so the guy thinks a pirate is checking him out but his friend blows it for him by saying hey are you checking my friend out and that's the end of that scene then a drunk kid wanders through the shot carrying a skateboard i'm pretty sure this kid is like 14 but seems like he's wasted on set like he's slurring his words and i'm pretty sure he was actually drunk we get this dumb joke uh turk is sitting with sally at the window outside the restaurant and he says hey you're the fine food what do you get when you cross a donkey with a slice of bermuda onion i don't know what a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes and the guy in the restaurant goes and then when they cut to him behind turk's back he's just like [ __ ] idiot like so stupid i'm tired of your dumb jokes whatever's happening between it's working between farting a song in their convertible and dumb jokes that don't make any sense she's into it yeah sally is she thought it was great and she's smiling about it but she stands up to go get in a car with her boyfriend who is a college guy and he's wearing like a sherlock holmes costume mm-hmm i don't even know if it's a costume he's just supposed to be like a crappy pretty nonsense man he's got a a pipe and a driving cap and uh i don't know what he's doing but he also drives an a nice car which made me think that he was part of their group or at least part of their social circle no it's just in 1965 literally everyone drove a classic car because they were all from the 60s well and this is [Music] [Laughter] but this is also beverly hills this is taking place in beverly hills so i think everybody is well off the cops harass the drunk kid they call him a sidewalk surfer and they take his cigarettes away is that a thing is that what you used to call skateboarding i think so yeah i think some people still call it that they're about 110 but they still do it the kid says that the cigarettes were for his mom and they're like whatever get out of here turk drives down the main drag waving nude polaroids of a girl at her in another car and he's offering to sell them to the other people in the car with her i don't understand this plan or just social decision to be like i'm gonna sneak into someone's house and take naked pictures of them and then sell them to their friends in front of them her boyfriend laughs and says that he has the real deal and he doesn't need photographs turk parks the el camino which we find out later is his or i guess here is his brother's car not his car and he parks it in front of a fire hydrant and they say hey you parked that in front of a fire hydrant and he says big deal it's halloween which is our third hint that it's halloween mrs friedman is inside the school giving the introduction at a pep rally and she hands off the microphone to a weatherman for no reason who announces some more things while someone moons him from the audience new bomb dresses like a wolf and hits on a girl in a robin hood costume in the parking lot because it's halloween and that's hilarious dudley and his mom are approaching the rally dudley is the 33 year old playing an 18 year old he's he's sort of the social outcast he uh is stuttering and uh he's dressed in a like full band uniform and he's trying to practice songs on his trumpet dudley is my hero yeah he's great he he is the hero of this film yes his mom tells him that he has to do a good job because uh the school is going to hand him a check for 500 which is a year's tuition in 1965. ugh depressing friedman and nevin have sex in a car while the rally is still going on well they're attempting to yeah they're yeah they get started at least the weatherman hands off the mic to another guy and this is mr friedman um he is the president of the residency association and he's the president the president what and he introduces the marching band and unrolls a banner that says beat the [ __ ] out of the panthers which they immediately have to roll back up because obviously the words the [ __ ] uh out of have been added to this banner dudley walks up to the car where mrs friedman and nevin are still having sex and he puts his head down between her legs while dudley walks up to talk to her and it seems like nevin does not stop while she's having this conversation dudley is showing her uh props from a magic show that he intends to do later in the night and he drops them all into the car and uh while they're trying to fish them out of the back seat a third hand reaches up with one of them to hand them back to dudley and then he accidentally bumps their car horn which is stuck and is just blaring until dudley finally leaves and the two of them can get out of the car to stop the horn new bomb tells a pair of elderly women a dirty joke about a guy with five dicks and how his pants fit like a glove i feel like this must have just been the crew sitting around going like uh what's a joke we should this this movie needs more jokes who'd be a funny person to tell this joke old ladies let's tell the old ladies okay it feels kind of like they checked out one of those cheesy joke books from the library yeah it really does i mean maybe it's accurate to the time that in 65 it was like yeah that's all we did was we sat around at the library memorizing bad jokes and then we would tell them at night the knights jump dudley on his way into the school and steal his uniform but it seems like they're familiar with him and they're at least friends with him because they like know where he keeps his inhaler and they know how he's gonna react to this attack so they're immediately like digging into his pocket like okay here you go here's your inhaler he's like please don't hurt me i think i'm a bleeder um we cut back inside the rally where miss mr friedman introduces the beverly hills cheerleaders there's only three of them yeah it's a cheerleading squad of three women and one of them forgot to put on her underwear and so they do as one does yeah it happens it happens to all of us i'm not wearing any right now well yeah but that's on purpose but sometimes it happens on accident too and it happened to this girl and so she's doing some high kicks and fast spins and showing off her butt and everyone has a meltdown about it i i don't know if they're having a meltdown about her showing off her but because we see her butt from behind as she's jumping facing the crowd right well it seems weird to me because she seems genuinely mortified that after she realized what had happened yeah and i don't think you wear a tiny tiny short skirt like that i don't notice you're about to do some high cakes and don't notice that you forgot your underwear yeah i mean it's a little breezy down there if you're wearing a short skirt yeah well this lady did it somehow magically it was just the perfect temperature out so you just you just beautiful you know hollywood nights that's the same of the movie oh my god that's what it was a reference to the comfortable temperature of her vaginal region the cops pull up to the school and ticket new bombs vehicle they tow it yeah they they yeah they tow it's actually not his vehicle it's his brother's vehicle so the cops pull up to toe new bombs brothers el camino but while they're there they're getting hit with eggs from more invisible teleportation nights somehow new bomb is there to sing the lawrence of arabia song to them but doesn't know that his car's been towed later right i'm pretty sure it is turk singing it too it's definitely robert wall so he's out there singing this song as a joke on them while they're towing his car and then later he's shocked to learn that it's happened the uh the guy on stage mr friedman introduces dudley who's gonna come and perform a song and it's new bomb in dudley's clothes he sings volari and farts into the microphone while he's singing fran drescher yells at her boyfriend for not thinking it's funny because apparently i'm her boyfriend the el camino is towed after the rally once the mad farter has been reported to the police the cops arrest dudley thinking that he is the mad farter but but honestly what if they are what would even if they had the right guy what would they be arresting him for public flatulence yeah i need to be more careful yeah there's not a law that he's breaking and they would 100 for sure have killed this guy if a second police car and a group of witnesses who knew that he was receiving the scholarship hadn't shown up in time because they're literally like sitting on his back not giving him his inhaler as he's dying from an asthma attack from this hilarious prank that the knights pulled so they almost got deadly killed tonight won't be the first time but uh luckily someone prevented this murder by cop the pledges steal a bunch of clothes from a clothesline in a backyard on their way through watts and inadvertently look like inadvertently though he's wearing a hood like a triangular hood over his head like what did he like there's no reason to put that on your head that way but uh they walked past the house where people are having sex in the living room and they notice this this pointed hood walking through yeah grab a gun and chase them with with a gun out of the out of the yard getting shot at the whole time we cut to a group of four du-whoppers performing a song at the record store and the dj is enjoying the performance newborn's brother comes looking for him but there's absolutely no payoff to his brother coming looking for him right yeah that was really weird and the scene doesn't make any sense either because oh actually we have a quick scene with tony danza and michelle pfeiffer here which they're so sparse but danza pitches moving to venice together to michelle pfeiffer who says like oh well you're asking me to give up so much and it's like no i'm not it's like 10 miles that way you could still act if we live in venice i don't understand what you're talking about sacrificing well apparently in the 60s venice was like the boonies i don't know i don't know but uh she said she has a screen test in the morning but yeah and this is when new bomb's brother shows up so right before he gets there someone says hey new bomb i think your brother's looking for you and then he goes and he hides under a vehicle and then his brother pulls up and he says hey has anybody seen my brother and they're like no he's not he's not here and he's like all right well you tell him i'm looking for him and then he leaves and then the bro and then turk gets up and he's like hey how's it going and they were like your brother was looking for you like yeah i i know you told me you warned me and then i hid and then i unhid and you watched all of that happen so i don't know why you're presenting this like it's new information but instead he says he's looking for me he's looking for me that pussy's looking for me the uh the iron box twins as these girls are referred to repeatedly they're in the bathroom and they're talking but somehow newbomb had the presence of mind to psychically predict that they would say embarrassing things so he went into the bathroom first and sat on a toilet and set up a recording device so he could record them right spreading gossip and of course immediately they talk about how gross he is which i feel like is the only thing that would ever get set in this bathroom and then they start talking about a girl who had an abortion and gave the football team the clap and then he steps out of the stall and he says that was the iron box twins talking to you live on my fake radio program and then he walks out of the bathroom and they yell at him the cops are there again just being annoying i guess i don't know why they're there they're back at tubby's someone shouts hey what time is it and newbomb's response whenever someone says what time is it is to turn around and throw a burger as fast as he can and so he does that and it hits a cop right in the face and then he has to blow the guy again probably so that's the fourth time tonight but seriously he's been a race he's been arrested like four times tonight because he doesn't like get away from them he throws the burger it's like no he that's the fourth time now that these cops have caught you dead to rights i don't understand why they keep just letting you out so they can catch you again we cut to cars racing down the boulevard and the cops tell them to pull over so the cop car pulls up to a left-hand turn lane and one of the police gets out of the police car and then the car continues to turn left onto the side street and the cop that he left in the middle of the street says to the car that they wanted to pull over pull around this corner to the left like that other like the police car did and then they're like okay and then they just drive straight and the cop has he's completely powerless this was a terrible maneuver for pulling someone over is to turn off the road and just assume that they're going to do what you ask they continue driving new bomb is in the car with a guy named tarzan and these two chicks that he brought tarzan is like this blonde surfer dude new bum just jams his hand into this girl's crotch while he's driving and so she dumps her vanilla shake on his face and he almost crashes the car then he teleports to the dance where he's suddenly dressed in like a full suit and tie and he intercepts the caterers and he tells them i'll take that punch barrel you need to drive this van through the garden and just destroy as many plants as you can and tell them new bomb turks sent you yep and instead of just staying on street and driving around the building like literally anyone would have done these guys are like well he said to do this so i guess we'll drive through the garden and destroy the garden they take the barrel of punch and they set it down and four of the knights pee into it i think i hope to god [Laughter] because jess suggested they just might be making a mix of tea they might be yeah because they said well they'll say later that my dick was in there yeah and so it's like are you just dipping because if you're just dipping no one's gonna taste that you gotta do something to this mix but repeatedly but they also say before they do this that they're gonna spike the punch that's true that's true but repeatedly uh what's her face mrs friedman mrs friedman is saying i know that taste like more time i've had this taste in my mouth yeah whatever has been mixed into this punch sometimes it's in my mouth i hope it's not embarrassing later it would be really weird if some sort of drink had been in my mouth before like why did she say it that way unless she was unexpectedly like drinking something that wasn't normally in your mouth but like right it's punch yeah they wouldn't taste it if they were just dick dipping they're not bobbing with nuts right but let's imagine that any other liquid was in was put into this punch would you say i've had this taste in my mouth before yes i would but that's my own personality yeah you wouldn't just be like that's a familiar flavor yeah no but the way she says it makes much more sense i feel like someone's paid me to put this flavor in my mouth before anyway and they uh they start handing the punch around to everybody like drink this tell me if it tastes like something weird and new bombs outside trying to warn them against it apparently yeah like aren't you supposed to wait until the party's over and then tell everyone they drank your piss well no just shout at the window that's my dick my dick is in that cup somehow he literally had one of the guys stand by the entrance and only tell the students at the dance don't drink the punch don't drink the punch and like as any adults came in he just didn't say anything but he definitely didn't get the word out to everyone right and the and the guy at the door is also saying to the cops oh try some punch and when the cops go over to the counter mrs freeman's like try this tell me if it tastes like something you've drank for money and then the cop takes a sip and he says it does have a little wang in it good though dudley is now inexplicably in a magician costume yeah headed to a talent contest scheduled the same night as the dance and rally and neighborhood watch meeting well it's at the dance it's at the dance yeah he's going to the dance to entertain people there's so much going on why does dudley have three costume changes which trick should i do mother they're all so good some girls pull dudley aside and flash him to paralyze him and take his costume and he's 100 cool with this yeah like they should have just done this the first time it's like is that you getting new bump yeah okay be careful with the cape it's rental it's very a very melted like character yeah don't forget about me because i'm a little scared and i was like oh dad loved this guy but yeah so now we're back at the dance slash talent show uh where the audio of the iron box twins talking about an abortion plays over the in-house speakers the whole audience thinks this is hilarious that this girl has been outed for her abortion and for giving the entire football team the clap and her dad hears the recording and says that's my daughter they're talking about and it's just the funniest thing that anybody here has ever heard jack friedman is again on stage introducing a one-armed violinist this is the third act that he has introduced tonight that has gone horrifically wrong and horrifically right because there's an old german guy who seems very happy with know if he's happy with it or not he's having trouble reading him he's not happy he's like he's just in awe it's actually i'm not even mad that's amazing yeah i think he enjoyed the cheerleader performance i'm not sure if he enjoyed this one so a knight comes out and sort of pinches a violin between his chin and his shoulder and just rubs the bow back and forth yeah with nonsense music but then when he finishes the performance he brings the bow down and then grabs it with his prehis other hand his prehensile dick it's not even a hand this this is one of the knights that doesn't have another arm but his dick has knuckles and that's when the german goes it's impressive he was able to grab it with his dick yes in reality this knight is just has his arm down his shirt and is reaching through his fly to grab it everyone is disgusted but cheering also no one here is disappointed with the performance well you know it's not the size that matters it's how many joints it has yeah that's what they said why they call it a boner [Laughter] i need to call a doctor somebody stole my bones is that what you do you call a doctor for bone theft i don't know or is that uh do you call that boniva i think that's what he called theft yeah but so uh even though it seems like this performance was was a hit uh jack friedman tells everyone to stop applauding because he's angry about what happened um we cut to mrs friedman and nevin having sex in the car again but now they're slowly drifting out of the car while they have sex and onto inexplicably a trampoline that's just been left in the grass in front of the school so they climb up onto the trampoline to have sex dudley's wandering through he doesn't have his glasses because they were part of his magician costume i guess and he bumps their car door and closes it so he locks all their clothes in their car and then he goes to talk to them i think this time he actually realizes that he's interrupting them during sex yeah but he's coitus interruptus yes but now he's just like oh look we're all in her underwear isn't that funny it almost sounded like he was inviting himself to join them um back at the dance a girl is now singing this is a niece of one of the producers of the film fran's fancy boyfriend is not funny enough for her he has barely farted any songs tonight and so she tells him to go away and uh just be smart somewhere else you jerk and she invites turk to a party at her home we cut to her backyard where people are skinny dipping in a pool and just making out with each other all over the place the two of them are in her car parked in the garage she's inviting him to the back of the car for sex when he ejaculates prematurely in the front seat yeah then we cut to oh there's nothing more to the scene no it's it's so great because they get an argument he's like you know what you know what i'm glad i came i'm glad that i came it's like it's such a weird argument yeah yeah and it's it's funny because it could mean like he came or he's glad that he came to the party yeah we moved back to uh shrimpies what's the what's this no the car smitty's smitty's there you go smitty's we go back to smitty's where the guys at the shop are unveiling jimmy's car which he just got tuned up and a new paint job and they also throw in an eight-track player as a going away present because he's off to die he's very excited about it tony danza like pokes fun at the car like what color is that piss yellow and then tony nancy who's in there says that's tony nancy yellow but we had to back it up because at first we were like did he just say it's tony danza yellow like what does that mean first why are you using the actor's name and yellow what but um but he says tony nancy because that's his name and he actually fixes up cars yeah so i think he's a a famous like drag yeah he's a hot racer sure yeah but yeah so they uh they put this eight track player in the car and he sits and listens to a song on it he's very excited the pledges interrupt the doo-wop group as they're walking away from the dj booth they're in all in dresses that they've stolen off of clotheslines why not just go into the booth at this point i don't know you're like two feet away from it do people not need to dry men's clothes too like couldn't there have been pants somewhere but they're all in like full dresses that you're assuming that guy's clothes need to be washed oh that's true this is 65. but they stop the do-op group and they say hey we got to play this song at two o'clock and you got to say something about the hollywood knights can you please do it for us and they're like sure if you smoke some of our weed it's like what why would you that happened okay thank you sure if that's the if that's the toll the cops give turk a hard time about the el camino back at tubbies as revenge he's he says out loud hey right about now is when the fat cop goes to take a dump like he keeps track of this he writes it down like he knows when the skinny guy is going to go see lawrence lawrence of arabia and he knows when the fat guy is going to take a dump so he's going to poop next let's uh destroy the bathroom right before he goes in there i i can see him as a butt stench expert yes so that that does check out he honed his craft for a long time uh and then so they go and flush two full rolls of toilet paper uh down the drain at the only toilet at toby's the cop wanders in exactly on cue oh but not before clark asks him how he would look with a mustache and then uh bimbo is hilarious he says you would you'd look perfect and he's like oh yeah and he says yeah you'd look like a perfect horse's ass get it because he thought that he was gonna say perfect and then not anything after that like when he asked him just just less than an hour before then for some weird reason he draws one on yes yeah like i don't understand why would that be a good idea in any situation for you to be out in public be like you know what i'm going to take a magic marker and draw some lines on my face people are just going to assume that new bomb did that to you so the fat cop goes to take a dump the they barricade the yeah they bury the door with garbage yeah someone takes a screwdriver to the door like they're doing something to the door to make it not open and then they dump a bunch of trash on the floor which looks like mostly like wet cheeseburgers like dipped in ranch or something they're like it's like really really messy garbage food garbage is the worst yeah so he goes to flush the toilet and it's overflowing and he can't get out and he starts shouting to clark in the car and clark comes running around he draws his gun and he says stand back which is like i don't know what that means if i'm on the other side of this wall it's like i'm gonna shoot through the wall stand where i'm not aiming my gun it's like i don't know which way you're pointing what do you mean stand back if i back up a few feet if you're pointing that direction the bullet's still going to hit me he fires a bunch of bullets through the door and at this point bimbo is so angry that he charges out of the door and falls across all the garbage even though the door opens into the bathroom so he would have had to pull it in notice the trash but somehow he doesn't and he falls in the trash and it's hilarious they try to leave dudley gets in front of their car and pretends that they hit him with the car and then they're like oh no are you okay and then he and then they suggest that they're going to put a night stick in his mouth to help him breathe or to do cpr like they don't know how to do cpr because they're just cops um and so he just stands up and says never mind i'm fine and so then they try to leave and they crash into another car leaving the parking lot tony danza sits down with michelle pfeiffer and i'm not gonna refer to these characters by their names i'm just gonna go with the actors um he tells them that he's he's not worried that she's not going to make it but he's worried that she will make it and that she will leave him that's the plan and she says yep you can stay on tv i'm going to be in movies the pledges arrive at 2am right as their song is playing on the radio and everyone's really excited about it uh smitty tells jimmy that it's okay to be scared and jimmy tells smitty that he's been like a father to him we're wrapping up everybody's stories uh dudley calls his mom but dudley also gets a jacket right yes and then he goes to a pay phone he calls his mom and he says mother i have an assignation with a young lady tonight i am going to explore the boundaries of my manhood oh i see dear father i'm going to get laid you're going to be a little late the past i'm going to screw someone and then she dies and then we uh the kids moon the cops and start a chase the cops as they're speeding around a corner crash into another car that mrs friedman and nevin are having sex in and it's parked outside her house this time so her husband comes out with his wig on sideways and she's trying to explain why she's naked with nevin on the sidewalk outside of their home the kids pull back up uh in the car that they've been mooning from all night and moon mrs friedman and this really terrible song starts playing that is clearly original to the film because the song is called hollywood nights [Music] they drive me crazy [Music] but when the piano first started playing i recognized it immediately and started singing the other lyrics i know to this piano score which it turns out this is the piano score that is sampled in the nappy roots song good day have you heard this song before yeah it's like a bunch of kids voices over the doom yeah we're gonna have a good day i was just very surprised to hear it in this movie and then when i looked it up it's like oh they literally sampled it from the hollywood knights soundtrack that's so bizarre i wanted to talk about a couple of the connections to american graffiti which i also watched in preparation for this report lay it on me um we're centered around a diner with car hops for most of the night uh we have a soundtrack of largely 50s and 60s music all the classics a lot of beach boys in both movies we have these radio dj interstitials there's dr j in this movie and we have wolfman jack yeah and american graffiti someone refers to a car as being piss yellow which harrison ford refers to a car as being piss yellow twice in american graffiti and then someone says it here because this is nine years later and there's wasn't home video yet so they were like oh it's fine we could just reuse a joke from another movie no one remembers that movie didn't spawn a television series yeah nobody remembers it and uh there's also a scene where uh someone orders two cherry cokes which is probably just normal for the 60s anyway that's the end of the film guys we didn't mention how they saved the diner because they didn't because they didn't save the diner they didn't save it it's still closing and everything is not great because all these people one guy's going off to vietnam they're talking about the future like everything's gonna change and it's like oh man this is actually kind of a sad ending to this movie yeah but i think it's the same as american graffiti but dudley's a hollywood night now so it's a happy ending and he's going to get laid but he just doesn't know how that works i think they showed a lot of reservation in not putting an epilogue up for each character on screen and just being 100 a remake of american graffiti but this was directed by floyd mutrucks who uh in his spare time is probably medicine for cold um he was a producer on dick tracy and he wrote blood and blood out which actually really liked that movie he wrote this movie together with richard letterer who uh was a producer on exorcist 2 and he also wrote maverick but not not the newer maverick he wrote the 1960 maverick and bill tennant who also has a story credit on this was a producer on a couple cleopatra jones movies and also the pursuit of db cooper yeah um in 1981 so we'll be covering that next year oh that db cooper we should pursue him he's got a lot of money uh he's dead oh well maybe by now he's dead now i'm going to move through the credits in alphabetical order by last name for some reason uh mike binder or binder was one of the pledges he also directed blank man and he wrote and directed reign over me which is that don cheadle adam sandler 911 movie and he was an ep on ray donovan if that's still on i don't know i think it might be over with but i hear i heard it was good who knows tk carter was one of the doo whoppers he plays nulls in the thing yeah he's a monster voice in space jam and he plays lenny in my favorite martian so okay i'm not the best with knowing the names of actors or or anything like that usually i could describe to you something that i know people from two times in this movie i'm like i really really know this face and i have no idea what from until i looked up his imdb and that was tk carter that was tv carter he was the teacher from punky brewster and he was a regular on the show yes that's awesome he was mike um we have tony danza here playing duke he plays tony on taxi he played tony on who's the boss he was also john senior in don john that uh jogo movie and he's also uh the pitcher in angels in the outfield also with jogo jogo of course being a derogatory term for joseph gordon-levitt um fran drescher was sally she was in gorp uhf the nanny beautician and the beast she's wonderful we don't blame her for this movie lee french was jacqueline friedman she'll play a prehistoric woman in history of the world part one and gary's mother in halloween two gary goodrow plays jack friedman here he wrote honey i blew up the kid or honey i blew up the baby is that what that one is um the third installment of that franchise he also was apparently a tv reporter and hero at large he has a recognizable face but i don't remember him from that um sandy hellberg was officer clark uh he's dr schlotkin in spaceballs and for a second i thought he directed mortal kombat but he plays a director in mortal kombat ah probably on the set of john cage because he's on set at the beginning when he gets his invitation to the fight ken hixson plays dark i don't know who dark is but he also plays a director in the movie mr mom he wrote inventing the abbotts city by the sea welcome to the rileys and the sequel to the angelina jolie movie unbroken okay so a lot of people moving behind the camera from this cast art lefleur is thomas here uh he plays the babe in the sand lot he uh this was his first feature um and he'll be back later this year for any which way you can he plays a guard in war games he's captain sears in cobra and he plays the tooth fairy in the santa claus franchise he's in the second and third installments we got glad he wasn't the tooth fairy in the hannibal lecter electorate our next credit did you look into this guy at all which one humble harv miller no okay don't please don't i want to tell you this right now humble harv miller played dr j uh he's credited here is harvey miller he's an actual los angeles dj i'm going to read you the first paragraph of his l.a times obituary okay veteran radio dj humble harv miller whose six decade career was forever marred by the shooting death of his wife in 1971 for which he pled guilty went to prison and then resumed his place behind the microphone for 40 plus years died tuesday in camarillo his wife serena miller confirmed he was 84. so this guy what year did he die uh i don't know but he killed his wife in 71 went to jail was out of jail in time to be in this movie in 1980 he died just last year and he died last year in camarillo that's insane i was like wait that guy that was like super chill on the radio the whole time that was like we probably rented movies to him probably he probably came into our blockbuster but that blew my mind when i read that whole paragraph like i thought it was crazy enough in the first sentence and then when it ended in camarillo i was like oh my god what the hell we have tony nancy in this film playing himself um he was a famous hot rodder who had a shop on ventura boulevard in the valley and he would have been 15 years younger when this movie takes place because he's playing himself so it's weird to play yourself in a period film but he did it uh stuart pankan played dudley laywicker um he'll be back later this year in hangar 18. um he plays mr james in mannequin on the move he's the voice of earl sinclair on dinosaurs he's also commander planck in xenon girl of the 21st century also xenon the sequel and xenon z3 really good for him yeah i am gonna mention every credit for xenon girl of the 21st century that we encounter p.r paul played simpson not sure who that was he took over the role of montgomery mcneil for the famed tv series that was the guy that played the the mean doctor on er yes he played that guy's character on the fame tv show okay so he i think he is just one of the knights um joe marie payton is credited here as black lady i'm assuming she's one of a group of women who walked past the doo whoppers just outside the radio station she played harriet winslow for seasons one through eight of family matters and was unceremoniously replaced in season nine with julian elder uh she was the whole reason that the show existed in the first place after appearing in two seasons of perfect strangers when her character was spun off into the series family matters i didn't know those two shows were related yep yeah so they dumped the connective tissue from this show to that season nine is also totally bizarre and i thoroughly recommend a podcast called family chatters if you want to hear people analyze the insanity that is family matter season 9. like every episode is jumping the shark yes that like urkel in space urkel time traveling it's bonkers there's also a halloween episode with a a dummy also played by urkel uh i love the the key and pill sketch where one of them is supposed to be reginald johnson coming to complain about a script or something well he's like he's complaining this used to be about me and my family it's about the neighbors in the next episode steve urkel turns carl into a giant sandwich and accidentally eats him oh wait that's hilarious but it's hilarious come on i'm an actor gene this was supposed to be about me and my family no but you know after that after that first death spot with steve urkel i mean america fell in love with him man we had to make him a regular and you know hey listen he's the star of the show now sweetheart we gotta play ball bubba don't you dare bubble up me gene uh i i also feel that reginald johnson's character on that show was just spun off from die hard or ghostbusters uh yeah cause it's like he's he's a cop character and everything he's just with the exception of crocodile dundee in which he is a chauffeur right we have michelle pfeiffer here as susie q she plays janet van dyne and ant-man two and end game um she's also in greece two scarface catwoman i think catwoman is probably no yeah she played catwoman played catwoman yes she isn't actually catwoman yeah uh dimitri phillips was newbomb's brother he is unremarkable he looks like charlie rocket kind of to me like a young charlie rocket uh gaylord sartain uh played bimbo he was the big bopper in the buddy holly story and he is in earnest goes to camp saves christmas and goes to jail yeah so this was the other instance of a i know this guy i really really really know this guy but i could not tell you what it was from until i looked it up but this is the guy who in all the in those three earnest movies has like the the skinny old guy sidekick partner oh that's always like shutting his lower jaw yeah yeah exactly so they're they're in all of these movies together but they don't they don't play the same characters over and over they just happen to be in all of the earnest movies okay um we have al white here as lewis he plays the second jive dude in airplane so we'll have him later this year he also came back to play a witness in airplane two and he's credited as dad in back to the future too i i know who that is who is that uh so back to the future two when they when they travel back to 1985 they don't realize that they're in the alternate 1985 the one from the timeline that split from the 55. so they go and knock on the door well uh marty goes to what he believes to be his house right and he jumps into his window into his bed but there's a preteen girl in there and the dad thinks that it's someone trying to rape his daughter and he comes in there with a bet man that franchise is full of good old-fashioned family fun robert wool is new bomb turk here is there a name that's spelled differently that sounds like this i've never heard of anyone named new bomb and his name is spelled phonetically n-e-w-b-o-m i don't know is that a thing is that a nickname well i think that newbomb is actually his last name but his brother's last name is also turk we call his brother because they're they're the new bomb is the name of their family business new bomb like baked goods or something like maybe he's newbomb junior or something well like i would have imagined that there's a name like new bomb spelled like n-e-u-a-u-m yeah but not as a first name and they call both of them turk they call him and his brother both turk so i don't i don't get it um he was alexander knox in batman which is kind of like the albert brooks from taxi driver character but he's great in that and he also came back to reprise that role for crisis on infinite earths yeah just recently he's also marty in good morning vietnam and then halfway through the movie you're like is that arless and i was like oh yeah he is ours yeah never seen an episode of our list in my life yeah apparently he's that character but i know i know that he is arless yes that's all i know about him yeah um he also uh plays a really fun character because the movie's so bizarre and uh but i highly recommend it uh the movie cobb in which tommy lee jones plays former baseball player ty cobb who's being interviewed by robert wall as an old man and you just just find out it's this kind of like weird descent and just craziness because ty cobb is just so evil and horrible like the most famous baseball [ __ ] yeah it's just weird spending time with him yeah it's really amazing performance by tommy lee jones uh and we also have eric christmas here as mr katzenberg i think he must have been at the dance upset at the people for driving through the through the garden and ruining everything but we just had him in the changeling he was the assistant husband to the medium that was like tearing out the pages as she was scribbling away and he's the priest in herald and mod and he also plays a priest in cheers also died in cameroon no way really wow in 2000 though yeah we had someone else die here too like in our house like a hundred feet away apparently yeah no it was uh that was in little darling yeah little darlings so it's like oh my goodness camarillo is where everyone comes today yeah that's why i'm here jess up or down uh i'm gonna go down on this one richard whoa uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a down yeah um i i feel like this movie could have been pretty good if you removed like three story lines focused you're gonna say three characters well yeah that's that's it like because there's like the jimmy plot which is really somber and sad he's going off to vietnam he's scared of about going and we as the audience are scared for him because we know how bad the vietnam thing is going to get and then there's you know some of the other characters just kind of like hanging out and having like their own like kind of little issues which is fine but then just all the dick and fart jokes don't fit yeah newborn turk at the same time he's trying to play the dreyfus character from american graffiti and john belushi from animal house yeah and you can't be both of those people it's something like american graffiti did better and even much later richard linklater is dazing confused which i think takes place in the 70s right but it's a very similar concept of just following these groups of kids who are dealing with this upcoming changes of their life yeah and i like robert wool but i think he was miscast here i don't even know if i think he was miscast i think that that the character was miswritten yeah i think this this character shouldn't have been like this you can have a zany kind of like character but he has to have some kind of other substance to him which he does not yeah and it it doesn't make sense that anyone would be friends with this guy to let alone attract it to him when all he does is run around and shout obscene things at people and fart into people's cars well sometimes high school girls are dumb yeah but with the other guys that were around here he's the one he just looks like an idiot he doesn't he doesn't look like he's funny or that he's winning or embarrassing anybody he just looks like a he looks like a special needs kid that everyone just puts up with it's not necessary to check this one out although it did strike me as uh crazy that the soundtrack for this would have inspired a nappy root song for the song good day it's just so weird that they would pull it from this movie like it must have just been on cable one day and they were like i kind of like that piano beat and that was that was the impetus of a song other than that i would say there's no reason to watch this richard where's this going letterboxed um i'm gonna put this just below friday the 13th which is just above to all goodnight okay right between those two jess what are we looking at uh so this one isn't terribly high for me it just barely does not make the windows threshold okay it is just below windows for me um which is about maybe two-thirds down my list and just above don't go in the house okay mine is also below the windows threshold for my list i think this goes above nijinsky but below a small circle of friends that's how annoying i would rank this i think that's everything we have for this one uh if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterboxed or as i said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider reading us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintagevideopodcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing effects which imdb summarizes like so some crew members of a company shooting a horror film begin to suspect that the killings in the movie are real and that they are actually making a snuff film does not happen no i have uh yeah that's right i have criticism yeah so i like just reading you a premise that's not what the next movie's about and then just blaming it on something when i could have written an actual premise but uh we leave you now with the trailer for effects is there a trailer i probably i don't know if there's not just show the trailer for the movie fx i'm just gonna play you a promo from the short-lived channel fx [Laughter] which is still around is it i don't know now it's fxx is it is it the same channel i don't know anyway justify was great f x dammit you get those lights please now if you put this under her skirt are we really going to make the audience believe that it is her leg sure on the cut after she's knocked down yeah all right what about the blood what about it was there enough why that's the way it would read it with a razor cut down there nobody is going to believe a spirit of blood don't believe anything we show them okay stand by i got speed speed slater celeste you make your living creating and photographing special effects couldn't those have been special effects maybe it's not real no no that was real something's wrong mommy look real to me play it again all right we start here right he slashes at her repeatedly huh she drags herself up the stairs blood flows it starts slow at first but then it builds up to a frenzy pitch you should be filming this right sometimes i think he's really going to come at me with that razor now am i screaming anything intelligible or only till i cut your throat slice your mouth off now he's laughing at you like a lunatic he's cursing at you but somehow you managed to get up to that closet uh yeah you'd be saying something like uh arthur why uh you're killing me uh you bastard okay get ready and a fade to black did you get it