we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of brubaker on june 20th 1980. it was written by w.d richter based on a story by richter and arthur a ross and an uncredited story credit for bob rakelson suggested by the book accomplices to the crime written by thomas o merton and joe hiams directed by stuart rosenberg and also a little bit bob rapelson and released by 20th century fox i don't understand this suggested by did you get any more information about what the health suggested by yes we'll go into that now okay the film is based on the real life experiences of warden thomas merton co-author with joe hims of the 1969 book accomplices to the crime the arkansas prison scandal in 1967 he was hired by governor winthrop rockefeller that's a classy name of the rockefellers winthrop rockefeller to reform arkansas's tucker state and cummins state prison farms but merton was dismissed less than a year into the job because his work was creating too much bad publicity for the state's penal system in particular the discovery of numerous graves belonging to prisoners who'd been killed in these prisons much of the squalid conditions violence and corruption depicted in the film was the subject of a 1970 federal court case holt vs sarver in which the federal court ruled that the arkansas prison system violated inmates constitutional rights and ordered reform the first script written by arthur ross was the true story but ross passed on the opportunity to direct duties to direct the fictionalized adaptation which is the reason we get stories suggested by it's not the actual story in the book it's kind of like when time ran out yeah but i thought that generally you would do it based on like based on is the terminology that we tend to see when it's not an exact apparently it was loose enough that it wasn't it wasn't based on anymore but i think in win time right now they still use based on even though it's even less based on the story than this is i mean they they changed the characters names and they changed enough i guess of the events because like he never went in to the prison right so as a as an inmate that was not part of the real story but duties to direct the fictionalized adaptation by w.d richter of ross's draft were dismissed by george roy hill robert wise mark robson and robert mulligan some good people in there yeah richter achieved success in the mid to late 70s with slither and his body snatchers remake the 78 version my favorite and uh paramount commissioned him to do a rewrite on the script that he had turned in before they passed on the finished script at which point alan j pacquiao expressed an interest in directing but he wanted too much time to start so producer ron silverman got the script to director bob rafelson to direct paul newman and jack nicholson both turned down the role before redford redford was attached for a paycheck of three million dollars director bob rafelson was fired after nine days of shooting for already being five days behind schedule what in nine days he managed to already be five days so he was he was only four days into the scheduled shoot and uh also for allegedly assaulting 20th century fox executive richard berger an accusation that he eventually admitted to but to hear him tell it it was as much assault as what brubaker does to the doctor in this film okay we did it for five days yes he just beat a fox executive for five days on set and let cost them nine days worth of time richter and ross received academy award nominations for their writing after the film rifleson fired a breach of contract and slander suit against fox for 10 million dollars he also asked for 500 000 in directing fees for the nine days that he spent on set and 100 000 in deferrals and profit percentage and he won the case so i don't know i don't know how much he was actually awarded but he won the suit that he filed that's surprising so we start the film in pre-dawn as a bus is leaving town for wakefield prison fully loaded with new inmates they stop at early light when a pair of trustees is carrying a wounded man onto the bus the trustees are also prisoners but for some reason they're allowed to have rifles to staff the prison one prisoner in particular played by robert redford is particularly disturbed by what he sees uh we call this character collins i think for now the prisoners are marched through mud into wakefield and then into a barber shop where everyone's getting their required haircuts but it doesn't really seem like they took a lot off oh no they were paying off the barber to not come back but it just seems like at least one of these guys would have been like i don't care it's like some of them some of them did get haircuts well none of the main characters have haircuts for the rest of this movie because they paid him off yeah it's just weird to me that literally every actor was like no don't cut my hair and everyone that wasn't an actor was like i'm fine with it yeah it's a weird coincidence then they are moved into the bunks where there's not enough beds for everybody and one of the trustees says that nobody gets a bed until someone gets out or dies because there's just straight not enough beds for everyone we have like a long montage of listless prisoners here in the barracks just playing games and talking to each other and eventually one of them is grabbed and they say that they want you down at the bars and he's like but i didn't do anything i don't understand why this is happening and they drag him away and he gets tied up to this it's just a row of bars and he's beaten with this short whip by some of the trustees and he they leave him hanging there on the bars the next day a pair of prisoners are forced to stand barefoot on tops of glass bottles for an extended period of time i i guess that's a punishment i thought i thought the camera was gonna pan up and they were gonna have like a noose or something around their necks that was my expectation too i think it's just super painful but uh they seem pretty good at it at this point so yeah it doesn't seem like it's their first time on there the prisoners are put to work in the field slinging hoes the second in command bothers the warden about doing some paperwork that needs his attention but he doesn't seem to care the next day someone finally unties the hanging prisoner and a man sweeping the floors with one messed up eye shakes his head just disappointed by the whole scene on a quick break from the field work a fight breaks out between some prisoners an uninvolved prisoner wearing sunglasses pops a switchblade or like a uh like an exacto knife or some kind of like a shield shield yeah sharp piece of metal he tries to break up the fight before the guards fire a few shots in the air a switchblade guy is forced to hold his friend down while he's getting whipped by the guards because they determined he caused the fight yeah he caused the fight by being he was being hassled uh because the night previously he had been raped yeah and uh they were like oh yeah but you're liking that um so he threw his plate of food at him and that started the fight but he got punished for it in the end yeah and his friend had to hold him down for it back in the prison hospital hospital in quotes uh prisoners are selling their blood for money as the doctor is stepping out of the room he's not offering much care to the patients there's one who's beaten almost into a coma not gonna make a joke about blood money no i'm not unacceptable in the cafeteria switchblade asks for a sandwich and they tell them that they're all out but after he insists the guy behind the counter tries to sell food off of a trustee's plate from in the kitchen he's like are you done with that and he's like yeah two bits and so he brings this it's like a piece of steak with one bite taken out of the meal i think it's just the gristle left on the stage yeah it's like there's barely it's been eaten around basically he brings it back to the counter and then redford tries to outbid him and says 75 cents and then he says a dollar and switchblade gets the meat as they're walking back to their tables switchblade tells redford he just cost me 50 cents of his name messed up my day by trying to outbid me on this the regular food that they're forced to eat in this prison just has maggots on it and everyone's urging redford to just eat it because of the protein we cut back outside as a tractor is loading wood onto a truck a local carpenter is angry that it's not as much wood as he needs from the prison farm huey is basically trying to negotiate with this guy it's uh emm at walsh is playing the character yeah he's great it seems like he's getting shortchanged here and he's upset about it and huey's like promising to make it up to him later he takes a couple prisoners including redford to a local diner where they are forced to carry frozen meat into the kitchen and again it seems like he's shortchanging this guy he says what the hell is she told me two steers i need two stairs i don't think i'm sorry i just couldn't do it this is i'll make it up to you somehow just you got to deal with this for now i'm sorry i thought i had more and he's like well suppose i stopped giving you free beer he's like look it's we'll make up for this it'll happen eventually the prisoners return back to the truck unsupervised but uh this guard huey is allowed to just walk into the back of the restaurant and into the attached home where the guy who owns the diner lives with his sister of which this guy uh uh huey raunch has a relationship with right i i don't these trustees seem to have an awful lot of freedom and they they don't seem to really care about these other prisoners are they outside the prison here yeah they're they're not like they're out in public right yeah there's like a there's like there's a restaurant with a bar yeah i mean it has to be a kid the restaurant can't be on the prison grounds it's just weird that he's allowed to walk around anywhere and and he has a gun and everything and that he's allowed to just walk into local businesses and they trust him in a car with other prisoners is the implication here that they're selling the meat that was supposed to go to the prisoners correct so the pres the prison has a farm but the goods on the farm are not being distributed to the prisoners like the cows are being sold to people outside and the same thing with food that is being shipped by the state to the farm to feed the prisoners specifically but yeah he sneaks into this home attached to the diner and sneaks up behind this girl in a she's like brushing her teeth at a kitchen sink and it surprises her and then we realize very quickly that they're actually in a relationship another trustee named floyd dresses down the prisoners for taking too long loading the wood after multiple lectures one prisoner purposely breaks the chain on the truck to dump the whole load of logs on the ground yeah and waste everyone's time yeah this is a this is bullen yeah uh he got a big old like wooden spike through his hand yeah and he was just taking the time to pull it out when they hassled him for like sitting down on the job and that's when he got out the chair and he breaks the chain and lets all the lock off break the chain never break the chain yeah the size of that thing that's stuck in his hand is so disturbing yeah it was pretty gross the next night switchblade is informed that he has a phone call and screams while he's being dragged away redford as the collins character asks what phone call is code for nobody answers they just kind of shake their heads and scoff at him for not knowing because clearly it's just being beaten well though he seems like he seems like jack nicholson at the end of cuckoo's nest yeah maybe it's electroshock or something uh because he's just totally out of it he's he's just walking under the power of other people putting him in a direction yeah the next day yeah he he looks pretty messed up a few men are selected in the yard to attend to the death row prisoners and empty their buckets they have little buckets in their cells redford and larry lee bullen the the current he's currently a zombie from having been beaten or electrocuted all night are chosen to do this when larry lee gets into the death row area suddenly one of the prisoners is holding him hostage in exchange for a conversation with the man which he means the warden when he says the man but the trustees don't care about switchblade so the ransom doesn't work the inmate here the death row inmate played by morgan freeman starts singing r-e-s-p-e-c-t which if you'll recall is a song sung by aretha franklin from our previous episode released the same day blues brothers some [ __ ] respect around here r-e-s-p-e-c-t i know what it means to me but you want no respect but you need little respect all i'm asking all the respect when you come home this is apparently where quote unquote collins draws the line and asks to be let into the cell claiming to be the man but here i don't think the the other two trustees yafet kodo and the other guy i don't think they know that he's serious yet no but and morgan freeman's character isn't totally all together there either yeah uh so he's able to convince him and i thought this was gonna go a totally different way i thought that he was gonna i i i because i read up about the movie so i know who he is for real yeah but i thought what was gonna happen was i thought he was gonna stay in undercover longer and i thought that this was just gonna be like a joke like to the guards like he's telling morgan freeman i am the man i am i am the man i'm the new warden here my name is henry brubaker oh that he was going to come out and be like i can't believe he bought that or something like that yeah uh but then he's like no oh this whole scene takes a turn yeah uh i actually completely forgot when you told me what this movie was about or wasn't listening but either way either way i thought he was joking here like he was just trying to get his way so i think if you didn't if you went into this movie not knowing anything about what this movie was you might think what i was thinking which was oh he's just trying to gain this guy's trust and then he's going to get in there and save this guy and that's not actually what's happening and based on the reaction from jaffe koto and from the joe spinel character they both seem to think the same thing that he's just [ __ ] with him because he's of a diminished capacity for a reason and he's just gonna buy whatever you say so we can get this guy out of the cell but he he says i am the warden i'm the new warden here and he says how come you look like a scumbag and he says because i'm trying to fool those boys out there and he looks into his eyes morgan freeman does and he can see that he's being serious and he also knows that these other guys don't believe him and they think he's screwing with them so he starts laughing maniacally and demands a whole laundry list of things that he's had in his head he wants a paint job for the whole death row area he asked for yellow specifically he wants a window in his cell he wants liquor and a tv and maybe a skylight he's just coming up with more and more things that he wants as he goes and brubaker says well why don't you come in here show me where the picture window should be and as soon as freeman gets into the smaller cell brubacher turns tail unlocks a minute and as he steps out he points to larry lee the switchblade guy who's still collapsed on the ground from having been choked out and he says you need to get this man some medical attention you paint the cell whatever color freeman wants basically so on their way back to the main office yafet koto is telling him you need to stop screwing around like all i got to do is raise my right hand and that tower guard will blow you away and he says i think you're going to make a great escort why don't we keep moving so together they walk to the warden's office and brubaker just goes right into the office and lets him know that he's been relieved of duty but the warden thinks this is just a prisoner so he pulls a gun out of his desk to point it at him but then he unconvincingly like lifts off lifts off the information a lot of guys like what he got most of it wrong yeah you feel like this is information that you'd want to have memorized before you went in undercover well and also as a way to convince them that you're the new warden knowing things about the other prisoners is not super convincing yeah what should have happened was call so and so right now and they'll explain to you who i am well but he would never make that call he would say so-and-so is going to call in 15 minutes that that's what i would have yeah but instead he says to prove to them that he's the actual new warden he's just giving information like oh this guy's name is something and he screws up the guy's name and he says he's been here for three years in june and he's like well july you're close but it's it's kind of like watching like crossing over with john edwards like i guess well i knew a guy whose name began with b maybe he is the warden i'm sensing you know someone with a little name a first name that's right i'm guessing some of you believe in ghosts is that correct wow all of you what are the chances psychic but uh even though he screws up these details they seem to believe him because of how close he's getting and the outgoing warden is just about as pissed off as he is delighted to be finally free of this prison first order of business brubaker speaks with some of the inmates he gets a megaphone and he goes up to the fence and they line everybody up to listen to him and he lets them know that he's the reform warden that they might have heard about that was sent here from the governor's office he holds up the whip that he's seen people tortured with and he says that's going away and any trustee caught using this will lose his position one of the other trustees says so what do we do if we catch someone escaping we just sort of wave him back in he says shoot him because he's trying to get across the point right away that i'm not saying there's no rules here and trying to escape is still a fatal prospect but we're not going to be treating you any worse than we're supposed to as wards of the state so he starts with a little bit of critical talk about how they probably don't respect anyone including themselves but eventually he gets around to outlawing things like the sale of blood and demanding that prisoners be served the food that the farm is making and that it's not sold behind their backs lillian gray and john dietch show up in the middle of this speech in a car and i guess they're here to swear him in or to see that he starts the job deech is trying to get a feel for him he asks what he plans to start with and brubaker says blow up the whole place start over from scratch and he says you're making a joke he says i guess i am in the background lillian is on the phone with i think the press telling them all the information about the new warden so that they can because they were trying to keep it under wraps until he was sworn in so that this whole undercover boss scheme would pay off after they leave brubacher inquires about the wounded man from the bus he wrote in on and he's informed that we must have sent him out to the hospital and he says well check on it tell me tell me what actually happened because i have like a list of things in my head that i need to address and a dying person is first on that list and what were the results of that we'll never know we never found the guy but we did see him the day after in the hospital just kind of screwed up and the doctor didn't do anything for him so i'm guessing he didn't get sent to the hospital he also orders a dozen pair of sunglasses here but his his soon-to-be assistant purcell gives him basically the lowdown on the prison staff and trying not to insult them he basically says they're all a bunch of dummies well he's trying to make himself look good because he wants a promotion right and he's saying these people don't like to do paperwork and he reluctantly admits that he's in for holding up a card game but claims he was being cheated immediately after leaving the office purcell has to force an inmate named abraham out of the larger building that the office is off of abraham clearly has something he wants to say to the warden but purcell is running interference on that because that's what he's used to doing for the previous warden i presume or because he knows what abraham's going to say and he doesn't want him to say it sunglasses in hand brubaker lets the death row inmates out into the yard he says that they are to be let out once a day instead of the previous every six months which is ridiculous plus how long are they on death row yeah this doesn't seem like the state the kind of state that uh it's not around i'll tell you that much there's no way they waited six months in texas without seeing the sky or god larry lee bullen shows up at brubaker's living quarters that night at his request going over his file brubacher determines that he's basically a victim of the three strikes law he was caught trying to escape from a reformatory school with his twin brother and his brother was hit by a train quote that's what the paperwork says bolin explains that his brother was actually shot and placed on the track so it looked like he got hit by the train he got by a train full of bullets yeah he got hit by the bullet train after that he got arrested for stealing a 65 pontiac sedan so that was his first technical felony and he got two years for that then he was arrested for stealing a 69 pontiac convertible so those were his first two felonies and then he was collected a third time for a misdemeanor vagrancy which wouldn't have counted against the three strikes law but that night he was in a drunk tank with six other prisoners and one of them broke the toilet so they gave him that charge which is a felony for destruction of city property over fifty dollars which means he gets life in prison that's how the three strikes law works three felonies doesn't matter which ones you get life in prison so there's lots of murderers in here with him that are going to get out soon and he has to stay in here forever because he stole two cars and broke a toilet and he didn't even break the toilet brubaker promotes him to trustee in charge of the motor pool since he seems to like driving so much that night combs the office kodo character sits with brubacher and gives him the rundown on some of the other trustees one of them seems to be spying on brubaker from his watchtower right now combs explains that that guy is a forger and brubaker says we should replace all the tower men with one-time killers not habitual criminals because they're less likely to reoffend having gotten it out of their system than people who are in here for repeat offenses while they're speaking a call comes through that the rank barracks roof has collapsed in the storm and there's a lot of injured men they've all been crushed by falling debris we see more footage like the spike through the hand of big chunks of wood stabbed through people's chests and backs because this whole ceiling just collapsed in on them they kill the power to the building and use flashlights to prevent death by electrocution in this big wet pile of people later in the hospital in quotes again hospital brubacher argues with the local large hospital about wait times for ambulances they're telling him that they can't send any ambulances right now but that the next hospital down the way can even though they're only 20 miles away and it's gonna be an hour apparently before any of these men get picked up i said i can't afford no more shut up what did he say nothing mr baker i can't afford no more shut up because it turns out this doctor is charging people for his care even though he's an employee of the state and it's supposed to be helping these people as a requirement of the prison so brubaker grabs him by his collar and throws him out into the rain and puts another prisoner in charge of all the patients because he seems to know what to do he has some vague idea of how blood works and how uh cuts are supposed to be covered and taken care of the next day brubaker mentions something about missing food he just kind of says it in passing as they're walking down the hallway so something about missing chili specifically yeah he's talking to to willets and he's like trying to run the math on how much food they're supposed to be getting and how much food they're actually like consuming yeah and the numbers aren't matching up because of his experience as an inmate brief as it was he went through the cafeteria line and they were running out of food for people which they're not supposed to do so he puts purcell on the case and uh he also says he needs to buy a [ __ ] ton of shoes and purcell's putting up a fight immediately because he's like i i can't just get like it a random swath of shoe sizes like i need to know exactly how many but then when brubaker gets to his office he finds cp woody woodward the carpenter from earlier in his office with a chocolate prune cake in hand and he's very quick to explain i hate brooms they cloud my mind woody is here because he heard about the roof apparently purcell gave him a heads up and he just slides a contract across brubacher's desk frame to sign to fix the hole and brubacher's not stupid he's already looked over the paperwork and he sees that it was built two years ago by woody and he demands that he rebuild it for free now the way that he should have before and he says well hold on now we gotta talk about this and he says well you guarantee your work don't you and what he says well of course i do but you gotta learn to deal with these things you can't sit around complaining and he says i'm not complaining are you sure sounds like it woody gets up and walks around behind him and closes the door and he reminds brubaker that he also hasn't been getting much help from the prison lately because he's supposed to be getting all this free labor from prisoners and brew points out well that's slave labor and we're not going to do that anymore he points to the the prune cake and he says you gotta understand the point whether you like prunes it's the thought that counts you just gotta accept it keep your mouth shut and let things run the way they've run for 100 years brubaker tells him not to expect any slave labor from the prison and to leave and to take this shitty cake with him on the way out woody sorry the prune yeah take this [ __ ] cake with you take the [ __ ] cake on the way out woody asks purcell whose team he's on and reminds him that this warden will probably be fired very soon but you'll still be here at the prison and i can get back at you when the next warden's here brubaker gets a call from lillian sitting in what looks like the oval office i think she's the president because she's like the governor's aide or something like that yeah but she's got a nice office whatever it is i was actually assuming that it was actually she was much like when she was using brubacher's office she's just sitting at his desk yeah she's just sitting at the governor's desk maybe that's what's going on she's already gotten word that he threw woody out she tells him that was a bad idea you're stepping on a lot of toes and while they speak brubacher is basically training a gun on a rat that's crawling through his office i was really hoping he would shoot it in this scene but he doesn't he just kind of draws a beat on it and follows it to a hole and then it disappears brubaker the next day cuts in line at the cafeteria insists on eating with the inmates but as a show of solidarity i feel like he should have waited in line to make the point better yeah he just cuts in front of everybody but he's also not the only one who's eating there because willis is in there too and he's a state employee like right there it seems like everyone's eating together including the trustees which when he was an inmate the trustees had their own table right inside the kitchen yeah but now that everyone's eating outside coombs seems pissed off about it but he's kind of impressed to see that uh that brubaker actually sat down out there with all the inmates to eat later in the day out in the fields brubacher finds the uh corn crops smell like kerosene yeah he determines that someone's dumping kerosene on them to affect the yield of the of their field is that a thing i mean i guess just contaminating the soil of any kind yeah i thought that someone was going to light it on fire that's kind of what i was good and just hadn't gotten around to it yet yeah that's possible but yeah like a whole i guess everything's just contaminated now but somehow in the same scene he notices the this truck pulling away as it's leaving it seems to shoot at one of the cows in the field also and uh not the livestock yeah he hops in another vehicle and they follow it out to the the cow first and uh he inspects the cow and sees that it's been shot in the head and that whoever's here trying to to kill the crops is also killing the animals and they follow the road down to almost the prison property line where there's a small house built and purcell and coombs pretend not to have any idea what's going on but it's very obvious that they know exactly what's happening yeah like when he goes to knock on the doors like whoever's in there yeah that was so obnoxious it made me angry brubaker gets out and as he's like sneaking up to approach on the building you hear you hear purcell shout i don't know who's in there and i don't know what you're up to but we got the new warden from the prison out here we're probably coming in and uh it's obviously just to warn whoever's in here of the situation we hear inside a woman say i'm not gonna hide in here like some animal and she answers the door and it's the woman from the diner apparently she lives here with the guard either she was visiting or she actually lives here with him no i i think she was visiting because this is where huey ranch lives yes this is his home away from home uh complete with tv and and a lot of chili yeah she steps back into the house to drag him to the door because he doesn't want to come to the door and brew just follows her in like without asking because it's all prison property like this house shouldn't be here yeah and and was she she she had a top on she did and then she takes it back off yeah when he gets into the room where the two of them are arguing she's topless again i think she was like switching her shirt or something but uh she turns to face him with her tits out and brubacher's just standing there staring like unapologetically like nope this is fine this is fine with me the guy's like put those away basically like tells her to cover herself up because he doesn't like this guy getting a look at his girlfriend he doesn't respond to anything that huey says he's just kind of walking around the house noticing things that have been stolen from the prison i i like that that he's like adjusting the picture quality of the tv trying to get the color balance right he's like looking through the refrigerator and huey's like oh you want me to get you a beer and he's just like this is all my stuff that you're offering me like this belongs to the prison this doesn't belong to you plus i don't think prisoners get beer this guy does well he does he gets it free yeah he's gonna say he picks it up when he drops off the meat yeah no but i mean like what you were saying pat that this was supposed to get delivered to the prison right yeah but he's he's the cow that he shot i'm assuming he was actually going to chop up and take back to the diner he did owe them another owed them some more some more meat steers that was the unit of measurement the diner guy was using one steer but equal to i don't know i i never learned the metric system but yeah he uh while he's looking at this television hue he's like that's my own private property and he just yanks it out of the wall and carries it back out to the truck and puts it in the back without speaking a word to huey they go and bust open the this locked shed to find all the stolen chile that he was complaining about and purcell immediately tries to transfer blame to the warden who is no longer here he's like that'd be warden renfro's monthly supply i imagine man took bears and that stuff and uh brubaker's not buying it like that's the best one why that's all he had he's definitely the worst liar of all the trustees brubaker argues with the prison accountant will it well it's yeah who's in charge of all the purchase orders and he says you signed off on all these purchases and you knew where they were you were supposed to keep like track of where the stuff went and the inventory and he says well look i just did whatever the warden told me to i was just basically he tries to i was just following orders excuse and it's promptly fired he tries to lean on his status as a civil servant to defend him but brubacher don't care you're fired get out purcell complains aloud that the purchases will be much harder without willets here and brubaker says they're gonna do it referring to the prisoners he says they're gonna have an election and they're gonna pick an inmate council and they'll be in charge of making all the purchase orders purcell responds under his breath that's a hell of an idea and when forced to repeat himself he changes the intonation to make it sound complimentary that's a hell of an idea everybody laughs at the guard huey when he comes back to the trustee compound apparently evicted from his unlawful house on the prison grounds and that night they burned the illegal home to the ground yeah which is exactly what i wanted like as soon as they show this house i was like that house should not be here i was like as soon as they cut open that shed and found all the chilies like they should just burn this place to the ground and they did it that night i loved it i was so happy yeah so they they just bring a bunch of torches out there and one of the trustees is like maybe we should do this during the day it'd be a little more covert and bolin's like yeah that's probably why we're doing it at night to make an example of this later the trustees all worry that for sure he's going to get killed for this or for something that he does soon he's not long for this prison lillian gray pays him a visit the next day and she condescends to him a lot in the name of compromise she warns him not to step on any toes that he's not going to get anything done for these prisoners if he won't go along with some of what they want from him a crowd of onlookers swarmed the prison yard to watch brubacher and the prisoners compete in a game of polo on horseback they all seem to be having fun and very dangerous yeah like they're falling off the horses and just being surrounded by these like galloping horses all around them and brubaker even pulls one of them off the horse they're in the middle of the game but uh combs eventually points out you know i haven't heard these men laugh like that in years he's like doesn't bother you does it uh we get a quick montage of various prisoners campaigning to join the inmate council and uh the selected council meets just outside brubaker's office they're waiting for him to sit down with them but he invites them to start without him because he wants them to make decisions on their own larry lee bolin insults the coffee they've been provided with caldwell this uh tall he kind of looks like a russian character i i don't know like he doesn't talk much so we don't really get a good feel for the guy with the guy with the knit cap yeah yeah oh everett mcgill yeah i said his name that's the actor's name i don't know the actor oh no what's he from he's from twin peaks uh people under the stairs okay i've seen people under the stairs i haven't seen twin peaks yet i think it just looks like uh jack nicholson and cuckoo's nest i thought he looked silly and murphy-ish yeah yes you're right he looks more like him but uh he's in a knit cap and he's and he's basically just insulting what they're doing and says it's a big waste of time and brubaker invites him to resign from his position but eventually the council starts making some preparations to fix the plumbing in the barracks brubaker tries some of the coffee and looks disgusted immediately i like that oh guys he's like no you're right it is bad it's like this coffee tastes like [ __ ] basil it is [ __ ] austin but it's not just me then uh this dual sample abraham shows up again in the middle of this meeting trying to speak with brubaker and purcell tries to pull him away and coombs is like don't you touch him and then he's like thank you anyway i have to talk to the warden and he's like okay get him out of here yeah he doesn't need to talk he's just kidding get him out of here and so they try and shove them away but brubaker's like come in come into my office while they have this meeting all the bad guys around this table uh namely caldwell the joe spinelle character and even combs here is like terrified of what abraham is saying to brubaker in the office they're just trying to read lips basically because i can't totally hear what's going on in this conversation he learns a few very interesting things from abraham one his eye is screwed up because he got hit with a bat and chain and rope hard enough to screw up his face he's been serving 38 years of a 35-year sentence and some number of years ago somewhere around 30 he was in charge of making coffins for a about 200 prisoners who were buried here on the grounds illegally abraham kind of mumbles to himself while brubacher accepts a call he says something along the lines of the odd man say abraham chop him up and turn the little pieces and take him for a walk down on them he tells him that he was asked to bury 200 coffins along a fence somewhere in the field and that he built the coffins himself that's how he knows it happened caldwell and joe spinell bust into the office and unfortunately brubaker decides now to say will you show me exactly where tomorrow morning which is unfortunate brubaker starts to drive away from the prison to meet with some of the other prison board staff when coombs urges brubaker not to release abe to just keep him in prison beyond at the end of his sentence because he can't function outside the prison but after brubaker leaves purcell takes abe walks into caldwell and spinel and they proceed to torture him they wrap his toes in stripped wire and wind up a generator to electrocute him then we cut back to the meeting with the prison board where diech this squinty-eyed jerk guy the mayor from jazz yeah and he's playing basically the exact same guy yeah here and uh he's complaining that the crop yield is down 40 percent since brubaker took over in effect admitting that he entrusted huey with the mission of drenching the kerosene crops and uh giving them a financial reason to fire brubacher brubaker says if you give me a year i can promise you a surplus of potentially 150 000 and they're like oh that's great well all we'll all we'll need to do is figure out where we're going to spend it over at wall street to like get the best return and he says well no i think we should recycle it into the facility and dj's smile very quickly fades he's not interested in this plan see this is where you would i know brubaker don't compromise yeah that's where he would compromise was like yeah you get some and the prison would get some sure this is this is a mutually beneficial compromise with these people because they're not going to compromise with you that's the whole point is that they're just going to kill you if they get the chance so they need a new boiler another board member points out that that purchase has already been approved and he says how come nobody in your office will answer any of my calls i need the money to actually make the purchase and they claim to be working on it brubaker is reprimanded for canceling woody's age-old contract but there was never actually a contract it was just an agreement for slave labor and he's then taken to task for assaulting the doctor and firing a state employee deech accuses brubacher of liking the men because they're reckless like he is and it just makes me so angry i and i i think he also the implication is it was being a homophobic yeah mark so lillian agrees that the men are to be treated like humans that brubaker is not wrong that it's their responsibility as the people running the prison to make sure that these people are treated properly and the board jokes about a bunch of luxury items they might as well add oh why don't we give them all a bubble bath and why don't we give them all this great stuff and then brubacher says maybe a roof that won't collapse on their heads and kill them and dj's patience basically runs out with this comment and he's like that's enough and brubacher says you know that roof wasn't insured you know we have this whole laundry list of farming equipment that is and for some reason deache is very quick to admit that he personally approved all of those insurance policies and they he thought they were very sensible but brubacher then explains that not only did his own company sell the policies to the prison but the prison doesn't have any of that equipment which teach must have known or else why would he sell those insurance policies like the whole point of selling the insurance policy is that you know that the thing isn't there so why would you say i personally signed off on those to just completely condemn yourself but nobody here cares anyway brubaker is the only person who cares at this table so he basically stands up and says i have i have more important things to do than sit here and argue with you people so he gets up to leave and lilian follows him out and tells him again you know you need to play ball with these people if you want to make any kind of meaningful progress and she follows him out into the parking lot where he thinks for a second that he locked his keys in the car well he did but well they're not locked in they're just in the car because she gets in from the opposite side i'm not sure what the implication of like what what is the metaphor of that like is she smarter than him because i don't think i think that that he's seeing an obstacle of which he thinks that there's no way around and she's trying to show him like look there are other ways of doing things you you're not thinking things through you're not looking at the whole picture but i but i think it conflicts with the message of the film later which is that you shouldn't compromise like that's the message i don't i don't know if that's the case at all i don't i don't think that's true i think if i i think that richard's right here where if you had taken the opportunity to maybe find some opportunities to compromise you could have stayed in this prison longer and made more of a difference longer i don't get that message from it but we'll get there more later back at his living quarters on the prison grounds brubaker falls asleep drinking on his porch in the morning he notices a corpse dangling from a nearby flagpole from underneath he confirms this is abraham dead before he can point brubaker to the burying grounds and he immediately starts to untie the body which he should not do he shouldn't touch this rope but presumably he unties him and lowers him all the way to the ground and then he gets into his office furious and he finds that all the torture equipment just piled up on his desk and coombs enters and basically blames brubaker for what happened not the people who did it but brubacher and coombs seems to regret the comment as soon as he makes it because as he's walking out of the office someone else goes in to talk to him he's like just give him some time he need he deserves to sit for a second without people interrupting him combs watches through the window into brubacher's office as he picks up the wires from the torture equipment and tests it on himself to try and feel some of what abraham went through again contaminating evidence in a murder case yeah the moment he touched it was like like you leave it on the desk it's like i'm just gonna dust this for prince and i'll know immediately yeah who did this because he's got fingerprints of everyone on file because it's a prison but uh he tests it on himself and surprisingly it hurts him brubacher puts everyone to work digging in search of these graves lillian gray calls him immediately to stop because he's stepping on much bigger toes than he realizes now he agrees to meet her privately at the fairgrounds at seven and when he gets there she's waiting with another member from the board and a state senator from the earlier meeting shows up the senator basically offers to release a bunch of new funds that would allow for the hiring of more employees and to take better care of the prisoners and brubaker says how many bodies are buried there senator the senator reminds him that the field was a popper's field before it was a prison and that grave robbing is a felony so you don't want to end up in your own prison basically if you start digging up bodies we're going to charge you with digging up bodies so yeah and i thought what this was going to go was that the senator was saying that there are bodies but they're not not prisoners oh okay and that's much worse yeah and so i thought for sure later on you know getting into that but with that the bodies that they do find spoiler alert uh we're gonna have prison uniforms oh okay and it'd be like you these poppers wore prison uniforms yeah that doesn't happen he keeps talking about how he's gonna go further and further up the line eventually getting to the governor's office and they all admit the governor knows all about this you wouldn't be telling him anything new and he's hoping to cover it up just like we are lillian doesn't a senator outrank the governor a state senator though not he's not like in the senate he's a state senator oh gosh yeah i thought he was the state's senator he's a state senator but not of the two of the the body of the senate in that state got it there they should just have a different word for that i'm tired of trying to explain the difference uh in these podcasts where we keep running it's like is this a state senator or a senator for the state if it's a ship or a boat yeah if you can put a senator on a state senator lillian tells him that this is his chance to ask for more that he finally has leverage over them which is naive [ __ ] because he doesn't have any leverage at all he goes back to digging and brubacher notices something in the grass near the fence maybe uneven ground not entirely clear he seems to have forgotten that abraham did help tell him specifically that they were buried along a fence so he brings a bunch of men to dig there and hours later just as the rain starts coming down pretty hard they find several coffins all in a row i think four total here the trustees are arguing about it floyd the joe spinell character thinks that the prison board will stop him even though he's already found four bodies so the prison board is obviously too late to stop this particular uh discovery huey starts complaining that it's basically abraham's fault for saying anything and combs loses it on him he busts open a pool cue like he's gonna stab him he he does this amazing series of moves where he gets up out of his chair kicks it back grabs the pull kill slams it down and then flips a table like just a position and like to make sure the whole area is clear between the two of them and he gets right up to him with the pool cue but then he comes to his senses and he's like i don't need to kill somebody while i'm in prison i probably have an end date i'm going to get out eventually there's no reason to stab this guy to death right here he's not worth it but i like and i thought for sure like hugh ross was going to like scoff it off but he immediately goes he's terrified yeah he immediately goes into his room and calls eddie's like can i talk to you but yeah he's like first he's like well hold on now that's not really what i meant but yeah combs and another trustee pull up to where brubacher's trying to deal with these coffins and they say hey huey just left he took a truck and he drove off and he's probably hiding out probably at that diner they tell him yeah uh i wanted to go back to something real quick sure ranch is asking eddie the the nit cap guy to come with him oh right yeah and he's like no i'm not doing that yeah and i thought this was going to pay off a little bit like that eddie was going to be like eddie was coming around like no i want to see how this plays out i do think the implication here is that he's starting to see brubacher's side of it a little more and he feels like he's being treated more like a human and he's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but uh you're right it doesn't it doesn't extend beyond the because but i mean it still doesn't excuse what he did to abraham no not at all but and purcell too purcell was part of that and combs was part of that too in in as much as he was not letting this information get out yeah and he wanted to keep abraham there they're all complicit partially what is in it for them to keep the bodies a secret what's in it for anyone to reveal or keep the bodies a secret well as i'm saying like who cares if they find the body it just shows that yeah someone buried these prisoners 30 years ago but they just know that but they know how the system works here they right they know that there's a high probability that this prison board is going to find a way to put it back on the prisoners like well you guys killed a bunch of prisoners well this happened 30 years ago though it wouldn't have been them but i think more likely it's just i know that the governor doesn't want these bodies found and it's hell for me if the governor's mad so let's just keep everything hunky-dory and make everything nice it's the same problem that lillian has which is let's just be complicit in these terrible crimes that are happening and uh maybe things will be slightly better for us so all these people are guilty by association basically brubacher takes coombs and does he bring coombs or does he bring he brings larry lee is it just him and larry lee by themselves no no they they split up into different groups because they're they're trying to figure out where huey raunch has gone in multiple vehicles yeah but larry lee and brubaker take the truck yeah and the diner to the diner yeah larry lee says he's gonna go around back in case anyone tries to come out of the living quarters and brubaker goes in through the diner and he talks to the guy that runs the diner and he tells them to stay out they're not open yet he doesn't know where huey is or where his sister is and what he's talking about he says what about through this door what's through this door he says that's my house but that door doesn't work uh no one's ever gone through there in a long time so don't even bother with it it's like what do you you just said your house is through here what do you mean the door doesn't work like yeah the door doesn't open so he moves the escalator temporarily stairs yeah and he says uh he says you know i ought to call the police and he's like okay call the police but for now shut up and he pushes through into the into the home he gets to close to the bedroom where huey is actually hiding there with carol he's basically using carol as a human shield as he moves slowly through the house and he notices larry lee outside and he opens a door to the front area where larry lee is waiting and he throws carol down to him to distract him and while larry is trying to catch her he shoots larry in the chest basically yeah i in he just as easily it could have shot carol he didn't have much care who is who he was going to hit yeah and brubaker hears these shots being fired and immediately shoots at huey who tries to return fire and ends up like hitting his own counter like stuff on his own counter that's exploding in carol's counter in the kitchen he shoots huey and huey gets blasted through the window out into the yard so him and larry lee are both dead and carol's just sobbing in the corner because she's traumatized by everything that just happened who would have not this would happen if i dated a criminal yeah who's literally still in prison yeah and i sometimes go have sex with him at the prison in our in our secret illegal house i didn't think this through back of the prison the board are getting testimony from a quote unquote doctor that they paid for information on these coffins that have been dug up and he says you know we have a saying in in doctor school and that is that you can't tell how long a body has been dead ever so who knows and brubaker shows up in the middle of this nonsense testimony they're like he's literally suggesting oh well maybe the maybe the people were dead before they were chopped up and they were and they they were killed in some sort of a collapse like if the coffins collapsed and the bodies were broken it's like that doesn't make any sense what you talk about doesn't make any sense then they're like oh well it's a popper's grave and it's like poppers don't die in pieces though none of what you're saying makes sense and brubacher shows up in the middle of this nonsense they ask him what his priorities are and he says well he suggests basically the cost-cutting measure of just shooting inmates behind the courthouse when they're sentenced to come here and the board does not like his tone and he just turns around to leave and again lillian follows him out of the room and insists everyone else wait behind and they start the same argument that they had before anew and she tries again to explain herself eventually frustratingly just shouting god damn it i agree with you and he replies no you don't not really and we cut immediately to a new warden introducing himself to the prisoners as brubaker's leaving the prison and combs sees him walking out and he walks away from his formation the trustees are all supposed to be lined up at the gate to tell brubaker that he was right all along and brubaker is like almost in tears to get this information from combs because he cares what combs thinks and he's trying to do what's right and the entire prison yard goes into the most epic slow clap i've ever seen in anything as brubaker's driven out of the prison and their lives a quick epilogue of text explains that two years after henry brubaker was fired 24 inmates led by richard dickie combs brought suit against wakefield prison and that the court decided that the treatment of prisoners at wakefield was unconstitutional and ordered that the prison be reformed or closed the governor was not re-elected the undercover boss plot of the original story was made up but it has been suggested that this plot device was inspired by sing-sing prison warden thomas mott osborne who in 1913 under an assumed name had himself committed to new york's auburn state penitentiary to see what how the prisoners were being treated but that's uh that's where we end the film it's it's very bittersweet i was really hoping for because nothing's really changed yeah like he he affected the prisoners lives i mean in the long run according to the epilogue something was changed yeah but again and i guess he gave coombs the courage yeah to stand up to the system he reminded them that they're people and that they have rights that they can fight for yeah i was hoping for something some kind of button like uh not that that's not that about i mean like uh some i really like muppens and i don't like it when people don't get them yeah and i was hoping nobody gets it in this movie yeah that's realistic though yeah i know but i was hoping that's sad i was hoping the new warden we can't even get comeuppance in our movies yeah i i was hoping the new warden would say something like the well i'm putting an end to the trustee system and then you would just see all the trustees go oh crap like we now we've stepped on our own toes but i feel like according to brubaker's belief system lillian grays is half as bad as everyone else at the table because she's willing to play along with their game and that if no one was willing to play along with their game they wouldn't get as far as they do yeah that's true but everyone's in it for themselves right and that's the problem but i don't see how she was right about anything like none of her strategies would have worked in the long run like when she thinks that they have leverage over the it's like if you dig up those bodies then uh then they're going to be screwed so they don't want you to do that and it's like then he dug up the bodies and nobody cared why what did she think was going to happen by hiring brubacher did she hire him i don't know who hired him the governor picked him yeah but the governor knows about the bodies too so well i think they picked him without knowing he was going to be doing this radically different from the way it's been done now but wasn't that what he was brought in to do to prison reform yeah but i think that they brought him in to do her version of prison reform and that didn't go that way yeah the compromise version yeah where it's like we'll give you one extra pickle a month and then you can die and we'll just kill you indiscriminately and bury you in our own prison this movie was intensely frustrating to watch the guy playing deach is doing a hell of a job though because i wanted to murder him the whole time yeah murray hamilton and again the mayor from jaws yeah it never compared me to the jaws mayor never uh but i feel bad that murray hamilton like gets kind of placed into these kind of roles yeah uh he's kind of reminds me of how holbrook how holbrook oftentimes is is the bad guy hal holbrook is the good guy as often as he's the bad guy though you think i think he was a good guy in fog and a fog i think he was the one who was trying to like make up for the mistakes of his ancestors i feel like he plays a nice guy in a lot of stuff i've seen i actually don't think i see him as a bad guy very often like dirty harry and capricorn one i named two things but anyway the director here was stuart rosenberg he did another prison movie called cool hand luke if you've heard of it he also directed the first amityville horror movie writer wd richter is a badass he wrote the 1978 invasion of the body snatchers which is the best version and it's just a phenomenal film and he also wrote a little movie called big trouble in little china the story by arthur a ross who co-wrote the creature from the black lagoon so he's like old school writer but he wrote the one that was not fictional that was adapted into wd richter's story it was like there was an actual creature from the black licorice yes that's a true story you didn't know that that's why the shape of water is a documentary yeah that's the one that w d ricker adapted from the true story the uncredited story credit and nine days worth of directing were the work of bob rafelson who directed five easy pieces ahead the monkeys movie which he co-wrote with jack nicholson the postman always rings twice so that's three jack nicholson projects producer here was ron silverman ron silverman produced krull he produced shoot to kill and he was the grandfather of guest host robert lininger who was in our friday the 13th episode robert redford was henry brubacher here he's the sundance kid he also founded the sundance film festival he's in all the president's men i think maybe emmett walsh's character is a reference to woodward from all the president's men he plays alexander pierce and the mcu he also directed 1980s best picture winner ordinary people which we'll be getting too soon yafet koto was richard dickie combs he's parker from alien he plays kananga and live and let die that's where he gets hit with the inflatable bullet yeah and he just floats away i like i love him in he's also really good in a midnight run oh yes where he's the the fbi agent who's on their tail yeah he's great jane alexander was lily and gray here she was nurse edna in the cider house rules she's uh dr grasnick in the america version of the ring and she plays margaret phelps and kramer vs kramer which i think is the other mother who they're friends with who's at the park when uh the kid gets hurt and then shows up as a character witness in court saying like oh well the kid got hurt and i was there and i saw it happen she's in that movie murray hamilton john deech we already mentioned before he's vaughn and jaws he's also mr robinson and the graduate also with dustin hoffman david keith was larry lee bullen he played andy mcgee and fire starter yeah he's sid warley in an officer and a gentleman and he plays major cunanan in u571 which has some incredible sound design oh i really like that movie glad i saw that one in the theaters yes that's a theater movie for sure morgan freeman was walter the death row inmate he has a weirdly small role in this movie he doesn't really show up after this is his first movie or one of his first um it's one of his first it's not his first i did see in the imdb trivia called it his first credited role but it's not he had other feature roles before that he obviously he also hosted the electric company for a decade before this he's in shawshank bruce almighty seven he's lucius fox in the chris nolan batman trilogy matt clark here was roy purcell he plays chester the bartender and back to the future three he's the secretary of defense in buckaroo bonsai and he plays uncle henry in return to oz richard ward was abraham cook he's the dad from the jerk and unfortunately he passed away before this film was released he actually died shortly after production in 1979 emma walsh was cp woody woodward he plays harv and critters he's dr dolan and fletch he's detective visser and blood simple yeah that's one of his he gets the most to do there he's great albert salmi was rory polk that's the new guy that's taking over as the warden at the end of the film he plays mr noonan danny noonan's father and caddyshack later this year he's also credited as e1 in escape from planet of the apes i don't know what that is yeah i know the movie really well but i don't know who or what e one is are there a lot of humans in that movie or no yeah in escape yeah yes uh in escape there it's mostly humans there are only three apes yeah because i would have guessed that e1 was like a code name given to a prisoner yeah an escapee yes escape e1 or something like that yeah don't not familiar with that one i've only seen the first plan of the apes movie and then the newer trilogy and he was also greel in dragon slayer which is coming out next year yeah joe spinell was floyd birdwell uh we just saw him in cruising the ninth configuration and forbidden zone before this and he'll be back for melvin and howard and the first deadly sin and i think another one the little dragons um and then maniac next year so busy guy nathan george was leon edwards that was one of the guys on the prison board he played washington and one flew over the cuckoo's nest i think he's one of the patients and uh he was patrolman james in pelham one two three uh don blakely was jerome boyd here he played abby in defiance and he played wilson's trainer in pulp fiction that's the guy that bruce willis kills in the ring noble willingham was dr fenster that was general taylor in good morning vietnam he plays clay stone in city slickers and he plays this is a great name and he was also zebulon cardoza in the hudsucker proxy the coen brothers are really good with names yeah what did you say noble willingham is already a great name yeah yeah but it's fine on its own but it's zebulon cardoza it's amazing uh i like him in ace ventura where he plays the manager of the miami dolphins who's courtney cox is like it's like i don't give a god damn about that fish fillet and fast food if you want it is that when he's like crawling around in the tank trying to look for clues no no no it's he's like he's yelling at courtney cox and uh uh the other guy and he goes like [ __ ] you know how superstitious these players are and the guy looks down at his key chain with the rabbit's foot on it he tries to cover it we also on the on the prison board have wilford brimley which i felt like he's a pretty big name to play such like an anonymous character on this board maybe it was just at the time but yeah i mean i don't think he was as big of a name at this point because even in china syndrome which was the year before that's true it's very good i never miss an opportunity to bring up the china syndrome we've noticed but yeah he's he's great on this as just one of the grumpier board members who's like helping jump into the fight with uh deej about how brubaker is just in love with all the prisoners and they deserve you know hot tubs and stuff what do you think he's most known from because to me he's most known for insurance commercials it's diabetes diabetes commercial that's it not quaker oats i go to quaker oats i think most people quickly grow commercials too i think it's just because of the way he says diabetes diabetes diabetes that people remember him for that specifically but not like you don't go to the thing for acting i go to the thing but for real life i always think of those diabetes um i go to the natural another robert redford yeah robert redford i'm talking like wolverine now sorry uh or ben luckett in cocoon yes it's probably second to the thing for me um but he's also uh dr blair as the thing character uh ben luckett and cocoon pop fisher in the natural with rev erdfert four years later and uh he'll be back in borderline later this year and then we had jc quinn was one of the barbers in the early haircutting scene he was sonny dawson in the abyss he's duncan in maximum overdrive and he'll be back later this year in gloria and times square so we'll see more of him jerry mayer was the other barber and he played professor milstein in simon which i'm assuming that's just someone else from the school that they stole him from at the beginning of the movie yeah rob garrison played pretty boy that's one of the inmates he's tommy in karate kids one two and the cobra kai series that's on youtube right now he's the guy who says put him in a body bag yeah in the final thing he was really young on this yeah he's also sayer in prom night later this year and he plays a cop in a macgyver episode that's i'm pretty sure that's birthday um he's one of the ones that recognizes the flags oh yeah sailing flags as being a symbol of uh distress the semaphore flags sure there you go yeah so semaphore is a different the snowfall is when you're making like pinafore is a ship right yeah this was a i enjoyed this movie um it's very frustrating it's like it's like one of those frustration comedies with ben stiller but instead of just not wanting his in-laws to hate him it's about a guy trying to save a bunch of people's lives from the inherent racism and justice problems in the south in the prisons yeah i want to give this one a thumbs up it just it's not it's not one of those real uplifting movies because you're like wow we're 40 years later and things aren't really any better yeah but you can't give it a thumbs down just because it's depressing it has to be because it was a bad movie oh i know i'm still gonna give it a thumbs up i'm just saying i i don't know that i'll be watching it again anytime real soon i'm not in a rush too either it's it's very depressing but uh i thought it was pretty accurate i thought the characters all worked out pretty well it's a thumbs up from me for sure richard uh i also give it a thumbs up i'm not super crazy about this movie yeah but i was engaged i did watch it and i wasn't like at any point was like sighing or checking my watch i was just like all right you know this is this is a movie and it checks all the boxes of a prison movie where it's like everything's totally unfair there's local people that are making a bunch of money and escape attempts escape attempts and at least one prisoner is killed that's a requirement you have it in shawshank and cool hand luke and all over the place ever they all have the same moments that you have to get to but i think this one's just as capably written and directed as otherwise it's a very capably made movie it looks really nice it's very well shot yeah so thumbs up all right i am going to start us here i'm putting this just below last married couple and just above the mountain men that's where it's going on mine uh for me i am actually going to put this just above knight of the juggler okay and just below tom horn all right i'm going just below the mountain men and just above blues brothers all right there you go i believe that's everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we are vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast and on that note here's a shout out to aaron at the new age influencers podcast thanks for the kind words in your itunes review we hope you continue to enjoy the show thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing can't stop the music which imdb calls a pseudo-autobiographical story of disco's the village people