we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time over analyzing what you've seen and spoiling what you haven't i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of chichen chang's next movie on july 18 1980. it was written by cheech marin and tommy chong directed by chong and an uncredited scene directed by dan aykroyd and was released by universal pictures dan aykroyd yeah he wasn't even in the movie nope uh before we start i wanted to relay some of my mom's recollections having gone to high school with cheech or rich marin as he was known at the time his mom and my grandmother both worked at the school and were friends and he was extremely popular and generally well liked by everybody my mom didn't even realize that he was cheech until he already had a couple movies out on account of the name change and someone told her oh you know rich is cheech and she's like what are you what because she hadn't seen the movies he later went to college at csun where richard and i graduated from and jesse and i saw him in person at the premiere for mike judges extract where he came as the guest of clifton collins jr the two were working together on a film called the perfect game at the time jesse and i were just post-production assistants on that show and as such we were not invited per se but i uh you won tickets right i entered an online contest and won tickets to the premiere of the movie we worked on and you wore jason bateman's suit from the film yes uh because the wardrobe for the movie was being held in the editorial office at the time i actually wore jason bateman's suit that he wears to the funeral that ends the film to the premiere uh i also had a a cheech anecdote oh let's hear it uh my father worked with chicha's father who was a police officer wow that's that's hilarious uh so we got both of his parents covered yeah in our family history this film marks the first feature film appearance of michael winslow this is also the first feature film appearance of pee wee herman but not paul rubins who started with midnight mantis and blues brothers earlier this year he did have an uncredited role before that but those were his first two credited roles speaking of people whose career started this year we also have the third appearance of phil hartman after stunt rock and the gong show movie did you find him in the movie i don't know i don't remember seeing him i hear his voice but i i don't see his face in it is he in the film crew people he's in the cast he's in the castle he's the person that's saving the day of the favor his his character name is also amazing uh chick hazard private eye yeah but it's weird because it sounds from when you hear his voice it sounds like he's the hero and he's jumping into a scene where the girls are saying save me womba yeah so you would think wombo would be the hero right but there's a different person credited as wamba and it's the guy holding a knife on the girls no i i think the wamba is the the red guy oh okay so there's okay i think i think wamba so so i didn't think he was like a sidekick duo thing so it's wamba and chick hazard save the day interesting we're getting ahead of ourselves okay sorry uh this is the second film in a series of seven choo choo chong films preceded only by up in smoke and followed by nice dreams things are tough all over still smoking the corsican brothers and an animated film called chichen chang's animated movie somehow this is the only film in the franchise where either cheech or chong are referred to by the names cheech or chong really yeah the first and last films in this franchise were directed by lou adler and brendan and eric chambers respectively but the rest were all directed by tommy chong except for things are tough all over which was directed by thomas k avaltson who was this film's editor immediately following its release development began on a sequel to be titled riding high but it was eventually abandoned presumably it would have picked up where the events of this film left off but we'll get to that later we start with a big animated joint floating in front of the earth like a spaceship for the title card and then we fade to live action chi chi chong are discreetly carrying a trash can to a gas station to siphon gas from a tow truck chong chokes on the taste once he gets it going and cheech fishes some newspaper out of the can and i assume that was all the trash that they had left in this can but when it's totally full it's like overflowing with yard waste um and for whatever and it's totally full this is like a probably a 50 gallon trash can easily and the two of them are just carrying it with one hand each well but there's also no way that there's 50 gallons in this tow truck tank yeah and also they just couldn't pick it up there's no way they could pick it up it has to be like even if it was just water in this can it has to have a false bottom because there's no way they could lift this full trash can full of water they didn't bring back the hose that they siphoned it with so when they're when they get to their car they're literally just dumping the gas into their tank like just pouring it over the whole back of the car yeah half over themselves yeah yeah but uh it's clearly just water when they're doing it but a bunch of garbage and like milk cartons and [ __ ] are like falling out and clogging up the tube that they're trying to dump the gas into when they get the car started they back into another car on their way out and chong is criticizing she's just crazy driving cheech tells chong to relax so he starts rolling up a joint and she says man i'm gonna be late for work again how's the first time i've been late this week it's only tuesday man uh cheech tells chong to get a job or at least sell some of his weed and he says that he sold two lids last night to himself we're gonna starve to death man no that was me man i'm a good customer cheech complains about the smell in the car and chong says that it's probably all the gas they spilled on each other and then she says no i just cut one they noticed a sexy lady outside the car but chong thinks he's talking about an older woman on the opposite side of the car and is disgusted when uh when cheech gets them straightened out they start cat-calling this girl and uh so she walks away and they back up to follow her before putting it back and drive when they notice a cop card directly behind them either this girl or someone else in the movie is chong's wife but i can't i can't tell you which one because they never call this girl beautiful and there's multiple women that look very much like chong's wife right but there's somebody who is his wife credited as beautiful beautiful yes but we don't know if this is her or exactly the cops lights come on but he's responding to a call so he drives around them and uh chong finally sparks up his joint and the gas fumes in the car cause it to explode and cheech says i told you not to like that man and he says you're the one who cut it because he thinks that the explosion is from the fart and not from the gas cheech pulls the car up to gate one at the universal lot i know this gate well i drive through it often at work when a guard tries to stop him cheech says that he's with the towering inferno shoot which the guard believes because his clothes are all burnt up but he should have been like two or three maybe um because this this was too late to be in a movie that had already come out we cut to the set of womba's revenge where a couple of girls are being held at knifepoint by a bad guy one of the girls is overacting very intensely and it's rita wilson like pre tom hanks rita wilson they didn't even know each other at the time yeah because the volunteers wouldn't be for a couple more years yeah um so that's the movie that they met on i believe so uh but it was cool to see her this young i don't think i'd seen her acting someone else someone else is in there too well yes yeah um i guess we can say it right now elvira's in there yeah cassandra peterson yeah so uh it's so funny because as we're going along through this we're gonna see like oh this makes sense why cassandra peterson was in peewee's big adventure yeah phil harvey was in peway's big adventure and why edie mccleary is in a bunch of elvira stuff like yeah it's just all over the place she was also on peewee too right yeah well she was in the hbo special yeah they pause for a moment before they start rolling on on wamba's revenge although they they do hold for a moment because someone calls out that they need to fix a shiny ass onset the director gives them their line help me womba and they prep for a take and they clap a slate that says that this is scene 69 take one of wamba's revenge is being directed by sai baby and the dp is listed by the name prince and then the gay f word which is clearly a reference to this film's dp being king baggett they have prince f word cheech calls out to his lady friend who's apparently working the set when the take begins we can hear a hero which is the the phil hartmann character we hear his voice but uh we never see him we just hear him saving the day uh this is his only part in the film unfortunately just the voice in the background when cheech gets the girl's attention she comes over to meet him and the crew is repeatedly yelling quiet on the set as the two talk in the back of the room he asks her to hook him up with new clothes because his are clearly destroyed she says aren't you supposed to be at work and he makes up a story about seeing a baby in a burning building and uh he says i rescued a burning baby and i got burning baby all over me that's what happened to my clothes as he's leaving cheech encounters red hulk who for some reason knows his name yeah he says hey where's that woman supposed to go crash through and it's like who are you why do you know me uh but cheech points at a random wall and he burst through it onto the set of womba's revenge so maybe maybe he is wamba and he was supposed to jump through this wall to save them but just not right now because they're not in the take anymore uh chong pulls the burnt car carefully back into their neighbor's garage and sneaks over the property line to their place uh the neighbor hears chong knock over a watering can or something and chews chong out for ruining the neighborhood cheech takes a van to universal and this time when the guard asks for a pass he says pass sure thanks a lot we cut back to chong at the house despite their apparent personal gas shortage chong is riding a chopper in the house blasting exhaust fumes at the neighbor's garden through a pipe in the window he moves to the counter and dumps a jar of roaches by roaches i mean the tail ends of joints and but one of them is an actual insect which is the biggest thing that he dumped on the counter so he loads up his pipe and just smokes the [ __ ] out of this bug it's not actually a roach though this bothered me because it was just like a black beetle yeah and it was definitely not a road well you don't want to smoke an action does he actually kill it i think he's i think he smashes it with his hand but yeah this is one of the one of those species that i don't care that you smashed it you're allowed to kill bugs in movies i it bothers me a little bit when you cut off a snake's head or what else have we seen the horses tumble over themselves and probably run through windows yeah yes um so i'll only do it once but yeah smashing a bug i can deal with i think chong chokes pretty hard on this bug but then he goes right back to smoking it he starts to play an electric guitar and he keeps cranking the amp up until his neighbors are in physical pain the entire neighborhood is reacting to this even dogs are like laying down and covering their ears his neighbor was trying to teach a piano lesson and that's not going to happen now cheech backs into their driveway and he scrambles into the house to unplug the amp and the whole thing kind of explodes when he unplugs it he takes chong outside to show him the universal loot that he just got it's funny because this whole neighborhood is built on the universal backlot so really he didn't even leave the lock but uh but when he backed into the driveway he accidentally dumped it out runs sort of over his neighbor and the doors fly open which he doesn't notice until he pulls the car away and then he notices he's like oh no we've been robbed hey man somebody ripped off the thing i ripped off man but it turns out that when he backed up he accidentally dumped this it's like a big slot machine that is just crushing their neighbor and they go to lift it off of him and the neighbor is like screaming about his hands my hands my hands because obviously he's a piano teacher he has very important hands um driving through town later cheech makes a bad left and nearly hits about seven cars in the span of 10 seconds they can't figure out why they're not getting any respect from these drivers until they realize that they aren't dressed right so they pull over to mod the car as much as possible as the soundtrack plays tequila by the champs cheech swaps out the rims chong throws a magnetic heart-shaped window onto the side of the car he peels away a big magnetic advertisement to reveal an airbrushed painting of an aztec warrior holding a woman on a mountain chong throws a shag dash cover across the front of the car and cheech switches out the steering wheel for one made out of like a chrome chain link maybe eight inches wide and they lower the front and head on their way cheech teaches chong some spanish specifically pendejo which basically means dumb ass but he tells chong that it's a term of endearment they have a jump off with another car uh with hydraulics but she just letting chong control it stupidly and so chong obviously just never wants to stop bouncing well i don't know i don't think that they're actually controlling i think she's just bouncing i think chong is just bouncing up and down to make the car bounce up and down oh i thought he was actually like doing something no he's just i think he's just bouncing because i figured this is actually a company car there's no way that the company car has these hydraulics in it i was surprised that it had the aztec warrior painting on the side unless they did that themselves but they also lowered the front so it seems like they've done some modifications to this car but the car continues to bounce until it ends up like fully in a family's front yard and they come out screaming at them and chong is like hey pendejos how's it going and he's like oh no you can't call these people that he's like freaking out about it and eventually they just drive away and they take out the whole chain-link fence around the yard to escape later we see chong coming out of his sister's house with a jar of yellow liquid and she's just like oh can i have some and he's like sure and he hands it over and when she smells it he's like this is piss man he's like yeah it's for my probation officer was he drink pee and this line killed me apparently he failed his last urine test because he stored the pee in a mayonnaise jar that he cleaned out about as well as they cleaned that trash can earlier and so there were still like bits of mayonnaise floating in his piss and they thought it was a side effect of a new drug he thinks this time it will really confuse them because his the urine is his sisters and she's pregnant um cheech asks if she had any weed and he says no they're waiting on some to come in from colombia or something like that cheech starts aiming for the bumps on the road on purpose to spill chong's sister's piss all over chong and uh eventually to get him to stop he whips out a huge bag of what is presumably cocaine cheech asks for a head of it but chong says that he doesn't want to ruin his life cheech says can i just smell some and when chong agrees to that she just buries his face in it only to realize he just took a huge hit of laundry detergent which we already saw happen once this year in rhodey um the reaction was pretty much the same yeah i feel like he the space coke reaction was the roadie reaction yeah the roadie reaction that was the only time i laughed in that movie yeah you guys just dying in the laundromat to get the taste out of his mouth he grabs the urine jar away from chong and starts drinking it before he realizes what it is and then he like he hands it back but then it's burning his nostrils and so he has to drink it again so he just keeps taking his jar and then being grossed out that he drank it over and over again but then there's like bubbles coming out of the side of the car because he's got all this detergent in his mouth and he's just spitting up bubbles into the car the next morning cheech wakes up in his tiny whities and he grabs a beer in the kitchen he gets a shirt out of the fridge like you do when he looks out the window he freaks out because the van is gone apparently he's not supposed to take it home and now it's been ripped off and he's freaking out chong wakes up while chicha's panicking and he goes to wash his face off with the fish tank water it's pretty gross fish tank water too uh chong is sleeping in the living room on a door with a phone book for a pillow and suddenly their pay phone rings because they have a pay phone on the wall in their house and cheech makes chong answer offering to reward him with his last tie stick and chong answers it immediately and then hands it back to cheech like oh yeah he's here man he's like oh thanks a lot cheech lies on the phone about what happened while chong heads to the bathroom chong flips up in the toilet needlessly to reveal that it's overflowing with garbage and then he moves to pee out the window just this scene was directed by dan aykroyd as he and john belushi had come to the burbank set to visit while they were shooting blues brothers cheech learns over the phone that he has been fired the neighbor tries to salvage what he can from his garden when suddenly a stream of piss is pouring down from above but he's unable to identify where it's coming from apparently back inside cheech reveals that the company he works for took the van back themselves chong asks where that tie stick is at like he still earned it by just picking up the phone and handing it to cheech i have no idea what a thai stick is it's just it's like a cigar of marijuana basically but they actually like started in thailand we cut to the unemployment line chichen chong trick a man and some children out of chairs so they can sit down when suddenly chicha's other lady friend donna shows up she works here and she directs for them to come around the windows to her office in the back cheech heads into the office and chong sits with more waiting customers in this back room two scenes are playing out simultaneously here all in one shot we have a background scene with cheech coaxing donna into sex in her office and she is understandably reluctant as the walls are windows to her office in the foreground chong is looking at an old man who's laughing at a junkie who keeps falling asleep and then catching himself with a cigarette between his fingers suddenly the man to chong's left breaks into a guitar solo performed entirely with his mouth of course this character is played by michael winslow pre-police academy and his talents remain unmatched winslow pretends to snort a can of coke and be a robot and other entertaining things and chong looks very genuinely amused by these antics like even on set he's just like wow that's really great you can do that i liked his baby impression and then like soothing the baby with a pacifier yeah yeah and then the dog and cat like the way he bounces back and forth between the dogs it's incredible it's amazing um donna's boss comes back looking for cheech and chong says oh he's in there man and uh donna and cheech are having sex on the floor of her office in the background we see donna and her boss arguing while in the foreground winslow is impersonating this fight between an invisible dog and cat and then we cut outside the building where a cop is just leading cheech and chong outside like nope no check for you bye back at home cheech sings a wonderful song about mexican americans he actually has a really great singing voice but for my money the best line of this song goes mexican americans love education so they go to night school and they take spanish and get a b chong counters with a song that he just wrote in his head that goes like this [Music] that's the whole song it's especially funny because contrary to what a lot of people think chong is not at all mexican i never thought he was mexican is that what people think i think people thought both of them were mexican no largely his name is chong yeah i just for whatever reason maybe just because of the way he grows out his facial hair and and the way he talks and everything that he tries to talk like cheech for so much of the movie that people just assumed that they were the same nationality but chong is like half chinese and half like scotch irish or something like that born in canada it reminds me of uh when you told uh mike judge about our friends it's another extract story i don't know if we should put that on the podcast i guess we can it's hilarious yeah we uh we were doing the the sound mix for the movie and uh the assistant editor or no she was she was the second she's the assistant editor she was the assistant editor on the feature uh carmen and uh she's half chinese half canadian correct and she was delivering a hard drive to somebody and the guy was like oh what does she look like and he's like i don't know she's like a latina girl you'll probably see her she should be in the parking lot now and and then our our supervisor was like she's not she's not latina and he's like what she's not and she's like no she's like half chinese half canadian i said yeah tell the guy to look for the half canadian girl and mike judge just started busting up laughing i was like great i got him to laugh [Laughter] but yeah uh while uh while chong is continuing to to workshop the [ __ ] song cheech goes to answer the phone and it's donna and apparently she's not upset about what happened at work today where where she definitely got fired and he invites her over for dinner tonight and she accepts he says i'll be waiting with balzan oh which is a great line he rushes chong out the door when the phone starts ringing again and this time it's his cousin dwayne he wants to meet up with cheech and he needs money but uh cheech sends chong in his place and tells him oh dwayne's got a bunch of money and he loves to party so you hang out with him all night and i'm gonna have donna here and he's like oh you want me to bring him back he's like no no no just he wants to go to concerts and clubs and stuff you guys will be fine chong hitch is a ride with a leather man on a motorcycle to duane's hotel as macho man plays more times in this movie than in the village people movie earlier this year bizarrely leatherman offers chong a drink but he answers maybe next time actually i appreciate that they even make the point that chong hasn't been leading him on because when they get there he says you sure you don't want that drink and he says no man maybe next time and i believe him when he says maybe next time yeah yeah and he's like all right and then he leaves uh on his way up the steps to the hollywood hotel a wino says how you doing there man have a good time merry christmas merry christmas in the lobby dwayne is arguing with the bell boy played by paul rubins dwayne mistakes chong for cheech which makes no sense because they look very different but might also be a reference to the fact that people on the street have often mistaken chong for cheech for whatever reason and i will suppose mistake this cousin for cheech yeah that's weird that you would do that weird but he also says i haven't seen him in 10 years right so you got real ugly man uh chong learns that this hotel is keeping dwayne's luggage until he pays his tab because he mistook the the daily rate for a weekly rate he called sheech to bring money but chong obviously doesn't have any and duane says that people call him red on account of his long red hair so i will refer to him as such moving forward important note red is played by cheech with a facial tattoo that's true and long red hair and like a fur coat and lots of turquoise yeah chong tries to reason with rubens but eventually they get into a screaming match and reuben starts shouting his trademark i know you are but what am i back at chong no no you are but what am i rubens moves to call the cops but red says yo let's go my luggage has a bunch of weed in it i don't need the police involved in this we cut to a room of the hotel where a white couple are doing sexual role play with puppets just a minute i'll see chong and red are climbing the fire escape looking to steal the luggage back before the cops get here they break the bars off a hotel room off the hotel room window and bust into the wrong room the woman in the bed tells them not to lay a hand on her despite them showing no interest in her yeah but she's trying to present herself to them at the same time the joke is definitely that the the implication is that this woman wants to be raped by these intruders and they're just like no we're just literally the wrong room we're just trying to find our luggage well they destroy the room in the meantime yes rubens isn't having much luck getting the police to come until he says i think they're iranians which is a scapegoat that we just recently used jeff in used cars to to blame for blowing up the merchandise on roy fuchs car lot on live television i think we also use it in how to beat the high cost of living at some point iranians possibly yeah i feel like i forget if we mentioned specifically the nationality in knight of the juggler for the the bombing backstory if they blame that on iranians or not seems to be a general theme of 1980 that we like to blame iranians for things going wrong yeah chong and red get all of his stuff out and they leave chong has a duffel bag full of weed that he thought was maybe worth a hundred bucks altogether but chong informs him that it's worth more like fifty thousand dollars and red says well there's a lot more where that came from the cops show up and red gets out of tape recorder because he likes to record sounds like this to scare the deers out of his field just with loud sounds the cops tell red and chong to get out of the way because they don't realize that they're the people that they were here to arrest because they don't look iranian probably and so at this point though i am assuming that red is from far away from here because he doesn't understand the street value of marijuana in los angeles i think he's just a rural guy i don't think he gets off the farm often okay but i i don't know they don't really make it clear where he lives specifically but they do make it clear that he has a farm nearby but uh rubens is trying to explain to the cops that these are the people he called about and then they arrest him when he starts getting really angry with them a girl on roller skates stops red and chong and gives them flyers to an erotic massage parlor this could also be chong's wife i don't know but they decide to head right on over she asks if they have any blow and red offers a sleeve because he doesn't understand they smoke weed in the spa at this massage parlor when a girl comes in to ask if they need anything and red just pulls her into the water uh which i'm surprised didn't hurt her because it's a pretty shallow spa a lot of this looked unscripted yeah them kind of throwing the women around i i feel like this specifically this would have to have been scripted because you can't just pull a girl into a spa if she doesn't know she's going to be getting wet or anything like that yeah it just it just seemed like oddly aggressive and like dangerous yeah but uh she's laughing about it so she seems totally cool with having been pulled into this tub and then red pulls another girl into a second spa and red and chong start just running all over the place in this parlor they break into a private room where chicken charlie has a girl all tied up and he says he can't untie until he has crowed the girl that's tied up is named candy and as they come in they're basically like helping her get undone and he's like finishing up whatever he was there for the parlor owner apologizes to charlie on his way out but he really doesn't seem to care about having been interrupted red passes a door where people are having sex and he tries to get a recording of this too to confuse the deer in his field when he accidentally plays the recording of the cops from earlier suddenly everyone's busting out of all the doors in the place and out into the night which is our second accidental massage parlor evacuation after uh don't answer the phone yeah i was just thinking about that too outside one of the girls candy doesn't have a ride home so she asks if she can go with them we cut back to cheech at home where he's singing a song while ironing his clothes he says sound funny but i don't believe she's coming hey baby come on [ __ ] he gets like mad in the middle of the song like why is he here already and he says that [ __ ] don't get here soon i'm gonna have to wait some more [Laughter] red chong and candy wander into a music shop presumably near the uh near the parlor and immediately start playing all the expensive [ __ ] that they can find and they're driving a salesperson crazy at the counter there's a woman in like riding gear implying that she is rich and red flirts with her a bit before they they all leave at the same time chong starts playing the amp in the store and he he blows it before they leave so they've successfully destroyed more property but outside they jump into the convertible of the woman that uh that red was flirting with she seems to just go with the flow and takes them all back to her house uh once they enter gloria's mom played by edie mcclure comes down the steps and for some reason identifies each of them as characters from wizard of oz so red is the cowardly lion candy is glinda the good witch and chong is toto which i think fits really well with what they're wearing red pulls a saber off the wall which he calls a frog sticker and he starts swinging it all over the place they all sit around a table for dinner when suddenly chicken charlie enters evidently the patriarch of this family and candy is ecstatic to see him outside the parlor beyond calling him chicken charlie though and clearly recognizing him from the from the parlor they don't rat on the guy which i thought was a nice touch yeah that it's they're not like trying to ruin this family they're just like oh it's you and eddie mcclure is taking all of this very very well yes like the the the intruders in her house and all the craziness i think for her in her life this is very amusing yeah this is just a party later gloria's singing a song very poorly by the fireplace and uh red tries to change it up with uh with a magic trick by the way i didn't mention this but gloria the woman whose car they hopped into is cheech's wife or was at the time red says that he's going to turn a bread roll into a piece of fruit and so edie mcclure is sitting on the couch and he makes her hold the bread roll wrapped in the napkin and then he fashions the rest of the napkin so that it looks like a penis she's holding the head of and he says ain't that a peach but she does not seem to get this joke and laughs anyway ain't that a peach [Laughter] they get it i don't get it we cut to them blasting down the freeway in a bentley smoking a massive blunt it's like two inches thick and eating mcclerg is like oh my god like she's just having the time of her life and she's so funny back at home cheech has now ironed everything in his whole house like socks and like ties and things and uh he's playing a mouth trumpet so we hear like this sad song playing and then we don't realize until we get to teach that it's actually coming from his face which we had in what mad max and then as a joke an airplane in madame actually actually had a uh an instrument a saxophone well she had the saxophone in airplane too yeah but that was supposed to be a joke an airplane i don't think it was supposed to be a joke in mad max it just came across that way was it not supposed to be a joke i don't know it was certainly edited as a joke yeah red chong edie and candy go to a comedy club where the the first comedian being introduced is pee wee herman not clear if paul rubens has been pee herman the whole time or if he's just performing as this character for this comedy club but this is the first theatrical appearance of pee wee herman he had appeared on television the previous year in three episodes of the dating game but other than that this was the first like widely revealed uh footage of pee-wee herman in anything but theoretically he was pee-wee herman as a stand-up comic in general yes he had done shows in the hollywood area yeah but nothing that was televised or filmed before yes but his first hbo special wouldn't air until the following year paul rubins was a member of the groundlings with phil hartman who played the hero on the set of womba's revenge earlier in the film john paragon who played the director of womba's revenge and bob mcclerg who plays chicken charlie in this movie and is the real-life husband of edie mcclerg gloria's mother and john paragon is a jump jumbie yes yeah phil hartman john paragon and eddie mcclure would all go on to appear on the peewee hermann hbo special in 81. uh phil hartman obviously wrote and starred in peewee's big adventure uh rubens and paragon wrote the bulk of peewee's playhouse series which paragon also directed a lot of and the two obviously played the roles of peewee and zombie also terry i think paragon was javi and terry and phil hartman was captain carl right yes i also find it incredibly fascinating that he was a you know a comic like an adult comic yes that they actually just turned into a children's series you know like it was a joke that he was an adult comic making these absurd things you know dressed as a child like being childlike and then they just said yep no you're just gonna do a child children series well apparently the the origin of the character was that paul rubens himself had trouble like remembering the exact like layup to a punch line like his memorization he had memorization problems and so he made up a character who would screw up the jokes that started as this pee-wee herman character who just was like a comedian that wasn't gonna make it and that was how the character was designed and everybody loved it and obviously you know it went very far that's great i love that in these movies too like this movie it's all there it's all already there the the gray suit the white shoes the red tie everything's there and you know and i don't think he was wearing the makeup that he started to later like he has like rouge and like pink lips usually yes the character yeah but yeah the costume is basically set yeah i just love it that by this time he's already got this character so developed yeah he's so fully formed the cameraman from the set of wamba's revenge was also a writer on pee-wee's playhouse the only other credit that this movie and peewee's playhouse have in common is chuck rio who is the lead singer of the champs who performed tequila which makes an appearance in this film while they're modding the fan but also in pee-wee's playhouse and in big adventure for a memorable scene in a biker bar with cassandra peterson with cassandra peterson peewee set bombs pretty hard because he's getting heckled by red and chong in the front row red takes the mic and wins over the crowd with a single joke and then he drags edie on stage and she's laughing super hard as she tries to tell her joke and she gets it out but she's laughing so hard at her own joke and her laugh is so contagious that everyone just applauds her basically because they just love her pee wee asks club security to kill the man who got him arrested earlier that day uh chong takes the stage and tries to redo the magic trick but instead he says i'm going to turn this glass into a dick a female bouncer named thumbelina steps on stage and grabs the glass in the napkin and just shatters it in her hands she throws both of them out of the club as a fight is breaking out red is sitting on a stool out front when a patron entering hands him his keys and says hey it's all yours take on camera buddy of course red thinks this means it's his car now and so he and chong drive away without their massive bag of weed chong is obviously very upset about leaving all this weed behind but red is like no no like if you care about the weed i'll take you to where i got the weed there's a lot of weed back at home cheech is watching wumba's angels which maybe that's related to uh juan bazaar earlier but this seems to be a tv show because then this is an episode where wamba's angels are trying to find the killer at the miss nude america contest he falls asleep here waiting for donna and in his dream she arrives and he throws her on a bed but in the real world he's about to have sex with a large teddy bear on his bed when donna finally actually arrives and knocks on the door he tells her to get lost and then wakes up just barely too late realizing what he's done as she's driving away down the street chong and red catch the eyes of law enforcement and for whatever reason red decides that he's going to start a chase and lead them directly to his field of weed he has the field booby trap though so he tricks them off of this jump and they get stuck and then he sets off a pack of fireworks around the car to freak them out but of course they're calling for backup now which is just gonna cost him this whole field of weed like they're gonna come back tomorrow suddenly a tractor beam is shining down into their stolen car first the beam is sucking up a bunch of marijuana plants and then it dips into the actual vehicle the convertible that they're sitting in red puts his hand in the beam and chong is like get your hand out of there man and then he does the same thing before both of them just vanish back at home cheech is having a dream now inspired by the painting on the side of the van the warrior lays the body of a woman on a sacrificial platform not unlike the sacrificial platform from blue lagoon and starts mourning the loss of this woman but then eventually groping her corpse and then he moves to have sex with the corpse when chong is waking him up again in the dream though chong is wearing this weird helmet with horns and then in real life he's also wearing a weird helmet with horns chong tries to tell cheech what happened that they were abducted by aliens and that they gave them space coke to try and then cheech takes a snort because he doesn't care that his friend yesterday gave him soap to snort and fully believes that this is space coke and then he goes completely insane and flies through the wall and starts destroying their neighbor's house again before jumping straight up through the roof with chong wrapped around his legs and they fly up into space where they reach the animated blunt from the intro to the film and it flies away and that's the end of the film our director here was tommy chong obviously he's in all the cheech and chong movies he appeared with cheech and fern gully he was squirrel master and half baked that was the guy that was in prison uh that uh he made him his [ __ ] i'm somebody's [ __ ] yeah he also played a recurring character leo on that 70's show and he just recently appeared as alfred in kevin smith's jane santa bob reboot in the blunt cave he's that he's the alfred for the blunt man in chronic comments okay he also wrote and directed and starred in a movie called far out in 1990 without cheech about an aging hippie looking for his family i'd never heard of that but it's got rae donchong in it that's his daughter the writer here was tommy chong and cheech marin cheech marin was in yellowbeard cannonball run two born in east l.a he's the voice of tito in oliver and company that's all i could picture whenever whenever he was not on screen but but talking i could just picture a little chihuahua saying all the lines yeah you you uh you went to oliver company over like the lion king though well yeah my brain just went straight to a little chihuahua saying like oh yeah i i like i like that i i like that it it's it's more i think he has more memorable dialogue in oliver and company than he does in the lineup yeah well because and he and because he and bette midler's character uh yeah have a relationship and i think he i i think the difference is that the lines in uh oliver and company mimic this character whereas in the lion king he he's not doing this sort of that's true this sort of character yeah and so the the tito character tito is more of a chong or more of a teacher yeah exactly yeah yeah he also plays the doc supervisor in ghostbusters 2 when the titanic finally arrives he uh we mentioned he's one of the hyenas the lion king he's in a bunch of robert rodriguez stuff desperado dusk till dawn once upon a time in mexico he played the padre and the machete trailer he's also ramon in cars all three of the cars movies and was he in the actual machete movie i never saw it i forget i've seen the machete movie but i can't remember yeah but i know he's in the trailer because i rewatched it today and i love that trailer uh joe dominguez also on nash bridges uh and apparently they're doing like a tv movie or something because that was his top credit right now on imdb i just looked cinematographer uh nick mclean this was his first time as a cinematographer we have two cinematographers nick mclean this was his first one before this he'd worked as uh in the camera department on marathon man exorcist ii the heretic close encounters and being there and after this he was the dp on goonies short circuit spaceballs and mac and me oh eclectic mix huh oh yeah you might be surprised to learn that after mac and me it gets less and less amazing but uh it's still very cool the cool movies to have worked on he insisted that they push a real kid off that wheel yeah that cliff with a wheelchair you people are gonna tell i'm telling you uh and he needs to actually be disabled or it's not going to work he was also the dp for hundreds of episodes of friends king baggett uh this was i said his first time also as cinematographer before this he'd worked on american gigolo and defiance to early bruckheimer films that we covered this year after this he dp'ed dr detroit last starfighter revenge of the nerds and oh god you devil which is the third one of that series evelyn guerrero played donna she'll be back next year as donna the panties gal in nice dreams another chichen chang film ricky maron was gloria that's the wife at the time of cheech marin peter bromolo played the gay motorcyclist he was the hotel manager in wild at heart he plays kafka in an episode of the 1968 avengers he's a butler on briscoe county junior somewhere he also plays joe in highlander 2 the quickening and a nobleman in the rocketeer lupe ontoveros plays old lady that was her credit in this i don't remember seeing her in this but i know her face was she the one that they mistakenly he mistakenly thought was a hot chick side of the road and they don't show her close enough yeah but she plays rosalita in goonies and she's also yolanda and selena the woman who eventually killed well then there could have been any number of scenes with with the woman that fits that description but she's she's great and she also plays chicha's mom and born in east l.a john stedman was the drunk at the welfare office that's the old man who's just laughing he played ned mccluskey in gator and he'll be back later this year as sam and fade to black shelby chong was beautiful she's the wife of tommy and i don't know who she was in the movie there somewhere in the movie there's a character there's a one-man band maybe in the music shop i don't remember but the the actor's name is credited as dawn s davis but it's not the dawn s davis that we know okay i was going to say like who is the don s davis that you know he was the the stunt double for pete on macgyver who also plays basically the pete character on the stargate series okay because dana elkhart didn't come back to play that part yeah yeah you've seen him and stuff he he played scully's dad in the episode where he dies yeah yeah well i mean just saying that that he's that character from stargate i i have a picture of him in my head kim hopkins was the wardrobe girl that's the girl on the set of wambus revenge we had her earlier this year as one of the pom pom girls in hollywood nights that was wearing underwear she was also young xaviera in happy hook or go hollywood in that little flashback scene that the film producer improvises when he's pretending that he knows her whole story this was her last movie for 18 years because she took time off to raise a son michael winslow plays the he's credited as welfare comedian he's obviously sergeant jones in the police academy movies he plays a radar tech in spaceballs and he'll be back next year for nice dreams another xi jin chong film marcus chong played johnny i don't know who johnny would be you guys have any idea on johnny i don't remember any guy called out as johnny i don't remember who that is but he is the adopted son of tommy chong and from his imdb picture i recognized him immediately as tank from the matrix he's one of the two guys that stays outside the whole time okay i didn't realize that he was uh that he was chong's adopted son rita wilson was one of the hostages she's obviously the currently the wife of tom hanks they were married in 88 she's also in sleepless in seattle that thing you do jingle all the way also with phil hartman oh and i looked it up uh while we were chatting uh they actually met for the first time on bosom buddies but they didn't uh are you sure that's not his first wife no it's rita wilson okay they they met for the first time on the set of that but didn't start a relationship until they met again on volunteers which is what you said okay because his first wife he met i guess he met her before bosom buddies but she was in a bosom buddies episode as a waitress or something carl weintraub plays the cop outside the hotel he plays desoto and oliver and company with cheech bob mcclerg was chicken charlie he's the husband of edie mcclurk uh he plays a studio guard wait she was married to her actual husband yeah they were an actual couple um and he was the one that was in groundlings with yeah with the rest of them okay and she just like kind of tagged along oh my god she's the star of that yeah she she really like steals every scene she's in but uh bob mcclurk plays the studio guard in pee-wee's big adventure uh at warner bro on the warner brothers lot so it's funny because both films have a film lot studio guard but uh this one bob mcclure is playing that character and uh he's also hairy in born in east la with cheech edie mcclerg played gloria's mom she's also a groundling and she played helen and carrie she's back later this year in oh god book two i think probably most people connect her with grace and ferris bueller's day off oh well he's very popular ed the sportos motor heads geeks [ __ ] bloods wasteoids dweebies [ __ ] they all adore it they think he's a righteous dude grace she's also in a few elvira things and she was in cars with cheech uh paul rubins is pee-wee herman slash desk clerk he was also in the groundlings he's obviously pee-wee he was in midnight mattis and blues brothers earlier this year he'll be back in the next cheech and chong movie uh nice dreams he does the voice of rx24 and star tours and max in flight of the navigator two very similar characters uh i was so i was so upset that they replaced him on the new star tours did they really yeah why would they do that he's still around i i was it's all because it's all new star tour stuff but i really miss him uh he was also penguin's dad in batman returns yeah well because he and uh frenchie yeah is the penguin's mom who we just met at the the the peewee's big adventure screening that me and eddie went to the midnight screening he plays amelin in the buffy movie which i forgot about until i saw that on his video i was like oh yeah that was a movie first he's also lock a nightmare before christmas he plays an fbi agent in matilda with he is great yeah his partner is also a batman alumni and uh the two of them are just hassling his son danny devito who played the penguin obviously but yeah they're pretending to be like boat salesmen or something like that he's like there's no there's no bodies of water around here who are they selling boats to and of course he was the spleen yeah okay we also when i worked at uh tom goes to the mayor as an intern we had him as a guest star for an episode but i did not get to talk to him while he was in the office but my favorite role of his all-time favorite role was gerhardt on 30 rock where he plays this crippled habsburg character and uh he's so funny in them in those episodes doug cox played the cameraman on the set of the fake movie uh he played the beak in carrie he wrote for peewee's playhouse and he also showed up as mr murgatroyd in the netflix peewee movie uh big holiday or that's not big holiday what is it pee-wee's it is pee-wee's big holiday oh it is pb's big holiday for some reason i thought they didn't both have big in the title but i guess they do uh phil hartman was chick hazard private eye you probably know him from snl or peewee's playhouse as captain carl or newsradio that's what he was doing towards the end of his life which was unfortunately cut short by his wife who killed him in their home he i get disoriented every once in a while when christopher walken hosts saturday night live because they inevitably do the continental sketch yeah where he's talking to the camera and they still use phil hartman's introduction where he's like the sun is set the stars shine in the sky the night air is tinged with anticipation and it is time to meet the continental but that's a funny sketch and we also had him this year in stunt rock and the gong show so far and he's also known for a couple priceless simpsons characters lionel huts and troy mcclure and he was going to be the zapp brannigan voice for futurama and uh unfortunately he he was not around by the time the show was actually coming out but uh i think billy west is doing a fantastic job with the characters yeah and and billy west's character fry was given the first name philip right in his honor oh i didn't know that yeah john paragon played the director in this film he was a writer and director of pee-wee's playhouse the voices of uh zombie and terry i guess not the voice of johnny he's wearing makeup but yeah he's not really a voice he is also the voice that's true uh he also i did not know this until today he plays r.j fletcher's son richard fletcher in uhf okay he's the one who's in the office with his dad and he's like you thought i don't pay you to think but dad shut up because that's where they're revealing that it's his son but we also have the other line where he says what do you think r.j fletcher senior would be saying if he was alive today and he says help me i'm in this box i can't breathe in here help get me out he's so great in that movie um he's also the voice of dink uncredited in spaceballs and uh he also plays the economy flight attendant in airplane two and then the last credit i had here was cassandra peterson as the hostage she's elvira and all the elvira stuff she plays the biker mama and peewee's big adventure and she will be psorias in allen quartermaine and velocity of gold later this decade i thank you for bringing a file on quartermaine yeah allen quartermaine's great this movie's a lot of fun i don't think it's as good as up in smoke i really like up in smoke i feel like all these movies played on comedy central non-stop when i was in high school they might have but believe it or not i had never well i'd never seen this one up until we watched it just now uh and i had only ever seen one other cheech and chong movie which i think i watched about 10 years ago because i was sick at home and it was on netflix yeah and you know i it was that it was open smoke and and that one was okay i think you would like it more if you re-watch it i think i would like it more if i were i laughed a lot at this movie i don't know why i appreciate this now 10 years later more than i did 10 years ago i'm i'm not a stoner i think i don't know a lot of it is probably just california culture too that might be the case because 10 years ago i was relatively new to california yeah so uh i had never seen a cheech and chong movie other than yellow beard oh really okay are they both in that yeah they're both they're both in it yeah okay um and uh i hope to never see one ever again really uh i this one this one is very aimless i this is i don't think this is a fair representation of most most chicha chong movies i think up and smoke is actually genuinely funny stacy keach is the bad guy in it and it has a plot yeah see this movie i was just like is anything going to happen in this movie there's there's really no plot to this movie it's just like wouldn't it be funny if this happened and then this happened and then this happened and it was and it's mostly just a collection of like mini sketches that are very hastily scripted together but i think up in smoke has a plot the whole way through it which is that they are unknowingly driving a van made entirely of marijuana across the border and they have a bunch of cops following and they don't even know that there's cops following them but there's a there's an actual plot to it and even like later films like nice streams which you will have to watch next year and the next chichen chong movie which comes out the following year like there's it's like the early james bond stuff there's like four years in a row of of uh four cheech and chong movies but um but yeah they're they're not all as aimless as this that that would be my one complaint about this movie is that uh like halfway through the movie i was like what is this about none of the scenes seem to affect the next scene there was no reason to take cheech out of the movie and replace him with this other kid i think he just wanted to be play a different character and he's like how can we have me play a different character and they were like we'll have a split up and you meet my cousin and he's he's weird because he didn't want to just play cheech all the time it's only the second movie well they've been performing as cheech and chong for a long even the first time yes yeah okay i didn't know they had out they have comedy albums and stuff like that beforehand yeah but yeah it's a definite thumbs up for me i give it a thumbs up uh no it's a it's a down for me i think cheech also reminds me a lot of my dad um he reminds me a lot of you dad i mean my dad's not mexican my dad is just straight irish but he uh they have a very similar build my dad always had the exact same mustache growing up and he took the world about as seriously as cheech does in this movie and so i've every time i watch them ever since i was a kid even i was just like this i don't know why but he just reminds me a lot of my dad and they do look similar but uh yeah so i i have it above the windows threshold i don't know if richard's gonna agree with this uh for me i have it just barely above that threshold though i have it um a couple up from there have it in 48th place for the year so far just below folks and just above oh heavenly dog okay just above a heavenly dog [Music] well i liked it better than that one oh that's right you you didn't hate oh heavenly dog like me and richard did no i was okay with that yeah okay richard where's this going uh this is pretty low i have this uh just below holy moses which is below holy moses yeah what is wrong with you i would much rather watch holy moses that didn't have a plot it had more of a plot than that no i never needed to see that one again i don't ever need to see this one again either oh i'd watch it it made me laugh i didn't laugh at a holy moses uh i didn't laugh it either um uh so which has puts us above to all good night okay which is number sixty woof i think this goes for me just below don't go in the house which is above effects which on your guys's lists would be way better really low for me yeah it's one two three four whoops [ __ ] fourth what no six seven eight nine times four plus one thirty seventh place i think that's everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we're vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we can also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider rating us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast and on that note i'd like to give a special shout out to that's basically the 80s podcast uh it's another great 1980s podcast they have a bunch of cool retro reviews you should definitely check it out and they're our newest 5 patrons this month thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing honeysuckle rose which imdb describes like so willie nelson is a country singer on the road caught in a romantic triangle with diane cannon and amy irving the daughter of his longtime musical sidekick is this like a actual movie about willie nelson i don't know okay i hope it's more that than roadie two well i just don't know is he is he playing himself or a character we will find out all right it would be funny if he is playing a character and they describe it as willie nelson is a country singer on the road it's like hey i know willie nelson is a country singer these are people submitting these things they're terrible terrible descriptions no offense whoever did this i yeah sorry we leave you now with the trailer for honeysuckle rose whether you're uptown or down home nothing beats a day in the country willie nelson is buck bonham for 20 years he's been singing to the country now he's living his own love songs [Music] going on between him and that female guitar player he's got wait a minute what are you talking about [Music] this summer warner brothers presents something special honeysuckle rose [Applause] [Music] diane cannon irving slim pickens and in his first starring role in a major motion picture a legend willie nelson honeysuckle rose