we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of the mountain man on june 1st 1980. it was written by fraser clark heston no relation just getting his chilton's son directed by richard lange and released by columbia pictures frasier clark heston the son of actor charlton heston began working on the screenplay after living among alaskan eskimos and native americans yeah i believe that the proper trim is inuit so i assume he was just in this as a favor to his son or was his son an accomplished filmmaker prior to this not super accomplished no okay the working title was wind river which was later used for a jeremy renner film in 2017. it's very good yeah has a hawkeye and uh scarlet witch in it it's also about native americans what does that say does it have any story points in in line with this it's basically the same story but it takes place in present day it's totally different it's a murder mystery thing it's very good it is and uh the film was also briefly called last of the mountain men which i actually think would be better than the mountain men because it plays into the whole summary of the film heston later said that the film you saw was not what we conceived or shot that's what he said who we shot a totally different film i don't know what happened i don't know what happened it was it was a sci-fi movie it took place largely on a moon uh no he said uh we compromised my sunscript was much darker and it emphasized the sort of autumnal recognition that they earned as trappers i confess that i miss that aspect bitterly my son found it difficult to swallow he poured everything into the script and resented the changes but all artists compromise every one of my films could have been better every one of them my son learned that the people who put up the money control the film when we saw the final cut he was heartbroken i could have walked out i could have put everything on the line but i don't like to do that it was the director's first feature and i don't like to throw my weight around but maybe i should have maybe i made a mistake so what is he saying changed about it i assume they find the valley well we're getting ahead of ourselves i shouldn't spoil anything well if it's darker i would guess not but we start the film with a very silent columbia logo that made me think that i was doing something wrong and then an eagle is soaring over some snowy mountains bill as played by charlton heston is wading through a river with a gun when someone fires on him uh or later i guess someone fires on him no right here in the river oh yeah he's checking traps and then he gets descended upon while under fire assuming it's um either uh local indians local indians are someone out to kill them he seems pretty convinced that there are crow nearby the the tr the tribe crow nearby crow indians right and so um a shot is fired over his head and he starts to run away and is very quickly engaged in a chase the chaser catches up with him and they crash they their horses all do flips oh my god they crash into the river it's horrifying the horse stunts in this movie are just hard to watch because these i i would not be surprised if several horses died in the making of this film if they killed horses on the set of luck that show about just racing horses at santa anita then there's no way they didn't kill five horses in this yeah there's at least like three full horse somersaults that could that could easily have ended in broken legs and necks and stuff and uh they originally had is it the aspca that animal yeah protection people um had issued like a statement like oh this this movie did a really good job and all the animals were cared for and taken this movie yes but then they saw the final cut of the movie because the cut that they were shown previously didn't have any of the somersaulting horses okay that's not happening and so they were attracted i was gonna say that is not how you clear a film you clear film by being on set because of course they were on set yeah but they weren't on set when that stuff was happening i guess because you you should be on set whenever an animal is being used because otherwise they're of course they're going to show you the footage where the horse dies right and also apparently it's impossible to get a horse to do that unless there's a trip line involved so that's literally how they're getting these horses to go purpose yes oh that makes it so much worse it's like the long riders where you can only get them to go through a window at once yeah you can train them to jump through the same shaped rectangle over and over again but they'll only go through the window in that shape one time that makes me really angry because i was like okay well it was an accident but you know you at least you got to use the footage and it's terrible that it happened you should be more careful next time but they did it on purpose right they're monsters now here let's make it even one step worse okay you're not doing it to raise a bunch of money you're just doing it to prank your friend that's what the guy in this movie was doing yeah well like it's literally just he's crashing these horses full speed end over end into this river as a joke on his friend because he's like hi you thought you were going to die and i killed a bunch of our horses and that's what he says when he gets up damn fool you could have killed my horse and he probably did and there's one that's like laying on the ground probably dead in the background of this shot anyway yeah or if they weren't dead you had to you had to euthanize them afterwards but this is frapp frappy frapp man and uh his name is frapp and james frapp henry henry fat uh henry frapp was playing a prank on his good buddy bill and uh killing horses as a as a goof he asks how he's doing bill tells him that there's some crow india nearby and frapp says they are black foot but you were close and they argue about that for a while because they both think they're experts but they ultimately both end up being right right yeah that's a spoiler yeah spoiler alert hold on hold on richard we haven't gotten there yet it's a very important spoiler i know but it affects the trajectory of the whole film i it's important to note though because their argument is they'll notice they're both getting to it right now they're just arguing so i just want to ask are we going to spend this entire podcast saying indian instead of native americans yes we are because that was the proper terminology in the early 1800s so we're just sticking to the the date in which the film was supposed to take place we we've said indian and native american i guess we should pick one i i don't mean i'm going to say indian because that's what they keep saying in the movie well they say engine yeah okay you want to be accurate they all they also refer to themselves as as n-words several times yeah the the engines do no the frap frank refers to himself as an n-word i had to rewind it and put on subtitles i was like wait he just wow what i don't know maybe it meant something different well you know how like uh irish people weren't considered white until like the early 1900s i think the easiest way to do this is just to refer to them as their tribe name the crow or the black feet yeah is black feet the plural black foot i don't know black foots black foots i don't know we're gonna we're gonna no they are black foot there's no or are they black feet no the the plural of black foot is black foot black foot god damn it bill asks henry frapp what the beaver skins are going for and apparently they're five bucks everywhere um he hasn't uh checked in with society lately he's been out in the wilderness just collecting for the last couple years he hasn't made it out to the rendezvous which is like a gathering of tradesmen well i have to say uh my experience with red dead redemption 2 beaver furs that's a pretty five dollars is a pretty high price is it so that takes place even later than maybe uh red dead two does yeah yeah because he only ends up getting quoted about three when they get to the rendezvous but spoiler alert if uh there's this one line from henry here henry's sitting on the log next to him and uh and he says that they need to hit up the rendezvous soon because he says i don't get some whiskey soon i'm gonna die he just like shouts it like a weirdo i hope that was like the like his choice yeah i really want everyone on set to have been like what the [ __ ] was that because like the director like they kept going brian you need to do it again but yeah you need to have like a little bit more intensity to it you're not doing it right we need to believe that you need whiskey you got to make us believe that you need the whiskey i feel like this is the kevin sorbo disappointed disappointed which the rumor for that is that he literally was reading like the parenthetical yeah like he was reading the line and he was supposed to just be disappointed but he just said disappointed that's so great i'm sure that's not true but i love that legend they disagree again about which indians are nearby bill asks for some backy he wants a tongue full of baki uh presumably that's code for tobacco once uh once he gets it from frappe he punches him out and knocks him into the river they head back to their horses the surviving horses where we are introduced to nat wyeth or nat wyatt and nathan wyatt yeah yeah uh but they sometimes call him nat here nathan wyatt he's an ice merchant based on a real person i forget the guy's name but it's pretty close to nathan wyatt it's frigidaire frigidaire that's his name um and uh i think they call him kristoff right yeah that's right and this was later adapted into a musical um but uh he's a nice merchant and uh he's very nice he's a really nice guy no he's a friend of fraps they've been traveling together for a while and he says he's gonna set up trade and farming in oregon he predicts that the oregon trail will happen he's just like yeah i bet that there's going to be a trail that leads from st louis missouri to oregon i'll bet you a dollar i thought for sure that the joke was gonna be he was gonna be going with his wagon train of the donner party right i thought i thought for sure that they were gonna imagine he was traveling with the donners that'd be great but no he he just keeps saying oh man oregon's gonna be so great i'm gonna set up all this cool stuff and build a hotel up on the mountain right and this is it's gonna be wonderful and uh at the same time um bill is basically arguing over the top of him with protestations that oregon sucks you can't grow anything there because it sucks and it's a suck bill um they reach the rendezvous point and in place of the people that should be there there's a note inviting them closer to society where they have white women now so that night they hear sounds near the camp rendezvous point now featuring white women yes hey where are the white women at um what they're like so in disbelief for this they're like there aren't even women on this side of the continental divide that night they hear sounds near the camp and uh they argue over what this the cause of the sound is but eventually decide that it's either the blackfoot tribe or the crow nearby and that they're stealing their horses but in the morning when we fade up bill is already coming back with the horses because he has already successfully stolen them all back right um seems to be a game they play back and forth and uh then cross otter and and a couple other people from the crow tribe come up to the lake across from them and they send hand signals back and forth to communicate crossotter wants the horses back they argue back and forth about who stole them first from the other person and then eventually crossotter says that he just wants to come over and smoke a pipe and have peace and that they'll leave so they start to come across the lake and they're still arguing about who the horses started with when uh one of uh crossotter's fellow crow tribesmen uh gets hit with an arrow right through the neck yeah there's this hilarious scene played for a slapsticky comedy of uh the blackfoot tribe and the crow tribe firing at each other and these these mountain men caught in the middle and they're all like jokey about it and one of the blackfoot guys like moons them from across the river and says i crap on the grave of your fathers and then they shoot him and then they laugh hysterically at his body falling over after they shot him to kill him right like these people are being killed yeah there's death happening all around them but they're all laughing about it and making fun of each other why wyatt's just standing there watching it until he gets an arrow in the heart all right just took an arrow i can see that it looks like and he's just like i have taken an arrow in the chest and that's and i took an arrow in the knee then i took an arrow to the chest bill just yanks it out of his chest and he points out like oh look it's not even in that deep you're fine and he's like oh yeah you're right and then he passes out and just falls over backup rolls in we have a bunch more crow show up to save the day oh wyatt does get a one good shot off with the oh yeah with the double barrel it gives them both barrels yeah and there's also um the bill takes one shot at because one of the blackfoot indians gets so close that he's like already attacking wyatt and then bill fires his ramrod through the indian because he was like still reloading his gun and uh he fires the ramrod and it just pierces through the guy's back and he pulls him off um apparently i'm gonna keep saying indian because it's too hard to avoid saying it in this movie bill brings one of the the blackfoot women that they left behind but it turns out that she's not actually black foot she was taken by their tribe but wyatt stands next to her and pronounces her dead right before she kicks him in the face and gets up to run away but bill stops her because she's actually running toward the blackfoot uh tribe that she's trying to get away from that yeah and uh and he's like if you're gonna have the common sense to run at least do it away from the people that are trying to capture you and he points her in the opposite direction but she just sits down because she realizes oh these people aren't trying to hurt me so maybe i'll just hang out here for a second well she's she's damned does she do damned if she don't right like if she goes back to the blackfoot she's gonna be back with the guy that's beating her if she goes to the crow they'll kill her uh so she's got no choice but just to stay with these guys you don't seem to now why would the crow kill her because she was coming with the black people yeah she did they just killed a whole bunch of blackfoot yeah but but she was wasn't she like kidnapped and stolen over there like she's but she was fighting with them she was a she was part of their group that that staged that attack just now so yes i don't know i don't i feel like i mean she's not healthy but she's not one of the crow so but she was a crow was she i don't know i think she was she was a different tribe that oh was she yeah that her tribe is dead she's she's the last of her tribe okay never mind i thought she was a crow so far in 1980 this is our third last of last of their tribe native american characters after uh nothing personal and uh uh johnny eagle from uh humanoids from the deep um well he had other people i thought we decided that he was suing for the rights to continue fishing even though there was no other native americans in the whole city but they had like a contract for the specific bay so she sits down around the fire with them and kind of tells her story yeah we have a scene with heavy eagle talking to his elders right heavy eagle was her husband and uh he goes to meet with his like chief right well i they just say elder i'm i mean whether he's the chief or not um it seems like heavy eagle is calling the shots yeah um but he sits down with him and he says that he's gonna keep going after these guys until he gets his wife back because he he plans on killing these guys yeah even though the the elder is like you don't even care about her you treat her you know what can we say what do you say he well he says how you treat her like he doesn't treat her very well like he um i i reference game of thrones with how khaleesi was at first with the dothraki before she became into power yeah i think he says coyote [ __ ] yeah yeah i didn't want to say it i wanted to desperately so we cut back to the campfire where she's telling them that she was sold to the blackfoot tribe and is a wife slave to one of their warriors that's heavy eagle she learned english at fort mckenzie and she says she does not want to go back to heavy eagle she climbs under the blanket with bill uh and she says that her name is running moon and he tells her his name we see heavy eagle like standing next to a lake and he picks up a rock and just slices his chest open yep not sure why maybe he's just itchy what he's got overzealous oh that's better anymore running moon wakes up the next morning and they're all gone they just left her in a blanket is that a thing that can happen i feel like this is like a trope where you have an entire campsite that you have to pack up in complete silence to keep from someone waking up yeah i would definitely have done this you have to walk all the animals really quietly away yeah you don't start them until you're like 200 feet away you just put all the horses [Laughter] put it in neutral anyway because hey dude [Music] there you go frapp and bill race into town in search of whiskey they're just screaming and running their horses full speed into the tents oh my god at the rendezvous it's amazing when he first runs into the tent you you see he like smacks the whiskey sign and breaks it in half and falls down he's just like [Applause] shouting it as he comes but like he's not the only crazy person like the entire camp is going bonkers it's like burning man yeah and uh when he gets in because there's like a makeshift tent that is serving the purpose of this bar but he just rides his horse completely into it and completely knocks the tent over but no one's upset yeah like they're all just like laughing about it even the bartender doesn't care i don't even like it's there's so much chaos happening here i'm like how is anybody actually conducting any real business in this camp which is the whole point of this there's like just people having sex like in all over all over the place and well they just got that product in so um bill tries to sell some beaver pelt and the guy offers them three bucks is this font now yeah uh this soft baby head guy offers him three bucks and he doesn't go for it he's like i'm gonna hold on to it until it's worth less i got a good feeling about this in my soft spot right here yeah yeah and uh it's because uh silk is the new thing right silk is soft as a baby skull and uh the guys don't actually know what silk is oh what about one of them because it comes from worms it's made out of worms you just grind them up and paint them and you get yourself a silk hat the guy is taking more for buffalo and silk right now and that's blowing bill's mind because buffalo used to not be worth anything now it's worth a lot because they've killed so many of them that it's harder to find so that's supply and demand here's what you got to do kill more beavers medicine wolf an old friend of bills does tricks through town and then crashes backward into a branch uh it's like a sign post and uh falls off of his horse and hurts himself pretty badly and this and he like sits up and the words out of her mouth is god damn everyone laughs at the guy when he sits up and then bill pours a bunch of alcohol down his throat and he yells goddamn again and then passes out and probably dies of a coma no he comes no he's fine but yeah i wouldn't have let him go to sleep right here he's concussed for sure this is this is when you don't feel like god damn is in the character of you know a native american to say i don't even know if he's actually supposed to be native american i i did enjoy us coming up with like what's this guy's name again you're like medicine ball i kept cutting a medicine ball but uh yeah but medicine and bill and frapp go to talk to iron belly because they want to they want a solution to this problem about beaver being too cheap and he tells them the legend of this mythical beaver valley there's just it's just overflowing with beaver and uh they're trying they're fighting with each other to get into your traps this this film is just full of euphemisms yeah it is uh i i do like that he's supposedly so old that he's wearing like conquistador armor yes which is why they call him iron belly because he's actually got like he's got like a lead chest plate yeah bill and fraps suspect that this mystical beaver village area is what the blackfoot tribe have been guarding it's why that they're getting particularly violent in this area what are they doing with the beavers it's gross we don't have to talk about it no um i don't know what they're doing i feel like it's kind of like um they're the beavers are just sacred to them when heavy eagle is talking to his chief or whatever we're gonna call that guy he says they're here to kill our beavers and like that's the most serious accusation that he levels at these guys and even like the chief is like yeah you're right we got to do something i guess but it seems like they care a lot about the beavers just staying alive which is maybe why there's so many of them in this in this magic valley they uh they pay him for the information and then he rapes a young indian girl that seemed pretty consensual although he was she was a child well he was very gross yes the next day running moon kicks bill in the nuts after a very short fight for leaving her behind a tradesman is making fun of them he's laughing at bill for losing the fight so quickly because he's not willing to fight back really and then bill attacks that guy and throws him against a wagon we'll see this guy again later yeah wyatt leaves to start his ice selling business in oregon oregon the way they just they pronounce it makes it sound more like a shape that i'm not familiar yeah uh never to be seen again not not for death but uh he is just he's out of the story no i liked him i have a feeling that the darker version of the story is he didn't make it out of that he doesn't make it out or we're like well at least we have this ice to keep his body in one piece until it gets the murray gone where his children are waiting for it uh running moon prepares a meal for the men she's like she's become their wife now and they're maybe at least less abusive than heavy eagle but still not great husbands she she seems very eager to please yeah them like because she's written by men yeah and that's their fantasy as a girl that will just do everything for them and uh she's rubbing bill's feet by a fire and uh they continue that's pretty gross shelton has this 70 year old feet well it's not just he's a mountain man yeah just the implication of this this guy's probably got all kinds of like yeah parasites and fungus and and he's probably got the ringworm what's his name uh the aviator feat i was gonna say i was gonna say uh mr deeds feat [Laughter] either one of them works um she tells them that she's heard this legend about the the beaver valley since childhood but it's only a legend and uh suddenly bill is being pursued by blackfoot warriors he gets shot at i think by them do they shoot at him do they have guns um they do have guns i don't remember if this is when they shoot him everybody he turns and shoots back and yeah he kills a couple of them by shooting them and stabs a few and eventually they're all dead or surrendering and running away yeah and and because there's two attacks there's attack during the day and then there's an attack at night that night they come back and take all the horses yeah and they managed to kill one of those guys trying to take the horses um and the other guy again runs away they had like an alarm because their donkey is terrible and it's not very well tamed and so when they tried to steal the donkey they just went nuts and threw the guy on the ground and that's how they became aware of it and they shoot one i thought it was interesting earlier when the i think the donkey goes off when uh when frapp is working on it yeah and they that just after they meet the the ice man and uh he he yells like this is like this is the language to like everybody back off like stay away because this thing is going to kick you in the head and kill you well donkeys were the original cpr machines so you would have to shout clear before yeah it's not a cpr machine that you say clear for yeah that donkeys were the original defibrillators and i believe it's a mule okay sorry mules were the original defibrillators so you have to uh shout clear before they kick you in the chest and break all your ribs and you die i don't know let's just put them out of their misery i guess clear we got one dead guy running moon is worried that heavy eagle is after her specifically because of all these blackfoot attacks and the next day they're ambushed and they're aimish they're eating the next day they wake up amish they don't use any electricity anymore everybody was amish in the 1830s the next day they're ambushed while traveling through the woods frapp is pushed down over a log and scalped there's a fight you know right one of them one of the uh blackfoot tribe gets shot falls off his horse and there's a big sound when he lands like he farted yeah i pointed that out to you when that happened and that's another thing i rewinded multiple times trying to figure out what it could possibly be and i have nothing i have an idea what if he farted somebody farted yeah but it's like was this an attempt to be funny in this moment this was take seven and that was the quietest fart that the guy could land you're just trying to be realistic because you lose bowel control when you die yeah that's like when i convinced daddy that when people say ghosts they're just talking about your body's last fart when you die and that's what leaves your body she thought i was serious frapp is scalped um so on top of losing a bunch of skin on the top of his head he has to inhale this dead guy's fart he's also got an axe in his back oh yeah that too bill runs to because he assumes at this point that there's too many of them for him to fight on his own and frapp is dead so he runs to running moon and they escape together i like the score here yeah it's got this really cool musical moment as we show the two of them kind of on the move but setting up various beaver traps and uh he's like shooting and preparing deer for dinner he comes back from a hunt they have a sexy time yeah but first we see this quick moment of her she's uh she's like hiding a blanket or something that she's working on when he comes back from a hunt um and then they yeah they set up like a tent on the side of a river and have sexy times the next day he asks her where his shirt went and she gives him one that she made which is what she was working on that she was writing but where did his shirt go does she just make the shirt into this shirt i think i think she's got rid of it she's gonna need this old shirt you're gonna wear the shirt stinky old shirt you're not gonna wear that old shirt anymore i got you a new shirt yeah that's very husband and wifey i have more than two grades of laundry okay there's not just clean and dirty there are many subtle levels okay i hang this outside the window for 20 minutes it's good as new but he's he's very pleased with this uh shirt which is made in the style of of her tribe presumably and he holds it up and he says that shines there it truly shines which is like the the 1830s vernacular for when something's groovy also which is what we would say today oh that was because her name was moon oh no i think it's just the thing that mountain men said blackfoot warriors pursue them they meander into a stream as though charlton heston were an elderly man which is to say like a half mile an hour just sort of one step at a time one foot in front of the other and he is an elderly man no he is and he's not supposed to be playing a young man no like like this isn't like dick tracy yeah where warren beatty is just way too old to be playing tracy and yet for some reason these blackfoot warriors a team in their late teens and early 20s are unable to catch up with this guy because he's charlton heston yeah stunt charlton makes considerably better progress uh through the river and uh but suddenly the blackfoot tribe has the high ground they're basically lining this whole hillside as he's trying to get out of the water and bill fires a shot up at them but they bear down on him and running moon and basically completely trample this woman to the ground with the horse which someone got run over by a horse in this shot it looks extremely real yeah it's nice to know that they care as much about the horses as they do about the actors though i have to say as long as the shot works but uh they take a big rock and they knock him out but they don't kill him they just knock him out and he wakes up strung up in a tent uh with his arms like tied to the ceiling of the tent and he keeps asking heavy eagle where running moon went until eagle says she died and he's gonna die in the morning yeah eagle's face paint seems to resemble the twirly mustache of the 20s villain did you notice that it's like a little curly thing i wanted him to like reach up in i know he has a couple of different face paints in here but the funny little mustache one is my favorite yeah we'll throw a picture of that on the uh on the instagram bill is given the opportunity to run to a post it's basically like a spear like a weapon that they stab into the ground and they give you the opportunity to run to it pull it out of the ground and you can defend yourself with it but he runs like giving him a head start right but he runs to it and he grabs the post and continues running in that direction at which point a team of blackfoot characters chase him through the woods he comes to a river where there's like a a beaver dam i don't know what you would call this thing a beaver bubble um that's it's a beaver dam that's exactly what a beaver dam i thought a dam was just like okay a death a river maybe a beaver den yeah sure or a living room and he jumps into the river and surfaces in this beaver's living room and there's like three or four of them in there because because you want to have a beaver as a friend yeah that [ __ ] is on the lake lakeside my ass like on what is that from it's [ __ ] edward so he pops up in this beaver's living room and there's two or three of them that are inside of this little bubble of wood on the top of the water when the blackfoot people get to the shore they they can't see where he disappeared to they can see the wood of this beaver dam but they don't realize that there's a a breathable area under the wood oh they know that they're not dumb they know how beavers live i think they are dumb because they didn't know that one guy stopped and looked and the only reason the rest of them turned a different way is because a deer ran into the bushes and made a noise then they thought it was him right and then when their friend never came out of the water they went home and weaved baskets isn't this where they come back and they have the whole chase down the thing and there's a there's a raging river first he stabs the guy yeah i like i like the reveal like because the guy comes up first and then just blood pours out of his mouth so we have charlton hiding with all these beavers probably feeling a little bit guilty about murdering them for his entire life because they just saved him and then well they're not being very hospitable they're sitting there hissing at him yeah i would too if some random dude just came into your house hitler of my people surfaces in my living room are you gonna hiss at him yeah i'm gonna hit him and that's me being polite if the most i do to my hitler is go away [Laughter] then that's that's practically a greeting compared to what this person deserves they should be eating his face but then a hand pops out of the water and starts choking charlton out and uh he drops and then in his place the the blackfoot guy surfaces and like you said he just starts gurgling blood yeah which is great and then more blood comes up from the water and then charlton pulls the guy down and he should have just stayed in this this little cove for like a few years and learned the beaver language and just eaten them for sustenance [Music] just cut to slowly chewing on a live beaver um he's got a beaver hat the next time it's like 20 minutes later and he's wearing a bee breath it's just blood gushing down his face did you just cut open that beaver and put it on your head no no anyway i gotta go word gets back to heavy eagle that bill has escaped um and the messenger is ball smashed a heavy eagle takes off i thought you meant that was his name this is medicine ball and over here we have ball smash ball smash he suffered a terrible accident and he is childless um yeah so heavy eagle isn't pleased and he says i'll track him myself right and successfully does and successfully does but they don't find him in this this little wood bubble they find him just running along a cliffside and heavy eagle just blindly tackles him off a cliff and the two of them tumble into a river and there's this really loud music and this raging water and you're splashing and loud and loud and loud and it just cuts instantly to the next scene where there's just like a crackling fire in a tent they they go over the waterfall when it hard cuts yeah well a heavy eagle swims ashore and sees bill still struggling in the water and then bill goes over the waterfall and then there's the cut yeah yeah but it's just crazy like halfway down the waterfall we hard cut to indian village yeah but it was it was funny too because as soon as they fell in the water i told you like i'm just putting in my notes they fall all the way to a waterfall because we know what's going to happen here and then it took a while yeah i was like oh maybe i was wrong nope you were right eagle gets out just before the waterfall and then charlton goes over and for sure dies don't tell me we're about to go over a huge waterfall yep sharp rocks at the bottom most likely bring it on everything all the sound cuts immediately when we move to this crackling fire in a tent where running moon she's alive uh is serving heavy eagle uh gourd bowl with some kind of soup in it and he like kisses it into her mouth yeah and then she just spits it back out yeah but she doesn't spit it out she just lets it fall out of her mouth slowly yeah breath what's wrong i thought you liked frog's breath nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath and then he throws it in her face because he realizes this is poisoned and then he has his way with her yeah this is an uncomfortable rape scene really yeah i prefer the comfortable rape scenes it seems like there's a redundancy in this phrase fair enough this is a rape scene yes that's true there we go heavy eagle goes to the chief and he says i'm gonna get these guys i'm gonna kill him and the chief says hey give it a rest pal you've lost this fight too many times in a row you got to stop knocking him out and then torturing him you've got to just kill the guy eagle says that he's not going to do it until he gets his scalp he suspects that bill is going to hide with the crow tribe because that's the only place to go in this cold winter we cut to a pack of wolves eating a buffalo more like huskies yeah right but i think they're supposed to be wolves yeah yeah bill scares them all off to feed himself he climbs him out to him with his brand new buffalo poncho now you go through yellowstone which i probably would have stayed near because it seems like it probably would have been warmer i would think so there's like hot springs and stuff yeah but also there's those really dangerous acid pools you'd want to avoid but yeah unless it got really cold acid heavy eagle leads a team to hunt bill down well he actually he's leading the team out to go get the crow right uh because he thinks that bill's there though bill comes upon the ravaged crow village and uh he sees heavy eagles work that basically everyone in this whole town got killed because a heavy eagle assumed that bill would be hiding with them they find iron bellies armor yeah well and i don't know if they necessarily thought he would be there but they did say there's nowhere for him to hide the only way he's going to survive this winter is being in this village and so if we destroy the village he's not going to survive this winter yeah heavy eagle has taken medicine ball hostage uh that's the only person that they took from this village i guess renning moon bribes medicine wolf with sustenance to tell her where bill is because she assumes he knows even though she's seen bill more recently than he has yeah and and and they're hungry too the whole tribe is hungry because the uh warriors aren't hunting they're they're looking for bill yeah they're too busy trying to kill a guy bill finds himself on this snowy plane uh moving through an opening and he sees a campfire with someone sitting around it and he gets closer and realizes that it's frapp and he's just sitting there drinking coffee he's like oh my god if i'd known you were alive i wouldn't left you behind i swear if i didn't know he was laying there scalped if i'd had known you weren't dead i never would have left you not for nothing you don't have to tell me that for christ's sake i know that and then he shows off like the scar on the top of his head while they share coffee he says it felt queersome for a while yeah they uh they're both just making jokes about it and uh they're clearly like on the same page still frat mocks him a little bit about beaver valley say you ever find that valley the one that's all the swarming with the beavers where they run up on the banks and fight one another to get in your trap holler take me bill tyler take me [Laughter] fever many as stars in the sky running moon gives medicine a blanket and a horse to escape with if he can find bill tell bill where she is and that she needs him back and that she's alive also i don't know if she knows that he knows that frapp has a child bride now that he swindled off of a local tribesman he's very proud of it he stole one of the one of the tribesmen's horses and then he traded the guy's own horse for his daughter the guy was like okay yeah that sounds good tired of feeding extra kids they encounter medicine wolf just as he's dying on this horse that he got probably from exposure and starvation he tells them that running moon is alive and that she's she's with the blackfoot tribe and heston totally steps on his lines oh does he he's like he's like running moon she's saying she's alive and he's like you could just see like he's like yes [Music] she says she's alive she waits it's like right over what he's talking yeah like bill decides that he's going to full-on attack the blackfoot tribe by himself henry frapp offers to help and bill goes nah you stay here and sleep with your child bride and frapp comes anyway he says that uh that his child bride got traded away anyway like the guy traded her for the horse again and then he stole the horse back so everything that happened happened in reverse they meet up with frenchy and angry frenchie is the tradesman that was making fun of him for losing a fight to a girl earlier the seymour cassell character and uh angry i don't know who angry is but he's just an angry guy he just sounded like a couple of dwarves yeah the uh the blackfoot tribe arrives and kills angry very quickly and frenchie has to bury him because it's his friend but the blackfoot uh steal the horses frenchy basically leads their war party right to bill and frapp by trying to get away so they're all chasing frenchie as he's burying his friend and then he runs to bill and frapp and says hey they're chasing me and they're like why'd you come over here you jerk the blackfoot tribe led by heavy eagle offers a parlay which uh if you've seen pirates of the caribbean you know means that it's supposed to be like a truce and you're supposed to go and negotiate the terms of your agreement and then you trick them and then you trick them and it's a lie so it's always a lie and bill and frapp know this and so they don't go across the river um but frenchie's like no i don't want to die today so i'm going to go talk to these guys and then they just stab him a bunch of times and then cut his head off so they start riding around swinging his head from their horses another wave of black foot uh swing through and frap takes an arrow to the chest and dies a second time this is there's a weird moment here are you really dead this time yeah you better i'm gonna wait i'm just gonna hang out for a second but uh there's a weird moment here after he dies where suddenly it seems like there's no danger for like a few minutes where he's just like reminiscing and they're just talking about stuff and then suddenly like he looks back over the log and there's there's blackfoot indians that are coming right at him as he's dying henry basically demands to know the truth of beaver valley he's like tell me the truth you found it didn't you and he's like yeah yeah i found it it was great and then i left for no reason and i'm dying out here in the cold with you he rides his horse back up to the blackfoot village and he crashes it full speed into heavy eagles horse so much so hard that both of them fall off of their horses like it's it's a head-on collision like literally two horses heads are smashing into each other here it's horrifying bill tackles heavy eagle into a tent and almost gets him strangled to death but then heavy eagle takes a huge chunk out of bill's arm just bites a big gap out of his arm and he stands up and while bill is reeling from this bite he just spits out this huge chunk yeah it's really gross um and then he gets bill cornered and right as he's about to swing an axe down running moon just blows a hole through him with a shotgun yeah and she takes her man back and that's the end of the movie and i'm really glad it ended that way because i think it was the only way it would all be okay is if she shot him and ended this yeah so there's not like a blood feud well it's justice served you know like she got her justice we don't have any weirdness about it being killing more native americans yeah but also uh the tribe really was getting sick and tired of heavy eagles crap right so i think they're good with this and like hey you got rid of him we're done we're we're good we'll just let you go your way we'll go our way yeah but then they leave frapp's body up on this like funeral pyre but right where he died right where he died and and i get why this is like a this is like a real thing where they would leave bodies up on these uh like is it isn't it an indian burial isn't it yeah that's a way yeah but you wouldn't to me you wouldn't leave it in the floodplain of a river where it's just immediately gonna get washed out okay it washed out on the next storm no i think i would just because i want to see him again i want to be surprised when he washes up again i mean he's a good you know 8 10 feet in the air i don't think it's gonna get washed out by the way this is a pretty cool location to be your final resting place i know you were commenting oh yeah right at the end right at the end this like the sunset in the the mountains it was it was beautiful yeah they shot in like four different national parks for the production and all of the photography they get is gorgeous because none of it is faked i mean the closest thing we get to real fake material is the the water rafting stuff yeah where you have these inserts of someone just blasting charlton with a hose so that it looks like he's the one floating down the river most of the exteriors are just really really gorgeously shot uh our directory here first time director richard lang he went on to a lot of television work he was a director on beverly hills nano 2 and 0 and melrose place for good chunks of both shows he also directed a change of seasons in 1980 so we'll get him back before the end of this year writer frazier clark heston he is charlton's son he's the writer director of a tv movie of treasure island in 1990 starring his father he directed second unit on city slickers i'm imagining uh charlton heston played long john silver sure it sounds right that restaurant was in that movie right our our writer frasier clark heston here also played baby moses in the ten commandments oh wow oh really yeah oh that's interesting so uh i was right he did play long john silver in the treasure island and who played jim hawkins but a young christian bale oh really oh okay then i i might have seen that one oliver reed christopher lee oh my god this movie's got an amazing cast well we won't get to it in what year 19 90 10 years wait is that a theatrically released it wasn't a tv movie um it says not rated so i'm assuming it's the tv movie oh okay usually it says tv but who knows um charlton heston here played bill tyler um he was ben hur and moses he's in soylent green omega man he's george taylor and planet of the apes and he'll be back for the awakening later this year which i think is a mummy movie so that's fun charlton heston obviously later in his his life is the nra stuff yeah your feelings on those aside i still enjoy him as an actor he he did get a little weird at the end he did have what seemed to be a sense of humor about himself as as an actor like his part in in true lies where he's like this eye-patched head of this organization which is like what are you doing and my favorite moment in wind world 2 when he's literally dollied in to replace the gas station attendant yeah i feel like charlton heston is he's interesting because he's a weird-looking guy like he's kind of always been a weird-looking guy and i kind of always thought he was a bad actor but i just like the way he delivers the lines even if i don't he never feels like an actual person he always feels like an actor in all of his roles but it's still infinitely watchable yeah i kind of feel the same way about like shatner most of the time where it's like he never plays a believable character but his acting is so fun that you could just watch it uh brian keith here was henry frapp uh he played mitch evers in the parent trap yeah that's where i recognize him from um he's also buckshot roberts and young guns and he played teddy roosevelt in the wind in the lion i could see him as teddy roosevelt uh i know the wind of the lion but i'm not hyper familiar with it sean connery and candice bergen victoria rasimo played running moon uh she was nurse saint cloud and ernest goes to camp and she plays ramona in prophecy i think it's good that we have somebody with at least some native american heritage in one of these roles yes because that's not the case as we get further down the list um john glover was nathan wyeth he's wonderful and i wish he was actually in more of this movie and actually i didn't mention it before but the first scene where he's meeting the charlton heston character he's like trying to offer him a handshake and charlton has to just kind of staring at his hand like who is what is happening who is this person well and charlie yeah and he's completely naked yeah and he's completely naked but it reminds me so much of in scrooged when john glover is trying to shake hands with bill murray and bill murray's doing the same thing like what is this guy why is he here why is he trying to talk to me but he's bryce cummings and scrooged the guy who's basically taking over uh frank cross's job yeah um he's daniel clamping gremlins ii the guy who owns the building that's that might be i love scrooged but his performance in greenland's two might be my favorite yeah um he's uh he's saperstein and in the mouth of madness he has a couple dc connections he's the he's the father to a couple of bad guys um he's lex luthor's dad on smallville and he's mark strong's dad in the shazam movie that just came out yeah he's also the co-conspirator or co-creator of bane oh is he he's in the poison ivy bane mr freeze which is what batman batman forever oh is he yeah he he's like in the lab where bane is created when poison ivy comes in i did not realize he was in that david aykroyd was medicine wolf david aykroyd was trembo trumbo from trumbo's world i actually paused the movie for a while i'm like do you recognize this guy [Music] he uh he is in the sixth episode of macgyver called trumbo's world where he plays a guy who lives in south america and his farm is attacked by ants he also plays a character named antius in zena um and he was the voice of ezekiel rage on johnny quest i think oh he was ezekiel rage we must have mentioned yeah we have talked to him because uh zico are such a great character william lucking was jim walker here that's what you called angry yes okay he was a highway patrolman in the ninth configuration he also plays five different cops on murder she wrote and he played piney in 49 episodes of son of anarchy seymour cassell was lebont that's frenchy he plays bert fisher and rushmore that's uh the father of the main character kid i understand you're a neurosurgeon no i'm a barber but a lot of people make that mistake um he also played sam catch him and dick tracy and he was esteban and life aquatic he's he's a very brief role yeah uh he's also in royal tenenbaums as the i believe is the elevator operator yeah he gets used by by wes anderson a lot victor jory was iron belly he plays victor wilkinson and gone with the wind he's helen keller's dad and the miracle worker he played lamont cranston on the shadow and uh this was his last feature film and then inga swenson you know that lemon the cranston is the shadow yes okay i i i like you sure i didn't i didn't specify yeah he is the shadow yes lamont cranston is the shadow that's his his alter ego who knows what evil works in the hearts of man the shadow knows but shadows aren't innately fast is that true it's from turbo uh turbo the white shadow because i'm so fast all you see is my shadow i don't get it i'm fast like a shadow yep but shadows they're not inherently fast what shadow inga swenson plays the white singer at the mountain men gathering so she must be singing at the at the rendezvous yeah she played helen keller's mom in the miracle worker so we have both of helen keller's parents from the miracle worker in this movie oh i forgot to mention for heavy eagle he was strongly considered to play the part of picard apparently oh i don't know why i skipped him too in the next generation yeah oh i didn't know that yeah steven mocked as the actor's name played running eagle yeah uh heavy eagle heavy eagle sorry well and he's got some great credits yeah he um he's in monster squad right he's shawn's dad dell he also plays six different characters on murder she wrote and then he has a credit coming up later this year that's an awesome character name sergeant thor in galaxina uh he is great in graveyard shift oh okay he plays the head of the the owner of the the textile mill graveyard shift oh yeah it's this crazy uh scene with ewan mcgregor no no no it's uh uh i don't know if you would know any of these people except for brad dorf uh chucky but uh it's a really great movie it's this is this mill where there's like a monster in the basement that keeps killing people and ends up being you know spoiler ends up being this gigantic bat okay um and you know what i've heard a different i heard a podcast review that movie before yeah um but war uh he plays a character named warwick warwick who owns the place and he just chews the scenery every time he's on there's this great scene where he's like aggressively eating an apple um he he is great and brad dorf delivers this amazing monologue he's never not great so highly recommend graveyard shift we we cannot neglect to mention the legend of galgameth oh yeah who was in that that heavy heavy eagle was in this heavy eagle was in it yeah when i was scrolling through his credits there was one movie that stood out called the legend of gal gameth which uh do you know what the legend of gal games i don't know this one look up the legend of galgamath take a look at this poster we'll throw a picture of this poster on on the instagram so the imdb describes it as a young prince fights to free his people with the help of his family mascot a small dragon that grows upon eating metal yeah and the cover boxes make it look like it's for either preschoolers or for adults the the little dragon looks like uh like the baby from dinosaurs and then he eats metal and turns into uh what looks like some sort of kaiju that's going to you know fight honestly he looks a lot like baby godzilla from uh i forget which godzilla movie that is yeah it's the one with like the little boy i'm trying to look it up right now it looks magical though yeah i'll i'm just gonna for no reason include one picture of the baby dragon from galaga math so god 1996 yeah 96 and the graphics look like it's if you talk if you showed me that poster and you said what year is this movie from i would have said 81 tops yeah yeah but it honestly looked super familiar to me i feel like i might have seen this i might have two but uh galaga math it looks great jess is this an up or down for the mountain men you know i went into it pretty darn skeptical because i thought i would be really bothered by the portrayal of native americans and treatment of women and all sorts of things in this which i was slightly bothered by those things but honestly i really enjoyed the movie overall i think it was i think it was pretty good i gave it a note yeah i think i'm going to give this a thumbs up too it honestly just i think the uh the chemistry between frapp and bill is enough to totally save the movie like the two of them feel like they're legitimately having a good time i'm glad that relationship came back because when we thought he was dead after being sculpted i'm like oh man was the last person i cared about yeah i mean their banter back and forth was was really uh engaging and he he just has such a great laugh frank keith character henry frapp um it's just whenever he cracks up about something it like i i can't help but laugh with him up or down richard uh i will also give it up um it's not exactly on the fence it's a little bit above the fence but i did enjoy it and like i said i'm always just interested i think you're right as as far as like the relationship between frapp and bill yes it's just like yeah this is like i would prefer it was just more of this yeah it feels like a uh you know jack lemmon walter matthau just arguing with each other grumpy or old men type and this was long after like jeremiah johnson uh which is you know similar themes of mountain men and native american attacks and and whatnot but uh i liked it yeah um where does this go on your letterbox jess uh so it's it's pretty high up there actually well above the windows threshold it's um i don't know it's about 18 or 20 down on my list it's between little miss marker and the last married couple in america okay richard um i'm putting apparently i'm putting all my westerns in a row here um i'm gonna put this just below tom horne uh which is just above the gong show movie but it's also in line with the long run that classic western the gong show well i mean because because it goes long riders tom horn and now right uh mountain men yeah um on that on kind of a combination of those two notes uh i am putting it above the long riders and just below last married couple which is also relatively high on my list i would say yeah this was an enjoyable one i think that's about everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share we are vintagevideopod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing happy hooker goes hollywood which imdb summarizes like so a prostitute writes a bestseller book about her profession which attracts the attention of a studio executive who attempts to get it made into a movie we leave you now with the trailer for happy hooker ghost hollywood they're back again xavier hollander and her girls [Music] [Applause] they're looking [Music] have you slept with anyone interesting since coming to hollywood you mean besides you xavier hollander's new movie happy hooker goes hollywood can you make it in holland i want this book to be a blockbuster movie yeah give me the rights to this book you get me this girl get me a xavier how do you make movies you make movies with money thank you xavier they'd have to drag me out of here they just might have to [Music] money comes easy to the girls of xavier hollander tonight will be the most memorable night of your life come and get your bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy don't say a word my love just come to me they're more beautiful than ever someone get some champagne we're all gonna make a movie starring martin beswick adam west phil silvers richard deacon army archer [Applause] [Music] hollander's happy hooker goes hollywood she's coming to a theater near you