we're on a mission from god wendy so i got that going darling looks like i picked the wrong way to quit sniffing blue light of my life we enjoy your films i thought they smelled bad on the outside [Music] welcome to vintage video where we're re-watching the 80s so you don't have to we'll be reviewing every major film release of the 1980s in real time over analyzing what you've seen and spoiling what you haven't i'm patrick o'reilly i'm jesse bayless and i'm richard wells and today marks the 40th anniversary of the release of caddyshack on july 25th 1980 it was written by brian doyle murray harold ramus douglas kenny directed by harold ramos and released by warner brothers the story of the film was inspired by brian doyle murray's childhood experiences as a caddy at the indian hill club in winnetka illinois danny's family is based on brian doyle's with eight siblings two of which make appearances in the film i thought it was weird that there were so many siblings yeah it doesn't feel like it comes into play at all aside from the fact that maybe they're just too poor i think it's just to show that they're a poor irish family that's all okay brothers bill and john as well as director harold ramos had also worked as caddies as teenagers the film was shot over 11 weeks temporarily delayed by hurricane david the set was rather infamously rife with cocaine use where was it shot i would imagine that it was not shot in an area like winnetka illinois if a hurricane was a problem right no i think it was shot in florida but i don't know where in florida well my research on hurricane david shows that it came up through the caribbean hit florida and then went up even through uh the entire 13 colonies can you tell us where it's at now caddyshack was filmed at rolling hills in davie florida okay davey hit by david in davey oh i don't know davey harold ramus intended to cast a live animal as the gopher but animatronics and puppets won out ramus would later get his way in groundhog day the first cut of the film came to about four and a half hours bill murray's ball mashing speech lasted a full half hour what uh two hours kidding no two hours were cut from this pass which demolished the original through line following danny and maggie's relationship it was replaced with comedic relief gopher footage to make the film feel less like a bunch of unconnected vignettes harold ramos was it didn't work yeah but it still felt like a bunch of unconnected vignettes yes it did uh harold ramos was notoriously disappointed with how the film turned out but one complaint he had was that nobody besides danny knew how to properly swing a golf club kenny loggins i'm all right was composed for the film and reached the top 10 of the us singles chart don rickles was originally cast as the al cervic roll that went to rodney dangerfield i could see that yeah i could i can actually see john rickles chewing his teeth on this all right here's strike one for me i think that would have been better mickey rourke was considered for the danny noonan roll [Laughter] he's a good deal older yeah and it's also a completely different person yeah bill murray was actually brought on late to replace an unnamed actor who could not act or recall his lines as the groundskeeper the character was originally intended to be a shell-shocked war veteran but ended up a combination of a character that murray had workshopped at second city and an impersonation of the actor that he replaced [Laughter] and also seemed mostly improved yes and it was 100 improv so nothing was written for remembering lines that came became a moot point yeah they shot all of his stuff in six days and uh he was working without a script which i think is why this is my least favorite bill murray performance ever yeah i'm actually not terribly fond of his character in this movie especially because it's super easy to impersonate and so people do it all the time and they think look i'm as funny as bill murray and it's like no no that's like his worst character yeah that's him not being funny yeah this is the final film of sarah halcombe and ted knight it was followed by a sequel that is widely regarded as one of the worst sequels of all time oh man you put it on like after this one yeah i could not watch it it was rough yeah jackie mason just trying to be rodney dangerfield is very great kind of i feel like i feel like randy quaid is more like trying to be ronnie dangerfield well he's yeah he's filling that role of the guy that yeah throwing his money around um although i do like robert stack and uh the interaction between robert stack and dan aykroyd yeah but dan aykroyd doing an impression of bill murray's character is frustrating too and and with a really high-pitched voice for some reason and those characters were in a deleted scene from ghostbusters like the carl spackler groundskeeper character really yeah there's just a scene where they play dual roles like they're they're supposed to just be hobos in times square but i disagree on the other thing i think that a good karate guy is always going to top a heavyweight boxer oh no no you take any martial artist black belt i don't care how good he is what degree you put him in a ring with a power puncher like chuck webner what they would devastate him every time okay i agree with that but i think that shanghai hong kong and kowloon are going to be your three big travel bargains this year interesting it's it's not funny and i see why it was taken out it will it kind of reminds me of uh the dukes in coming to america yes where donnamichi and ralph bellamy play themselves as the dukes but homeless out on the street yeah the dukes from what from trading places we open with our second consecutive orion logo the earthling wasn't originally an orion picture but it currently has the logo in front of it on amazon prime and it starts with an mgm and orion logo now next under the opening titles we see a gopher puppet burrowing a trail through a golf course in the pre-dawn light before pausing to dance to the base rift that kicks off kenny loggins i'm all right i think the puppet was the right choice i know that harold ramis didn't want that yeah but i think it needed to be that silly and ridiculous i don't know if it would have been in as much of the movie if it was the live-action one i think it would have been more like the groundhog in groundhog day where it's in a couple shots but for the most part you don't see it you just see the damage and it's not comic relief unless it's the puppet right and i don't think he wanted it to be and and doug kenny did not want that in the movie at all he didn't want any shots that focus on the gopher see and i love like the the underground macro shots like where it's like it must be in like an oversized puppet version of puppet puff it um but when people are like reaching down the hole when you're seeing stuff coming down that hole it's so the whatever lens they're using on that camera to make it seem like it's so much larger well they also everything that they shot that's like underground or the stuff inside the caves shot after the film in like a sound stage with a really nice camera because it was a controlled atmosphere right right so everything looks much better because it was shot on like nicer film stock even yeah i mean i think that because i think this movie would not have been as memorable if they had done the live-action gopher because i think it wouldn't have been as as ridiculous cartoony over the top yeah and i think it's hard to separate that song with the gopher dancing right and so if that song's playing on the radio constantly you're constantly thinking about that gopher and it's calling that movie to mind in your head right plus the sounds of the gopher of the dolphin but as the gopher is dancing here we get the caddyshack logo flying into frame uh printed on a golf ball and then freezing in the middle of just in midair which reminds me of the uh the happy madison logo yes wow i think that's intentional yeah but that's a golf ball freezing because it hit the camera and broke through the screen uh next we cut to the noonan household mom is climbing the stairs attempting to wake any stragglers in their bountiful brood uh it looks like if the mcallisters were living on food stamps it's just a bunch of kids crisscrossing through the house father noonan asks a boy at their dining table who he even is before his wife explains that's your nephew what are we running a restaurant danny fills his father in on his catty schedule today and his dad tells him to put the money into his college fund jar his parents urge him to pursue a scholarship and after he leaves his father says that he'll find danny work at the lumber yard where he works which is not what danny wants not coincidentally brian doyle murray's father also worked at a lumberyard danny rides a bike to the bushwood country club on the green danny is a caddy for ty webb played by chevy chase i'm assuming this is a the name is a reference to ty cobb but he's not like tycho at all at all like tyco but i think cobb webb is not unintentional danny asks ty if he ever had any trouble deciding what to do with his life and ty does not relate at all he asks danny if he takes drugs you take drugs danny every day good danny explains that college costs 8 000 a year and that he's gonna end up working in the lumber yard like his dad and ty tells danny a secret that there's a force in the universe that will silently guide you if you let it let things happen and be the ball to demonstrate he wraps a blindfold over his eyes and reaches for a club blindly yanking them all up at once and scattering them across the crest yeah this kid is really trying hard to keep it together for a lot of these scenes because i'm sure chubby chase is just hamming it up all the scenes with danny and ty make me a little bit uncomfortable because they're giving all the punch lines to danny and i you can tell that it bothers chevy yeah this kid is getting all the punch lines like he says a joke like oh do you do drugs and he's like oh every day and he's like okay good like that that was the joke but it's the kid getting to say the joke and then did you have to take that cooter preference test when you were a senior in high school oh yeah i took it they said i should be a fire watcher what are you supposed to be an underachiever and it's like why are you giving all the punch lines to this kid that we've never seen before well because i thought well because i've seen this movie a couple of times yeah but uh i was watching it with my father and my niece who had never seen it yeah because i thought no you know candy shack it's a a known a known movie that that she should see arguably she will say that no i i think it's worth seeing we had a problem focusing on who the main character of this movie is yeah and i think it's supposed to be danny oh it was in the first draft it was definitely danny i would say where do you think it is now i think it's smails actually hmm but but he's it's hard to say that he is the bad guy but he he gets more to do than anybody else does but danny but danny does go through a change that's true yeah i think danny is definitely the main character yeah but we don't spend enough we spent so not that i wanted any more well i but i i did but but we spend so much other time with ronnie dangerfield smails and carl and ty yeah away from danny yeah he's not because you cut you know half of the movie out that had more scenes with him in it well that's what happens when you cast like five world famous comedians it's like no you have to give them all screen time you have to give them a lot of screen time each you can't just you can't just leave it become the most interesting part of the movie yeah that's a problem once he gets his hands on the wedge though ty is able to pop the ball over a water hazard and within three feet of the hole blindfolded danny is genuinely impressed and ty tells him to give it a shot when danny asks for silence to concentrate tai instead speaks about how much he isn't speaking i'm not talking stop talking not talking now danny misses by a lot on the way into work smail sees the gopher ruining a hole before pulling the flag down into it he shouts for the greenskeeper to take care of it and he blames the cervic construction yard next door for driving all of these gophers under their golf course the assistant green's keeper carl spakler watches a group of four older women while lucifiously pumping a ball cleaner as though he were masturbating to the scene oh mrs crane you're a little monkey woman you know that you're a little monkey woman you're lean and you're mean and you're not too far between either i bet are you huh the greenskeeper pulls him aside and gives him a mission i want you to kill every gopher on the course check me if i'm wrong sandy but if i kill all the golfers they're going to lock me up and throw away the key go first we could do that we don't even need a reason yeah yeah all right let's do the same thing but with gophers inside the titular caddyshack the manager lou is fielding a lot of calls he steps out for a moment and asks danny to take over for him in the cage carl corners another caddy with a pitchfork and tells him the story of a time he carried for the dalai lama uh the actor's discomfort here is genuine because the scene was fully improvised and murray repeatedly poked a non-fake pitchfork into his neck and throat oh god uh his story culminates with the dalai lama or dalai lama as he calls him yeah the story culminates with the dalai lama stiffing him on the tip but offering in its place total consciousness on his deathbed you will receive total consciousness so i got that going for you which is nice we see the tail end of another caddy tony's experience with an elderly couple called the haver camps they are incapable of following the rules of the game or even connecting with the ball on the tee in front of them they were based on a real couple that brian doyle caddied for regularly who could not knock the ball out of their own shadows like he has the one the club is like you're gonna need this yeah she walks she's just walking away and then she hits it into the lake and she's like woohoo doesn't doesn't remember what she's supposed to be doing uh when tony gets back to the shack he wants his pay but danny can't give it because lou's out so then he decides he wants a coke and danny explains how the prices have gone up and the two do a little verbal sparring at the window to this locked cage room until lou comes back and sets danny free and danny doesn't want to be free right now he's like ow sure you don't need me for nothing no they move outside for a proper fight and in the ensuing chaos a gumball machine is knocked to the floor and shattered lou comes out and tells them a couple things first that they're all on the shortlist to get fired for their terrible work ethics they can easily be replaced by golf carts and two that the golf scholarship that had previously been won by a co-worker is now up for grabs again after his untimely death in the clubhouse a doctor is overheard on a mobile phone trying to buy more time away from surgery to finish golfing this is dr beeper and we'll see more of him smails enters and tells porterhouse who is in the middle of performing a massage that a brown audi is parked in his spot and he wants it towed immediately porterhouse agrees but the man he's massaging quickly rises and escapes presumably to move his brown audi at his locker smails also tosses his shoes to porter house complaining about a subpar shine before bumping into tai he asks how he played out there today and tai says he doesn't keep track how do you measure yourself with other golfers by hide smails taps another patron on the shoulder to share a racist and sacrilegious joke and the man turns to reveal a priest's caller and laughs because he's already heard the joke porterhouse being african-american is less than amused by the racism and instead of shining the shoes starts grinding them into a smoky mess cervic pulls up in a convertible with a we're in the money horn [Music] and his guest mr wang who takes photos incessantly climbs out of the passenger seat as soon as they enter the pro shop he's already pissing smails off ripping on a terrible hat that they have for sale before noticing that smails is wearing one oh it looks good on you though uh when lou is handing out caddy assignments is brown nosing and asks for smails even though nobody wants him a young girl tries to lift cervix insane golf bag and can barely get it off the ground i think i think that it's important to point out here that they're not trying to make it look like a girl no that there is no there's a reveal later yeah that she's a girl so right now she's got her hair all tucked up under her hat and she's you know flat she's a young girl so she's flat chested and dressed just like all the rest of the cat yes yeah my niece was surprised of the reveal when she takes off her head she goes what this character was originally written to be a young boy but the transportation guy on set recommended his granddaughter for the role because she was kind of a tomboy and she got the part i actually really like that they they did this and then they had a reveal i think i think it's it adds a whole other layer it's much better than just having to be a boy yeah just another yeah you know anonymous character lacey smails his niece shows up and flaunts her bralessness in front of the caddies before joining her uncle on the green he explains to his fellow golfers that she's staying with them for the summer as spaulding shouts all manner of elementary school curse words in the background cervic shows up and starts heckling smails at the first hole cervix says he bets him a hundred bucks that he slices it into the woods and smells replies we don't allow gambling and i never slice before slicing it into the woods okay you can owe me uh when cervix steps up to the ball he presses the driver button on his remote and it comes flying right out of the bag for him danny looks the other way while smails kicks the ball from the tree line correcting for the interference he dealt with earlier he asks how thai golf this morning guessing 80 75 and danny says more like 68 i think and smails doesn't believe this for a second yeah because he's not very good at golfing he's furious that anyone else is uh cervic hits a wild shot and yells four but nobody on the green reacts i feel like you're all supposed to duck when you hear someone shout four and and he was correct yeah doing what he he he did not commit any infraction yeah smails doesn't react and ends up taking one of his orange golf balls right in the crotch and then uh cervix says i shouldn't go too tony sets down cervix enormous golf bag i'm sorry i can't get over every time you say cervic it sounds like you're saying cervix everyone's name is a joke in this movie but when cervic tears off the front panel revealing a car stereo so let's dance and cranks journeys any way you want it full blast across the course uh smails chips a ball surprisingly close to camera here and turns angrily to the source of the music danny tells smails that he's considered going into law specifically like sound violations he's like oh yeah you could hire me as an attorney to do exactly this kind of work if you put me through law school and he says oh but my family can't afford it and this male says well the world needs ditch diggers too smails his niece lacey applauds his effort as she passes though nice try we cut to carl lugging a flesh tone hose between his legs to the gopher's hole intending to flood him out as he granite sings guts how about a nice cool drink he sees the gopher surface at another hole and leaps for it getting bit in the hand and then he shoves in the hose and cranks the water up only to find that the gopher's hole connects all over the green and is now spouting everywhere cervix shows off a couple more inventions a beer tap a television and some kind of course correcting scope that's attached to his putter to perfect his form spalding approaches the concessions counter with smails and places a long meandering order from pretty far away as he's walking up he's like i want a hamburger no a cheeseburger i want a hot dog i want a milkshake i want potatoes get nothing and like it maggie and danny have a seat at the table behind her stand and make a date for tonight cervic catches smails about to finish a game inches from the hole and bets him a grand that he'll miss it draws the attention of a lot of onlookers and smails chokes before angrily throwing his club back toward the clubhouse striking a female customer and destroying a picnic table danny takes the credit for the club being slippery before they're able to sneak away from this disagreement and smails thanks him for the excuse he recommends that danny try for that scholarship because he knows that it's back up for grabs that night carl spackler takes a flashlight and he tapes it to a rifle while he's loading it he's reciting action movie narration about a man issued a license to kill varmints and that's all we get here really yeah it won't come into play until later across the club a party is underway danny and maggie are waiting tables danny is absent-mindedly slicing pad after pad of butter onto a plate for lacey until she points it out cervic tells maggie to tell the chef the food tastes like dog food dangerfield is basically just working his way through his regular stand-up set here at the table he was generally inexperienced on movie sets and he had all this prepared stuff so that kind of became what his character was going to say for the movie but he got really mad because nobody was laughing at the jokes and he like kept going to ramus he's like i don't understand why no one's laughing and they're like he's like they can't laugh it messes up the take if they laugh no one's suppose he's like oh okay well why didn't you tell me that before apparently he also wouldn't respond to the word action so remus had to say it repeatedly before explaining when i say action that's when you start and he says so that's when i do my bit yeah okay action nothing eventually hello mr thompson yeah eventually remus would just cue rodney by saying hey rodney do your bit now i'm gonna step on your foot now yeah i think he's talking to you uh we hard cut to the chef reacting to the message that maggie actually bothered to convey to the kitchen maggie pulls dany aside and warns him against pursuing lacey insisting that she's a huge [ __ ] so that will scare a teenage guy away carl all taped up in branches sneaks around on the greens and trains his crosshair at the head of the gopher holes he says that he can smell varmint puntang and the only good vermin punching is dead so are we to assume this is a female gopher apparently ty enters the party and quickly catches the eye of lacey he takes her outside and they flirt a bit he asks what she does and she says i enjoy skinny skiing going to bull fights on acid [Music] i bet you got a lot of nice ties what do you mean you want to tie me up with some of your ties this is another character who gets put in a scene with chevy chase and they give her all the punch lines which i thought was weird that because all of chevy's stuff that he's doing is physical comedy and it seems improvised but they didn't really give him a lot to work with so he's having to make up his half of these scenes he moves to kiss her when carl fires a shot and shatters a lantern near both of them spalding is moving through this party just downing all of the orphaned drinks yeah until he chugs one with a cigarette in it and he moves outside to throw up and does so into the sunroof of a park to luxury car moments later a couple exit and the driver sits in the vomit puddle nearly causing his wife to also vomit i don't think you could get into a car without noticing that yeah well without noticing it it just opened the door you'd smell it let alone see something on the seat that's true the next day danny is out caddying for tai and discussing his college prospects while ty does a bunch of trick shots while making no sounds like the six million dollar man just when it looks like he's missed a shot we see that it was actually to set up a final trick shot where chevy himself jumps the ball over another ball into the hole so good on him for actually performing this trick it's more than we can say for anyone in the movie baltimore bullet nobody does any of their own trick shots the official caddy tournament is underway this will go a long way to locking you into the caddy scholarship that everyone's after i i love the dramatic shot of the the first price trophy yeah and then as the camera pulls out and tilts down you see one that it not only is it extremely small but you see the prizes associated with them in the second place is a pair of socks danny wins this first round handily even with the shrieking and calls up from his friends around the hall smails invites danny to mow his lawn and then meet up at the christening of his boat later at the yacht club he goes to maggie's to celebrate and tony tries to watch them have sex from outside until danny pulls the windows shut we cut to the pool sign which grants the caddy's permission to use it for 15 minutes a day for like one to 115. uh right on the dot at the start time people are running full speed with clothes some are still carrying golf bags they just fall into the pool as they're running so this is where we get the reveal finally yes so the the kid that was having trouble lifting the golf bag right she takes off her hat and she takes off yeah her hair is really long and then she takes off her shirt and she's wearing a you know a full female danny and maggie arrive at the pool and tony immediately tries to hit on her and he asks how was it and she says how was what and he says couldn't have been that great then tony and danny square off to fight again when lacey enters and they're both suddenly frozen in place she passes them slowly and moves directly to the diving board like maggie keeps trying to get her their attention by coughing yeah she's like like making weird sounds between them but uh she's adorable she is great i love her i always had a crush on her back when i was like the first time i watched this movie i was like this girl's adorable i don't know if it's just the irish accent or what but just before she gets to the diving board we have to cut because the actress playing lacy here is basically legally blind and she couldn't wear contact lenses in the pool so there's one shot where she walks up to the slide and takes a hold of the ladder and then the next shot she's already climbing up because they had to take her contact lenses out and lead her back to the slide so that she can hold on to it and then she climbs up and does her jump off the side or the the diving board it's a slide in the second one oddly enough oh that's weird but yeah she she couldn't see at all so they had to lead her to the diving but did she do that dive herself because it's very nice dive it is a nice dive and she she lands it flawlessly that was her i think it was her i guess there's a cut there so they could have replaced her with a professional they may have because i don't know that if i were blind i'd want to dive off of that diving board i definitely would no i wouldn't want to do it and i can see fine tony gives up on maggie to pursue this girl and a group of caddies perform a synchronized swimming routine to tchaikovsky's waltz of the flowers from the nutcracker the lifeguard yells at the caddies to stop roughhousing in the pool until his entire tower is tipped over into the water i do enjoy when they're synchronized with me that one's still wearing shoes yeah he's like shorts and shoes well and like the the lifeguard is what he's mad about this yeah yeah he wasn't mad earlier when they were like punching each other or like jumping in with all their clothes on but just a nice organized routine is what sets him off on the side of the pool someone offers to share a chocolate bar that is either called baby rut or baby runt depending on the camera angle we're looking at uh it's obviously supposed to be a baby roof but they change the label on the bar two different ways the the person she's trying to share the chocolate bar with takes the whole thing and just throws it in the pool like a complete [ __ ] yeah that's our caddies that's a girl yeah yeah and uh and the girl that was offering it is like hey thanks a lot yeah why would you do that i don't know it's so mean she was giving you a full chocolate bar to share just as mrs smales arrives to eject the caddies a girl in the pool is losing her top and the score of the film is emulating jaws as the kids are continuing to have fun until a girl notices the duty and everyone scrambles madly for the sides of the pool [Music] [Applause] well and i think the editing here is what's really like hammers home the jaws aspect that it's so close to everybody well and it keeps cutting like hard cutting to the to the swimming and then back to the back of the swimming like the like the chaos of the water pov of somebody who's wearing like goggles and a snorkel as if they were that pov of the shark yeah later we see carl draining the pool and he finds the chocolate bar on the floor of the pool and he gets the attention of smails before telling them it's no big deal and then takes a big bite out of it and uh smells his wife just faints at this that's probably the only scripted thing that bill murray does yeah probably oh my god i love him actually i've heard that there are rumors that he wasn't supposed to take a bite out of it that he was just supposed to like it was supposed to be gross enough that he was holding it oh really but i feel like they definitely would have known he was going to take a bite out of it for that joke but that joke is so much better if he takes a bite yeah especially since he doesn't say it's just a chocolate bar he says it's no big deal but the baby ruth scene apparently actually happened at brian doyle murray's high school like it was a chocolate bar yeah it was a chocolate bar they they had to drain the whole pool before they figured out it was a chocolate amazing uh lacy pays ty a visit and pelts him with a bunch of out of place one-liners who's your decorator benny hannah it's like why are why are you doing the jokes here because he's just like this he's the straight man in this scene he's not saying anything yet he says that he collected his swords in vietnam and she's surprised to learn that he served in the war and then he slaps his hip as if to draw attention to an injury and says oh no homo much better now though which you can tell he just made that joke up on the spot like they didn't give him anything to say it seems from the production notes i was able to gather that cindy morgan who plays lacey did not get along with chevy which is a shocker but i think she hides it well on the scene her bigger problem seems to have been with producer john peters who insisted at every turn that she performed all of her romantic scenes fully nude which she was not interested in doing she didn't even want to be topless but he john peters was on the phone with her and ramus and basically told her if she didn't do them at least topless that she would never work again and she broke down and did those scenes later he actually brought a photographer from playboy to shoot a full promotional spread with her on the set and she was like yeah i'm not going to do that and her she called her adrian and her agent was like you know this wouldn't be terrible for you if you did it and harold ramus finally had to step in and say no we're not doing this cancel it send the photographer back to playboy this is stupid i can't believe her saying i'm not doing that isn't enough yeah but they use that as like okay well that's where we're starting this debate and then we'll work our way towards a compromise it's like no no it's not a compromise situation that reminds me i had a question yeah so in the scene in the pool there's a there's a shot where somebody dives under the water and steals the guy's um yeah and he's wearing a jock strap and he's okay i was wondering if that was like movie magic that he's supposed to be naked and he's actually just wearing something that's flesh-toned to try to cover it up or if that was a jock strap do you guys actually wear jock straps under a bathing suit i don't unless i plan on being especially aggressive in the pool is that something that people do i don't know maybe okay i think it's just uh a way to pants someone and not have a dick floating around in your movie yeah but you got boobs all over the place yeah nobody complains about boobs in a movie nobody wants to see a dick equal parts time i would say that there are more bare-chested men than bare-chested women in this movie oh there you go no not tushies lacey and ty said to the keyboard while he sings her a quick love song i was born he like starts to lead her out of the room because that was improvised i'm sure it was we cut to a sensual massage where ty mistakenly slips the entire bottle of oils open and splashes it across her back which was also not scripted and her reaction is not scripted because she's like are you crazy what are you doing but the the scene all of her reactions in the scene are so genuine yeah i like that they that they're not scripted yeah and he slips when he tries to yeah he's trying to get off already just falls on the ground she calls him crazy and he says that's what they said about the son of sam which is such a weird response you don't want to be alone with a guy when he says that yeah he takes a toothpick from their martini and he slips the olives off of it and threatens to use it for acupuncture over her very serious objections and uh that's when he moves to kiss her but her back and his front are slick with oil when he falls to the floor she collapses to the bed in the scene like laughing and it's so genuine i love it danny shows up at the yacht club in a full captain's uniform dr beeper goes to bug a table full of stoners for a hit of whatever they've got when his phone goes off and when he's still wet from the water he zaps himself trying to answer it his his acting for that actually makes me laugh pretty hard because he has to like slap it out of his hand onto the ground and uh the crowd is invited over to watch the christening of the sloop which is a single masted sailboat for anyone besides me who would have to look that up and on the way danny is introduced to a single serving character named chuck schick a student or graduate of harvard law who condescends to danny a bit until lacey shows up to steal him away when mrs smails smashes the champagne bottle on the bow of the flying wasp i love that she breaks off a large part of the ship and uh the bottle does not break at all cervic notices from further out in the water on his yacht his like mega yacht that uh oh it's my buddy and uh he just blasts full speed straight towards them i i hate the music in this part [Music] it's just that same over and over and over again yeah it it really got to me i had to leave the room to go get like something to eat i can't cannot stand this music anymore but uh he he's just going straight forward through all these ships and between people on like skidoos and crashes a boat in half and he manages to barely stop short of destroying smails boat but then he drops his anchor and he goes right through his whole ship sinking it officially i guess not officially because he says later that he just needs to repair it not that it's a total loss and i don't know how you can repair yeah that ship has got to be at the bottom of that block right now it can't possibly have survived this we cut to another sex scene with lacey this time at her uncle's home that the ep envisioned as being fully nude in an effort to make lacey more comfortable danny suggested that and the crew agreed to shoot the scenes with the entire crew shirtless but that actually made things way weirder smails enters and chases danny around with a golf club even into the bathroom where his wife is showering and they exchange perverted glances smails busts a hole in the door and we get a little bit of danny torrence but it's almost too early for this to have been an intentional shining reference that that is what i said during the movie i was like are they trying to make a shining reference because that just came out i don't know if it was in a trailer or something that had come out before that maybe but it feels like it's an intentional reference but that was what that was june of this year may or june well so so okay hold on you think that and and you said danny you mean jack right jack torrance the character's name is danny in caddyshack yeah but she's right i did say danny torrance so you think that just because he knocks a hole in the door to try to get to somebody who he's trying to get to on the other side it's a shining reference i think when someone knocks a hole in a door to a bathroom in a murderous rage and puts their face up to the hole carrying a large metal weapon that it seems like an intentional reference i don't know i think it's a coincidence it's possible that it was but if it is it was a happy coincidence i'm sure because there's no way they didn't know that it would look like the shining in that scene i guess i don't know i feel like if you were trying to make it an intentional reference you would have done a better job at it you would have made a bigger hole more of his face would have come through he would have had an axe something yeah maybe well no because i think i think having a golf club over an axe would would make it funnier for this movie what is he what is he hitting it is okay that makes sense i guess uh but yeah unless they filmed it afterwards which i don't think they did i'm looking at the original script right now uh which is crazy because everything's out of order oh weird um like all the scenes are uh completely out of order this is something we might do for our uh our early draft table reads when we get to that level god i don't need another podcast we're not going to edit those that's going out raw do a search for the word luffa why i can't search for the word uh his face turns bright red it just says smell starts beating down the door with this club that's okay interesting back at the club we see carl narrating the famous cinderella story tears in his eyes i guess he lines up this last shot he's got about 195 yards left and he's gonna looks like he's got about an eight on it this crowd is going deadly silent cinderella's story out of nowhere a former greenskeeper now about to become the masters champion it looks like i'm a wreck it's in the hole as he golfs the heads off of a row of white moms the only reason patrick knows their mums is because of animal crossing true true fact suddenly the bishop walks up demanding a caddy and carl is roped into this duty just as he gets going it starts raining though wind is blowing his over shots back into the hole and the bishop quickly realizes that he could break the club record if this streak holds he's a few holes in and it's doing spectacularly well a club employee advises him to head in until the rain stops but he checks with carl who says no i don't think the heavy stuff's gonna come down for some time the storm is insane here in the next shot like it's getting progressively crazier with every cut and now it looks like hurricane force wins just blowing right at them it's funny too because it looks like the bishop is having to support bill murray coming up the hill as opposed to the other way around at the last hole he misses a putt and as he shakes his club at god he shouts [Music] that is struck by lightning and we're getting a bit of the uh theme from the ten commandments here as god is striking down the bishop on the 18th hole but uh this actor was also in the ten commandments movie was he really yeah carl sneaks away just leaving this body in the rain which always seemed dark to me maggie finds danny in the locker room at the caddyshack she tells him that she's late and he says for what and she says she's not being pregnant he agrees to do the right thing whatever she chooses and even proposes to her and she says well that's all i need she tries to let him off the hook explaining that it's not even for sure his kid and he says all right well i'm still willing to marry you oh yeah yeah where thanks for nothing before she runs off lou walks up after she leaves and he says she needs you pick up that kleenex because she dropped a kleenex after she walked away a representative of the club comes to collect danny to see smails right away smails is basically over what happened as long as danny's willing not to share what happened with anyone hello he comes into his office sit down danny he's already sitting and when they're trying to have the conversation with the lamp is he goes back and forth complimenting and threatening danny he says you know i've said his boys younger than you the gas chamber didn't want to do it but i owed it to what does them mean uh danny promises to make up for his mistakes and smails refers to him as mr scholarship winner implying that hey if you don't tell people about my niece being a [ __ ] then you can have money for school in the bar at the clubhouse the bartender is making another drink for the bishop who's looking pretty ragged now smails reprimands him for drinking too much as a man of god and he says i'm just a man same as you and he says you're not a man you're a bishop for god's sake and he says there is no god because he's so mad about losing his golf game earlier he looked so right in this scene i wasn't even sure it was the same guy yeah somehow he grew like a beard from when he fell on the course uh cervic enters and he and smells are very quickly entangled in a shouting match smails has his hands around cervic's neck when the fight is broken up and smails accuses cervic of trying to strangle him while rodney spouts his catchphrase don't get no respect talk of lawsuits goes both ways until tai offers to mediate the disagreement and smells his office with drinks maggie dances around the 18th hole in her pajamas apparently she lives on the grounds i know i was so confused by this i'm like how is she there in her pajamas like did she run all the way from her house does she sleep on the golf course she just lives in the attic well danny goes to see her and there's like several other girls sitting out on a porch and that's true it's pretty close yeah so i don't know if she's like living in some kind of like campus i don't i don't she doesn't seem like she goes to school but maybe there's a thing for like because she's waiting tables there and she's doing other tasks maybe there's a dorm for employees yeah but also why would you run off into the golf course and you she obviously wouldn't have known that danny was there was she just running off to be gleeful and why was he there like it's weird that both of them that either of them were there yeah danny finds her and she reveals that she is no longer pregnant we're assuming that she had her period yeah that saying that she's no longer pregnant sounds like she had an abortion well she's she said or a baby she says as much that she had her period yeah so they're relieved and she apologizes and he apologizes because they've both been awful to each other uh back in smailz's office cervic pitches a wager he wants to play a round of golf for twenty thousand dollars and he suggests teams putting judge smails with dr beeper and selecting tai as his own partner smails pulls ty aside to talk him out of the game reminding him that he and tai's father built this place but tai says that his dad always hate its males he says let's make it forty thousand so now the wager is on each of them is putting forty thousand up for the game the gopher watches through a window as carl is making animals out of plastic explosives ty is out practicing for the gamble when he knocks the ball right into carl's shack this is obviously their only scene together in anything ever as they famously hated each other uh chevy chase and bill murray but they were apparently very professional on this set they wrote the scene like at lunch that day because they were getting to the end of the movie and the two of them didn't have a scene in the script together they wanted one well i think harold ramis wanted the two funniest people in america if they were going to be in the same movie to have a scene together but the scene makes me very uncomfortable to watch because neither of them is the leading character of the scene and i'm i feel like i'm what the whole time i'm watching and i'm constantly trying to judge whether anyone is being upstaged or trying to upstage and it seems like they're both trying to out subtle each other to avoid getting tagged as like the ham of the scene but uh the result just feels awkward to me and neither of them has like a straight punch line is just kind of like well it's also completely pointless yeah there's not there's no point to this yeah it doesn't serve us the the story he's asking him about uh the pl the place where he lives and he's like oh you got you got a pool over there and he's like oh well we got a pool and a pond uh pond's good for you emily or the pool like yeah like bill murray is like really stressing that he wants to be in the pool yeah ty decides to play through even though his ball landed in carl's dinner he replaces the ball on a patch of experimental grass that carl has developed which is a hybrid of kentucky bluegrass and northern california sensemia which he says the amazing stuff about this is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon take it home and just get stoned to them but jesus built that knight on his stuff and then he offers chevy a joint and chevy seems like like a you know tie sorry i can claim yeah he's just like no no no well it may have just won but then they keep going back and forth with it and then taking charge it honestly it just feels like like a hell week at a fraternity where like bill murray just pulled out this joint and chevy chase had didn't know what it was and wasn't prepared for this but he can't say no because it's obviously funnier if he takes it and so he just keeps he gives him the joint and then he gives him the drink to to cannonball it and then he gives him another joint and then he's like can i ball it again all right you got to go back and forth back and forth and he keeps making it do it until he's like clearly on the verge of throwing up and finally uh he just turns to hit his ball back out of the shack and that's the end of the scene uh carl notes ty's apparent nerves here and he tries to explain about the game with smails tomorrow carl says well that's no problem see what you do is you take this knife and you slash his ankles open and then he'll never play golf again uh the next day cervic and ty drive a convertible right up to hole one uh smails runs up to the car after survey got out so it's just ty in the car and he says you get that car off the green this instant and ty turns as though to move the car and pretends to be shocked when the steering wheel is on the other side of it oh look at that don't play games with me ty put that steering wheel over here i belonged and get this out of here getting out of the car to join the game though ty accidentally slams his fingers in the car door which i think the first time we watched it andrea thought i was gonna be laughing hysterically the whole time and i didn't until this line which just killed me when he slaves his hand to the door he goes don't do it i didn't do that it's a convincing uh slapstick though well that's his that's his whole wheelhouse he's so great at that stuff yeah it's i was convinced he did actually yeah slam his finger from the door yeah but i like that he says don't do it i didn't do that because it it feels like the implication is that in his head he was thinking don't slam your hand on the door don't slam your head on the door don't do it i didn't do that uh but uh before the game starts lou that's the brian doyle murray character asks that everyone agree not to fire him for his officiating here today uh cervic bribes him to keep the game fair and he's like oh i can't take your money he's like just take take the money tai tries to collect a driver from danny only to learn that danny is caddying for smails reluctantly a crowd starts to gather when word gets out that there's a big money game on the on the field carl loads up the gopher holes with plastic explosive animals and cervic is playing a real bad game today i don't know that he's ever a great golfer but today he's having a particularly bad game and ty's not doing well either because of his nerves and hand injury the caddies start betting on everything including whether spalding will pick his nose and subsequently eat it he does smails goes to harass cervic because he's you know he's got the upper hand right now they're winning at the halfway point and he gets cervic to double the bet again so now it's 40 000 per player 80 000 total per team cervic quickly fakes an injury so that they can sub in danny noonan to take his place well i think the intention of the injury was to forfeit right to be a draw but then they're like oh it's a forfeit well then you guys lose and they're like well no they can they can pick a substitute and they say okay well then we'll take we'll take danny and smail says well he can't because he's an employee of the club but cervix says that he'll he promises to make it worth his while and between these two people you should trust cervic over smails yes smails is going to screw you he tipped you 50 cents when you took credit for him almost killing a woman and cervic is just throwing money at people this whole time so danny takes the spot and smails tells him that he just cost him the scholarship and he's like yeah i guess so ty pulls him aside and says you need to win this one and daniel reminds him i thought you said winning wasn't important and then he says me winning isn't you do great grammar at the final hole the match has evened up four balls are putting distance from the hole dr beeper gets there in two hits and smails calls out the old billy baroo a fancy looking putter in a purple silk sock purple sock i don't think it's fancy i think it's just like old school yeah whatever it is it's important and he's able to sink it in one shot tai takes two shots meaning that danny now needs to sink this in one to tie it up uh here is where rodney kind of screws up the movie a little bit uh his line was probably let's double it again that he makes it eighty thousand but instead he says hey judge double or nothing he makes it eighty 000. yeah essentially essentially making the whole golf game pointless yeah because now it's just down to this shot right but whoever proposes double or nothing is first of all admitting that they've lost the first wager and that they're offering a second wager that would either double the person's winnings or cancel out their debt so worst case scenario here for cervic is that he owes smails double and the best case is that their debt is canceled and nobody owes anybody anything yeah danny gets the ball right to the edge of the hole where it stops and because the ball has come to a complete stop the game according to the rules of golf is over and smails has won 80 000 each from tai and cervic instead karl chooses this exact moment to trigger his explosives and the golf course was obviously not cool with bombing their greens so a large hill was constructed to blow up instead which is partially obscured by a tree in the shot but the flames were much bigger than the filmmakers had anticipated of course they completely blew up the entire hill that they built and the explosions of the film's climax were reported by passing pilots as an apparent plane crash oh no flames and smoke chased the gopher through his hole the shaking of the course by the explosion causes the ball to tip into the hole lou's the only person still watching it yeah but eventually everyone else turns their attention on it and uh he declares a victory on behalf of tyne cervic when smails tries to welch on the debt they're implying he still owes but he doesn't technically cervix sends two goons after him and we close the film on the gopher puppet having survived the explosion and dancing to kenny loggins i'm all right again and that's the end of our film our director here was harold ramis the writer of ghostbusters stripes and groundhog day he also wrote back to school armed and dangerous meatballs animal house he obviously directed groundhog day and multiplicity and he plays egon he's russell and stripes he's don durkett in orange county sean you're my same height [Laughter] writer brian doyle murray here he plays lou loomis in the film he's also frank shirley clark griswold's boss in christmas vacation uh he plays noah vanderhoff in wayne's world he's buster in groundhog day he's earl cross frank's father in the scrooged flashback game only four uh he's the voice of the flying dutchman on spongebob and he's also captain knuckles that's misadventures of flapjack but you're basically the same character but it's a great one i really love captain canuckles he's maybe one of my favorite cartoon characters um writer douglas kenny uh co-founded the national lampoon magazine with henry beard uh he wrote animal house and caddyshack see that and that's what i thought i thought this was a national lampoons movie i don't know why it wasn't because it has so many national lampoon players and snl people yeah i i so when i was introducing it to my niece i said yeah so this is national lampoon's caddyshack and i was watching looking out like there is no national lampoon on here yeah that's that is weird i didn't think about that but i guess because harold ramos was actually in the on the shortlist to direct animal house and then john landis got that and then ivan reitman or john landis wanted to direct caddyshack but harold ramis was like no i got this one but uh douglas kenny here appears in the film as a balding man in a tuxedo when rodney advises two people dancing to get a room he's talking to them he is also portrayed by will forte in a wonderful film called a futile and stupid gesture which tells his full life story or at least the story of his career ending with it's basically just after the release of caddyshack when he tragically died by falling off a cliff while vacationing in hawaii kenny was very depressed at the time and had been struggling with substance abuse but it was officially ruled an accident and notes for a future project were found scribbled out on a notepad in his hotel room so he had at least plans for the future although a fellow national lampoon author chris miller morbidly joked that doug was looking for a better place to jump from when he slipped chevy chase plays ty webb here this was his second film this year after oh heavenly dog and he'll be back for seems like old times in 1980 he was considered earlier this year for american gigolo an airplane uh and eventually passed on both although i think with the case of airplane he was passed on i think with american gigolo he was just someone they were considering at one point he's probably best known as clark griswold from the five film vacation franchise he's one of the amigos he's fletch and he plays a doctor in dirty work that makes me laugh rodney dangerfield was al cervik this was his first major film role but he'll be back in back to school rover dangerfield ladybugs and i think he was was he juliette louis's dad in natural born killers in that movie i have not seen that one i'm trying to remember who the two main characters of that movie are it was woody harrelson woody harrelson juliet lewis and rodney dangerfield as her dad okay so him and chevy chase have both played juliet lewis's father so that's fun ted knight was judge ella hugh smails e-l-i-h-u smails it's a very weird name yeah he plays ted baxter on mary tyler moore show which i didn't actually watch but but i think that that's probably his most famous thing that people know him from he also has a lot of voice acting credits um for dc cartoons he was a narrator on super friends he was commissioner gordon on some stuff he was flash on some things michael o'keefe was danny noonan he plays ben meacham and the great santini he plays barry grissom and michael clayton he was hugh axton in the 2011 atlas shrugged and he also plays grandpa harry in macgyver reboot season two episode four yeah x-ray plus penny obviously that's a flashback because he's not old enough to play grandpa macgyver's grandfather bill murray was carl spakler we had him earlier this year as hunter thompson and we're the buffalo rum he's in a lot of ramus movies a lot of wes anderson movies and a couple jim jarmusch movies sarah holcomb was maggie o'hooligan she's great not a lot of credits no she previously appeared in animal house but basically retired from acting after this film her reasons for retiring boiled down to issues with schizophrenia that were exacerbated by the prolific cocaine use on the set of this film by the entire cast and her life story was actually dramatized in the 2004 film stateside with rachel lee cook playing the part of sarah i haven't seen the movie but i did start looking into it scott columbia plays tony denunzio and that was one of the other caddies he plays brian schwartz in porkys he did adr work in the 90s for newsies dazed and confused demolition man river wild die hard with a vengeance saving private ryan and fight club that's a fun list of movies he also dated cindy morgan for a couple years after this film was made cindy morgan played lacey underall she was also laura and yuri in tron but she also doesn't have a lot of credits yeah but she but drawn yeah oh always gotta get a try all you need i who are those characters it's been a very long the female lead yeah the female aide sorry it's been a super long time since they've seen the first truth fix that okay well we'll get there right was it 81 18 82 84 82 87 okay 96. somebody say i thought it was earlier than that henry wilcoxson was the bishop he played pentar in the ten commandments he played the vicar and miss minniver um i think he's also in a sequel to miss minniver i forget what it was called now and he plays mark anthony in cecil b demille's cleopatra which was led by claudette colbert in 1934. albert salmi played mr noonan he was rory poke in blue baker blue baker brubacher he was e1 and escaped from planet of the apes but we didn't know what that meant we still don't we still don't haven't looked into it uh he was greel and dragon slayer and smurdikov in the brothers karamazov anne ryerson was grace who's grace grace in this movie uh somebody's grace maybe that's something yeah well i i don't doubt that her name was an inspiration for ramus's later script groundhog day but she also played katie in friday the 13th part six and dr catherine james in minority report well she was born in 49 so she must have been someone young-ish youngish maybe she's the mother of the noonan house that should be she'd only be 30. uh but because both his parents seem pretty old maybe it's the older sister at the noonan house that's complaining at the bathroom door at the beginning i don't know uh bruce mclaughlin uh plays old crony uh not sure who that is but he played doctor number two in the island earlier this year uh violet ramus played one of the noonan children that is the daughter of harold ramos and she also plays a production assistant in the movie stuart saves his family she wasn't a pa on the film she plays a production assistant in the film john murray plays another one of the caddies i actually didn't notice him in here but the other thing i know him from mostly is from playing james cross frank's bro in scrooged the ss minnow james what was the ship that brought them all to gilligan's island the ss minnow that wasn't brian in that one brian doyle murray plays his dad in the flashback oh they look so much alike i think the other than bill and brian doyle the other two brothers look the exact same the two that act a lot yeah which i always confuse john and i think i don't even remember what the other guy's name is now he's the one that in god bless america and he was on mad men for a long time oh yeah that's the guy that's not john oh okay joel is the other one the ss minnow but yeah i enjoy this movie but i didn't watch it when i was a kid and so any of the jokes that i would have just had nostalgia for i think i miss out on yeah i didn't watch it uh as a kid either i i don't dislike this movie but i don't have the same sort of love of this movie like it's one of you know a lot of people have it as like one of their favorite movies of all time and i just don't have that sort of passion for it well it's weird because i feel like caddyshack stripes and ghostbusters get spoken about like in the same breath by a lot of people like these are three classic bill murray movies right and i disagree that this is a bill murray vehicle of any kind he's just kind of there and that's fine i i don't i think that that like you said in the as far as the trivia that he just was like we need someone to replace this get bill in here yeah he's but i i feel like it was a little bit lazy to make him improv everything because he's an actor like he's an improviser that's great and i i know a lot of people think that what he did here was funny obviously like i'm not i'm not i'm not in the majority thinking that he wasn't hilarious in this movie but i feel like even if it's bill murray write something for him you know there should be you shouldn't just be like no you do it bill you're so good at that it's like yeah just write something like i can improve on something that's fine but i feel like they should have given him something to do yeah i agree with that but maybe they learn those lessons coming going down the road for things like ghostbusters yeah to kind of like fine-tune his performance because as much as people pretend like ghostbusters was 100 improvised you look at almost every draft of the script has some version of every joke that bill murray says like undoubtedly he's improving on the material but you you can't pretend that he just made up that whole movie because nobody can do that yeah uh i i really enjoy this movie and uh it is definitely a movie that i you know as far as giving thumbs up and stuff like that definitely i definitely give it up yeah it gets enough for me too and i laughed a lot and like you know watching it with my dad and my niece who had not seen it um she she claimed to enjoy it um uh she was most displeased with danny and maggie's relationship then it gets that it gets left out we'll know that that that that he cheat danny cheats on her with well she cheats on him too though uh or if she claims to in order to make him feel maybe less guilty we'll never really know if she does but we know for sure that he does i don't think in that moment she cares about making him feel guilty i think she's no no to relief his guilt yeah but that's what i mean i i don't think she's just saying it to make him feel better i think she's like no seriously it's maybe not yours and that's not why i'm talking to you about this well she was very displeased that that if that about because she's like just doesn't want she wants people who are in a relationship to be in a world in a relationship uh but uh aside from that she said she really enjoyed the movie she thought it was really funny um watching it this time and then now going through this script i was like oh man this movie is all over the place yeah yeah and and that is my big problem with this movie is that we spend so much time with other people you lose focus on what the movie is supposed to be about and it just becomes a series of almost skits yeah i still feel like the the overwriting story is is rodney dangerfield versus ted knight like that's the most important through line because the stuff with with danny and maggie is over in act two right but i feel like danny's is the only one to go through the character change of him finally deciding no i'm gonna give up this scholarship to do the right thing right now correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't part of the story point that the construction that's happening across the street rodney dangerfield's construction yes so i feel like that needed to be played up a whole bunch more that he's the one that's causing the problems at the golf course in addition to being obnoxious well he also said that he was thinking about buying the golf course right which is awesome very much a throwaway thing in this it doesn't come into play and you know that if he did buy the place he wouldn't run it as a golf course no he said he was talking about like it's it's golf courses and cemeteries are the worst the worst use of real estate they're just full of dead people yeah i this definitely thumbs up for me yeah i give it a thumbs up as much as i'm you know complaining about all these things about the movie it's still funny it's still better than most movies from 1980. i would not want to see the 4-hour cut of this movie no i kind of would i kind of want to re-cut it with all four hours of footage no the reason why i want to see the 4-hour cut is because i would like to see some of the scripted stuff that didn't make it well so much of it is unscripted like like i said reading the script the the fight with uh danny and tony about the coke yeah the 50 cents that happens way late that's like one of the first scenes we get in this movie yeah the the scene in the script it happens way way later it's weird um there's all there's a whole subplot about uh maggie being in the country illegally because she's an exchange student right yeah and and that she needs to marry somebody which they never even explain why she has an irish accent in the movie i think that's fine though yeah that doesn't bother me at all you can have an idea realistic um but yeah there's like there was like i sometimes for movies like this i like to read the script instead of because i can't really make notes on a movie like caddyshack because i've seen it too many times yeah yeah um so any notes i've already got in my head uh so for a movie like this i like to have this the script so i can follow along with where we are in the story yeah and i can remember the scenes but in this case you can't i was like i'm like i'm like i'm like i can't i don't know where we are i i'm totally lost yeah and and if the script can be switched around like that so much i'm curious what does it have a cervix line at the end uh oh the we're all gonna say double or nothing right um again i'm having like there's all kinds of other stuff that happens at the end uh let's see where's we're waiting that's such a great the 10 nights delivery on that well we're waiting the the great gif of that yeah uh no it says double or nothing he does in the script weird yeah maybe people just didn't understand the meaning of that phrase i guess they just hear the devil part and they're like oh they doubled it again but the whole time nobody said double or nothing so it's clearly an a new story change interesting letter boxed where's this going richard uh for me i have this uh at number 15. okay which is just below little darlings and just above coal miner's daughter all right um i have it a little higher i have it just below airplane which puts it at number nine for me and i just feel like it belongs just below airplane it just feels right to me which is just a blub knight of the juggler for me i actually have it at 15. um so it's uh it's right above my brilliant career and just below where the buffalo rom which for me is a better bill murray performance for the year well i have where the buffalo road much higher than yeah so i'm surprised that you have it so high up jesse that's great well i mean my list just so you understand is the order in which i'd probably want to watch these movies again and i think like i said um in our last review i am going to choose a comedy almost every time as much as some of these movies are really great you know like i loved my brilliant career i love the changeling i'm still gonna pick a comedy every time yeah for me i feel like my list is if you haven't seen any of these movies and you only have enough time to watch one watch the shiny watch two watch the shining and forbidden zone and when i get down to caddyshack it's not because i think it's so much better of a movie than a lot of the stuff below it it's because it is a bill murray chevy chase rodney dangerfield harold ramis movie and for that reason alone you should see it even if it was bad yeah you should see it at that point but if you're going to ask me what i'm going to put on you know next week i'm going to pick caddyshack over my brilliant career even though my berlin career is probably a better movie sure yeah i think that's everything for this one if you guys have any thoughts you'd like to share with us we're a vintage video pod on twitter facebook instagram and letterbox where as i've said before you can find each of our full movie rankings for the year we could also be found at vintagevideopodcast.com please consider reading us on itunes to help people find the show and if you take the time to leave us a review we will thank you personally in an upcoming episode if you're feeling especially generous you can also support the show through patreon.com vintage video podcast thank you so much for listening and i hope you'll join us next time when we'll be discussing dress to kill which imdb describes like so a mysterious blonde woman kills one of the psychiatrist's patients and then goes after the high-class call girl who witnessed the murder we leave you now with the trailer for dress to kill do you find me attractive of course [Music] would you want to sleep with me then why don't you because i love my wife but it isn't worth jeopardizing my marriage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry i shouldn't have been so rude thank you for picking up [Applause] [Music] this is well you'll read all about it but i didn't tell him about bobby i wanted to talk to her first brian de palma the master of the macabre who shocked audiences everywhere with sisters kerry obsession and the fury now invites you to a showing of the latest fashion in murder dressed to kill michael cave angie dickinson nancy allen dressed to kill murder made to order